Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1915, p. 4

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vht jlctoit 3fr press tiiuhhhav m vhcii i iiu ted ni and the sled a lltth uy milk ul rl ii jnllv lilllifltsl aitoiltor into i my numml nd hud mini huld marry limlo ll i thai imrx full- t nmi- llnt i tliliiu 1 wwitiwny in hne wiitm run fttr i will juat divide and otery ninr fcllili i ii matin litm lulieand ill hut lluwa ik- twmtll ho that tho wny llmj did anj alld and clfil in il tld tim pht wlr of miihlw otr won ulilloonc lliu dim ii ilio mil thoolhei wild au ill would limit hurrah rm if iwd iwnr atop t then when huuitutoil i wttl would acniiih r dot n tlio ttmu toliolphliudruit tlio tjwl up tho l ho noltlioildt iuiiiii from htmitllmc ollllf niii hi 111 nor uiialtul lullf ii htllluto lin on fc and i hmn heard it- mild that tod kmi mill the lcij toil iwller tlmftu limn any titer- tltroo hu nlrliitln the jhfluence ov the bbowm du oil hlroet wan what mildred called u iiondawript atreet not ery iwd lull leruliily not ver ultrartho to ibofllti hiui llw tree micro waa u row of them on cuich ulde of mm n trout but tiny hod not ixvei trimmed in year and limy thruutout haunt uyly dead hruuehou front tliolr uumii of folluito in the jarde alalia o ilt hlroet havy tiniut tfra titrugglad wild thlatlea und otw sturdy weeds rl tlia trip between tlie ldewallta and the road way wu a tangle of ran if taaaulloti var the first day or two lllldrad bud fjllbert were too busy helping tlialr mother bi mtlted iii tha brown huniralaw to iay inucli attention to ouutde matura but whn on tha third day umy found a llttu tltoa to inteatljate luir itaw surround if ipi tliy looked at ucli alur in dltmy waliin avudiw uimm tliy liul lltl for lli nut lbra yute luul bun lispt like m park and tha contract inulo luaiii s4ki llbfirt rvonarwl himtu fine well awywny lia uld wltli tliru of ikm bliouldsr lliaivn ona tulvaiiud i fcbvitt i im to troulld wytolf to kteour yitfj in iwtlr wlum tit ouir uiing is dm oyu wliv huurt nwll i clitdj mil ird tiiats ilia v roason why we ouftlt to kp our rja ma nlco u w did ou wiluu avaiius wltaii yourti in ilwiw ollurt biii hut u id rod nlartviiuj lilw- if tld ttocnaiui im dojiiff ttkt boit of tliinar ulaiy otiftlit to tluiti nil rlgbt but if thyro not lnn wooujiht to liawa our own ub turtlt aiul 4kk 10 tlitui ou know pcjictly wall uiiurt that you would iav imui urribly ajiatiud of sucli a look inr yd whn w wr o wlin av wby ikouldat you u juu u smelt bbluua tvl of it on xik htrat i suppo- tint iouin tint i will uav to st out um uylita auul tlkouwiiitiowtr oubrt pruiuu iut ulljrd wm iura unit il uu only half hwrttjtl ruwua foe jflbvrt liaul kun try iwoud of tho waudaui avnu yard and so h ooly wiiud what oa ilia fourth day fch hird hlu tharialrnf tka eoytha whloh lili faithaur liaul wuud u hoy oq thai fan it wau two days lfoao tin ljra u cllp- ruj into u fairly poamitahu lawn lilt drvl uaaanwhiu wu huay with un tuftuciavl borxw htbath tha iorch which was b uau of woada wua tlta 0ood lluh toll wta oooa inorc vlaluu fch t out tha doun rwl garaniutda whlh had td lrouabt froa tiwt othar luwi and towvj tho iad of bwnat adyuuut to tana a imwiui- for tl lnd a tltualy aliowar that ultfltb ktvt lln bvniniuua fraah and thilr uuataa of tcarut uoouui omnil ui u chaarily tu though thay had wner hwn uovd durlofftho mxtfow dayu mlldraj and flllhortuw inore lluiu ona pawmrby 6aal a burpausd gunoa at tlia naatly trlwimd lawn and tlk honlr of trill uatiraiiluua tt uait wah ulldred hunu wo haakala of ivy ipwilunia aiul fama from tha iorcli iopu ma4ltijjf by turuad back fur a mobtij look at tha brown huntialow in itn attnetlva mttlatf od mornlnir a month latar wlteu otlurt waauiuwlnglho wooiujna which ba lad transplanted and waa trying to tndn itovr tin rickety fonoa tho man in tha lifinnii houaa kloprwl for a moment to watd bib you ulghty fond of tliat sort of thing artt yout lw uld gmfhy voaiird ktwpjug tlila plaoa too uplck and pui its waking all tlia wotoan on tha ttmaafc iluoonlwlad h want grumbling- oabuway hut tolilhuthaurirlhaliwah bmb tha naat aniug fgrtft imt felunaa- fmd if youll und niayour uytho on ill taha off thd top layar of toy lawn uy wifai wont glva ma u inomaiitv paaoa till i dolt hut i cant take a lawn mower to that nm th following waak ilia youna woman la tlia adjoining ooltauja onked flllbart tlidldly if ha vould lia willing to earn aoina aatuy liy mowing liar gnu and imtltln ht yarj in oadar uy uotbat a coming to v lull tu tha utt of uila wek alia explain iirul id lltxa to bare wy yard loub nloa youru looki to flatty i alia added wlatfully my buahaiul cant do tuuoh iuuaa ha go early ami gla home uua audaotlm inuuanoa of tha hrouit hull- kalow anauil gradually i ha wluh length of oik btmat ouurt liiul itn ohketion to oairtilutf a llttla antra hpoivdlng tiytitay dur- iajg vaieailoti and the kewll uytlut want frtta yaij to yurd aheurlngontliatarigloil gtaim and ktparlug tho wny for tlio luun mowar weodgroun bftdo uera olaarwl out and hagtin to hlowoiu with hhlllunt bolora lllhaitluulhocoino tratty well uud to that auriuiwa of oak html hub ho ua hardly pwpurad ftw tho prouwltloii wlilnh the byttff muit in tha aacoiul hunao iniulo to him ona evening wovb got a iretiy xnm wuu ititmt bara itow um rult ituin ualil complwoont- ly indloallng ulth a wavo nf lila huml tho boallawitautietliuri4ilaof tlio huiigiliiw itub tlio traea ura u aiuht wlwt du jou tay to tvtttg in m rfuulur treo liliimivi ami having tltant lined up tha uoj thoy ought to iwt tha uwiim wouldnt ho u grtutdetd if itwaa iiiviiimi aiming nil llm peoiia in tlio hhuik i ihlub eierylukly la willing can wo count ou in tool ill iwvo b talk to my futltnr 11i1011l it hut i uilnk ifull iw uillliiif it iuly that hoa juu in fniiil uilu nf ii lung triiw afaoltlibrwroutof h jolilh nutiirullv u mn ol too account 1 how ie apples were bold ll uuxhlnifhhi lt i1hiik tlml liulf il untnlihofil llnu1 if lirnlu tuh i im i ilioiiikihiu during n hilninn linir uur 1 1i fiillnulnu prtililmn ivon tin ui li llojmihontutlui ljunloiiilumil nf i sllhl j a iimn mliohtid tlinu mhm cilliul ihnui loiuilim uiul tub ihoin unit h pmuwil in liinkii ii illuhi4lllii uf lilu prowirl 1 1 bild llmt im liml mm liinnlrwl and flfiy iipjih- l uhlili im mimld ul v ifln lo lilu miiikiir tnn tlfiy to lib wtooml aun and i nli l nldoht win nn lit hiiiii 1 uunl you to go out mini mill miami tipplou ill ilia mil no prlcoolid dt inilinfjini brlnu inn tlio maine amount uf inniii null tliublilokl imitt iu tlio rl imn tlio rnngrouhiuoii litntrd tlilu pmli hm limy imiliuil tut if llioy uero iwiiiif 1llluull ujwlll it i iiinol lui dmin oil id ono im li n oil iihuiki uiiolliur xillniitf hut tho hill uf tlio iipihv m pi lid mr ioinkiinlnirir with lhi nuhiiriuico tlio nuuuuneii ixami toumk km it ipinrlur uf un hour thuy llffimxl axil thontlioy gmo ii up iw tho lllillltcii 141 woll wild mr uikhmhliigur thn iiojh munt tuit on tho utroot mid tlio joiingofit win met it iimn who adind iii in what ho utmm hcii hu appliw for mi inuul ii lo in olilcst linithor aald tliolmj mid tlio iimn did u h waa told l ulll uoll jon in npiilfl for oon onnt itdiimii will tho uldol bnithr bu ha anld vlgli t fuiiruf huuppiimforaotoitoaitlx and hud one npplu tuft uliilo the jouugwt boy kuhl iiuho uf liu rtppliw for on 0nt and luiil tluuo rcitialulng it waa than ary oauy lo oouiply with tlwlr fatliaru rjinlrnvoiiu th aldat ami ikuu a prlco nf thra oanla ipuoa for aaoh of tlio applx aft ovor ha aold hla remaining ana for ihraa oonta and had tan oontn t llw wcond hoy mii fouv doun of hla fifty ajtiilow fur four oeiita and tha re biainlng uo ut thraa ceuta and luia alao ian oenu i whlla ilia young t brother aold hb rainululuir throa aipios for ulna otttu which mlilful to th ouo ho already had gaie hhii ten cwiita so tha lhra boy a cofaiplud with their fathara oonditloob and aaxh carrud hotaa ilia unto amount of money the cause off dyspepsia tli syaptmts ad tl c- tfacausil too repl eatld cathijf too tuudif aid too of ud laltwonly charwhlat th fooil tatldtf too much sunmutidjf food ftaj loduhjua id itddrooo diajt knarfalry twe symptoms vaitabu apjtlu tiabia tiki todriaa of food baalrihuni whid hi thd ktoaaudb a fdin- of wdiht id tha atimaidt u fact a fuita that your taaiaifa baa ta all wroha umi that thai food you wt doaa but iarrrl to ojflv with mt- th cure burdock blood untoac mn it williamson wbuf out wrlua i have ba a tahtttt to ytan front dyapepsla bad could aolkcly cat anytklnir i trud burdock blood dltun and i am cntlnly curtd i hav not htea troubled tine i took it and that li t vo ycira ojo i can now at aay- uilnt i with n ii 11 it iiianufacturtj ooly by ft t miltiurn co umltail tomato odt a olaculai toub mary hadalittuiingtwaaglvat bar by joa and averywbtr thai uary wat that hug waa iura to go bite took tha ring with har ono day whan alia want out to taa wlitira bha mfflht ilmw ii to tha glrta wlto numlxirad twenty thraa and whoa tlia ulru all ww tliat ring uy ttudo a graat ado ouchiliaiug with one oioa lias it at but got round to you 1 okildreii ory ror rletchers ca our groataat glory l not inoaver falling but in rulng ovary time wa fall ooufu- clou a ho whn hmw into innl trot all iu and will fcrurcely otortakobuliualnaawattilghl lr ladlor to travel lioufully a bettarthingthaa to art ho aiul tha trua fcuocata la to uhor it i rlovenmht noona knoa wliat lia la doing whlla ha acta right hut of what in wrong wa a alwaya contcloua loallic yhbubw oahk mow willie i am almply aatonlihed tliat you nhouhl iii treat jottr iii tie albtay ami himniel aiul litaulther to hut mother itn a garaa were ijay- ing tliat aim la an ahwlcait lady travlllng uliroad and i am a oerman aotdler castoria vot latum ud cblufa in um rh owur 30 yfxttm vkrv likely judgootilcer ulmla thn iiultar with i ha prlumiar tell hr to atop thatorjlug lioa boon at it llfteeu mluute fnlora ml ofhoer liono air im utli lulling alt uniita to lio 11 led oiib kelivoaki awgtvan lalflpi47 b immal hthutthhvg impaired t do your throat ght hi m ttwy m cloggmd aaodara mlatuw pnrim that theatt aymptomi aolt fcoaflltnwkjiniheawi sobffa aattd vapor mini tauuafautd tltaloai tttftoafoodhisctvlauujoai ma ctuicb ajfal txtuvw tba wooja uld ttuiritlon and aaabt uatom check tho inhanunallon and beat um ieoaulw uetohrartca sjmm affktid talifaral etmjlmmtt upon scotts lini i ttw to 11 akttimu fevem thoy luk ihliiga raihfr omy in many pjrth nf arkainuiu nlwervoil it iitnn from llm kiihl ulina bimhwau took him llilllinr ipillu fioipuiully i mmeiiilmir that in nun town tha pro viator of tlio umonil lotti ulnitiht ihumuiimi miy ihniiminl tijulii hb tlmk ttun day im timplnliuwl hb huik of n wrtwlu nrtmo in thb fauhhtu i wll tiu mo wtoplu lop ioniin nit onuilnfuf u iinlhoy luninlit um nut hn1 u hint iih i ot it in kti hlnpiuul kenplit it doit allow your bowels to beciwe gobtlioatod find that over nnu inuf of tlie lib or lift are cauatd by allowlnu the lioweb to cet into u cotiitlpahnl condilloii when uic lowcln itccoine citnutliuttcd the atamach set out of ordr the liver doe not work properly uml thvit follows the violent sick headche tho coiinuu of tha atotnach helchlnif of wind heart burn waur hraili bluouanca and a tfefleral fealltiff that you do notcirc to do tmyutlni keep your lutwela ulaf by luting milhunia laauwtr mil they will clear away nil the cffia watfctr wbkli collect id tha aykutn and wait you think that ufa ii worth living qua wrltei vet aavetml ytan i a bouhlad with aour rfowach tuul wlloua- naaa aad did not ct relief until x uaed muhunta loxatlver pilb x bad only taktri thatd two week when tny trouhla waa qtdta fcow bud y will rtjcotntiietia them to ail ulflrtl i dl1 muhuma lullvr vstu ar 2fc per vial b vlau for tl 00 at all drug itorta or dcaura or will ha malleal on receipt of prka hytha t mllhtim co umltad toronto pot- tliera may bo other oorn eutwa but hoi lowayi tjorn cure aland at llta haad of tlio ust wj fjr aa raaulta ura cononnuyl a flttoniian a a natural and prlvllejfed luri lio naltliar welgha hla flji nor hla btaucoenta bhopkaepera whokaiearuniilogaooouut willi poojje who live hayand tliolr inaaiia gst a run for uialr tdouay een if they dont gat it rlhg alia to buy avefythiujr you uaut you ara not ao liable to want wliot you buy whan a una gu kb haul awiud a brickbat ponlllo has itawt khowtl to ho httponia children ory r0h futchehs castoria mow btablv cau vou cuus i what fub u aatroootnloal inlutaatat buiflh whmtfljj u tha ud boy acquaint wilht wuk 5 what alialliut ooiupuuaa dolly i roallop4 4 what hah would you wrva aa a del mft tjjlyfiji 6 what avh ooniaa frwo tha dairy t lluttoafljt a what uli would you taks oa a hunt ing trip t dogtiih 7 what flah u tha uot aluahla loidfuh h what flut would arm a umur uwordhh 0 what fkh laaltvaya uuddr jour footl sola 10 wltaifliii b always lit n um oagat iwch wet trfllbbe whk rueis pratlrtliti ixaay people ailhuujih they imow ol barvoua proatratioii do uot know what tha tyniijtriaii are tha prudpau ooaa a a fullo of ftljht whin itt crowded place a dread of lelha alott ear of baltta id confitwl puor a horror ol aoclcty a dread of thin faulos frotd aabovax frtabt at bavcuuijc oa railroad trahii and dliturhcd atkj tatlua ua rdrttahlna alccp ofua troubled with deaitiia lira ocofi lt vldtorb hubor odl writea i am writing to tell you of thn excrutica 1 hava had with uli- bam heart and ncrva ihlhi i waa ao ucrvou i could not do my own work i did not want to ue any oua or would i a any t4aoe uy nervwa wr batd for thrtaa ycari and tny hedttwau to bad it tnada tna ttttthla all ovr x took thre boiui of your pula and x uavr was better than x au now x wdih 3d pounda ttiora than x ever du ullhura heart and kva isiu aw soj rvr box s boata for l2fi at all daulf or mallsd direct od rrdtt of wl by the y uubum co- xjuited torottbo onl head a pokh bkvobe o01mo to bsd itaturlug from taounlala ollwh on hla uuul itollday iveildant wllaon wo ara told aat liafora an open lira whlla dinner waa oookloff and read poetry aloud lo hla aoa in law and daughter an ovcellottt axabirjo 1 tim lonir eveulnga of wlutar ara her whan in many lioniea in tha troal belt it will ho a problem to know wliat to do it wont take long to tinuh tho paper for people ara atreauly hegluitlug to akli tha war newa iu no iongr exciting and tha ahear brulallty and neollaainaaa ol it have palled nnvelmaraliutd toraadoubloutl baoauu it take a trained reader to make the dblngua sound like real talk i ttenoa luoal of uairofr to luokla fklloti by ouraelvea but kood iioelry tlia 4lli of hlatory llctlon phllowpliy thamtnl of knowladga uuikoa hue out- loud reading not too much of lt not tha ionderoui hlglidtrow erae which you dig to find wit lu ineaiiliig itut tha alutle lioiuely rwalma at ufa in wliloli heart tdnga t hattrt in binguugo llmt uli pan grai- siiclt a poem iud feelingly by wu or inuiniua to tlio family clrola tiro tlw xdiul- nutii oottum bu hupiy eiwllng of a uaeful day wlchlu ilaaomi hi eel uml uhlluliti motlter ijim woitu kitcriiiliiattr la awsejitablo to ehlb iron uud it diuw u work turely ami trtiltlttly there la no um in erylng arul rtcoipaoti ally hiughluggttajoti lutodlllioulty ot ertlolng of aonw eaaeululia la unerilly followoil ly tlw underdoing of f4lter ha it eter ao alotiy tltcma no jaee llkoliomaleorttado t uli right in tell a fellow to walk with hb houd tip in the ulr but im wlll mvtr lllll uiiulltl iluligtl tba vlrtuu of iromiarlty u uuiperauoo i tlie ilrtua- nf udvutmlty u fortitude uaeoa fiiniiw mhs4- yhacihu it hack 1 lio ibnilkt hu il nil l ihl to lull tho mory but unit hb iinuio iuiihi nut lui u mo i lib nvplumilinii ui lib iiiimih1 u ibnt it b uiiitllilciil lriihiorllmi lln imiut rtmt ttnhr llm mnpki1 lnmui nf holni itfruld hint lib wlnrj u w nrtoly hikui mltor tbinovon if im iihu douy tlml ln b ihu prliiolutl thiriiltir a frionl nf lib u d 1 frlonl biul jml iullml i tooth for it uitloul hi wiyu lvrntoi ynu mild um unit u umililut burl in pull hint tonih ho ftiild 1 iliil iiiinnphniiily i hiliuwl tlio ilnu lir wlmlhao j wi iilmnl tho mtitlnr 1 woll all 1 ot y b iwmiioil tlw lutthiiil hint vnnniiiu miml hnvit lnoiitlifl llrnt dontbl i jiubvillo tlniou miller h worm iliudorx bolugliidemiiiid ctcrywliero inn irogol nl nuy chombta or drtig whop artery ninull cui llioy aro u alanibnl ronimly fot wunu tniubloaaml tan ho fully rolled upon ui oxiiel wormu from the fyuloni nnd nbalo tha hiiuvriiiun that worutu umiw thero am inuiiy iiiotltarm that rojollo that thoy found atnibhlo ao oftiictho n ruiiinly for tho rollef of tliolr chlmrcn thb b it country in uliltli ono iiinu la juit oa good aa nuothor uml aoiuetlinca bo u au good au two ollierw a jeeter in iianio uml lib fuoo n joko but not erv funny jcnter as the result ol a ifetlett cold tvue uttomchul troutlt mr w allen hallhu n wiiu- x feel that x wouhl be dolnif you and your jfrett rtnicdy dr wooda norway rtna dyrui m groaj injuatka ii x did uot wdu and ut you know tha wonderful result that x have obtained front its uw la itwlna i haptiettfcd to coobatt w coll of eotine thb id a tmsnuat o6 cufenoa and x dkl not tale uny partacu ur notlca of it at tha tltoa kfowewr it did not break up on quickly aj cold ktnerally did with m no ajttr two wka and no ulti of imorovcueat x be to get alamwd uml went to tny loo phyoklm who tnfornied tie that x had uuitntttel aeverc lironchlal trouhla j a nult of urahictinf my cold ifa m tcrlbcj tonta nwdlclua for to whldb x took for about two week without any in of ldproveuient i waa attlna pretty much ultcountged by thiua but oh day a fud happetuid to b to to wboai i was rutiug wy trouble and ha advbrd trie to try of woods korway jhna cyrup saving that he had obtained vry bcuadkbu rvtults froo its na in a almllavr cisr x took his advtoa and ivocurad several bottles from tny dmav kbt after taking it oardidg to dirco tueul for about two days x noucd a ooddad improvement and front that tuy oat x bejcaa to ct tetter and in tm days x was in tny usual health x c0o alder this aa encrlhrnt showing for yotur retnady and can highly recotntnenj it to anyone afflicted as i wu 1 shall always pot hi a good word for it wbcxwr tba opportunity offers itaelf vou can procure dr woods norway kda byrup frooi any drucgut or dealer ww 2sc ami toc tha genuine is manufactured only by tha t uuhurn ol xjmlud toronto out usb of sahdpapkb kotp a ilaoo of sandparur hand lo tha aluk wltara tha duhaa are waalud it will proto invaluable wlieit a atubliom aiot upon a bunwl kaulo rsfuaoa to ioo through the aid of a wire dishcloth uca a plooa of bayjaipor il la a splendid aid lu ouanliiff a gua atova lohl a 4oca oter a unife awl jou can rjnlckly rvuiovo all prui or drlod food that allcka lo uta cortven vrult can topa havo an annoying habit of slicking i old tha kr of sandpaper arouud tha can tap ami ghe lb a twlkt it w looaon luueduuly keducod by ant hum- tho looataut fctruhi of oblhinu brlugm ilio patleut to u dreadful suite of hoiiolaas eibsuitioi ijtrly um bltould by uli ntsaiia ihi uuulo of tho fumouu iv j l hclloggu ahthuui hoineily which more than any other acta quickly and suraly on the air paaaagee and brlugs uamed lielp and oowfart no home where auhtna is prowwit in tha laaat dagtee thould he without hi great remedy could hot stand on feet not do hw wokfond rfallrf la nove way adhanuliaaffaduttlbry with famaauwiakaisiiindbatkacha and got ao weak that i smiu hardly uo tny work whan 1 wafehad uy dubaa i had to sit uowa and wha k would sweep tha floor x would vt su weak that x wou ul have to get a drink vary few rnlnutsa and before i did my justing- 1 would ha e to u down x got w poorly that my folks thought x waa yeuw into eonaumntlon one day i found a plaea of paper blowing around tjt yard and i picked it up and road it it said saved from tha grave anj told what lydla l plnkhama vetfoto- ble combound has uotto for woman i showed it to my husband and ho aald why dont you try itt boiahland altsr x had taken two bottles i folt better and x aald to my husband x dont need any mow and he aald you had bettor take it a little longer anyway bo i took it for three months and rot well and strong mr alonko u baxkx 0 tecumaah st adrian ulch i not wu knourli to worlc i in these words la hidden the tnigwl ofbuinyaworttalaouskeprorwtir i aarwhoavnorurmirsoiraidlaofuni belplns to support family on mopw wasea whether in houimi ofilco for- tory shop ntore or hltrhtn woman abouu ramomltor that th va is ono trlwl and trua romndy for thi ills to which all women are promt and tliat la iiydla e khnkluuna vsirtablo compound it jpromotea that vigor which makes work sy the iydla ii iinkbsm uedlelne cloratii biasa cmrichducs ron sale a hum who knpl it llth kiom lu n wuttern town wmtiinii iiioriiliij upproioti ml by n fnnoor who dwcmi him h hiiihii iimntint with n ploa oklimloii nf o uu thn olilimli bmvoroiimtliik up nil riropi lilmih bugi nonu iim i uild ihn ro kaeimir roughly i don t luillnvu ihorom a uhluob intu within n irllo of ynti tiio rihlnflli luijh uni tlnno by mihlmi million ill toll yen vluil iii du ill givo ynu ii ilolbr uml u liulf u uullnu fot ovary gnllon uf tlio imi ynu ii bring imun mild tho fmutcr a duy tir two attar un tlnnti hunk to the lllago with u ten gallon run lightly over el thb lui uiiloiilo1 from libwugon uml rollnd taiofillly into ilia gouunil nt what i m vo ynu ot tharo uni iy tliu inerchqnl kuniiclnualy honiolhinu for ou wluitiaur flilnch luigu kit 111 ihn furutdi ho lifted tlio 1 1 i uml illw iomhi ii iiiuim of tlm bbleouu iiiuacih wriggling mid wpilriuing thorau ion gullona of llmni lio run tin u6i i tuko it ou nwo ma iklotiii dolhiru that ulll j nut uluiiit wpiani my utile hill uml ill thank ou u ilio mo u roool4 uiver it up far good no nakc liefini uuy of 6ri gevawuy rourwl theuiibuppv hut lie wrote tlw rocoljit so jmtly far felltwl tha lilory cume oul in tho pit porn mid for iiioutlin lltcreufier hio itorlivupoi roloivwi lellera making for tho latewt ipin lutlnnu on tits prloa nf dilucli bugu and itupjirlug imw many ha wmi pruparo to take however he luul nothing lo rgrot fur aa h aald tlia experbnoe was worth a thousand dollars to lihn hi oiltartlolng halug uuubla lo saru a living au lu ollootiuil parww will annaa one lhrjbrl wail aiivnu iwrajjan iran uinililliihluojiij unrtllismunlihiafthhiyrtli iiirflitfpaliinflrnrd ikhiulcmlml3lnsncatr ii itnimdriiliiiuiiurtliaefil uninimd novnj aucotir castoria vox infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of the okani trunk railway 1anmnaten tiiainh tlillituwliultliu lliv ml will uli atcar vuliiueitllitl aclnu i o01mij klut mil uurrr mla m i0jk m tot no iu uui in i ho 1 kuui m jiiiclfiilmninlyfiifhmia imp suiirslnmrrltllkinia wiirtiui rinvulliml rvmuli muaiithohsopsuu fatbiirilr vahfvfi tusfrntauutihraw mohiuuttntwvowlt ttuct ca el wof for over thirty years castoria butter paper the department ol agriculture bugrcsto the desirability of wrapping all dairy and creamery butter in butter paper bear ing the name of the maker the farm or dairy name and the address this adds much to the appearance of the batter package and naturally increases the prciitic and reputation of the good butter maker f he freb pnuso has secured a supply ol the best tested parchment butter paper and is prepared to print at prices that are very reasonable oannnnnnnnnnnnndannn d d d a a choice dairy butter sawaiaaaaaaaii5jaa a- aa i j i fcstaaaaltiiaaaae mrs j jones clovr dal fana 9 b no 5 acton ont d annnoonnnnnciaa the above design is one of the numerous attractive butter wrapper imprints we arc unin vou may have any design you desire call at the fiai thuss oilice tor our printed butter wrappers and wo will assure jou sitnfactory results the free press acton ontario patw0hsmvjpldloi0n u would urge the farmers of canada to do their tjiare ut praventtdtf ilia foopu of groat britain from buffering want or privation half mahtin iwrrell mmiur cf aprutthlm the empire needs many foods in tba patt great britain lias imported immense quantities of these atapla fosda from russia france belgium germany and austriahungary as shown by the follawtas avwmea imkwha mulliuia ol bushels tauter by lua u ueat taa yu ltlottu uuuialluiuiiiofaereibltouidlio ichul kttdti likli tux um js-h- s- tsbraatunjneor tatal olu im1w ta usmi urtcr lelunis torn yarai and it uuy larcuh btruy ikumu u tho ooma urea lo couclutlvely theta aaulbus u uu com tejlll thowo hn wa coupaje tho owiuied undu latuulva eow- a wvm jsffitlftaslulfis vuan buns es8s3 aroductlnn nolo ute fouawliu not altocauier voulbla m uia potato attmao ulel tablo ublch ahowa tba avcrok farm yt thay aatkoat oaleas w1jm sststjfiijs t fft noaalbuihaa ol td- xaat wofctwit s1 poulhl cmuodlomjaeuob bytrtau ktxa i joa pall wheal sou as can lu tha ooucuoa of oood jwharonj bodnj wheat um s3 ura thorauih calumuoii far thaabwakgattuaciadaourcea oata mm st averaa eottld bm raja3 bv at of mtht alula food oro core grab vo 400 jrtl sushw nslta m kow la lb fcoala cut e aa a coro cniluao mtriu mui tmuiam mjtoftbawirrgroattululii touu it u 10 woj ad at laaat wwwooo u lookhu to canada to aunily tea 1hss sir iboannual latu ol canada a luaam of uta ohwloco beans 1bt0 so from ut faraa it would ba a srtty buuidiul turner hi a potatoes llsio 80 tnatsutiuatatluibaiilraiand duly in attttraa tumlns u1ji1 1000 tmljuioylnhkhtodoll r r mmu i ii a w io increase your litre shack cattatlitttt braeilloa atocle aro today canadas moat valuabla asaat tha en outalandio fealnro of uta worlds lamias is that thaa win sooh ba dednrtntetlt of it obortajo ol mel iuuviios svojrwa bnadw stock flan ruuwui u to ucwaao yottr uvo slok bttrouaajuiauutadgsliaaawaa acrrartllltllivl rnaala ntcrsuuiliun dtt ta 6 ucnaco now bomanw uuttura atock i ottawa canada uun b f vaisnniasioisa- i 6eftel piano a 1ian not onv with u rarp- ntuiiu hut wii till llicjuulitiet tohek in made im ouelph uy llii hrjt tmanufottiircrsuu derllif ilnlivh fine y the mot t itillcl workman known an1 ir sold in acton inrcl in iu rtilrit btcantc it litis kivii liutidrtiln of people peifct miiiftin hccaiitu it pnueasci tho wftetcm tno and it ataya in tune tlio ion get c w kelly os son 133 upper wyndhtun sl ouclph ont boots shoes rubbers painunaupenn rjiiraanddu all lines q footweir n at rlfiht prices ii i all mens rubbers at j i barjiolr prices j anuanaaanonnadadadnanuaou w witliams mill street acton hct0n xjx jt ell jl and bus lin having purchased tha liii uualihiua and cowl will ol til eatale uf the tela jaj wlluataa 1 rebpccifuh n licit the patron aft- of tlie public comfortable riga will alwaja ivc nupphed at reatnuuhli cliarqca par ilio pracattt ur oeerge half wlm liiu had th manage raent of the stabloa the past i ear will ctiulinua in charf2 lie will alwaya ba found eourteoue and obllglnjf bus hkatvm ix vttainm ambrose mccann mm st aclotl odt the delights o gardening are much enhanced when only the choic est seeds are orown acualonier wrltcni vour catalokue should ba in lltr liamu of avur amateur gar dutir tba cultural i dlrecliona are to clear aud practical that the book may well he eallod lite urouufn constant contuulod a post card will at once brino a copy or this rrce book carters tesrcd seeds inc ibs hihv btvajat haat tohonto ontario kxmmiatmok niut i r a in nlatt iaurni ifi

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