r lliwn ala in vtitiit nn mmiiuy uav lull 10 mr ami mr j hlnnulr nxu harm 111 imlinuu ilia rwutin uf lit tlla rn l sn4uw oil wulliaalay lalnovaliilarfirkuv w v mtlittifht john iuroli ludiha uoiv kl haul 1 1 km iii hoiililn ilauuliltir ul mr juliii i lllauslikji kmhmsiv l ltill nfiventl ar u k inn i joli ouiiibik ill aeli ill tliuntuy till vllrw nr liim laid llhrlmxii vaar itfuways al liwrajuuaae fit ubvv rellelof 111 urs hblmiimi j uii i uhiay dv mill late iltaruii sfogurdjy t iii alumy vmmsiip linger mhii ntiii on ifmay imii novamwr aluoiitltirlil wit of itavil iltxlanoii m i ill liwtlnl ver ihc ctoii 3fm ra tiluithdu novtmiiiit a f euitoiii at notkh tuittmnti imd tin following infuroiuo toilioilcutli of mr- iliiiilcmin on mini ihi ilmuhhi of tlio lotihhe tnitthly tlmt hintowrtiikui liini piihlir sniuillit ull omc 1 1 in dominion villi j il o fij to mr lsil id ifcudrmioiitlil votermi miro lunuitivn ol i nl ton v tli lonilu on rirlliniuitt he luiflljml so jong nntl nn cunt in noil nl hiu piomul teat in the haute of ltmiinonx tlmt tdu i file mtu ifemlfirmin who sjioul iimcli time in ottnwu ml ilniwn urn und hor u wide urclo of uppudiilivu frkiuu uintr uch circiimmuiuo line of political chmvuje hecuino obliterated mid f ifendernou muj lout naiirml linn ihu ivgrct ut hi lnrojuuintni j- jnl m httikiir un oiio hide of the 1 1 ins ii- il i- n i he other kiitli mitigation ut hi hrmiiiut mjvtow cannot undo itut mine lint it is ull tlutt in iosslhio to ndjr un j in lull iiiuuiuro it in his goodbye to 01 d post office the mw ooveiattieht holldlttjt opened yeletlsy without 0muony highly successful banquet w- that ol th utumm orowim tentlaaed to ui omeltl nel tvuetea ksoanlm of tba melhodlat chwroh was mail olabm tivnououotir on mimdii nlulit tlio kligu 0uiu mini liilli ouun lii the mndmdtst humhiy huhnol tuiidormu sphmdld liuiuuat in tint miuniuirx f tint jimrturly ottlolul llnl mill llui vnulht lhwnl nfthotilnnxii tim oonijiuiiy nlui uuu uutinioiitol dy tha iilialr mill imthttiitiu u tlmt ftluttlior tltmci nswinhlml iniliiiloil tha uimlrh of tha ulrthm iiml in nil ohm a wlvn of thomi um muulnir them unit fou oilwr llitllul yiidwta ho lime filiuuii rjiwjal bhulitruu in trto elm niimlxirxml iitt4hkt hr nltaiil mio iiiiikiimi i he whiwil i mini wuu lukttifull ilmiurdlml in wtrintlii coltii mill tvto mlilejfctllchliif fnmi tho iutfiiiui to tin ir vtem tiiiul ullh mkaj niiuiiy uoll uiuiliit4l mul liillu kurvm aiielejraitt ittottu wrw i tuth t mill ullu lltijhvitml lit wo ihltfj on tint jilutfonii ii mimiiot tulto uhm mt fin tlio tillilntr uirt in tlut irvrumnui iiiki fct uriil lioiiomr ifuautu uhoitiilluu illii i tin noriiu of it uua tuimowlmt uthtlc to old out a to uuy truoil hya to tho olil uwt ofllce dtituutlay etcninir when tlia hint mull hiwl coiiui n for thirty ilio jiuni fcoiii of uu hat callal theroihiilj mid urvonl time dully far our null anil tho iiiunorlo of the eoutetita of the muil t joyful unil ui hood iwtwo unil niiioli miuolcoiuo houth i uttnj daurlhlnjr ymtifying hiiccagmh mid ot iters delicti mf imiautfnloiia fulluro i in fartiutloti of jrtnt irood fortune com inn to ht9 rocljilaiita and not icon of iniihllinj iofji lliul clllfllllfti aim m it i nut lieon from ihi to da th history mhlit- mid iriiulu of n ftvn omtiaii luia ihmjii hatidul out thronjli th old poet olllec and lodt oilico iatioiiu hue oma mid gone hut tluj faithful okl nwt nuiuter luu tar been found nt hit vt hut what u change in mrkoiutlity of tha itatroni uheutheold hnililiuu uaa con verted into u ot oilico in march 1870 he nationality of tlu jiojiuiatiihi uik codiiimhi toiiatiiu horn cdiuuliaiii knjjltuh jriuli aiul hootch un occaulonal r ranch ma it faw tiermana now nl tlwn n indian or lialfbroed unit a fawcltiun of tlut united 8tt eauinlay whan th doors of th new put oilier wm oponod wluit oouoo- polltaui crowd croawd tha tliruhold tht ward tli canadian and natives of tha british itiza and auwrlcan nuhjact to ha uura hut witli tluum were minglad our b4wr oltliunm from itotli europe and asia and tha lalaa of tha ua ttur war italian niwl lrnhman ituuuna hiui ualtm jaluiuiu and salciluna swlaa and holundcw norwaghuu aiwl ldaa patuaii and welaliman ilutlianuiiui at all bih uotaa of tliam with tlelr wtvaa- var ily our oltiuitahip hath chwiffd ilrlghtaml early janitor andaraon luul tha tvaw building ojuiii and hrlght uulla jifaiid ovar hhi lirtnilsorua faaturaa u iia lwl hiu patronn in iiurllar wtlll hs luid cllnlhed to tlua taw of tho fuattuft nnd runuptlta unlan jack to i1m nuutfhaad at thd ravolvlng door at tha main n- tranoa wa4 pauuid tha grataful wartuutaitd pura attnoilifiro hvo evldanoa of careful auantlon to tba oomfort of all oonoarnad a walk acrou uio tiled roar to otu of uia wjn dallvary wlobatu with its polljiad draw fitting ut in quartaroul oak and iviatnnuitar uuttliauu wum on tuok with anouutr grwuntf uud a utnlllnu oomiteii aneewliloli lonkm un yearn younger than than that of tlio day haforo ataoouitad with him wora liu ilajmllen mr j c uatiltawa bjui mlw uwj xlonre raiuly to aarva at ilia goiwirol wlcltat all ktatupii iuftk out pay uiouay onlera or poatal uoua with averythitm conwtilont- ly ut liaiul uml in turroumllngi utohtut- traetlvo tho humplug uml hhtfiig uulon tha mail ouoli liohlarti tlio oon- dnlut finturrw all oontriluito to tho fac ility of tha work ylwm agulu tlm urgo ly lnreaad nmnhor of lock itoxou will ro- lunatiio tloliiory wlolot of much work heretofore ncnouuiry thcru in aiipaltanl light lioth hy du uml hy night tha elactruj tkturaw mo nuinomim uud nt twxfv in a few duyu 01 cry thing will ho run ulnfif aa auoothly an a tolmggitu idtda thr ate u fw rulau which for com- fore uml ilaoanoy uako uml tlia poaoa of ulaii of tm pwt ohloe utoff hhoukl ha obttrved 1 ietevary olthuni do hu and hor akira in the effort to koep tha fioorw walka w owl work uml likturaa in uvkwi eoiulitlon 2 olwerva faithfully tha tifilclal notloa poatad hy order nf tlio ivmtnuulor flonor hi i hmnklng mjttlng loitering itoiny haliavlnur uml dofociug nt intcrfdrluu with flovominent proparty htrlolly pro filhltwl x alwuya ihj wuiuoiuiiilo i hi nt filiatge lita tah will withhold i htf dm intuitu you okjiooumi your corttwpmdent to whte 4 if iwiantm inlotwl allowing tholi- ohlklran to cull for tho family nuill in returning from nclmola they nhouhl d- algn4t aotns one of thaui in perform tide duty awl notify tli taly hoinetlme hulf u doun mauihew of tho uanui family call twooruiroatlmemuday toomiuira for until matter a if mmklbia wmur a look hox of your own youll titan know if there la any wall awl lw ulle to lilp yourself 0 lla oourtouuml raaaoiuthly patient htwl avtty oim ootioorned will huto a pkumiit tltoe juatom orlicar mudonakl in nw n hht ootuttutdlotim ttew iiiaitoiv 111m work will lw be faolliuiuul in tlio tiw apart- toana for ouatom uml hondad ooda he u juat u iinmh of hl preiuuaa uh m th vdatwakur of hla vouuir men in white ahlrtu lirought forward ii hihiidld uitpplj of ibihi uu por tntuu mril with titu coirvi nili ailumn ai a grimrnl time of lilurih mid tfood fallou wliiji ua upenf in kmljcjiiu tla fiuij proiulwl mid uhou tho kino fd gtxuni nriil lt mr hrapr rulhwl i lie oiiuinv in iiltoiitioii uud nttrotluoeil uu hie tiwikliiiiistur uf thu atculnif k council lor w akin ol nucuutfuwuyu wli fciirtrimml ocn din i wm friomla hy hit nwl uil uml iiititiiiio in fuhllllug tlia ilutiot- of thu j kuil ion the liil ttuixl of roiirkc uu tlio lojul -mm- loll mnjrl tu king which ua foiluuml y tho luring of tlia national ant hum tlicru in an inteumtr nwniilng tin duyh in thin poiwlitl tonjf and it was ng with ginal hapjilnftsm our countrj wau itent calhatl for iv tho ruy uuniiie tilngcthijjd with tit toubt tin lit wiiii wannly npjuuudail mi rlninj uml as ior itivltntlot traatad hi uuhjkt an coujjiiiff i with the praunt war iotuln iflu ifmifltt ulurlatit with hu work wtire tha ckvinf thrill hip uonla of a luajriiifloent uldiwa which wui lutanad to wllh4rrt4tatthtlon ami itneat admir ation kaphlly tbatchlng lie duoovery and ploneardaya of thin in ml uud traclno up ludavalopinaut to that wiu titnaa in whlph w una now tiuytl tha iv gava u iilamlid ramlarintf of tlia war trouhla in itu lnnoitlnn da eloprmnit aiul imohahla reaullh he traalad with tenable opinion tba iriertil ideju of cultura n ternuny und tlut affect on ulhle raaearott and also on modern hatlafa ami ended ida addrtma with the triumphant wotxlu notad about our tiniutd wan ruondd to hy mr a k nlcklln j 1 itaoordlno buward on lielialf of the qaatutly oftuiui uoani am by mr ii i moore j 1 saetwtary of tha trustee hoard of tlie church mr nlcklln oniialnad tlie ootnpoiltlon of hla nourd the work it luul to parfortd in pro viding for tho spiritual welfara of the cm- gregatlon mr moore related tue care of hla board in providing maintain i lift ami attending to utc houao for wortjilp he rfrrl to tlte jonra and thoae following who luul uttanded to thin work ami hie pleasure that ho and mr nleklln were both aona of the ploneor famillea dreat preiae waa given the dlbla claam for their genaroua aoknowladguent of the woik of tlio iioardu rev h howarth in a beautiful though briof uiidram rpmled for tba cfcukai ami hunday school the utter of eourae la the reomltlua ground of the cburob ami the church uioukl wake all iwh6r provla ion for it walfare mr iiowahha addrewi ma oomlnjr frou a akter daaaonlnti- tloti was rauoli apptmuted anj haahlb received the lut ummt waa lo the laduai aad was twpotmud to by j victor colaaua one of the youngest inambara of tl bill chun in aveanfully irepard ami eulofrie- tk uldrea oh the virtuea of the calr mx und their wortli ami work in our country the home and the church ami sunday benool hev mr urajier the putor iu auw- wing up the evening evanta enrw4wl hid great pleasure al the exotllaiu of all that luul bean printed and aukj o favor thai iubpector itaayc whom be had invited helno in town make a few re toarku that jrentunuui oompludl wltlt great acceptatioa at tit daw of hlu reinarku be related au incident whlob while very mauling luul u ujfevldeot laauou in ota atoarloan war iu ait emergency u raw recruit a huceler letter apple by nuiuet wu drafted hat knew little of warfurtt only tlia obeying of orderu owing to o wltlieriug fire hih ooftiiuny wuh oklorod to retreat but ivter luul not licurd tlie onler aiul mjjad on if c scrambled on alotveuilulng um hall of hiilleu ami jumping aier the culunkiueut burifiid the eneuny by oalhiriug u nun at one of tlio guiih aiul forcing liliti over tlio oinliaiikiiuiut with hi in the vnciiiy dujul not ijtoot lout they hurt their own iriuu ami 1eter urrlvul with hfu wmo tur- prisimg bu own couradea wlter dill you get hliu over tliere tliardti join every one of you can get one if you tito application to tha work of tha member of the klugu orderlies lllhle cluut uau very apt the tilwlr uml oroheatre aiul ulb metluullst lidlea quartette each gave u conjoof mlectloiia which added utuoli to the enjoyment of thaevenlntr thhi lllhle clukaliav won munli pralw foruilathauiird fourth annual banquet tendered by them totlie lrmidfli mr b v cokl well and the aecratury mr k it clear eajiaoial praise in due for the suoceaa of utu lumtfunotlnti mamsaulo a w kva hapany wetfdiatarl lauat weakahoela judartojr oaurat lat mtd and immmri fiwty uwl flf guehta utleiulail tho woildiug or mlut koji- tlo chnnlliit dauuhur of mr uml mrw john c lllatik look to mr lurtww topo of ifanilltoii ut the family raidenoe on wtlnduy n oil ing i kih lnt lromrfly ut six oclock ilia hrldo wuu led to the matrimonial ultef by her futher tho oercmony wbm kirfnnl kev u c hurt rector nf hi joli clnimli muaaguwi u tlie hrlde ery mmttll gownml fa bridal rolwa of alio idue mlk with pwted tunic hu wore a pretty gokl nacklaoe the gift of the ifrooni her going uwov gown waa brow ii ucrge with brown luit rimmed with blue plume mm c k iviwi 4tar nf the bride of klllwlda dayel the wedding march after tlte wedding repaut tha lmpiy cooite left for hamilton umld tlie ootigrauilatleon nf ue ootpnj the short oouree in stock judging for somjgaweya township iu to 1 lield in hrookvlllo oh tueaday omi wedtsamuy laeoetabar lat end oa frult short course in under the direction of the institute itruncb and the strct iepilmtjve mr harai hen arranged to mtoure mmx feet tot for tha wii thin will be arectedatllrcokvlthfuntl will couifott- auy liealed sum seeteil tlut program iu uu followui tuemley dec 1st at ltf 4 m heavy borsew j a hiuclalr cattulngton i sheep it if ifurd- lug thormlala evening at 1 joint meeting of tlie karuerw ami wooiatte imtltute ad- dreuae by it if harding tberawlale if m v xv uaua toronto it hchuyur lvrlt the hdusloal program will lie ratmlawd utwler the direction of the ueasmu insti tute wednesday dec und at 150 p m luef cat tie it if harding tberodab i dairy cattle it ii harding the jtklge ate men of wide euperlouce in their subject and the course will be of great value to those who utteud tbe ceurse a free ami all are ocuiully invited at tlte roaldeuce of tlie brhlea lirother iu uw mr atohert maihai cwwhlii wedneaday noi- 18th by the hev iv ilhiir ulsa cstherlne llhick luuifhter of tlie late oeorge black waa united in mar ruge to alfred second aon of mr euvl ura llavld wilson to the strain of ua wadding march played by mlse hunnal wuluce acton the bridal party enterej the audor which waa beautlfillly decorated ml tobk tlieir ptaceii whad the aaony wae performed the bride waa glvett away by her uotw itolwrt llbtok of lluelpb thebrldemaklwaauleeuattle cuivart while tlie groom waa supported by 111 brother mr mar win wluoa after congratulation the guevth uumbering aloot fifty rotired to the dining roooi where a aumvtuoua wedding tee awaited them during the signing of the register mum elede wilton sister of the kroetti sang very sweetly baeulye aye mr aad ura wiuou lefton use evening train from amid ehowere of rice aad confetti for walkertoij and other polnta on their return they will reside on their farm lot 2j con 4 kohegaweya uethel union sunday hchaol will hold their annual chruthua eutartalnment on vrlday evening llaoemlar lltli a good ptogramine will be provided ebeneaer bumuy bcbool will hold a o oa tuaejay evealag ueoember lth a good time may be eipeoted mr ttrauklin tlamshaw lost a flue driv- lag mate a sheet time ago from isinuysla mr ami lit gordon of kausutraweya mr and ura m ii wllem of eden ui1u ami ur ojjn kltohlag of kasaa- gaweye oueaded the fuoerel of their eouain mr keeotj campbell of kluoar dine who died hut friday ami wee burled on monday the fatterol of the uu ura oeorge mfctordy who died oa tneedey will be held thte afternoon at two oclock from tbe heme of ur the eweu later- meat will he made at st johnsi eensetery the cjjudy had reached bsrtdtod year a oauaatetal cx1m vkjuuttloh i iu convinced that toelaty now ac cept me aa oa undesirable old bachelor laueatad the beau hetweeu sips of tea why aa dbueltuuiar lmulrd the per- eauul belle well formerly my polite attentions were token for ueourafioiw of lova but new my declaration of love sue only token sui polite oueatioos our bovs at salisbury plain intevwaunat uustrreei fete frwl will wiut mtoto tm nbv the following letter from lie frwl wiiim lias much of interest i a company 4th ium 1st lirlgadd janatlltiii enpejlltloiwry voroe lluntartl camp hulmmry lluin en kmendier 10 iftu eturox vtiuv luawi t issaralri i tako tlie iileusuifl of sending i a few inaa on lielialf of the aium hoj we are having very bard work at present phyetaal drill baonet everclse ami nlfilit marohee le are learning to attack end retreat i hope we wont need la do tbe utter on a certain uml mark which sujipoted to be tlie enemy we dont use any ammunition for thfu kent week the musketry practice slartu last night w hail u night march of six mlue we covered the distance inone liour and a half wm are going toluive utiotlier marcli to night this morning we vet honored by our oftloere for hut lug tlie cleanest tent in tlie battalion ami we mean to keep op om repuutlou not otdy in tltla lul iu disci pti 010 we are ireod to say tlmt tlie tli wtta lion la commanded by one of tha het colcnu colonel luutt of otuwa we have major luttantyue of fiaorge town commanding our company he take a great intereat in tie all ami we all da our bft to carry out hla command ballsbury haln la a aim piece of uml but one thing itu famed for rain we have ery wsttuya at tlmea we are all keeping wall considering the weather the peopu here soy we brought the ralu with un for they had floe weather before we arrived we arat right in the centre of the tale which u iu mlue each way last wed nedayw were vlhlted b tlie king and queen ktel kluhener lwd hoberta ami othara they were ver veil puassd villi the canadian wlwiu lu party uk in tlstlr motora tlie troop llised ui road for two mile and cheered them to ue eelio tike nlghte ate getting vry oold now ami we all appswcute tlie sleeping cap end tlie socka that the udue of acton kindly sent uo aa we have si little of ue vnatt ikui sltiee we uft volcartlar would he very pleas if you eoeu sod one oe to ua every weak ma we nil the acton new very much we ure resting uiu afternoon for to night we have auotliar match the follow ing acton hoye are iu the taut uuit waa congratulated i rvivutea jan ubh 0 lloughuj gm fjreei lb bluguton w alger and vred wuu enclose a ihete of ue all at our tout door weenpactto movei into iterrecke nehl week they are being laiilt about 3 mile from here i will isow close by ending our kind reganbj to all our acton friend our motto are i united ue buml united wo fall and in uod we trust i remain voureheapoeuullj hb vuku wluji cool november nights demand warm bedding we car supply you instantly with gomforters a largo range rood values from lse to 7be eaclu wool blankets prom 93ee upwards per pair out special brands ol white all wool blankets king edward and alexandra cannot be excelled fnnclcttc blankets ibex the best cotton blanket made i our leader white or grey largest size made sltfs per pair henderson co mm st acton am vxccooooxoot allihawjtii johu atentatee leeeet itautd la meaw owt weurwwely ati tjedt a vry painful acckunt liapjieneil tomr joliii kenter ust friday ubeu in helping ur wm kearat cutting straw in some manner be got hla fjrjgvru caught in the rclure whiu fee j tig tie hand lud to u ampuuud alwwe tltc wriaj mr jamaecree aiul skur anule spent hunday with their painu in aclon what might have he4i a setioua mlutako luhieowl hut rvliuy when mr mack hart uiok a tebsjioon doe of seitmr in place ofselte vlitdlnghu muuke he took an arnetlo and u now none the wore ura young vuted lr daughur iter for a few daye ust week tlie only time a man nearu ierfoctlon i wlwti lie huhaai a ierfoct fool of bliaself uumaovmrn atoelaj itaheehailiimtaeia heaie weetdavy li au ee malarlem auuee mad mr wm dowdy vlalted cuelpb friend last week ure y p iveoa haa returned frou vuit- intf frianda in llrentord urlntuce hae moved hla family to oeorgetowh leaving another vacant house la the village ur 0 t- ooo who heo been aussrlng from on abrfletlon of tbe eye u improving ur w ululerai u filling the ploee of btatloo agent vry aauafaotoiily during ur ooaa absence from duty a social ami entertainment wu be given by the bull of lluehouaai un tuesday evening dec 1st the proceed to lie aenb to the belgian relief fund you keep abreast of the time when you read the weekly hun of toronto it la a farmer newspaper aiul that mean mar ket report editorial apaoul farming article apecul tupartmenta for all the family other pecfuem opinion where the reader- may oay their oay ami a oauatuae use of bright feature of interest ami importance to all farmer yjfty two wek in the year the hun la on the job do you read itt when renewing your subscription for thl paper we will be pleased to take your subscription for the hun jd-r- moraviai luejlo root pills owa thrtv singuur effective he curing ftheumalint lumbafen gnd sciatic to their power of stlmuutlng andetrcrialhettlriglheklilocya they ttuble thee organ to thoroughly ftjtw from the blood the uric axu the product of watte mat tee whkb gent hito the joint and biueck aad caueeai ustaat painful dlecaeee over half century of constant hoe brensed conclusively that dr ajereea ikuje hoot imle ureagthea week udayaad m cuiteb afettfulttlmtlsasa new surrodddlbjfi but ow re bible builfltti kenney bros the oldest shod store la iowa we have tecured the ageacy for the celebrated reqalshoe aad have stocked oil aliee for gettuetmn mne lions of all kinds of ladles shoes repairing promptly made and rubber heel put oa while you welt kenney bros knriy bldoh main st acton oisapnlmtmiehy ono or tlie atoriea that president wilson tell la of u hiimii boy whom he enoounter- oil ut htduiiton virginia tha rejdent waauieakliigtoacrowdfimmthe atewj on the ueldwlii henilnary fordltu tlss imy luislieil and almveil hla way through tlie crowd until he found hlmsalf squarely in front of irtuldeut wilson wliareiiwui tm slioutcd exoltedly t where u it t where in it t mr wluon atoptied husiieeeh uml with i inroad amluaatld nood naturedly well my boy i guee im it oh pshaw rasimtulej the youngwter wiuiatoohofdhwufet i thought it woe a good dog fight i simply love society gushed a ery talkative woman for everybody helena to me aud 1 listed to nobody that what we all think iahtwutjji the cym aotto vreloev olfllmlilljo raiff5ffiiikis auiadl mgrfc from this date on this etorewill have a complete stock of gmfonolaa ranging in price from 20 up also a large selection of records from 85a up among other records there is the now wohdfamovjut marching aeng of the soldiers its a long long way to trraerary and the recruiting song your king and country need yon if you aire not awruaiiitoj vtidt cobimua reomvjt you can est tke oaoftoo- tniian racord iatrotloeta home sweet hotw and tlwhapbjuaf forever feradvertitintcrmjrriotuoruv thurecorjia apurormc iomaaj of isa regusv price of 85c and remember columbia record ana weds in canada we tonttiyucst therefore that you make an early call and inapect the aaw and urmodale atoek ol columbia gnfouolaa and record now to be bad is yaar inunediite locality the columbia graphophone co makers of columbia grafonolas and records toronto bang bang away go profits the greatest clothing and mens furnishing sensation of the age tlie sale is now in full swing and for 5 more days eisii the cause for this great sale w i need the cash and to get it most turn my stock over at a loafl unpetaveah iheece lined underwear slum and drawer regular c iuil combination underwear raular 4 oo aale 3 tenman allwool vtwta and drawer kegular 9 o and 119 for penman allwool natural color veal and drawer reaular sioa for c elastic knit uhirta arid drawera regular0tasfer rtc heweon underwear vesta and drawer rjulur875 tuatts tlie above are all unshrinkable and la all mxem gloves woollen gloves the heather ula tun alway oold at lie xor cape olevo well llaod remilar bisoror aliim bilklined olovea ovebcoats tliesljlei are shawl collar dal- macan convermve collar or the knolish militr coiiai doubebralrd overcoat nr kinele with flv front patch pnctcta and boa back prices are regulari no for f hjut u oo for lm 3ano for ijkum in all color plain and tweed uiittur wool socits regular c fo 4 pa r for rrgnur bc for piir for imtt c cashmere for oc shi8ts flue hhiru at jic tic hfcv wart shimat inc 4sc tt9c uptotjillo sweater coats the meet up to date line to be had and the best make in all col or 1 will merely shnw you thedlntereuceln the price regular 01 as j he 175 lltt vso ltts 1o tfso all wool uhii all ulieu mens suits lu all tlio leading ktylea ami make dtueu tweed mlxtnreaof all colors nltfllicg rigulur vio oo ijilc lioosulo ifloauulc oitxt uae th949 fi949 bu1ts halp tiirirvaluis hats and caps ii ats the neweet and beat alack tn behad in hat the quick cat and beet way owing to lack of apace u your choice of any hat in stock regular un to i3sofor 41 xo caps purlined for snappy weather regular i- so for io i as for hhc ioo for tc 7jfor hoc inllned caps will gout hifgular 7jc for sttc yioofor ttttc ties and scabfs s tloun tie regular up to 50c to goat tttfc anottiar line the newest regular 50c for state nmun boxod tick tvmilar up to 7 it your choice me tie pina and cuff muk regular up to 9ioi tlitft hit if at jour choice for tc this is a strand chance for you to buy your winter wear you dont often cet n chance when tho goodn are moat needed come in and the prices wflltauctoyou only fiire more days bttt n012st mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm w c dcvcrell the clothier acton ontario geo patterson live stock dial aotom oni cattle sheep lambs and hope write phone orcall personally auqax vau siil sir ur jlrlu tblirrtlainrnls tints rl ivlluli viiim1il u cnia illnntumu ii ctlolkh l rllillllil lllral ann ull btoeb astray lirainlik if sulimnllwr let k tit am ii in lliw iraii hi kin 7 jistv4wa in tlmh a llnaaiiimr rut uwhki will iiusaa oe ritr- ikhwk wanted nrio to tenl enmrnrulila tjeuae viui tiliiuirle llulituiil liimaeaprvlxrrait for filitliar iiatllnuur ball mi ll j ill mil 11 ut r liisilistn a hen old w mark astray vvfivla 1 tlii uhli nfwmbar au ciivlliuh nilomi u aijl aovrtjnis duk all ul have illmnst f nur aroeerv end i rivlalmi liualuad up rstl llistsll aerduuls oiinui linn au i atallel tuu as niiniti rsi ayalilo st llis rusmanee n uiwy mciitiroii hirl au1 ll mul im mllfsd by iihsiness chanok notint la li nlvii tlisl ibe amr i rnvllnn an l rniilillniiarvi lutna w- d ialii1 in the in re in lli ukm uimii baa willi li ifimkl uill of the limit btd rll at to ii kuuoall ti wuoai we socially 1111 id i our tiiani eiisuiiii wbe bam a llliaislly iatroulsl us durlua hie l twaety h fatiiau a how autuiin millinery opening ulkh wlorhhote wunhav him luid her tall milllutry oprjlug in licr ulu tu utora on main street the kinmiv store aclnllyiwciipled by swnculi imcrs grocery and la ndy with n full lino of the latt styua in millinery for lad leu wlw awd clilld flii cjfdiul invitation to nit aannaaanaaaaaaanaaaaaaaa excelsior eikery i george stlhau j chuh st aeue u 1 ho bakiry hutlntis of t btitllinm bun in at inn which has been conducted for the juut tlilrt caru liaa bvea putctiased by george stat ham nnd will be conducted in thu tame firuciosa man nor as in the pai ah it in ds of irrad akca pastry wed ding cake and christ mas caken will 1m sup plied to the satisfaction of all cuaiomcru rt n gt0 statham fj d actea oelarta fj n n n d nnnonnadnddnoodadponnnna watches we are in a position to attend to your watch needs our storfc is very complete and not one in the lot which will not rive katisfac- tion let us fix your uatchen nnd clocks we rive satisfaction every time w h foster the watch sisuuet acoroktown onr hhmnu i pr ingles e bargains i are truly 1 genuine it in not n qucution h p of cost we have to b n uiv up thu tore nt fj fj thu fiitl of iliu ynr nnd r n llle iondh muht io i 1 s 1 s ilyounerdawed- g ding present now i t your chance f r gd pringle d jeweller s wyndhatn st guelpb aqdnudqudualblaulltbtg