Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1914, p. 4

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tiiukhoav iuriiniit 17 llll thb llttlke irilolvbn llinwi unm ii lit t hi hnut r urn ti tlmt hlmnniul in u du and aim mild it ttoiild tmvnr litomu ami miittutumilil tu mini and uomn h it w luiininuu anil honiotuili it wiihuprltitf anil mtiitti filil it uiwjrrltf and loir ahil niiuy mii it ii filing hut frill tlii hula unwar bloomed auilhtilllt lltcduuil throve and inon tin it null rtiiinmoruroutli hut mikiilx riill ii lovof parsing ii on once wlmii i uuh a hcboollioy itultitf homo far tlm holidm u i imd nnjf tny o u to roaoh llm furnuuv tlttlti tnuu in which i ilwril i irrltml it firkin mil uiiton hoard ilmhtniuir uiili jiiht liming enough to juiy uij fiic mid lliut iwlntf ketlled i tlwuiiflit in niy lniifkoium i imd mill for everything i ihhhiihi in ti uy of i1a1 1 hud lll4j i uhlltixl nu ltlliy uri ug wtiro iii ttninnth until t mien mini tlm rough atluntio mid tin n f nntlii itwiv i imd ikmn lying in my lilrtli for imurx wretcliedly ill und uult carlngfor anything wlwm i hare uiiw tho utowurd uiul atoad lmililo nui otir lll ulr mihl lift lintdliitf out thfl pleaa of wht i v got no iiionoy tulil i in my wretehadluw tli it i ahall le your lugguge wliat itt your uanto anil iililrm v i told him lnlnntty i to took off lite ep 1m woio witlt tltu gilt imiwi ulwwt it and bald out lib liaiul i i should ilk to abolie hands witlt you i bald with e fcmlle i gave hitti h hand and aliooh hi as well sal oould tlian uhm ti plana lion how that muiu year iwfat taiae utu klndne luul been shown ida mailer ly bty fjlw in tle narrow of her uuaw hood i nsvor thought tha cluwee would bucs far too to rujiay it mki ik jduht ly i tut i 4i lu it law hiiku i mji i ai u6i kj i uot utlwif i taltl ii iy ititiwr vkt twi lawad all uui 1 t law a ut ol lliuiiuba iud now lui ka t it on to you ittiiujinw- if vj- yoa iil iiuytoily lluit iiwj a friully bmltd you uul4 p4a it cj to llkgul fei iiaj nuia 1 3 i bad grawu ui iui4iilu forjtht4i it all until on uy i ld ifooa to tla uatloa of cwi of our hulit llie wu jul uaiutf to uka my tkkt wkwi 1 bsw a littld lut cryliuf utltartwflli hui id stu trying iuaifil to kwp lk ua tfotihlaaiiio tuni au im klbulatl wldi tt look 1 u0 cutk wut u u totlr my uj 1 avkbj if you til nd lt i itatcnt wnuy tuol to pay my fara i liava all i want but fw ptwm ami i ull u rurk if ha will trut bm i will ba tut to iay mb iuautly iuck upou ma uaiiiail tla for gouu atory of iwiff aflo hon uwii wa my elaioa of ning it on i fcav him tka sum 1u newlj biul tot lata tit fjinruj witli idm titan 1 told tl4 llltla fallow tlu story of long ago aiul bf um btnkard a kiiujikou to ma now idday i ul i pau it on to jou t aiul twa4tnlkr if you iot witli anyooo tluit hijib kindly liaiul you uu6t poaa it on to ttob i will bir triad tlio tail aa it took by baoila and ida ayaa rualid with earn law aura you will i anawarad i raaebed my wtlnatlon and left my uula frlaod tlw last digit i luul of 111 lit wm u tha faandkarcliiaf suttarail from th wltklow of tlta carriage as if to aay i it la all right air i will pans it on mark guy lwa decline s uhualumo iiim id uuu ii limil wiirltlnn uiul intolligont triii1iiiiii ixit tlm 1 iikiinii tori itill trnnl iwllilm li r nicur i w mr hi iih i tin r div i wld to mi amorli m r i uul uho iiikii mom irld molli it liur cliikil uuu boon to iiinwu itoun hrcuiu up unruly ti ji- lirtmik tip vour vorlw do troidilo mo m yot ilrclik up tl it uuh u why uau um going lo lot lur urhonl lircalt tip wnirly iucuum initiieiiyu lid hroken down in it llrobeiiaul ituulilt puxillilg iun t it j llrolioit out nh yo4 ami aim la going to wb imi luuimt lit clmrg of ft caretaker a aha faara it might he lrokati how do i uy that plubof urokati into 1 ktoct tlmt u it ilrokan hy hmj imrgura la hc on marrlal yat y no llm mgagamiit i ltrokn in llrokaii off oh i had it t tuunl of tliat i u alio worrud ahout it ha only tirokeup umj ivawu lo lar hit weak iiitliat right 1 no i ou alumikl ti juwt broke au woll i am marly hroko mybfilf hy tluwa 6tu of your aiul lu went iuiy on mm waj btliet ad tim itaaiit of a claar hkin lit oon ditloti of tua licr ragulatao tlwt ootwlitiou of tha uood v itlutlurd vr cauaw liitpuritlau in lite likvul utnl thaw utow uuielv4 in liiiiiltjiat oit tlis akin lsirtlooh vtvgnuthla 111u in acting upon tlta livar act upou tl llooil aiul a claar laltliy akin will follow liuilllgwiit u of thlaauiluil htmllclua aum wlio will fully appwiata thla wluva tjuality of thava pllla can u4 umui witli um oairtaiuty that tlto adaot will h iiwwt gratifying a anrorv fnou jacah a truvtllor iiitimii nllu n 1iiip ktoij stowing him rr unfiil imd purtlt nlnf at inuht in in fnunimi lwi iixroliiiul wth in iho mutlor of hmtnutv lluu tiaillii mijni ah tin itnlii hiuppnd for n fow mlniitvnt tltn blulion of n mil ill lllipil famiiii fui ii i rrtuln kind tif 1iiiiikijm nltv i thruut in imiid mil r llm ulndou imd liaught ii uiiuiigi fniin ii ih ho gnwi tun u tlftmin mii uiltnol mgwlod in givn luiok tlmllvd mii duo nifl f limulnul i til win t it rotnirkinir to tlio friend with i whom i tutu truttlliug mint i might itu i woll liino hoiikhl it twimtj mii uirbniit ah mo pnlliil imii tlm uukt nlullon wmio lutbou miuiilih htlnr uohniinl it lo tliont injf id tlio tup 1 1 longt ii ho run iipimd i d iwii tlio pi it mm u in u u tin lady to whom tlm ih1hi nkir w i i nwiw tltn miii avioumnxl i iuformid mm tlinl i um tlm iutii i i in imu nil did iik kimu ulkiut tlio mittir in ullili lw m1i that tlm itikn tniy imd tl iiuiiimi down tlio linn in iki mii in gjto ink i it- uwmr lint llio mii llm intr vliuih rrloiiit iut up in imtull luitllun llmt ru tiuuily ihirlulilii mil oild for u tury umidl num lr iiuhiiiih kuleotru oil utttmkki4 i mi no pouoi in con iwlratcd farm than ouu hundrvd tlnii tliu ipliuitlty of niu uuguuuln iihciio ijnteit and tlio uriwl iimw to uhluh it tun i put malt it thti mwjr limn w frloinl voileulor block im uomilou without il tha inoddm young man uaya a fatoatd twme lias ouly oim good quality h a punctual to hla utaau home woman aro vary easily plaafcttl judging hy wliat tltay marry evan tha ohaunar alutukl liv a littla horso aanaa children ory for fletchers o a no aautua ramady llko it lr j ix ksltagg aathtna itamatly la dlatinetly iliffanrtt from other socallad roiduw went utla not bo it would not hava oon tiuuaj tta great work of vellaf until known bou eoaan to ooun for ita wowuirful vajua kellogga lhfornuat and baatcf ll uthbu kmatlloa aland upon a mputa lion fouadad in tha haartjt of thouumla who hava known ik itanaflt oahatntl wahaduuppaairwhan tfmud wujilltollowaya corn cum wltltoutlmvlna hcvrmihok bxkahfitm ahout ky tha boator ml tlta major war walk lag up tha uvanue tin senator wm aon tluut wkldle agad anil ocmaldarauy toora than fal and doarly a tha major iovetl hlw ha also lovod bu joko t1i banator turned witlt u ideaaad ov prtaton on hla henlgn couutenaooe and mxa major did yon mm uutt pratty girl ttlladtmar 0h tiutla nothing replied hi frleiul th smi time i uw you i laughed out lotul paddy ilauohieo 1h vimtf lmldy wu walking one day wlten ha aew bull aluutk man uiul ho luul lo hold ua hand tha mno wu w funny after a umo tlta anluuil turned ida attention to bud tuwl poor ttit after ekplorlng he uppor nfttotu datua down wlttt n luttttp on ota other aide of tha fence he ruhlied hln wounde u ha aakl to himself i faith im ghul i hail my laugh when i dldl or i wouldnt have had it at all wis all in lewa miieumohle ml invoiuesl wtia tbe fctfurt do uot ilo it work ttfopetty maa the erv becobte umtfuug me wbolo ttyafaem becomes wtak mod sttu down suid weeds building up before you can feel fit again unburn lfrt aad nerve thlb will da this for you mrs hugh uower chester bultt na wrlteti just a ttw linea to let mu imow whet mllbunii ketut atul nerve pill have done for ue i have fcffcfed greatly with heart trouble uiul uerveuaneiuv and won all run down i used lob of tuedldue but received no benefit until i advised to try your pill auddld aov and before x luul bnlthed the flrat box i felt eo much better v got a bo and oru hot well uud etroofc i can truly eay they are the best medicine x have ever used x cannot praise them too highly i recommend them to any one iwlferituf frem heart trouble muburoa heart and nerve puis are me per box boice for 912o at all dettera or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t mllbuni co tbelted toroota out castoria jw loitotm and chil4ra idumrorovmsoyi auwaye bear bjfuafaire es athjtlts oat liltlo 1aullno coitie in itrlnging ecratetted flngor for aalve uml aympalhy i cut it utt the oat alio explained suffered with lame back omu huty strtlrjrbei ua rr pafa when tha bacle becomes lame aud urta to ache it is the sure sld of kidney trouble doane jodney pille cure the aching back byncuflng the aching kidneys be neath for it is really the iddueyfl aching and uot the back this ii why doane euree are tasihur the tnedldne cures the actual cause o7 ihe disease the kidneys mr j w aylett bouth oahawa oot writes x have much pleasure bs rroom mead lag dooms klduey pill last iuauuer i ituffered with a urne back sometime x could hardly fetralgfctad up for the pala x mad about doaafi klduey pilu and decided to give them a trial x con truthfully say that tha aecoad box cured me i tan recommend them to all a a ipeedy cure to all auffer- lug with bukache doani icldney pills ore 60c per box s boxea for ii 25 at oil dealem or tnauea direct ou receipt of price by the t mtthura co tfmlted toroato out when ordering direct peclfy dotaa w hit ttw tllifl uihitrtm moqhub tho young lawyer didnt like uto ulnla- tor uiul uo he utought to ooruer hint now doctor ho aitked auppoaa the paraotia und tlte dav ii hiioum have a law milt wjiloh party do you tltlnk woukl wlnt tlta devil uiwutlonauy replied the mlnlater ah i ehuokled tha young uwyer atul will yon tell uu why v lloceubheuould have ull tlta ltwyera on hla aide aimitiru worm powder aroiarflttoallant tlm uimllrtno for ehlhlron who aro found uiftoriiig from the rnvnjfa of u ortnu tltoy linmwllatnly nltvt- the atoimiohln oowlitlona uiflor which tlta worins hiilwlt und drwe tliom frtun tlio njwiom and nt tlm aunta tlnm they unitimloul in their ifmflt uion tlio dftni4tlve orgiitiu lewtorfiig litem to lusalthful opertitlim uml ciiauring immunity from further dlmthlufh frtm fimh it vuumi you should be afraid of comjim cold cougha atul jd do uot call for taunute redul of symptom as they are well luo to everyone but their dattgere are not so weu known am tha most terlou affectleeui of the throat the lunge and the bronchial tubes are id the be- tinning but coughs and colds many people wbea tby contract a wight cold do not pay any attention to it thinking perhaps that it will pa away is day or two the upshot is that before they know ll it has settled ou their luugs too much etrcts cauuot be laid on the fut that ou the firt riett of a cough or cold it uuit be gotten rid of immediately a tailiae to do this may cause years off uttcruig from vcrlous hmg trotibie wt wookvs nohwav miii ftvmii will cure the cougk or cold siud prove a preventative from all throat audlueg faoublcs kuch as bronchitis pueumonia and coaiiumptloh mrs h if druee brubtott out writes i am sending you my testi mony of your dr woods norway pioe arrup t you what it did for my uw girl the doctor had glvvu her up as she wai as we thought going into a decline with the cough the had x was told by a lady friend to try xr wooda and wbea the had taken two bottles she was on her feet again and four bottle cured bar tw woods norway pine syrup is the bt curd for coughs and colds xt is but up in a yellow wrapper three pine fate the trade mark the price 3oe and oou manufactured only by the t mubum co limited toronto oat tarn ohoir cor rnvrntt once in a while tlie choira do got luirk ut tlio mlouter us for example in a comma tleut church the other hutvdey morning tlta minister announced jmt after tlio olioir had sung it anthem aa hit teat now when the uproar had oeaued nut ilia ringere hided their time patiently und wlten the eerraon wax over row ami rem rod in irtoat meladloun futjilou unoilier aiitlietu beginning i now it is high time to awake from fcteep congrfftlnalut peevish pule rentlevh ami hiokly chll dren owe tltelr condition to worttia- molber irevea worm kxtonninator will relieve them and restore health the soulier an aetata the fewer legal nuetions are involved there may lie nothing new under the aun hut there are a lot of frou people borne people eaal their bread upon the waters expecting it to oome book toasted cultivate the luutlt of luvtaiilno young tmu it will oonie id ltaudy if you ever acquire a wife wbea artiste ootnjtete for a prixo tlte result a a draw a haoabrum icaihhh ejauoh i ouoe had the intereating esimrieuee of having a elk with the present demon kuptror regarding 4he relative value of different araa hi the held writes bir it baden powell and hla majesty aakl i the infantry take tha place of honor since hy virtue of thalr armament and action it is tha infantry who win tlte bottles i the reejaiodar are tltelr aervanta i eoidlally ooqulemsd in the kmperora etatenwtt t tut then ite turned oa use and put t poaer why then do you in fnghutd put the artillery in tlte plaoa of honor on the right of tha line tlte cavalry nest aiul then the englneera and uuttly tlte in faiitryr i una rather at a in for au aiuwer aiul lhtrtud out the ural idea that a into niy head i said t i suppose it is that wo ilico them in alphabetical order ami una uuawer greatly pleakol hla uajeaty if oaaoould judge by the ohuok- llug which huted for aometimo afterwartla the bore would alwaya get a good aeod off if he would only go men are juu a ayuptthetio am women but they havent the knack of allowing it mmr i h idlmiwiu in tlm rsbijjo of uook inlitdu ami tlm hnlltiuy of ucu whuii u mill iftt iniriud lu i iptltumiix hliuiliui hu in tin filuu uy plt llm itu hiiisoii tan nluy giuiil luu j on ultt r wl tauiit mm ii promfainif luiiioh imui inn ojoii uptllod by getting to tlio prlwtto fllrumiigo tdijulnk it tikntiill of thlity jentw to mukit a real nmn mid munetlitiet that wont do it not tauiwa uari vaom mum wte im afraid hwtr pa will uihw me wlten m a are married he why is your father going away the stew sltfttrjb tru adtem i lha livar u rapsiulus for hasty lut miluume lnnauver ihlts stimulate tlte alugglah liver licuu the coated tongue mvoolau uili oiiiiokioui breath clean away oil watts and polmunui matter from the syits n mid prevent as well a cure au co upkimti oriduj from a liver which has i tacit no liiictlvo conttlnithi lv heiidache bilious lieniuaic j3uinlk3 hcortbunt water bruili catarrh or the stomach etc all come fro ti a dliordevd llwr mr viclar 1 msnclus aaudstoae alt wrtto x tltnuxht x would write nml tll jo i u my experience with mhi irnu liwluxr pills a i am itrcitly plcaul witlt the result x re i cilvej by uulin thtnt i was troubled wlti sick hcotloclte fur a long time and wojm tct no hiccdv riht ufter i ate my ill i icr t tat i cotihl not tlo any work a frloil nf inh front torocito visited wt 1 1 it lunmer an 1 he anked me to fay milium luxallver pills lie told tne tliuy luul thxie hint m much good for bh huntneh x used several vhus and v fouiil ttcy did ine so much good that i can reco imicnd tbem touny one suffer it frwh liver tronbu mllburttn ftsixlvcr p1iu are 26c a vi l nt ni for e i to at all lealrra or children cry for fletchers castdri1 the kind you xluvn aiwuim itoflglit uiul xilllrli jiuh boon in sue for ovi 3m iilu luiu itoino fho hlutifiir of nl linn hrtm tintlo tinder liht r- fjcdyj bnl tnimrvlmlon iilncolollnfuiioy taf allow iltr oner u tliulvn mi in tlilu alt countrtrfoltn xmltnilonu ultl txnnttihiihml uro litit ttvnorfwentu that trlflu v itli mid cmlmiprr tlio liciillli of infunte untt chhdton ustikjirlonco nuiilnut jlihjrltuont what is castorba ti fak t i f there skould be music in every home on christmas moiining as if cfoaiotia la a imrmlrnm unlihfutito for cnntor oil aare- borlo lropa niul hmtthluif hjrtipn ifc in nleuunrit xt contains noltliot opium mnrpliluo nor other ntiroouo aubatiineo xf nue 1m ith ifiinrtintvo it riotttroyh xvornm and njuuyu ivvoriwlinchu itir moro tlnm thirty ytmn- lb luih beets in conutunt nuu for tlio rllof of cunatlputloti jvlnttdniiey wlutl colic nil uc mi1jily xriiblon ntij idbarrlifloa it rttuintom tlio htmult nntl ijowd tutelicallnteih tlio joihi tllvlnir iicithliy nml riivtiiral mloon ttie children wotltorti lrluud genuine castoria always rbiart the signature of in use for over 30 years tha kind you have always bought a gift problem solved can you tliinlc of a better chriutmas prccont for your friendb than a ycarn oubscription to the acton fhek prkbo it in really 52 chrictman presents in one it in a constant reminder of your friendship for a whole year to the person to whom you have it sent the fnua pnrafi in nn appropriate chrintmas present for your friendn or our employed it riven the home news in attractive form to maki your gt ilia moru effective ami valuable the li r irrh will dlinnuiico vour clfl to tlie recipient or recipients by meaiutofucard wlilcli wlltue insltw to reacli ha tleotlnatlnn on clirltman lav tlie lard will curry tlie followlno nieiiuiie victrola ivs20 0q ntw rccordn fur dcclinlicr t9l two niiiuitirul old clii intoinm llvmitn ii li i i w i iil ii ltl tuns 11111111 lllyiiui li ii lrt11 in in ii iil 1 iii mrjimiii ill hi lilt mllnlklit ii ir k lirihtmim lljimif uiliu nur ornl in uir i voiii- iciikriiiia counnv want you ill lj rlulht i ir i imirkllll a tlnr ilciui sinn uy mlki i i1i0 llnlor 1 lamol moimf anuloh i lrliuiiittttlu ihicii 00a foi two isoloatlbii fvv t brown mm m if you fool lilliouu iwadachy nml irritable for tlintn a nlfm your llvor in out of order vour foot in rot dirt itllifif itntayn in tlio itomnch u sour fcrmcnttiil mnnh iiolxoninr tlm uystom junt take a doiio nf cliinhrhiinii stomach und i ivor tablets thoy maw tho liver tlo ha workthoy eleanao ami wcln trim inurl nr t tnn l whrlijirjml va lyilim vou it fcal jin in tlo moftlmr at all irutruuli lle by mall 1 roni chambtirlaln uedlehte company yerente h chamberlains tablets dustbane sweeps m carpets and m floors m m si m without dust a save m hours h of hard m work h m no m dusting m to do m h is made in canada under canadian patents ii stands for quality in sweeping compound nmc qrnccrt for tho rikc ol n few rents extn profit mnv offer ou tho just ar good kind dont tsl for a tin of bwetpirifj com pound say dustbne i olluu printed lirnt on cadi tin und ijct rvuuitu nuiitlmiit n t jind ut ktlkr i 11ltil in li 1 nl- iml lijufor utori uiulujiot 1 uul 51 order a tin today m m bfmmmhwmmmmhhhhhhhmmmhhmmhm matthews photo mul street acloa mtfhwewwhmuwhhuwkmuhhhmnhmuyhwuukuhuwnhhvhwuiiuli s holeproof hosiery g m w porcimibtuabgiith hamltuimelylkuie1 tmiuly for g malhtig 3 uioutlibguarantoeon 3 jmira vltlisr ladle or gentle 5 tnenatiliu hone ami 6 montlia uuarantea on ladle and mn m cashmere lloae get your luiipueu now icsc nhclcwlsauhatidi4imclybokedb very anclal line fi just to baud m ttlk nkckvvkait lieautilully boxed and vjry choice g good cxclimlve pattorua aud uty kb 2 lllum neck 1 icii in iiniivliluil imxva the lieat and moat z exclualve in the trade m r b nelisolst the merchants of canada bank 1u hu kd u cdm nulitly described as eco huemfcjfje thrift nomical man ittinlnt a shrtiwd bumness mm is spoken of au thrift be- caui he sivob ivrhips only a dollar at a time porhaps more but tlie red uccret of his success licit in the principle of en vine one dollar will mart nn ac count with thtu innu all local chtques canhed at par till grand trunk railway iasbkwobin tnalwb tlit inltowll u u lliu llm- at trulliu nail at acton i oniun wiht it mm tii i no uu wlj ililell wtwaia no i mo nn 111 nil it inn ti mi0 i autumn millinery opening mi tin tnloiflkcnrju munnxv urn hclil im r i nil mlllhiorv oiumlii- in lier iiliv ijiiiutuiv ttii mitln htruut the kinniiv s i oki n cinlly ncuinluil by suiutilinnii th nn i r unil in nudy will a full linu nt lliu luioi klykti in mlllluory for lndku miuuh nml hlld- ou clnllnl invliutlixt tnitll nobles flour and feed store lor bran shorts mixed chop oat chop gluten meal molanaine robert noble ltd j l ualtntch mattaaref wlllow st aclon ont aannrjdoannddc w rockwood chopping mills all chopping will be done speedily and well g on plates or stonce p flour oatmeal n bran shorts jj the beit at lowcnt h prices n harris co limited s hockwood ont g harjaanaddddddndtimbihmf kcton jli it eh jl and bus liki6 iiiviiik tuichnh4l tlio luvi uunltitmii ii nil c nt the t htato of iiil late jelu willi am a i rmpcttfullv wililit tlm juitrtin- ijjo i f mr imttl c comiuitablti rurawlll ulujt- lu aupplm at rcatonablo tlmrdca for tin prvnt fr oearge hall who lia had the manage ment uf the stables the naityear will continue in charge i will awnub found courteous and obliktnu uucj httltti allthainsi ambbse mccann mul st aden 0dt boots shoes 7a0oo0a acton brasch f a macleart manager actons electric choppingr millr open every pay tho fitnriii firmt rv t imppmi mill i now open evr day no inn wninor clmippoiniinents chopping and rolling bothhtirifactorily clone 1 direct 1 rrrlpk tfjtrlce by hie nwaav nvt b f caldiatelii proprietor pliable yet tough you miilit begin your acquaintance with stunyii gmxlii liy iiichtltg in a pair of thtw hornlludc mlttii ilicvre cxcclltnt lxattipiuh of how tough and pliable mitln tiui im iiiatle by our chronic proctiw ultli llm niltlwl katinfiictioii of utmuliii tiny will not tnlcoua ttiff wiilii hcorcheil orfacaldcd dont forget to liny stortj ami tltejll reuictulmir you ii wearing lougtut at all iitore s au lines a footwear h at right prices g r all mens rubbers at fl r bargain prices jj tmoatidcicmannadanddaanaqd n w wtlliams mi i s alton keep the wheels turning buy madeincanada goods it

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