wkt jutjtftt sttt 1ft voiitrmxs xij no a kvary tcrlplm rm l artvanta acton ontakio tnttmsday moibniwo dhodububil tu aawttpitou irrtcetloo far amuum singtib copies thbbh cents 1 ful iimiiktt uvtlltv 111 1ihi11v uoumiho at tiik vuufc ttaha hullulffo ulix uvuhut 4ct0k dkt taauaethtjmiuirriomooe dollar m vtu itrlotiy id adrahoa iuo lo aulimrlitareliitl umujuuim aii w mlu tlit llui lor willed limy d i- m bw mbifft tllutuu id wlilali ih ublih uau la huli uauoci ou tlia uddntw laul atwkfttuimu lutmh yruututlt bjivaiiiu gou 10 nhu ur moupuirall for nri wtllou ami ft etttiiu iwr lie for mali nib qutil lumiiloti tinolrael illtfiilty kiiwwmuc muu lor eo or hull uimw tnr auuuui 10 mu v nti moii luarilon yuurly oouulu re vutllrjtf malta tu miiu tur limit mtb ibmv aju iriflfl iiiriiftii wi be inuaruj till untbll anu oliurtfaa ubm t b ild advaruaamaulu will be ehtlu chum luh woeib dminj vof ebene- oliaoir iks bwanuotit lli autre eompeajuou ubm be teu lor a ruur rtih aheaoottntaeullaeud monthly ii p uooau keitor an 1 pro in 116 mnaituaa titratorp attcimgae rplios gray u d c m mcoill ijil o v kotwaouo ki to r p b oluimw afuuuum ramam ukpujai aaaoouyiam ur ou urea eaten oat vhmopjtaorio ttfo if talelue flaraary oalaopalky jj a h hibuxmbih dc peeler ol cliinllo jobuatone iiloak ulil bit coaauluuau ana enelyala free hettre i v lo b p tat ou aloudey wujnaaiujr ujpvuay vutkbinatiy el vutitlflvauy buiwjkun v cwarlo oreaeate of 0uftc vltibf collage uuo oajaeaitbtne liioah iimumw mill ut oalla ear etf alibi turompily atuwlad to lteoal haaueraa ouiotvoa ootrvu villoma oarton aflll filraet la po u bloth iuuftal dil j m uell ddo ldb adwiir fboaa mo 90 osm al jtaaiaaaaa omiiw uul uj vvadatuh kamh qftaboami o vobmhm danrhakv vba ulml binwthmtt iiaad if ili du ju li okhhktt uhbviot osiuluui uou uahwli uutcmitlvmq om hjinuioia human booxuiydmu wya4hjumfll qulbhikuld ow w 8taat aaaafcat bjia of all klaa wj u mm fcuiautfawfcraailttivdwt mfabkulom uckmflkfl u r uoomm v oaa 1dmm r obuut uilliq1m ltohuaud aoonou8ib vf lliu couatua cj tfl auj halloa vuu6 bu4l kltil afiut valid ixujhhy aala uauv i itiaii j tw ji iuud uji k ii iwuiim m4tdtl a itk j kaulu doa ua usviim uu ib aitt w ibtf oouillm of wajllaaioa lulioa rvu ml usvaiim ajid ib aity ol uuiub iuuj aoajqatd wtut l aw h0ai ufdv faw uiwir u ultdua p x a cauatt t- ut nwuujj li oaatta4ioa wlita um bji mtuadututmuuiuuiaua uialiaulajikf jl ut a yuay vhaw 4v lojunjuta anaii6t u la aa4m aj 111 ly tfamam w iuix o luwf koou aumoatw qaifcialthtu ouajstlonl au woktt hiourfly bxbourtd tho old and tollable anuilte and marble dealers wh ojn kui autifart kbj dlrui ifcdbofrtart ol all fcladaof maamiitaal ad uaaiiiaaa tplt walldlirhllaeatfa4a4titiiw4alwbala aai4 taiaa thhal uu oav atuioatart to tm oaaiii wa baira uta bai autjlajaaa aiui u oajy w ha iha uoaalniom who upa- i in ituj uotthniou who tou otmlw wa baudrada ol fctuf t oth rta7hva froa baajrajaoi fcti aiteua lu roaoatlai kw ouw f witaiv o4haf hava ta buaj law aulta lo ojtlir to oallaal wa haa wtajraaat ad bal auak of ukaiilu la tha doaaloloa of usw than any tbvaadaalanlu umwmi w4im laaliluata daalah uma u- i4air uo ah and do uol auuoy or pwkaua lowajiaby aaoalai out lfinnaulohaouuaoiult niiii wt mt4ov wfbaula ouly oud dafy oooapauuoti hamilton sons oft- mortolll oud woolmblalt u qvklvu busin cha e j r livln5to5no llamipurahuedatitl tabtiii poswmilonof the ommry aiud pvvlajtt bulceutcairrled on for ten jera by m tt hioh mill bbsoab by cartful proai1 htteatlnti w hope lo aatufy nil ouruaomorn lite tartderv trada u imrtfculaily kullcltod ami to make tiila hatlalaclory w ore propared to pay part cauli fur butter atidttkfpt bicad will be ilollvorwl in customer u borotoforv savage co btabllbhd ib4u jeweller cuclph the old anil rclialile wblehmalierm and jewdlfr savage co guelph ont vaiets bros guelph headquahters tor 0 a c and school supplies natuwb stodt botanioal btomoloaical drawino paint1mo 41 wymlham street counter check books simplify builneu and save time and trouble styles to nuit any line of trade the free pimas lias the agency in acton for the appleford counter check book which fill everv require ment place j our order now if your stock in getting low it will he prompt ly and carefully attend ed to snmpleu tnavlie rren at the fhbb pmex of fice t air farmer really sraut ou aa much at a buajuaaa mau aa tlta uau lu lowu who rum a alow f of oouhd i hot your coiyriapotukuc oom- tltiioa juu ou iwiwrtahl r crtady it la wouldnt a ilttla printed fcullatjary ba a kmwi thltia foa- you juat m wtu aii for blu 1 bum it waum we prlat lot of it let tu uk your onlar it tlaearit wwt much and you will ami it a great convnulouca name your frrn aaj have the name oa your ullotierv acton fkefc press acton ont seasonable tools von tug mechanic parmer and householder paints and varnishes engliuh liquid pamtu freecotone for vvuiih chinamel for decorating graining etc imlmi voul christmas presents hour nnveltien in uilvurware and other lines every article useful and acceptable the winter fair presents the chance to buy christmas goods while in guelph this iiond htorh umlk lliuijnl of imiinru worlli or cumin to acton unit vicinity overy your vnu iiu what mlic rllvorwitro aixl tableware alliiminiini ami llraul gooilii carver anil cutlery hkertlna coofla for uoyauail girl tolvopcnn uml hnovy hlioea slfate nm blelklia call anil nee our clirlntmaa llneii onf lrlcu ure alyaya rirlit fotirg the bond hardware co limited phon lo i 3 tnywev quslph take advantage eves examined classes fit tedin two hours c c sp0icht mariwara aaj ylawarai jwtlcil st acton we lo our own iotia grludlnv on the premlw w can grind any pair of tipoclu leimch in two hour out of town patrotih can have their ovoa oxamlhfld and slaaaoa home with thm that day wk aui optical 8pjeci am8ts the fact that we do nothing elie but k- amino eye and mauufacturo kiaaaoi la guarantee of our ability a d savage optometrist mfg optician rltcht at tlie pet onlce mm aim ouiilhi wihti1r ttuu onim j ah h dmld new te vhi th tr lljott owdiairo oakwro tbuhelinol ataodu wltboul u auttwlotf la canada wlllooalalaua me bell piano a piano not only with a rep utation but with all thequollllea to bacu ut made in guelph lly the urifbiitmauufacturerauh dor the brltlih flag and by the hioat mkilled workman known and is sold in acton ill rely on lu mcrliw bwcauie it tiau riven hundreds of peopla vafect laluraction because it poamaea llie twouat lone and ft utaya in tune the tongea c w kelly fcl son 133 upper wynefhanj st ooelih ont grand trunk wmk douux tuck all ri wav torontochicago torontomontreal the international limited cauialdaav i ef aiuixtaa maav leavua toronto 4 10 p m daily ar rlvi detroit yj3 p k aud chicago fl00 a m hohhimtt huhvioal ravc toronto 8 a m arrive dtrolt 0j5 p m and chicago 40 p u dally lm rvi oiii r ywata m mh lbav 11 jj p m arrive detroit s a id and chicago 1 00 p m dally aauhtig itdportaut connwcitooa with principal iraltu for witerti htataa and cauala wou honvmbtal iavea toronto 9 a tn 83a p ra sad iinu dally lletth rarvtlotia etc atotu ticket eftloa h s holmes agent iphon no 13 offering a suggestion a one thing but turning it into prattlcu la an entirely different proposition w- ttuatfjmt lht w do your plutablntf it a a god iuggt4ln and one we cam fully qualify ou plumbtnaj suppliem rurrtlhul by tl ar ull tttahdard makea while the woik we do la itupttriof lu every particular ultimate given a utmraknv oukiiorrv hie following la one of the tnmt ramai-k- ome campmltionu it ewlnooaan ingonully of itmingamaitt kooulurly ita own k4atitlmi 1 tim fnitiul cnillala wii my itoaht la in tit gloolouu oroau of cltrliit timi wanlu in iliilu wltaii read from top lo itottoni utul bottom to top fortn the vfila oiyar ooni4tei multo known the gompol initlu aeffatlier king mold uu thy gruoh fatxtr from iote ilhtuu ila with luutrta wxltli fecllnfily can alng our life tluhi trkortivr lod of love auimpo our urief fa love f clitut we aay hlueo llie hrluht ivinoe 0 fctftvi urul tjou ull our aliia um1 kalluj lut hl4iy in vhg flmt u man and tlion umi cruel- tltt hiiimiimioiih lod i thy nmoo unil fmw muke known 1 in i eaua uaw 1 all wotkl rejjloe knw labor in 7y heitvenly kshgjam own 1 that blawuvl tfitgjaut for thy taint a rholoe ifow v lie to ctmr to thee is ull our cry knentka to tky- aim ull tlukta tkltu 1 lrnotteut cur uill w llvalv anily ijwtliliiliwiialttgrtvlii deulcrtt o imi 1- will 1m au j mtfh to heaven iloollnitigaa tltnuil let tu live in tttrlk from ejn jlhitrttl aim forgiven oh 1 ai tttyaelf m teuoh ua to forgive unlaaa fa towr utuptaiui dotb daatroy sure is our fall ma tle d4ba of wee carnal i- mini wove ma u gllmuae of joy huliwd agalnat ahvm 1 to us bope euti- vot flow o iw uu gnoe awi imj ua on tliy way 1 rhine on us with thy love and give us jujaee belf aiwl alt bin that rte agalusl ua ijy o grant each day our nvutfiea nuty oeau oroive wr evil daed tkai oft weilo oonvlnoe ua dally of trt to our bhaine ifclput with heavenly ewaj 1 ftfght ua too lleourrent iutt auj ttnh adore thy ivaiaa iii tiy drgivftttm ue as aainla can die hinoe for us our trtifassss ao hlflh thy bon aw bavlour ithtd uu calvary htlttl jfantlld itmblnj aaaaaaaaanaaa the lost wedding ring ktktyw uauku ikmn anaaaanaaaaaa in the old red brick lioue uudr the grajille hllbt all wan excited activity thankagivlng wu ver near and the preparatloua uuat he hurriwl orwiud to be inuuefor the great daj aunt uatth and bar nuoa trtty kutle were nuking tliiuga huu the whole houta waa filud ithawvat aromaa from tlta ijg oountry kllcltan lit oookue were crbp and brown the great turkey wan taujmtta yot vtry tcuihuug end the aikoltkln pita auut uaithaw bpaoully and trute wan golden and ittautlful all wtut at hut done to prfotlan and uit in tlte cool white kutry far tlte cooiloy foeat vea tltay were tlretl u ituul wltouaqtoe fatigue wlttch neither would adult au i hay aaak utujy down into tlte tswtful kpthj ol two large rocklhgjtalrh utul dlouj tlta aiitlciuttril event with childlike aim pile lly liitlud aoroit ii row 1 1 to ooate and itrlug h aiaer j a lie aunt martha re- nurkeil tiaittlhy h 1 um to worry of that twy ate auch dull kpl m not ooogotiul 1 thluk katle oaiji hastily liuiw jou rafvrttl john whjltu on ha la eoothia too t tui i tell yoe katie aiiro iuwu thotih he la ugly to look tit u u iwal hrfajneau bun he uow owiu the luim1 utore and lua uade it uy tha hru out evtr to uuooad a it he u rwlly thrifty i ull you h la wife uoatbaveto work hanl ftha will have the thaateewliig uaohlne the leu waaltlug buchiae nd writer aud the 14 luuut ed ehara thaiw agolag aald auut martha ulafdpltuuily hi 1 no wonder wlwa he u ua iliixi as hiul utul au ehaa ou the lurk on a lre i iuw little jlu trylua to iwp the atore uill only the old baiwlli of a uoru- oat laoow and the poor euu toil ue that ur uaown kaui la bukt jut kat at it and the dirt would fly and lira jeaklaa mruhuttil for hliu with an oli bruab with atkout three halra bft la it and he tailing hora utile mum elbow grm would be uuer than a new truth no ur aatoa thrown foe me t he doeant want a wife 1 lis only want a alare auttt alaitha duemetly did tut repond to thle outburat of what alte altaady knew torbaai batasut lait aaid 1 mobil white- held now dont aeeai to be oae bit of ae eount itelaa teguur idleri dont aeeat vr lo be able to do aiiytblng 1 but glrle are aluaya looklna for hantlwwna wen with oft toloea und faney bewiaa to every body katies tlatk ym tbuawl an aba escuipi- eil 1 well we thought war never eouu forgvt wlten le vdved you dear aunt from italug torn to jkleoeu hv tliat futloua dog when hla oaiy pay waa a terrible wountl in hlu right bawl uateadof u caraegle tnedal vea john au idler if i elug an dler nteatui one who aeeow alwayu on hand at the right inoiueht 0 iejikeaaboty oat of trouble thankagivlnit iuy dawne bright and wup the guetu arrived early obeerful and lutppy john wblufuu being the lut he greeted all with hla cnetouary grace awl goftl humor 1 but when he newe ts aunt uahha he gruaaml her luutt wahil awl ahoob it heartily jnat a he dropped it itw oyea fall upon her band and lnatant ly n look at uorrow aitread oer her fee o my wethllng ting yon uuat have wrung it mf uiy hnger oho erled all the eowpanv eagerly engaged in a hunt for the allm liulelwud of gokl anal martha had wow au lonitand tenderly tfvpnflim a maimim ttt itiowtlouuiyueaifaliwebe who had daoed sicvtnbuiotmallulm b jut it waa itot found fliimim ifliiaifllliir niaililfleaw up mth4uvkiyejl dilute beairi indead the uaaeeie belulag qaukee ttf fau hod well nhfb been forgettea w great ottauam ont waa the aatlely to dnd the uuejttg hag where can it lm xvitut liau iteoonve of lt waa heard on ull hide dm thing i oartuln hwu jfohii v hlte llald it lammnewhero iii thla room ii fnmihl not have gotten out hut i dm uir i did not foal it wlieu i abook jour hand aunt martlta are ou certain you had t on your flnifr i whyyoa i never lake it oil it haa worn an thlu tlutt i don t feel it on my linger ami uetdom notice it at all i wove that the company lie marched keeing it aint on tte floor exnlulnind aumu klrowu in a loud hlgnlflcaut voloe jau ioj we may think liooeat may wir prltte youby italnjf juat tlte other thing tlte oowpany a daaed at ihia ntal- olout trowwltton tlte itot idood leaned to the fuou of john whlteueld titan ukk- ly net leavlbg it deailly pate aunt mar- llui hnd left tlte rooni to attend tothe din- iter the habit di jeaw not termittiiig hai te forget iter domeatlo dntlea hi the treaeut dtalreaa iinmlalvet katie relioverlng from tlte aliook of atruaementv anrung to iter feet and midi mr ilrown you have insulted all of ua by your haue uouwltloti how dare you auggoat hiieh a thing 1 i ahull have to aak that you imng diwipl ehnigeil the ohl gong drowning the jrmu voloe oloe au aunt uartha en tared the room to batd bergtwrte outtothethankagiving dinner ua ttnkt- inganddelialourt tlte maai wah trograiulng ntoat ltapmly wlten aaron ilrown uwllenly jumped front hla chair choking and groaning in an awful tanner at onoe john wbltefleld apraug to hla aaalatanoe ae he waa in danger of atraugllng ttten realialag that he eonld not relieve the aufctrer ba quickly left to wuum a phjaktau iortuuatl he had not goue fur when ha aaw iv lillnn driving rurtidly down the road in hteo- torun touea he called lo hint to atop ex plaining the urgency of hla aumuoua john drive to mm uryaute cottage with thiu medicine for her boy tike will underatand titan return for tee honeying lite doctor hastened in with hiec4aeoiliiatruineutuaon too aeon for aaron waa atrugqliag for breath in a moat frantic atyle the doctor aew at onoe what the trouble waa and eklllielly lnert tng bh imauumentu uoon lueught to view m fcntall harwl of alklnlng gokl uono other thuu the lout weddiug ring which with a cry of delight aunt uahha aeon poena ed beraelf of now said iv lulan thank your atare for your uallverance you had better toy from the infernal mrleuaee of eooka that ring was lu the turkey atumng replle aaron anuut- intf untur the ieln aunt uartha heard the atluglng worda and trauaured tlteae in her heart with aet iletennlned llpo john whlteueld now ap- pearad and being joined by the doctor all returned to the table to partake of the tlellghtfal deerta when the teael waa finally flnlahed aunt uartha arcee froea her aat at the table and la e dignified bd tuprawlve bvauner aeltl 1 vrlende i wlh to take thie oceajtloii to anuounce to you tlte eugagotneet of nty uaa katie irving to ur john white- aald aiul utle u the anauer to uy re queet john that i proailaetl to give jou tadayi ajua my unawnr to you ur ilrown long aol loud and hapf were the ooh- gratulatlon hltoaared upon he young coude aaroti ilrowu aloie waa rude aitd aulleu jut uu the ftltadiu of night taguu to fall a imtrmiuan tukhod up to ll rd ulok houie uu tlte guaiia were leav lag tagtlter they italtad to beer the newu aa the wan bore a lolagrujila ineaugo for ur john whtuheu who with hu usual frunkna irail aloud i have uruv oil iii tfiaa ilouequantuue come ai once you are a rich wan congratuutloaa aaron hown nevr wholly reoftvatwl from hla plight at the ineuioraltu fut au kaoiy of the villager wa akaalral ahmt the tins being in the turkey djug ton- bdnt that the alf aarud hj fouml the ridg oa the haor hlablf anj bought to oaaioeal it enectually in hu woulh even while he ate tharaby naarly lousing hie own ilwruetioa he aohl out and uft the vluageaaon afterward unhmwl awl ua- wapt rlrtv touhlm kh a kiok ur wluaton ohurohlu who uud a wage of thank t he otlter day to the hm of the naval euigade who uoh pah in lb f defanoeol antwatrp u one of the inoat wluy hwrthir ftf the cmblnot oo cat the beat- oariee about hla rutae to the dayu of the mouth african war when aa all the world knowa he dlatlngdlthaj hlniaalf aa a war correspondent one evening at dlanea he wuu 1 tat id wait to a ry coaoeitej dmom- whtee buuut olwervatlon ttuuu the future afrit lord of ote admiralty itch to pay him ack ueyoa know aau wlneton at uet i beet a uon today who woukl wllllaady forfeit fifty pound for the pleammflibalaa able to kick you to kick me idr aulawad the ofiosr boiling with rage tawlck we i uuab aak you to tell me hie name at onoe oh replied wlnaton i dont thlnh i ouirht to do that rut i inalat upon knowing demanded theorhwlkly well then i auppoea i miut tell you wua the uuewer it waa a poor young fel low u tlte bcepital who baa loat itotb hla lege by the uratlag j a kbelb worunttuam tfouhtmi of brave daede done uumi the battle- tiehla amid the thunder of cannon of the naieeof woundwl and dying of hercee of the v c and great generala who roes front email beginning the teaeher told bar obuat tiring than with enthuauent for their slotber oountry woaao wlna cried one girl etiottedly my father waa in the boer war and did be flght in ay ol thebatlle 1 arwpilretl the ulatreee oh yea anawered tlte utile maid waaatflraapan and uodder river an kardylurt an and wuu lie wouudod lu any nf than hirmuod the teacher the girla face fell no inlaal lie waant wonnded ihe replied and then ette itrtghtened agaju hut ileao uiha o tad an awful oed- aohel attavlmo out lath at mioht thejoungiruin whnunneceaaaril ktua out until late endangeru ma good nanw what aort of perwona do ou gaoeally find out bite ut night thieve libertine evlldoerw kvarj one that doeth evil ikuteth tlte liglit that hla worku limy not w rejuovad lu it very creitiluhu to joung men to haunt ihe atreelu at a tltue wlteli nuoh parmmtu are untlr i cartel nly not t ll 11 un tlte oonlrwry u diagrace to be fount in aucfa oompany lleldeu luiing out late ulihlu bringa young men into all tortu of daugeroua tewptallotui to alu health la endangered ki potent to tlta ulghtalranda cnaeiuent loa4 of ikeoea uury hleep are by all medical nteu oonauer tut injuriouu to healtli ivrwwia out late mee with drunken bien and often get luto ijuurrelx 1 they are uomatlmeu ronghly handled uml even aerouy injurwl hut the prlnoljuil ilangiirlu to ihe virtue of ihe yotinjr rnun whn wuko- a tnutloe of holng out lale at night hia aaaooiateu are generally imtople of llaaolute halillu who know nothlngol the fear of lod and to whom utmightneu nf character u a term without weaning litelr llpa overflow with lioabting tholr con vorat ton lu vulgar ami low their jokea are ooare awl lmprotmr they have ahaiper ed their tonguea like a terpen the venom of aape a under their lliu iv oxxxix 41 the uouth of tlte fool bultblelb out roily 1w xv 9 what can be learned from aucli ootapan- lonat their euaniple la ltd1 aju unfor tunately influence many a chrlatuh young man for evil it a farther an immoral habit becauae it u agalnat the order which lod baa euuutahad lod appointed the night for teat noaoouer haa the auu aet than a tlellghtfal ciulet oosaau over nature the urdu repair to their neata the floweraeloae the fejyoea and droofi wan who haa work ed all day feeli ua need of red tlte jteraon who preparee to go out at thla time aeparatee hlmaelt from the order of nature he who haa worked during the daj la entitled to reet during the bight but the prifteipil objeetieei to wanderiag about at night from a morel etaadpbinl ut that it give oooaaloaui to fclna which yonng iieotle would lie aaliatned to commit la the day time young men go alteut fron place to jace drinking and ceroueiogi lltey fre- ruent plaaee of doubtful character are found in company in which they ahould la aahttmed to lm aeen much that la wofane and nfawous goeu hndev the mantle of dorkuemu language a heard that ab6ald bring the mj of ahamelo the teeka of the canadian youth they do not atop at worda they proceed to deed a rioting ehaaabering and impuritiee of which the apostle peaka law amd valurom to tlte editor 1 the defeudere of the liquor evil have cve atock argnwmit which they are fond of uaing they aey that people eaanot be wade good by act of nerllawenl and aeetn to thluk that pule an end to oontrovway on the whjaot the feet la that no one oataada of an aaylum ever aekl or thought that anything bat the power ef tied eonld wake paople gecd law eaa and often doee remove the canae 6f a graat daej of evil and thua wakee thla world a beua puae to live in no aulltsaet phyeicun thluka that hnjkjne oureu dlaaae but it often dee teanove the oeuha of dl a tie and allow nature to eoeet a cure and change a life of uikaring into one of happlueae anj uwfalneae law out and of uu doe preveut to a great anteat the uu of intoxlcaliag jujuora and thaa remove the cue of a great deal of crime provartyaad auabrleg juu at tuiiirtt we have an ftt la uuuae fckewlng the marvjuou haoaute thai fouw bntblhulaal of tu llqcv tlaatd tlte kdltofbf the outlook aaye that-rua- oa in beeklbllltm of the um ee laiostcaata haa alrmdy coqurad a giaaiar foe than the herman aaj tht thla tu fletwuy a tawtotat war but we have dtampue near heme uaioa kanaaa and n iukou which ahow that after prohlhuicai haa heart eafcread or for a uagth of time naanlty and many other dl uiaaa baoooaf fasuch laai frequent uwuy jiht and pcevhouaaa lit dime vacaat wwlth taoraaaaa uui deeream and the oountry baomae prapecoee aa never be- fwa law cad give liberty at ptfra tlte tyrant of one aoolal cuacont eowlkala thouaada ta drink to thah hurt who would waloane a uw that would aet luu free urtw p a mvaral jalla are combining to hag the tlovvrnmaot to tioi the ttae f hitoalaanta law can and doea iwevenlmany cauaof and lb could to a great eiuol prevent thle graaiat of all it jj law cannot wake people good but it can uuxm it eejjer for people tut be good y prevanllag the uae of a polaoaoua drug which btakee abent ua timet wore luble to dowreug 11 avnott u a u a p a ah unomaurraatun niclmt itoomlly m f of an aland town in the united bfatae woe on a trip that included an allnight voyage on a itmni- boat aeocanpanylntf bin waa u uepbew more weeuatowad to the waya of travel well uncle naked the nephew meet ing tlta old uaii on deck the following woruliufi did you have h good ulghtv cant any thatldldanaweredthe unute wearily when i wenttouy room i aeeo that card which tella ye how to put on a life preaerver and niter that i didnt git uuchreat i dont get you uncle wondarlngty taredute young wan wbathadthat toihtwltbltr every ihlitg anawered the uncle 1 oouhlnt ileefi with the darned thing on a tou dm i mo hpttawh au llngllalv lady home front india on furlough told a good utory recently tlte natlvo convert ah eh4ained are very proud of their knowledge of tytlluqubd anil utontatio eugluh and of oourui there are tuauy pltfelw for m unwary the wife of one of the mlaalooaricu died reoently uud at the fan erel aervloe a native paator apoko leellnglyof the leee they hutl tuualiwwl the band that rooked lite cradle he eaul liaa licked thai bucket tw ibmtv vmaiui ago motee rem the vvm a ottfaulav davv deeerrbe- sth u04 heur ihiilleld of i a nun ahlmod hut ueek itiii lambu to tlte llultalo marknt their rsutihiitiwl weight vtauvjijo potimlu utul it rcelved for them ou tits huftalo nwtliot 9wrj hl a iwaiitirul tlunt in full lloom in mlb ijajut tlruntti oolleotlou iwu been innoli otlmlrwl by uumarouii callara lite taht weak it la known au the ghot huit with itell ahnped itowem m lo 10 liiclteu in laitglh und when fully enhimlttl ut night alwuit miu iuoltcwlii diameter ut tlko ojten- lug nov uviuku b muu ittmuy mu t t uookkv itnuutda vraiiolu uuggle wallace muul cooke lajrnle laiinl wlllluui htuuit laura holutcu amtlo walhvoe j0i111 moorci clura cob ui itauy nlcklin mabel itue unuic mi puaiia lliuiii janetjuritey kvu perryman mabel laimliert minnie arthnra harry loveya ittltel anlltony itoltlna wallace will warwick irvine wright arthur mcltouakl joint arthur lottie mason ulua lb 1kvuha llonii wetley illng- ham jeorge a mold leorge oram lutie uelhmuld belu loveyti ualiel hotier ida laird prank maam minnie ucpheraon miua m k nktaoma room myrtle uallhewu alice lleacohy tillie hlngham aioate murray lottie lue jennie smlui ina lwraonv klmlna huddlck alice lewie maud chamltera howland browu jatty cawpltell learl btewart klhal colamau annie brennen dlku if otfahn at bar latbar hmae atraar oharab uetf wilwr hweata nn pa ant jmu rvwtoe atvuettur ef arlum hihafah aeoa h ream weetba mir lanouaobt it way mew fctratige to you to learn that ahlpa talk to cuve anollter they do itow- ever ly their nag a alilp can uy how da you dot to another alilp 1 alio be careful look out i am coming and tbeueaod and one other thlege the way uhlp talk to one another uuually la through litelr itega though whlatlee and italia have their phutr atacfnthlp language there la an inlematlonal node which anj one can reail who haa learned the weaning nf the flagu by hteana of that code fjtr- wan ahlpa can talk to erench ahlpa or to american tjtlpa or to any other ahlpa tlutt know what the flagu aay troupe of flagu wean ceruln thing that a one btring of three dluerent flagu no will you lake a letter another group of two flage weana need food we are atarvlug awl etlll another aayu i am an are nd ao on any ahlp anywhere in the world could reed thcae algoala at once when you utndy the flage that ahlpa fly you will uoon learn that there at many klndu of saga not cevly la color bulla hhape wlten a baawuii apaaku of a tiff he weana i one that lu rectangular in uhupe like our union jack flag a pointed flag u call ed a peasant imt a triaagular flag with the end notched celud a luargae a flaa propar with lu end notched la oalud a broad pennant and a long narrow stf like ribbon laoalled a coach whip teaiuint uy the flage on a ahlp you en ml where the ahlp haa eowe from where it ie going the line it ludouga to vruther it earriae wail aad waay other thlnge too numeroua towentlon tbu little uccouat can only give you a hint of the fun you vt 111 have if you laaru v hat flagu uteuu awl itow lo red vhlp talk i a mlfli during the civil war in the united bulaa trivalering itacaiae liuoh a a ful buinaa that the coiemaroe oarrying buaiaeeeof the ration which waa juat re- ecworing from the war of is19 waa awept off the ae and haa avr uea of import once ulnoe lo ibly the dtraotaoa of oanaabbaa boraj cou by the britlall navy will have tie tiwi tiaalhafliiiaiuj bhlpe lajau at ia thaortlcahy belong to the nation eapturiag tfcim and they are either retained by thai belie- or told and the proflta darivod therefrom divided euoag lb ofttcera and the erewa of the hlpt wpenlbte ftw their aeuare in lraat britala vimli that are aejmad bacikua the property f the crown and it ie the euatoai cor the wen on board the ironclada that capture then t he kiveai a aunt qua1 to tb t or each paraon ou board the pjrlmhieru a good many yearu ago however our tailora fared letter whan fchlpu were cap tured lutwcen the yearu 1740- y admiral anuaoa uiaed two veaeela one having ou hoard tflmm and the other cfcgw the whole of thfu wou wuu divided amoug annaouu crew it le nureating to know that theprivala individual u a lawful object of attack at aab if that individual lu helping lu aoue way or other tlte natlona that are at war i tha great power have ackuowwlyud that any trad lug ahlp fcuuggtlng coal or ration or ammunition can be aelaed or eunk if ahe reiumu to aurrendei in m neutral oouutrya walere private ahlpa turn not be interfered with but on the high aeaa oh the coaata and in tlte harbore of the eueuy they cab be wlted hu auhtihh 81ioo0o0o0otfjt la the value of caiuulaa tnaiiufocturoa for one year lu money bub what of iheir value weaaured in the comfort the hapliveui and tlte wellbeing of tlu whoht oountry t to produoa then glvea eupleymene to over uix humlrotl utoumiul workpeople whnae wagea umotiut to g4iw0w0w eab year these worker with their famltle and mtowa wlui benellt liy utoir uirchaalng pow- r uunilusr iveurly one third tlta population of canada tatpported by cuiuvdian inainj faoturera how readily itla apparent that the proa- petlty aiul lutpkliie of uvery oauadlan of vouraelf depend on tlte continuous eiu u6ymcut of tluuo kcoklo untlteoonuuwji- tlon of goodu matlo in cjiiuuu oaiuuilau factorieu uuptot one tlilrd of our pmmlation are you helklug to uup- port canadian faotorlou 1 km4oy yoni own dolur to eiu4oy our own workmen many n man getu all broken up oter every girl ins inecte but amuo glrle can break a fellow quicker than utheru imdifthaummich hxwt numjluoiit iliyu of inellfm luirfeot neaa aa if fair hummer loitering ilou 11 the way turned hack to give tlte jour u long car4 to auae bar hcatt ol uohlng octlnuj now hillu uml valeu and womtu liuiik in ihe hi of dreamy lovellneu uml mutful dnjm and rtaturou volot niumiur ull la uell in ull iter cliangnu and iter tnj urlcu oh joy lo waiwler in tlte wliujterlnu uitodn to ulk with nature in iter own uwoab waya tror fenalb nf jiuaniire in her tihujujl hvootln rlteglve iter 1hftitnii thoe gompit daju charjoa ltlorvm the white flag i uiat uy love tworoue one au white aa driven anow arid otto n btaiblng royal red a hnnilnb itcquemlaofc i meant to touch and teat uy fate that uljjht 1 ahould divine tuo moment 1 ahould aeo uy love if her true heart were mitt per if alie hold me dear i oald hliull woar ay btaahlng roae if not ulioll wear toy cflld la- iiihniuu ah white ua wlntera auowa my hwtrt oaiili when i met hen fttire ive liccn ovtrltold ltr uu iter lnsaat ray palo roee lay in virgin wblleneea cold yet with low worda aba greeted bie willi hitillra divinely tender uiou her cbctk the red roae dawned the while roae meant aurren- der john hay hhioorajimta vou jtoha among tlte many good atorira told of lord roltotta ia one relatlhg to u charac ter which waa nuc naively vtrltten for him by arertalu uuur servant bou had uent the man oier to tlte itank lo caah a cheque for 30 tho chrk wauud it endortukd before ite could bawl over the money what fort demanded lite uhlur well ite tlte rule uml i cant pay you the money until you uikdorae it lie waa told ob all right rumblod the uieaaugr taking hack tlte chaque awl biting the end of a pen lu atralud meditation for a minute or two lluviug cudgelled hie bralna be wrote and thlu lu what ihe aatoniahed clerk reul on the back of the cheque when it uu putjted over to him again i iteg to aay tint i itavo known lavd flbtwte for wurul year awl ite haa proved hiuaelf time without number to be um brave ua a lion but aiwhvu kindly and oonaiderate to lltoa wlm serve under him and i have therein pleasure in remct fully eudoralug hla cheque joitpflaf ukat kitohalmlir there la a u riling uimllurity itetween leneral joareund lrd kllclteiwr eapac ully u rugariu illtlilltiar tootheda thua it l reuled ol the iretveh comniand- er lu chuf that iteikce atkud un officer la mudagatfar how mwa lie could tiring up oertaln auppllea row the boae tha officer aaid 1 i dont know ivthapa in i wo vvcekui phau in n mouth jofre re41ed t they will lie hure lu a week or you will return to fiance aa au inatunea of the taciturnity of tl an eral joffre un ohl college f riewt ralatee that when ut the giiujm of pvrjjsan he iwhuml hlaukamiiullona ua a llachalor of bcunceat the early age of tliuui and though he roojvala ukaotal uaitllon and ud hla ebuu iu inailtenuticu ha did not van notify bu paraiita of hu honor uk hnviatd hltxv iwub blgbej rredjie tlalnllva i wuh i waa billy boulb why fcwdler laid lu aaiimhlted wolher billy tuuuh hau none of the nice thlugv you hate he tlowut get aiay pookot ttney aud u uat ae big aa you and beu not m urcug hu father iteaer buyu hint preaanlu or i know all about that mamma aaid rreddle hut and think what nice booku hi liave and you never havitogo out in the 00u and wat to carry pinnru and i know gtuiuued rreddle annoyed by hla inotheru uirauge lack of underatand- lag but billy kin wiggle blu aare hih ulk hat uia upottuuted u coal heaver dont i alwayu ull you i wont eve the kldu brltujla in the coal from the abed in uty beet at v oh juat ave uoa replied hla wife youve epoiledjha ahape of that ut al ready and what un a little hentru coal duatdo to arm yer ut r you dont bcc lu imlii pruttktod iho bueband wllb dignity i only vtivurutbat at in tbebeieiilnvi uuii if mbilo tu bout i tahcalt orf my eid it leaver a blcomlb ituck baud round my torcbeed wcte tbo oouuequence 1 mby i g uccumd of weehio my face with my at on end it aint nice liu 1 it aiufe nle t worua are ajiootiiagod by morbid onn dlliorm of the atetuaoh awl houela und no eulujal mlllora worm powdera will alter theae ronditione alovoat immediately ami will aweeptha wortua away no dtbttruc tlvo puhiviteounlnd lu contact with thiu metllcliui which la not only a worm dea troyerliuta health giving mwluilue lueat lumellcultotheyouugcoiiatllutioii andau auch it hau uu uupuior authma hoeant wear 0taloie ho not wake the wlalatiauf watting for authuiu to wear away ly luelf whlhi you are waiting the dikuute iu uuroly gathering u utronger footliom und you live hi ilaiigcr of utronger and yet alrouger attack ih j it kclloggm amliim ilumelv taken eirly will iireveut liicltlunt rhvihlltiouu from ite- coming ihronia aiul uavea houra of awful auflaaing