Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1915, p. 2

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ihvriwit on wwliittmlay muich inl tit uuelph nurul lltwplhil i mr and lw c u infant tluiiririilomi hhi if i umihfl rluha tl tito lirlitim iwrtiilt mi wmliioduj faliruitry jltli lv llm l hlulr dtmn c illaobtiwb l ill i ilmitfliiernimr william liirly nil of iuhikiii ciiraciuil acton on wwln day march kuli iy itrn lmpor kdwin crlpp miii nl ldwln duilkhtcr f morkmii rowsoiw corner cflsomh 111 wktt attllo motllwilnt 1rtr winair ninnm on tlifl liibn on tliuro day etli march ly hv lr moarthnr tbrtland counter of vrlmlultf to htmlo daualitar of tlio into tlioiiina llennotl vtln j ilt nuun u kaiii al tli inlilr aluor crippa to mauizld crewaan ill of cw fouikla lit tlftoikotowii hmily keliniary srftli ciiliiriiw laiulto i loved wlfo of i v yoiupklna aired 0 enie riruufliatauiiiu joij bmtomal notes tin detail- of the war oitcrjiliana inue jtaw a new inturosl for canudlann ami thouuiiuluof our people uro now watching with anxiety for news from tlia front now many tlioiuanda of tlia ltoininlona umiii are ab tlia tiring line and am proving tliat canadian valor will lie of wsrvke in turning tlie modern out of franc ami miflluhi in u very reid mum now tlta viur iaourn yutokumiit0f haaaauliewan eitl uuuii tliat h 250 600 ac read land an ready farbeodiiig in that pro luce of wliloli flo permit wllluadmotod to wliat h uvr cul looata ier twot lo uaruy and 3 past to ilax it la animated that 70 par cent- of laat years total crop i now rdy for ted utileli la the larg6t ara ever axtainod in haauausliewttn in addition to tide uanltalia lia pot well alod in praparation of toll liaving 4100 oooucroa racily against jwftoooo lout year at utu uin lult shitai luw invented more money in ihlu country than in any ntlmr oountry in tko woui ouuuie of tu uukm hukteu 11a mill tola la no lea llian 2ho0wtt tioo ulna iual to flfio for awry in vouiaii ami clilltl tliu money ha rotw urely to imtvulo railway aivl otlkr facliulm forcarrjlnv on our lmina it it lanhbtl iony and lieoia oua hundred aiul tuouty uiilllona ol ilnjura of lnteut iiuuually tliat interna must uo met it ojui im mat only hy eniiortlnff aurploa loduou- thw u a iady uiarltt fw thafarut itroducu we can jwoilucaovorami above our own retiulwmenu a twenty tmoent incream in farm tnwiuctlon will cover our inurvt iwyment atul mslnulit luoountrya credit tlila la one nnawor touaqutlon why la it ncry that ckwula at thlu wrtloular tiioa altould in crau tlk output of tin farm t tutu iu no nooeuity for calling upon ths fanner to work lianlor or for loorr hour noltlwr la it advlaaue to dlcul to lilm on u what lie aliould produo nor low he ahould proluoa lu tlta liullvldual farwer rauat decide for hluiaelf how beat u tdeet the tleinand that production may to tow avtent lis fnoreaaed without a cor- responding livoreaea in labor u clearly in dktd the luwit utralna of aeed will rite larger ylelda uian inferior ulnda a train uulted to tha aoll awl climate and eown at tha hflht time will ove beturreturnathan med uiat la not pure ael jump a6i teed ol atronp tiulley ill increaaa tlia yield tliee and oilier important prln elplea are not an widely apjlod it tafyht be lu hih ul two humiay etenlny sermon onoitlianiililiand coodiliona iu llda com uunlty ilav c uroper haa referred to the exoallanoo of acton iuhllc whrary audthauraat need for a roudlnir room in connection with if tim advantune tn many of tha cltlvena of the tow n of u road njf room with proper uuiiervlnlon uonld lo ktu clilef hoolt ol the vln uhirada haa tuada m huggeatlon which iooiim fcanlmnutil wfalcb if oorrlad out by tho counoll would make ot4a provision for the much dcalred adjunct to tha library it la that tu uooa building formerly twl a um power boumfor tlta municipal eleetrlo pbint u utilbed for tint fire engine fire ifilitintr attpnltae mul for quartern for tha fire urigeda thla builllns lie wya would hav dvaijttfu ovor tlta irent enyltia rooto then tha room vaealed at tliabiwn halt which adjoin tu free ulirary room oouu ha bttad up and wouhl liiate en en ctlleat wadieg roohi tha ctilele auffuea uou u worthy tha consideration of iwitli lha slublcipol council und tha free ulirary baard ttila plan if carrlwl out would sb rv a hoard room for tha iloard of edomtion and vrea ijbrary leaving tfio counflll chamlier fre for council feewloiia without interference mas3a0aweva a pretty wedding took phvca at i ho realdenoa of mr owl mr win early noar uamphellvllla on wediuwlay fobruary tetli when their moond juugliur kllia j waa united in marrluga lo jr dotin c uluklook luv dr a lllalr oflinldtlng the bride who woa iveii uway by iter albar looked very charming in a dretu of ivory crapa da cheno tritnnveil wltlt hlioilow uea isaertlon the weihling march uoh readarad by sjiaa tlllle oarreiu tim grtxhkta ftitt to tlia brldd waa a gold liroorih et with pearl ami to tha orgaiilul a gold bfoll after congratulation tliey ail jourtiod to tho dlulrig rvwiu where aump- tuoaa rpt won juiriuheit of tho guwta butabarad about ftsventy tho prauentu wafioohtly uhowing hie high ealejim in whlb tha young oounle arc bald mr twl ura tllaaklook left on a aliort trip to ouajphuud hamilton tlta hrldn travd led in m blue brocaded drew trimmed with ulllury braid ami pony olmli oast bar bat being black and white on their return they will mddeonuiaolddlacklocb bouaauadi near canipbellvihe atatuaetlng ol tlta wouwu inatltulo on monday tha kdlea decided to uiulot uka tha work of tidying up tho thcoo ceamterte at ebauaur rlodom antlmoaat ft vary worthy euterprlae indeed kv wu jowdy woa lu toronto mi otonday 00 bufelnoui trip om of lha lima kllnu la now lu operation bbtkadojiy w in puaiwd to heaf that miu w oowdy la kaoovarlng froaj iter recent lb tba fat urvaat u ahoub over now and mapjcvp lntf will aoan ha in pro bawdaofe aeouarad along tha roodalda k6 laf frooahara tnarbw tin umoo wbera ooa el our worthy cltlknna butl the uihifor taa io bare ida load uut ut weak how we got our bible as it is read today instrtiotlvo and interesting ulus- tfatod address by rev w l hassard foreigners toiiceivb bibles tho uuly ninth annual meeting of acton i ira it h lliblo hoolely wmiooiivonod in tlia itiiptutchiirali on uwlntwiluy otenlng of inhttfteli mr jnlm u kountdy lroftl- ilcnt ocfiiplnd llio rlinlr lit h ilownrlli rtiiid the uorlptuma unl itct 0 i lrntcrolitird irnjer mi a t ilrtiwu who lioj been tho fiilllifid mul cillrlrjiit secretary treaaiirer fur llio juiat nlghlmnyoara rrad tbemliuitoi of tho iiihi iiioollngitnd of the kkocutlto it inny lie f inturckt to many to knowtliat mr iliou 11 lu tlio rauduin of tha firt 1ra fidniitof the uooloty alow hroun f ubn wnu oiacimi nt hie orgaulatloii inont- lug held on leliruury 27tli 1rjh aluty beii vcarn nga mr dna it kennedy the 1retldcnt la the gmudaon of tha lata duncan konnod wlio uaa ciaoumi vloa iireaiilent at the name meeting further early in tlia hlutory of tha noolety mr john warren father of mr t l warren tlta new phmident olecl for 1 01 ft was a mi ler of tho kkocutlte and a collector mr ltrowiikuul the report of thakmocti- live meeting held on tho llith february tlila ahowoil tha oaalrfbutlona of the temperance question before the government a delegation of 1500 members or dominion alliance ask for prohibition at least during the war onn of ihti tnoct interesting eteiitu of llio w0u at tho inirllaineiit llulldinga vuh tho vklt of llio big delegation of immi mem bem of the ltomiiilon vlllmiou who walled ukin tlie loveriuiiout on friday to anb for prohibition of the liquor trntllo ut lcat liming tlio wur nnd wmli ulnendntenta to thollipiur inun nn will makn llmin more itectlte tltcro la no dliuuing ilia fact that tlio itilegitllon una coumdorubly dluipuilutetl ulllv tho tiovernniontu olflluilc- llio minlour wimiioii commltul nml did not ui wlut he wouli reinarbu revealed lha fact that ito u likely tb rrnnt wliot tha depuujimi anlod for which woa tlta loinplolo trohlhltiun of tlia aala of iuu0v in ontario if not for ull time fortlietcry leat1 during uto tourwi of the prement war tlta tig nag path lu often the boot ortaorthedleeptointlng remark matle hy lion mr ilearat altowlnganadmlttatluek of direolneea inhideurau deal with tlia reuetol tlia dapuut ion an if uda re iiark won not enough lite 1rlme mlnlatar uiy ilaliiillcly what ito uoum do or lie would not do but the tailor of ida vlouayear were 1mij tlta whole ol which j eniphauluxl it atill further by auyiug hint won remitted to ilia troaaurer at toronto tlta ollloera for hie year were nominal aa follow i ireeldent janiea u warren vita lraaldeutw ii fitawart hecreury traauhir a t ilrown tlia fueoullto-lh- i- i ault win lbown il n ilrown jna caineron auk crlppe j no h coleman k forbea jrto r kannady a t maim alan mcii ahl neil mcdonald laa melntotji ii i moore a k nloklln jno ilobarww hugh waluoa itolt wallaoe a a wor ien ami the rliitit ioatora tltocoluctreaiipolhtad for tlta treiit year are t mumm wilina joluutone and norn keuney vem drown ami kwma lluit lula liank iimi lvdla kmlll vora harvey and lama mopheruui for tlta town the collector far tha ouuwe dlatrlou will ba i pointed by tu lrealdont atul hoora tary tlta meeting acopll ami adopted tlta kxecutlvoe uomlnationa in introducing luv w r lloaaartt 11 ii lieoeral klehl fueretory of uto ooclaty mr jno it kemtedy in u lriaf apaoch apoke of tlia value of lha blbla lu tlta itomo ho pleaded that it ba mode tlta hook of dally atudy at tlta family alur luv mr hauanl tipreaalutaueaaura ive fait at again attending tlta annual meet inn in aclnit it wan here he addraeud hla ural public meeting upon oaoubrilng tlta dutlea of hla oil bo nine years ago hia tliema won of a verv wlucatue character haw we got our hilda it praaanta tlon provatt highly intareatlng aa eiery atap of progreaa in tha preparation of tha blbhrwu vividly lllualrated with untara vlewa picture of tha original menu- acrlptii ol pagea ol lha first tronalauoaa specimen cl tlia flrat ami auoelva prlnta after tlta art ttf printing woa in van tad plataa ahawlng the rich emhelllahmenta of aoueof ilia early lunea tlta noted pga of tha nraeehet bimi tlta vlrvagojf nihla portrait ol the early translators tha first printing praai tlta buildlnga in england and in europe where the work ol the trunfclallona ami revulona ware mode and a vlow of the tery copy of the naiad mhlo of mury joiiw the affort to procure which waa the origin of the great british and foreign hilda hoclety which u pumu hing and dlntrlliutlng bibloa in h languagee nnd illaleota by tha tana ol mllllona a terv oducatlta lecture by mr hokoaid mailo tlta mary of imw wogot our bible most vivid and helpful hatimrd nimloan interaatlugeabhtlt of hllri in knullh nrwl foreign tonguao umnng tltrm ttelnjr a fun aliulta copy of tlta khaki oovereil nw taiitament ona of which la uppliivl to every itrltuh and canodlun ooldler who ha enllted for tlta war at tlia ctnte a resolution wa utuuilumua ly oarrieil urging the upper canada hilda hoclety in view ol tha fact that acton hae u population ol aliout 300 farelgftara who are unable to read in the eugluh ungtuufd tooentl ona or rnoreeolporteura who under aland their languigea lo dlalrittuta eoplae of tlta word of lad in tlialr owu unguage among thaaa peopla oju to minister to thaw iii bplrltilot hiatunc tlia meeting cloud willi tha lenaduhlon by fuv a i itamer a frontal attack lu not alwayii ilia hoal thararthattllon mr hanua would go waa touay tliat they would not tlud thlu government beltlml tlia trovioub tloveru ueitt lu iu deallngu with uto liquor truolc wltat ute temperanoa people aakad for of i won a policy much in advance of tlat glvin by tlta pravloua government title particular point mr f u hpeuoa in wpaaklng in sup port of tlta depuutlonh lowu takl tlta fremler tliat he iteld ollloa today umnku lo hie vouw ol a urgij nuinbor uf oonaervb wlio bellavad uial if uto umuervauva party wera letuntad it would duinga ita policy on uta temperenoa nueilion und od yanoe rauwir tltau aland atlll kow la mr haarataopportunllyftoldmr upanoo to lei ilia teniperanoe lonaervallvcu aeo if they were right or not hu mayor laoa of haiuilton in uupjtort- ing tlia demand for llta toul pwjilutlon of the uh of liquor in llta irovlnoo uald tliat ha and hla family wor conaervative nnd alwoya votadcouutrvutlve wlteii uiav had u oluutoa liut did not do uo wlian tliey felt uta loueruloent won optobd to oil vane teuitoranoa luaaiiuraw at ute concluding mwaioii of uto uomln- ion alliance oourererum ut maaaey hall mr n w howell acted aa ohalrtnau tlia name ol uto moratorium bill ha been changed lo uta mortagoraad pur chaoere uellef acl tliamliajiliaanuiucli dlaouetion in tha houaa aa to uta delolla of tide tueaiura but praclloally no oppafrltlori to it- priuclpto tlta bill is all in tu oommlttea etogaa and utew may ito aeveral changea before tha tneomra baoomea taw the liberal objected vigorously butun auooeanfully to uia floveminant bill pul ling part ol lha city of london back into tha rldlag ol eoat ulddleaax tha oppoa lion claimed that utu wot anoutar com of jerrymander ami felt utat lha oovammaat were 111 adt lead in puhlrg through auch dlitlnotly parueau meanura at uila aeatlon tlta population ol ontario in tlta butt ten yeare hoe increomd about ia8h per cent- the coat of civil government in uta aama period haa incraoaed 130 per cant evan if lite government hod been justified in an increaaa of w per cant utera la atlll a dlf forenoa between tliat and tlta actual iso per miil litoraam on thla one item alone of 200000 a year or a total for tha tan yuara of 2000000 mr j c flllotl mamlier of wet mldduux lioa introduced a lull in tlta legislature toeiitaiul tlia municipal iran ohlae to married women thamaajura lum tuoauuono munloltai wau are looking forward with inuuaat to team uta vlewa of llta lagbdatur on the queeuou involved patriotism and production splondld mootlngs at milton last thursdaypractical addresses 1 lio fiiruinrx lit hulhtii comity it hjaiiidwl nolly in thu iatrlntiuiii und lmdimtlou moctiiik lidd in mhton munb 111 lltoiiftornooii prtivod of grtut inloroul to tho fnnnoru aa tha largo hall wnallllwl und moiii uwny diuiipfilnlld an i in cliulrniaii a monnbb remarkml it la d iloni tho fnrmon of any tommuiilly lm mi opptirtuiilty to hear u iirograminu of audi imniodiato lularabi ii vv wudn of llio initlnoliil llto htchu hnmi kjmiko tn thti iioixhjih nl uoiimirviug tho uto htnou und lliu ureal prolmlillliy of u dw ronui ou lug to tho idgli price uf grullt progreaauo ugrioultimi b ilenottml by tlio uuinltor of llta mock in tho dlalrlcl ii umitih iiiijwuwllito in ko0 up the fertility of tha luml ulthotit miiiiu ltu alotk a it hmllh of walorloti who u n proillonl funneraiul aaeoil ovport mjio oil tliolniforanooof clean motli ita miuko and uiothodu uf treltlug far uodiug mi knilth haa a mplcy i which luiiknu hlaaddraumwcakily iftcnwl to tlio otculug molting wnu not m largo i v attended but yot a good cntwd greeted tlw kpeabeih the jietiph of tho i oiinly to ii who might havo dttaudedamldidn t will regret mlaulng tlila opportunity llo aldet llio nforo tneutloueil tpoalten im fowmir itoyuolda or ontario agricultural coltcga wan trmnt ivofeuuir itoyuolilu oaldtboro was no danger of n jiortago of grain next year but uiat on account of good prlooa foi grain cattlo may imj nocn flood tho national life lie ooiitluuod inbound toliaaomawhat almllai tu thut of uto imlivlduala maklug up uio notion wahavo lioenapeitdlugloorreoly oaimlltl dualaand hero lawlierathetowiupooploerr uiemoiit an tlta iudlvldualu huvo ijionl ao alao liau the oountry ami to uuclt tin anient thut it iu liupoalble to uiend unj mora becauui idie cannot uorraw it to upend ab a reuult vaiaa of tho old prlutl ital must bo paid olf und itiu iwlng douu bj uteaiiu of tho war tuucu which arc uboul toholutlod lly itokt yoai tho iutcrout laimtwod tnoiuiy by tho dominion will bosomillioiib of dollarw to pay off tlilu principal a tomporary lax la not going to imj aumoiont but tha tax u ilt como tu oil aullrltiah pooplo you want to buow tin facta continued profeukm- iloyiiohlit wore you germaiui i would not tell you von dahiro to know tho trutli no matter how bitter ami llko truo hrltlui jkjoiiio you will got under tlio burden and amllu tho british ura uluiraotrietl by lltelr daring und nilventurouu spirit- it wasnt a liorntau who gave bla life looking for tlm houth pola but a hrltlaher tlormanu aro atudloua but cannot compete with tito rrltlali in adapting theuiaelvea to tneel the emergency tltay ore too much hko uuolilnott judgo llllot was uliirman ami intro dloed tlia programme wltli a timely bteeoh the red crotai uoolety rovldetl the tnualcal itrograuimo 20th century brand dont like my dinncei with jour ntw spring suit or ovcrcoit this ear make jour sflections roni the imn- drcdh of uamplcs ol the new est and best in suiting over contini and pantins have it made up by expert tmlorti mndo htrictly to your meas ure in the best and newest btylc just a little newer and omartcr than other tailors pro duce workmanship iml fit arc perfect in jot ii cen tury clothes imii abliirrttatmtiifa du v 1 i koktku ov llhatfoud u km ol u l lit lit i luouurw or by vmr rnido mitl thkikt liallau at- 1 ttl- mnnlav uafdi onlaa a t we are exclusive henderson co mill si fogqckmxxxxxotexmxyy all kinds of tuli for aala at ituaclla freji fray era halibut aaluson white flab lake hupcrlor herring amobed lab of ell klnda whos vour tk let un make vour new spring and summer suit over one hundred new patterns to choose from including all the new tartan plaicu and stripes your nuit delivered to you in ten days time after we take your measure quality style fit and workmanship guaranteed prices moderate v fatificd customer is worth a lot of money to us that is why we alway carry ouch high grade goods quahty will always be remembered lon after price is forgotten- george wallace guelph the tob0hto subur ha1lway elmtria poles aro baltifcr thllveissd at tha suuou yard hew a large tuanuty of elactrio tranwuualon polo lutva baen dll vered in tm otatlon yonl of tlio toronto duburbau hallway on main htraet during uta pat two or uiraa wioka those will ha areclad oa waa ut uta froo in lu out of uta ground tha juelpli herald tuyui tliat llta toronto hulturhan hallway oontpatty lu uude to proceed with tito couiiletloh ol tltoir roatl during tha coming uaoaou evident they luita taken out tarmit from the othoe ol tha city artginaar tor tha erootlon of a new traiialomsar otollou thiaktallon will lieeiwtail ou bay hiraal und will ooat wood architect hrigga ol toronto will ba lu tlta city uta flrfctof uont ueob with uia complete plaita iuui ba will ut mica uk for temlere for tlta now build ing it la iiniurfclnod tlta company wauta it rtihltetl to oomplatlon an quickly an pou llile cbbws co qultaruuler around hart aw aunw- lug with colda and u grippe t marly a borne bub aotaa oua la tick a il uui maria lonu u vuung frianda in luolph mr jobua loubla woa a laogatowti hut week attending tha fuul of hla aunt uro johu tompklno mr it wood- goupullvlua vultod friands haw on uuoday ohlldron ory roa rukhwt castoria whan uoh gala hla bead awellaj a brioktiat poultlaa hoi laoa known to ba halpooma fresh groceries ntiw ttallns new carronu new dte new nuu new paau newuploaa rrt lfal efcamfaothmmity firatchuu una ol yimty cakes and pootry freab evry day ooobad uatta klahvl bmcou with the lloniollba flavor bread and other itoada delivered promptly daily r livingstone aawelier lo of b- hiom iii huh or 4 1 aa or about itjjtilraliui o lull i mu1 ay a j uuuini j iciitrfrukrvubctan lie mtt el 111 mil a liuruii4ft44m nil t ol lulr ir nofloiiiiu kml uj lfnr liaulliy lliui ou llil fnr imlt kt i hi 1 alniirilnrtiiii mill ii a mi14i4 of 111 rlimainl 1 1 ilu1iirih vlaariar4 1 uliim iha tlxll ihmt liava al i mniliillreila will iliatl ii i htvu i in rclk1 by bw ai lliu li mo o i iiicfl lltiiltiuilia j urklhuiw h lliirlirurrucltua ilia a imlnlalrauu daun uiu i tli tlar ol cbruiry igu ohonto almiliaa itlati r- i i urcum clialca prtjlllau w j n llio it vvhi mcifal 7a vonaaaitwat taaftla llyjbtislnuuu ulandpoint ctrj farmer ahould own an automobile it will pay hint in many way it frc inuntly unvtollfe by ujcurlng mcdkal aidtiulcbly in cao of uccident or tcrlouu lllnau it euabus him to likoproduco to market quicker nnd when price are highest or to get repair and nana for tuachineiy quickly in lead tlma or harvest when time u preclniia a woman can uaully driva a uclauglilln car mid iliua avoid the danger from bad tempered or runaway horwa it u alwaya ready for work no imrneaaldg or ill to do it help ketp the young folka on llio farm and biingu you ih cloaer touch with the neighboring townu und ell lew in fact make llfoiappler nnd easier fur yourself and family lillehlng up uua ct tourug car 28 h k 4 eyuauir aaalae- im uek wltmlha 12 so fu oaawa ptuued and approved by the canadian people remember every uclaughlln haa tlio famnua valve inhcab moioit that la guaranteed to develop and de liver more power limn any utlier motor of equal nine either american or european make the military horses wanted iding horsfcs clnwja age 5 tooyear height 15 toijj babtht weight 1000 lo 1150 ibo abtiltefty horses cium liage s too year height isato 133 bauda weight 1100 lo isjolba draught horses clamc agog too year ilelgbt 15 9 to i6hatida weight 13500 1450 lb coioutth any except any wttlto all boraea muat be aouud ol good conformation frue from blumlwhca and brokan to havneaa or noddle hewu will ba lrptud t ojkillir timaday hanh aotbl hahklmlw watdnaaaiay hrb wh abohoirtowm tburaduay moumib tmbl aotom vwdky marh loiliby j h rattkmom colonel sir adam beck are built in canada by lha oldest carrlngo company in cflnatla and have earned a wonderful reputation nniotiy luolorhita for economy und power mclaughun service ow company in one of ihootdeat carrlugo cnnipnuleti hi canada u u purely tmiadlim company ymllt up with en llraly cauodlau cftpltnl huvlutf our own bianctiui dlulrlbiited llirougliout tlio doiulnloiilromlicilifatovuncouverwoarlimtoiilt1odltt give owueritof uulhtiglilin caraunekcellod aervlce nnd con mant nrompl altenllim alm loglyequkbrvpitlni uud iwtrta wrlto h tavy v oufuutratttm fkee mclaughlin carriage co limited faauaajiuajcmflc o3hawa0nt agent jas houston milton ooaoo in prizes no entry fee whitcvrr any farmer dairyman market gardener stockman or nny member of their family nr any person actively and legitimately cnrai- ed in agriculture or resident on a farm is eligible to win a grand caflh prize all residents of toi na and citien absolutely barrtd- tlie above sum 11 divided into eleven 11 prices au followi ibt prize 10000 in canh jnd 2500 3rd 3000 41i1 51i 61i1 1000 cacli 78oiontli soo in addition the winnero of the 1st jnj and 3rd firizei will receive a further prize ol one hundred dol- aru 10000 eicli provided they purchase a new mclaughlin car during 1915 competition the prizes aru offered for an article giving the lust reasonn or argumentu why an automobile is profitable to a farmer there arc abholutcl no strings attached to this con test but via want to know the views of people on farms uhn would like to have nn automobile or who have one think of how it would help keep the young folks on the farm make farm hie brighter save many a crop by fetching parts to repair machinery carry stuff to markets cheaply and all the other many advantages it would bring the judges will lie john weld prop farmers advocate loudon ont gio bertram vicepres cinadinn farm toronto f albany kowlatt advirtimiig specialist toronto competition will close april 1st fill in the follow ing coupon nnd mail ns soon as possible to mclaugh lin curringu co ltd oahnwa ont competition department mhhmmwnaandrjandnuanannnnnudancfaanadnananaammmhiic e uajkuchlln carriage co uj i0ik m b ctuptmoa dpu otfawm out 2 n n h i wbli a himt my hum u ceuluut tut your bvlw comim tl r uuah ud will mwl lu wy utkui bwor almll ll ibis tt n name 0 fj address h ri n i province 1 n r occupation a ai fv bvw b odnndadaadoddaandlidpiidnoonbdaonudm5 rrh iiclp wanted mirrnj 411i r farmc li orfri ikii 11 la m 11 ui iiua a nurulwr il ippliel ti tllt oflie 1 in dimlnng worb willi 11 u haul li 1 1 auriiulturv lit aiisiiun ovi ppig millinery opening v lib iii mism murhav trspiinu llil mm 0hinn wi u c8dav 17 th mai cm in 11 itk i 1 111 1iu til it 1 m 11 urn pudlmlw ut it i ij oil t atlon hlkullt id ih ltlkt ir 11ll k iluplijiil millinery opening on mirth ihtlt mil 171i1 t- propi i tot pn fi rlhelntitct iliii ft 1 ik i iillib 1 f act 111 amlvnjnu i liioicl tioi1 of milliur iitcat parle and ki w vtru modi a miss m cooper ueoord niook hllltit aew oiioalta caoiiaf se tulles ubap lahwhhhhadddnaaadandaumhii u a new wonder- i land theatre kh1dav nioht- a lit ivirml i ivk he u iltirin citnnu n tin clin oatuiidav niaiir- liup dur clilo 3 url ikuulvt admission 1 10 ela aj sell g r l gregory g proprietor e hwmtihuannnamiaannriniiuulimtig c c speight fou uptodate goods silverware in tablawar lflaa varloly alao rir cutlery hardwacitp tlnwetrti und oram ituwaro in variety petndora sloven und rangaa fumoua hoatora small stovoa oil 3lov lixecp- every articli ii of tioiiil vdlut c speigm mill slkcl acloa

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