wedding presents rotfrakntvb3poons rtorttet fancy stlvarwar rloh cut ctaee fonoy china wedding kings mar hi ache xjohnaita ibsufebd geo hynds real estate varum for huiu lu u niton ftttd wwllluirluu iuo farae lor uric pvtry ulz ii you want a fknu unit tu lpr rntulnuue or y i wish tu hell or kcmauke write me we liuve eery isulllty for truiisurlliiir imihiuvhm lo your cokipletm vhutlururtluu tvotr- thkirii e ku melt nil j h iviixoruuiiv furw mullluu kuiuiut 44 urgetowtt fflbc ttaa ttt rciit tliurhia novrmukulo 1014 brief local items winter weather now a i may got ready fur winter now now for a livelier liuitlo to luminous tlalt lit tskiug slops tawurd becoming neltj the second intlalmont of taxes nro duo nn hsturdsy karly liny em for chrutmaoaro already making selections advertise rhj ttrujcd or atntjlng wtoob in um vukk 1iiu tlio mercury registered fifteen degrees of frot voslcrday morning luelph winter lair will ho held from tlte 8th to lite 16th december local sportsmen have liad greet ajiort in shooting oollotitalu and haras thl fall attend to your knitting la the watchword of tlie orltuh around the world the fxamlner and saturday morning newspaper in barrio have been amalgarnst ed oukvlllea chief of police u bwect hut the night watchman a noma la constable bavage arthur i moving in the direction of securing a carnegie library building for tlu village the fourth division court ustthurs day had a light docket judge elliott occupied lite lteuch uorrl save alar on mill street liaa a touch improved appearance since being veneered with brick the farmers are naming their farm order for printed writing paper and envelope are coming in saute neighboring fanner had a much a three uorw of t irnlpa hill lit the ground when moudu raid spell c4 tin humliy a twenty four hour rain filled up thoawuinps uoll far winter 1 41 fall wltan frntset in they wtro nearly drj ur i m imtchard of knox college will give an illustrated address to tlte kiioa young people uulld neat monday evening acton chackor club has secured very riooifortalde quarter over htathain a store a meeting of all the memher will be held vthls evening the student and teafilwrs of acton high school wilt ltnld their annual at home in the town hall on tuesday evening 22tul deoatnbar here a a good slogan what w hate well hold i an beep lite wit going beep the crape growing and beep the dollar at hotae oae of the lumber waggons of llend arsons taw will cams to grief on itower avenue on uoajay with a load of lumber through a broken aula towoapeopla generally will ha glad to learn that the screw factory is again ran nlug full urn although wltl tvduoed stair hilton ratonaer mayor uovalty of ottawa itas uauad an ordar forujjiag clwlc omalala frota frwiuaallng hay roonw or puuuj driablug puoea whan elbher on cur off duty tu oabvllu avultrowwa ajocu tlaa hae hhlppol 11 om utu anj lm bnaai ol eplna lhre fiai of ph bid thr4 caw of ulb apij this fall lwufoaa rata for auctru ourvedt nw u eu par huajtwl aquar et for bour 4mw and ha ier kluwau for curnwtt with 10 par eaut ducount for cah okteuhb wahl u havltg hla qurta at the iowa hall used to aooobtuodat the tramp who tugbtly apply tat taiibtimit ui oeeuif tha tfcwuy i eouchw in tha the kings onluliaa piu cta- lava vary garkuuialy nndartaban to antaitala the otfcul board and yrtutea board of the uathoduti churoh at a hanqu uakt uooday ewanlnt a unique and hjpfal fcrvk w held by the vouhg ivojoi tlulld of khov church oa uoaday eveulng t beta aaaei gave one polat euphaalnlog a feature of a helpful wwlety jack hendaraou eon of duo a hen daraod and horlttrt mokeague wit of br llckeagua holfe of witmlpag have eallat ejfortumooudoontlngat bcu uuabe uave young men ware bora in aolou a guild of chrlatlaa kadaavor has lean organised at botod fnhytrlau cbumb kiuaalhg the qulu meet every avhlay ulght tte the bhuroli end the auacutiva oowultue are arrangltifl aa in taraatlng jiwgrawtne the afilten refmtaer haa eauhrated it thirtieth birthday fcdilor white wlwwai ita founder has elwaya boett at the halm a fair meaaure of mimui has rewarded hie ekwta and ba is good for many yean of service even under the exacting experience of a jourtullauo career when a young man lalnlavehe imagine that he balthar aata nor almpa mowajrm weeser one huadrad dollara keuanl for any case of catarrh that oaonob ho cured by llaueoalaiih core we th underalgnod have bnown v j cheney for the lafc is year and believe him lurfootly tumorabb lu all uualiww uanaactloam awl hneiteuuy ahlo to carry out any ohllgalloua made by hie firm toledo o 1u11 catarrh cor utakwi internally actio directly upon the blood and noooua iwrfacluiyim weauaiosl ira vrloe 7a oeot per hoitle bold by ne1hki swuy mis for onetim- uotl news of local import th mohootv frathotl iruttd the iutrlutlo fund contributed hy tlte uuioliera uiwl pupil u acton high ami piihllo boltool whloh wuu pahl in iut wneb htnouiitad to 3m 71 impotrtanc dualnaah ohahb i mutant t hutliain hon have uohl iholr grooery uimi pruvldloti huulnow to mr 1 c luawill of 1mn mr ltum u un tikjkjrleiiowl huulofwft man to oo w1u mmcxui oonunsmit mr warren llrowii of the u 1 h tortinto wnm horoa over hunday to say troodlivo lo his urenlu mr and mr jolm hrowu willow utreet ami family pre iwrutory to leaving for ottawa whera tlia canadian lnglrumtr in which hahaaenlut edromobluinfrforthe uoond contingent a vlaluosr r-ao- in mantle rulplt ltev 1 b mocormlob of lort klgln ueaehod nu able sermon lu the uuptut ch i roh on uuiiday evening 1u mr mccormlcb l xultinu hcv and mr howartlat tlto lutptut imraonage mr met ormiok guve nn lntreung lecture with lime light view ofi tuetday evening shetusa 6tf hajtwai nt doauii4nt f the wnornmlo picture of um memlenof hultoiim ftntt oonlliigetit to tlte ovenea ovtoilltioiiarjrforoeh which lias occupied a preuiineiit kiaoe itimtnnof its ukk 1hijui wlndowuthe pant weeb has liaen slewed i y hundreds of eltlnenu 1 verybody keems lo have a pride in the aplemil 1 appearunoe of ihem liruve defenders out uovh want fjanadlau eluuahlua a letter front kergt llsrwood written at huutsrd camp hallnbury llaln england on novemlter 3rd aaysi title is a very wet locality we lutvo lianlly seen tlie ami elnoa we caitio lfua it gone for good ordidweleavo it in canada t ifowi all the boys are well and rood tmat eery luuly llbed the picture of our hoys taken at alcartler wo sent bend us more copies of the vuttit 1utux tiie hoyi are bother hig the life out of tne for it hope aooo tc get on tlie firing line duihdltur ohlmuaw oajla out hhrada about 11 won itrldsy forenoon during a lleroe gala from the heir the chimney on the kitchen of mim minnie mellon u real deuoe church h tree i look ire the wind caused tlte fir to roar with mi aurtnlng vehemence and tlte undrku flew in all illrectlonu an ahirm wom sent in and the ire hrigado wltli the steam engine ware promptly on routs to tlte scene when tlte welcome call tire out was heard au application of wtlb and a few imcbet of water overcame the hamea ior a few minute tlte lire hail a very aurtnlng ep- pearauoe maw oeverammtl bulldldar oprtlmr in all kroiaullty tlte new federal build lug will ho opened lo i lie publlo in a few days tlte new janitor a getting every thing into apple pie order and moving i lay for both pott office ami cuatoma liouae is at hand in tlte poet olhoe nearly 100 look bones hate been rented and allotad tlte lock boiea will ue of muoh graater oomenlanoo to luia hohlera hau n tlte old uut olllce imimiiiuch u tlta outer doom will n t lx ciuumi until il t or in if wst i i tlto utvnlug t4tul lum lull urn u 111 uia tlta itrlviugn hocurluu tliolr uuiil up to later hour thuu fmiimjrl oapt beapdmape heblllseil on monduv at noun tlta inlllury utloritloi of t uunlo ttulleil out all the local inllltia tlte reault of a deolulau to put to put to practical ual lite toauhllity of a prompt taobjiuatio at 1990 tlte order to utol4llie was sont out at tsd nearly 11300 aoldlerw belonging to the queen 0u royal jreaadiera and highlanders had aaeatablad at the urtuoiua cutt dmore of lite tlranadura hurriad to f by tlte anb train the order to luohlliw creatatl ooiu4urue oanstaraathm throughout the city ruauura were curriat that uertaan amrcaaa had cro- ed the border at ridgaway and wiruuor in luge number tieneral laiard who con ducted the tat was much plaaod with tlto very satisfactory result au autitaa haetvus apr three mora auttrlana oauad voluntarily hut wack anil elgued the undertablar placing ilteuttlvaa under ruroia thoy i jolbo murruhub juu sfurobofjiy aud nick ktauik aleio jacob au auitriau rwwrvlt rafutd to sign lite undertaking anil added hie vheotautcurwtt agaliut our blng aad eaaauy he was promptly arrwtad by chuf lawwm aad la carcaralad lu the calls vwaajy fdarboara in tlte lockup was tacuut te hbje bw to hi jjiiiu and be i i it lagua to ajga the audhl aaj comply with all the oozdlllo of parola iulow ooantrywwa who have baetf re jasi here for some uou uedartook to be raepoutlbu tar hu good ulavlur aad alaso was uuraud joha uautw who has bean worblug la the oeaatry 6ea b bd ttmuday abd feigned the unewiakue ddree by muilnwfc twajpsaiat on wadomday afuaadoa bf laat wak the lecture roooi of kiuu oharob wa fulad to itear mrs urilflth who u km m fair- lough f root hoaaa chlaiv glm bseaa f kst enpariaocvri in thai fsir e ajf svu uar addrat y uucwtia f li aa aha did not oaly hw owri akara is tbe gnat worb of evangsllaatiod of the wteld bat simi the condition of the wta a whole alte thowod how gnat is the aaad for fcafi waibera at waaeat la wldaly didaraat aectionaof the eouutry lb u at uom only cue ultdoaary for four or five wtka abaalutely alaas whan oae of the lady doctors uf tlte womans foreign uuslodar koolely ooiaee hoiae lu a year u u ui futlough they expaet to have to elaaa the iwupltal where the i eagagwl b6ab of there beiug ao one lo take her plaaa a addrean tliroughoat was full of inspiration theudlaaof knok church woman a mu bloaary bootety had invited the sister eo- cleliei j the lletbadut aitd baptlat churchee to apaad the afert icon with tbsea at the oloas of the meeting a boelal hour wuu spent which was wijoyul by all ptfr eut too many children with pinched facas aud poor blood they do not complain but appetite lag they have ao ambition mod do not progress bucb children used the irfch medicinal uouruhtuetit in 3ttm xmmm above everything else its pure cod liver oil com tains nature own blood tonttliig uah- bulldlug fatatiikb jtikkly abow in way cheeks better appetite ftaet fknth and aludy frames if your children are languid tired whau rising caldi cold easily or and their studies difficult give them 3ef baanratosj it ftuppllca the vtrf food ala tneuta that their systems lack scarfs k contain uo lunmtftal uvngaandlakogood far growing chlldraai its a pity to keep it front ubasn havrilv wbjdbesd vuertbindav iwkptly at tlirofl thirty ochttb yeui dity nfternoon at tlta home id tie imhiu mreittu main blrect two uf our hnwl imiptiur young folk wtiro impplly wc1iim1 the notitraotlng parties were miwu ilertla mont daughter of mr miwi mrn k mofiti and mr john cole only son of mr ami mrs henry cobi kuefalng kecroury trwiaurer of w if btorey hon ijmllml tlte bride wlto was givait awu by iter father was daintily gowned in cream ttilb nollenne with pleated tunic and carried u bouquet of itritlul roaerf tlta iwldul pair were unattentled the wedding march way played hy m nlckell of rockwood oouiinof iltegrooiri rev c u lhaper of tlte methodlat imrch tlte pomor of the lirlde officiated und was asuuled hj re j c wlunn ii a of knox church tlto tahtorof the groom after tlte cere many tlte company which numlicned between forty ami filly partook nf a delightful wedding repau fnllowed liy congratubitory peeche and happy waplle the ftoral ilacoratlonti were chryhantlte mum ami carnations artutloatly arrangtwl tlte grooms gift to tlte hrtds was a beautl fulnacbbicewithnhttloit ami pearl set llngt und to tlte phnilat an amethyt an the itrlde and groom left lite 02 train for toronto and other points east brides going away gown was u pretty oestumeof dark hue cheviot with veht list trimmed with blue plumes upon their return ur ami mrs cola will realde in ihelr fine home on main btraet recently purchased from mrs tannic hmith hone fee or j v urie at lite annual convention of tlte amerl can college of burgeons at uehliifto this week fellowship were oonferret eighteen canadlsn doctor of those four came to ontario men one of wltom is lh- j uren toronto formerly of acton dashed hi root wltla am ano ur victor itomgatsff a aurveycr on tlie rtsw cnr line met with a nasty aooklent tuesday afternoon while he waa at work between acton awl cuelpli he was uflng the itack of an use lo remove some obstacle on the aurvey when tlta axe sllpiied and lite iharp edge fell on his foot inflicting e nasty gufah a number of stitches ware required to close lite wound luelph mercury coved to ev uar veurari ur robert browuue who recently removal from the amall farm on quean btreet to the beanlmor farm on the second line is getting cotafottuhly set thy 1 in hla new surroundings the farm imlld ings and fenoea have been improved and tlte premises generally present an attrae live atearanoe this is tlta farm which waa for so many years tlte houte of arch maltterson and fatally how antaidev vuw it lteferrlng to the new psuor invilrul lo tlte uethoilist church for neiit confereitee thetjueljji iferuld wi rev ur av it tu hefmtugrutuhileil uo ulng callail in tlta luklomte of llur a o ton church wliiihuouu nf lite tftat in lite fiosller ithuiex of the hamilton conferancr tlte oil ircli uhh ititl rcoeiitl romiuloil mnl rmtlwrutad tlta aotott teotle are also lo its oongratulstcd on securing tlie kervtee of such a man as ur avium who is a young man of enoaptlonsl ability and a upland id preacher seasonable tools mechanic fanner and householder paints and varnishes english liquid pjmts iroco- toim for walls chtnatnel for decorating graining etc christmas present mow nnvtfltien in hitverwjre and other lines every article useful and acceptable c c spoight uardwaj aaj tuware millavr- kctou personal and travel notes oluanhfld durimo rille uubik lr v i it somterof htrutfor1 vln town on monday mliaaniile lorter iww itoeu home front toronto thu week mr w r hamlin of io uua anion friend ut wool mr b 1 crofr of ktrutfoml vlultcl 1 or motlier u ltomt here thl week mr froil ii btorey of betroit i au been vultlng frlniulu here thl woeb mrs w ii unaworth of toronto in waiting the home of mr j lb kennedy mr und mru tieo 1 walloon of i luelph apent tlte weeb end with acton friend a mrs itet lr koanlan of lvwt flgiu tlalled mrs lloltt joltualoii kuo hticel thla week mr ilevera mccannell uitl little miss ijuiw of atlantic city n me len juftts at rtiirvlew puce during tin week frp c h hmith who ha iteeu under going treatment at lite itoapltal intitronlo ompeots to return honurtlilt weeb bite la much improved lu health mr ami mnj l hemlertiou m 1 returned en friday from tltelr trip lo wlniilhg mrs tolm a hnmlerson wlto was very 111 itue imj rovetl soniewliat u i bavihuu wuu in acton a couple of days tlihi week titling up u house for hla mother and nutter who hating returned from tlte west ure taking up residence in that ontario town i ucknuw hentlnel mlltou hew peat otnae tlte new post ofllce toacr rtoars oomple lion end tlte liuildlng b more iteaull fill every day when inljied we don t think any other puhllc buibling lu tlie county will hate any tiling on milton along tlutt line reformer uouaei ouaumlai atw overaulaluay the organ list ion of a home guard for milton has begun captain r u clements lias heen elected commanding oflloer a leorgetown homo ttuard lias heen organliuwl with catt lutte r rarh oomuundiug nllloer aisct new itaisvof liult 1rof huu for twenty one jesra i esteemed memlter of tlte staff of the ontario agricultural college jueiph lias heen disc barged and haa asked tltelramler for an investigation 1rof hutt has purchased inoperty at leorgetown and has planted a tan acre apple orchard hade aay vultai hi llbm bant week major claude tlray staff omcer in charge of the fort carry horse wliinlpeg made a brief vuit to the itowa of his falltar br oray frederick btreet the major was just returning from queheo whence he had lten in command of a contingent from one of tlte western regl mehts which are moulllxlng at quelteo major urey looked exoeeillngly well in his ofuoer uniform he la etery inch a soldier itrlbav rsiolalb a good mine atory in tliroe tart tho ihsasurof mlnelv lhtu t mlas the flrfcl two oltatter of lite million itollar mystery by harokl mao ijrath not wtdnsadsy nov luth witmiixrmnotiilcantk acmn mr ledger fjyons of clicltenham its purchased the 100 acre burnt belontrlng to toeji justin of toronto townablp bala was inado hy jf a ullloughby beorga town we are splendidly ready to serve you with your new winter apparel madam mewcoau fur uncforweav hoaury glovats astc in pluflulng aaortnieiith nlrncllvufy priced winter weather la coming forward twenty four luiuru every day wlao women nro keeping well nhcad of it ftellllng their told weather clot 111 iitf now lnrgn ulockauitd gootl cholco uttll nwiilt iiioud who llitvc et to make their new purchases the metropolitan bank was on korember lath ltu formally anudgamated wlth the bank of nova scotia the trainees bl tho samrcooutaat bank ww be tonducted ea formerly and u ui receive tlte advardagaa due to the larger end elder astab- liahmoot of the bank of wove beetle whkb was incorporated u ibm and haa iso branchee distributed utahifbout canada newfouadhusd and the weil indies kvidup canlial 6 toomo sueene krund dwwooo total sleaourcee over w 000000 we invite every daaxrlpllou of banking business buartcnsa at acton gucleh vorral milton and btreetsvtue ctwtiyitiw twlehatelftci la net to be cured by haran purga uvasitheyratbar ncgrnvnte tho t w aaatla millinery trimmed fctj nolo 813 o klmonou underwear aep garmentsne to 3 7s bulla coats ooo to io 00 corsets ilraaaldrvs sc to 00 dremua waist 3 ft o 13 00 olovcrt underaklrla si 00 to s 73 neckwear ilnudltaga i 00 to 87 jo millinery lmtrimiued 3 00 lo hf 00 13 73 lojjs 00 utijerwonr coinliluntlon wc titi mf si 00 to s7 00 lum modcutl priced si 30i0 sal 00 hoalery 3jc to 751 si 00 to s3 00 hulrln si 00 lo 1 5 go 3jc tol 30 bweator coatu fc3 00 to 97 i 30c to 8 10 00 vjhy our prices are lowest when building a iioum you must reckon the price by tho cost ot tho raw nintorinl tlio litbor mid tliu aujicr vlalon of same and it lu juut the same 1 1 whatever you want mo buy ihe cost iuatinutind up in tko cqit of tliu raw material labor trannnortatlcn anil ll 0 coat of dlng hunliieaa thealore that can bring mereliniidiui frnin where it la produced to whero it it utlto nrnat directly und mout economically uhnuld w uulu to soil at lowest prices weltelleve that nurprkea nro lie inwcut for all the various kinds of nierclmtidiii of utandard quality said here the pjantltlb dltrlhuted nrentch thqt enable uu to collect from the original sonrcm of itujiplj thereby aecuring every mlvanttige poasll a in prlcu packlnir shipping tile tlio overhead charged of tlila mro am lower than thoae nf any eutaullultmanl we know nf handluig similarly large juan title somu of tliu lui t lime and meney saving devices bnowi nroiwl lo carry 011 thlabuhinewiu tlio iteit inlercnu of the public anil jusl now when ao mucli a needed it a woll in yu auru that the morohuudiiui yoikpuy hi gooil mid the ritu rluhl au we have aald ltefore it lu not u minimi in fin 1 our retail prlceu aa low an tlio jtrlceu paid to whnlei alt dlntribiilom or jobbers by aomu others d e macdonald bros limited fluelpips leading and largest store cor wynjhmm and mbcjomi slrccls guelph onl idebtfibtsbtfibtsbd cacsattsjtrictmjtsitgbtcritsatsjtckicsitkjtacsba chamberlains tablets womans but rrunej e3asuaaanume 4 w a b veve istmssalebthitau n 1 iibsaj r kitiil fcsye al nwsnb atents pbompnysecurepi hauow kaiuou imtslcksibuiilsi- trn irtrh bank of hamilton oafelial auikaw4aal claedul vsdubt bsssvluai 7jadl0or the ukn behind a banking instilutlaagvustrangthas much from the men who dlroct its uftelro us from the actual capital invsud menay drojled it the bank of hamilton is giiarilulby mon wall known for buslneu ititeifrilyand uctiman man who value se curiiy more than high pronta to this poll cy i due a aurnlua which is one quarter larger than lis capital ihe result of over 40 yara coourvatlve falauaganunt georgetown branch i w m uuiuy uumr j utfi publicity the printed matter you require there is no need of sending out of town for it in faot the business man who does so demonstrates that he does not care whether the com munity prospers or not isnt it foolish policy now we want all the work you can give ris and if there is any reason why we should not get it kindly let us know again we say dont have your work done away from home when your own printer can do the work as well as any city printer in downtoilate styles and at rea sonable prices a dollar spent at home reacts in its benefits with unceasing general pont sent out of town its hie is ended kept with the home merchants it is a messenger of continuous benefit business men should awake to the importance of keeping this dol lar at home and make a bid for it by judioioub advertising the way to make your home spotlessly clean with less work and expense vp the carpels and rugs in jour homo were nlwnv kepi perfectly dean ihcrc would bo little or no dusting to tte done and houuclianlng time uouhl practically be forgotten the d euelrle vncuttm cuitnr cleans so thoroughly that after a short time you could beat your carpels aud ruga and no dust could ho uoon it disturbs no hut into the air the rtrmig miction completely removing every speck of dual nml dirt with which the noule comes iu contact it weighs u than 10 pomidu and runu ocr tho rugsand carpets with hardly any effort tlie cleaner nelson rollers and the wide is inch uoule covers a large space with evury stroke enabling rapid work vnu now dlacaid your broom and carpet aweep er and 110 tliu turvku entirely for your cleaning vour furniture wulls ornaments pictures plate rails oic do no becomu duuty because the dunt is not allowed to roach litem the periodical houacclcan ng lima comes im woru because there is no more dirt to be found tliu eureka iullie only method that btings pel feet cleanliness it u the use of die broom and car pet sweeper that makes dusting and houtecleanlng that keeps the air full of duat and gei ma that roqulr ee so much unit that makes cleaning a drudgery and that la the mnat costly the eureka is a uvtir of work money and lime it makes tlio slnioapuer of the home puna and beat of all it keeps your home upotleuo coata ony i 2c per hour lo op rale write for our free trial offer wu also want a dealer in acton to rvpromitit im 0nwadd manufti company hchlih oh d ja not too far to telephone the man you want to reach may not be within your immediate circle but hes not so far away but that you may reach him by telephone from the instrument la your office or your house you can talk with satlsfactloa either to those within your own talking drcleor beyond it to remote wterilakms circles consider what this means to your business the savins la tune labor and travelling expense we ore receiving dally testi mony to the value of the long dlitance telephone as an old to the economical transaction of business men in all lines of business are able to keep things running at normal and at the some time reduce expense by making methodical and careful use of the long dutancc telephone and there is another factor the buoyancy and optimism resulting from these personal talks between busi ness men is accountable for much of the revival in business are you applying the telephone to vour business bw ball veuplme tumf oulmtum ultllan the bell telephone co of canada