Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1914, p. 4

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ffibe cton jtree hfiteaa lost in catacombs a nixaom ron iiiu rxirii thukiway ukctimiikit 31 10u a hbw vkah0 motto ktiw vanrm dy haw couip njiiiln tills u thn lay you know wlwn rwmlulloiih fill tlto air ab tlilou a lldliau at tiiinu i ulbtml it omr with my futhur to dity and tin numrtifelu iliin lly which li tlilttku 1 cttit mim my fnulth lly tlta hum i nut u muii i hhi not to try tlimin ult at oner hut talis tbetn one ly 6ut no tnattar if it imiim tt yur ona fault to otarooma 1 l illation wm ths won i think lio uaad to day if uy it la my ur4twl tliat i mul not tleutj to root it out ha now you sm yo ruuio u new ertra vast m i cltamurlaln at old uojrro iiuir vloioru ttuw who ui thn only liiitlnt in thn vicinity id- miiju hicil tip foi iiihowii fullli mtd man iouil ullll ii kuiutu for it itltlioiiult m uuu iiimulo l riml it until this uua lh may lift hit dill llomt k n kin fond nnu unlnt j o 1 vi wall jo i i u llihlo imlitt tlkatv amd hum to tha editor i i aunpom soma of jour madam think mo axtratao or ut douuc my aawirliona fit m advlaa such to ptirchaut a lit t id book whloh tlty can got any itoauktore far twenty flv onl it a nitlil- hy- ttuti foyyouhg 1ooiito hy knluht u iwoowr intjurt uiilvaralty klnalon and rcaimivd6d ty tlto mlttuur of kdit- catloo fn it will im found much useful fnfcrjriatlon for young rind old tluitil thn praurvstlonof haalth ths care of tlto ayeu kan laath and akin sto if rd mwl ap- pllsd it u worth many tlmaj it price heam turn to pafg 177 alcohol ami animal- thara you will rad a vary in- uung oocount of how i ifodtra of clark uitlvarlty woroswlar llano ought to find out whalhar tha tnotlsrato um of alooltol l harmful or not ha took two puppl whloh ha callad tfptyand hum and itagati mixing a illtu aloohol wltli thair food two otlr ip tua of tha udm u which im callod top ay and nljf war trud in vry way th haiua u tha olh4 only utat tltay wara glirvtl m aloohot var llta hmt olx montha thr all ataail to trow atlka hut tltoaa to which tha aloohol waa iv waranot iat- lymutlvanor oo atrontr ami tltay wra wwih taora halda to fclcli hy tha aid al a pailotttalar atlfhad to tlialr collajii br ilodjfa found out that for atary 10d yattfa that nljr wt kluu wnt only 71 aod forarry 100 yarj tlut topy want tlpy want only ft7 in fot ttia drlnham wara always uiy and wara not utd to lovpup tla runulaff to loajf tly am hum wara auo iiuwa tlwll aiul narvoua uuui hljjf awl tojmy in hhati thh to aarf iwhavatl in awuctly tlw utiva way as drlkara vim work in wltf factorial or tallla vttnpuiycni tall u that tmnkam iua wueli uiora tlina tlun noodrlnkac abd tlt thsy cannot work aa hunt or a lottf whan uti tlo0 wara two aru nu a duvua hroha out aumi tlrf do of tla utwriajtj tlw four took il topy an1 lrf tha dotf uat had uo alooltol lj it vry lightly aaj trvcovsrad ylpy ami b4oi lha doa a that had tha alobhol touh it vy wvjly atwl dud thla aoaonla with lha aa6t of aloohol 64 tan and wooom it waakaaa tha dli tela hula orkaauma that ilafaud ua amlnnt lha feato of d atul u iuur u uk luua to hava dlta atwl to lava it too twvaialy haparlmata ooadwataj id fut- kmit siisoja hy glvlajf a oariala nuulnr f pupju a inll qtuauty of hoar or win ad aaulnji thaaa to work at a tlullaj taalt wub thoaa wka did uot haa any lnr or whia bhowsd lht vwl la u4u quadtltua boar aaj wlti tla1 tha uaatal pow- a bed if j akkitv u il u upa ullbva worut lowdv ara aipula la thimnlwa ttay sot only tlrlva wsnu daaa tha aylwd but palr tha uua4 thai woitiu oaiua anj to lavlgarata lha 6oututiaa that it tpajlly mwi frdai lha dujurt ef tha dltloa that ara tha it of tha woa of thaa paraaiho intntd r thay do thalr woab thorojfthly and atnoth aaj aooadrtttid fdllaw ihjr lua vnrlllnit auivimtur at m karfa imx 1o0lral idplorrr ini plilllppnrd u tunlti tturun in k l linapltal uho durina hla par till iii 0 tl ih iii i xflnlflllm mltllltott f koo lbv bud rocdittly a mnat ttnuuua and iryltiir nxporlinico ut bui u fittibliik to oxplorft tha iarla lulurnmha nml uonlnv aonu worktnnn mpioyod in uh nxcavatlou wblrb romliiiinlcattiit with itinm tir laf liltnaair down with u rop to o depth of almut 10 foot trtutltw la 11 billed tapnir which bo nrrhil wllb him bo blurted through tha nniltir- arcund kallorhia marklnir tho pa- ro bor nti tboro with wlilt chulk no an lo and iiih way liark ifp ixnmliind tho vault and i ho atonna and bocamn ho ahuorbil it bin olthorvutloiia that ho loat hi way when bo whtlitd to roturn ii m la- look tho pnuuaitoo ho ruahnd hith er and thlthor tryln to dlacovor thi marka but ho found that pravloui vlultora hail aluo tnnrkod tho alonai and thla conftuod him finally bin i ik lit want out and hi boramo doaporutn ha burnt hlf fhikra with tho and of tbo tapar v tryhiff to kiip it ullrht and what it wnt out ho bat flro to uowapapat coutba and told do not call for which ho carried wltb him ho nnxl mlnuta ndtal of aymptooia a thay um ipirnt tli i htrlnua of hla apron and well known to evtryotw tat tllshuief ud up all hla mathjf htlll h i am uot ao wall know all tha tooat railed to dlacovat tho okk kouri i ctrlou fctfectlott of tho throat tha lunrt thon iiokhl in vain attowpta to reacb knd tho bronchial tub ajw fa tha be- tho llcht thny woro houra ol tjimlrij- but cough and tolda an ku li who ii bo racallttd tho tar- msy popla whan tltay ceafaract rora of injnora loat lit tho depth ol a alight cold do not pay any aheittiott u pit and bflsaitt tblnk that hli to if tfalnbht perfcapa that it wul gilletts lye eats dirt w rend imuii dnlni iu llnjitlh hnlut yo i well jtlu nnr read unit dijni da mafmlimv did jo you should be afraid of c01qh or cold ohildreu ory fob rletcmess castor a po away id a day or two the upoho la that befora thay kuow it it taa wtued oct thh- lunc too much itnw cannot b uld ou tha fact that oa th flrrt fthni of cotiht oc oold it miirt bo gotten rid el imtaadufaly jt follura to do thla may cauao ycaia off buffering frocd acrloua luo trodbla ml woofcvs nokway pinc tymup will cur tha couab or cold kadi pro m pnvcatatlvtf front all throat mod latu trouble kueb u broiichld pcmtuuoahi and ovaminibtlotl klra d jt- ruca brtchtoov oat wrltwa i ant ratg you txty ttmtu uooy of yam- dr wooda norway mm oyrup tculnjf you what it did for toy imta trht tha doctor bod ivxi bc up u ah waa a wa thought kojua into a cwdhm with tho cough aba had x waa told bya lady friend to trydr wooda or- hoalt nearly a wlla awaj i jilltf frtw wharo h bad autard lha ta rtdfcj mmb- ot wooda norway h twun u th boat ttirt for cougha and edlda it b put u id a wllow wrappar thr ptn treci tha trada uaikj tha plc 3kc bd fiocj bumulfoctund odly by tha t uuwt co uoilud torootd oat art hour bad coma h would di of liungor and tblrat and bocotna prrhana a raving maulao at thla point tbo gftologkal v ploror raacbad abaft that appar- ontly lad upward and cllmbod tt thn top with dmipo ration only to find him aa if under th caatlron lid nf drain ho know ho waa eloio lo thi i aurfaca of tbo a treat and ahauth blmaalf boaraa without balnv heard finally t daaeandad again to thi bottom of tha abaft and feropod about in pitch darknaaa for aavaral ulnutai mora at laat ha came to awothai baft through which be aaw thi light but it waa too narrow tocllub ufa aboutod aa loud aa ha could foi quartar of an hour and waa finally haard by aoma workmou who lot ropa down to blot gad pulld bin up ho had boon in tbo catacomb from 9 atd to lto p u ho eami out in tha courtyard of tha v wo wolfed tbfl futew juat ait tba fttully waa about to all down to tho avatrioit mnal tba nitau- ur unaxpactadly droppi lu and vu aakd to jo la thau whan tha maid mt tb ubla thr kodturuad thplataa bottom ilda up wrlttau on tba bottom waa tha uauio of tba manufacture tba ml b la tar waa oakad to aay fenua and d h did aa ho rwvmutly bowd hla baad ab6 fau plata whaa h had hnuhd tha ihtu ttayaarold daugbtar or tba buaa plckad up bar plata look ad at th uanuraeturara name cloaaly and aald papa it doaant oay that oa uy plati ilia kloutb kaai a cartala town couueil aftsr s bro tract ad alttlug waa dairoua of od- lourulng for luucbaon tba pr- poaltlou was oppod by tb mayor who thou b t that if bla fallow couu clllira fait tha atlmulua of bum tba dl patch of bualnu would hi coualdarably facllltatad at loat an lilltarata maatbr of up and avclaltued i ham aatoulabod i hai aurprbv d i bam 4iaafd lir uayar tvat you will not it ua go to lunch ita burpruad oxeulmad eua of bla collaaguaa that a gantuknaa who hu got ao uueh bam ib hb uadtb wibu any luucb at alll iloodott qloba tbo holy y uadlua tba holy city trlurapbod long oxo ovar all tha rival in var laua paru of tba woid which bora tha uui name which maaoa alwply city noubla auoajf tham wr tba old capital of halt and uedlna huoala in spain the arabtau elty waa origlngliy known oa vathrlb but ewm its latar uiua kluadlna tha elty o- uadluat ilaaul alub tb lty of tba spoatla of dod to tha koraa to a good uohammedau thara la only oua elty wltb a big 0 a cure fur tllwutaiatuai a ulnful atwl piruuht tana of ihubullmi la caud by iiiiluiritua in tha ijood unmii of tufwrt ivo ucthu of tha iur ami kldwyu tba hlool bcooitua talnu1 hy lh lauduothbi of urlo uu whloli cau a uuoh pain a tlta ilmum ami id lha johtu wrtoalma x4fvtaua 1411 n kuown lo h twitad nuity rsoioikabu outa amj tbatr ua la btrottjtly r a uui of thaco will eodvinoa afayoita of thalr v jki tha euaa tahhuloth catdma tha aarly krm apol taara of joy am inlaw flow fioot tha um tank oj know vary vail that lha vcuaa you ottmt oiuh wouldat aatlafy you a ufa and aura ijlcjtta for a child lroouad with woma u uctw tlrvj woru uuurufnalor 0u caa twvor boy a ttlufotory bfaod of popalarlty at out rata hhahoial syrrtimijslmov lira barroua waa worrlad lhat fact was edaut to bar huliaml althougb tha triad vary hatd to malntaju bar usual abaarftil uaanar hut bafol tha avnlnflf wasovar aha impartad to httu tha ciuaa of bar asuliy will olid aha i atn vary uiuoh afraid that uy hank la in a had way lfow fooluh uulkal loot let that aauaa you a bwwuaula worry why its tom of tha fctroojrafct hoattoul iniriltulloua a uu tuta what evar got that ida into your baad t wall ita very atroupt ropllad mm bakowi atlll uaooovhtc tboyna joat ratumod a oheok of ulna for 040 taarkad kovunda acattalnly aaa of tho wou tjuirrvc atbkalhuflta wlult llth la hir in coated tonffuo bhtrr tame in ftia wouth nauwa dluincba throe coatblos to nuko ufa o bunion tbo raumlaadhvurdcrcd llicr tlw cure r moroa indian loot ilut thty fcrt atrahiht to the root of tho u0uhr put the livar right clcanto tha sioni- oxb and bowcla clear the tonriw ami takeaway the bitter tatto from thf mouth- at the fint sluit of tt ioih btmuke df morsois indluu root pills uthav l punch what it that jorca in an lulvartlnamout that niakem you lmy tlto llilngr uilvcrllmjl t what it ft that enublah one man to o1oo two or thrau ordatv whlla tt other follow fnc oloalng any v we call it fmirtoh in u frenaml wy but wbut u punoh v snub la vliu vlullvod it i vlor with volta ttahltul lb it la pepper coup tad to pujt it la towr wraanallty turalfetanay ami putf welly dono up in tlto aawapaokatfo it la knowing onoajh jirtl too mubh it la ulbltur anoujli not too much i it la tha twrrect aliduk uji of m tutuutlnn it la knowing what to do wltlt a olttui- tlon when once iil upy it u knowing when to pull the nnlor uaiik it a the nljiity to t out nf u titht puoa with the onler it u dominating the intarvlew anil com- luf away with the oliook t prtotih la the child of atohllloti uitd h tatbar of aaootaa paueh la jut ualu otory day i aaew with hick hi it tomniy told sihoolmaatu now i want all th ehltdran to look at torn toy a hands sad obsawe how eloaa they are and mi llf all of you cabtjot eoua to mbool with cloauer hands towwy perhaps will tell ua bow h heaps them so nice tommy vasiu ha makes bit wab he breakfast dishes ovary tderuluii krdiii klsitj vo that dllly while being reprimanded by bis teacher for some misdemeanor sat down leaving bor standing flho renilndad blai that uo gaetle- ttiaa should seat btroaolf while be lady wltb whom ho was converting ramalns ataudlntf llut thla is a lecture replied dllly and i am tho audience putters ivcllttjge what did father uy algy wheu you asked hlui for ray hsudt ob be said yov anything morol br flood lorji it boiiae flreat ability has that prima donna any intel- actual accomplishments in addltlau to vocal viii vib ropllod tho luatiagar when it comoa to salary shes a lightning rnlculator war n uhtl horses tho can ad tan government has de lared war on u herd or wild hones which his torrorlnei western al harts suffered with lame back oah ma unltuw v th m wbta the bock becomes lame and abuts to ache it la tba sun alga of uddey trouble dosas kidney puls cure the aching- back by curhtg tba ochiug kldueys be ntatb lor it u really the kidneys atbmg mod not tba baxk thla is why doaua cures are budjtu the medicine cures tha actual cauae w tbo diaeaaev tho kldrfcy mr j y ayutt booth oahawo dot writcai k have much pleoaure in twywnrttfrtdhut doana kidney pllt laat aunnter i suffered with a lama back sometime x could hardly straighten up for the pain i read about doanv kidney mia and decided to give them a tricl i can truthfully say that the ecoad box cured mc can rccommeud tbttri to all as a aptisdy cure to all suffcr- but with backache doana kidney i41u are 80c per box 9 itoxes lor v1 1 at nil dialers or tnalled direct on rcuirtt of prlw by the t mllhurtt co limited toronto ont when ordering- direct apoclfy doana twajauttaywaattmiii twlwbrsifsmaautlatallaa uuhtrita lasaur ihlla suuuiabj tba ilugxub uvr cuau tbacoabed todgua weeteta the obdoauhk breatk cieoa swmy oil waace sad polotmou btatttr freed tkai byabtcnv pnt as wu as t all cocasdalab uiahig from uret wbldb bs beeoati uiacti caaatjpatloa tick besdarbs bluou beadacbe iatmdkw hcaxtbum wataa brook catarrb of tbs atomak ate all cordd frocd a dieardttad urf air vkbv d ucntuw sattdstoa altawrifassl t tbougbt i mhdd writa add bell you of my ckpcrune wick uubdma laxavxlvtf snfii u 1 ua trattw taaajad wltb tba rculta x ra- cwd by tdhg tbeat v was tronbbd with akk haadacba for a lo- tioaa add would iprt ao bleapy right aito j aha my that veoold uot do aoy wok a frkdd of kama freed toronto vilud wa lart adttuaca aad ba ukd tua to try uubuniv taxli mia its told ma they bad dooa hki ao tuucbi ajood foa m 4jr- i tuad acverol vk attd t fonad they did me so mud aood tbat x ea hmmmttia tbefai to aay oeie aufl bur from utt trouble utubttfos uuuwf m w aufei vkl ft vuhfor 1 tw at ao dcada m- maiipd dlract ou tecalot f prloa by tba t uubairn co untltad kvodbx oot common anoa la anythltujr but ooumoti tito works of the meet high aw hi uat wards a watts womt eoeoilaa are hla fool friends no man u oo ituay that be haaat tlma to make a tew enemies no uordelta a uukleo effort doea not always lead lo matrimony patriotunt ami polities travel hand in imml only once in a while castor i a voir bfaat and cwldrtfl tn 0 ffrovr 38ymm always baata blgnatom of gz tub uokchdktiyhihllkil wull htreet journul t thow ulip lie- opttlr on uooouut of tlta decllno of rellslett niluht hu pleuitad to itour tlut the bible la still tho uoridm luwt miter in its uiiuuul rotot tba now voik itlhle hoolety tellu uh tbut it dlntrlluited h2autl volumes of the horlnturas in forty wven lansuajfait during tlto put yoar in tlta hut tbrua yeura 33000 ulldea hua lean dlatriltuted to 1h jtti york total illtf itotul la a chrotile illmaba with uiuiiy uuui who wears u anud hat ohsuch a headache haariyavevyeu us k trlatlag 1 1 1 ibtfcaaaaliaa aatkmo t ci tutl hraa th aoal mia ti bamba hotia a tfcay thit lha jtazul vj wlakai alaruaaukuetvrbyiaallrrmm c moaldaf c ta chamberlains iustablets a northwest vzjtllm hhrrw murphy of sfooeomln uaa iwen uf years in office ono or the veteran omelals of tba northwest ur a u uurpfay tba aharlff of mooaomln reeeuuy com pleted a quavtar of a century in of uee ha was appointed sheriff for the judlalal dutrlot or eastern ammiuu bofs by air john- a macdonalda gov ernment in 1sh9 just one year after the old nerumeat council bocsmo da- futct and tbo territories wore graut- adji lailalatlvo auambly ur mur phy is a native of ontario aud pre vious to bis appolntmont bo had car ried ou business a quappello dur ing the rebellion tf 188k be held a very responslblo position as ono of th beads of tho trrusport division of cet middlemans army ho kept a diary durlnir tho operatlotis wnlcb will uo doubt bo embodied soma day i tha archives of the province for tba benefit of poatorlty tha dlatrlct or eastern aaslotbola was as big as a kingdom it oxtsud- ed front ho international boundary on tho south to tbd unorganised tor- rltory of athabasca on tbo north aud as a matter of fact if uot of theory as far north as tho north iolo rrotn cast to west it ran from thn manitoba boundary to qu- appelle this was tho judicial ballt wick or mr justice afurwards chief justlco wotmoro aud it is uot too much to say that kasuru atrial hola lu us crudo formatlvo days was under a dabt of gratitude to tho good fortune which gavo us people a fasrleas and masterful judge and au honsat capable sberltf many lout journeys in all kinds of weather ever excrable trails or no trails at all have tha judge aud sheriff tak- eu together in tbo old buekboard days wheu the c p ii ruuulug east aud wat was tbo only strak of rust id laataru asaiulhols kvoiu york- ton lu tbs north to tho lb tarnations boundary country in tba south judga bar aad hrlf mads their way aero tba plains boldtnir court in littla arrlcultural balls and aomdumaa la school bauoaa as the ease ubjbt be lualdat judicial trips of tbla nature tbara war extradition journeys brluglagt back pruouars from tba qutaj aad the many other aetivl tlaa davolvlug- ou tba abarttf of a uaw aud auormods stretch of country to tell the tola of mr o tt murphys career in tbs west would be to prac tical ly tell tbo fasclnatlas story el the growth of saskatchewan from ita earl laat days aa a political oommua- lly saturday night ektdltf tlta upd kawlt now that tha spoultbt baa beta turned ou calgary many and dlra ara tie atorlas balag told ef lost op- portuultlas aad lucky holdings of oil stocks lu that elty hare la ens that is remarkable ecougb aad yt baa e plausible ring to ii tba chautfaur of a eertsln geatj4 mau la calgary bad maay tlms put his employer to expense and lacou- vaaleboa by bis speed lug propensi ties he had bean up bfora tba magistrate mora times than waa healthy for btm aad flaally ba waa caught excaedlua tha speed limit on tba mala street suuraoaet and fined fifty dollars and coats or slaty days ha appealed to bla employer to estrl- eata him as ba had uot tha fuuds to satisfy tba bus tb- employer refus ed the offence bed baen commuted too ofua the chauffeur ottered as aeeurlty some ell stack which ba bald supposed to ba worth some forty odd dollars hu employer sold no posl- tlvaly mud tba man went to jail wbea tba auty days had elapsed and aud ha was free bla forty dollars worth of stock bad increased in vslua to something ilka seventyfive thou sand dollar tbs hrst tiling ba did waa to buy au automobile a good one aud apaad down tbo main street at about fifty miles an hour ha fully expected to ba caught and sued but nothing bappauod its true that luek invariably arrives lu buncoes wolves overrun lleufrew that wolvea are overrunning ren frew county and destroying tha farmers sheep in thnt district a tba word received by tho government at ottawa which la asked to take sous steps by tha otforiog of a bounty or some other means to stop tbo depra datlous aud estermltiato tbo maraud ers it la atatod that during tbs mouth or may alone 7k aheap were destroyed in tba county by the wolves which aro supposed lo tmve wandered down from the vlclolly uf alftanaulu park large numbers of dear have also been destroyed lu tba same meaner farmers it is as id buve stopped raulny aheap la lha dlatrlct as i re sult of tba inroads or tbo wolves thay have uot bean bothered wltb them for thirty yenri aud their prua- sues baa only commenced to be no ticed during the past three years the present bounty is small oupaclul- ly it la stated as tho bldu la reckon ed by the ontario oovoromont canada niv iwprvwittcd in pursuance or tho arrangement oeiwean sir tloorgo koalcr alinlstur or trade aud commerce aud hlr kd- ward oroy urltub lorelan minister made in 1013 the hirltlsb consulate at tba foliowlubt place will new an swer luuulrlea and give lurormatloa to canadians wishing to consult them on trade mattare xmsate ant werp uahu ills do jauletts valpar aiso harblu oblua uooou colum bia quito ecuador alexandria kgypttaenoa milan mlo city auaterdam colon and iduama li ma lisbon moscow bt petarabuyg vladivoatoek barcelona madrid stockholm deneve constant i uople atdyrua moatavldec aad c slightly harcaahtr au irishman waa showing aa kdg luh maud round moatraal how many people are there her pet queried tba x gllsbmaa ob about a hundred thousand aald tba irishman why i thought there are over half a mlllodt well aald rah there are i you count tba french nedlai courier wart on tbo hands is a dlatinment that troubles many ladles holhtwayv corti cure will remove the hleuubea with out pain a wobuiit huant much uw fur man whom tiif cent teach to its jealous klaaas poak louder than words o cr tho telephone fortunes in songs tbt mtwklti hlnl mdf aulwmltmhi ftr kumlahrrs tho dcuth r uliplmtt aduiuu in lirlvwto llf mlchaol muyhrlrk umi- poaor of surh worldfaiuous hullud aongs as a warrior hold nbihj feo the mldahlpmlto 1ho hlul uf ilolhlohoni tlio holy city thoy all ivo jack and thorn romlude ona that unllkn many tuhi r composers of popular sonus who have usually sold tholr rompoaltlono outright instead of oa tho rnyulty ltasla he must bavo mudo u hood luiii from his mualn it is trun that ba sold a warrloi hold for a dollar a song that pro riuced royalties for its lucky purchas or thitt ion into four figures and lie also offered nancy lute to a pub usher for 100 this bowovor wui refused but after hearing qtoplioi adams sing it at at james hall the publisher offered ifioo this time tbs composer refused slid the so nit which the publisher might lisvo had or sioo ultimately cost him sovcrat thousands in royalties llut it is doubtful if maybrlek ro colved as much for auy or his songi as tbo 9200000 which tbo universal ly popular qun or my heart oarnod for its compoeor hlr arthur hulllvaii drew 60000 in royalties from the loat chord while in old madrid rewarded composer and publisher to tha tuns of 76000 my protty jane is said to bavo yielded a rove- hue or 10000 a lino and vnn uftoi many years or popularity somo old favorite songs are wortl a euhetatt tlal sum for not ionic apo tho copy right of for all klernlty wss sold for 11000 for all klernlty was rofusnd by novum i publ niters tteforo a wall known firm u if rood to midortako tc puhllili it whllo all that tho com podor of llston to llio mocklttp jllrd hy which tho puhllshors an said to havo resided 3000000 ro- coived for tho song wis 36 allco whero art thotit was of fcrcd to ncvnrl publfstlors fot 92c and declined with thauks whll kutliluoti mavournoen una uctunlly partud with for thla abnurd sunt wiic ran atlmato the golden hnrvinl that boo bcon rrapfd from ltnii twe conit which won wide popularity and undying famr and tho samu nil it lit bo said of hallos rxqulrilo corm into tlu gardui maud sold lv lb com pout r fr jj0 and of iili hoys chuor sold by henri itutncl for 16 firsts flclontlats long have wllavcd that he grass which was oaten tj nebuchadhetssr to cum tbo moloil that for several years thmatnnod ot ebseurod bla reatou was what mod rn epicures esteem under tho uomi of asparagus asparauus is apiiotl- log as wall as othorwlin sultnd lc the alimentary requirements of man there la a bailor that the gralnr upon which man loans aa the staff ol life originally were developed from grasses inteimstlng speculation li ludulgad in as to whether h meal should become unavailable man could extract nourishment from tht sources that suttee for the borblvor cue creatures which find in gnui thslr favorite diet vbmttrwabhi iatrut a lawyer who makes a ipeelalty of pateut cases was once engaged in a case before a country justice who are you anyway f demanded the justice well replied the lawyer im aa attorney wraps you are but i never hoard one talk like you do what klod or a eae are yout im a patent attorney the magistrate rubbed hla chin in tbeugbu wall all ive got to eay it h said slowly that whan lbs pa tent expiree i dont believe yeu eau ever get it renewed again tow moth he rrfceught about her they wre ea their way to the theatre and aba was traraaadoualy happy aba felt that the words she longed to bear would ba spoken that eight aad the idea made bar almost dlury wllb delight mr qampaoa aha said stftly why do you wesr that bit of string upon your auger ob replied mr sampson tak ing it off that was to remind ma ef uy engagement wltb you tonight it wasut much but it was enough to take away the delightful duslnesj loudon chronicle halaawe hwwd here air aald f he anuaua deal er displaying a bugs sword to a clericallooking collector tver see anything more interesting than that thats ualsams sword hut my good man that cannot be aald tbo dominie balaam never bad a sword hu only wished for ono quite right sir said the dealer tbla is the oue he wished fori ho it itoee aa irishman waa asked bow many legs a horse has kslght he re plied one at each corner aad two ea each sldu dont you think that a foolish aa- swrt ho was asked the irishman replied wltb wisdom wlion he said a fool question da sews n fool answer i jiudou an swers ite tfatce the housekeeper who bakes plea and then puts them in rows on tho elielf or in the pantry for future use should uot uso a tin pla plata no mutter bow clean tha plate baa been bcmred before using the tin will ba llktdy to rust and there will be rust spots on the pla itself instead use oajrtbeaware pie plates ttadly wanted there la a man la a midland town whose name la hurst it is a mis fortune that would uat have attract ed muchoattentlon if be bad not call ed hla two children anna may aud kmest will london mall wis all bwi wlllleurtioille imi eiioitmett wfatt uk imut doc not us lb wodc prttmuty nut tlu uetw utum ututniiix tba wtol yttm buonu wuk uul nm town mid tuib buuahu op tufort yi cm fed at brio mubuni lfeut ud ktm wll vtu do till fo you na write jort lew unm to k r a mubam ibut ud kvo mill kw duo for at 1 hxtt mibkd ikur triui hurt tooubl 01 novouwchl uihi 11 rea dow umd tou ol mlld but 6rind no uacfttutrtl 1 m mhlmd to by your pill ftudjdld w ld imfor 1 lud sauked the ant box x mt w much better x tot 5 bou nd un uo wu utd etraur i cm truly my tbey w tbo belt woaldjio itawcvertued i euoot plm ikn too huhly i rcombnicad tbtm to uy muburu heut aud herv mu are mo per bon a bon for 1131 ot oil f k wlco by tbo t mubtm co united iataobt children cry for fletchers cantor i a ho kind irou klavu alwttye lloaaht nntl wfilrh iiug been in wsct for over uo jeuiu lum iiurnotlio algnatur of j uml hail ltert ktuulo tinder hla ker noiml nt iwr vision aluco 1u lnfoncy allow lio ono todoclv you in title all court to rfoltu iniltutloiiu dml tiimtnuffootl am but sxperluioiitu hint tiillo iltli nml oulantfr tlia health of infanta aud children hxporloueo aculnst jlxperlmont what is castoria coatorto u a harmlcsa anbstltato for cauior oh fare srorlo isia and nimttlthiu hymns it lu iileaaant it toontolng ktoltlier oplula 3lorihlno nor otbor nurootlrj aabstaio ntco is ha cunrantoo it dostroyawormat and alluyn stovorlnhnoaa for more than thirty ycosw it ling boon in oonstiint mug for tlio relief of constipation jriattiltuicy wind collo all toochlrttf vroabloa and diarzhcoitv it rctriilutoa tho btotnnch bud itowehf asslnillntou tlia vaau alvltiar hoalthy and natarox aloen the chlidrena iouuoa lb mother friend genuine castoria always bears tho signature of tiic grand trunk railway takhtdnaktn tiiainaf tliflolln traluutihll mil ii lu iliu lllilm ht it loll ttataoob i uh n 1 kuily tlblkomswr ho h ktt wi n ui 7 luhtil ntvttl huh di ttiuitl kuji tn no 00 rtaabi nn4t 10watn no itl ui p tn so to slntmn hn lir kuxp w s 1 lid am in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always botifjht at w s holeproof hosiery g dalexnlven iiirvuyx kulwllvlitlotih mnns tie imrtu duwrljitfoiik hlueprltits tc ctirtltllntcn for piirclmmjrn and mort- unuct knrvuj a for architects bull- dent uml municipal council drain- thu lloportu hxtlmntuu etc merchants dank blo auulf ii tphott ios4 osrr ataadqaaaondddcat rockwood chopping mills ai chopping will be done ttpldily and well on plates or-fltoncy- j flour oatmeal bran shorts the beit at lowest j prices i h arris w co limiid i hookwood omt aiaaaaaaondadnaj for christmas c3llth liamuomely hosod raady for malljnc 3 unonllmguaraiitoo on pairs fither ladle or gantls tnumllli ithga ami 6 month iniarantaa on ladles and muns canhmero iiimw get your supplfe now w nhckwuatt liflmliwniety bosad a vary ipaclsl line just to hand rc nickwkar twoiillfitlly itosod and very cliolco ifoodu cuc1iihiv pnltcrna and uyloa hluainkcktiies in imfivmual loxs tho uat and maitt exclusive in he trails i r e nelson actons electric chopping mill open everv pay the favorite farmers chopping mill in now open evpry day no long waits or disappointments chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done bpcildwell actoh ont proprietor kct0n li verx and bus likj6- having putchsud tha tlvry iluslneuu and corn will of tba aotote of tho lala jl wlllhuas i respectfully tuillclt tlis batmrj ase of tha nubile cowforuhla rif will olwaya ha ludpllod at raaunabte charge for tha preaaut ur oaaaa half who has hod tha nutux me nt of the stables tha post year wilt continue in charge iiawll always ho found courtaous aud obliging mi mkkvs all vnjtlhai ambrose mccann mui si acta oat the merchants bank of canada immttm im44 113 flmm u c4mu thrift is rirlitly described as eco nomical management ashrewd business man is spolccn of as thrifty be cause lie saves perhaps only a uollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par waoajaaa 7mm m acton branch f a mueleatt manager watches we are in a position to attend to your watch needs our stock is very complete and not one in the lot which will not give satisfac tion let us fix your watches and clocks we give satisfaction every time w h foster ttswaldi asrtaalal okobofctowh out bqots shoes 6c bubbbrs innnnaatjnnntiijtjituiaaobciti warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horaehide calf or buckskin sheep or muleakin be certain to specify storeys- in no other way will you net equal value to prove it slip on a storey milt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comforjt sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w vl storey son limited all mens rubbers at bargain prices anaacmaonantiaadcjndnnqtmnnbr w wittliams mill siriii acton keep the wheels turning buy madeincanada goods wdwes5jfp

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