Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1915, p. 2

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hi iyii in tlooigoiown i rahrnury iltih hi of n hurt tli 11 iliiiitiitii tltomimis lll liiiliu ililltll february h t tl thompson it jiiiiclih i mauhihlt 1iu dm ltu ai llio mulli iigo oitivijliim tntirudu hi 1lrmoh toiiingjitl jwiuiri by eu ii hmitli tl a usllor initio mvrllo ikiktir luith of oakvlllo tm it tiurifi in i rln tomiiuhlii mi thurulay imth iobrujir iwmolliu lrli wife of kmest crippu ngod 17 jeurh fiihtiii in liktllli miriimj munli jnd i llii htuiirl tvldou of tlio into mm roiui in hor hlltti j i lioolgllti lili lullictliu uldiw of vm wuhllutl ng 117 il tiru lit if mi day february the into i j emu t at hor hraiiiptnn hi o limine ilrumplou til huiiinitliuhun i miilihu on lrldn rahrunry nil it hlcliinl heimlich form erlj of tho hcholleld llnldcn miichlno lo toronto linil brother at ru it hmngg iuelpli i mlmohiwi riml 1 in lug memory of clmrjoj ueginuld tho dumb itolovod child of y liahli ami albert llttloy who lied march m llh tliey rtiia lilm uiol teholotod lifiiilnwl mirrin u tvn pd ij rtoi sftte fjms uiihia i on edltobialres l0ouiut ir edict u boom in trado wkal tha uaf lu over increalod and m proved iroductioii uour iiina rlclia for gauda markets ura not won in a day it la wll to unite in uylnutloouiidatloiis now or tlta better tfioaa lluit era sura to towe osl lnuroung utelopuunt tills year in the steel iudumry in canada la tlio ordare for il from inlied huua rail ways- ivrlodicala hi die ether ilda of ttio lino which hae ilia culled hulna steal industry at iwuirt crillciio ciiitod huua railways for luting giton lltoo ordaru to canadian itilllu pointing out that it would i h1i for tltjr nilways to consular that the nterwjji of i nit til hulw raluaya ami tlieir iron ami utoel loduilricj ara hound loglhr uuitt llio allied thta uf iliiiaii and iraooe aro pouudiug tlir way tliroufili iba uanlaudlia vortli iiuirican wliit hurkfau uro liiilily unutluul houia bxmruijiidch000uooljujialii of wliat to dm ilbxk ova i ba rculy for enriort wlien u way u o4ifj tlio meat pourrfulfcliijut ahoat axa rwluom ilia ildnunclua fort ona of tlteui irfinjj lha jumi luu1tli wltli imi eltflit 11 inch puns and it nuiy not lo laag lsforo tlia oiodua of wlioat taliea plju wiio tliia ljakana chicago inacuuton will luutun to uko to cover wut- tlio clianojior of tlm ilntisli liruainciit aaya oiily in a while uddrru tltat ljjuor la wong enemy to i ho euiijlro than auliinarinoa tli drink traric la uroly hiofif uil wluiro it hloihf ijojd jeortjo uid thia rock tko rrltlah tokiinmenl will do all in la tower to ami lie to thia inumal mnc to tho trnfjth of j root ilrtuln diurmtly hut fearltuuily he vu aura in auld tlio piiuic won lit aurport whator action wu taken and allow no liwjuhjinoa of tliia kind to inter fr with tho oomitry irojpctf in tho wr it will ul aourco of aatiafaotioii to tho poordo of canada who uro uo urtldiidid y supporting tlu iui cnwa that the coin forta l hay luva made and iiioao imrchaae1 with thair donatiuna will find their way to th hoaplul in ohqiiioii and brlntf coin fori to tho koldlara of tlio indian empire thtn an iorhak many in tliia country who woodar wharo um oomforts thoy liavo mkd li rully goiw it will not lo ruofcary lo nay tliat eioryono of omui ima bmm kent whora uioht nooilod hut it niay ho of latarut to them to know that many of ottta luive tfopo to tlw uuohoaa of contiiubht honpluiatclovodaii iluoku tlta bwutlful tfunnoa kldo raaldenoo of major waldorf astor m i others liava guno to tho boapiul at la touquot in tranoa whiu thouuanda of thoin ora nav being worn by lho aoldiara actually fitfhtfaff in lhatronohm kkvch w uiara a moro jukt vordlot than that of tho jury which eknnorateil frota all atlgtau of crime cdrrio ihtvla of tomoto following her trial for ihootlnjf ad fciulotf luir employor itocauao of tlio laiproparllltatthm iter employer hail uken wban aba wa alooa and lefeiioeliui with tlta in tho itonio it won a mnaational but filtaitoua endlnu too pitiful human dranui thai wat full of unulety aiul tears tfia lauuoil juntloa who triad tlia caaoooiuiurr j in tho vordiot and naid t tha jury pthap liavo taltan view of tlio oaao not tbaolutaly in ooufortaltv with strict rulo but bey imvo miwlord anlutaiitlul juttloe thotlinohiu auroly ooino whan tkawoak hiui unfortunata who am not al way ablo t tlefond tlnimwlvo ahniild hvo um atrono dafanoa of law anil hjhlln oplulod and uta luatrul wretohaa who troy or endeavor to over imwer tlioin ho tfvta their doimrtm ami at loabt x antra cited from tho freedom of decent nocloty hassaqaweya tha ruupdyera of hohool hectimi no h stkmttwu utulno l tupioalnif liavo hoettlly notltloiied ilielrrnwhituooounclu fofthohpfwiiituuiut of arbitrator fur tho purpom of fomlnff m new nninii wwtlnii of paruof thaui fcootlona tho cterku of tho two townijilp have itoon appoliitoil nrhi tftor jolin uarijull for nuiuapuueya idj a traoy for ijjiutnin a moet off ol tlto ufhltratluii loard of which yotneotor uenyea will lw ohuimiaii will be rjald at uia couit houwi milton mi hitrur day march jlh at iftto in tlio ninniliiir vbm tha lamttl ulu ba luopaiwl lo hoar th rkrfceiilulloiia of ui conoenioil tho uojultbnr uf mr and mrx wlllluin vanbf whp iuiovd from aotou inu wel weloonio them buak very omdlnlly hatt pa mr u a manlonell of tlio oolnnluttlon smnofa of tho leukmaiit of aurifliiltiirti i la liiparliiy iwoktel farinlnp opjur- unltloa in onurlo thia oohuiiia a hut of vurftui for bala giving a full iiaohptloii l of each if you tlealro iwllliig your farm you way tvttll youraalf of thia opportunity second week in the legislaturedebates the wnr tax wlitbd utilized to covor mora than war expondlluro good speeciiesbv new men a l of oiiu mill nu llio dollar or ouo tonlli of on mr ocnl mi nil tiixuhlo pin uirly in lb io inoo lu ihu win tuk wlilili tho out iilihlmoruumnt iiiioimik to vol loot fin oppmll inn hhiioiiuii miiuutliik f illj am immxiirou for tlio iiuuutuiro of llio i1iliiiiu1 out nun country in tho unr want in mn i u auro llmt thia piirton uill iiitudlj lioucraiiipllnlinl mid in tlm cnu iii iklmlo it lit prwllotoil that tho will iiu f rl llnlii ufchiimiitwt unit nioiioy rnl iwl i iliihhjiiiiil lux will lio iflwkod lo ir i ii m inn hihuoly mid not ilkortctl tiillii h ilk iu in vlho hum of tlio vrilifriihiuirilovjopuiont ruuil 7 nloniu i ir pc iio ilctull ir u any rule doflnllo nrrcmtx oflhn iiulur of tho ton trltiiitiit i lie 4 joifsrnmont i- likely lo inilo ti dm hret tiuio hiiilo oio oiifcoxviitlvo ifincriiuiont hna 1mcii in jiowor in outurlo thoy mlnilt n ttoflclt tor aevorul ytare thaoimmitioii imvo claliiitul that ordinary book klcpliin would roical not tho allfjiod hiirpluo but a huluiioa on llio wronj ullv thlaaar tlia ttovernniaiit ttitmlla it but whera they laco tike flgurva at about 70oo0o the opiutaltlon culma that tu total u nbont jl 00000a moreover tha liherala ohjmt to tho fontmuwiit ooiitau tlon that tlia deficit arumjjirrty rom uia war and point to tba traurcra tigurea allowing icm than 600000 enrwoded on warcontritutioou tlia oppoltlo1 jioluta out ihat on itam lu tlia current rclps amounting to over wtm 000 la ojwnly din ownl in tlm toveniiuiut autauwiit by tha auditor hiuvwl who append a note refubliib to tuka rwpoindllty for on item this ll6far nuka lla lotam twnt d lie it oilioitudly silwlooo tim mt of llm daflcit which tlia ohvitlai woum raiw front gl 34000 to oarly fji000m couufroii ituia cttarul to caulil account which la jru ayo uwl to ba charuoj to current revenue which the ojipouitlon clalnu bhould la fcllll wcrxjlud a much ttronftr ujijuitlaii la ilia uu aoiimmi xerdict of tluo wlw lava viiui the ontario ljjiuturo thu u4oii tlia naw liuoral iiumberu liao mt fcpolni yot but thoo wlu liao dooe to baiu ortutl a hiotfdvorablaiiijprcftloii maj tolmla of wliuuo- galiivd bpuclal uimi tloo aiwl ifulo eten froui coju rvatlvo pa pern like tlio toronto nawa rlauiual carur of houth vllin lulpli uld uui atientlmi of tlia hcmju by bfa tiuor of ml ml ami trenchant critloam nuaoa ivrluioont of ihnc wwrtl coouty woj applidd both by loxcmioautand oppoa hlon for hu brcud tfuflft ami patriotic apcli on the budgvt u a jlllje of wefat ptsrlwiro dioui ral frrap of uis agricultural mxiiuih ami maclahjf of iorcuiiina showod that lio would be o oup- al lu iioknun far tha north country w jolinaon conaanatlva uouimt for watt hatlriqu a tlia int goveroibnt meuibar to illtcut fully tha tewpenuuia quoation thia mulaioo ha waa quite frank pport of tlia lioeau ayauui tlioujlit lirenm luldrw hhoukl not ba in urfere1 with and mad a violent attack on tho ministers of tha provluca who had apokon for temperanoa ami tho abolition of tho bar mr johnaon woa anawered by llugti monro ltlural inaiulier far jujugnrry whoaa a liuln man told how hia hual nana and tha efhouinoy of hi maa bad been inurfcrwl with by tlia liquor tracho and how il buuinaaa liad improvad with tho doing away with tha tnifho in hia own town major toluilo dafended tha patriot lam of tlia mliilwturtj wlio tioa to their convict ion at ulmtavar coat had lpokn at tho qiiveral elootlon agalnat tha liquor trafllc on tha rubjf64llon of mr howell a cable of prulaa and food ohaar wtia font by tlia leuiatur to tha ontario prqnuja upon tlio occasion of thalr hrtt ennerlanc in the trenoliaa the 1rovinoial treasurer tnado a idaidi lull attack 04i thoaa liuurauca oooijiauuw who luul refuted to pay tha inoreaaad tax placed on ufa inaursnoa pretuluma laal year the ooinpanleii anaouil hava uida a vlgorouii reply the moratorium bill waklionlla6oood reidlna mr howell olaliaed tlutt alnoa it really waa not a moratorium in tlm uiually accepted broad uaanlno of that torta tho namoof llio 1111 should ba changed tha matter will tut up again tlia tilokal queatlon la a till under oouald oration c 11 mokeown mk1 for uurohn li tlio new conaertfatlvo wbli dubuil tho following la tha report of ihiblln bohool for february t ctaui iv jnoklo waldla alioo huw art itau flihmma errol hprowl willie kaloy tawrenootjihhona kllnor stewart jn ilibeathoo molaaw beatrioo croamer tnlm croainar hit iikollu htawait mary llbbona cutliarlna kelly jlurioo ktoart alfred fryor ciaw iwilllo kelly kratik crcumer ifertlo uootl iitiukh a mailollno fllbbona loorga mlno huhy mllutxl nolaon mi no pmimkk ii hcrblo pryor htatnilk m vtrzjnunu teacher balumapad about forty membarn of tha kp worth ioaguo of erin vlulted tlio faguo baro laat vvtilinuulny evening and moat enjoy ablooianliik uuflnjwmt tho mloru pro vlded the jirograinino wliloh lwd tnuoli of liiiorontbiiil merit ilsv j memnhiultlj tlia futhtor via preacnt uml took wrt lit tho prooeeriliigtt mlta filth vvaimall vultod her autor mlu m waddnll in the denaral hospital toronto lut woek a fow of our young panplo look in tlia larnlvul nt frln on friday evening uivd repot t ugoiul tdita hows this wo offer no hundred dollar howard for uny ciawi of tiiturrh tliat cniumrt bo our- cm by iiuiim cutartli cm v j chknkv it co toledo o we lha iiiidaralgnod have known v j fhauny fnrlhe lohl 1 a year and 11 leva hlui iwrfnotly lionorable in all imalneam tmiimintloiiaanil financially ablo t carry out uny ol ligation ttuule by ida firm nayiuvii hank ovcouukmiu toledo o hullucatujrticuro ia taken internally the empire needs many foods this war year who will providotho food v who will produce it shall wo do our share in feeding otthe fighters llio ml of th i i uiimliiiii ihiiinit mho liuplio niu liortwuiuiil on oih i idoii of tlmwnious uo1 hlluiillim mutt mil thhui i unipo in mutt i nc inuntof riiiiiltiilo liihi ituul lu ihu run i tli pnii k no u ihu primp ltli tur in tjrcnl llrlinin cumlikh llio following inlli in on rumliuir llio hpmi ulll ikinul ml th lulurubt itir htildluim iihting ul llio front inuul ho fid iiiinii llltxii uh lutiuh li ir iumilk xuilliuu uul ukhiug ut litinio miiul iki fwl llio iiuciti iii iriniji inul u hl rim filloruuii tlm high wut niiut lw fml tlm itotgitn kiuuhu hi in- 1 iki foil u ho v ill prot lilvtho fnnl u ho ulll piodnco it llio npmiil cnuic lo t mi nbi mlinll vo tuy nnr tdinru ui luxt will not ixi i to ioiili hera i- tho llritlu homici hilly nlioii 1 ik of fchhnuut o 1 lh inn mo it oio unttiir hiiiiii of hi on l u lixnl ioaoi licoo 4 ai of jam 1 ox of ruuur hi roah vegetal la or 2 ox- of evaporated viretahlo it o- or tea coffee or cocoa j ox of lolatcco or m clgarottew cr uock toomiy alkiuu get ihu rullm u tho ration cangel to him now let u hbow tllk lu tlona with audi nilnulououi of oburtulluu au no war beforo thin lm oiur uuii rum aeioplaimj iortullu uuuh louuru uinl tpliij ctcrywluiv it i hy no iiwuuu uu oasy uutttcr to koc tlo liuvo follwu cit lauilud in ihu trtjutlnw uppliod ultb fol hero in u it id account ft lluj tu iniicr i wbkb ibia uorl i duu lj uno of lh traiuurt dritcru ut tho fiit ti inly i lurk night in u rutlicr wil upon iouulry umu ol wugyoin iuim1 in ruutlncmi lo i to it tu each waggon tlici at at tailed a cooplo of lioru ill ti borkji unite of cm tbcru iua buyloiill a nuuilir ol nu in the iugulot khaki uii luukl iuuigii conu from nut of ihu darkuixm ut tho douldfi rhoj lino up iki wo tha wagin an oidur lu bhoulod hoirb and llio iiuiu muiij lo tlm kay un llu hjryoni awuy ibcj gy jnltfng uml rutlliug iu tbu tramploil uotwl cocn ilug thick uml diiuk mi tlm mulddu groiitnl that thro uiotithi ago wom a follow cornlicll tho waggon soon tain liuliy lunf wmjuila apdd cold toa in itottloa ami tbu drltorv hau got lorieluer it all wnwlkw to tlm ttotdlera in tlia ironclioa elaton nil lea auaj tha men fight aloep oat luo ami tlio li urn treuchou until tlio moment toiucu for an advanco or ratroal tor mica entrench d lu micli i war ta tlm prvunt tltcro iu no coming out day or nlyht- ami gottlng tlicao f od waggons to tha tronohoa la pur llouu work for tho llormuiia do all tliey can to prevent the food uoggona reaching out eoldlera tlia danger of what la callod food imi port work in of oourec far greater in name plaoert than athera in uurie ptaooa thero niay bealialter to bo obtained right up to the tranche ami tlia wnggoua aro ueor aeeu by tho enemy but in others tha wug gone may reach the trenches by wuy of oien uml ilillloult ground over which head way can bo made but slowly many a driver ban periahed many a baggage wag goo been destroyed in such place when the waggons aro within about four tulle of tlio tranche tha hermans try to locate them with wurohtlglita or fireballs and titan begin stalling them they use fireballs now altogether for thu purpo tlia fireball is a sort of inmoiiie firework when it bursts it turnn into a glaring ball of blua fire which lutngu in tlio ulr throw lug a brilliant light about tlm ground beneath it awl enabling tlta herman gun jers to get tlio enact range of the food waggons a comrade of miua saw a sltell burst within a foot of a waggon it limply wiped the waggon ami driver and bovaoa out of eulatenoo they were all blown to smithereens- ttte wnggona are of course spread eutaa fur as poaalblafromeecli other end if ore or two meet with disaster some always reach the trenches in safety often tlie food lias to le distributed under shell fire but in tho tranches one la fairly safe i at any rate ttte danger never affacta the tommies uppetitee any more ijthjui do hie ragged garments the mud wiut which lie li caked or tlia oilier hundred and one discomfort of living lo tlm trenches ah aorta and conditions of young tuen many be found among tlie food waggon drivers from varnlty undergraduutes to mon who not long ulnoe wero clerku in city ofhoeti driving waggons about lou don or checking tickets at rail way statlona all glad to do their bit ready to die if necessary doing ihelr duty to their comrades and their country auction saukl in icuquusiinu faitmotouic ani imj imjicmicstm tin- iiudtirklgiuil him luuu initiuctud toll by pulillt mictii ii ill tpavim 9 kkjwnicoy at liti farm int a kiinlli iiim ihijuih tig on wfcdniilbday loth mauoh ill ino olioll liiifillu fnllnuing huuttks m liumururlbfiiu4yniv gnthy hlmido iiklni lljdu murt ruing l uini uol lj iluiint imhlmi i clytlu horn rliditi jui- jil lv st u orilnsoi i iil cli ilhhig i gnthy ililuiu i clplo toll rlliif 1 yuuri got by llnllon4iy t irrl igoin ire rmliig s ari got by lllmk dot tor lliln mure won muvliiii pi ioi nu n three jtur old i t trri ij iithl rllng iuitm got bvilliilk uutir i riiidolir nmri niiliilr gntliy arkn in foil m itrmillkm i limit g t lv swnllow infdiil lu miiillrluihtuiic i yta calves uldh impoiul in i ikul liuriio cattix5 yomig timii din- unit nl uau i lit ul r mippoi c in ciiivl in april i iiijlicuh iiippord in loivo may itli i rtil ou iiiiipilil in tiilvo may aitli i bint- cow iupponud to liikl mili 37th i ttl low itipihiail in ulvu muy adtli i ri m t nw uupimi ul u i uvu april loin 5 conn linjipoild id mlvt in mnyi i iotlul cow nuppoml to cnlvo nnvimlhr iijlli i rom cow unl cnlf tills cow in ijikmi mow of milk i ulucl cow milking wtll i young tow nujiwm- l in calf hi november tlitu aro n chako lot of ooil young coivu 1 liclfem 3 nucm i yenr 4 red nicer 3 black utter cnlvm 4 licifcr 3 goml young cnlvrn t roan bull calf t pure hnd timl nbout two jenrn ten of these en ives on muter 10 innntliu midnry an extra brtnly lot and in gootl condition hochi sou 1noud litter with r plgu 1 uw flmt litter with 10 plgu 1 sow first liilor wilh s pluu 1 cow bred february ist 1 joung uw brwl uccni iwr lotli 1 gating low brd pvccinbcr 50ii1 i young kou brnl january 4d1 i louiliftow brvd januarya 1 youiik tow bred joiiutrj 37h1 1 innig uou bred i bruary 1 tt young uiw br d ttbruary 17h1 1 young sow not bred luplgs 1 uinulhu old imfm ilhlti utlrlni blii foot tut 1 mnuayiuoucr 1 iht harrou 1 nmou uttil drill 1 let inrroui 1 wjl jon top biiguy 1 cutting bos with c ir tiers t hay fork 1 nulional crraui ucp- arutor 1 duuy clium 1 set double bar iicta 1 set slnqlo barncsn 3 hureo collars timui orflllb aiisutorlswsmun- dr eathi wmi- that anuunt hln htealhs eriiteo ruruluilnv afitmovwl security si trchi trsbauirt erf fercaeh ntw jktoh 1 a maclkjtv llcrl auouonaok ol a ami ho auction salk in acnroh 1ausi stock imllk sfents etc the uuderslgned boa boon lmlnilu1 by william uhouh to kell by public auction at tbu farm main litruct acton en wbdhkidav 17th maiicii ut ouu o clock itlmrp tho following iiorhlh 1 pair re jhrreliuron flllku rlalng j mid 1 enrn by carol well niitchcd linvc won n numlur nf prl and will matio a no 1 team 1 unrintr colt liacknoy two crumes by llmotiflcld laddie elidible to bo registered oatra fine colt bns taken komeprisca cattle- i houltln cow 6 years duo april iht 1 brindlo holfor 3 vcars urltli calf tit fitot i jersey cow wltu calf at foot 1 jenmv cow duo in april l jersey cow s ycam duo in april 1 red cow dtto in april 1 jcntcy hclfci rising 1 yearn due in may t low years due april abtli 1 farmw cow years milking good 1 beef cnlttu if tint prevloimly sold durham heifer rising 3 years duo march 95th 3 steers rifling 9 years red liclfer rfslnr 3 jenrs 3 steer calves 7 months 3 liclfer calves 7nionthn red heifer rlwliia 3 yearn supposed to lw in calf 1 yearling heifer ilqs 1 brood sow with pig hrod december i3th 3 young sows brad january 7ii1 1 young sow bred febru ary nth 1 young sow bred february 17th 1 ilerkslilro sow bred january mt lostoru pig s montttu old a number of lionn imflbmunth klccnritikk binder 0 ft cut aeod drill mower 1 ueul land roller disc harrow liny tedder wagon democrat top buggy lutnd made good aa new open buggy bobajclgliu pair light democrat slelgus thrco scats a no 1 pair 1 buggy nolo box cutter 1 seta wlilulctreea neckyokva national ercotn separator fanning mill gurtiey weigh scales aooo iba t wilkinson plow new i fleiiry sod plow no 17 new i icssex centre plow 1 iron plow stephen son 1 sproymotor 1 sot itnnieiui 1 set light linriiosa 3 ectu single hariieui chains forks shovels hoes and other articles too numerous to mention a few bag seud otatoes forty ihick eye late imnk hyc furniture extension tab side hoard kitchen table stoves bed room ilte refrigerator kitchen chairs thru 8- all sums of ten dollars and under caih over that aw not tan months credit rt opttroved security heef cattle liens nml potatoes cawi flvoper cent par ouuutti tl acouat for cosli everything will lw sold aa the farm hiut been dlipoaed of 36 1 n m ft j kbrr a a not lit clerk auctioneer chuachill by 1 multung yoey name to blm and he acting dlraely urintbi mood aoaaua uj forward you idank form to ho filled jurfaoo of tlta system teultoeebila seat to tb name doc uot uppeer in tin jjf vimwomm iwr itottla hold ly beekjifimforaolearellsuuiid tawalla family uua for ooosupa this community wus stirred with sorrow at the sudden doatli on thursday of lvsr- luallla truvls the wife of ernest crljipa resulting from ohlldhlrtli the aarrowlng humliand left with a family of siu clilhlreii the eklost of wlmin isouly fifteen mr crlpjie wan a daughter of morris ttuvih tho family lived for scleral years in aotou whence thoy lemavod to mrs alov russelia farm lot 7 fourth una krln mra ctlpp was n iery imlusliioua little woman anil a worthy heluueet to iter husband tim attentloil tlie congregation el church hewr tha funeral on sunday afternoon wua largely uttetwlod it wau comlucuul by itet mr howmlh in tho abmiuoe of hat mr futteraon who wua in toronto for ruuday interment took puoo nt falrvlow cemetery acton tlie will bearera wero john mclean itoltt kerr clinton llwaokhamor ivtar murray oeorge ltaruahy and fred rider mr mid miv crlpim were niurrlei on the liouie on which tjio died at cdrlsttnaa mra crlppe auimrlutamleil tho iirepuratlon ami forwarding of a lion of supplies tor the needy beltflnmii the funeral of tlta lata james moot creaeoiia conterk last tliurtulay to the cemetery liere wee attended by inaoy old friends and tiefghlmra who bald lilm in blgh esteem i children ory fos fletchess astoria o lha h i no auction sale faitm stock and im plements tho tinilarnlgned lint been i nut rue tod to mil by public miction for john p oiimonb nt bpoystdo wkdnksdav mahoii otii nt one oclock sharp tlio following 1 1 1 oh 81 w 1 imy horse 7 years good in nil linrnena 1 broun mnro lu fnul to royal hrunstaiiut 1 bny innri good in nil bartteftsi 1 nged lionw 1 road geld ing rising a years by hlnr wilkes lattlk 1 groy cow 6 yiiirp duo april 95ii1 1 nil cow 6 ioats duo marclt siml 1 ronu cow 6 yenrs duo july nth tnlklng well 1 grey cuw calved 1 months juicers risings yearn 3 heifers rising o jenra hg9 how duo april and 3 ihoatu fowl 14 iiuiih plymnulli rock a ronatera implkmtcntsdeorliig ham rnke new iloering tliowoi 3 top bugrku a lumbar wngotiu 1 now 1 open biiurey 0 cutters 1 pair imli nolglis wilklnhuu plow no 7 ichullnnikliik doooiim 1 seed drill winip r a httn dmihlo liar iiess 1 new a botnslugto liartiusa neck yokes whlultiirccs v iteollmrrow nml various oilier artklea tkkmh all uniiih or ton dilinrh and colli over that amount tun mon tin credit 011 furiiulilug approved wiciirlty bin iter cent iter anniini off for cash it x kvnn auotloneer new staple goods sprint sewing linn rirh vv ir reidy witlti nod rangi of all i those ulio iik huh 1v t- fnrrlnrk ind t thtir i srwinji dour rirh wv stijilc and urj jonds nkw pkinis nkw o 1 i ons n h shirt- 1nos nkw ikannkkki lesnhv i owkl- unfis nicw kinins nkw lacks new umbkoidkiuis nkw mra ips our ki mn ml tilit i u ft uihht liuam lurt jdtuth iurs itc it i m i piimiulh iw prits to clear wo do not w ml to i irry uvi r 1 sinlu jadcct henderson co mill si acton onl dodge brothers motor car jhwhuwuhhwmhwwwhhmaimwwyhhblhhwwhhhataiaiaiwwhhhblhmhh speaks for itself r d hume representative for unlton milton ontario new spring hats an advance shipment hai just arrived and ihcj are certainly worth jour inspection each bcason jjives birth to borne niw sths of hats and thm season thev are particular attractive nu ludiiv all the latest amer ican blocks there is so much tliit h ixiiusim dishy stvhsh new and beautiful in our nkw spring ii i s that they can be pick ed out as fashions favorites just a little better just i little newer just i little cheaper and jubt a little uomcthini that makes this the place to buy hats stiff or soft hat man youll find a int hero that will please you sise ioe t so sww sum and us george wallace 30 lower wyndham guelph ont lliniklul y iii i glhai1iho auction sale farm stock imple- mbntfl mtu the underslgued liua luen iustriilud by john orawrord to sell by public auction on lot in mconil line hntiueslng 3 miles from acton on oh8dy 10t uaroh at one oclock sharp tlm following iiormehi black horse 14 brown marc la yearu in foal to htoreyi korso limy colt rlalng a vfaru from utoruyu liorse 1 brown colt rising 1 year from ktnreyahonic cattlii t wjtotled cow willi calf nt foot 1 heifer cow with calf at foot 1 roan cow with calf nt foot 3 red cow duo to cnlvo in april 4 steers rising 3 eant 1 liclfur rising a jcnra 4 jmr ii 11 go poultrv 30 lionn j rooster b oulilua lions a geese 1 trail dor imilkmknlttlmitsxuy harris bin dor 6 foot cut i maiuuiihiirrla numcr s imit cut now tnrm wngen 1 pair liolihlolglia now 1 hill laud rutlci 1 biirkv 1 cutler 1 pcnfllur liny rake 1 mot drill 1 floury plow 1 hot iron liar rows 1 floury pulpor t wnail rack 1 wagon imix i chatham fanning mill with lugger 1 bag truck with holder 1 int go kiigar kuttloi slnno boat 1 m1 doiihlo harncmi 1 sol plow lianiuu in cattle chains 1 blacksmiths vlw ami betich 1 niuh 1 bollmvtt 1 logging chain a nck li wliilijelreeh iluublelrecii i whuel harrow 1 grain craillo nhuvolu iiolo rakuh fork nml other ut helen too mini erouu to 1110 lit inn 1 mtlotto ercnni separalor with cement htnml 1 daisy churn i good cook atovo lomlchter tkrmsah hums nf ten dollm mid midar cash over that amount twelve mouth s credit on furiiuliing approved security flvo wr cent per aniiuni off for cash livery tli lug will lo field an tho form has been duikhied of 163 rjf krk a a ttoi 1 11 clerk auouoneer jatents 1 rjltiinm la ill mutriuljak ta our ihvrnt advlajul wdi wl b cnt rre hjuuom ft hai1i0n ixnjtrjtcorhcitlwihiui 1 1 f bank of hamilton caultal authorised tfuuxkmkm oatmul paidup wmmojooo bufrpltlai hj 760000 whv a savings account it a best to put 011r monri in n hnvlngn ilnttk account here lwtiuikc firstit is safe secnmlll in renuly nvallnblc in cmli third the inlereut is certain anil prompt georgetown branch w n uky uaair the merchants bank of canada tuubllthttl isil iu utmuhsm id owl yrkiirift is nilitly described as eco x nomical manam ment a shrewd biwinchs man is npnkcn of as thrifty be- cauke he saves ierhaps only n dollar at a time perhaps moro but tlm real secret ol his succtss lies in the principle of having one dollar will start an ac count with thin banu all local cheques cauhed at par capital paid ul iiuaknvu punou anu undividkdpiiorira 0imodoo 7mh st acton branch f a maclean manager ilrlu abunrlisrmtnts imiiiatuih luut saiyj aiciion ha lb h t is1 a n iiumi 1 i i i ion uuba iii-tiim- iitmtif aclou out sitiiiitioim wiui ttd tt oi1rdinaliii linn malt nrvnnlo- in 1 1 iv 7 m nrl l l v till aitom ijtlti luuru ll hv thanks iii n i i li i 1 t i f n family l0 1 u tiui j- 1 ir i v r lilm auuimlliyaul llr 1 vwi 1 1 i 1 jiran a iiant ivm ttrciiniii iioxiwtv ill- nll h l l0 rilkvmm nss podls ai j r tl n i all a o vri r rrnmalllmi mntutn n oiior 11 t r an asian marc j appmraikkv to pait- ijauent nntirt is lurcb given that an npplicatirjn will be made by ihutororiiosuburban rail way cnmp in to the lecis- laturcnf the province of on tario at tlm next session thereof for an act authorizing the comptnv to operate its railway on sunday roycc henderson iv boyd tradara datilt klulldlna torsjttto ontbflo volleltorraith appllaahtd oatd thin qlt day of january mm atcmrjrjrjnanoadni i new wonder- land theatre kin da v maiir- a the m later mind 5 parts fumoiit il ner rtaturo with ld- r w ird hreti tlm mnntorful dram a nlil lar a cniiiil tei- of i ho storm s tonntrj unh l ir plckford h admission 1 g locli and sell t r l gregory proprietor aarjaadorjdtiaonn nniue tit rukditobs in tha hatuf or tha ueitat of auk- anijar modouald lata ot tha town- hip or aquaalnar in that county of llalton btrmer tlat llialall ljtta an 1 at am mm u cum uoainu ilia mitla el ilia al i ainian i r lirt nil i who dlj eo er imui ilia il uv ol i6jiiihr wh aratmiul- it nti nr ik i uro ilia ll lar i uri i silt a fill lay oji irr4ll nr ilulivar ut a j uaa- klniionnt lh mi lo ol oful hjiuiuw lw john unliiiiall 11 a arliiilnlitraiar ej tb mini if ii m ail- 1 ilsjoaru1 llislr aiiruluu an i auruaniva a i iruaioj ati 1 daatllxlau willi full panic h i ihulr alaiut ttatauuai of tiiolr wo ii uiu an i tin uaiura of uta smuililaa it auv liil lv hi m aixf railliartaba uniia lltal altar soab tail oienilo j lal ilia alt a imluuiratw bill iroou4 lodlmibula hiohu of tha o4uaiad kinmijjlti isirtlfr iiililsj torln liaviua larjoulv id ui claim 1 1 mlilalt ha shall lhau uv nullra nil thai ilia sali admlslauatotf will uot ha llabld of ihu tal uuu tut any totkt iliaratji tn aov iuruu or r0tta tj wbeaa lhall uot liavo laa kauvl by a j uacu i nkrovt llalultar fur jdbu ualloaaij dalallliiahtidavnflabiuarv ibu j va notice thjueurrons intheuauepoftue kiatata cjj jfltti wa01uv uu or tb vuuaj 6 aeton in the oouuty 6g hatlioas aeutlantaudoaaacb notice la lnlycleu itamuaii to butbu uhaitarul it flu ijlilbalallamdlta aujotlisaliavlou cltliaa asajitt tha auta bt liasuh jouitlblit iuiwjwcoumj im e fhaatkliilavouauuary ills ara uuliraledi btluta ilia tub jay ft lurolillia to saa4 by lmt liraialluirljlarlu a j uaaatuaati m ilia vtliaaaol aetou hjljeltor id ufv uoiare iliw itdunuiiiiiutfia nl tiiu ulitut oi tlie i ujcjj4 hi ir curiihauauil lufaautaa aaavws aauldeilii luu with lull iimllaalua u iwf tmi oj iliulr aaaoaaia aaj lha imit ua if any ttaia by lhtaj alaluia uialw aiirwelibal a t i lmiiirtauu uuiioa uit alur auah ujbf inouj lulu ilia 4il ajuiiuutr4ku will iwtmastmltribuuiiin uui of ihs ue4anl siuona 11 iillujjutu1luiatoli vluatatj tliu liuia of inoh dlviluultiil mlultarf iruuflluam iin aiiiuiulalvaliih mmsu ferrt successrul cardisnino m tho flmt com tlon in good seed lliugurdeiier ulietlilr for pleu sure or profit tiinnt ultord to gnmhlu he niiifct havu tlm lilbt iitcd that niirti y rim hut our hiihliilhi in willing critlcnlly leslod carefully kclucted jknlf- groo reeds with good uird good will pro parly pi up in tl uml tlio utcea miry euro ihu uurdetur may expect rumiltu liieiiuiu all ililuro in working for mm hegln right by pluming perrys heeda d m ferry v co wlew otttaei

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