Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1915, p. 4

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thuitha mmitaiu ji iuii a lipe nope dawn i hoi1io lllyi llf iriiuico limn of wnr irniitilhit may ue not linn tn liriroi hi no hliull wprliitf from winter i hnhrlimii yi tlnitimi there shall urltn winm ik mid xlur an imrlilnucr of ipuid 11 bo tlmt fair hn lint n- uhoto judoav ptuln l7uituiiluliloriuiiirniiih when int tliti lowly hrut an earth irtuiut ilia reign ami taught the blinded world to know or hiiumii brulliirhnod ilay wo not ilraiuu mint when tho toudio lumclairoduuay almio thn unit ww i lighting grout there biniii uppuur tlio dawn of untna mom glorlmiu ilii awl through tlio lwlllht ulr ahall sound horn high mill auelilng it tlmt surging upunrd cornea irom joda inuiltalote which bind tli earth n million cbiiiui ami hubs the wjulu of iiieuuitli angel itofcta altote kar hrookn de flnnco nf llw uwu xor ftuffiru hum in ronr i mucin mcklniioii lurl in i inn ii kuir imifhl mwi ii ill i ill ink fool im i iy in millnmiii rmilulilii illh llllltlll i list uuuk imw iu a b i melon hudhoinllh 11 1 mi hint llu i iilfillliiultmi l lit i mmith asl1 i llllll lllllg jo i liy liuil in tlio keephappy hul3 it a ono tiling to keep hippy for an liaur a day a weak hut it is another thing to keep happy a fov litlla keeps haie ten auggoalod ti guldaponui along tin way to tliat tlio big beep which tricana much not only to ua lut tut id i wlto niay coino within our rcllooting rodluu i keep olieorfut hunting trouble ruins ttoro iiorvoa tlion iron mo wtwti it loot ar rite koop alert klantal nit nake more hypoch rood r iocs ttun loi oterwrought imagination kwp jiyatcnlly attlve tlie inert wo huii who hatee to move iu uaually the greatatt growlaruhout liar health kap clean the oloe oouiieotion lie twii tlte uua of ilia akin and good health la not ooniidered cnoufili kwp inuraattwi ttiara in nothing llko faj or objact in ufa to put exhaa rwl pain la tlta luoltrkhiail kup liuuy tim haunio mlboliuf pro vuud for ijio lunula la uttor uian tlia phijffljj mlulilcf tint lioundu tlu wonuiu with tlitu to tliinl atwhit liar hoalth kup your faot warm morv oou ta uk ii ihroiifjli ilia anklo than in uny othr fii uo ilo not run in low uiom ill winter kmp away from tlruff walk tuortuwl taka bwilloliw luu kbopit ourh on your appstlta ovaroat- lg in tha tnna of tlia uyo kwp out of doht there la iiotliintf lika uonay trouhlm to worry oim to iwui cr will kill tlu lno hviwl ct aiul what qlvi uam car than a himlgt of dahta wltli no luaaay to mittla t kwp amlllntf fcrom tlia contliunl lueoghlaaj u tha huulinpf apwlflo for u daatruction of wunu motlier tlravoa wortrt kxtemilnator lia proved a hoon to buhitff children everywhere it aehlata only ttt utilnfonnod oiulura tli tfjoay ol coma tlia knowing ona npdy hoi lowaya corn cur and gt relief ohildren ory rob fietcuebs c oitn a nun luia a lot of good trolu that you would never autpwt if n didnt tail you about hum glva ona woman tuo calnuua to elu ojiotlir wonun up and alia can davota two boura to dacrtm wliat tlia other luul on thara ara mora uayu nf apendlrtff money uuu thara are of mabliifl it itukwon evpcrienodd travoller to tall efcout tin uiltifpi lie uaw that ha didnt llany a olark falls to aea ait opportunity a ha keapa hia eyea on tha clock xtrnnif uml imr mtii of ihhiiikwwi hiii 1 prniiniinikvl mill llu mid hid unit niuht in uinl iiimi lohli miiilinr lln hint not imwii in tlio lull it nf oliiir lionin lull nho uih unitiiiu- for him jul llio luintn id m utor think of thn uhltinu ui men ull over tlm unrlil tlio iuiorul wiih of tlio liivlnjf loi fun htuirta of inothnrh und ull uu nf wjuir mill iliiitulitorj nilit mid ilhi im r nd xmirth rim man h millmrwua uallliik for him hiii wuluoinotl lilui u only r mother kuowu ukiw hlin iiiiiio him n cup nf hot rniltmi uinl lli i him a llttlo of tho happen iiiku of tlifl nnluhhoihooil miihnrho kalit ruihlonly f yod ii litli i i ii inner drink minthur drop ifn hi nl inr on her kimon till iljot iiiltlit hid many ifjiljlit iftorwurtl tlnjy uiiro wwrwuilo uu i lio had ililllcutly in iwrhuuillinf uiionn who knew him that lio wan truutuoitliy the first dollar ha earn tul wau lij itiiylinf nil nlylii with a unigh lwrs chlhlren uliiln the mother uout o ilt an older uiiler who uau iii at a ttinco i daw t know nx 1 ought tottut tliom with yon jim lent llm mother luul hdld frankly hut mine in iter i ii lio iraying tar jou oil every in i cm to in away and dont you lot tha tlraa go out well if rn colo- can trmt him wltli her chlhlrii another nolglihor tld 1 guau hell ld bale with our luti sud in may aa wall have that hit of hauling they aay hia mother prttty lad off so it went from one to anotlter ijtur ha got ttbidy employiimnu itu lieou iiard he aiiui to me liar i to kftvp auay from tlis drink ami hard to lite down tho reputation i luul hoon linking for yearu dut when tentjitatioi couum i think of thota who hoio iruatiul nw wln truat ma now i think of my uiobliar and all tha lonaly nighto tho waited for mo wlten i never cuuta homo i toll you doctor atronger tlmn any plotlgo stranger lhait any thnulu or pmiuhineut in jiibt know lug unit aauieano holiotou in you that your keeping straight uimiia uurvatliing to boiuooiio that loiei you ita ilka a ufa iope to kwp your httml ohoio water wlieii oi cry thing olsoa pona ilown ow tike wrhapa you think you thwt amount to uuob if so jien in una littla eioellanm yd tday aonjulra i it wont coat you a cent and will rlva ahundant plaajura to all ier- 6oa you liava to do willi it la tha virtu ol baldjf oh time ho butter whether you ara lihiok or white giant or dwarf handsome or plain wlaa or ignorant rich or poor mala or fa uala it tflahau no diffennea i if you cant la a thing of haauty you can la a joy for- var by tha almpla trick of being tint tt tka tulmita you aau jou wouu ha thara i aowatluiaa think tha graaufrt chanuur la lotion la the count of mont crist o who baa ha ud ha wouhl arrlva at twalva oolook noon opened tlia door pfmuely uaa tlia alhth atroka of tlia clock jit mid day tha mart who la lute la ulflah vor hla owu iilaaaura or for hla indoutws and oirtleaaaaa ha kftobi olliare waiting ha uauorn egotiit- ha tlilnka mora of hla owh oonvonlonoa titan of tha oomforta of ethara la la iua a milaanoe it taakea ho waiter whatltar you iu an nfnoa hoy or boa nina oclock mean ulna oclock not balf peftt nlna whaaoavar oauaaa otherw to wait has eowtaluadagrlavouu intuit woa to tlia railway wlioaa train la two hour lata oaftalno oountlena pakmiigern to auekr in oauoti lutuba wltli nothing to at hut paahuia und notliliitf to read hut lying tlwe table t woa imto tha man who htakaa tha other utemura of tlta lioard alt idla bsoauua tliay cannot do huainaw without him 1 woa to tlia dootoror tawyar who ajta raailfiio nawpaper wtiila tlw outer offlod la fllla1 with tortured human lly i woa to tha man who mukea a data with you at thrao o clock und arrhea ut four jut am you ara ready for tlia neiit dower i woa lo tho guct wlw promlaad to ta at tha dinner on time and come only when tho viamlw uro oold and ihd aoupany la hot r woe unto nil tlw hit i aor buraly tha icordjug uitgel iiom a uag deep black mark aulnit tliom his uhtr jtt m reaort it laily imthor yot out of bar depth und her mhxuiiiwiiomi brought o the maduo 04mj of tlio houtmon uhom b it waa to miocor unyons in dldi twltua a tew alrnkea iarrlail him to tho potvaiwl be reached out u muaaiduf ana to grip the poor lulj who woa jukt about toalak hut lier fmnllo btmgglen junfc ut toui uoomnt juiodgail her hathluu rnp trbtebaoon boate1 away carrying wltli it wbleb waa wore ireolous liar wig ob nave ny hair i hlib cried have may fealrt madam leplled tha gallaat ratwiucr wkunft her in i km only allfa aavor and ae4 balrrtateiw yod should be afraid of a cobqh or cold coutbj aud coldj do not call for a tnlaufat recital of lyiuptoma j tiwy an wtli kttoiratoewrvo4tt butthclslautr are not so well knowti all uk tooat ttrlouj affectloua of the throal the fuji atul tlie brotkhul tube are i the b- kbudna but cough ami cold many people whan they cootiuet a alight cold do not pay any attnitloft to it thlnkln peruana that it wiu paae away in a day or two the upaho la that before they know it it ha aatiiad on their lung too much atreai cannot be laid oe tit fact that on tlic first jon of a couth or cold it tnuit be gotten rid of immediately a failure to do thla may causa waia cf wtttiitig front aerloue laag trotibfa dr- wooivs nonwav pine sviuia will cure the cough or cold aoj ba m preventative from all throat aad lutia trouble aucli oa brotubltli pueutnonka and coniumptlon un u it druce brubtod oat wtita i atu aendla- you my tettl moay of your dr wood norway mae syrup talllnk you what it did for tuy little brl tiie doctor had glvetl her u aa aba wu a w thouibt koine lata a declhw with the cotuth the had i waa told by a lady friend to try dr wood v and when the had taken two botilea aha waa oti her feet again and four bottle cured her xv wood norway fine byrup la tha belt cure for coufba and cold it b put up in a yellow wrapper j thrs plna tree tha trauvj marlc the price 2e and ouc uanufactured only by the t uubura co limited toronto ook nov that oht a country girl coming from tlia field waa told alia looked aa freeh aa a delay buted by the dew no indeed uaa tha eltuple reply tliatwaint hid name more people go to church because they think they ought to than because they want ta its lou easier to aliow enthuftlaani when tliere la no need for ft than when there la work to do a man may never illaoover how ignorant he la if he iloeant try to tall hla wife how to run tha houao ohildren ory ror fletchers castoria pihe courtesies small but important ootirtealeu are bow ploaaantly to greet aiualutanooai dlally torlveafrlondlyclaap of tlta hand ulx year for ibe decoration whlob ttuhttn virtrjt 1iiirl lull niul fn im h timim llave don dm i rd mii 1 literal ilia kikmrframtt llm llloa ut puloniix atnl huroanoa hi trutirc im hie onn hand and kejichlny u vorkuhlr- unit land on tlw olliir rail ihtimaelvea tlatef cltlnu tlilr iilnurlinuil liam beon maiilfociloil for 101111 ion yewr in a moat nlirntlnd wnj it enmn nlmiit llko thla tlr tliomua llnrrlay a iiihiiiikiiihiioii kiigllah jtir- ll who lind llvnl iionin thirty yearn in trillin wnn inlblnu one day with rrlomla nhou lu ijntrntn conllalo wlilrli huil juul liomi conrliiiled po you know im aahl why wo llkn oui nnolhur belli vt ono nnotlu r to lie knnil mlowii und on joy alnciiro frlondalilp it la imcuuhp wo know i arli itlur wull why could not tho inuimi n nf ono lint ion know well tho innahi u of anntlmrt i il im hfbln i rial tiled m llulllnrd iinii nf flu tnmjiany preavnt i tint mayor or huronm a uinl iiicmlipf of a lot of andttteu vn pnlraiiv hi nrlklihorlne town ami i r pi i eel hit tlioman havo u lilt nf intlncnrt in kcikiiio ut no tit tin rlti34im ir kilklily and thout of hiifaiiiu uinl ltmiatik into pcmotial rclatlonu it wuu ilnjii kiljtblcj had olmul it 000 inhahlluntn tin irinrh i ltl hail uhoiil tin aattif iiuiiiimt tliof- waa a haala nf jualliy tln rnidlah moif flrut in 100 aonic thirty workmen or kflgliuy vialtid ihilr tiroihora in hiinutlfh ilitflaiiu iliuy won- pdlitlultied liua pliably hy dint of uatire and loud toiirti kiev mad ihrmaivta undi r- hlooil tin j hail ii rnrgftoua tlnn uinl r turn iil home i nthuulaatlc tin fnllowlnv hfptemhfr thirty lruiii li workingmull maili- u vlalt l ivflxlilcy tin cuatom grow karh mr hhgllah and froncli wnnl to aeo arh other at drat tho men only mailo hip voyaiji thmi thpy bejtan taking heir wlvea and dually they pkchauued children tcngllab little ohm uamt to hureaufatuleauv to learn french abd french boya ind klrla came lo kelhlay to uirii lua ilah they chaud glfta uben mca- kiohs bureaneapuleauk beut to kelgblpy a work of art the latter reapooded with a loving cup when the floods came in vraar and the atreela of hureaneakmuauv wor inundated tha work re of kolgbley ralaed a relief fund of a thouaaud dollani for their brothara lht bonds of frllowahlp were re in en led tin wholn affair la marked by tha ut moat sincerity why ealj a iuteaux man on bin return from on of una visits upon our arrlvw our lngllau frlohd took our train by uaaault wo wem overwbalbjed by tholr cordiality and tbey aay tha kngluh arc cold and phlegutatlc i whorfl did they net that provencal could not have bon more butrty i uiiod to hvo the uoit stupid ideas about tvenchhion said a vcolitlilry workman i didnt know them you see i could kick myaelf for my icnoraneo what waa don by those two cities might be dona on a larger teal if a thousand towns in lermany had paired ith a thousand towns in icnglacd and icarnod lo know cacu othar there would havo uoerl ua war wo halo peat le jtmply bersuso wo do not undo aland i hem hate la a bye product of ignorance war lbmhdiea itaattliui one of tho mort noticeable effects of the war on londons llfo and tmblta is the prarttcal banlatiment of raktlmc more particularly the erratic coon song type which aaemed to have taken hold nf the engliah peo ple with the uniliakeahle tenacity of a plague vp until auguit 1 it was a veritable outbreak of insanity in the theatres and music balls hotels and restaurants clubs and banquets rooms and in every home even ibe boys on the afreet whistled it day and night now all la changed and ragtime la forgotten since the war began iba ear is greeted with two incessant melodies one of tbeee is tommy atkins marching song tlpperary and the other the national anthem god have the king at the close of the performances in the music ball the audience is expoctod to stand for quite 30 minutes while tha orchestra plays successively tho national by ran or the allied countries fighting against germany vrttriuk care of lllw a good story la told of mr illr- rell the becretury for ireland ll is having a fairly busy i mr juat now borne time ago ho arrived ol a pub he banauet rath or lute and as h slipped into bis place at the tnhl aoxt to a well known humorist ho re marked by way of apology ive been so busy today im euro i don t know how i managed lo get her at all a few mlnutca later when the humorist rose to make a speech he began mr hlrrell has just aald bo does not know bow ho got bore well he hasnt had anything he leaned nver and looked anxlnuslv into mr nirrells wine gla isen hud n morn olncn he ram and aiwsy im aura that sonic of un will e that h get home safely ruma teiorlle word a contributor has had tin- uirlosll lo look up mr j h ilflde tlurns concordance and measure thi amount of spacu devoted to rorluln words in the result he foi id that burns usis the word imart luom than any olhor ibo quolatlouu utidur this word ollluu uo fowor thau six of tha rlojutly prlntod columns lass frlimd and liravn come nel oaali liavlna about two roiumns fllssgow nowa ijuhjc iielarl medal mr w fl ulller a llothraa ran nf thn crimea and indian mu liny his just been presented 1 tha war ofrlre with his medal for llm latter igtupalgn ilo has waited fifty just what tiiev wahtbb well hrolhoru mill tho ioil ni vlwig l man tiding in l heir nilim tliu ii my find iitlcmlmire hut i uin u hofllitllnl id nimt hy niitiiid und i think i mu iimloi atu ml from tha prevlmiu ummihirw what you uuiil in thn lira plane you unlit n malm whortf everyone liu t it v law wiilo uo do iilwl half u iiiaiii lonjf httlroil yiiiiujc mou in turuml ilnvtn ooll uu the apeakor vduiiiiiichi i uiioiii foml nml clothing glio uu uoiihlo und mmioy iiimw not rmut thatalt tliatw whit uu uuiit where overyono go a to uoruhip on humlay und regular hmiru ire kopt ueok in woeh out t that alt well i myself into jiihl lohio from ouoll a pai where wlmthlliwlm itua placo oalloil prlaou ht wild und rtwuiikhl iiih neau it iu in ltoituud ho grant ii tho ileiuauil for lr thomau ijle trlu hi that u largo faltory 4 kit it coiitiuuiilly luiny makljig uuil bottling it to ihi in demand ijiowu uipular aiirociutluii of thiaurehirit tlon wiiilii htamluot tho head o propho tiry conipoundauu the loading hi in the markut und it la generally ailmittoi that it u doitorviiijr of the load to cuitu ate a memory of fiiaae ami names in order to ho ablo to aay something to fchow an interest in others a point la to putothemateare a prompt reply to notex of invitation u an important ioint it la an ohllgatlon to uiiuwer an inviuitlou to a luiiolieon dinner tea tarty or bouts party within twenty four hnura iteiuniw a hotleiu wlahw to know on whom nho may ilojiem or wliether it will ito rtoooamiry to fill u vacancy au linltutloii to a homo weildlug or woddluu breakfuathhoum lie aunweroil iromptly many llttlo courtesies ure toolieroil u oonvertuitlon among thou are to look ono in the faco whoti talking or luonlng uotlolct the iittoutlon or mind wander not to ihow iinputieitoo hi llleiiiug hut to try to lio inlereatoil in what ulhera are wiy 1 1 if in thontreer thcro aro many ooiirtooloi htilotly nliwrved hy well bred ponde a well lired mhou novcr lirildma uutt any- one if thooiiutmot vtiiu unavoldahlo in e orowil nun would luiy iurdon mo anil u man would raliie hlu hat uhllo ajklnff par don ijooii inauiiew ara tho outward mgri of inward graces of lioart nud mlud tlioy had boon overlooked by tha author ties 5uffehed with la we back cdku htfify ttratyritfl ui ft rvfl when the hack becomes lame and abuts to actio it is tho sura sltfa of lodney trouble deans ktldaey pill cure the aiding back by curing the aching kidneys be- heath for it u really the kidneys aching and 0014110 back many iooplo mum uoll wlm do not do well i in u curioux ilmgnijiluiwh tlwt tliow poo4e who huio plenty of nono am very seldom norimim drinking would n t lio iuito u luul if it dlint laako a imin want to talk uj much a luaua jiolltjcal utbllatloou in tliere trying dayu ore ofuu maialyu qiubtlon of salary castoria ttoi iniaabs and cbijdred iii um for ov- 30 ycmrrts avlwavyrj baarel blacnatura ol utyuc m qustiom koma little time ago u ouiiar writer ruiied a jail in order to take notes for a luagaiine article on prlbonllfa on return dig homo lie deachlaul tlte itoromrj ho hoi toon aiul his daorlptloti iiajo a l4p im piwlon on the mind of hla little daughter ifary lite wriur aiul hla ojrprliu week later were in a train ukgotlier wjiioh lopped ut a fetation iuar a uloomy bulm trig a man aledi what 4aoe utliatl tlie county jail another anuborwd iirouiptly whereupon mary ouibamuuul luir fatlter am arouuid tlie mtpkiouu uf th otlwr ocoupanrjiof tlie carrlago by asking in a louil rjirill voice i is tlmt the jail yon wore in father w all ran down witi ieut floible m lelvonsiesl whett the heart does not do its work properly and the nerves broome unitrung the whole system becomes weak and run down and ueeds building up before you can feel fit again wuburaa heart and new fills wul do thu for you mr hugh mother cheater baiid njj- writes jluit a few lines to ut you know what ullburos heart and nerve mil bev dona for me i have suffered greatly with heart trouble and eervoiunesj and was all run down t used lob of medicine but recctwd uo benefit until i was advised to try your pills andud so and ixfort i had tubbed the flrat baa t felt so much better x ot 0 boxea and am now well and strong can truly aay they are the belt tnedlcma x haw nf uaed i cajmot praise tbttd too hlghiy x recoumend them to any one uttering- from htort trouble m mllburtv heart and nerw wile are roo per box 8 boxes for ii 30 at oil dealer or mailed direct on receipt of caivjiit umiii ino mrn iaitkliiirhl cullu imiii fiiimlm himilldmii to hfalto flood j mru pniiklnirut in roinliidiuu i on iloti m mi tlmt lout yeur und hie ihi before wlimi liny were nioblilntt mill in every tiouallilii wuy inuultlng th unmmi who nimittht to npinih for nuf fruge in hyde park uml ut otlioi plucea tin ir hnllowltik rrj hun win that if war mhoulii rnmu tiny would have to protect tlio worn mi und ihul woiurn unable to protect tin mm hon hhouhl not lirvn un tijuul right of utiiyruici with tlton whoae duly ft muy lncoiiin at uny lime to tirotnl tbetii you did not then think uaya mre iankhumt in laylnit in verbal lash over tho uhoulileru of th men of cheap and wuitechapel that tho time wan uo near at huml for you to come to our dofniicc w women ran neither flkht nor vote you can do both w cull un you foi that protection you promlmd in gli us whim you denied ua hit ballot thu lirtnaii is at the gate will you proton uu or must we protect our aelvest iheni lion buiia frightful mnrlol hy of ortlcirh in the hrltlrh rnnk since the ilrlllhh troopn engagoil tin enemy uuyu the hi lou la dally ijoh th ut or rut editorially t tat fad at leslu tlmt tht old ilrltlah tradition havi ihcu uiainlalned by the oral llnr recrultid almoat wholly nut side of london wo look orcaulot to aay while women were being mal treated by lnnddn hoollgaiia thai mi n good for surh work were not hkhy to he good for anything due and tlmt loudon is not kit b land though it hold so many people it anything rotild make tho london rockney enllat the acorn of mrs iankhumt ought to do it hla hand has been ralli d and he i raughl hluming after the war he will be as r ady ua over lo charge womeus nu ellngu in hyde park with tha cry that women arc not lit for military service lltiould conscription come many or th gantry will no doubt in seeking to prove that they aro no morn tit then women for actlvo nor vie it was miws to hrr utile klhel oamo running home from ecboo and hreathlesily exclaimed i mwhu i want to tuk you something s it true thai jeaua was u jew t vea iny dear auswered lie mother didnt you know it before f no answered lthel thoughtfully and then as if to jiullfy bar ignoranoe she added i i know that fiod woa i ivealiyterlan but i never heard that jeaua waa a jew a medical need hupp led when medicine is found that not only acta upon tlio atoiiuuh but la no compcmod tliat i tulu ingredients of it pais unaltered through tha stomach to lliul action in the bowels then there is available a purgatlvo and a cleanser of great effeotlveimaa parmeleea vegetable pilla ore of uil- cliaracter and are tlie beat of all pllh i hiring tlie years that they have been in use they luive 0tauujnl tlientaelves aa no other pill has done tulu- nf the iullnr anothi r relic a impounder gun recovered from the wrick of hlu majiulja ahlp lutlm ban iweu mounted outalde the main ntrann- to lloyd a und la an olijict or mm h in tercet to vlalturn to uu koyal i change london rblu la the fourth gun of the kind which hna iwen aali ed from the wreck thre other wen pona were taktn up utiout iu y urp ago onn was prentnted lij lloyd to queen victoria one to qun wit helnilha and tb olbi r to the arpor atldu of loudon the one last nanu d fa at tho oulldhal mubouiu muii other intereatlur rellra nf the lutlm arm to lw a pen si lloyipn the in at knowu or these la the iltlm twll the tolling of which alwoya indlcatiu hu receipt or news of hie iiruvi it im porlauce to all intertsh 1 in ablpiiliik tho lutlne which was wricked ntr the coast of holland in 1700 rarrh ii a large amount of specie ah th n suit of sslvape op rullonn which have btien carried on from tlnn in lime specie of the value ot nnrl sco 000 has beon ncovond india aiul hu ur contribution by ruling prlncca ol india to the war expanse of oroal drltaln now amoutjt lo 94 000000 this sum includia 2 000 000 from tho nliam of hyde 1 ad and 1860 000 from tha maharaja of myaore ilesldos this amount ids 0000 has been subscribed to tho trlnca ol wales roller fund and the indian ro ller fund a further sum or nearly 1160000 has been given by the chiefs in the form of heavy motorcycles telescopes and kindred equipment and 9130 000 has been g von by maharaja uclndla of gwnllor who hna also presented a motor ambulance con sisting of 41 automobiles for tlm use of the troops in i uropo and is ar ranging for the establishment or a convalescent home in cast africa in addition to those plfta many of tho chiefs have presented numerous horses mules and camols and oven their private automobiles a hospital ship which is splendidly equipped is anothrr or their donations vitnt laiillutor llrldffc the first cantilever railroad bridge is the one acrosa the flrtb of forth at queens perry brotland it is near ly one and a half mllrs in length vlftyono i ho u an ml tons of stoel wero used in lis construction employing nany as 6000 men at ono time it t 916000 000 and fifty bu uvea thn workmen bcrnn nt either end und wntkfld toward lha centre when tlioy njel und undertook the lust connoi- tlon t was found that iho two ends lacknil a small fraction of an inch pf reaching far enough to allow hip ha insertion of tlm rolta that vera lo complptq tho pmn 1or n lime this was a puislo but was ftnnlly solved by an ingonloita uorkinoii whp uug- rtonted nspanslnn hy nrhllclnl hint and it was forthwith supplied by leami of burning koroeono oil undo the ntenl girder uelmovj i not c curable iby ulnd but its in a bookkeetor out of a job fa naturally u man of no acoouul there would he more people ut tlia top if it wasnt so easy to alula back aalu a uonuu who oaut lie flattered in too peaalmuth to ever nuke a happy wife it is better to bo honest from force of fllrcunutanoe tlum not at ull a man naturally draws round him friends adapted to his own code of morula ohildren ory for fletchers castoria ships wave tickets id not 1ho back i an to hwyh die imiaina tnlilswhydoanvwresantailjiie canal uiut luno u liukul uiilltlhig it to fiia uojkuu cure tho actual cauioof such u uuugo tho canal in leu reiulre j t l m ulflt imi jtlwllee oaaaoft4wwulilowilc having boat rccdhuttdln doans kidney pilfi irenjuenlly ualng tho caiull tlioy may lut susteuimnertmocfwithalameback iuld by clieoku or drufla if promt tay- fothun sjjns i o ni by do kidney puts and decided to giv them a lmx wild t i uutlioritlos ut leant i ran truthfully say that the hflftoo worth of aoceinable bomla bw cured me i ratt rccommettd berore uie proier otllclal klgiis the ticket vint a hnwikr it waa tliree oclorh in tho nornlng and the ateamer ansonlo htcamlng from liverpool to new vork was n paring midocean hie teemed to hiivn tlio entire ocean lo herself when n daxsllng beam of light niiildenl aholout from thimlorkiiiau und ilium injtud her docks a moment later aho bolted preaentlj tho dim out line or a ilrlllsti man -or- war could bo seen in tbe shadows got any smoking tobacco catun from thn warship tho reply waa in tho atllruiattre cigarettes and tobacco in goodly quantities wore placed in a water tight roceplable and ptfacd over thn able a boat from thn warublp pick- id thnnt ip hoon thn olco in iho ilarkunfiu bellowed its thaukw the laornlilp uteamiid away and tho aa- pnnla rontlauod her voyage liiulouu in india inulau railroads pension old anp oloye tuf with backache poani ffoan a kmne7 mils are mo vtr buy i wl ulb quarantine ami sweeten soolal interoournu and oonulbuto 0 lioaea for si 25 ut nil dialers or mailed liarbor regulatjoiia and tliat it is aafe to to impplntmn lieyoml irowirtiui uml t tho rflrcck on receipt of prhe y thn a ullow tlio ships cargo to go uirough it esrirtofuo m c over t0o for a khlp of onllnary ton- wblcatbsyobsk wbttcrdriilipeclj ptv nt mubums lauuvcr pub stlmulite the tltijcguh llvtr clean the coated tougue sweetea the obnoxious breath waa away oil waitio and pottoaous mutter from the lyttem and prevent as well as curd cvmitusjiilflfromauvcrwhkbbaji becoma inaxtlvc cotutlpatlotu tick beadaclie fauious headache jaundice bcartburth water brash catarrh of tho stomach etc ull come from a iluofdercd liver mr victor u menculi ganditoae auwritci i tbmuhtl wthildwrile and ml you of my evpcrlenco with uilbura laxauver ihiu as i am greatly pleased with the results 1 re ceived by using them i was troubled with sick headache for a long time and would get so sleepy right niter 1 ate ray dinner that v could not tin any work a friend of mine from toronto vlalted me last summer ami he asked me to try mltburns laxollvcr pill ha old me they bad done him so much good for his stomach t used several vuls and i found they did me so much good that 1 can recommend tltem tonny one suffer- liitf front liver trouble mubums uvullver villa are oflc a vial h vial tar si 110 ot all dealers or malted direct on receipt of price by the v mlttwra co limited toronto out children cry for fletchers castor iff tho kind vou lliivr alwn llonulit mid which linn been lu uao or over uo nuii imu bonict tho hlirmittiro of jj9 uiitl imu brcn iiintlo linuor lilu iict- s7 s wdfrf-j-j- wonnl hhfwri islnri ulnrc itaj lnrriiiry rrswv allow no ono torimoho joulu tliu all countorfoltu imltntlmm nud tuiitnufftwhl nro but afeji tittle ii tu tlmt irlflu wltli nnil cuduriiretr tlio licnlth of lufatitg and children picihirlouoo nguiust xtperliuoat what is castoria camtovttl la n linrtuichh hnlmtlttito foe cnstof oil tar- iforlo jmpu mid fiimifliliiu hnip it lu plciifuirtt ifc mntnliim lcltliof opium flloriihluo nor other mnrcoilcr mibmtiiuco itu ttfta lu uh uimruulco it doatroya worms ntid nllnyn 1overlnimcbht kov mora tliuii thirty ra it 16 iiuu bccii lu coiihtunt imo for tlio relief of 4qmistliatioii ilntulnnc tvlud colic ull tcotblnir trouble u und jobirrliftfa xt rtrtilntflu ti htonnwh and uowcbi iiuulmllutou tlio 1omlk plvlnir litalthy luul kiatttral lop tb ililldruu x tlio mothtxu sviieud genuine castoria always biura tho signature of mu la use for over 30 years tho kind you haw always bought actons electric chopping mill day open every day the favontc inrmcru chopping mill in now open every no long waitii or disappointments chopping and roliinr loth satisfactorily done till grand trunk railway b f c aldweijij acton 0nt proprietor pliable yet tough vou might imtii j our acquaintance iith itorth imii lij lucttlug iu a pair of thcm ilorhtludc mltta theyre excellent txanipleu of how tough aud pliable initti mn be made by ourphrome proctwi with the added sttiuftctlou of kiioniiig they will not iweojiu tlif iviilu bcorchctl or bcaldcd ilout fomct to ijii stomjh and hejil remeutber jon by ucariug longest at all btores w h storey son limited acton out keep the wheelssturning buy madein canada goods s12steater coats b itcdticed in price hoc the visor coat 4 in i collar in plain shades genuine all uool conts 8s oo fur kxtto i 5jo lor 4439 600 for dao odd linca genuine all wool bweaiur coata worth up to 4s0 for j00 at r e nelson bferebut tailor mattel vuirmuhat wyudhata htvaet ouiblpu om b tawhkinoun ttlai nb 11 mill litlluwliui ulliu minn tl wh mil til trinui cli iauiir lit umht mr ua no ii v iuh u 1 ho m llm 1 11 u li no uu ii no 11 11 h ili 1 ko 11 uu 17 kit 111 insula hi n 10 i in iimil w emgravfne lflanliainsrsfcar oltonlo cnada x9e bell piano a iliniii not nnlv with 1 r-l- titallon hut with nil tliuitulitlob ulnd- i made in guelmi lly tlu lnikti t nmntifactiiforu un lcr tho hrltuh fluu and by the mont nkillcd worltiueu known ami ii solo in acton iurili on ith merlin imcama it haiuivtn hundreilu of jnplti crfnt wtif illlnn liecauiuj it pocuit c thu huictut tnno and it stayu in tune tha i oil if is c w kelly cq son 133 uppor wyndhctm st ouelpm ont boots shoes etjbbbes the merchants rank op canada all lines q footwear j p at rtcjht prices all mens rubbers at j bargain prices n a aaaoaaadddoddaaaodddannnad w witliams ml sir arion hct0n liyery and bus ling hnviiip purchaneil the livery iluxinihhvi nnd tiooilwill of the chtntu nf uu- lata john willlaus i rciihtirull illicit the patron ao of mil public com i or table rig will uluaa ho mippllod at mnkounhlu chargen vor tliu prcmnt ifr 3ora hall who linn hud tlio manage ment of tin tabloi llio past year will unit lime in hnrue he will aluavhlu found courteous apt ablijing huh msestta alltraihs amdk0se mccann mill st acton ont the delights of gardening are much enhanced when only the choic est seeds are grown bittuuu4 tu thrift it riuliily dehcribcd as eco nomical minnlmtiiit a shrewd bumncsu mun m hj token of an thrilty bc- cnutiu he saves pcrliapt only ii dollar nt n lime purh more but tlio real necrot of lui rulclsh licit in the principle of having one dollar will start an nc- count with tlim banlf all local clicquea canned at par a cuulmnot wrltca t vour cntnloriic should bo in tli hniidit of ovury otiiateur par- drnvr tho cultural direction are su clear nnd practical llu die lmok tiuiy wcl bo called llm grouurv coiiutunt compattlou a post card will at once bring a copy op this kree ek30k carters tlstli seeds inc ibs ulna btreet athat to hon to ontaiiio acton branch f a maclean manager buy goods at home a hlhilpfljftl llfiuhlasitira rauttutt pj ku fo

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