Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1915, p. 4

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skire rtoit jfrw press tih7uhi h iiiualt t iihl whom mlllcu maittlv i would mil nt it ly aitum ant fciir in u lm lifinl uiul i dlil timidity i wi ull nut utd i llkuummi iiuivim1i i do not fumy mil o linn he amokon too mm h for uui jim naat might win mo if lie tried uut nnl hot i imilty lutrtfllutl fnml of hit it miun lis bring irui 1uulu of loweru aim ivrey varo hint plomlod for my lund fur hmiri mid hmim i ilka do ii tlour llii motlmn lfnu mniiiiith fimnj ah for my fnlku tin v think thitt im cutout far mitt lllmnu mill auderer i never uocupt tom 1oolery in illy ihok tlor i ntmld noior uland i uont uid willy nilly i d neer wiy yo to imn ilollod ida mtt liken fop t lint id mrr lorn ucn 1 1 if men would only pop trill dav wtlkltlnstitlon wiiv tfik toov ltfavirai in olilm llmou it uuu not k hai no did nu wr know u inn who nwmwl uiiu llln r in biigl mil m llnlliiid l on i ho ilgj end thn innilut lul uiirwui iimiiii gngti ii m w wirv ml nor would imy trvuul tn oil llio hnga mid thnihoep a thrrlrilm indiotmrmv to ue kdltor i a geutlemun niter zoning on it uruiul jury exixcued hip opinion of llio liquor traltio in the following wont id in a rotujl ugaimit good guvorimieut it dictated mutilnntloiia tu oilioc corrupt tli 11 lot am felalllua llio returns it fthtirclmu lite leglulsluro aollaourokeoutha oaloers ami ilili u our courts it in tlie foe of the home and the enemy of organised wioiey it trim lu overawe tlie pulpit underminou llio platforms of political part lee ami suhbldlxeu iho pul ho pa it tllcrwlitu the oomtltutlu end iiom tl law it la tlui ilwroyor of ilotntlo lapplne it i rutullieu ilia liusliaiid ualitae the uifa daluiuchee tlt uin uml ltuy tl uugliuir it las uu tauraiwo fmtlva oiiumii ho lntrt in anhool no catvtulbtnuaii tar iwhuc do okputioii of kevii uwl iiu wir n tmll aiul uut u not imlf tlut cd i lm trutti fully ulj of llw ijjmor traltio hut if lwlf l true liow taii uny uilf riiclliif citiutof tmy ioiitlc4l uit ffo tolluipalli ml ot for tlm ualiilmtf of ttil awful traltio i n mar liou cuii coiiwiieiiltouji loyul cltlun refrain from tlolnjf all iii lilu lwr totubtrot tlilg tratllo tluit ituiiuiu u witli until to cura for tlio ruin it cuuuiu ii amottu hmcih iiiiiiiii now jtliiofl on frljly ioitiltcimjkuilori liaio u i ikioiii of ilroui itiy tl it- jiljw ii umuniiiiu on tlilrf ilayuml of uiirriiiu nml liunuinif mi elyof iltuf iu it tin ml arm jim jiilinuil i til j tin tliut ailum uiiu tioiiiotti hiihumi ami wnwoltiml from iuru ilui on vrlih moliiimmoil to waw liu irojnlu touiih iltmlunxl tlie luima it iuim imci1 tl ilinwl tin i lucky luy fat ainorlfl lalumlitki iiiimhciini uixi mi tlml ill llmillrlim iuiuimiimi tli uama iiu mil wublilnutmi urn uri on kit ky mm iwirwiiih tatruo tlio rulo uml do rluro tint tliltt u to litem u lunk ill miico lio laid it room iliutuaodlmory nun t dioktiim hiitl tlml it whh furtuuuio for lib room in wlilcli lio caul i laut hl triinu i mil o i icr know it lioy ulm diili like lo lut von room of liu iy omii ullli rina in it no tlul ln toull blay tliuiw tu on it oalil ujnlor iilytit 1 ihtlyinitnei know o 1h unt illiln t llkntn lhvo a liofwi ami liumf of lu own t how ili1ou likatoiimktlntl far mm l nml litttiuy oory tlino ou uiintwl to yo umiwii 4 imil iiu ntur know u luiy win iliilnt work ultorulion lo luul croii or wlnu liolmlono holt wltli ulikli to in uu lo ilomutl t itlil mi utr know from luilnur u itay law tlo touii uoitior iwiy unu oiivimi bo ilurtakinux nintt of u licit wra hiicoeui til ulm n hfjfnii or emlotl on vriilay bovtt wm li uk tlw hoy wlioiiovor uuldm fun of old ay no ttuttler itow daciijl or uiifattuiuit or tovil it buy tic tiotl u imml rotu loviimly oil tlw bd luul clmtlng in co4tuuittiljo uiiulet mul atuiy utfe ifiu play tliwjij tronntltou uot waokoti liu cltaniotor tit4 hoy wko iwver uiiu anylkotly luul nifaua iui tustur wlwt miboily cullu liu tt lay wlu lu tvr cnut tfi day wlu iwver ilea lv ulillo ilea uavo luck spold ou tlia diaructer tua boy wlw navor bukw fun of a coui laulou ixkjauw of a mufortuiw lo ooum oocltali tu boy wlio uatar l4uud touy no hta bklod to do a utooi uiloff tum boy lo n tr iiiurralu tli boy wlo mevcr forpta umt uod uiajd liioi to la m ioyoua loving loijkui ujntf itlluulpitu 1uulo ujr castoria doal allow voar bowu lo bttoono cohiliyaled if tte tulli was only known you would hod uiat ovtt otic half of the ill of ufa una cuul by allowing uut bowcla ta get iati a coaitiuti condition vb uui bowtli bcone comttlpabj uu alomodi jeu wit of order tb liver do not wotk tiropctly uud uu follow th vloliut kick licatljicbe uui nourutu of tlui ttwtucb wtdilria of wlruf bart buu wattr bnuli bluotunwiui uad fvtttral funj tkat you jo not caw to do tuiyuiltii ktp your bowu rtmuur by um mllburaa laia vvcr kua thty will ew way oil uie fft4 tnnttr wbkfa colkcb d tii ayabfih and wak you think ujtlif l wocui uvliif mrt ifatu meklukk walasckt qtw writ vov hvrl yan x wa trwibud with sour atouath auul ullou mm uid did twit net nltcf until x ued muburdtf lnallwr h1i x bad only takaa uitij two vk when my troiiblu wa qulto kmw and x will rcorttbd uitti wmiffritim a i did amufauro lkllvr hlla are 2ftc ptf vial a vkli for it t0 at all drug ato or wr or will ik malbd on rttlpt of prtce by ttie t mllburnco limited yoronto ont vto huom von vhk uwvmh a youug foiipu4 uaa bluu uid lu my tb vulxla lultfr and tlto t ly tha uwyro ut tin 0humlt kow lauky ubatdoou do wit ukid luky vwm you wok of cour uu tba lawyer vy work- i kmwall tu lawyer liut wltat tr at a lwk oil r froatwwl uk uwyr wkn do tmi work at a l4iclir la a faatory wtit kind of a totory f vw uaka brtcur wo tbj eaetory 1 uulj of uuka nov lanky luua uld tk uwyu- wkt do you uake ia that f iolory 1 uibt dollim a wi ko ko what doi tin factory malt i dauiio i tot of uouay i tllub maw luudl what kind of roodadoaa lha bctory vodoa v ofa aaid uuky vj gu i know but what kiwi of puuf good r th baa tlui iwat of whatt tb ut thara ia of wutr of doaa good vouir honor uld u lawyer i sv up au oil that u vuiuoua tlmuyl cana da wm not lha blrthijaoa of w tliowah ecuetria oil it u uui itaitui of that fabuuia ooolpouod from luur ita good tiaiua uuh aorad to oauthl aiul uoutli anuria tlio weat xudkws auutaiia aiul kow xralaiul that u far aflald oiiouifh to atti4 ita eifoal utto forlalllhamdounlrualtlaoii wl ad lu doljvd thm kkoat ovv willi bateil imaui tha toother rukliul ueromti tha football flald to tlio suierdiwy hoaplul what ttdliitfv ijw fultvkd of my aur thay lookad ujkwi her with ootuiiuakloii vllyou bos eviiulned the eainala uftbetaaui ha hut ida head when to triad tha hying uiljtd bhrkaklhff wluly lt milk to uui lloor yhty told ue it hau only u broken artu at always luady lill ti thomt of mrittthur bahlt madloliui la of little uortcoru but tha g6a taabwity of ttuta ara uot of v2lar baut the worry uud oarea of litwlrna wvttt it ajtd out of the irntu latlty of ufa bomo dyapabahi odhjatlot llw and kidney trouble a iwoteal tha vaiidkwo eyatean dataawlaa corrtcth and the no boiler thaw ivrmewa vlejaatahla wu they am aln4e iu their twaarhtulim and can lie ukoii by the meat dmijdemytlontftifata tllal vow1l oawtd sou mtiil cliortio when oierjbody uiiu utlmtlarouml llw tabic lata joy llto touolumne futlier told u lo ud to 4uy wlteit ite kau it imy how doou tli it uked otoryoua ul once it u icry ui roiled uuirlle dii trihutlnu wiuiu uiul ujuir uluati tlia family urou ou tako tlio iko rtftilar ouolw u v 1 o ii uml heftlimiiitf with tho llnt letter cuch 4uyor wrilemialooira onti oe uu lie can udln uo vouel oitcat it in uny uoid but repautlutf tlat fetler uu often bh he wlwhau i don t quite umlarwuiml bali txwfcln lmy liodbo uiu ua uu ckoiui4o ou 1 liavo toyuo me u few luliiutea urnoo tlieu lauflttoj cluulle takiiiff lla pencil uiwl utwr huiofce 1 take a ho wrote luluutilouijy for a fw uiinuleu ami then read lite result alow al uiaihitu trunk lams a ull tatty block man at wiuiuia lieu a oat uiat eau catchj ull bad onta rule and batu at nathan u gantry and lani uravot ctll uucteu and aunu ea charlie tiuiijuvl madlnu uui iueer uu- teuoe- aa kae rootinuej clarlie you may fixe tlio ilayam iue uiluuteu or any tlaie you aro ou bofarehaiul to luale up umj mnteitoe wit on u time in uji tlui uui unoaa aro rwd aiul the oao lialuy the lonfaat eenlobc of good ijalu eouiuon place fnyllji imu ulnil tlia tint vanl ou ifo ort utla way for each of tha he owol aiul wleo all the kaotauoeu ore roail and oouiaid the puroa who la galnd tlia bio1 tolutu wins tha geuut- kscliaiift add ktwul tlolluiu uud knojv ilin uouli not imi nioleutod 0 ilo yon roullitu tliut lliu uu you felt umlor ttieuo ootulluotiu ii uhout tlui wily ull tlio other lnyu feel f 7 iwd you ki w itiut tlmo uml tlnulit tmiit otiltoya will ia jiut nltout uu uel an time hiid tliouylt ount oir pjlc oou uml mutfur loou 1 conm cuiiiioi vviut when llollouuy a corn cure iu uijiioj1 to tlicm mmhiiimj it hoc to tlio root mid bill llic itniulb ho not for one iou thiit you rati fiear muko oul you aetloiiu vpuuo turtito ow pur dvu to akoct hliko bol uioiiultt into rom tllafl ooutmtv tutiuui foluiboii on liullrwl vluit to uhi don entered a refctuuniut uithtlmiil fuller iiu btew a waller lifoouht lim u luouu eryretllu llui fuc lie btmlled it loug tlntu liiially toleljiliiu out tlio wuilor laid tuljetlloto ur what uii tlmtut il ii mm foubly uihacreil tuurbotlinntr ur itor t uant ertliiin luiid vuiui youiiy feller i w from the oumilrj i um uml i fot euoufth oourwo uiuh ut lome wis treiilel willi nreit fretlraliea uauy people ultboujfh they kuow of wrvoua protratioti do not know what uui eywptodii or the principal once are a ftallugof right whni in crowded place a dread tj lltig ulotu- far of belntf lit a confined puce a horror of octcty a dfcatl of tbltia falllaej fron hov frlvht ut travclhs oh railroad tralaa and uittuibed and reatlcaa un- rtfrcttua kp often troubled with drcaiiui ut gcorve lr vtctarl harbor out write x am wiitlna to ml you of the ekptruuce i have had with mil- bum heart and nerve hl i wue ao uhvou i ooukl tiot da my own work x did not went ta are uny cau or would 1 ko any plane my ntrvei wre had for thru year and my heart wo u bad it made taa tremble oil over i took thre luief of your pill ami i never was batter tluit x am now i wegh 20 pounds more uian i ever did mllnrnt heart and nerve lhlh aw i pr inx 1 hou for 01 35 at all cil r or mailed direct ou rtfelpt of i i tic t mubura ca limited t f j o it mimtm 1baking powder i if arp knootca rloy in immid tu inma iu iiih uorld haimitlimui uo keep out of iuiijci ullloi ly our teutioii or iulll tic oml luck fur u uiihi i bill mtonor ot 1 1 1 i llo bind itiim uu ooiuoum no umoiiut of ilodulnif tu run uliilfulll keep ileni i if rimy me nod fur uu loo it iiiuh not iippfur ut ilia mum ul jiit lou tlio will tin im otul lu tlio cud liutor uu hud uut tint llui ailiuituue wuu tm mil hide uu n ruuult if llio okjuirinuro haw all ill wo huh tin m llio iiiiuuor lu llio iueitluii i impottunl uu imfl uotloboour hoiulu or our lnirlu or our teniier if wo inoo our uumlt uu nro uu t ono i for it nmpilroo hloailluouu uiul food outdulutlon to hiutdlu ouimibem urnoefiilly in lite kclooi of lanl kuocku ooi judf meut lu developed if ue koep our iuuiiih umlur the i lawns if wo lou our ltcar ue ure lieaton tu be u winner tnouim to keep up ooiinijfo iimf tlio tory word tooraijo lueulid luuiil tlw iinui ul rounit uutrh llmuelf llmu tlie- tliiwipliik uml um iittra if we loui our teniir uo uro tun tpiulied tliy ucrvuut imikt uut 1 1 into u pdmiloti vniror fut the uliolo iuibl of eiuleavor nml makou u uuortuln in uim aiul weak in action hut if uo keep load lirt ami lonier umler tlio okihuuooo of lard knocku uo uro more limn comuuror ylonullemlil children ory ran fletchers c notllkl klioiikl iw ullowetl tu utfr u lour from worm ulum irouit mllof can bo ot in a hiniilo imt nlrotiif reniwl motliert raven worm r xtcnuluator ronaet theei ioruot tliuov it to dronm by nllilit mid iniieo on tlioo by day it nil tlio momlilp deep mid wild n pihtu limrt inn pay if iiritoiu in uliu4iiitu ttroulliod for tuio to luinoiiu prutoct- liit nmur ir hiimi thmiuiiih uml nit lo hit i ii iiioiihiiiki in mi lour it ihimj runt m iidliikiluf uu uir ii mini u lui- ir thiu hum nil hi rorj1 iuul i lion iiuiihii hihiii lu furuoll htl ii hum ulll hi miimmi ihiim hi i ii i ulm uiul ftiiuy fnt iiu lot forliid ih ulndiiomo liiuri hiiiiiiii mi lim lnd for me nil whllu unit ltiirt lu utlll uu toii tdi bid not mliiuto roiv hut lt tl iniixn ll liiimblo fill i ii uml iiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiuu litu it tin hi- irvumod for imtloiit uiirn ut iiiki umill um not inrutt uu lln n but iiotir hi lltio tli it hum iiiiut bo fdr- tml miiii moulihi ih rnadh utid tlu douur ou i ou uoeiliit coiuo ull the cause off dyspepsia li sftutmm ail tl far tttcau3 too rapid taticuf aaueur toa taueavtad too ouit taprcttrly tbewhlt thtlood titidg too touch sunsuhitua food aaj laduhdajl u hopvnpw diet koratiy thit svalrroitt vwlaa4tita rijiiifaimlkkuuatj foodi hcaiuxira wukd u tha rtufwdk a fijrtef of wlaht li tswi aioaadk ta ft a f mihif that your btomach laa ta all wroriaf and that tha rood you mfedowi uot tais to tiree ww jrm ttttcurt aujwock bloott kattwjtc lira it wuuamaoo whw ont wrltci i hv4 bn a ikikera for ycra froed dyjpvpja and could tawefy eat anything x tried burdock blood hitttr and 1 au entlnfy eurad x hava uot bun troubled alnra x took it and that u two year ago i caa bow tut any- udnv x wink u ii u ii waaufaxturwl oly by yb f mubura co umiiml twoto oftl walhm ahiwalw lhhir ftapliantji alaep ataudlug ui whan in a henl a eartaia uumhftr will alwaye aiauil watch while the other ft for tlui utf liouerful baaumare tluikl ami oaullom at tiiglbantl will not go a aloep uaguardod hatm steep itaail dowuwanl bauuiiia by their bind euwa ulrda with few eoptlona tjaei with tlielr luuilu tuntoil tallwanl over uui buk and tlui hoak tlirunt heueaut uui wing htorbu gulbi aiul ouier taagh7gfl iilrd aleep fctondlmr on oao ley huoku ijoep on upon wateh to aiold irlftluo uulioro thoy koep iwdtltiup with ono foot limn tuiklitu tlwui moo in a circle foxeauutluolieualooii urled up uieir notes und ltia mis of their feet oloaa tu gsiuter uiul buuktdod by thalr bujij ulu uonu tlgaru uiul oat unluula mroitih tlifaiiiitolvoa out itut uimui um tddo their iiiumilomtuyllrliaiul throb imlioatlu that boy uro llylit uiul itutiowt looiuia owla lu uildlllou tn uujlr oyelldw luivs u mrtwn tluit tlio tlruu uilouuyh tmroau utolroyoit lu uiut out tho llhl for tltey uteep in tho duytltne our ihimb anl wain ooh abatnm hmna nuin at the club were telling dou fctorluu after u dayu ahootlng wluui tlui tabu had rot vtry lull ono litllu man wlio luul itoau quite ullent uatd i i luto u dug that uudtoa ull your t foola i geuerally food him tnyaelf after dinner but uui other day a friend dropped im and tlui pur animal atlipeil my aucahino hhavklv it ia natural to crave tuialh tho luuau being la not boru wlio in ilie lime of troubudoaattottluil biuiaalf urctuuuned nd oouforted by tlte nywpattiej lo under btandlng of eouui friend and yet uiia natural longing uut be careulty inurded auoverllkliig for uyuipauiy ia a weak nam produotlxe of uui uot wrieue faulta there are people who never baar a alugle trial la allenoe they lnalt on dumping very trouble ou the hearta of their frwda from whoui they can expect a roturu of uytdpauiy iudeud miue tro ao far an to manufacture trouble vlen tha re artlele ta sot availabu and tlemand frou ttlr frlenda sytapauiy for putaly inugfnary uu evwyoaa like ayupathy but atroa aaal laarti ta do without it there are unmawbaa loyalty loth right mean le- iha uuuadaratood tmturd no one who baa not learned talieludapemunt of yu- auiy will amount to wnoh lu helping uui w otld lorwatd dhildren ory for fletchers c ou oan do little for tea wheu you think of them a tha iiilifn there a almou sum to ba aonui iiu tug glng at tha hearutrlaga wheu tha taint baa ulougfaoa ha alow bualaeaa oarrylug a crooked yarjuiuk uu the auaigbt voad tobaworllyof truoa tliat our friend rape lu ue la a uoble aokuvbtaaut tiulil now- ou uodiliit conio bu agulu hut uir remarked tlio wititiiit vo uboot dcr ull i alii t got moooli mono v ill ou dale dor ull out iu trado tlie ww liuiiou lookoil tlio man up uiwl down well i tulgbt i wliat i- jour bulivd i alii da hiiulur of tie llildla clioruiau baiul tulr o will iday in front of youi louw oicry oienltm for one itionlb lcllolt iroo 1nui d lou as the result or a ifadtma tu tevtte ironchul ratwatt ut w alkn imlai ha wtila i red uut i wuu bt mix you mm mux iwmt maedy iv wntlmumiy rlw 8ykt iwxa uulutlu u t did not write mid bt you liiim ti woaaahti tatti ipriw i luhkikd to umtmp oold of couim utu ua autae uud i did uot tk uav iukiki uroouwclu likum hssvk did not kruk uo u iiukuy u omi tatmay did iu at ta ifttr too msol ud no ld ol iupnmatul t bsz to nlmmtd uurwuit to toy is3 kyddu o inromud wj flut i kma twult of nllli my ndd lhs kdlxd mae rudldu tot bw mhls i took for about two wl wittmituty uut of luwoyetthiil t hi utsw prelty uue tllawunuted lyjhti ist omp ily llnul hipttetud tobola to bow i ibtln uy tratbfc uld ho tulvlim mo to try wood ilzv wry botiellcul kiulti mu lb uwln iuur oat i took kb mdttovud um lor about two ttayaifnoutrf doddod bnorewttient and tnmtjjt uy on i btiut to ut better ud la tea euwrwwlaiayttaudhejtli imo- idof tku o ucellettt tbowltui your lluou ituuumndit woullli ly iii tmokl in otlwr llic- k yuii iimi i fujt ubutit uur iiuullh irulmbly yoo woo t troullo tlui uomiu ho wlio u not afnil ul umiliiu tmil lut tor fodr hurerlutf duly immi lliiii tluit aro xit into lit liigr aro loarnoil in sterling lives a girl wrsijferaamhyglru do telia how site found relief bttliflit fjona i am a glh of 22 frwah aadl beeal ta faint away every toionui and was very weak x wj ala botherad a lot with femalaweakaeaa x rd yoor little hook wukvkn for wo moit and i aaw bow otheva bad ba hvlpaj by lydla tl loihama vegata- bla cotupouttd attd thwldad ta try it end it ruu fcdaje ma ftct like a new glh wbd i uu bow hlleved cf all thaaa trouble i hopj all younff ilrla will cat rllaf aa i hav 1 tuvtrr ublurluhiyifarllikutiiaa fttuoqulw uox llrl bteruiix coun uauarut n y i hava taken ly- tua e irtnkhaua vegbihla compound and i highly raommoiv it if anyone want ta writ ta ina x will gladly tell w about my tmita i was ertajvt1y lu bad eondluod u uy blood waaall tum- lagtaweurt ibadplmpuaoa toy face and a bad ew and foflve yaatal had beit troubled with wpwwlofi the doctor railed it anatnla ami khaui tloiiand said i waa all rtitt down hut lydia h nnkhatta vegeubla conv ucaiivbrwiaht ma out all right uua laviaa uvhkd uox 7 majaua uy voutolruxxrwitfiuadvlm chi who ara troubled with nalnfuloj irragtilair tteriadk backache beadacba drawiiadod awiiatloria falhtlhf apeiul 6rucuaatlajotild immedlauly aek vvitorauod tabeajtb by takltta ly dia u hiiuuvuv vaiuua cowpwr- wat ahh mbbvbjh molhhv tluit undid our tor boil tint uo kcit fal lit lu luiimiill ilut uo uoor tot u opportunity of liclug kind luouu ioorei tbuu mirmjivix ttmt wo looked itovoro uo km pot i flint uu tboiiglil iwforo uu pntmihotl hint we lihlcnod beforo judging lluit wu iliwuuiitpiiuiitxhl nil lutti bear iug tliat we ramulnod ttoatlfat in our prln clphu ufien foumletl on rlgbt tliat woutdiod forlencauiwlieii innrror tlut wo were neer dioourtomi tlml uo wcrogtmcrotiu und forghlug to uu one in ttuit wo utro irlialgllfoiwjrd in ull our tlml uo hot u iiiomoiil lo kniutli witl tlio iijiprcwil tliat ua gao one ulo ii ul or rod jm1 ono mnroclianoe tliat wo ucra pu tlu lit witli t roublcuuue ueiglilorn thai wo wero ocr rompl iu ion ping our pioiii41 miluru uarui liderw um uuut am iwutalifj to clilldrau wlio diow uo i i laney in taking timid they will certainly bring ull wotnti troullwi ui an end the uro a fctreugt lining ami uluiulatliig med icine tonclliig tluidiutleru of digeuiou i lull hie wrmi tauao und iniiartliig u luoltby tone to tltewytoui ioot ijetwtcd tu tlctoloimiient- ohildren ory for ftetchers c turn hulu 0 tat uatbj tlrue thftigu to light for itouor country uud louie tliree tblugv lo think about tilo diutb ami etemlt thro tllugu to lota courage gonthi iuva and eawitlou three tltlngu to liate cruelty urrogaiioe aud lugratltude- t1iro lliliigx to dolujil in fnuiknc fraawlom and beaut three tklugii toavoul idleuaw totpiio ity and hi in lot uultug thro ttiiugw tovlji for hthillb irumdi and a oleerful tjjriu three tblugw to udmiru intellectual jiower dignity uiul gfucefuliiew new jersey ulrror to team uboylng la tlia fuulauuntal act of governing oue cuii never buy u aaufdactor braifl of ioputarlty at cut rato review of life revvalt that the thing wo tnou ivgtettad at lha uine are llui ouee to whkji we owe tuot now hatmum uhb1cuabian ivltlckv face won ao homely uiat it bail been daaoriliod aa an ofleuso to the luml acapand be uaa aaaooraa lie wait hottio ly one day a neighbor met him uml wild i ami how mo yo lat i mighty bail uumwjixmi lul ita blarvatloii uiat la uuitdiu ina in tlio fuw uu uoi wild tlui synipauietlfl on lulror mute uml fant be ery pleat ant for aytber of ye what kind of otguru ilo you uldi tu give your liunuaud iiuuhini lluwiui or doiiuutlov ob duuuwtlu by ull iilounu 1 in git ing thfjin to lilt tu eiicouiugo bliu tocpeml dlu ovciiiiigu ul home you know hjiub dlil ou uub tlui llli befuit jon laikwl ill ijlw uululll u bulla lu umitlll ulujilllg or 1kb wluita livod ull idw tlfu lu du wulor miibulelplilii laulor i wltli i know how lu gwl rid ul troulite ill lielp you oul 1 know u fellow wlmjualwuihlooklngfar ll oivimo and km csu vi no uiuhnu m iumi no uur unittuu auppeii my i zua mi ili t yu hlml alter the ml we u into uui aayontawlcfadaj iwaiahiiw iwl be alow to k irardau tha dotf bcraloluid up a hower put in a mod word for it wbtaewr the wordauf wliat olbeia hau acoomidhjuhl ai laid it at wy fart with tha ateet ffijw wj t j tln u butt and ludlguait liecauso jlooklnmae-itwa- a forget- pkj ylevetnent b paaaed r uauatba nobody told any wora doff tooria that anaouractutrd only by tb t lailbura aiipreclatlou erouretty nura lo re vaalat cm limited toronto ont oeive it beck nothing a load for aulnaa aulluua remeillee coma and go hut every jaar the ulae of tha original iv i h kellogg aathina itatnedy grow greater and greater no further evidence could lia aaked of ita rtuiaikabla meril it relieve it la el waya of tha luoi umarying tpalily wlileli tlie auberer froni autliuta loarua to know ho not buhw anouier attack hut get tbia upleodld remedy loday how many cam you ouuimff what tuna tnakaa eterylody gladf i or tune why ougbt ireland to berlcri i heoaum it capital a ikiulu wby in i ute guyeit letter in uie ulihubclt uaoauwi it li utwnyu in fun wby lu an orange llko i tlnirch uoople ilocuuho uo lavo a ioel from ll when in a huitoltiaaii ulo a donkey wliou he ttaitil on hit lianka awl bruoa wliat inaaot doe uui bhutkamlth tuanu faoturo t he make the flra hy whatt la tha doctor likely to lie moat an rtoyed t when lie u out of patlenta what la tlie tnot roinarkeue anlinal in tha world t the jg becauue it la llrat killed uieii cured tlia continent cold sores are vour hinda chaprid cracked or orel xiava you cold crack which open and bleed vhe the akin la drawn lufhttf have you a cold aoiw froat bite or chllblulna which at tlmea makea it agony for you to fco about your dutleav xfao zamtluk will glvr you relic and will heal the froaldamaged eklri mlaa ii slrojaa of ram ilnm ford nfl wrllra my hnnila wcro o badly chapped i wan mi ubfi to put them in vatr all rfmipillfi failed to boil until i trlnl siantlliih xvhovirnnn ultli thin balm completely lu ud tlio corco ttmnullibilaculi hurmi bruit euros cciwmj itli lbanpej i m uu ttttd anriiiu litiit 4rl ami t1 jlimiauii attit lulurlau keruta tui allliilea at ell liruuuliia ami i larva casform gaasi promotes dillonflrttw mcks uiul ited0ulalfll tahtbtf opltini marjtlune ivrlatril notnaltcotic qlrflii llon nonolobors rarslmitshialurtef yktolmvauacshmkv hohtiiuuwwyoiik castoria for jnfantn nml olilldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signatur6 of till grand trunk railway j iatjstcouil tiiainu hi lollihluuntliotliiu tt wliluli wamtar rliiuruil 1 ammi i nom kabt in ihu wkir mi uu ii va b ulia bi nil vii klli lit i nd 111 0m9 ta i lljiu iii hi in v jip in vo u llrlt ii nn nidi w so hi ilfni n sn it kvilp to in use for over baaet copy of wrapper thirty years castoria stocktaking sale no mora liwulaxjie foe youtatkr3 tboaej poj i jui iiajitkf tl i iilihi iii i y ijt ika eaaiaa tata clauulktruia ctaaaaili ui uiw yakima yty iuimiwm tin liaaklukjj but gli yuu a uu ont baiutfuj frhj f iiaii- uy ittuttubtbumlkuuyirrllam i tlt iu w w awa etv chamberlains tablets i aiex niv1sn survoyu sulhllvlhioiirt ilrinu he- imirln do triitnnii hluupiiulu etc clrtifltnti i for piircli inrn uml inort hiikuui snrvoya fr arliitecl tltlih doru ihki municipal l miclla dmlu ngo itupnrtu fm m nun ulc merchants bank bldo ouhlpii fhortm 10 ont v6e bell piano a 1iano not only with n np- ulutlnn hut wltli nil tlielualules lo huh lu made in guelph by tho i iijl tmaiiufaciuroraun dor tlio drltuh dag and by tlie moul ukillld workinaii known ami ia sold in acton 1uruy on lu nitrllo lacaua it linn given inindriilu of people perfect intlufaclian liecauia tl iiaukiueii tlio duieledt lone and it utuya in i ii ii if ilia lougjti c w kelly co son 133 upper wyndhtun st ouclih ont boots shoes eubbbes tnoaou ita ii oaaaoo all lines oy footwear g i bit rtffht pitoos u n d h all mens rubbers at h bargain prices fa a oaaaaandanndnaadnadaannnod w wltiliams mill streri acton ves wannest kind for cold weather touglier horschide will never be found because lite beat ib used or storeys cloves and gauntlets and yet the slun because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and v fireproof the best working gloves on the detsm market sold at all tores insist on storeys awn nn t if tmlai 1 keep the wheels turning buy madein canada goods hcton iji srteltby and bus likie having purcliatl the livery huhlueua and gomlwlll of lha estate of tho lale jov wlllus i rchpccifnlly tnlicit tha palron- aga of lio public comfortable nga will olwava he uupplled at rcaionablo cliargea for the preaent lfr oaari hall who has had hie niamgav tuent of the btahlea tha peat year will continue in charge ha will always be found courteoua and obliging huej mtfttye alltmaihol ambrose mccann mill st actoa out sweater coats s 9 ketlticed in price uee he visok coat 6 4 in i collar 111 plain sliarieg genulua all swool coul 01 oo for l s s tor 40 6 oo for 40 odd tinea getmlno nil wool m hwcaiur coalu worth up to 4 jo tar 30 at r e nelsok nbul tw wyadhan ataa oumuru dmt i watches we are in a position to attend to your watch needs our stock io very complete and not one in tlio lot which will not give bjtisfao tion let us fix your uatchek and clocks wo jive aitisfoclion every time w h foster vbm wum sdoul orooitrown our ouch aa vuh patents ihaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaairaaituaialiataaaaamaaamb aaiblf

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