Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1915, p. 3

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spectacles eyeglasses liillom i 1 1 1 1 11 nkblu rnniob himliacrxh ulilalltlil iiaiims uxasonaiims wlllihm htnl u wllllusll im win wakiiiaou illounbua i0uubd geo hynds jawllry 1 aotom ohtahio tteal estate vtktmu for wulr in if itliuit tcl ad hrllliiuioii too furm- lor wile ctrry ulxv ii you want u flatni wrlle itin for nil 11 1 uuu ok if you uihii 1 u urll of ttcrlinuii write iur l lutve rwry tarlllty iter trniihiniilim btiatueuw to you v- cafaapmf mitllufiirilon 4wrm- fctotatauiu uulltlitfil jt i nikioiuiiitv funu htiiur mirrltklliit 1 jroraetomt ffilic ctoa jfrrc jrcsfl tilllthia fmhtualu al 101 brief local items ti10 aleighlnu ima become thin in mma places hi tumlp fihippera ura ntill receiving luriilpaatthot t it yard tltfl spring idrxla oro arriving and twr roundelay uro heart no 1110 it i iftimilrtot hn boon roapjmlnt- d limwur of kllltuu at n salary ol j 1 00 iiomi morning ifnio jou rcuowcd uuraucu iulmi enhncrlptiont book at jour lalc o tlila uoaka iapcr llarely ii a full ook of hucli ntlld am wunuilny weutlicr hi toluuary experienced an we luivt had during the pait uek mr william frank ami family who lav bmiit thu jiaut cmr in lawn ore rluruiug to their farm in nauitfauoju thla wmii hamilton conference- tpwartli lagu tiuubtothclioclwlll iwhelut oak villa thfi yuvtulvs 10 iuv u 1 drapar la ilia iwdaat tha hiltil weather and the uuuaual auount of snow nro now showing whore tw udafoctha dniinago on tlve atresia naamhu have luoii flooded on many tlca iv hamilton of krln who imn iruc tiasj iii profewlan in frin villag far tmarly thirty yearn ha dlipcied of his naluna and proctlco to ijr mocullough oftorodlo horn hujeru uora in town on tiuut day atvt uourwl eight remounts to cavalry tad artillery purpotea for aarvloo abroad the priou paid rangod froui jich to 173 lufornwr nwmrlit rtouiii cnuil by- lw by urtf majorities on monday 10 oantract with tlui vtuk ludlul couijany for 000 liona powar of electric otirrant aiul luuaujwa for ji3immx it la aaslly icnuuibtraud utfiv laya uutatua unt4 wiii tlia pavuuanu nro itvadad mou tluiy r in wrotclnwl con llliod rouw have lun tvo ur thr liwliw uruler water thin wck lt annual imwtfng of tlio acton uraach iljuo bocioty will l l in tlw iutit cfiurcti uculnsmlay atoulnu mur 3j iuv w c ifauuird of toronto will glv tm aildroft of tlio tivonliiff unlnff u untarn to lllustrato hiu muiarko tbar la notltlnif tho fhfu incw uu llku to much aa to tako tits uima of aul bchuw off tlio iul but f mnewol fa not rocii4ly niada wltcn vro tako it to bum yon do not intend to renuw aiul tliat tin pitwr lauot mjuwum to u forwanled wlam titna paid for luia cmilr bcunpton lioa lioil iullo a kliako up in j utunloiialiaattor kavohoattj ttwigimkl to baaotua akmtmnr tun council torn ro utuj to run for tlio ltovokltli uotli i wrimaauil od tlto council on monday wm givu tkrdd now inon u j c ilull iu and ii 1 mulli- aiul rouut wortiiycauttclllara ur iloudit hiuolair for many yani 1 at aetoti to u now uilitor of tlio ttalny nutrouiuo puliluhwl nt rain llitor ortt it la an axcollant local iawr wall iuortliuil tty tlio morcliunta and liualnesa taiftii ami ptlvca am lo manlftwutlou of proptrlty in xrno rmpect wa would roaiitwtul improveniant cut out tlio liquor oil tart ltd rg ilol ita ubm to liavo tltut lono protulwwl portrait taken tnitka umj aptolntnitint to- day mitthawu htudia cuewsons conhehs 1ia valantiuo xnol it hold at tin liauto nf mr b klntfliury on monday iolnuarj istli uru it dooidoi suooohj both llmnof ally aiul aoolally a uuodly no in was rula x la lid nf thachurcli lim and m jmh uiit avetiliipaiit in niuiito aiul aainw by tle ug erowil uaanu all vera load in tbolr pialu of ilwt iiwpiuilty of mr and mr kicdcabur wtfl iladlah aiil utat at tlio horns of mra t ktllaa jiwurdttj jun win lhinltcrt in verj 111 ot tha itouuof liar dauj1ilr mrs j itommlt mw tltorue uoy juili tounklili a vlaltihgat liar ijrotlmrm mr j tlonnoitu mr and mr joo hunwui acton hjiant tilumlay at mr alev crliut tfu nnfft of tlsutli ujruti viwltod our utldut wltli harlllnif auddouuoui and ro tautvej an old ami iilgbly enuwttiod resident la tta wfioo of mr tva11104 maora fir early tuedity niomlnif umehouae xi mild dui h nud colli nlulitu inno put th iiiiih arouiul toun in very ipwd ootid 1 u011 fovulelylt riding mul tbu joiihk mwi1o am inuuliitfjiuwl una of tlio klitui tlniu by having a iolih rmlug luxrty 11011 ly cvury ovetiiiiff mr wilfred ium 11 ml frluinl from nr auto utut rlumliiy at biw iioino htr uaura harold uml ron iollliijjliornu ww bouw for the uttik ond ulu tilivo murlwll of toronto waa haw on uutulay iiim winiilfrod itohi uusnt tlm woek ai with lioornnitown frlotido mra t flykoa find 1mi of ivorkotown apeatbinday at mr iuh honliu warbuillomolho into k hi in roiii a pmtfrainnui under tfio uiihuooa of tlie lliaoboum oulld ulll ihi ttivou in tlm btotm cliuroh 011 tliurwly ovonlntr rul roary wth ut ight laibwu lnvooihi to its mmk lit piirohiutlnn kmiioi for una in utmooum ntrtliiimtitm news op local import atiothot iuthotlo cotiuort hm did nihkliiiio 1 jnuirtb fiiiii bold u iutriollo hiwinl in tlm miiw1ihi milinal 1 twin o lmdny adiiln lliu ujll bo nit lutoiiiithiit irojriiiiiii mid tv froilimaiilu ivcmhiihuio f ir tlm fornix ul tlm iimicicnui aid huuloiy a stlcocosful salo oluulf tliallllfoutu1ll uklutuudi luhfulblllll- oot lii ill iii dufforin ciimitj unj tint ul tiuujili ior on rob i7b notir oiiitijn villo ii10 uttondniico uiii lurtfo bl lilliij brlakn id ovorylliliiu uiii dluwhoil if in hid hour 1 it j krr orion wna tlm 11110 tionoor wifo hoatof cots ton lntltoa loo hiiwck n hiikrilin ujipoonul ixifuro tlio imintmlo thin liitirnli olmrjl with huvliijt nbiiaml hlx ulftf lti thu hllhiiii tinio ho linu boon clinru with lliu huhic offonud ifowuu coutlotcd und winlontnl to 10 ibivx fit county juil und to rccolv lo iflnho liiolli morourj full lalra uity got pull grant wbllo no olllciil iiumuiuucinuiit hua ih en nirtdu it la inidermlood thnt ilia ouliinu uflruitiout may yvt nvnumldiritaniiiixui 1 coil oi ten ion of cutting in hnlf i hi- pni inaut urntit to tlio full f ilr awuxiltttloiim nf tlio pnn luce it n uild that thn tfovurji niout luit immiiitondorivorliiu to liiul 11 wt of niootluif ilia rwjuuut of the fiirinnm fur tlio full urn tit or iiioxt of it another coasting accident onodayuxtwoakahllitloiloloumttnll oldofct daiiithter nl ilr mccoll n- nlinjr bund klnluh down tha hill at t iclorlu htroat fiheraii into a trnm that wim junt cuiiilujj onto tha trit froui tlio i t ii ooid dhabi uiul hrokahirbu tlio llttlo wna picked up ami curried to lior homo ro tho fracturo wau reduced uul 1 bo it mauhijr kk1 prourou tounln rccn i ory milton itefonunr patriotism and production tho patriotism mid 1rcluction mcotli g t milton 011 march lib heujilcrfpru onio of tha i unit buuitior on pyricnlturo of tho 1 rovlnoc in ifrtih to lo wull ii nornl lib muua aftoninon iiuwliufj at 1 p 111 and ovoniiiu mvetliitf ut 7 10 ijuiil- uikouwat luth inoolluut all fjruuim nf ifultort county owo thin much ti thcui oalvoa i fear your own bublncudlacuaacl funnorn by inon who know tho kituation aoion pott office buclncu ti10 rcjwtt of tha iwt matter tleucral fur tlio past lineal your haa jiibt liocu huucd tho buxinoa of acton iit olilca ahaua eonbiddrahla iiwiriaa tlio aaleof etainpa ami poit fhirda amounlotl to ij717 01 tho atiinunt of money onlora luudl uim sll4aj4i awl of alonoy ordora paid ttlhh107 tlio coinmliuioub on iout ollloo nnlara waa 8107 ii and on iaital koum 0121 70 tha whir j cammimiianh a id allowanoas to tha pa i in ai tor totullod 01740 ul uuieo by rfljiiny two at lowvlllo a fatal accident occurtvd on the arm of tleo kioliardbon at louillo onthurtuiay aftrnaihi at aliout lull juiht four arthur llonluitm ami hia ooniaulon arih ir mur ray wro cuttino doun touvfl irooa on tlm farm and hod nodrly finished a lurk ono whan it fell striking another tree uml ro boundinffubout fifteen feet finally full inn on itnliaa ho wan able to fo homo r but did friday morning an ohaminatlou rovoallnp that hi ukull hud bdan fraoturoil tha doccaed uoatucut nix yaara of ago lnulo aiul in nunim ly bin fatliar und ono brotlwr haptiuy wedded on saturday a prtty weildirip wan witnoomxl in tlm motltodlnt church lawt uaturduy morninir at uln o clack by a numlwr uf lutcrcatcd frienda nml cltuouu tho irhiluilw wore jlua lawrlna hoikinaon and mr vv ilfrod jauea skippjo loth rouidonta nf ac tun but foniwly of eiiflbml miu mota willa ttlvar tilreet wan bridohiiiaid und mr buplien floorga fultlllud tho dutioa of urtuwui3n tho inldo who wua daintily coatuiued in cnaaoi natin with bridil vail and orango blanoina won qivoii away ly mr j llttlaherurollier in law tho cor otnaoy wa perforuiod by ltv c i ora par tlta pastor of tlm young oouplo after the oereittony tho wddhi i rcakfukt w oarved at tho homo of mr ijttlo and tho bridal jialr took tlie noon train tat toronto whoro a rooeption waa liehl in tlut ovaniny tttlhohoma of tha brldeirooma pare n to 1 mr anil mra uklppen will roaldo hi acton i the rihe hew wohdehlahd opened last evening to tho dellffht or a crowded house tho onteriiriui uf mr it u iragory of tho wowlarunil moving pioturo hhow in dotomilnlng to liavo modern uml oommoili j oua preiiifaaa utoduto fuifdaniloaiiitary and the readiuaui of mr prcd hoooni to undertnkato jirovido nuch hultding hiito iwnio fruit acton today lias una ol tho hnest filaceaof tho kind in tho prolines und tho lurgo uudlanco iat ulglit at tho pwiilnroiitoiuimuant wanqulto uilliuu to i voto thin utoincut to i10 m fiict tha now wonderland in a wild brick bulldlnp i4n7jfmt tha front aletaltoui la imimwiog and with the profualon of eluo trio light displayed in graceful fumi cry attractive tluj rotunda at tha on trauoa glie amplo room for tlio tlokot oilico bualucm without onaroaohment no tho siroat tho interior pnimentn u vorj leaning up pearauoo tho high mutal ooilinif ntuitly tinted wild wallu to mutch und urluucullv frutoacil iilouoeonminaudatlantloii thn floor liuu n urudual dwlino from outrun 00 to htagu nf throe and a half foot und the 11 cut oiieroahulr flnuhod in muliogimy havo it utoh restful apptuirunoo uml aro very con veulent for kiuhiu in ami out the atugo with ltd rich fliiibellluhmonlu furtnnn ittngr haolpround to the place two feature are tupmlully notlconlilo from the aundpolnt of comfort in ull condl tluni of the ahwupher tho ajdoudid voiitllutlon roiulurod posslhlo through tho building lioiiiff wholly dotncluxl from mir- roinidlnutmiotiiroi 1 and tlm oomfnrutiht toitiiuinitiirouoiiiiieil by ihn uihiuim of u madorii fuiuuco thu upci lnl mlt dniiru givuu foeliuunf nifuly undtir uity pmuihlo ooiitliigouoy ilia oporathiif cuhlnut fa of fireproof 01m htruotlon and ih m urraiijl u not to hitur- foio with inyra or ogroas thtwo who hiixflanen tho nuiv wntidurlaiid uuno llu rnihplnt ion ilculuro thutlt iw thn cipiul in ull rpeoln of any to be mind nuywhoro in the country hot it mr hooiml and mr tlrogary mw to lie congratulated upon tho vory uitufuo tory consummation of their eftirta to mip ply a niimirlor jdm for jnililo entertain- hlfltlt riiil j ir w ill 1 t lri lhclr urn id inl 1 1 il 1 ktlu ipnih nifdo lh 1 1 ii lu unci 1 am furl to iml r ih 1 iml ful bt r mri nicimiii l il i 1 f h it llvci mil nut diuju 11 h 11 ii ruiruriitu mr- loin 1111 in 1 mr leiut 1 itij ik1i iti mr 1 iim lkmil mr ico held ii 1 m 1 1 1 nipuii ul milion mr nulu u 4 1 1 n r ht iii ctmiuoh 1 ih 1 t si lt diulii imih d 1 u wimui u imu hpr id ith hdv mr wru it iiki thu incmlicra oflhochhlo 1 i lu 1 1 uu mid ndmln utcrcd tho hi ull 11 11 if thu lnl rtkuppor n thouglilfii urt ullr 1 n 1- tri illy up rc cintcd mr a m i u ij hil n ltcn rcrunl f r im r 11 1iu0 county hio undo ft klnt to ti t he mm da luro ocry yojr 1 it ou ll llhl r fiull 1 unlit ion uaa nitnmotil iim ilt innniitr tho funrr uloukitunl mrilcu n un ull k lj lltodlml tho rttl l it mr hrhjht hn jm- r 1 1 l 1 in hull und llev it h r m of thu 11ukcun church tl 1 ul iirnmr lolmcum crou ton im ml 11 it iiiihuc pur ker ilr vhl ut iv imiii und holierthon toronto 1 in- mh11 tiuuu m m f m uu ploihni run in- tuirr- died vcr mi lc v in mi i iioiniujr furo htroku thiil h urn 1 tlo prcti- fter noon mr m ri un hi filling lnullli fur 11 lo i tun nil uih ulle to u nunil 1 ii w i u ii lnl 1koii uut to tho burn ji i it 1 1 ho vi n ul tlio ihor of iho huilxi u 1- 11 l uuh 1u from uhhh ik hoc r n 111 1 ho uaa coidon f r 1 m iii iiitt- 1 11 ml lul a htatu ul llllll in ii l uhl rucmr 111 coiim ill v 1 n iniliknt uai tho fnl iii m mi- nuiij fnun uniofirtll tii- c i 111 iiii lit oitubor hur nan in 11 n u 1 mot ihiwu to iho uuno of hi i t hltr iduii mr a t mmin attn i 1 lttl ht- tnothur to acumij 1 lln il 1 iiiili- pkhcd her toifomjiuir h hi 1 n w mid ilohur good hud nights ull 1 llii 111 iim uoro at thu lnuo ut ulo inn 111 i ull thu other ucuilxri 1 1 l 1 f mull it ulu lliuluhlidde nhuuikilh i ii l iuiiuk mu ca uuu n ml of tho i 1 v 1 m mimu of lriu and uaii born in cot illy initio ireland in ih1ii iiol 1l1 ml 1 with bin iarcnu la i of torn iuru and thny imitlod on tho fit mi whlih tut imn iiuind by tlio family tho juihi mimtj two jnm in ltmh in nurrlcl muiuirtt held ihiughlcr of tlio late luliu itjll uf port cullmruo thuv havo il ht hillu 1 uml thi u tlio flral ik ith 111 iho uiiili rim j nro 1 mra ilorgo wil lc ai h n mix john drown uruwhimitoiuuih lu h uf itukwooilji mr iltuo luins nixl mih 1 munil acton 1 mr 1 c r liin mr luviil mttutiliiuii lvortm nnd daiuei who imidch with hl fiiinlli in iho homo htond mr mniru huh ono uf n fninily nf four muih nnd lm huihtorn of whmn only 11110 ioiiultih mr huiiiiul moore of mount pnriit with thn ciloptimi of four jouri wnt in alon mr und mr monro liiwt nil their luurlid lifo on tho funu ik cmmil mi- t 1 niiinj jinn u mombi r of tbu mi ii imiim bur h und uuu nno uf ho lim ullluidx f thu uiuruh ut croumiiin cuiitri lln u m 1 piuuiiuuit uraiigum in u uiliiiih i 1 f i- o u tfn 1m tul wuhuiuujh nudj fur tho tuotftl of july ptrudu r or mn cm i our ha wum b flohool triimtci llouusn very uftootienn uto humluind und futlu r uud tho uld tfm torn o limiuu nil tho family homo for chriatmuu wu iiluuji iiweivod tuhlu great pluumirc iho fuuoral will im held ihit of lorn non ut tu uilnok uud iuturnidul ulll bo in ido ut lliiirdilll cuiuntcr lut us smile tho thl if lliiil urn tho furtlaut touanl ituhliikllfu north uhllc thtt cinta tho loaatdid diiux thn mnt ja j nut u pluuuant amilo a 1111 1 in that hiihldtih fiom 1 heart thnt loioi iu fullouumn will ilrlvo uwtty tho utond nf gloom uud emu tho mm again ita full of uurth uml irnodnckh ton with nmnly kfudiickh blout itu unrth n million dollar and it dnumi t cunt a ooiit all kfiulanf fldi fur auu at itiikwolla prcnh fniyorvi hnljhut milntan whita fldi fjiba huperlor liorrlng bmolieil hull of ull kmt rheomwbsm is because tfio entire ttyttcm toconwb permeated with injurious acida to tcllovo rlicntintism scotts bmulnlott lu n doublu itclpi it in rich in montifond it fmpniu htrcngth to tho finiitlnnii mid tip- plies the vary olf- food that rheu matic condition nlujtjn med scoiia vmultttott lmi helped coiintleiis llitnif ntidh sftvv when ollior raiucdkrt fulled wj mjomi maur oaulllalat a ju lu tm oup presbyterian and methodist young people boston guild and georgetown lpwortli loaguo fratornlzo with tliolr aoion fel lowworkers bringing large numbers lot i hlirwdiiy oloillllg ihillljl illnil iii i i lid cnidlliuni tho nuiip iiopli tlulld of tlm iimion hiin1i uiid iifrittoiiml hlt h thu jmn pixijihi of kiidk hurcli huitiul hlf mloiglim uml 11111113 hluglo iiiilflth 11 hi in n i tho tninuhiliitlnu fm tho hrgu iiuiipunj 11 uiilu ting in nil iihout ilhti iuihiiih thciii uliit uuu 11 lnr0 nltcudiikuof ihnlwul tnlhl onil 1111 ox iulfiirl enjojuhh liitctmtliikiiuil irollt iihlo uviiuluir uuukiii i ulhiwing tho ciihtuiu niiiiilly oliuorvoil ml mkii iioouh iho lisitoi pioxllod iho inogrniuiiii iir oiry rtkiclt it unu u marked credit in ihiibo taking mrl it ioiihiiiui of liitriimaiitul nnd ocal colon l in i i njy 1 ml iijllrouwlfl rim tljni of tlm evodlnir hi bio ctinroo tin cum lrtt 1 liiiu k tinon ot tho jmiiig p oplo in ref illy propurtd pupom on iim in in 1 1 iruitcru takin or ntudy t iou iiimlutilon of tho progmmmo lint couiliny 1 ijiiiruid to th titcfii11 pr jinwl ullii iii hi iihlillhlutlclltllu llith piihturh itov w nnd 1 c w luw ii a personal and travel notes ratilul nml poidomil itotiib of intuf- oft to rron ithikh koiiduw oiiahid duiuho rut vthw in llil lit t iliilluklmiuh h- hill i lidon ul whore o lto10 ii a woro in attend unj 1 lj the oil minili eve 11 lug about miveiity of iho oonrgutouu i jiworth lingua vlalloil tho alton ixwgno whilo tint en jojing tho iiiqul pnillluiii weather tho nrdnr nnd o ithiihiunin of tho largo com in no way dampriuml hunt j rugruiiiiuo was ireroutcd turgitown league alfonllng 1111 jui h liitrtuliinieiit it co minted nf 11lr1n101t11l iiuul and literary uiloctionu lci ii ick and mrmtcr random u uch uipntiutd pi 110 diiitt and mr caiuplkll 11 lirioclto uolo miumiu iininuon and hurrlwin wmjf iiduel with 1 utrlkiughormoiiy miu fouu vdamu uu fuiorod the lurgo cunijuinj wilt a vocal tola mchjit ivra lnudy and curl in wiioj uud ducltii uldnl inuchto tl e intercut of iho pmgruiiimn mr liar ey wilou u mio iho heat mean army reel led the moll mrrlll 1 uindiuao nluayu given that mpulur wuiig tho piano ao iiimuhncnt of thn ucconi litho1 liiutru iitiiliam alusat i riua muck and timi a lamu wan u fcuturo uarth of nolo mr lrocu und mini mcllunuhl niidoroil a hal goo if merit relative to fuuticlu ilriiigomj mr r a kvl inildi nt ohilirgutihiii ixrnguo gato an uinimliig re ull ig an on tract from tint populur vol line tho llihhop nf uitt utouii frollnwiiij tho programme a abort icrlail luniiftinloilfor uncial intcrcauruo and on i port unity toluoconio nctpi ilntej culuo urruuglineiita hull locu m ido far lunch bli1i uuu much onljt 1 uud oircclutoil tliucujyullo guttioring dlniuraoil ut a la to hour hiving iipeut a delightful ovoi log mo harm domb iter friomu hadunkut tliolr ioting hot n to plii fur lliem an i ulio was perform lug adifllcult auloctiuu from l ugucr in miul uf it dio nuddcul ulopjio1 in con fuii on what tho matter uukwl ono of thu injtorh i i utruck a fnluo uou fultoroil the parfonuor well what nf it cnod iinotluiruuuuu jo alu01 nolmdy hut wag nor would vcr know it ami ha a dead it i intl 1 lii fm lid 01 mi aiim li stiro illihj fukmln ii ih ml llunj iuudll of int uhiimn tijhnl u dii ur lliii vvttk uiih acton fiicmim ituv ii u aiu a ii i if riiclih hunit lncwlny will itov l lniuir mm hint i jiii nu of homing hunk ihn hm vlltlng lituii rtltivca dmlug thu ueuk mra knili hiiiith 1 01 onto who una mi itknlly ill 11 1 tuiplu of wcuka ugo in now nlouly iui imiiif mr nml mr fulili i unieniii mr itnhort wiimptoll ind mr hiliu a llluckultoudod tho funoril of mr t hirhji vi bnmi tor onto on mntiirdu mr a to momurjo of umtkiillio honlh itiknlo h 14 lictn tlm guot llll ek of mr f ii mnckcnlc mr nml mm if ii wuiihlroiigh of iilofh uiro giicth nf mr nnd mru uivll u illiiiuwiii ovorhuoloj mr und mra 1ml willi imwii who invo bco 1 umiimng ibo vt inter with frli mln here ull rotuni t th ir hnuin ut wiilroiw huhk tbuuck patriotism and production atiricultural conrerence under the oohimion okpahithkht ov aanioultuiin 1 co oncrution with tltu ontario dopart- muntrii agriculture will bo hold in tlio town hall at mil ton on thursday march 4tii 1915 1 p m tho duty and tho opportun ity of thu ciitindliui runner u in relation to purm croon by a it bin itli nuw hamburg prvaiileitt wulurlno county hoard of aniltiilliirc h in nluilou to live mock by it w wiiilo dirtictur livo htock llrniich tu- into jj uilsou will ptsld tuh m in addition to the uhovu hpciildral ii uoynoldu u a pinfouuir uf unglihli onlutni agrkultural collect guuliiu and othera will addteva llio in co ting jud0u kll10tt will tvld m ualtnl program mo qod savh thu uimo haui0h ft hauioh njilhrsltslciltoumsihawtil ailing women of middl age rvfraudaiicc lie tells of hi dlav tresbtno syrnploma during change of life btkl how she found relief belleville novn scotia can tlire yoam ago i sufltrintf badly willi what tlia doetora railed chan go of i i fa i was ao hod that i had to atayln bod some friends toldmatotalfolydla plnkhama vega- tahlo compound ami it ttolpod me from tho flril it la tlm only msjdlelnfi i took that did liolp nmand iimcommend il you don t know how thankful and grateful i am i flvu you rurmlaalon to publish what your rood mwllclno has done forme mrs uilfom doucetti nullovillu yarmoutli co nova bcoua canada such warning aymptoma an aenoo of cultocbtlonlint fluuhtn hcudaclico back achcadrcudof impcndlnp ovil timidity aounda in uiu lara pa1iltation of tho heart 11 park a be fort uiu oyoa irrogu larltka comitlrntion varlablo appetite wtakncua and inquktudu onddlkilniss aro promptly htodtd by intelligent wo- rilfi who nrc nnpronchlnr tlio kriod in lifu when womana great chanffo may bo expected lydla c plnkhama vegetable com pound invlgoraua and atrenptlions tlie fomala orgunlam and imllda up tho weak onod norvoua ayoum it haa carritd many women imfoly through tlila cruu if yon unfit huerlnl advlro write to iydla i pliikhnui mrdlrln- 4 o cull dutlal iyttu juiihm tour letter ulll be opfufd rend nnd anaweifi hy a woman ami held lu strict roufldonre i get acquainted with the j i aev spring suits f in the new coats the new skirts new i gj materials and new trimmings tg tjltu lltuy nro nil rtndy for jour lin jnctlon nnd w will ihj dt lighted to ihn y aa do not intend to buy jmt now lint if 111 ihi ftil liku aottinp nut if iur nld vvintur tnnt uml l 11 now unit or ktvlihli unriiilf con don t t unit or ktyliidi ujiriug vmt ilmi t full to j t thu lust clioito in tuo vuiiki t ningt to in found 1 knrly comer ton will got tlio but prlt j nnd lliero nrl uinio mirprltifugly gnod intn aiul while you nru vklting tin niuko it u iinlut in nco the new ililngx hnt nro liimlng into nil ikp 11 r our pnrtlculur attention wu intiitlon ipttf d hut in nvvr naokwenf in thtiihiiulkht uud 1 111 nttil of mli new hotry ucctited by hpclhd pnrth ulu ut iinlniruuiitd prltti now wikt31ouav inprtlly now npriltg ht ki mawwtfh goodi in thu 1nit uliuwing uu iiuvl uvur hud intt uw vtr iiioikrutt u- in- vvnuli fubrltn wtro purcirtiuil btfurt tlit ndvuuoci in prkc ilio involiitlii nf thou new ipring uml 1- tnnlerlou ikfkn deiriptlou at tho nnniu time wlnler in still fmrt nml our wiuturintirllmndluc utnronowilinpo ilngof olhnv hiul prices vftn will aavo money by buying fonilxt winter nppircl hint now tnaiu jnu in many ciimh onl ii ordmry price our new men a htnrv uud our 1 ulki kutdjtn vvtaf uepnrtmtnt nro nut to miip hji them lv pricoo nu wiuler wenrubleu d e macdonald bros ti c guelphs leading and largest store cor wyndknm and msedowll hlkel ouelfh onl new spring hats wanted a rtlinhlo ninn to ncll hardy lauudluu grown block in acton nnd lliilton county mart nnwiuttho bunt rolling 1 inn bcmlkor lial oiler mgii and tlninito utntu uilral comiiiiwiluii lfniid- mhiiu lite outfit stonefo wellington the fonthtll murmmry ktiiablhvliad ibjw toronto ont vohottyo omwnto jewoivp 1 ut oulv tunotkr t uilutia njuottliui unliruoui urllu fort auiuiun 704 vohirablmat tomato an advance shipment hao just arrived and they arc certainly worth your inspection each bcnbon mves birth to nome new slylei of hat a and this e canon they are particularly attractive including all the latest amer ican blocks there ih to much that is exclusive disliy mylwh new and beautiful in our nuw spring hats that they can be pick ed out as fashion kavontco juht a little hetter just a little newer just a little cheaper ind just a little something that makes this the place to bu hat stiftor soft ilat man youll find a hat here that will pitas you kd 00 ho 360 l0o and 5 george wallace 30 lower wyndham guelph ont ahhuhhhannddoondaoddii because a the oilier fellow didnt a n a 8 make a success of rrpair- i ing our watch or clock s dont think a n j it cannot be done un have a look at it let we know how foster mm uatsh upeuiut okohaattowh ont whmhwhannanduqanbrjaiinhmhbt irw sc- jr ytsw do you know you can tako as much crop off iuo aoferi properly drained a you can ofr e00 aereat not drained ond savo half tho labor t itaa foet de vu komf ikat wr inasimmilifa tlleilralnsw oulfte tuitmtuilkut unalkwia im mm ttau murmm wokklur hiahm vur bubfllntiu wk invnu druwt ami laowa tba mumtity mtj lwprvi iba quality cj vmurctueav wky tut have ua ma4 nh oj ft uuv avmvln- urlb4fliiu6ltuw0riitt uiml touwnltolhjtltft nay um umlmt ahythliuf thai will ulu you mxiw batur uilihy imm lw dfojoam mmotaaamiubaatwauoluri in vir umk aefount for vry eoa thatvhw ium saw and the gavtmmtii uau you hwty ft im ttu ir ihond dominion sewer pip co luriiled dodge brothers i motorcar spea for it t d humb representative tor halton milton ontario morris saxes store news this weeks prices win to cotton at he nfdiamuat he apron ooodii 53 in uidu oc a lot of othur abokonnblo yard gooda at ilurgnin price 0 men a underwear heavy woo at 50 piccco lined nllirt- and draw- hilt ii jsjoo mf1l 60 man a bpriuo bulla to clour at iluaincantaut dusmh umbrollns nt so lot nt mona pull over rubbora bulldogn a bnrgain for one week worth 1 00 at aw auooteiiiua- bugar klyis per loolha comfort tioap vor3c ptiw com 01 lleana 3fnr ust ralulnu and currants u urn for crcim tartar loc uud ut packogta 7wt- skxe the brlck store opposite new postoffice h ats 2 s b s tlie new spring stlh wc ure nhowini are cor- s g reel in every way quiliiy unbutpasied jj sek my 80 special hat- s r e nelson harahstut vallot hattri vuvulaltav wyudhaiu stkti j auulilll ont 5i i barak haifjiiltoan oaultatl authohaaj ajojoooooo ouipiui uiun mojooofioo buitluai 37aoj0m beady money it ht ofot wild nf a man that ho owim valu- nhlo property imt la fnr tho time tied up ifjou would lie nndy for every iiuhiiichh importunity or cmcrg ncy apart of your uwliifrm bhotild iki held for immediate uwj buck jiitidh can bo safely deposited at liilorutit in a bunk of hamilton having account oeoroetown branch w n ukv hawi

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