Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1914, p. 3

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santa cuius headquarters giato iivnd0 aoton this is the place for toya dolls gam ipioturs bookh rnoy chirm eta hakiniaok liotomobh laaumd geo hynds jawallary and variay cfoodaf jlotoh ontario rkax estate vntitik tnr wlc iii unit on fee wtiil uhlhiutoii ioo lurtn lor tuile evrry nlxe ii hi waut imtui write me rti- jitulakue or yj i wuii it well ut- evehautfe write uie wehuvevery flkclluy tor trmtikiirllutf buhluekh to your eomplete lutlufkctluu uokrs thdkiiie hollclted j a wltlolluubv farm hellluk mtmclnllut ceorsetowu news or local import personal and travel notes ht retort xtt ms thurma ikcimiuu3 iou brief local items farmer art still doing full plowing a great fair u eapeated in lusiph hxt wmll hay aold ut 17 to 81b per ton in ju4tdt thla waak th wmi of mild w6ller has been juit agreeable tit new clirutmau advertimtnanl4are worthy of perusal another ipail of indian bummtr uma lut wttk and wm uuch enjoyed chrtitaiaj and thought of this great family fostival now will h much dufiuut d ftduty qiristnuutrmting cards are bolng executed at tlio liu ltirsu om10 dally now aelou lr ilrlgaje will hold their fifteenth annual lull and aupper hi tho town 1111 tomorrow availing the enrollment of li austrian and clmuuu ida gratly facilitated the colleo tlou of m tk ity offioar harvey tint lrmck vans sold about j50 extra oopu4 lut wk and tlto edition wu n tlrely axliaustad od thursday availing the musical sound of tit click of lite telegraph keys in tlie new lot oflloe hulljuxtgtvetiulta a uuiimad tone to tit straw u th btudentu ami toaoliara of acton high school will hold lhair annual at mow in tha town hall on tuaaday evan itifr 2nj lust mr w n mckay who lion been mhi of tit bon of hamilton tloarg iowa th past mvtu year has lieen trans erred to vott rowan tfc red croa 8oclty will gladly raoelve aud forward oontriuutlor in aid of tha balglana mr j i chapman main brjt u the treasurer ueo j waluoa oordlally in vitas hla forwar rlanda aw oufctowera of aotati and vunity tovut hu ug clothlim stor in guiph durlnjf uu wlutar fair nakt wk on saturday fllot kovamhor uoorgo tinlif younjit wn of mr john latlla equjaff wtl kicked on tha baod ly otm of hla falliara haoa ha woa kicked up uiuonaoloua ami remained so far 21 hours ha u raoavarlhf womdiauuthd 11 ml at ii is fevlday nlfthl tha viltu ualactlva hi 4 uuto wdaajay nlfttt third aplooda of tho mluhm uouor myury i bou muua bhortly af ur tha war bagaa tha cfaatu plod hvart that two man put up for uom at uta houl mdulbhott wra ouapaetadof hainxdvudan kpua and uft for porta unknown on uelntf told of th huapulon rugt major mllaa who haa bftd drill lnotruolar of tla aooond oatuull an eoatlntfdnt at toronto atya tha two ar now ptuotura at hunuy lumcka ha wo laid thai thy itoil imou arroatad la watarkto county whare thay had pratrul ad tobaajpnta bdtuiayliadhoatimapplhb tha emutyy champloo hamkv waddldtf out wa vron tha kdbiortuwi bulutln wo ftlaan uta followluff partkuut of tha warrugaof u wnjdiiuihuir of mr johiaa fioott third liua kwjiitff at high noon on wadimaday llth novatahar ofc ilia how of th uldaa uothar rtoiwy main klun enly daughter of mr mcmillan woa uniud in taanhta to lluijh oilhart urn of njl uakafibftra of kdhmwtoo la uui prfttornia of many rilativaa ami frlaiula of the eonlrauuff paruaa vha oarainony wo performed ly tha llov it i blawait dnumton an i took puoa undar an arch of fania and bowara ilia hrldo won b1vu uway hy an okl frlatul ol tha family mr hhatl of edmontoii tlie uldauaold won mlu huma oariuon hobwartji ami jumea mcmiuun lrotltarof ute lrldo aotd as groobiuttit tlia hrlda wait lundaomaly gowoatl la old ikrooatad aatlii drapped with altoilow hu and romo wr tnval liug oofctuma won a mnavt ovy blua ault with hat to nuuh and croiutt pluma h trldmuald waaattlrotl in coral pink hatln with hhodow iim tjta groom e totlw uida woj a paarl neaklaoe to uio ultlaa hiahltb1dloekat and chain and to th toomauan a fob and sold locket tha youutf eoupla afurwanlu inouirad to uw city and wara entartalnatl at tho homo of the hwom vrou uwnoa ujy left hooaynjoou thpto tjis koulii ubavhmmucjamiiotbu ouhbd by local application ui tliey otimiol raaoh thadliahod portion of tha r ture lu only ona way to euw lf uw mi uuit u by ooaautuuonal wmadlaa lkwfuaw la oawl by an inttattwd ewululon of tlm biuooua llnlnff uf tha kuhuohlan tube wbm till tuba hi luflamad you hav a raaabuatfwmndor wrfofc hrlntf and wbaaltlaanuralyoloaad ilaafnam la tha naalt htid unlaaa tha inoauniauou oan ha ukah out and ui tml raatorad to lt aornuu onodltkui hearliiffwlll l iiatiroy a4 foravwri nln c it of tan ara muaad by oaurrh which la nothing but an infuwad oondluoit of tha muooum aur wawulttlh on hundred itolura for owt caum l outwi by l catarrh ffisclyai for ip i moat aooitbu ohhatmw kraant hooraii of uulmkirlharm hem urn vrt iutuh tar u jiuir t duuitt frunilu uthuwm ylft tim oot hi urn til i tlw kittlufaotloit u fieul thu method tmttntia u uonorouhj ohl fokhlonfxl cuiuliy lottor lull of homo itww tivory week ol tltu jtmr rav mm modonald i oaaaroua ltv win xi mottoimld oflllud ltur wiih btiomifnl in mm dr luuitliik trip und unta tlntt uirmiyar om hiidk to mr john knilth trlu aniotijf hu nutnerotih other frleiiilu tltaodltorof lift ifcim yhmh wait fdvorml with tt plira roaht of onioii of ifonorooa proportlona haw o t iv tim ybl a nnw time tum ovr tltu h t it ctiiiio ttilo offoot tlilu wook only nno nlmiijjro hiyafltti aotnn tlio ovcninif trulnu uohnf taiit uiul uwt urouu iiero ut hlit liiftteiul of h 1h uu fortnurly thn tmiti olilf oabt iiikim not now fctop ut ijmejiouwi lutla ranlaccd ly thaim l hi uliich in timod tonlot a wlwa old hieka ijutttliuimla morn i n i f nicuell uuu uwakanad bj u imtm iiicmiiiii in front of huolllco louroo ouiuod tlm door uml wiulitji toor micu vhl umy horio uoraly in umd of iiibdlcliio mid utuutlou hoc took the fctrnrtfjer in uml mlnuuroil to lilw noatlw ufuiri which hin owner won notiltwl and canio nud took him away herald da hbd6ttuld maw mtddmiw whllo in toronto tha other day tli tnlltoroallnd mioji pr i u maodonald famuirly of acton ami found hint ami hl family juufttlnx aottlatl in n fltwt naw r4ldeno at uw ooriwr of spa avanua ami btratltoona rltreet wltlt autranooa frotd both btreatf tlta naw clvlo car una on dauforth avenue la juat one uook from the doctors naw rmulenoa tha v uhmv buy tha biippuirmintury oatalooua of tha new boaku just oihlad to tlia vm ultriry wai oiued on saturday evening tita demand waa hrlak aiul tha librarian and her auila tunu tuul a liuey tlina thla itawavar wu not aclrouiivilauco o tha demand for the uaw hooka on monday eironlh futfi hefora 700 tha hour for oi6nfiiff tliera lino of rcaderu much luff from tha stock ruoui tu iho nuler door ol tho town liall tha nev hoobu uro hiifhly kpokcnnf had ctf mid votaorww tho lodieo of tha iumi crow aid hooiot u 111 meat in tha 1twiji hall lrhliy alir noon at 3 o clock to out out uml uinke uanoenta for th military hotpiul all tlta hulliw a to oordlullj luvited to i elf fit hociety hau mill to our mthllerv in tralnipa at toronto falaaplny heluuitu aookh urlatletu aivd luindkerfihuifa a ctirltuiia iok of kultud gooda and chrlttmaa coko h being luuiiaroil for nur itoyeat halubury ilaln t1h ho will b mcked at ilia home of mr wurrii about tf7th oflw tlta r xw bmtaf havuvuiaf da the rovolvinj iloor at ut main entrance to the poti oatoa ii both a iuiy uml an enigma tommo ttw children of the town evidently regartl it u new metliodb proined by a considerate oveniuent far tlteir amusement they ravalra wltji it la the old fothloued ring around llouj atyta ttien tltay ti to work ittli wrong way and uie fovurnlnff wiro oaldee jot awrj it la no plaything but win pr caution to avoid draught in the building if evaryon will keep to tha right it will run with oom aud never gt out of order btiidimfiil illuurthitad addvaaaf on monday evanlnp in tint matltoiilt church achool rooua tha klngn urderlla iliu clou hold th km of a urtee of vary unique and lntarsthig entartalnrwuitatltey will have clurg of througltout the mosau itcoiujatad of an illuatrutod ufa okatch of llobltla llurrw tlw groat hcotuji pot and ulao uverol alidea of tli great itieu of tho preeut furopean war aihhvl to thht were a ooupla of douu olldoi of local view nd local peraonagaa which proved highly interesting witli aoma amueatmutt thrown in tiia view of looal bird and animal vera especially aolrudtlva a hloaamay vmm ituum ort monday vnlug under tha ruiiplca of il laduti miokloa circle at tha uaptlnt church a vary lulaetlng lecture waa given by mil jane mlwonary from india th teotur waa uuatratad by young ladle helug drewed in natlv oauuabm anil byuuny intaraeung curloa during tho evening a duatt woe wall ran tiered by th mlmoa orohau aleo a oolo by mr llowerth a vry interattlbgaod luofitalda evening wm apaat and many were oonvlnoad that tha work la btbwlon hold i very natoaaary aiul money unent in ihu work u a good hivatiuenu oa jublla wfmfaei atrlfhf th original canadian juhiu biugera wlio liava tlk rapuution of belag tha lead fug colored oanoort oanipanv of auerloa will giva on of their blghdtoh uthalu hunt hi ilia town hall on uadday evening i4tli inat lint concert la bslftg givn umler llw autpiou tj tha kiagn ortlarlle llllue ctau tfila ooupony of juulea hingcm olnoa their flrat tour of tlie aiuarlcan ktatea caiuulj kuguml ireland scotland and wale hva nevar inuted n iouion thli i an unprecedented rooord for which tliera mubt he a reaaon it uo doubt lie in uie fact that uielr gteateut almluu always baeo to oacur a menibertt of ilia oompuny teopla of the oolored rocu bovt qualltlail to knder tlu ciiikuof tuuslo irf iireaeiitad tha goaera puhlln tlio luwia uml the imtljut all jain la u uiumlmoua verdict urunaly that ut fataou caiuuliaii jubllaa hlugor u a concert company are unuirpaued la tha art of iileomng um moot rflnad uotea tha wf tuml hutoa lbivtf ii ahiupi1 a of tlie muiona departuuuit uf tit matliodltt churoli hjwke in lotugetown hifct hundoy morning uml in acton in th availing it waa nxpootodhlu visit would tako puoa neat hiimlay imtlm wua irreeteil wth a large uudlenoe iii dicour waa baaed oh hak lit ii now no chavuning for uie trouti heemeth to ho juyouti imt grlev- oim ilia irgrhh ami kromloe of tint inlwtloiuiry work tif lha ohurdi ami tins oftvct tlireuumi by llta uraenb war wura foroefully ireaeutail it aeeutad tliat tha inlulotuiry intaruklu of hmj fihurohah wara threataneil with th hret hirtof tha imiinon on iho 4ui auguwt lust tha flnanclal wril of thht and oilier ikouavolont outer- uimui wra shown and the ahaotute need uutttha giving of thacjirlstlaii church to lhee ontariiriaaa ijtould lm increoaed rather than dlwlbfhd llnntlredh of mlsalow arte are at work in thalr fleldm and lb wimild oast tho church mora to wing tltau liont uow than to ttava ummh remain on their mlaaloti and coutlnua their work tho atorol peril if paoalulatu ivalla will ii illaaatroaa let optimism reign lod letbatttolltyof laavao i truth i ataraal oluamadu bonino thu wuiu im n v tjmlwiy upant tlm weak mid with frlendu in uuelih mr w u keitnj of toronto vuh honia for u into vult hut stnak irivnto wtt mm itrown of tlia cuniulhni ililfluooru una homo over hiindoy mr john kenny upont wiirml dju thir lug tho woek with frlemlw in toronto mr ik t molulre lu vpemllngu ootiila wookn holldayat hiuiiohnrhitkhawu mism hht mai linrmiu mini homa from tortmto hiwtmtlug lie wook end with hr mother mr t juntos moore clt clerk uuoliji xlultod iiim niotlior and bltlor hnra uu huturday miuu kthol lrulg uooflinluuloil mm tmwwm mciuujrhkn homo from toronto lattt week mru tliow mccullum and mabtar tlor ilou imveheeu ueiidliig tho week uith friemhi in ffuetph mr lleiyijuh italia ami mr allieit culfxtlo und miaa 1wi of lorchulcr islted acton relatueh utt uek mr und mru ueorg hramlmiand mr darluu keuimmly of ibimlltou vlultwl mrs harry maadouuiil t thorrihlll vami wartleu hynila woa at toronto on tues duv with a delegation uhklt ualtwl upotr tlia invernmeut to confer on county council matter miu alloa fllbaon itetrolt mich ami mtv ranclm wood laorgttown visited at tlie itoma of mr w h k ulalr lake avonu over humlay mruthotrusjatti1lamlur a thurton war in toronto loot week ut tha funeral of mr conion husband of kate daughter of tlia lata christopher uaealao mr e j llarry of rault rim marl mich waa in town on monday renewing friendship of former dava mr ttarry la prospering in hi american itom private fred haddock ami k ftem lug of wolaelay ilarraokb london wra guaet of mrs moiklock ovr bumuy they aro memheru of tlv rwaml conuu gent of canada overwua koldiara mcaru iteubeii llatohford ami willi marth uft on hatunlaj far fngtaud aall ln from portland main on tuesday mr lutchfonl uill join i is if in mm iiighum and mr marsh wilt vlit lilu par antuat walwtan htaffonuliiro at tk oamt m tot it wou tli privilege of tlie dltor to bjietul an hour or two ut tit camp of live rtglnumtu of tlia louim lantlugeut of overbcaa nupoditionur ftxtxi i now in training at toronto liwt tliurwhij tha enliibt0i grounds am hufklluga aro ad tnlraldy adaitd to ttu iuriohn of u temporary camp lha urge bulldlaga make splendid harracku and th ofuo aerva well tlia vurpoee of general ami regimontul lieiuliuartera w e fouml hergt ouhl ami tli other acton wen in good lieal th ami spirits lrhatae largs aiul sullivan whd had been in tli hospital for saveral woek for troatment wra dla ohargeil that day and aro now drlllingwiui ut ioth iteglmaut tiio men all uiow well in drill ami tnauooverttig th physical drill raoelvad la very benefuiuil tli 2300 infantrymen of tha coup lu a twohour inarch on friday through tli city covered ten mile uml ware buck in oamp lu aplandld form tlie toronto paper aaid that toronto luul oakloiu wltneomtl a mora lruilring spectacle tlmn till iarad tha duostdafrly tvto cjallad to coor tlia thres diuorderly young man from uleiiwilltuiuft who poradail mill btiw on mnruluy evening dlh november apparent ly under tlia nflueiioa of iuuor ooa of whom dellberutely sinalteil a window in iv itallaoillos wore sumraonail to appear befora if 1 moora j 1 on motwu lulwunl iffan uml jaincu marchineat appaaretl loit john ivuihrake um tlilrd member of tlto trio dloolieyod uta uw uuuio a beuoh warrant was burned for hi arrest logan wan tint tried evident waa addwosd to prov that h waa tha wora of liquor on tha street and krneat maaalaa aware ha saw him deliberately walk off the pavement over tha platform and up tlia etsp to iw bell window and smash a itanaof b1osl h won ooavlctod hiu tlno and oou and llui damage amounted to ii 40 oonstalj lawaou oakl la raferauoa to morchueat thai whila he wo one of tha tlira tha avldaooe was act very strong against him aud ha wo not prepared to proceed with th com thlaoaaa wo catuenueatly dlsmud after aouutlon by thamaglstratsoato dlaortler ly oanduot on tha street tba wamiai annual lucuiew luvlutlotia ar out for tha warden uluuar to be given by woidan hytul at tlis hlodibboa houoa mlltoa on wailua day evening 16th lust at ftlght oclock thla annual aoolal event i much aojoyed by tha tnamuni of the county oouaoll tha ottioulo and a rw special friend of tha warden ami tha oomlng function will b equal in point of ekwllanm to any of it ptadaoeoeoro it has always oodrnad an anomaly to tha vukk laka bowevar tliat tlia warlen wlwsa dutieaof tha year are in no una u alnacure should ba en pec ted or allowed to go to ilia nume of uter tninlug ttm county council tha di uoohl oertaluly ba revareoj after hi ar duous work of tli year hi aid adrulnhj thrtloo of county analru hutoourtaay totha tnambaraand tha putllo luterasted in tlia oooduot of oouuty bualiuau it would boem tuoro tilting for the county council ut autartalu tho warden at dinner in iium bernofoouutlethla phtu bu been adopt d in vkcountyuuwkthwaide wo thus entertained ami preaantad witli a gold lieoded oaua in tha county iuloiii ihi our westerly liuderti the went worth county council liavu for yaaru temlared their retiring warden a ootujlinontury dinner and usatited hlw with a gold watch lot llulton turn over tt now leaf caiarrh7 u natal hnaahm impaired t do your throat htohyor dogfdr uttbra adatm ccoiru on ika nravum alt batfnajamihmbk u orick tot i1t tlx fclsoo u bbmscb w4 ust utamlfa cbmk th uflmbbutldo sad bmlilmmmlthaiaubum ssm iubjutb aum scorra 3 reasons why you should be with the crowds attending wallaces overcoat sale and guelph fat stock show opens sat dec sis closes sat itlfc filgjj con novo you monoy on every purchnco of mcnu and boya clotli- mj and furninhinrs and we will relund your fore irom acton to guelph on every nine dollar pur chase at our store on any of the above dates sccondx wl navc an opportunity of viuitinf the largest and test fat stock show ever attempted third- an tlot early seven years ol square dealing and honest merchandising in our acton store is a safe guarantee that our state ments are free irom exaggeration or mistatementn be sure to call at our store pleased to see you and show you goods to make a long story short alwut our 995 overcoats 995 here it is in a nutshell we have just purchased at our own price many sample overcoats of one of the largest and most reliable clothing manu facturers in canada thee coats consist nf grey and brown tweeds rough scotch cloth and fancy mixtures in shawl collars convertible col lars belted backs plain chesterfields and various other styles worth 1350 5 and 1650 for s90s every coat guaranteed bo sure to visit our store during show week a complete and stylish range ol all mens and boys requirements at moderate prices g j wallace mens and boys outfitter wyndham st guelph buy your christmas presents at symons hardware pfeitnu far father hd mather son ud dihfhicr the baby and ah the ether laanber of the famvy cirtoitnas surprise mother carpet bvmepen to 4tt vacuum 8wpn lwiuk- ituuaiiguanuiuwl ocftlurllopi ik hmclu lo4 vimm tne parlor uup ijmto tfs drou caadla stick auil 8hulupalr tl 3jf fancy auruclacli hjtm sihtir puu hal wlmn carving sls sfm lo1 u all mm nf 1147 rodger drtm 1lautl wars guaraituad tungnteii tuupa i ta 10a watu safety staaora 1hjht la skatm nmc 10 en hbaktyatuk j to ts suuu ten tuairja vaakm liblvaiti btda aa il an liiiilisi ta h watch our windows uill stkklt actom james symon great fair ktguelph december 5th to ioth inclusive keduced rate on all railroads special offering will be made at macdonald5 guclphs leadlny and largest store on all koiis of seasonable merchandise s m uklfl jl hutei i nlr will nimiihnturduy doconilwr gtli and i- it iounovont that in widely hnownvlnilnrufr imnll over cnuniln and thu unilfld ontlimia until rimridny uulw1 h great untmul ivintur i december intll it in ull evoilt htataii attend tlilu event ycurly all rullroada nlyer reduced rait and crowili of night aecrn from inr cities take advantage of the uxciinloii rutin to vinlt guolph und enjoy tho b1qiiiu prcaaiitod 1 till i mi annual occasion hutidre u of nttratlou will malto thla fair nuo of tha prtntet over bold in fiiiulpli not iha teaut of tlieu attraotlona will ive tlio vory iiwcltil vultiott in uauotiabio morcliatidlku nlyorod at mncdon- alda during four day whllo we do not dtiucrllwi any of tliean very apodal valuea in till ndvartluotnunt tlioy are here nevertheless a visit will reveal them unto yen you tr cordially invltaxi to mtskw tho mccforid alor your hadcurtirh tklat you will find will ba oonotnloal adnunlnt and wholly auafaotory av ror homa lave all datroala with us dur- d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store limllcj cor wyndhaia and maedonall 3lrli guelph ont s a- a the way to make your home spotlessly clean with less wohk n d expense vp ills carpelaand rufra in otir limm ucro nlwait hspi perfectly clean hi ore uonld lie little nr no dualinp to lw tone and lioittocltunlnj time woul 1 practically im lorfottrii the eosehk euctrje vaetstfra clemacr tkuim w tiniroustil tiiut aftor u uliort limcyoucould beat your carpata aud rugs and no duatcouldlutsoen it duturba no duiit into tlio air tho strong huctlon completely rwmovius vcrj apeck of dust nnd dirt with which the nnul conies lu contact it ueighs lera than lo pottndu and runu omt itiu nifs end carpets with liardly any effort the cltancr aeta on rollers and the wide ia inch noxilu cuvini u isitf spaco wllli evory atrole enablinff rapiil ivoru vou now diicard your broom and tarjict btictp er and uae tha eureka entirely for yotir cleaning our furniture wulls ornamaata plcturoa plate rail i tc do no become duaty becauas tho dtnt in not allowed to reach them the periodical lidtibocican- ing tlmo come no mora because tlioro la no more dirt to be fouud tho eurcla is tlie only method tliat htinjpi jmi tuct cleanllneas it ia the use of thu broom and t-ur- pot swuopor tliat makea dustlna and houkxcltaninit tliat keeps tho nlr full of dust and getma tliat rctpiir eu so much llmi that maken cleaning a drudoryand that is the ramt costly tho eureka is a aavr of work money uailtlme it maken tho ntmosjihuro of the home pure and beat of all it kcupn yuur homo upotleua cants oay i 2c per hour to operate wrlta for our fro trial offer wu also want a rtoalor in acton to represent ua onward manufti company bienrim onv i d actons electric chopping mill open every day the favorite farmers chopping mill in now open every day no long waits or disappointments r chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done i b f caldwell acton ont proprietor not too far to telephone nrhe man you want to reach may not be within your immediate j circle hut hes not so far away but that you may reach him by telephone from the instrument in your office or your house you can talk with satisfaction either to those within your own talking clrclecrbeyond it to remote littjerlinldnft circles consider what this means to your business tho saving in tune labor and travelling eipcnsel we are receiving dally testi mony to the value of the long distance telephone as an aid to tho economical transaction of business men in all lines of business are able to keep things running at normal and at tho same time reduce expense by making methodical and careful use of the long distance telephone and there is another factor tho buoyancy aud optimism resulting from these personal talks between busi ness men is accountable for much of the revival in business aro you applying the telephone to your business the bell telephone co of canada avrbll

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