Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1915, p. 2

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itanwk at h t1iuiiiih tin clirutitiua ly ion to mr niwl mw rrwl llrowit m sou kdwln imiy hiikuuihiii in nolmm mi monday fan 4ili wii hhorwiwwl ngd wj jtvur mlkit in luiiiebliiii nil tim iy tun alii willi i ml mu wiohi cfaku on itiuiiiirv dili nt irthuui leurgaa claro ill 1 in liu tint year vaikntink at twrgntiwn oil srllhty january lot hfirhw low it aloiitlho aged 1h yniiru wmuiir amluolph hospital on hunday tan trd allwrt wright lirotw of joaepli wrlulit kuquoplng agd 30 yearn dirttmk at uio muiw jalt nil hunday lanuary lotli itov j a u dickson ii 1 lit i iwutoremeruum of central iraatiyurliu dimwit air in hla tfltti lrtiyurt n year moons on weditafaday dun luh nt liar lata realdeuro qod wrlulit avenue to ronto callterino htwwart widow of thti lata william moore of tho hootch llloou kaftioaht ffilus utim jtrcc tes thuhh1a umtatt ii lult wnitokual moths cslia snfftirfml itouvlly in huiliuuia failure in 1014 having 2 hip failures with hehlutloa of fliu81 lucroawm of ro tpaotlvdv 1h uud kt iter cent over i0it in number tho record ytuir itt15 man ui weded by t2 ier oent and halilutia uer jffl per cent larger it mil in tlui hitherto rccoiil year i hoi tuk canadian wnr glftu of food for ilrlt ujn went iimmtly to the itatglaitu tlto devtbtatlau was uomowhat dmforeitt from unit intend hut it uttnuld 1m mare bauu factory to ull it lu fur letter to hav th food unnaadad in ii h lain hecuuui oi lack of dutrau uuiii to liave it eagerly devour d uter the tttory utat tlta teimana aeeured canada a gift of lour i belgium la without foundation tut crtvkr fur tlie uardaiibhlp of the county of hal ton will imp imhj of the olouut w have over ltad th tuo aspirant vra a a rotroituuur luaveofoakville and d campbell ilv of niuudjraya 0kvllt wu up u ttrotik j for tlto honor en tka trourtd of right ly ordar of rotation lloth tlto hrjrantw ora ttraiijr hi4 ami whitur ainoiifi ttutir coluiifrum kaithf will piiu uui pobltioii with imrni than o vou of wajoily tut liquor bun of totuloti it in raporud ra about to hate iwuuoiih olrouutad afcdontf th 1rmn of um diatrlot uroufct ibtfufalrul tlmoulunjf offof eu liotala in tt city which wua auuioriifad by tlwi rale pyi oi now fears day th artpiuont in that tlta fartoora will loaa uuuhujf u oowhtodatlob tha ttwparanoa ttoopla on tbotbr tiaiul danlar that tty ar t pij u provide uooouiimodatlon if tho houluun oloa up tltir thlw mi tliy thnaun omk dollanflfty wliont luu hoen talkmlof for hows ilia thin wu botli hr aiul in uhioaffo tradara doom 2 not an lw pofcalhillty so rapid lia haai tlto ailvano kavar haa furopa eallad so innuuintly for upplus atwl in apiu of tlta big aurplua in ut arffouuns of iwoooftoo hufthata th outlook la for mora or loaa utoady ulvaaoea stoeba in waatern canada hv hurt pratty wall cjlaanad out in ontario fravem aw holding out for hlukar ralaa and tullla aro follow ng ault navar inoa tha vrancopniwun war of ih70 haa wbaat raachad tlila wsk uvi in jan uary hrduta tub aitkai mid to tin urituh puhllo by the lud crou soolaty for tho endow uaatof 1850 hada in tha now itod croa boapltal in london to ha laown u tlta kintf flaorg lloapjul itu mat wltli a iplandld raflponse in laaa titan twowwka ajno tha appall was nuula vry ltd in ut iaauuitloa haa h auhaoriltad for by tit rtnaroaa drldji publlo although all tha hod hav baan provltud for wouay la ttrtwlly uwuj fimr otoral funiuhlmjaad tha luwanaa alu of tits hofipitat uutiaa it tiifimiry to appeal for lara fuml to ha dawotad to that purpoaa lrou ovry part of tha brltlth ewplra aulmiripuotta havb4a raoalvm by tha aoouty for tha quipamatof thuapundld hoplul whir tnaay of tha scolunt aolduri from canada auj othar parta of th kuplra who buy ba woutkuj in tha praat 6bt for fraa dam will b oaiwl for aod fwtond to titu wunu haa ool aan any ft ohaa2a la tha war sat w hav not hand of any thin nouhla in tha way of tha prapoaad uaititan tlali upoh tha allua ituiaaj tha whola f laran llnaa hava givan way a llttla bafoa tho dakratkta of tua wai j otfr a forew wluiaa uak it wan to kaap utafotauut arny on that front whlla funaral hliwiaauirtf uu praphug hla raat bmault uput tha kutejan lltiau liafora watav tlta roault itaa lan that tha planhia provail aboriixa tha ruuuna bawtua lluta tfrouwl tliora ut thair unaa a uulwkd whlla thay eulia to hv alad wmda at mlawa whora tha curwana war approaching uurtaw ttata tha north tha ildftaluni uora to haia galnad it dluoot foothold on tlta ilmmar- un slda of tha cariiauiiaiia itolb through tha uuokowlmi awl tha llallolan puaa wbaa a waak ago it was rajtoitod that tha curaian vwpiioa uuard atayod all war trafflo for taa itourw in al him to llarllii for an oparatuui avarythlng mum under- atttod to ha wiarlnf for that ona dual enkuujthtantliallnaaof tlta aiiiom whloh wiatogua tha daurmlnad mmurch hla ertuhlitgaiultlaclalva vloutr tlta ouly thltitf tbayoouhldo with hlta uaa to jt bin away 1acauaa anotltar attuivt to gat to dtinkltk a vuu wua oartafn to lw baal fallura wa ia heard nothing of uht uaauy tjuaa axoaptlng tha uttanipt of m nata of wt aarotlansa to ckum his akaenel and tbay failad karl kiujmhwj aaya tha war will oouinauoa in arnaot in uy whan tha iul will com in not ptopbauad by any relluhla military uadar war ohdmui my million a cocnlaw te c uauura- a4mnliaa oaulttat ooodly wllllaw l otllsuj aaoratary to tlto lord mb couulmlonar in london wy in a autatnaot to tha uraaa raganllng tha brltlab purhaa of war uluiaiit in tha patt feu waku hrllltji ofdora pucad lu uta howlnlon havo umountatl to batwaan 4rt00a0o0 and 000000 tha ftaalj and ituaaiana ha alao tlaoad unt ordaia in caiuuu a fair bhai of cttibirw uro nuniiig tit afttoa to aoton tanning ci now liava oib day and nlftht kanua wotblng ml tlta ttfodaeuaa of uatwr for army uiddka udlaa uju ob i the ntw council at work jim nit mlmih limit il llm iuiiiiimi ttiinoll if vutnn niul nt tho cnunill cliumlwii on aioiki iy uinriilnu ut uhiuu nultkil frtf dufaiiliuillini j ho dudliiiull him of otllco worn muilu nnd ttiti munilhirx tiiok link pinion nn fdlnuijt llmidwt hfynilu cm st iimiiim ii m kltiltoiiull ihiu lloll tu r llultuyuiulu ii hmilh riu hliunliiir miiiilllw uuiii uliuok imfiilltuu riiu isu liniir loo lljiid thilr hum v 1111 und it m mooouul i lis ism it m molwinaltl 1 1 in mm ii a itall anil the uati hriaitx avii wtiim itoll luilr tnin i c i ilniluy and tho ltooo tous hui- c v italhiy lliilnudii 11 u moitnim uml m h hmltli iauuw ii hmlth chairman c i- aiilsy anil a lloll ckmctmo 11 llooin clialnimn nml nil tnni1it rx of tlitf louncll tlto iimuol lyluu fir tlta upioliitntul of viidtlon wub rejul nnd uimd tlio audi torn iiipol tiled ulnjt a i- kltikliu aiul t eorga it agnaw anil tha retnuneni tiona 17 m taah council udjouriioit to fiiout tit olght o clock i- in council itmuinod ut h utlock luuiuluru iirouiit i too ifynth keovo it m mo ihwahl vlav ltall uml t i hillej councillor kuiitli wuu uiimsii tha tlnt rcuirt of tlta lomiuittou on llnuuca proueiitod tlui following ikt of account- aiul racatmnoiutod tltolr luiyniont t hynmo fvuttttt jlctw sr- ifydroflaotrlo iviwerto kut- pilau h mxm hydrofuctrle towar to iu uiaa iarrantl rtaotrlo co tiumillau aoton tanning co tiipll6h mall aiul hmplra priiiling tllohti lrlutliir co iirliittiig giii llu llao co uuppllau s4u i3w 1 00 lft 104 iil47 si47 46 illmrtl autoji yroo lrabo irlntiiif h tltu iiort wua udokuwi a by law autlumruliipf utp iteao ami traaaurar to itorrow ft wo to provido for tlta currant ouiaiuau of tlta municipal coundl and uoard of ktluoation for tho yaar waa introduoad atvl puuktl in ragular form aftar gananal oonvaruolloti raapactjiig tlta work of tha yaar tha council adjourn ed tha prograau tltat ban hoan attalliad in tltapaat lu canadian horaa braadlng ltaa baan dua urgal to individual effort to tlta fow who jiava dona so much for tha ad vauoowant of tlta induatry ovary cradit la dua through tlta lack howavar of oonoxtod aotlmi aiuloooparatlvamaaauraa on a burg aeala aiuongbt tha itwadora tha bualnaaa haa not prograoad ou rapidly au oould badaalrad tlta want of projw orgaiiiutlon ekoapt in tha mora favorwl dutrlota itattpravant ad tka farmara gaoandly from uaouilng and raulnlng tlta aarvioaa of good braadlutf airaa in a wajorlty of aaouona imaiwa wuhlngtograda up thalr itorww ar foraad to uaa whatavar alalllooa way ly olutaoa land for urvloa in thalr dlauiot uaay of tltaaa ar faulty in oonfomalinn and laak in quality whila othara though of a utt tar typa ramaln auhar through lu aufbolant patronaga or ltacauaa of fallura to laav oolta itut a alngta naaaon iu oaob dhitrlot tha faot also tltat thar haa itaan uo ayaumatlo adltaranca to tha uu of oaa braod iuggaata anothar raaiwa far ut lack of progtau la tha udlng of high olaaa auluahi it uut b raaognlawl futtbar that tha owoar of a valuabla horaa altar paying far taaiauaaaca inaurabaa titwwt oa la vaal want and ut partauoa eautud lu tha eoluotlod of hi faaa haa fruwilly llulauftfrou hla outlay putlouuhy lu district wimt h haa la eompota wiu grad and aorub oalllorta ataadioir for sar- vlo at a vary low fa aa a raault faallj blgbolaj halhona eau ba ualdulitad only in diautota what tka braadlng of bort haa ld glvd slooa aaj prdrrmlva at- taation it vuw of tkw oonjturfationa tha sjlalaur of agrioultur proioa to aatar upod a policy whlah may urv to plaa tha horm braadlug liwlary in canau u a pojtlon eopambla to that whlofa it baa attalaad in flraat iwulu and olbav puropoau oountrua h u wllavl that by anoouragiiig tba orgaalauoa of ld olalia and by auaulog aucb oluba to proaura uta aarvlow of good lwliaa uajllona undw favorahl flaaaoul oondl tlona tba ujuawu in lhl direction oau bat ba provtdail tha aaaou rag a aat of coihuurltv ltidlag wilt naturally of ualf ita trotluotlve of uaaful vaaulu tha paywttn oosminuolty orgaulaalloha of u uit of tlta urvloa fa will it u antactad glva a tiruuuiant atluiuluti to tlta hiring of tlta h htalluws unit way ba itmotirail atwl at uta tutuo tluia trooiata uts iuveiottnwit of a ooinhliifja movi6nt in uta liiureoa of uila laiiortant uauonal liuluatry ruud ulafly uta uhauia u aa follow i tlta fanuarx of uny dliuxjt whdilug to u ark for uta iwtumieiit of hor brasdlag hy enonuragliitf llta um of uouud liultvldu ally aneallitmira hrad alraa tuay form m itraadafa elub for tlta purpua of hiring a pur brad ftlalllon for tha tianefit of tha uauthara tltaaa braodorad aba by oou fortnlugtoutavarlouartilamand ragtilallont governing thu grant tnuy uihlulkalb lu tltavadaml autanoaglvao toaocbolubu tltla ooiulida in paying praatloaliy 2 of uta aarvlo faaa ou a guarautoad i uuthar of rauraa yute kvckrtlon with a vlaw to mcourngo uta briajlug of ranumihta uta portion ukl by tbe live rtook ibuncb tu clubw hiring aultabla thoroughhraj 4allotui ijtall ba 46 j oh all uaraa eioapt tborougbbrad war vor tha booklat on itadaral aiiuahoa aiul all oibr information atblraaa tho llomliilon liva rtok comwualouar ottawa canada mhw kmkirat amhawohmmht tuk udw boalal airriiigoumtiit batwaiu canada and urllaln ublob cam into anvotattbanew yaar gvw canada half of tba boom front tba pahodioau aaut liy uagaxlna pnat to thu ooaatry whlla not rabjag ut rat nutarlally a new electrician ingagldj ounihm dlaokhalb of vulnatham la uia auooawfwl appllaant wilb oommkmoh till whuk t n ukm 1 il mot ling nf thr count ii hiut uchsu tho llfii tlmui iiitlliitlnuti for tlio luultldii of olwitiloluii fin tliollilntxyitoiii in ai inn umti nonuili jiul oim n f thn n lit it loo- iiioul fnoritltlj lonuldoi win tlntl lift itioihhi ithtclilitill of wiiigliam mr lllnulodl wn rtxiujm toil luuhiiii ptixiiil inloulow uilh tlo oondl hiii niio in tiuu mid llu ill ieuiiltu i in 111 njiiijiiinunl lliitdn of tloiou iluliltiili ulll hu wht ior inniitli llu will uut lmn linrkofif tlui town hill nitd fur lilmwriloo will looivo iihiim wr uniiuin mr lllaklmll thnugli it ing inin hat- had luo ytnr of pmi tlftiil eurletioo an un olmitrlclau inrl of thlx tinto wan cjioiit in tho mjrvico of tlm vlootrli pliul iu hlu lutmo titun uml uirt ultli tho toronto 1 loo to company mnl wltbolootrin iiootractoru ilolug wiring in prlisto mil puhlit- 1ml id iiiua in tho oily thlu irtrlod okitorloiino will lw vul ml lo in lilt uutltinn hi a ton cletlks get second chance canadian uhtika lo not burtlaa om urat ttktu htopr a few daytfjigo in oca of tb mod lutnalioj canadian banka a iu yaarold clerk wo found to hav borrowed fifty doluru to which b had nd tltlo technically it wan an aitibatilflniant and tho law of can ada would havo- nont the lad to pu- oh hut tho ftenerul manacr looked at it another way ho wrou tha lad ichar notifying him of tho lucldent and atatlng that lb mauagamant had dbcldad to fclv tho dark a aaeoud chaoca to mako uood hy ra moving him to un out of town branch whar hi act would not bo known axcapt to tha local manager of courao th fifty dollar wm rturnad in inalal mnnta from the cora aalary but thero tho incident ended tlio thaft bfriome no harrier to promotion and romalna a cloao ascrot with four or flv aonur oftlcora of in lnatltutlon loatoad or thla proceed in a itclng polnod to aa irrciular it la tho com mou rula in practically all tlio cana dian banka pctt infringement occur at inlervula in all financial in mllutlona and tlio illiwrcpancy ba tweon thn email arlarke of bank clerk und tho atyln or living lo which lliay aro auppoaad to adhere forma a constant temptation to over reach heir earning thl i done quite commonly in a manner that at tint nlance doe not look ilk m- baxxlahient hut rather like high nnknelng applied to patty purpcaat a haa been divulged in police court mora than onra during th pant year a clerk in deenarala need of money ola a kite in other word h huue a paraonal ebaek against hla amply saving account and truat to tha frlendablp of fallow teller and ledgerkeeper to hold the wortblea check until aucb time aa ba 1 able to bak it wltb real money sueb a thing vlolataa every rula of tha bank and whan found out u mad a r- lou matter uanlpuutlona of thl kind ar vary often raaponjilbla for tba srt black mark on tba record of a clerk but ar kaldou takau by tha bank a a ganula can fr proaa- cutlon thar ara eaaaa from urn to uma in which larg uua ara atolauwhaa open proaacuuon baeomaa a matlar of neceefllly kara enter uta quaav uaa of making raaututlon which 1 put up to th relative and frland of tha guilty clerk the dtallk of publicity la usually bufflount praaaur to tnaka any family circle dlagorg or even run into heavy debt to ofta down tha procaaaa or lav ataautu- tloa i regarded aa of eueb lmrt- aac that uoat uagutratm grast de lay to help along uta family eouae- tlon tbl arrangement between tba court and tha bank i aomaumaa curtly denounced aa wbaa ool deal- ton in tba toronto pollc court va cantly refused to hold tha eaaa to obllgo the prisoner wealthy frlattdi and told tha lawyer that be would not become a party to any schema to curtail th punishment of a crime in tba majority of eaaaa faovr restitution doa amallorata tba sa- t3oa and to a larg aatant smooth down tba aaxlatlaa of tha vbtumlasd lutltuuoa coal in tba arctic coal can ba mined in tba antic aa easily as and much mora conven iently than gold underground work i just as satuactory thar as aua- wbare it i just a warm in tha bowel of the earth at cap yarawell as it i id isntusylvaula and by stor ing tha wlntar a output and doubling tba number of steamer to freight away thl rwrv stock during tha summer tba problem will solv ilsair at urcy usy 00 mil north of oraat blava lake ucclura tba saak- r for tba nortbweat passage la 1ie3 4 during tba three winter ba wsa froiau up la tba region made historical by franklin fata expedi tion whar in tha masy channels be tween th islets ba lost all hop or working toward tha wclflc bta ship burned coal found by search part bafora tba hapless company abandon ed the vassal and stirted south lu tha bapa of reaching cauadlsu indlca aatueuants vry soul perishing on tba way to tulmm vruau 8yuui at tba aast sassloa of carlumaut tba ulauur of justice will intro duce lagulatlon o raforra tba paul- uattary system of today if tha study of tba subject how in prograu can ba caupiated meanwhile thl will affect thr system or discipline cuaalncatloa of convict flmdlov- mant of prlaouor and tba treatment of tba ituuua it is bopod that soma system will ba found under which eonvles can bi mptoyed and tbalr earning ap- piled in part to the attuntlon of that families in tha adoption of sucb a system car would ba taken to pro vide against auy unequal competition wltb induitrlos outside in lng- lsud it is understood a method baa baan devised wberoby certain com- modluas usad in tha oovemaieiit aarvica ara tuad by prison labor ilauadan ulaj velaao0 tba tslneh reflecting telescope now under eoaslructlon for tba canadlau government a dascrlpuoh e which was raeanuy published la those column u to ba located on llttla saaaten afountaln uatu- vic toria kl c tbl alta was chosen af ter prolonged tnvasllgatri of at moapberto condition in dltterant parta of tha dominion and dasplt tbe fact that it aelacuou eutalls much addlilonal aspens for tba pur- ebasa of land tba twnstructloa of a road and other preliminaries a comparad wltb other site tbat wara under cons mf baopluxk charity tba uothscbllda banafaetlobs ara now cloaaly approached by tboaa of lord uount btaphan who built up an anortuotut fortune out nt tba da valopmont of th canadian fecine i itallway and other vanturaa it i understood tbat i ha rlvaai away about laboood a yaar and that hm baa asw ticbad ebaxlty by at laaat 00moo she backed out dy cunice ulkc llioae who lliiih abrilll uu uin tllnif limn ukod tu tltll itllll lllir fill if tin edrui tlioru wuro mi filuw iilntm abrnlinni liulvthl ii umild hint lum liupoaulhlo fur hint to pith n m i iiiiylhlng but n plain iiili ii nil uln vvortl wns au good u iii tuuul uml whimo nolo lind not or tut n iiiiiiihhni abrnhsni wn wnll cuuiiuli turn uml und immo oilucnloil ii in pliiliim n iili hlslod in not puttlnu mi uuy ulr mid in a aort of stolidity tlmt iinulf itlm n apoctml if not udiiilml i mm unliiu to soy uot belovml hut llu n m n w r son before vhuin thu utullilll thl mattarof factimaa hurt uiidituil druji pol ilka a musk uml ntvttiihil n nr- markahla tndtf licit rtn1iiimi wbou ahrabnm turnl firt ii it id bocomo vary vrell off nnd it nthiiiinl m htm hint bo could nffonl to lirlnu u wlfrj into hi muao4i uoll un into 111 t hourt nnd ho loohnl for om 1 url la about tho ueu vihuu n miin niltu teav or hi ouu hut not willingly if i not uuoly lu tubn i ift near hla own ao tut tnuat iuhkik rtuclt dowu for aoioa young llilnc wltlt whom ba mlflht ii in niulotl twtuly year before lit i hi eye ou n girl of vlglitoon mm llasiltiim v ho was much in loro with u yuuufi scnihf gruco who had jul rw turned from the bpsitlsh amurlriin mir iuii itun hriuht wn iia dnsxlliir in mittmrd ui ikiironco aa lih hiimh tilt u ruuuh rider uniform und iouch rider uiudestv bo tat hh uttntctheuihw tit m young girl u voucurued almiliuin bud no mora uliow with him tliun u privati lu tho rear rauk would lime hm wltb u drum major itut ahruhiiui lnuw iiulliliu uuiul his rival und atiiiouumlhiir who knew u uuod dinil ahout hun dldn t prortuati hint ahraham should avr tiunruf him him knew tlmt abmbani wo a mnn of ulerllag worth uml would ulvo hor duuuhlor ii good limiw ho ami wus lod iilir ii in mli to ttm ulaiiqlitor uiouch in ixntlty tho mun uhu nmrrlcd uom tlio ouu lt lw pit led fur be urns welling hla lorw for u uicau ut iwttuno ui hoart win nut ct uli cnoofili to eonccnt or yuung onouuli not to uinko much nf tlm fnrt thnt in nas tor supposed bu wusi uiotjmi by n girl of elabtecii ii bid boon ui irrtod uirts yvum when suddenly an old frlund of uu wife of ttbotu ii0 hud novcr litiinl uppcared and lhe tuo soemod to lw much interfiled in ntrb otlur thu old frleud wns nuits other tliun ucu ronbriblit who had gone woat tho day ann wa married and hsd stumbled by sheer good luck into a fat mine which enabled bltrt to retuu rich on day whan atino was hysterical through soma temporary ailing and consequently had got out of patience wltb bar husband b out wltb tba whole story nliout bow she liad tovod doubrlght uud hud married abraham instead liecmtja bor motlter wuhed bar in do ia hlur had no soouer spokan llm word than alta regretted uiemflrat becauaa site know tbey would causa bur hiiabnnd liifliilta pain and aeeond bocnuaa ufltr thro year absent from lien slw whs not quits sura that tur hthirt uualtoil for blm tbe uua a it hud giihhed wbaa aba waa a glrl ultli liinnlio malabcholy abstbam mid hur tlmt it would not have beaa n purty iu aucb a tmnsaeuoti had b titiowu it nnd alaca she lovd bobiight it not ouly itocoma blm to glv br up to tho nmn of bar cboloa bat be loved her no well tltat be could not stand la tlto way of bar bapplnaaa abrabsui went away and hired a amart lawyer who mad qtilcac work or gelllns a divorce all tha while anne went ubout wublng to tell bar btuband tbat tba bad not meant all she had said but sua didnt think be would ballovo bur denial end abe waa too ptoud to wake it no oo can ex pact another to ballst two blda of a story coming from a ulnjl paraoo ba aitutt euida no opooaluod to tbe dl tutvt trjlna lit mtili beraulf think that wb lorad tlvo uio same as she lutd one tovvd lilm und that buppt ntuu wltb blm wuuld tt bur uftur all hut sha had llvatl uatu euouch wltb hunt bd u rwhucd mun lu uppra- ilmlv ttiu dliftraiuv ltivii lilm and un iinwurtliy uud u kiirxti mw klliw t ijfnl rluit in tli uiuiv imuw with ui t lilluind iu tbv tuai uiluutv uf hu4xvuh1 lliiii uu u tu lw umiluit lut tit intittttr wuuhlut rcwlu tur iml httf liutmd full twtudtar riiilil u til f ullti wuil it wuu all urrufufvd tbit aba bboutd tnirry luii hu day tba decree or dl tunv wua obtained sod abrbaiu utlid hr all tw nroti abl wltb tb prvpjirutlwu und rgrvtllaa that hv waa not u woman tu that ba could do uwtit fur bar motnur would have uotb ing to du wltti btrf or bar preparations und the tud only abraham to rly on wbsn all was riady abahau alln- pad a ebaek for s10wo lu bw portw nonnala about tbat uiu a carriiga that bad bd brdaiwd toe bar drove up to uta door and abraham made a oiotiuit to show baa to tba door but aba threw both arma around hlu oaek tad barei into patajanit bob- olag el trud to iooiba bw and asked fc what troohlad bor but naubav aoa aaadaj to tba m nor got aa ahwwi totbecibir ftaa just wanton with a byaaeticdl fcobbmg till ba told obfpa eoaaa tuila unai your lover u wwuiiltf frar jrotu 4t blm awyt- aba watied ajd4 th tha thick stalled cnaie haumf what ba waa vmwf kud to lutow ta tjtgt th end to th atory vouh sstlhtina can not ha dono uuy itctter anyuhow not quilo u good gaaarallv vuti lklsa pttcea aro right if you raquire anything in tba printing una from a wiling nird to a tiamphtat let us hueyourorder consumption takes hundreds of people hundred ol paopla tuiocumb to con- sumption vvy day bclcnc prove that the rcrmi only thrive when the system 1 weakeuod from coble or biclhciui overwork oou fining duties or wheu gcucral weakucui vifuta tbe best physicians point out that djrtug chiming seasons the blood should be uuuta rich aud pur atul active by uk- lnghcouhniulsioufter meals tliucoil liver oil in tkotta itntululoii warms the bodybyetirlclilhgtbebloml itpeculurly strumiientltiiiuic4himl throat whllelt ubbulula th reftjauve forces of the body to avoid cold and prevent consumption if yud worlc indoors tlrw vasll feel uhbmornervomhhcotthlliiiuuliiiiistb moat strengthening tooduudwu known it la t4lly fr irotn stupefylug drugs avoid substitute lu knm t fcvta vmwiio omuiio greatest opportunity of the vear our january sale ptin wirrllnriiiinls all luis it 20 lo j5 nir ladies coat s all ntw roods riul ir ft oo lor yh00 9 5 1 n 50 hm 700 104 new big lablu of klimnan i s dailv henderson co mill st acton onl i am advertising ty w v i1ryant tho clovulnnd plafn dealer i came into being a the npolcen lanuigu came ulowly gradually and to meet an urgent need i have worked or evil but mostly i have worked for good i can null he worked for evil but each diy it grown more difficult to so mibqso me 1 am at once a tool and a living force if you ugc me wisely i am a tool in your employ if you misune mo my double edge will injure or destroy ou if you do not use me i am a force that works against the aims and purposes that animate your business i speak a thousand tongues and havo a million voices i am tho ambassador oi civilization the manservant of science and the father of invention i have peopled the prairie and with my aid commerce lias laid twin rails of gleaming steel in a gridiron across the continent and stretched a netuork of copper into the far cor ners of the globe i am the friend of humanity for i have filled the com moners life with a hundred comforts denied the king ot yes- terday i have brought clean food heilthful warmth music con venience and comlort into a million homes i laugh at tarifts and remake lauti i havo scaled the wall of the farmeru i olation and linked him to the world of outer interest i build great factories and people them with happy men and women who love the labor i create i am a bridge that spans all distance and bnngu the whole world 10 your door ready and eager to buy your wares i have made merchant princes out of corner shopkeepers and piled the wealth of a monte cristo into the laps of those who know my power i find new markets and gather the goods of the world into a handful of printed pages i fathered the dally newspaper i am either the friend or the foe to competition so he who finds me first is both lucky and wise where it cost cents to hire me yesterday it costs quar ters today and will cost dollars tomorrow but whosoever uses me had bet have sense for i repay ignorance with loss and wtridom with the wealth of croesus i spell service economy abundance and opportunity for i am the one and only universal alphabet i live in every spoken word and printed line in every thought that moves man to action and every deed that dm- plajs character i am advertising an armful of cxolumbia records makes an evening full of pleasure j matthews photo mill street adda geo patterson live stock dtalci actom oni cnttlc sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally bkrose you sell bee he complictm a oouhhu in thk tonohto ny 1 i kill u i ujf km lt it pnlnolfalb 7n voim bloat toronto in all cauntrls ask ft our inventotfai abvlbkr width will ha ntnt tr4 ma mow f mamok nltyll cerstcjainnesi 1 1 the annual meeting m acton fall fair will lw huld in thucmiiiclm immher acton nn monimv i8tii januarv 1915 ati wo of loi h 1i vcli ivu tha auiiual repoit elect the nil i turn fr r iqij ami transact i ucli other bujinciis an may he noces- fiiloniiillr okot iiavill oho isvhb praaldent meevatavy wanted a rell thtu mun to kail hardy canadian grown block lu acton and llaltun county btart now at the best ulllug tlhie send for lut uf spring olyer inp and lorma to agent liberal commission hand wmig frto outfit stone0qwellinqton trie font hill nurssry katabluhad la7 toronto ont fresh groceries mow halalna new currants new data mew nuts new peala neu spice rina line of c4rifauosary 1lrat clan line of ancy cake and pastry irouh every day cooked ifeats ilamt klacon wltb the home ilk flavor bread and other goods delivered promptly dally j r livingstone iaaeeaaav u st tf hioat ssuj tjtraat russells grocery mui street acton ont cured meats graii fruit for 25 tlnubr cllurv f ho mi lettuce nuilqohs icb ckeau pound ilsicita tic all vlvoss cohikctionauv fuu llhi kauu at wiioiaouk puhe rich fhhsii milk fsoutuafaau uiilv 1oe 8alb v iluasbxlv llaiuo voua jaa russells grocery oppolta pot ontott abiort monday i8th jan at h sueastam niuiuhjmui mill st acton j cadesky toronto the well known eyctlthtsptdslln will be in acton an monday january 18th hours o3o a m to 530 p m evenings by ap pointment anyone suffering from head aches eyestrain oi defects ol vision hhould not miss thin opportunity ol conxulling thin eyesight specialist consultation free

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