Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1915, p. 3

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spectacles eyeq lasses iii colli sim illlcil awl nlcldu iluiiioi kiictacuss illlaiuiid uhauouh iiuakonaiims wkmisi ulmil wllllllmi im 111 nl hatthiaole uottnsuu iduuud geo hynds mntl vmnoif ooodm aotom ohtaiiio real batate vmtrmu tor unit in uultou lerl skid wellington ioo fattiim lor ale avrry nli if yon want tt feral writn kae for rtttulomie or ii you wink to unll or axebuutfti write ue welivotttvry lttiltlty r truuiutrf luu tiuulitfdu 16 your vobiplete tuiturarlluit 4orrrk ktoudeuro kollritcd j i wmxuiuiim furus hrllluu hiitiilmllut tuururtowu tiiuilrluay taxuauyiw mill bhler local items therell an ulnuulunlo of snow inn tumlp shipplug 1h htill lively horw time for uulaoripliau rcniuut int it home more xoro weather dmlng tliu wek mondays big uiiqu storm drifted tliu reed badly the lauton haason oiumt thrco ucoks from yetctday your king mini country scctu vou how are you anowarlng llta cull t lit farmers u oleoma tin snow full of th past st6lt a ft duulrulilo hlankot lor th fdl whu ulltod council in giving work to tlio brteaiployvd lii crushing ktoiic far repair to uslu hires t- th johnstown ami tavcratlllo uloo melera strik wu called off last uooti otter five months duration tt fin sleighing ol tliu putt nook gave on impetua to ilia tnaming ol uood u u clir coiaiuodltio ur i halairtaoii of tho town lm neemaweyu rvpartn swing a roun pluwp tial active last friday looil wurillllg hiivo you isiiewud 0r fafcu pukua tuicriptlon is tho data on ywir label tpilto 4tifjclory t uuw lldgar mchinuon lnuke hla leg while suid riding on ila uboal lull litwek leorguown horam ur j h ward eljclrlrlm ha secured tt llonltoll st chatliam hl la ntoavlug to that umn tltla w jootkulnu aro riuulo tiy it mlliiurj mllojuuj tla enlistment or tlia tliinl e6atlnjat la vary slow at lutiljji ur j ii ivoimy autlaiiwul a ialuiul uow ou 1l oj tin oilier ilay rotit a ulllatf iiu1 hbll in tlm tush iilunu irvm ur j h taylor ulio rouionwl to tiluiaturg faaiulra bgo iiah enliacil in a co 4ttli lugt aitil i rialiiuwl at wei uba ioivtowii lulua oro iiuuifulli ll it iultnlrutloa int iteavo fkck liy ttut lu mwtta fcifasionr far luliltcallou lo tlu hnu iw1 couuty fair liu a lulouoo cf tou70 lo tlbs treasury tucn vera waibm uatyaari lll 7 was ialil for ur luvlil htaroy liun iurcluiuil from ur lurry hyru jr tlia hricb iiiacliliui bbopaitbaconiaruf mill hit ami iiuk avdto k wwlllo ly ibi ul liotoo can wual uutt of tt loan iu tltu tranoliuj in virnw auj baiuiu- tito uct ctivm iu in rwwul ol cadudaoti aiuaiuns luaralu for tlta caaillau ovenu kxpejiuauary yorfm aro fctlll rnqulril vouatf man 1 iferoit k furtlur opjwrtun- ily to blww jour rulriotuni valruary will int imio u full uioon lli4 fint tltrto in aluty ycrs january u ftill taooa will bo on tlui sfwh ami tlio nokt will eoaui on the llrwl qf uarcli ha town council of oiiiu rentsil umi- ufilaotl uilli m0 in coiuulcrat ian of utway imi liaj looker uftor munlciiul mula works dunnu tlw ut yr ttta flruur ilroa of trufaltfar luivs miktuaol tlm km achi fttrtn in krln town hupbijaagluato ur jolin lurnu halo w uul ly j a wlllouuhby tjoortra- tawa o tli kpworih ixiuo jurl lament tixl tiiilay 6enliif tlio govornniont will tulroduo mil doalluu with cunurlitloii 1ii0muwjtiwi will tuko a dooldul utoiul ugidiitl tli uuduuro anil u witnn tlouata uftttuolutad m-awuro- htulilim a well known lviol eodtily loriabr wuu klllul intuntly ly htiug mruov liy a falling trco wliloli lis ww imlg near hrijjvtoi on hutuhliy lf wa 15 yurt of nfl ami leave a wlfo ujfourdilldkii in nhawtuic yuki ihioui iiilttorlptlon uufl uiiub jotmiooti button ilay new oaurla aay tli wentliar luu not wen vttryuvwuplieretliliiwinuryet clirit- taailvn wa uu coldut aiul it wijukts7 tfngaa laiow uro wnnorval lvlyurliti churoh an- nlvmiry wiu liul on tiuiuuy i7tli in- tm tuv w kniuuiwlii of toronto ifrmoal two enoelunt mnnonii the ebolr tttukr sir curl adams mulftred ok- oelunt tttiule horuld umtiujfnf ibe ifalton furmsra aiul woiuatth iitfctltuuih will la hold ut llalliu- ftul o fluruury 5lli hflornotin and evou lotf aiidrenmm ulll ho ijlveit liy ur udorauoum cairo ur wwhroak ouk uad ttod ut lvnuvna coobrana moot- tu irta kwrylwly woloomo hlth kjltor olklomo of tlia ktrttt fdrdbaaeou rotthtt oliowor of gold dol lars frow liu admirer every country dttoftuu timu looking ut urn sky to bob if tw i miy lii of u bltower eomlnu his vy ami vry on of uimii l on much mlluetl to m ftoltuu ahowor u our brother ol um tuaoftti or all imva bmu booming ibaur booa lowtii fov nil tluiy are wortb for your yny bouml hur go wad nody thursday and vrlduy uarob sn 4lh ami flth tlio irolilliitaii au of oourlo ntul llio dominion uro ilmi ing for m toowhkr caiivuntloii to bu botd in uaaaty hall toronto under tlto joint tuploea of ut itomlnlbn counoll of tha kfcwalulon allunw mttl tlio ontario branch of u l0mliiloq alltanm call uvlii lawad by both hodi und irelioilnary mrraiuunth bra wnl i in hand t naw itodjfa motor car full initio uurri and aomlhottlonii in nuxt woaktl waa t 1- hiur illlta news dip local import know ohuroh akimlwaraaty tlio innilvnrxiiry urvlimm of kiioktliuioh ulll lw hold on hmidiiy 7tli fohnnirj hoi a 1 murllhlktaiy m a i l if uuolpli ulll iiiwieli morning nnd ovtin liilf kmtrlotto mmuh or tha lmdlm a ikuillnir nil inilltiu lourltxl in itwl cfiu uoik hnd lloljjlun itollof will lm hold in llio counoll cliumlwr on frldny lmi miry lth nt i io m thcro iu urucnt ihhid of mora hookn fur llio mihlluru vttni on ii bu hocuroil from mia ocn c1idiinun fur ihouooka om lbyml i da ksttvtoua i tllia your tnulo to tha morchant uho ktojut iitorri the year round mul not to utmy hmlbira ofuwii with rlir from nut- uhla oltltlu liny froiii tlio man uhu uuiuih nt jour udo wimsh tlw uu oollaotora iu on tlio warkith huy from tint man who your jielublui your itoiuulnuivoo your frioiul iluy from ilia mnn who u factor in tlio town j on live in uml who holjw to uiuko ntnarkct for tlio ihtiiun you luia to will maiv rivvanrlad lno duy laut wcok wllluni a fnink liniirl from hlu fathora faun lot lt con i iuiuculiij to aiwlerfton wmll yunl ouiik htrcet acton a load of groan umido wood uhloh voilml on iiiuu ucalox tlih bljf laud jirovtm thut mr kruiil linn an enoejitlonully uood team and that ho known host to haiullo thotii ustaamad oltlaaitvaohuomloouilluau mr juoph moclura waq taken to tho hoanital in iutih luit weak aunoriun from uaujircua in ida rlglit foot tha trouhla i mil detelojuid ruililly and it wait decided thut amputation wn tlwj only iiomi tho uffixiukl litnb waa runvotatl at tlio ankle a few day a later it whj found tliat a further amputation would ba imunttuury mul it wujt bovertul nt tho kneo tha obi icenllcinan who u in uu bavanlyaut1i year in in a tary critical mu imt it u liofuul ho will yet rooter ddlhtf uuajtl um uaual aa practical evidence that acton b lloiiiu lluslnawtaa launl notwitlmuiwi- lug llio war and ooiuuuiuout lutrtl tlmaa in many towns mr ii h huluvam 1 t h utraut lofunnu tlia fukk lukiui that hut uoab no lahii than forty lhe full tura of freight were unlooileil at acton btatlon in ulditlon to thl lhara wr about ion car of riirl wrcliiuli ikirbio tlia wnic uirioil 10 cam uero huilul uiwf hltwul from act mi lojiulnijla pojnu yh talahau haluir ruad timouiii lillaa in tlia country htno cdlcctul uii is for tlia iuiun iteluf fund an follow i too 700 a oo iaao 213 7 75 27 mim jauia llotiiwiw mwuulliolund miu maruarat walton uluhulkar uilvnn miu unkit miu cook mrs awrvy ooluctoil tlsil thin a hit iu tlia kail crw fuiula tha iui croa a ll uocioty are paudul to tha younjr iauua for thafr aolalauca aiul to tho aopo wlio dotuted tn tlil fund f1a pfojmjla of tho concert lut uak wr uh7u aamtamtai fo belalah mxtm tlia rotfukr tuaothly t ting of tlia uuuuia inuituta will 19 hald la tlia council cliamur friday fubruary stli at yoviock all the huliaa vlio on making banneuu fortjiimn uary ulll biiullybrlno litem to till- iumtloji and uw bau will ba weked tliera fltcli tody la rwpiettad to twit lur naiua aiul addrax oo tlia artlcua oo tluwa whorvoeive tham will know who nuda them tha bala will ha unt to tlt luuk of uottral at liootrval anil by ilaju fnrwardaj to koytiud and dlurlbut- ol by guen uury to tha rfuca froia iklgluro and vranca no furtlur an uounoemetitof tuoothiff will ha tuada aaxl woak tbora will ha radiagu and spaclal lo looonuaciltm with tha projpramm atihuaj wuaicao8 okukh tlut anuual oiaotlno of knos church waa liahl bwt tliunilay evading and waa an nccaaion of much intarau tha annua llnancial rwrta of tha tartouu organliu- tiona of tlia church war pteaeuud and wcro ary enoouraglug tla mijoraaion of an otary tuainlw oaavom uda at tha ia lalafjonnry lutoquct a faw aiauldga bofora woa aulhortbd by tha uaelluff ami uventaan uuti appoiutod they will can n every maaitidr aiwl ail1wtit of tha rob u3 reoolve thalr aubacrlptloiu for curraut evnondltura and cchemas of tho church for 1018 tha church budget pbumm tlia turn of 11060 aa tho allotmant for bcbaiuog of tha chunh tha oomrajca tlon will hava no difhoutty in nadilnn tliat amount ivbytartu outlaw hulfeb md ilaeplu uta fact that uta waatlr oouli tlonuwera very unnroutluuji tha ivdehy tartan young loplau fluiu luul a vary enoyabla alolrlirhls and evaulnga fttiur- ulnmont wlian vloitlngtlia young lvd of iloiitou cliurli uu friday ovmlug tha party utltlud alv liiga alalgha eialushaof vinftla outflta and nuubazed aluuit mveuty ho individual an luur- wtlik aiv liutruoilve progratnumi waa liroaentad by tha aotoo aocuty ur cook burn and ulw jawa uollonakl un well rendered uloa and uua uau wiila read m mrlitiiro laaa a topic ttt iolntaof a uoa boolaty waa hpluulldly prefcaiitftd by aeveral ol tha young paopu ulan j lunwiok prasidad very efficiently following tha urogrwtaa a dainty am liountlful lunch waa aarad by tha uoaton young paopla o cr kthftbuid ohra iua4auud on frfalay evening january lftih tha local lottga hell thalr annual inauiutlou of oftlobra tha following war imuallad lira a llttloy huurema imtrlct deputy for llmduelpli duulot helug tha tudall- lite otuoer i 1oat lvamldaiitllro j 1 hcortow president lira h tyler vlmlraaldentilro h k luruaa ataplaln bro j smith becretary bra b tr tlunton treaauror bra ii cook ut oulilehro r boutdilugu 2nd uro v outttaa sl lira w cook ui uro kotlwtll stli bra v tlodfray oth bra v churchill after uis inoulbulon the luetuberx tuljounuid to tho itiiuh hall what un enclleiit progtamino wan glvttn bouga were rendered ly uroh a uttley ix ix v tyler b burw j btttltb vaoar if notley mhir cockburti a uadkla j hmltl uua hirillh awl ur httlloway uuhltwl iiuultera wow reiwlered by ulaa hmlth and ur j hwllh the aooouianlitt ulug ulaata wllllatttm awl hmtut ikii- log the evening lira a tlltley ix ix on uliuu of the taetttmre of the lodge jure- miitod lira j 1 boarrow with a 1w riuhldtnita jewel uro boarrow utankl tlib uuatnhar for thalr hltwl reoounitumi of huaervloaa uro e tyler the oluilr tvlephon oompany win appeal tlooivotdiriltildtlll huw dcotriwiutwl in tho miirruy llolol onkkillx hutyoni nlllm trlul itllttoo dmniiuoh worn uuurded tlio iiiiiulouiilty mid iho holm njfuiiibt thu lloll ruloplinnn company imt iho apwl- lulu court huu diuml4md llio uctlou u nniint bo hull cu o and plaoe id huni m iam ou will lllkll lltlt tohii u kmw1 pulmj iii ulikhttilimt ltwuiopoiuootiinuiiliie ubldluir tconliiltlooriiiilumntnniolnlliig you will llml lln iliouji phum in which tu hvo hhnrp oimikitltinn in nil hruucho f t ratio bua noilwril pilccn thatoiorylhln in tlio inoroautlle lino uuiitw hud ut tha very louout lli red golujr mid in lot of thin at ion lum ikoroiua tho trading irnul for a wlilq rudluu of tha aurroundlng country hwltokisa only rjwey cltmsad tho hornby hreuory biivlug yono out huulncfw tho blglwrrclu tliat cni iiumi to ilolhtir lietr to tho hatolkooiftra in tho dittaivut towuuand vlltagou in tlio county haver ixxm huulotl iu to milton mid nro bclnif dhjiomxl nf we m tokl that thcmi hurrolu or i jl iin liy coet nlmiil munich but can bo boiijlit hum for tw uplme ihirlnir nil thoto yearn houoior thut the j huvo ihmii hi coniuilhmluu i hoy havo pniluililj j mid fur lheiiu1icu nuiii tliuou oxer itoformor tha vaaiira hlatutotv llojltfayai tho prouiut year will hura llfty three pay tluya hutnnlay coining tliat many timou ilurlnjr i lie year tha nrloim boll day oof 1011 uro aafollowui jood friday april iind kmpironr victoria day munduy may 21th king a illrtlutay tburwlay limn in i dominion day thursday duly tut lalior lxiy momlay hop oth chrhilmaa hatunlay iho sltli a ii i weduoulay oonua nn folirunry 17th and iaktor bumlay on awil 4th tsatwoud huhaf ht it b tltamry tha acton hikii kchool ijurory hocuty lield a utrlotio mootinif lot frblay after noon tho following paper were given lermuuy before llio war larey ault tlio cauaea of tlia war mr fit wart t the war n halgium mul france harvey kath i tlia navy ll mowat i tho troulue in africa chtra rrown wcjmmiii uwl fntlw war mao hmlth currant atcnta were given by humid mowat oiler which the lautto waa read by jain wlluon camllaa ware iuumm arouml by onina of tha girl after which the inoeting claaetl by ringing jwi hava tha king otoa i iw uuj vnur a furnur iaky waa raoontly liobl in chicago tlio invitation roodlng iteaae oaioa ilka fur ultra ami wear fanner cloth the hoteea who luul nt boon nor a farm for twotily yearu tliought tliat tlia guetta would rid to tlia party in ox carta and wear oteralla or otlier working clot lies to lier great rurprtoe tliay coma id automobile and wore regulation iltvut clotliaa all of which oa to diow tliat it u a great compliment tvowailaya to lie call- ul a fanner it la report that halt or more of tha farmem about acton liave alraaily 4actl onure for autaiaolilaa to lie deliverad in tho upring thm blialrlte wihi oyt6mldt tlia ftlntyighlb annuul lvua of tlie canajllan almanac by tlie copp clark company limited toronto ii iumi oomprwbennho and useful mimlier aver luued tlia camullan almaiuui liaa bocorao indiaponoahlo to etcry ntodate office ojnl library in canada 11 any of tha i uta it puhluhea aro not lonntl eluwliare and much valuahlo information rwiautlng canada la contained in its um pageo ita liarllaiuentary munlciul legal bimi curi cal ilta of ttie dominion aro iu tliauieelvaa worth tha prloe of tlia volume all pot oaicbi awl railways are lltil tha bynaeaaof tha new workman compensa tion act taalwjgheu iou 4trt ar ktvtoua tiy harry wilaan a hired man in tha m pfoymantof mr tliooua wlulamaoa tiret una waat near lira nipt on luut bean un- tanovd to mk months tn tha central imaon withliard uborfor uiaft ol u71 frotd hla aiaployer tha tlieft waa urpetrld on sunday nightat hie home of mr william umi wlio was ono of hie cductoru for tlia dalglan itallef fuml in tho towmjiiii of chuguaoouy ho reraivail b3 in uua ami a cbotue for jafifl which lia ut iu hiu truuaoru poclut iu bin hodrouui taking the iracautlon how ever to look tit iwulroooi door ikofure the family wont to church ou uonduy luomlug ha diocoverd that the nvonoy liad been unlan- mtluxii athaat amatd- wa undersluiw tliat tlio two man who were to tako over mul nporata tlia tho faotory arul to wlumi th town voted to advanoe a loan of ilaoao rapayaua in twenty year liavo to ue a oooiuvon hpreaaion back tl down tlie iwluoa- inenu lild out by tha town of tilwui- burg wliare uiay are at preaant localad lolntf huch uuvt they have aeoaitail them ami therefore will not carry out thalr agreement with tlie town ws under stand however that tliey are willing to rooup the town for tlia expenw itlnu lieou put to in auhtnlttlug tlio bylaw to the relepayara lufortdr it la rumored tliat a toronto flnn la now uagotiatlng for th dme faotory cimk wuh b ulltori a teem of member of actou checker club went to ulltoiijaat thuraday altar- uoon to havo a gam with u it ton ilayra tha raault waa ait even aoor for both aldda aa followe t uoh acton huawu ulbtoh wom 1 a 1l uoleau 2 j oheriao 2 a lelijiman 4 u- h holwaa 3 a k nloklln 5 nell wttereon uu uby aoao llarber i john hahey ix hutehaoh 1 j irving j j flallowey 4 a uobjntoa 11 j buwah 1- w cteueuta i kev uokay 4 1h 10 ib a very plaaaant afternoon woa ipent and tli ttnapjulity of uu wilton club waa much enjoyed in tli two tnatchou t jayd bua year milton won by eight uul threo point respectively h looka an f tlia ttexb tualtji may reiult iu a victory for aototi vdavaoata huhauiv meal t hutoa th peeda of milton ware rather iurt led tueaday uorttlng to a between is awl 40 uniformed officer from toronto marching throutth the town we latrti that tliey oouklatwl of praatloajly tha anlir admlnutrauv aiaff and all the otfoera oottibuuullatf unit at thai exhibition oaup uud war out here on a rout tour awl prattle in lactic held in th neighborhood went of th town thedayriworkooualaunfr ol a tuucal uhem in which tha ocnoer were ranged on two aid for atuolf nnd defeno tuirpoaea and iu addition war examined olugly in rout reading rem map the aecllon of country aeleoiad for th work waa of a hilly ehataetar giving ekoelunt 0ujktunltie for uarrylnar out kuouaaohema tha roulv tour octtjed ihiitlroduy awl wan decured to liave liort a great kuooe thla praouo for tha timddre beldtf highly iuyxwtanlbaforuer decunc substitutes personal and travel notes otuanked buhino tliat whik mrn a t ilrtiwiiretinnwl from tliouloy on monday iiiuniliig mluihinith noimiii limited frlondn in toronto oiei hun day mr homy awrey who lm lioen ill for ueverul weeks n iiupravini mid in rthla to uulk nut tiiniln mlwt iwtl ilakor mul a fruucch 1 llrickuoll vultwl ttiolr humou in toronto hatuhlay and huniluy mr uol drlhcmduii f lort elgin win thogiieutou tuowln il mm kobert luiiiihtnu kuiik ktreol mlna mnritanit kaloy hm rutuniod homo lifter upuudiiin two wookn with frleuda in ifamlltou duiidauauil toruutn mr vlialth timy of toronto who wuu vory 111 lout week iuumdually rveover- ing from tho norlouu uttuck from which almiauftvnxl mra allan maun who ucnt lo rcie llh her daughter mru cdiion hmitb ut lort arthur ut fall la critically 111 hho wo oporntod on in tlio houjiital early hiat mr a t llfown won a guoat at tli urtt annual lumpibt toudorwl tho ivunur druggiuta of oiiturio ly the istnuur chemical co of wlmlkor at tliatocumfceli houm london latovonlug nowaluta itaen rooaitod by friend liero of ilia wrlouu llhuiu of llr moo furridi who i ma been practicing ut htierliurn minn for u nmnltor of yiuru tlia xwit ulhueiit u u tulurrcuur throat and bo in nut likely to llvo many wooka dr fur rlulti liomo won at kockuuod ami bo ima uumeroua frteiulu in at tun a uiclaymd damu dhart haul in vutola u o iu larxj iu raven at hautr watlhwei kveiiua d tuday vo coluduori mr fa hoc lean manager of tlio mor- clianta ihmk reoelveil ipjiio a jolt mi tuc day aft cruaoitw lien ur jumae mattliaaa ioutnuiiitor proaoutod ndrattiui ilia bank of itrltiji north amcriui in hla favor for 9100 nudo nearly forty ike years ego wtilla looking tliroithb a number of llio of old poru in tho uhl pout ullloe mr matthew m came ucroa a liank draft of which tho following i a copy rusit ur umitihii ktuitit aubuii t vittotia it c branch 8100 no hi in aug ih70 at throe duju night nf thla kooaiul of icliaugo first txiiug iiiiuld payaljo to tho order of jmc mattbewn tjuelluntlred dollars for valuo rocolvcd with or with outndvloa llusuv a ti itt xtunager iuisvbt iu uutu aoooutitaut to llio manogar of tlie ltuik of llrltljt nortji america ut torouto jut a- will lie aaan tlia drult waa in favor of ur matthew it wau uircluinod in vlotor- la dc ai august ittih i hjoby hi brotlier in law hie lala jolm burns wlio waa at that iroaieoting for guld in caritioo and aeuttour usttliewa inuimaunaocouiit- able way ho oiorlookod tli draft ami naver prow n toil it for payment it ii iu a very good state nf prcadrtetioti it wuuprotcntod ut tlio mcrclutntu hank for oqiioo iuii uml luut ikmhi forwardod to tlio hank of llrituli north amortca to ronto if tlio amount of tho draft luul been iuod on dopoult llio iuurou com pounded for forty tho yeum would nuka tli sum uhrit 400 kisses apeak lomlr thou wonlu oior llio uleijiono one can never buy a satisfactory tirand of popularity at out rata stayu or ohio cirv or toutno ltlau oltlhtv frank j clunvoy makea oath tliat lie iu senior urtner of uia llmi of f j chancy it co doiifg businosa in tlio city of toledo county uml htulo afoijald ami tliat uald firm will pay tho sum of onk hundhkd dollaiu for eaxh and every caoe of catarrh tliatcaunot he cured by the uao of hallu oatanh cur fltankj cheney hworn to before me awl aubsoribod in my pjreunoa thla title day of decetdher a ix itwo hul a w illaww notauv ihjultij haltu catarrh cur la taken internally ami net directly on th blood unit uuoouu uurfamd of the aysteut bend for teal- loonulafrea v j cheney h ctx toledo o bold by all druuguta lia take llalla family 111u tar oonatlibi hon tlio vol on tlia bylaw for granting a loan of fifteen tliousaiul dollar to tlia knit ting factory at kincardine imi friday resulted in favor of tlia bylaw by a maj ority of tweuty four votoo churches tiro dojnjf us advertising froui iho pulpit awl more in tlio looal iwirs thut ia right too tlia aacred dusk wu nevar intended for an advertising medium uowmauvilte butaunati bronchial t coughs m ytxae ttxtmgfii yrjaajv4arai tact yajfaat i tp 4wuy ocorra kmulbion ww honchltki id an emay tutonl wy it earatrv oilp00o aootha th tnflwnod werjiwarjaav valleven ua qou that eauaof tha trouble nd ovary drop belpa to umcutthcrt your tutnie 1444 kmrvsksvastmnia successful choir concert thw methodtat ohurah choir frovtd- ad m moat knjoyabla proiramma baerad atod kntpulair amu whin wm9lil fathomixkd ttiocouciit guuii in iho town hull ou tuoulny ci wiling 1 tho choir of llio molhimllbtcliinuti wui oujoywl by a largo umllenou 1 ha progiuimna won both naircd uml kipuim ind in vorkutllu oliwruotor iiddod itiuiroht lo ihn uviwlloiit rowrtolro tito fuot unit tho prognuuma wuu pre kred und carried out tmtlrely by the iimhi lieru of the cliolr both in tit matter of iu ktruotlnii and conducting u oertalnly cnxl iuble to thlu much upireoiatml organlw ion for tho micoetui of the event upeclu dretlll u to bev 0 ix lhdmr leader t mr i c hill inilca director ami mlba foru brown iilauui tliu luogramme wau aa follows i hi vim htjunii outiiunrui 743 h 11 1 u ocatuula alurtlxwaluou hi chorus ww hooil o come kvoryou that ttilrvtlth tillvciinm x lawll juaiietto j iong lor thco mtmka huitii biity mmos mul mauiv clionia xvihlloott ultlajackllonier tin ciuiik 4 conwt halo with aoouiuiwinlnlont tin mmhui miaus 1 clionia i joy i tli hal tie of tlie lultio tiiiciiiiiu ik lldailliig making a man uf tlai ihy muh a tv bwiws 7 holawlootlnluhtljtlladlrltlootluiubt mint iuutik huitii h ucutt iuiks soldloru farewell tiik mkv 0 orcliofttra fot march la ctiorua call jolm bradbury tiikciioiu 1 1 halo mary of argyu mm hun maiuii ii nureery uhyrn hull cotanoe tin ciiuiu is justetto hourt be huh warren miaaka it huiyii i ii maoov mlsoub 1 c m imuwu svn j havwauu 14 cltiima half tlipsye clioruu bouddati tllrl tint cimm 15 chorus ifarkttemt kingaiul country tut htm nr vuu cmuu hl iiibtruinental ihiott tiik uunka maui 17 lullaby iuniaby tiiiciinm iouhavkymk kiho tlie oontiiiued iractloa for tla pfct few ueokii hau given tlie choir a new iuloiwt in tlialr work uml this wiu no doubt la maulfwt id the pteu service of the church at tlia regular servloeo tlia solos by ula bortu hmlth awl ur ben uoekla were much enjoyed aa were alo tltoquettettsahy the uilua uml tha mued usrutte and tha man numbers uta a t brown contributed a splendid wading in her luual superb uanuar and tli instrumental numbers by the uuei uotaoii elicited gviieroua epplaua tlia following u the poteorinel of ua choir and oomuiltteeu 1 bofuakiu uiseea beitl hmlth kuu hurt lurtleflpelglit lwrl 7- raker vel wa burt anul evana francis o llrtck- nell lulu homervllu and ura j c uaitbewe alyiuiuiwaalotua mason ue moore haxel mason antolnetu hred ura a ueddook uro w uonabb and ura a t brown tkwob uassrs j c hill n f moor lordott hayward ilea uumay uwrenoa williams and ben uoekla bahtumusaaru win williams jua l uoore neil uadooajd w ii htewart j chaster maltha b ilea htrssaer uruu couuirrkk ura a uaddock and uia emma hurt derti bpelgbt bertie hmlth fern brown oomuy msviaiiuuicnt ueara win willlaiils j c hill l c uatthewo v 11 jeer f kennedy ami j h heauy halunavao re w h walker and irene have re turned to cataract after spending a weak with friend around here ur james blnul ho returned to barru dili urw j d iauo of uinjiouwi vlultod at mr freuk lauigmreetuaiulollierfruuida tha past vi oak uiea vlolot hay en lutu roturued iuhuo alter spending a few ueoka with friaada in hamlluut mr comfort hoioll vlitetl cataract friend a on friday ttie tnemberu of knox church liehl their annual ueatiuglast tuesday night after which refrethtaonta wore urved and tlere u a plaeuut sooul hour ur a it vannatterha duioej ol hla farm stock and lwrlemnui to hla son bufca th stork vujud tha hoaa of ur ww uoljiary hut wji and left a dear little daughter ur koliert cou awl uua u j uilur were united in the bond of holy matri mony oti wednesday aveuiug 20th lnl itov n wauvull oruoutad ur and ura a il ueleau of aotod were tbguuof ur awl ura i uo- laanoo bdiklay just a few more days tliu jniumrv liunruiile hulu in pnuiliif it hut 1 mo 11 full uf jomon nppnrhiulilon for rcniintnlc huyoru rljjlit fruii the boaliinlug and now n it tmnrii miu end there coiuoiu cliiiwk in prkn rtilintinim tii0himii inltntloun 11 tim grent rttrunt nf jnniinry line lwcomei t vatltnbla price rout pmtt fall to gnt your nlinrn nf tliu unnila w riiinlo you price a for tliu proof nf tliu clontlng knla vnluu iu in tlm prlco reduction hpnca ii curtail hie long uul of moiiuyuivlng npjvorluiillltiu but we trimt lliut you will conrlilcr tlituo only nu en tlie many olhent that you will find when you vlult 11a immonnlly women n mlsaeu and chlldreiiu coatu iu thlu wlnlciu stylea ut least 1 tf off womeitil and mlaaou coal not nil tli in ktnuoiis utytoii worth up to is 00 forgttoo child run a coatu n upoclnl mumttment of i hlu turn uonu styles worth up to k5 00 lor teoh white teildy bar conla injvcaru worth up to j jo for l0h yj j womanunnd miaoea bultu this mutonu models hairir4c bulla 11 is4tll ruco worth up to his on f or ulstwl bilk orcsacm in mesanlluo tlie uciinonu hut colorn and slylea woitb i37s for htttl dud wottli h1000 for f k4f t 4 undomulrta in luttlit ntolrouad uatceti in lliteo llueu worth up to l3j siso and si 50 for title uhcnud4u mono overcnntu 111 odd lluou worth up to io 00 for aisou monu bulls in hroliuu hiiqu wnrtu up to 0ia 00 for aisitm mmruuutem worth up tojiboo fuctlufls meuaoverconth worth up tu 33 90 for tmytt mtnu ovorcnatu worth pis so to jijjo for ihtat mcna bulla worth uptowisoo fortfclfmm mens hultn worth up to 33 n ror itfl l iloya hnntur overcoats worth from jeoo to 9 o priced iremi u up 04113 hoyittwued imntcra worth uplnjb 30 for 4l4l7s iloya lltlmacitaii ovu rend lit worth up to aiaoo or ibyimi llnyu bulls unrtll 11 1 in nfl 00 nr 4u1 boyu bulla u or hi from 9 00 fo93 oofurlltki d e macdonald bros tud guelphs leading and largest store cor wyndhara bd macdoiiell street ouelph onl limeuouud fjmelioumi huwlay hclionl teaclieru and scholaru were entertained by mr 1 k iolklnghorne at his home on friday even- j ing of but week willi recilatlotu music ami geidod a mot enjoyable time wan spent and ample jublioa don to tlie boun tiful repast provided by ur awl urs folklugliortia tim guta united in a hearty voto of tlionku to tli genial lioet and luhtoea ur loo t coo who underwent an op eration on hie eyeii a short time ago ia ktlll in toronto what tli result will lot is not yt known but all bow tlia opera tlon will he followed by eouiplel restore lion of his sight ura i k lal king lome wlio has luwn visiting her iarenta in uarrta retumeil horn last week kidney twrongv if thayariyou ereld danger whcd through wcakarse or utucae th udneys fall to filter tha impurlti frooi th blooil trouble como at odeev backache uheumailuu bclatlcsw grav1 duheua gall stode mad tw deadly bright dleeds er aoaia of tha results cl behebl kidney dr uonei indian root fill codtehs tnoat ttfoctlv diuretic- whkb tiit and itlmuut the kidney to that they da thalr work thorouaht aad wll try dr m o m inaitkka root plllat c c speight for uptodate goods suvaurwar in twwr ktn vdrtly also liva cullttry haurdwbjr ttrtwaur sajad oram- ttttweur bra vur4ty pmntfor ttovm mnti lmngmm- 1munib hlkts sriu klovsat oil cuou every article ia of excep tional value c c speight mill strut aetna theyre fine tor kiddies euuaaa asanas sib sal helsteres fw lumlmk ueubwsiu klla el ve e sleet isfwe eawuu auuvulaakaawseaju caaartaittw aaoeciajl ecu tcdaarra u chamberlains tablets ubmymumammmbmkimmklhili s1stbater coats g s kiuwd in tulc 8m hie vigor coat 4 ip i colur 111 nuin shuu buulh 11 wm csali oa for i so lor im taotx4ab oaa tlb bnuru 11 wool bwttur coau vmrtb up lo 4so or xm t rrb nblsolsr iafcuuit rnailoe hatsai sltfaltak oua1liil omv 1 huhhhl1ualmliha1ltmuuhhblallltlh acton8 electric choppinq milii open every pay the favorite latmcru chopping mill in now open every da no long waits or disappointments chopping and rolling both batiafactoilly done hooooohxewo stocktaking sale hhmhhharjddrjadddtindrjrjndddrjddtiddaddoddadorjondnhhmwuh s compound spruce s and r white pine balsam i a uousecret sciontlflc remedy fur tight ctuhhom cougha hvery family should keep u liotlli on liand one man said give me anolhvr loltlo uf that pun0lau red bpmco itu cxcolleut 2s and so cents ii a a a the pmiur drug store l a t brown acton g 3iiimihiaaaaqnnnrjdnaudaandaatjaddondaddadadqdti the merchants bfink op canada thrift in rifihtly described as eco nomical management a shrewd buaincao man is spoken of aa thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par vjooojoao 7m m acton branch p a maclean manager b f c aldwexii acton out proprietor matthews photo miu street acton

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