Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1914, p. 5

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3tta itan jfttt rfefi uiuithuu 01 ci mill it ji 101 1 right mi hi i in rhilhiiuiinl idiom i mil i our i rlii it 1 1- i i 1 ii u 1 lult lilt oullul millmhwfllu llmjiu louiu nut lit i irili tu duy lint in lltti whuluwod miiviilo an ii romforttr wc rnjf for wroj inl ling tip uur doar fit to tlio cuiimt tliitt rand our hoard tlio priiani ui rilwi thou honrtiiit au our uiorlllco luirtn hut tlm h i lit uo know mill oaikpioro ah tho min tu rihfl lo ulird oer lilt nnllnnu nil ul nm tiltttra i if 1 m i nxh ii i k 1 umiull ti1h bimdowu w ciwltaymaif coleridge nw ilh of u mo i mclioly iwvtli fn ilia miriiir mill iu tin niilninn hut lift diunrlmiiktod lukuot n lluim flu l- ft buoyant ovomucin ilia mlut u tlio muni big i tlio othor l ii iiri during oliro 1 1 i ntoriii htury plmuipit uiukanuir in mi ttoiiutul with phtuuuro until as tiiiwi piuwv iconic to rolonl liitikiimllj tlm i uw of time mid tlio hcirt ixigiiih toiiu lluill i how man tturu nlall i luliol1 unit of iluulloraai groubomn uim u tlm chrutuiuu lit hjuot uiiomi company la not or to lw on i irgwl vi ltd tlm noxor alio yearn tlti rimith dwl ullo imil dwlndla until only one nnmluu nn i tlio lmiilc t of fetia luicomca a jiltnuu font tin reader ih rouriy in clilila tlio utory urflur who can find it in liu i mart to cant a bliadou uion tlmt duy of tiapplmum und tuma in irving and imclumn und timelier ay or tlio chrutmuw of good clioer ami geuaral joy irvlngn fliriutmuu wo nro told lu liu uafc tlllpjhtful taper there in a jiaace fulnm a fretdineau a him l icily a dotruw ticity in lilu troatmont which i reatlim the vary spirit of the day it lu very chrlftt- maa that ho dcrlhc whether lu tlio battel lloolt or in hrucel rltlgo hall itlir toft idyl i id picture huudad id mia fcplrlt of chrlhtmuu uim of rugland hut what i tlio aulwtanoo of tlio picture iit vu ami otontatlon oipaiica u lavish dla piny a tolloiim and enhauitlug nndbavar to give hoiuethhig to all your oijuululene a waarluiina anticipation end a painful una pinion that umtiobndy imui ikwii omitted t thackeray daucribea d iiuio dinner at tlbimlnaa a modeut ooupla make than mlvoa ttiluirahl ami epflwl all thnlr liu numlna in order to gltu u dinner in poopta for ulioin thy i not iaro and wlto da noteaiv for idem it in u wirljui of bmwtlfkatlona and tlio younu ir nuiu uimumivom nillauiy n ibaralda and at a tamjt damatfiini oobt tliej bnou it ttr good unite occulta tliam of it ii it otbar pnopla do mj and tlioy uin nob do otliofwlita ivimt uoul i urn iruiwly uyt awful tlto lit hlt uitglt tell tlio truth afcd oay tliat tlwiy roubl not affirdlt ttlmy oaut no affonl it rimnilna ami lilu wlfo nantutt ii vo iu tlio dalie of west ml in tor ilv uoratan an tlio water tax collector but lntodil of livltijr 4ouantly a j tlisy can llvotlioy muht ntwlu irotoml to tio tltalr rlclwr iiiiiiliorh do uiwl ludlorouxly fall n tlui iiratouu ctirlfattiuut im uuulo tulwralilo to ylutnlnsoa itacmuu thoy fool hint tliey hiiut apoiul iavjiily tu i uy ilu liko tkelr tiokar iiolglliorw ttuy tluiul tjail with wanath tliat cltrlauuui ixwtwj imt oam jr it in lujoortilnu u utyurdaj a day not of doniumtic ijuuurc imt of ruiiiou rivalry in outrovouimmj u day lu lui traioiaad nit lui i tlian uoluotntx aro not tlb tiutuliimiu ugion im tliaru no raawwi in tliair dreail of clirktiaa lioutuui of tlia feordld aiul nuirociiary utatulartlt lj ulilcli it ta inaaaurwl ttte mw yowl mum tliat miom tlio folly of ituulnuu llttla dinner ami amo it cart uay tlia aluiho ami tvimiiomtti clirlit- bi it u siwmtlolly a day of liuinah food wlll t comnmuvoratnu tlio tpliu of tha brotkathood of uiao on tun not buy cluutuiaa at ilio tjiojui and u dgn of frlwidly ityuipatli ooatu lit tin if tlw an uavitfauuw of funoratu iu uuch tliat a grat aoouty in uvautud to wltlulaml it hluwkl uot ui extravajrauo at chtlaluuu oauna evy itotmat taan and wotiuin iraotloally w wotat ly rafuaiojf to yield to tlio a txavagatuoa attaxbad ly aiitlmw rtia llrat hatful iaatloh lao auffomtlou vlilcb liour ly bttir boeooiaa toot daupirau and lopo uu a auolt a cum tlia rollef afforded i y xw j 11 kalloftg u aatlima ramad mw nouuaa l- tlu tulraoiiloua iu lialp in julakty apparent ami toon tlio dreadful attack la ruaiterd tim aulimatlo wlw haa found out tlia depundalilllty of tliln atartluu iutuad will imtcr im witlmul it it la wjj eiry wlmr hwta cm i iit i tilt ait oliniktmkil oivino bxthavacuht t liiithmhfrlilri la kitrauumit wlio i it inoniin iiitnilnn in dolt you would nut couuuili tliat yiiiirl4lmi to rainatnliar yout p ut tiruhiith tlmo juulllil you in puttii if j ur laud into tlnj korkct of tln man uiiihiih unut you on tlia otroct oar an i lie i pi iik jounolf to lilu olianifo nor doaa it ckcuao you for ntihgltiif fioma iloulor to u ilt for lilu ia kiu moiitlm or o after ur fnotida liuo axiirosmail tlialr uratltudo f r jmirlu nntlful rt nienitimntea liirlutnni iihu ii ouiruviitritiit whan it rcfpiiro loo inriro u pen uiitujfij nf your incoiua ulmu it l too i ifi proportion to what a i piy far tlio ncouuultua of ufa for cliurcli uork mid oliarlty if far riantju oeforti llirutniftd uud for montlia afur ou aril fthhiplntf on your luuolieana pttlnf alaoif wltltout projwr undorwaar or ovar biioob thott yo i ar ullty ol butravagutioa on tlm otlier land it u neither antrava gant nor utimluldo to deny youtmlf oon ildemhto 1 1 order to nuiks our clirlbttiiaa ilvliirjr gaiioroub if you walk to uhool or tljaoliloa toniivo your cur faro and raail your indifiuliitvi at tlio library lofttoaul of purclianliitf tliom ut tlio nowu ftuiulu ou nliould iteltlier lie pitied nor cxumurail for avauature a llttlo uivlnup la ueroa aury to add ieh to clirlitniua fflvliiff castoria voir itdstaim mna chudnak nutirorovr30y alwaj lwarai slfnatttm 6f intr uaka only your lat tlioufthu louooa thbraro about kklo iowm in 1uliu tlu at imant bpara uio thlldnm from aunurliiu frain wonub ly ualiiff ill iter n wonn iowdam tb tuofct offocuva vartulfupti tluit can tw botwlui whlcli to ooiiilat tluwa iimldliiud fimaof tlia yonni und helplau them la nothing tlmt evdcis tldi uuratlon iui u worm doatroyar und uhan la juuiuim im edwa lnou n hi a lioutalioltl uo ntlioi will to uuod thu inalloluo uata liy ltwjf kwuriug no purgatlvo uaslt it uud uo tkarotighl tlmt imtliluir mowl u dcolrwl the cause off dyspepsia tit symptoms and tl cure tub cause ton rapid eatiii ciitliift too tuucb ufld too nfteu imprtiikrly chewing tha food ettiiijc too much titluiulttting food ujd iiltlulglrtjc in improper diet tfeaenljy thfi svmptoms variablo ippetlte rllnt and aourltuf of food heartbttrtj vrln4 1 tint ttnancbj a tttunx of weight la the atotttadi itt f ut ft fctltajf that your tamach ha kodb all wrong tuul tliat urn food you cat dot ootateiijtotmttecwitfayou tiecure- burdock blood bitters mr tf wmiamtott wbccur ont wtittr t bav been a aufferer for ycant from dyapcmla atld could tuarcely rat anythltur i tried uurdock utood tjituri and i am entirely curat t huve not been troubled ilnce x tool it rmd thnt a two yeart bffo x can now cat any tiling i wuh ii tl i la titttnufocttirtl only by the mubum co limited toronto ont it oak du do hat lutioi co mal probo crauco will aocotii plltli all tlilugu uui u finorlto uylng of an ohl miller ho mado tina raiuurh on u train una day on tlia w ay tu inurbci u lau a pooipaui ih llviduu in tho corner turned toliluicraikly and oald i noouiimi tir i chii lull jou a giat many thlngu wliitli noltluir latlouca nor iormivurui cu can uooatupluli iortuipj you can tuiu tho wllbr but i m a uovur at coma acrowi oihi thing woll lluin 111 ol jou omt will patlocu uud irbataranod ccr anubu you to carrj waur iu a uioo iaruiuly i uoul i iilu u lnou bow hiiuplj bv waiting patiently for tlia uatar to tncn moutgonory launial wat troubled wilb itrvaus proslrtlioa many people oltbougb they know of turvoua proitratioit do not know what th aytdptom ore the principal otua ao fmllttg of fright wua id crowded phuxi ii iltttd of being olotw fear of bdng u a coafitud puc a horror ol society a dread of thluga folllug from above frlsht at tavtuin od railroad trajua auu dlstutbcd aiul reitku ua- rcrttlilag aleep oititt troubled vltb lirejua mr uott lee victoria harbor out writea t am writing to kll m of the eupefiatkos i bav had with uu- boraa heart and ntrvti ih1u i waa ao uervoua i could not do my own wotk x did not want to km any one or would x uo iuty plare my uetrve wt bad for tbreo yean and tuv heart wu co bad it mado bid tremble all over i took three bojeadof your tllk ami i never waihctw thmn x am how v weigh 30 poumli uore than x ever did mllbunia iliart and nerve pill are ufc per box 1 hoxea for si 35 at all dihert or tnalled direct on rerelpc of rwico by tho t mubum co limit toroato oil bbtmlfhan fbo but man at u laodeni uoddliig la u unrvlvu of tlioas alrrlng feudal tluiw lion tlio friend of tlio hrldgraom uiuur took uu a uiecial fttor to fruuruta all uttcuiptu mado by poaalbla ami probaua rivula to curry oft tha hrlda bofora tlia wad dlngoouhl tube plaoo i hwadeii woddinga formerly wra oitminlnd under cot or of dark no on thin aioount lull bid the bfuh ullii of uu aiaiuut church in husuln aathlaiul u uollecllon of lung tuncou with mwbolu for toroliea have boun prcwrvrd ami may iwhaen by tint iirloun thou uoro mirod out to tlm uroanifctuaii on huoii oocatloiih both for defeiuw and llluiuluatluu nnlurully tbu mioiniainiii uan tlm bruvtmtund behtiminngr tho frlumlii whom tha iroam could luduoo to mtrso mm uian union ohildrori cry for fletchers casto iria a1 pat saw i r an irlwh f inner u uskud il lui ml iiny of tlio tiinimoit lui lortilior on ha turn no uori bu lupliiml to oiy notion iu h niitliiiig liliu tlia old butnyard kind noiihni man mill thooiher tlia u ixaomlu f wlmn h imiu can curry ilia fcrtlllxir for mi unio of tniul in ouu of hu wuutooat luubalw mnyluj ha will wirr roturrwil lui an loll bo itlio to flurry tho omjt in uio dllwt luukoj i iflllllllkilllf t mutliy of truhtm llwt our frlamlu niuao in ih u it uohltf iiclilootnoul tha liet adertluiotit im tlio oho tlmt brlnw wltb ewjlb tburo a ttor toll of a farmer who uhjiod toaocuro tbnwtrvlooaof u nawliiraxl in kit uud aikrd ubut im would work for hi wnu u littla doubtful ami tuloil in turn how much wlltouuy ill pay what jourt worth thu far nmr uimworwl uml im moil lately hi un on tbo icfauklvu wu naeilnt think bo ekcutimwi in tlgiiantly that i in going to worb for tlmt till attitude lu typli ul uf u grout muti young ioplu they aniwt to gt out of tha workl agraatdauil num titan they ur worth to tha world hub tlmt ta a rt mistake if you at not ittauly to work for wlutt you ara worth you had better nuko youraelf worui mora for that lu tha otdy way to get jour wiyrj rulmul ami kap tluttu raising imi aiuw twr lwu if tiaa tmtli wma only known you votihj fed tfcat over eeie half of um ilia of hi briw cauaed by allowing th bowel to gx lato cmstlpated codtuttofi wbcxt tb bowxli bconie coditipaatd tfae afaxaath xb out of order the 1w do taot work twofxtiy aad iiuta rouowa tlm violent akk bcaluwbti tbt toure of tb aoccb uicblna of wind bjt- b3rl water uaab buwiocaa atkl at feaoaval feauas that you do toot car to 6a jeaetf your bowala titular by uw mubtlrnirisaaluver mui thry ckax away all tha effete fauttw wblcb codact fc tin ayatew atad wke you think th hfai b wwtk uvltir m jjrf atasi mcklbkb waluu qrfa por avwl yera im wbud widi aattr toeath ajl uiw uaaa and did not get rlicf until x kd mlujoro lauxjvr till it bad twly tafcstt tbast two wclo wbm tny troubu wrnl ttalte oat tud x will twtondmcnd tiwtrt td ah auffcrliik aj i did uubttma lakalr thu are 2 t vul h vbd for vi 00 at ail drug aloae otdajlart or will be mailed oa rfip j prfca by the t mlibumco limited ftrtata oat in oil without alcohol hduw olu aud many laeillclncw luiva aboluj oa a prom hunt ingralunt a judlctoua tnlagluof nix auential olla ocaapom tha fauouu iv ttiooiaa jcuctrk oh ami tliera la no aloobol in it u that ita cta aro ufxlaig tba la no taamluukal oil oompouihud that oun equal thlu oil in fla prwveuli and liaallog power lf wlio nator la uulkllod can gtie utlafaction to otbaru liia ooi thing wrong with tuooay la that tbera la t anough of it lo go arouod whan lfollowa m com curo la applkd to a com or wart it lui tha rootu and the calhuity coauii out without injury to the 8wl hope lua baen dacribd a a life pre- trvar with moat of tlm cork out of it wlte bwtbara who know tha virtu of motbar ilravaa worm lteruilfiator al woye have it at liawl bacauoe it provea da valuo thaj bav oamal the careful huaband hail given hla wlfo uuae moaey to put into tha family unking fund but khe had aient lu two or ihruo daya later aba raked for toor didnt i give you wwsa wt uonday 1 lie ituiuirwj in ll well known tdaiioar uf buabarwla under ultalbur clrcuiautanooa vea but 1 absot it rwiit it i thought you bad laid t away for a rainy day v i did houry jieualuj auaetly i luhigbt a iralncoat un uiahrelle and a pair of rubber with lu mhavi reukte my dog took rjrfct prbui ut tlio cat i how hovi uoatluitr ifo took uio cat i as tlie result ivtatc 10nciial mmle tit w t altetb halibut nil wrlteji t fed that t would be doing you had your greet remedy xv wood norway who tiyrop a groaa lajiatw if x did not write euid let you know the wonderful reanlts tbat i have obtalood fntt lb urt xjut aprltig i buppeoed to contract at cold of courae thia la a ooounou oe- curcoor mad t did not take any verticil- bur uotlob ol it at tho time however it did not hrrak up o quickly cold kenemlly dhl wilb we ao alter two wetlo and no huu of ittiprovenient t bgau tr get ulnrtned and went to my local phyalclaii who inrorturd too that x had contracted uvcm htonchutl trouble u muilt of ikghrctlttg my in4j ha pit- icrlhed unmr huhlldtlc for toe wblcsl v took for ubotit tw wocku witbout auv igtt of improvement i was getuutc pretty toucn diwouraged by thett but one dey a friend happened to be in to whom i wai relatlrtif my trouble and bo advjid mo to try dr wominorway pine syrup myltm that ha bad ctaload very beaeficlaf retulti from it ute to a almlur case x took hi adtrlce and procured aeveral bottles fnwu tny drug gut alter taking it oeeordltta to dlrec tlotu for uuout two day x noticed a deeded improvement nod from that day on x uean to get iwtttr aad in ten daya fwai la my iieual biollh x coo oder utb on eitotllent thowltuf for your mnedy amd can blxbly kcocnitietml it to unyottci oilllcttsd du i wai 1 thai always castoria gor infanta and ohudron mothers know that genuine castoiia always bears the sigiiak of in use for over etataot cmpf mi wratfmr thirty years castoria va4m htlilvmw gift problem solver can you think of a better chrmtmae prerent for your friends than a years subscription to the acton fhuu prusq it is really 52 christmih presents in one it is a constant reminrfer of your fnendnhip for a whole yeir to the person to whom you have it sent the fruu pitusn is nn appropriate christmas present for your friends or jour employes it gives the home news in attractive form to mubu your gilt i be moru effactiv and valuable the kai a iakua will announce your alft to the recipient or rwclnlotita by mcauaof a card wblcb will bo mailed lo ruacb ita daallaatloti oil ctirulmaa dav the card will carry the following niaauage l ar matthews photo mill stmt acton there should be music in every home on christmas morning will iboro i im a viilnr or i vktrnlu i liiyoitrtionii tliiu lltrihl tnnh j lll lui icnttli ovur tbu wholu i tbi world uud not find 11 gift mint w l uouhmly uud no 1 1 r ftllty tiring nil tlm mimic f tlm world in viirj inu victrota iviz000 hfmlly new rccorda for december ifli4 two uauutitul old ohhulmmu hymn while slupliurd wtu hn flhrlnhimr flymti hymn 1y i4ial lrtirr from undl vittir orutoriocliorua j it ciuuu ilium ilia midnight u nr k firktmnn hymiu f stara vviiilti vltfir ornti rio f lionm voui uihar aud country want you luaued by ri piut of sir 1 f0m1 r kcmti a ting 1rommr sung by mi kg flu it labor and ianuol iioii ami flor by lyric junrtetto fmowooa rof two baloeuonw i thc grand trunk railway i ia amhtikti tnaima ti mil ul 1 m ilm ilu v ut wliloli tmava autumn millinery opening a t brown dustbane swoops carpets and floors without dust save hours of hard work no dusting to do is made in canada under canadian patents it ainajg for oaaihy la swtplog compounj some grocers for the sake ol a few cents extra profit mav offer you the just as good kind dont ask or a tin of sweeping com pound say dustbane i- ollow printed dirvctuuia oh each ilo and get rcaultu duatbatia fa a disinfectant and ul kuur iockad lo barrii andkagaforatoreandachoo ue order a tin today the merchants bank of canada thrift h iikihij loaenbed as eco nomical minaicmint a shrewd business man is spoken of ao thrilty be cause he saves ferhips only a dollar at a time- perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a maclean manager ghuhalmalalhvwhmhmifalhhalbiw holeproof hosiery 2 b m s for christmas uiitb baudaomely lioued ready for q mallltig montha guarantee nn s pair either udlee or gentle 5 s menuallk hole btiil 6 mntitba uunranteo on ladlee and muim m m cuahtuare una oat your luppllea now p wbc niecrwlsaubamlaomuly boxed a very teclul lluu 2 b just to itaud e e 1 hc nuckwbar lieautllully lkod and very cholcu j s ffoodi ekclulvenattertiaand ntyka s s lttnkcktikinlinlivliluajbokm the beat ami moht w b ukclualve id the trodu fl r k nelson 2 mereuiut vatlof m man- ruuhe wvtuibium ettet 2 oukliph ont b nyorkia hie in a good word for it whenever the opportunity ottere itwir cwhiro dr wood norway trop from any dnitt or dealer pilots 25e and 60c the krnulne la zs8sbtijz3 v actons electric choppi3stq mill open every day thu fiwiriti fnrmerh choppiim mill is now open ovry dy no lonu wnmor disnppointtnents choppin4 and rolling both satisfactorily done mioa wloiiknob hunitav dm liclil lilr i nil mlllluury owning in iter nuu jtinrttrj 011 muin htrcut om 1c1nni sioui niuttly occupied by swiilltlinnilrh mti cory and lu randy with u lull lint- of tbu latust btyua in millinery fur i mlio mjimg aud fliild- vii cirljul tnvjtution li ult wg nobles flour and feed store brart shorts mixd chop oat chop gluten meal molassine robert noble ltd- willow st ackm ont laimhuaandndaaaaadciaiaiatbrarbi rockwood chopping mills n all chopping will be g done spltdily and well s on phtes or stones n n 3 flour oatmeal n bran short s the best at lowest ii prices s habbis ry co umlu j 5 dockwoot ohv uuuuuhuaoaoodnanododh kct0n iji 5tter jl and bus liki having purchased the llery huilneua and goodwill el the estate of the late jdu wllllaau i respectfully anlicit the patmn- agu of ili publc comfortable ngu will alwuiu be supplied at reawnabla cbargeo for tho pre writ if oearge hall who tiaa hail the menage ment of the stable the neat yer will continue iii charge lie will elwtualw found courteoua and obliging buel mbskt au vmainat ambrose mccann mill st acton oat boots shoes bttbbeks p j innn aaou 11 n 1 jui aaadod b f c aldwellr acton ont proprietor warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsehide will never be found becauae the beat is uaed for storeys gbves and gauntlets and yet the akin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring atttm extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and the beat working gloves on the sold at all tore insist on storeys all lines of footwear tut right prices all mens rubbers at ej bargain prices annannaaaaananannnannann o w wixliams mill sinii arton mm u vimmtf patents am3x7 keep the wheels turning buy madeincanada goods ssstjglb

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