Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1914, p. 2

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coa ii ou lb llailul mi llo vuui il im um1 hwiiiiivt allhhii li rl 111 aw ttaluruv hi m lr miliar ut llildl hiinlav q iii jiwur t roiiin mi j llll jililm ii am hum- at mix l mu in hi r wrr mr rmlj ni mu wwl in in ii i lirllllrf nann ili r lit n r iuiiii via tmumtmi l- at tliuiuiittti mi run nlmni a t ilrnwii ah hi nn fl try itoninwf i mr tvlualmlli tl vlmri ii tn lr fuurlli ufhc ivitou jfm press tiiuhhiu iieiimit 21 1011 end oftuiu vkatt tlio iluto on tho nddrcm uliel ol j our uijvtir t lit uiiaii your nub arolptlon oajilrim if tlta date printed tlirooi in miaowi or if aur milwcrlption li nluiiit to ox- plrj yon would onuforn favor lij uondiiur louowul of j our will uorlptlon per return mall if your renewal lmn atioody iwon milt us plonwi accept our llnuiku far your curlier rcniittaiire ou cnii not hoiiii jour can tr brother ar any nllmr friend uwiij from liotuo u clirlotinslu itreaent hint v ill lie mora approbated or inuwwtluk tliau tlie fun luuw a yearu aubaoriptlon oaqtn imt 81 00 oiimurm mu tow vat tlm fortieth time ilw iull pithaa extenda cordial ciifistninfl irrrtuinipi to lla large circle uf mulura thla wni of intoe 041 earth und food will toward iimii finds tlio llrltlah empire involved n a dleeatroua war our own beloted und i rightly taking fulr aliara in ogsutln tlia taotherland in tlio treat utruifglti tim chrutntava apirll in talncr flitiiijrly doinon atratad liy tlie jmnerauu contribution of food and clotlilnjf aa well aa financial itolp lo tli fattillee of tlio uildloru and to tho peoplaof uitgluni wliowi land and lionin havu imhii o wantonly destroyed liy llio cruel and ilauructlvu tnloim whoprcl- itatad umi uur n u roault of tliolr un natural lullitarlhiu and douiru fur national 6npahujlou rut wlillo tlio wur brings tadiuua to i anu j liuurtx uo in cnuutl tlmo kill i groat caum for uratitude ah rosull of tlio yeurd uinifmirt w uro injoyinit biiuy ooinforta ami uro in llm podmuuion nl fcufilouut iiuurtal inoim to enalle un to iwinir ftool cliar to honifl mid lie art whr nl oiuln after tlio yearn hard worl or ucttlir i lion conic tliin luuouwl ctrutirtah boason of uklim fur iiotr mora tliaii at i r si nun tinio ioum oho rcullin tlio frmt trulli of tltn uonl it la mora buud toulvo tliau roooho tliu i tlio tjua wimii tlio heart of iiiojj that ro wi umio iwltroiik ami ucll tfo out to tbou ulioara oor mid alcl and dincour arwl ifearta ara touclird hy the borrows of ooira aiul tlto rich mid tho uior com fcloar togotlidr than at any oilier hiimi of th yar how oui anyono jirof alnofiillh la um clthbtlun mllttion ut hia lhou ga lcl to th iulm of bililehm wlio w bofta in tha ttwnjjr iwcauk tlire was no room in tli inn and tlion turn a daaf oar to tho cry of tin little chlhlrou or tha uoaa ol tha lck and ufivjrin0 anil needy t lu tlim dayh of rush und h untie such m tn fin ooma ilun ft lianwlictlon to turn our thoughts from the intarial thinfio of earth totbe hlulwr id mil a for which too many of ui try to purauada ounulvoa we liava no tlus thla la a unto far rafhwtlon a tima to buuiira onai un lo hy onr opportun itlu and in too many camm it will lie found tkat wuiuftidmr is wins nolfictul wltli- ia buy raudi of our own door the fun uul jollity of chrialnuui a good tlie lrwliig tojotlior of uvewners of a houa hexh and of frlawla in u cloor union la alao rood the sharinir nf our plenty with titf poor ueountui hut all tlie thlnfli tageutr or not enough unbaa ctiritma u kjt a ue i jrruwiuy of tha lonl josua ctut tii4 iiik lnksh wialiea ill our rmdra marry chrmmaf and a happy nwyr ttdiohi al wot as urbav ilaitaim toilay prohihued the itvparution of toa to nil continental porta oipi tluwe of tho oountrloa of tlio allloa atul of spain ami portugal thu la due to ladlcatland ttiat iormnny la ranalvlup urfte aapplua of to through tha netlier ik 1009 tlu export of chooso from can atu win ail000lmk iwuiulu ulupd at fti4tt0o0ua in 1011 tho oxporta hail deoivial to luoort000 pouiuu valuwl at 10000060 ktonkm nf outtla on tho una of wontorn cumuln havo however ikkaa sjtuoal tlauhlul during the punt ii yu iu 1001 thero wero i06dfl27 ainl tliu v tlwro aro 2mi ivt flm llrltlili fonwva on thn urinir lino in vintnaa aivl iloluiuin now uumlwr frmu 400000 to 4110000 in mi tho hrlliili eentr it ut vjiivh ultli tho rlghl uml uft wlugit uxteudlui uouth mid north fronvlluit milnt- frodi tniflm iho jilnu of tli4 tenltorluk uro ounllniiully going to th contlnont tut vi i jiint cloulug miu minu ooiilfl- eruldodoorojou in many llnouof cniniiurco ami himlnf an umdvi of ooiwllilon will houovor hiiow mint llio otitriclioii hat iwmii largol dao tn aiution uml thdft export h to thn unltwl rtntuu unil to llrllnui will hluiw up wol and import will ho rtly lo tim lutlor funt u not ull lw imuiik tlio iimh un purolin from ouuhlo tlioloum un mill htito m iay for halws gothtt cni m ii 1 dctormliiihl that uiih county ulutll lnuo ijom rouils tuul tliittlioy filmll iki noiitlmio iu ol ran v6ntat illuuuoomcipuvtniml on i end north ta hoilttl itml m1 tn woit uinnijlinnt iho claunty a hplandld luiginiiiui hui um tiuule in ftuit tho sum ullottoil hy thn ilovornmoiil of thhli mm provinni hm paid oitethinl u now oxli iulod mum bamof leading roudt- haw ikhiu uim und piwimmltil with fur onnuuh to uhmv thn gmatuilvaiilugn ofrikiilhihitistiiioltd muter ctoiwriimnut munorvulnn it lu mot rt feirablo to oomrjotu theui hwiu und tlm fjovetijiintiil wuu roipnnuhl hy thn cauntv ooattcll tlirouyh mm dupuuttlou wliloli waited upon litem ljt ufob tnnrou to a wokhui1 to ooiitlnuo iho giauu uhiii uio ptokent lwula of uovldlhg onn thlnl thn 00t up u an mjyroguto bum oipml in the p4f tfttit of tlio iiammmmi hon mr uulluriilil thu mn- r of h wa mmtfhtulud ihtfcmiul liunt hu gggiiir alv policy in rgnrtl to uooil rouil uiul lb u hoped will u ar tlio projuikah hiuoi u perhajm tho flrut county tn mio pmvluoe to tutnead tlw wliola of tho orlgtiml ullou traent or good roidw high compiimcnts to war- ucnjivnds ialit wt th wmininm man- mt mil ton wtiwlaiv kvahlnlct lath 1mu a mowt kmjovauilkb vumcmom tlio iniiiplliiinndtry imiupiet tniroil iho inouilkirh of iho county coll noil conn- ti ullhuln iindit uniuur of invltod guta lu wnnlon hyndx of antmi nt thn tfotcj molllhlioii milton nnv ftnlng ttf i it miit uiii it highly miroflwdul ut iho luiiimi unmill llmtniiiild lui dtoirthl uiih ii tiidlt to tho holelit tihof ami wan thuiiiiihl oiijood hy tho giietln ihn ton til list though ipilt u ontiiri huiukooiiii uuuwi uoll armngtul tliat it mm pniocodoil with throughout mimi u ucl bulufnwl inieraat uml tint anlliw coiuprtliy rtunnliiod until tha nluglitg of anld ijing hito couipleloil uio lurooonil liigw in iutroduoliig tha ii ru toait the king mr hyndh ovirww3il the bnuln pleauuro it nuonloil him lo hav for the giumtu of the ox oiling hia ooluutgoa of the cijiintj council wliii iiad orbed ao hai- monlounlj with hltn during tlie yr ami a unlfiticr of lib ioruuial frletida wltoti he jirlnod for tlialr long ooutlnued frlatulalilp and loyul miimrt in hia municipal ufa tlio following tout were honorad aud rohjioiulad in highly lntrwding fepcli t tlio county council a h poraur oakvlllfl i alex porter trafalgar i iiboan campuell kaawigaweya i and u c urtlth llurllngton tho llanoh anil tlie liar judge el liot sllhon army und navy uao flraut iorgotowii t ami hr ray aeloo tlie ircad j m moore ijorjrtowa h i moor acton i and it wblu ull ton education t v litlu ull too aiul i m lijb county luapaotor mercantile inuraatu w it cuol- iita ii ii uio awl murray mouonald acton county ohicial wui ltitoo coou- lycierl milton and j 1 wllwi county lund coioinialoiar tlie wardao leo hynd acton during tlie evening many word of ap- praolatloii of the alile adwlnmratuwt of iht affairs of tlie county during the year ly warden hynda were eurcd thei4au- uwnt that mr ilyoda in proparwl to eoa- tiiiue hia valualiu urviooa to hu own town ami tlie county council if tl4rd hy the auotoru waa rclwl with ganulita aatla faction hy all tlie wardene frlatulu froia acton who attends woro i hr llray counelllofa uo donald and cooper john 11 kennedy j ii mackenzie ilou hoou ami if y moore 1vumi revenue figure for tike taontb of oct oiwr jiow a ooiiaklermhu decline tltapl ta uu incraaod to nation oa iplrluandtohaa- oo canoila iu evidently urlaklog aad amoking tad alnoe tlie war hagan th ilacraaao in reenue la about 310000 a caiia authority on luweea vpaak- ing of tlie present need of tha trad point out that tlie life of a horaa in actual war wan four monmia aa kagland had 100000 horaaa awl france 200000 hotaea in active aarvloe li00000 would he re quired each year of the war tub 0tauio farmer u halng heaafltad by tlie war iroci careful couwtatlo a com intent aauiorltyeatlmateathatfarmere liave lioen getting mcenta more per buahal for wheat than they aeaurad last yaar 60 oenta more for peaa 10 to 30 caute mora for oali ami 10 oenta more for barley theae price hate enoouregad thau to fcu their turpi ua stock fraaly uradttreeta tub firaaya zurttino the vital it the truth about larmany and tha vatar- land four oanaau puuleatlona haw beau prohihltad frotn the cattadlan malla ubdar the war measure am it la made m criminal offence to circulate theee paper or to have them in puna loa they have been particularly ojfeuaiv agaiuat iroat ilritaln and the cause of the allle tut uithimiiw of tha county mutt cordially approve of roaolutlona oarrlad by tlie county council lat weak the tirat a4tahluht u county patriot lo fund the doundanta of canadian aoldlra and imperial roaervlate wilt it provided for as long an the war laata on practically the aamo ihin an tttat of the canadian patri otic fund local committee will report all dajmiuduuu entitled to uulatano and tho county will pay on their rooomuwada- ttona the haooml waa a grant of 81000 to tlio helglan relief fuiul payable on january 2nd ail ituiliiknth of cdiuula who ure not natural lied will he denied the frunchla at tho coming municipal tuectluua tliey may lio piullhoi no far aa property or rnldonooquu1iflwtiona uro concerned init will ho ilcnldl tho privilege of voting doputy returning ofllcera will lie lmruat ad tnuufliu all voteru of foreign nationality whether they ute natural iml or not all whiiaro lennauu atihtrlana or turks will iw rul tho ludlot in any caw lulling mi civil right 4 ui rltlvana ivacauao of the fact tluit thoi ura hiijmih uf uatkuia ut war with jrwl ilrltalii tlie returning omccr will rofuuo tltn ballot to all tuoh a htkomi l in ontario to monro tlie umnlolpal fran- cliiu for married womeii in ontario tlie ilvtepnlnlng of who h1im11 and who hhall not vouint munlolpol election rent will tltn irovinclul beguluturo about thirty yoara ago whluvta uml apjnaieru were gruiitd tlio franohtao but it u mill with held from inarrleil women in hrltuh coluinhlu alluirtaaiul manitoba married womon vote ut municipal eleotloni why not in ontario t wlwreln llw ilia juutloe of okiilndliig tho wifehimkl uml iiiotuelieod of our 1rovliiou froui urtlclaiuoti in mimilalpulg4iverumeiiteiioekttomiytjtheh that mi vttallv ttffecta llio itotue ami family y the couiiclta of many muiilcl luilltleu rut or the granting of thla right kailythlu year a letter waa aent out lo tho miinlolud hiireheiilatlvea of oltlea lowiin villugeumiul rural umnlelpallthw of ontario requeuing that they ehnuld paw rcaolutlntw lit favor of enlarging u exu- ting hiuululpul frunohlao mi un lo luolmlti muirlwl womuu tuic payara hevantyfour munlalvillliih ruilled u tljls aaylng that thoy woro nciwlliig mucii u remilutlan lo ute intornmfiut ttiia reconl u fair proof that if u few intaroutail men or women would gel together mu iteutlon ihelr tarloua municipal counclle id itold a refer- eudumonr thl quaation tliey would meet wltli peiuuial ituooaa more good roads desired xatltom ooubty oounall b ib icon r dputkuon to thai oovwnminl liarohn dokrowino kowkdri thn comity of llaltou uautu gooil rondi hut tlmy huveekloivilnl jaraotlcnlly nil ih money tlmy on pormlllod to imiiiow for hmoii ptirwwea umlor tlie ad which u two pr ootttj nf the haummiul a dopulutloii conhutlnic f wimlou ifyiwu uml u numlxr of llnstoa of thn lovnhlm itml village- aaltul on hon vlnhiyll mudlalrmld two ucekuttgotonnb hlu nimulotio- tliey ttaut powar to uae lit par oenu inateail of tun on roaila they oxphilrwwl ta hut mlnlnter tttat they ulrmly bud numrouu roadi tartly flnlalind but were unable to oomplole them liecdua of tle ahortage of money tlie prog rami tve in halloo nulla for the oonitruatlon of about 110 mlu of gooil roada ami v70oe0 waa rulaed for thla pur- poaeon til two par oenu lulr it will need jut aliout ttiat much more to com pute ute work at a recent meeting of tlie county oouu ell b unanlmoua taotlou wad paiwaed asking the loveromant to allow uwi county tor iiorrow up to live pr cnt oti the wwie i- ment for the purpoae of txmatiructjng good roaila they aaked for iierolailat to ralae the itaelatl mooy without troliiu to tli people mr maodalrwll uid in rply that he would have to oaaaldar the kaattev on hand he could not aay wltetber the mot amtaant would utwuruke the frmpooalhllity of ratal ug the paroantage to la bonowod ubdar the flood tlede act from two pr btol to five it might mean too keavy au outlay he waa gatly ploaaeil at the avldeece of the apwcilion ol tke value of good road which tly ahod by thjr propoaal thedepuuuoa oclodad tb followlag vvardmt kymls aetoe i km mack ueryetowa i raeve llltu ull too kaev twer trjalgar iuv tuadhaaul nat bod and kmv fotfaler oakvllla tutf ktoamtvaj ilaarf mhmttma 1tn uumlmm eaftka vet u wu rlaubadup the but rguur matting of the board of rulucauott waa held a the ceundl cham ber cat uooday evenlag of uat wook uamhera preaat i itebt boott n fla jna lb kaaaedy and jehn kan ay la the unavoidable ebeo of chalrmaii johualoae mr john it kennedy waa fiutd loprwde the cucaultta oe vlnanoe prwoiited uwr uilruittlh report aa follow i d a handeraon lamba for re ura 986 jajn bynvon duatbaue ftleaa ate ae welllugton fir luaurauoe co 3 year policy 37 00 a v euown aupplla o81 tho sacretary potem auttooajry ate j47 oor mutual ine co 1 yr nolley 900 j h ooleman aundry ripair 12 ou31 a utter from laapeetor deny waa pvaaeeted which paid the fouowlug com- plltnauu to the hoard aad bebool i oafltleuea i in preaeeunjr my report for the current taru upon the conduct of your aduuil i eobgratubite you apoa the con tinned high ataadatd of efficiency which i bajeg maintained notwluutandlng four change in the atajf at mldaummer the work of the achoel haa not been at all retarded the new membere of the ataff all fully qnallfld teacher are doing axcajlnt work and the acboola anvlable voeard of aupaeai will be repeated if not excelled thla year the addition to the school ground made uila year i aa evidence of your wladotn aud permit the better orgaruiatioa of the chlklrena play ami receatioa aleuenta which freed ao importaat a part in their puyaicel aad aataj tralnlne valthfully your j m damvka the board laurnctad the secretary to order the liet of book reeommanded by tbe inapector for teaehlng tbe moi ttaen- rweheejive courts in nature atudy the board than adjourned a oletam out oevalh ymitm ltauee qtteeaueei owe ttflpeilueej uld ola i ut atave euael oluajai uutu wav let over 1 toolcaeallbaruawlolub in ontario during the war 2 at the end of the war to aubmlt to the direct vote of the people the quetlon of whether tltv bar and club thu claead ahall remain forever cloud orberepaad the quaauoii to be uttud by a tnajohty vote a to impoae tuch roatriouoaa upon the roaldu nf the luor trasso as will tnoei effectually limit it evlli tbl la ur howell a iwopoaal of ntufulu plau to deal with the definite tjtuauen la ontario uhalug out ol the war toaoeom dlah thaae ande be baeoadredtoeoperate wltb hon mr hearat in bringlag them about ur howell went furiber and aald he now reneweil to mr iiaart tli new anmiler tlie gemuel oubr ha had made toy hie irileoawor namely to lift the tetnper- luioa question eutirolv ulujve uio realm of urty contra eray and to aettte it by united action by wl4ug out all liar and club lloeuom within the ivovlnoe and by ttnpo ing mich rutrlctlotta upoa uie reaklue a- would enectnalb limit it evlbt if tint new xmmlar did uocfnel ilka doing ull then mr howell made hia prepml to oloee all luira and ahcfw daring uie war with ao much unemnloythant aud fliuu ou dlorgauuatloa ii to provluoe aa there la today the oloalno of the bar und the aulawjueitt atop4iu of ui waat of money uml energy ur howell ooaaldar twl would be of the greateafc value in euoli a time of atrom the thhtpeaal a axcitlutf keen inlereat tbrougbout the province aud u aure to be one nf the luterettlug auhjeota of ducutelon at the pemllug haaalau of the lagbaature hom luu been deecrlbed un a life pro- carver with mohlof uie cork out of il dr morioi indln root pills cum tnauy coaajnoei niltnente whldi are vtty differ but wudi nu arte froaa the iulattmudjiay lerwfjf he eltta csoobotwiui intporuieai ttw rhtw cane tb bowefe w w atmtgtheej and etbnuli and open up t theee orgaa i the accumulated l riunndlaa4kmuvwceanlaintt iculiwy troublea lleanwbee kaaman- atlaaa andaunuar imeaita malatl dr woaeaa india ito9u2 smm doctotv voun rahhrika cun not ui ilono imy iwttor uiijuikuu ipllto ml ulmml ifoimilullv flit i pthhil right if you roqulra unj thing in thn printing llim frout n vlaltlng mid to puinj jilot lot uu itiiv ii j ouroidur ivlni xmas suggestions wo wh mkiow is a small mat of our attractive and uicful tilfu donty mamd klaua chlnw maumbotn lmitbev bihoe- tiiiurbi aulette wtad khaivlbtar rsrflimi aitedl atmlara wadaur ipe4el mrm kbutak anbue knte oameaaiai ea oe hupplu dtjbmuurar cfavka und toy moelta tutytjira atbrown uruafart wad ktatloaia mu srl acton ontirio santa clans is coming prepare for your holiday eup- plle k very thing in atoclc for early buyara new reta in curraata pmij plga nuta patea mine meat or augea lemona qrap pruit malaga qrape etc piovialon we alio carry a coupletellne ef provlaloua cooked ueata dacon 1 laddie plllala of h adtlle ciicoea kipper oy atera we carry evrrythlnk that you will and lu any aralclou grocery atone olve ua atrial order hlgbeu price paid for farm produce russells grocery mu stmt acton a v am u1m christmas gifts j why not aiv sonwlhfaia utfalan wum ortkauantal our ituk oomprlim vtimi ag tortmeut at artlcua ihftt will b eotttiaut kulikler o lb gvr for mhy ywt ttead ovr thla llitt aud wa if tbar uo aowa anlcla ibat will aolva tbat oft rvpaatm quutlou i what shall i olvat fob women 100 up 100 ms u lis up 150 up 150 250 up 175 up ms ms 800 829 up frtmcd pldunai will pocketi ittimttt stthdl nuke rockera parior tble medicine camneti fancy ttockera rattia rocker dcdraou rocken muilc ciwneti klltbta ciblnelt parlor cralr comblfmtloa book- cue and seat- tiry nr 1350 up fohmbm rockenleat her cov ered 8 00 up moituchalrt 1100 arm chain uphol stered 950 detlit s7s up fob chilpbbn rocldor chair m up doll carriage j 25 up shootly hone 115 hlfh chair 150 up klnderfarten set 225 watch our windows johnstone co aufnltum mm1 uodmlftklrta aotom oht jwrjpnnifwunvwwmwi aiauu kxxxoox0rix000000000000 the glasgow house where your money goes the farthest and does the most good at christmas time useful presents are the most appreciated i irlu abbirliscnitijis nothk ill iltellitoks in tii mututof kzt4ta of nurua wiimuii late of th vlllane of anion in tins county of ii niton i ulinruv tluoaauad iraiiaul f hulula lllat all nrxtlloaa ml i i4vii r mum hhihh til huu of ii i nl i it iii w im wl 111 o- about tin kiii im im him urn rriiulrnl tie tiditi iii j i liutlmulmurif 11111 lianit1 ky i i i r l i r mini r i a j xuehlmiuii tj iii vilkirif i ar nil hnlnllirlor klitlln jthv worl i ml iiiliua mfn ur i in an i rltf- iru tl hurr ii un i xiaiiliira nf un lm will till ikliliiiu il dm tail vi lualf rlnum an imrmii i ulilrmm mil rlaufltf inn ull lull ml himi tlialr el alula lal- ml illlnjr mr miuaiil iiih iitlur ol tin ni lndieii fum hnndkcifcliicfj glovtin neckwear drcdii goodti waifitn undcrnkirtg scnrfu boyti swcntcrti tntjueo mutt gloveti capn handkerchief tieo gentle tnenh tien gloved mitts gapr fancy socks suttponderti cndcrwear sweater coati girln toqucb iur gloves ribbons handkerchiefs clouds sweater coats babies coats bonnets hose mittens bootees shoes veils etc you will find our utock overflowing with useful acceptable pleasureriv ing present i3 a happy christmas to ah henderson co mill st acton oni 3ckxoooo0ooccxko we take this opportunity op wishing ouk friends and patrons the old old wish with real oldtime heartiness and sincerity nitty tjmtr ljrutmutf to a jfflewtt nitc anii may tft fciu u rar bring tn quit attn yniiro luppimhh new tttth tirobmrrltg afterchristmas sales will moneysa ving opportunities be d e macdonald bros qoblphs leading and largest store limited cor wyodhamaridmaejobtllstrml quelph om ltbtbbtbrj5brj ttrttfetjidsttts3tacts3tcsats3tl oh look what santa clans brought you can make this picture a reality by sending home or sending your friends a columbia grafonola aid columbia doubledisc records any one of the dealers below will gladly tsonuutttrate any gmfonola from but one at 2000 and if a real columbiato the many olher rnodel ranting in pi to w a unall initial payment place any columbia in your homo and on chruhnaa morning if you with balance can be paid at your con venience after ute holiday there is a full thousand 85c colombia doubledisc records in the columbia catalogue you can get columbia dbafonchju and becojuw prom ax dbaibrb rtalem wnll where uol now ririilwl apply lo wlioluuil dlalrlbubita m uallhllf h rmt uar wmonto ohymhio ccrlumbu records are fi made in canada miiirlirm i l i iir iiihiii an i liiiiliirlliaiiiilf lliat altar aueli laal iiiiiiiiiiixni 11 oaul 1 i xouclnia will lirouad n illuoiinilu iiih ttaula uf ilia rl i anion im fatlira aiilllli1 il ruin tiaoliitf ruanl mlv in km nlaliii 1 1 wnlnli ihav aliall lltau tava mire anmualtliaailli will liol im lalilu inrlliomll ur or any ihtrt ttiatool to hivmiiuiiiirii ua wlmta olalu not lo ahall jim iibo uaiutorln il liy liar attbe tluiatjf aueli illutrlliitlrui a 1 mltnhi llnlioimr fur 1uirllnu jam tarun ailnlbliu aloiiat worlun irwl icu i 1 liurrell i nun lirjr dajihllliuwilluyor uiiluillar ull um wintathtuiimopuna h 4t1i llnrllrtiinalnl n tonohtoon till hcli oil tuuilh wimiout a aumrlor lu canaila u rlla lor galalotiu- srxx jcravfhg lokonfu aai d aiexniven burvuya hiilhliviniona ilans re- krta douiltionu lllnoprlijlu tc irtkilntiwfjir puruiaieru and niort kukciii hntvljufor architects unil- dcru ami municipal cnuuclla drain nc uupotta itimtea etc merchants dank bldo ouklfll phoh 1064 oht school or pitman shorthand i7b qun tat wiat toronto tcupliniiessis pmlidnlc five ulti- ntcu walk from parltilalo station von can inter tlilu ncliool at tlie new vcnrfnramontusfrlebthial if you withdraw at tho end of ibe month tliiru in nntlilnp vyliatevcr o pay all trutwrllirn and equipments are now anil aioof tho latent model b r turner principal c c speight for christmas goods i silverware in irablweiriftntt varlalv also fine cutlory hardwtar tlnwara and gran haware in variety pandora slovaa and itantfas famous haatar small stovaa oil stovaa many article suitable for cliriamtas gifttt c c speight mill street acton hhiihmananaauaddddrjaahufih s 9 s zordial s gl7ristnias new ya 1 i greetings g f uibxikndkdto b g ouk many gusto- b b mfks b robt noble ltd u uiaiiiicn hhtuaw willow 31 aolon uhwuhhhuuauuddnndrjrjhaahii our slitcervst wishes lit miouit uhiomkith rim a merry christmas and happy new vear tlh ml vih 1 i urn n it ii m tin ii i ttiitln lill 111 hi till ii tu vmi till iii vmhito wsnisi i thir in iiivti mm iii 111 i v hi tv 11 mini tltl tiivn im it til tivtikrmt riinin hi riiv tin hiint him nv in kcnney bros main 81 acton

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