Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1915, p. 2

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itomuam iit tmpitwiiig i marohlltb lomr uml mr uuti m ton i hat unlay win how mattmed nfrmtik kthwaky al thrilluiiiwmif llto iwuut uwttboi hrtuiti awiium aimmim wluly 1711 murali iv lln twpttr lou ii itiiiillok wm f tliu lulu john ttudiuuk u hit hit iiiiu diitrhtr ofthoulaw a kuim irl itll of anton died aivukm in kmliiwiiit in lliuruliv march till thum allium lit i tilth year stikniatti oikkudi vi- mli ulti i itu lt rohuiv hi uuiid awiu toronto ttnrlv whan in in yr cooit at th hunt tf ltr ai 0 w cook s4h fclfih hi i iimim itwpma mich 011 tut unit lli mrthli mury v watt widow of the btlw thmiuui uiok eot in hr tttrdyfetr vnutttoi irk marth lith ut iter rulrww iki wrlulit aemi toronto kllulmtli cmlir klllrtft wblowef inf late m it r watt of hramptoui in lur 7thlioar thuttbday maiio h1 edito h him iuiuiik vtwrmt in tit houue of cvtrnmoa detata on dm kludge on man iuy adtnlautored rebuk to tlto who woutrl force on mtt election during th war tbla wilt proliably put tba quletua on tout rumor for tb preaent jw at hvut klvl kmillmkhgayda brief rviw of the war situation in lb houm of ibord on vonday ueferrlng to tb canadian dlvitloa b mui 11iy have known thlr metal and rclvd tltd wmi oow- uaadatlon of lld urbl blr johu french fur tb blab aplrltand bravery with whisk they have perfortaed utatr part kifaibamvkooaviuyof tb unlurj ru4 u the author of tui important lok ob tba war frotd th awarloan handpelnt which haa jut ta lieoad he iuwmm ttt war in a way nuofely lnuttjntf to cuuuliank lf oontatult tiiat tka atiltutu of lb unlud uutm in uild war u wroott i that tlx unlud sutaa waa juat m uudt immjwi to protect luluun ueutmllty an waa cuauuui he 4aou tui lerwany tba en tlr uawo for out vloutlon of ulgluw kami kirfukiu u btlrriutf up tbe jbiopta of the ewplr on it aviu of tka lifiuor tmkto aiul ita egbot in the op uoom of ut war 1 tlt houu of lord on mockuy be ooufnwud tbe popl of tbe unlud kittftdow wltb tb alunullvcs of sobrlttty and victory or ltmlulty and dtofati he tuooaaod tbe elv drinhutj aa one of tbe huw of bla failure to iwun war aunplua in uffliaat quantl ilea tbe output be wld did oat aqual tba oountrye noitlm or fulfil ampeou- twi- tbe aupply of material to tbe ttttt two or tbrae uotitba la eu4ln0 m arloua anulety ba mkl wun kiuibaa- arepaak tboa tba peopla througbout tba t utplr will utly uhe botloa if la euarly vry uhlona duty to bav 0 hbara is providing fo tbe navja of tbe enj4n at tbla eritwl utaio r ii luw c b- frfwfilrttr an lllutriiv ahll on vood bdppllaa in war vlua bjng ooa of arua of oitforj faupbuta after point- in out tbai nt drluln tnlgu bold out yr if aoually uofikaded by aaylaiit ivruim a amyuluf will w la tbla erlala mi anwortby to ba eodatrytdan of ibte wba in boluy tufendjotf britub boaae and btuta oa tbe flalda of vluuur uy wiu do tbalr duty by wvlnrf tuir iiliiifwf riffiii undr gtv dlbddlti to milnutii and if powlue act tba p- tuu e tbalr farina bat bau it la u in fkt it wul u pkjiulo to do mi but ijimiw t u tba tldtlr ho la tban tba 4ty of vry brltmt tb in bl own aflaiw ifiitfima part to bjp ua oouutry in tba tba of bw juct uad fa not vy jjiij a imtoh la luit ami fryupatby if not by anliul urib tun advuh glvct in lb inol rvcat y of tbe ikurltnaut of agvl collar at ottawa lo buks mr uj pro- tnoa hi fire eauoot be ovritpball muuona of butwl nlw tban tba cmiuv tlod of fclfiwaltt kbouu be oatuiu aia iapoj brodattlom uooly p6 iu hy lb to of 7i0j purt imdand ijj64 an4 kudwi atuotbu to tba aau vipfckhiw li undobudly in frtlaa6aui bu ekr obiuta u ufa ti bwibtrwitor bat jdat w fullrt uli tba wj1 o jw sialrlnat tb wjt of aptrlihihti wd by eiun uala tba road aiur u tbe liiftri tbt la to t uarol ka waa tlii tod hxbb blfiillly for tbfltmg iitol aarnntiiiii aa bow wbd tba tarkla ti tu wwu a wku oiwi wud tbsy r m feklftad had l6rmv 6mpbl u tojut botlee to q1l tfcu la boi a blftbal ptaoad bpm tba ajilcaltbhl bdot viunlty it la taab it u kaad to tukw- ulrf for fcuf ujaiiila auj to uaba tba vmua kbore mlftnliti it u lb baity tj patrtouart abj praduallod 6 tba iriodntwbl of wblob b4luuna aj vtapbuu glvlnaj raaalu of adoal aniwrl wnla by oucl bm ba wu u wit bloraa of ba ufandauod bad b obtala- d fri on ubauaapaj applloatlom to tba wuwuoo btanob ubpihirtartf 6f al- edutira oiuwc a deuciitftj soc evening highly interesting address by lev 0 w barker or guelprt nh tif ktluruilloti mil tnntimoiwlittlim i iihimi r ill tlio tlw of ttid imium aliluuilil in tli mullioilut kuhool uooui 1ml iimiimiiij nlilit on tlio wrt nr tbow uoik llioiv tlin on ttecoiiiit ikotu nf tlm ckivlltuht or tliti vroiritiiiin kivoii mul lliiwttiiiiiil iiii it uiul uxotflbjnoo of ll xu lout a f iu uaii iiikhi puttsti ami cuw mi iiimi hot c l httki lukator wiw inoliuivfl ml ihiumiiicivi tlio vurlou- iiuinlierii wllb iiiuliiil niiiiiimmtn a mlo xlollmr mmlinv uitw iwrl iluker wlm nwlo imr llrt niwwrnmwlu thiw folo unit well iliilml hi inmll r arriiu4 for aul momiurliiwi llttlo mu uly amenwu hiiiicimi i wo nolo in iwn- mmmi ulrlmi im vory tioiully aocottiwinuml on tlio 4dii ly mlui a uran 1m atbihl u uiille ulto w1nili uuila u moeful ulllnjf to uie niu mftuler k ritk- cutk iuiik twloe liutiloar tmlo rfunlmf out wlllt n vim blob if truliiwlwiil mnko lilm u umiful noiitrllmtor to buoii ttatlwrintca mrv a t ltroun u- an anocllant rtxullnif oil tli iuunu of n mbuloncliurab in a rockbmi uilitlu town hlwiwlnjf what t1iuolipol wlmy jkiillod ran do in ilia covering ilui of ipwiil blddon uiular tlia rouffliht autsrlor ur c o bjln1it on lilifirilumala mvtml wlra of iwiuctloii of vurioun lypea bravo ami by in mtnutnont aa wall aa purely mublo4lull of which ware tnanlfwuy the wait itatn of tlia eianlutf waa an addrom by uev fl w lurkar of ikiuin ht oualpli a former niuoli otofttiiad pa tor in mingling wltli tit wwje in uo arllar and uur atatfea or lbs evattlng mr turkar oould toake no ulatafc aa to ut warnttb of walooma tbough nauly nix yaaraliaaabipmiliilnoalila paatorata bar he took for bla aubjaoi our contribution to tba national spirit of oouraauie war waa naturally tbe inaplratlott cf tba toplo aa it lanow alwaya in evldanoa the way our country i b of bar youujfinanhnd bar traaauro in order to ualutaln tba nation uanae of booor waa bljlily com bundj not tut utat avail tbbi briub tj aoooupanlniaat of pain at tbo probpmt of poiajua diauur ha ntjtod tbe aurr inff of bla aoul rooantly aa past bla borne biuobaduiatrooiaatdrllllnjualpti in a line far aa oould lie aoan lidj by lb bugl band one of wbom waa our own join l moore and at tbo iar of wblob waa oua of bia young man from woodatook by wboae bid waa on of tba yourtff toan from lilafjualpb obarga tba aadiuaa of it waa uiat ulillatbrlllad by tba nobility of tb offrlnf for wrt lo uior la tba boiujf forui to be food for powtur for inob an awful war ii dapraoatad u utougbt of canada baoowlng givon over to uiliurud wban ut war la dona not tbafc be would bava britalb kwarva from tk patbabe took lo daftuoaof riplit and lionor but ob i tba dabaalag inbueoo of tb tlm ttnlawgrwtt watch a kapt over tba aoul w are apt vn to gloat oir daatruotlon of llf on tb olbar aid very day life war or uo war call for our hlfrbt ofiorta on babalf of our oouutry aboiuh tba liquor bual naaa bare uon of tba aplrltof ftraad wblob bukaa tba awful boot scandal p to think what tbeaa two typaa of lalqulty hv lonaalraaily for tb aotdtar loya waa ualt with in bo luilaut torta a tm cbriatlan aplrlt will daralop true national plrlt and thua have all oa a bound laid a ifoojly aunt waa addj to tb fund of tb cadi aid boouty aa a raault of tb funotlon acton soldiers in the trenches in franco acquitted themselves with cred it and were praised by their officers harry hahw00d platoon ser geant major lullaiitno of lloortfatowii in romriutwl of tlio lliiltoii ublum of urn tln cwrwmu coiimiknt of tho llrlluh khpmlltioimiry kon- urltou tbo vim iuuuian follow 1 in hamlin bolirimryub uh anion tuni ihttw iwrrlllori a rapurt tin tbo anton uya in my oaiiiinuml nuiy im of noma lntortt lo you a uimpiiiiy bud itallmt oikiil6owlii tlio tronchaa ut ii- i liit uock nnd nil hwultl tunimuo llko wimion nml 11 eaiiio out atiillliu all of tba acton voluutaam ore in nu i laloon of my outpany t b w oralit lo tho oouimiiy too harwood baa boon opjiolntoj liiuwm fcopoaiit bihi liaa pnivaii iluiwlf u vory adluloiil uiid rollable immi ooniuiiwlonl ollloer ami ono worthy of tlio yroaleal ton fltlooeo of lila otlloonc all aro well ami idaylug uto gaum ilk man lit tb trenoliaa tli oomluct of our ultallmi waa very wstlefactory and ute lonaral wliowi brljido we woro altacliod to oomiairoanud ua very uglily uml aabl it would llko very hiucli to liao nu an lila llftli battalion wert i pruiluotl to toll you ukj imiue of tliat llrlffada ami donaral you would oonatder utla a lilflh oatnpllwent itulotd wo return to ut tranohaa in fw day voire alnoanly j ah tulumvlkk llajor tb fruuda of tb aoton uari who are nojr pi u firlnr una will appraolato vary wuoh ut kliulnaaa of major bajuntln in thua rafarrlng to utu ami tbalr intrepid dftorta bramosa loses third 1 reeve in five months wm parkinson hooted march ist to succoed the late rccvo 1 black died on tuesday reeve mcmabetdted in october on momlny muiah la win iarliuuoii itudoolwl homo of i iuiihwi to imoioiil j itoava iaioa i hunk ulioiliiil mutiluuly on 1 iba tlui lobruury on t11 winy of tlil ouu mr ilirkiiikon dioit nrj mi 1 ion i j ntblti owiiilooiilji llo llull imuiii iii lillblpll 111 illlulllllbu in ill foiaiioon ami during tlio nfunutou lnul uimulod in kllllnir mmiio bon wlioti ita imii iiiiiiiiini uml uui nltout in nntur tlio bouaa ito uolluiid on u10 ilonrmep ami marti aulatunoo could reaiti blm 1m bml ouplreil a rinarbalilr foot in oounoolumullli ililadaaui u that ho lutbo third itoato of thatowiiblilpof luiooo to illu iimiiiu if flvo mouth itaevo cbaa maniihli 1ii01i 011 ute mui ootolter but uftrr o ijiort iii liouniid jatnou ittfuik wau obwloil to 111 tlio vaaaiioy lie wuti to tooted in dutiu nry eat at tlto bounty couiioll eouiioii and dlod auildoitly ut bl jadoplih horitlul oualpli following mi owruuoij 011 tin uh fohruary anotltor obvilloii wn bald 011 monday march ut ami wm 1urkliinon wr elootod lloato hy majority of noieu ha novor luid a clianoa to eieti nit in tho townihlp caiinoll moountf he waa a wm of uts lata immtuu iorkln ton of frainoui ami uiui about foity ii vo years of ago ami wa known an 0110 of tlio nuut ikroatierauu ami beat funtwru in tlto townhlilp he loavou a widow and uiroe ataoll oblklreii aio throo lrouiora and two ilr tint uuddan daaui haa oauaed profound aorrow in tb0omuiunlty mxxxo0xoooooxx l flu aoiirrtlsrmfiils th much to tbc uttu iriklm 1 oil cam ada hi om tild u tbe uu ftlved a plourd that dr bay year to oom will l blajbly prladd ie li a pliolagtapbld raprodbotlou utowldif um u0o0 um of uaaadaa ti boiulnyi braaltlnjr fwudp and 011 tba baarob u join u conunautal foroaa it how wibw and tlla of tb wbltaj tent fcbj tkbuuekhia mtm it la a baoat idaplrldat ahjht tfcaiha utunwlaobea all hbidy far frauuia ttw pktura laaur ob populav bodvdblr of tb war 11a far ddckdtaau u eonoarmd it la ouuftd by tba avbtlly uarau und waakly hur of mubladlj bd b oopy b beltitf praaettud to all bbfcoribt thai ardatbatlouiil wook obituary ciuulm niiuiara juu ihrtt uoka aftar th death of kl partoar in ufa ur cbarua nubaua pabtad uwuy at bla horna 131 holland avaoa toroalo luudbfcai in poor hth for wdie u but u buth oa bdaday tfj uneiptod tbla aaoobil lravtemat eolutf o won ajur lha daaih of thalr tauutar la a eal aorrow to lbl aod and dauabtar krl and katt who im tb wuaunlraraof lbs booi blmmte m puiy anuudl lo llatu thair fdaoda bar mr nlobua w tba founder j lb uoll ulol purultur co toroota on lodaatry ubub proaparaj uudar bli w- ijalmt he llrd hi ulltoa far iy yaare it was wblu in b tbu b uuiu uuuarajnu cubapball u bu wifa tbay bwwj to toronto id la tb uu ur nubakw w id ku vavj yu hawaaallhardl la pobuo and an ahur id bt luur rsbytaub cbbtoh tikodto fir a bunilwr of yw h waa a piomlmt uaaoo balsjf ejnllataj wiui be cuir lojtfd a w a u ulltod fw fabyyr uiacb vork a auur uirvwa bla tba fuumdl waa uu od vuxlay ur aad ur jfoba cki ur rourt cuupldll and ur joba uufcb atudtuj fnnd aotod uu tuouucoob 8a tba dath of uaumt cook took j6 at tb bta ofbroan w ckk iranj kaplda ulb od baurjay ukb 6th in br bljbty olrd yir rbd bad bead falling all wlaur bub waa abta to u about tb boaai bd atudjaj cbbmb and sua- day school up to chrudaa tb- tw vbtaa alwaya tnwj bar kraal plaaaur and bb falthldlly atumud aa loa aa bar auanttb partriltuj od vabruary loth ah mwi alight alroka of abapbuy and od uanb srd anolhot bttj tnom aarlonl oua vo tbufcb did not rally and bw aplrlt wau rjud froo thd labu body od batuhuy aftaidood ah idat uary uook waa th uuftbur of ulohaal and bauu klllottabd waa born in county tyron ifeundlulbtt bbsbdtdotooajiaiuwiai her iiahttu whn 13 tu of a nd thay butudou lot 111 town llaa eftquealatf about four wlu from aotou dt that unui u ddiue buh ur uoolf fcw atoo btow fiom faw kulldlno wbon it waa eallad atunuillbi until it hatunw tba flouruhliitf town it waa fjftaau year ago whan alia went lo live with bar ton of lu ijrarul llapdla vor fifty flv yw abe lived in or neat- aeloa in 1mu abe war tied tb uts tuoosaa cook uul a faw yaare aftar thalr uiairbib boy tdovdd to tba ty dappr tb family horald uon- farm whlob bar iwrenln had ekwiwb idler tmdx wbou mhaerlptlod of oua dolhtr a they tnovod to acton blw waa tba ttutbar yu k moblved fraw tbla tlato for u lltult of ten ohlldrou five of wltotu aurvliei d period cbrlatoiar jaorge wealoy uwl itloluuil whsmurku rich j jo hmil utoiaokfcon mich ihjtlutr bar ufa hi rich u- in loortlofi tywlwt ue tutkluuoa lu ittaiid lupldu alto uaa wul gad hi tho world but lu troiortlou to lovhily uuod for by her aou uml bu wild wbai wo mod in ouhwlvoa lsijotta wlw ooui4uuy lalttlatarad to bar oobifort jaudl oo lb oui aw u likely lo unother tlio funeral ou tuodlay oili huj war ibaatouaa it tb waallh wa avul ivittoiiml wioimwluoud ly bar patur daau thoakrbta htjr raaolva ami lovlutf h v w chipiiof tud hoetuwl wtikodlfct ujtpnuii- ahw wrhjba fa- ohuroli her kwnaliih vm lahl fo rebt lu vuuoublraeioanutary llitjjf carried t llmftiuvolty fear aoua atul two rbdotv pfiom prbnch battle pields intbttaiiag letter from pte fred wllb or aotomta hb mouiei tba followlno uuar from it vrod will written to bla tnouter on bunday vahruary 3 1 at and reoalvad 01 unnday will be read wiui tauoh iiteraat lnuiuob a lb la ut llru uuer rooalvod itotd frow on of our own boya who la od tba bring uu wiui tba canadian caullugotit in vrauoet dear mother 1 i raoelved your weloow lauar but night after wa had oowa out of ut tranoliea we wit la on friday lor 24 houh and wer potted in tbroea w trleatwo hour m and four hour off all we itoil to do waa to bava art aye on ut auouiy ami if wauwany of utetn moving aliotit tale a abofc at utatn it in great tba aueulee trench are ouly about jbw yard from ua tb tfid utr ww whitt ling over to ua w had a graat en parlano hut nliibt aa wa wer moving out of uta uaoob to tb road la raar whan ut llartnanii aaut up a flare light and ufor w eouij count tbraa they wre firing oa ua but wa ware all fortunat enough to aaoapa it waa very koluug for tb buunauu boarut favar baa brokeii out lu tb can adlan oodungaat and tb onurt touy ay wo will not b eeut book again to the irdaobea for tb prttant lanjoywl tb tuperuoo all right and wav bad our laptuot of flrf- i cannot tu yod wbtd w era tut aay aay broadly w era in fluxlha uilly la aad i ate bedwatw and wul fcuad toirvuwr silly had a uarro- cp umt bltfbt wlm wd wwd ouotlog but a bulut piuej hi bd by odly a fw laoua i waa ufclvj fully and they wr whjitagovr hwauo od tb rfjjbt of lb lrttfcbawhed b ufd th lraab wn thlllug yunhiy a rw of tb ruuu word kllud oiul woimlj bon of lb ioih around uihn in rulu biwd of the baabufil dturd hara ltvd hwtroyd it u a jaw i bjij wji ojbd rjalu olrmrful iw tb work bafoid ua tbd will b aood tedglf prloa uford wd ttnhdi thht job but i h0t to be aparad to old yod all igmld after th war la or lov to all th bully and bbd hj to othr friaada voar hwu bod lrukd n lllbd 11 oaaadud oudungaat imtu limooary yoroa 4th bait 1u iftjuntry brlali a coaapawy in yraao kudajk d btjeur out rita uloa mo ddntlu id tb hdd 18d and 23d at tvg bbd cbdbtry btoraa kann help a uutdber of aaneruaead mad havd applied at ihht om for plaod od farm atiyood rualtldg aocb halp bbould apjy a llaltou agricultural bftkd ii u iiaub uubuuuyon our halton county school fairs two u be held this year one at kelson the other at hornby the ontario ihtpartmaub of agriculture propoaeoonduotltg twoachool fair in hal ton county during 101 tt thea will be under uto auparvlalon of lit ihatrlct uo praaentauve in 00 operation wltb uto school irupeotora teaoheni liaratita ami ujpiu tim objftot of ui aoliaal fair u to awaken uie younger ajwl ohlar gonarauou too to ute iilauurwa ami poealulltle of rural ufa lsiplla are given ood of different klmlu which uiey take homo and plant aooordlng to direction ihirink ut aummer tlteao plot or inapeotexl ami prlim awarded for ut care of uta jilot- in tiw fall a fair will be held at whloh nlms beboohi will compel ami wberd ut pupil exhibit the produota frotrj their plot tbl la th iloya am ulrlv agrkultural boolety ami i uauagad by tit boya and glrla a oowiulttaaof tbrpuplbilaalot- ed lu aaoli acltool and th ehalnnau of eaoh oobibtllteo repraaauta utat acltool on ut bohool fair board tbla lloaixl tubal 1 oucta tbe oinoare for tb district tltey alio tnanago tbe boluul fulr under ut dlr ctlou of ut lhttrtct rapreaulauva tlila year uiara la to ba a fair at keuau vllbige taking in all tlto rural acboou of uteoldaurveyand hruiit block of nelan townafalp anothor fair will be held at hornby wbor aobaol exloaa no i 3 i and 0 of eujuajug and 0 t ami 10 of trafalgar will oouipata tb organlalng for th uobool voir will u atarud imtiwiuuly cskwsowscobmibs lovely apdgwalher baa prevailed lit pat ooupl of weak and robtaa ba bead bd about beta but we are ulll looking for th uatth lion two of odr biot popuur young peotja ur alger e crlihw aon of ur edwin crlppa and uuu maggie crtwtqj young- u daughtav of tb ut uorgan cwoii wr qululy laarrloj in aetan uat wed bvkhiy tb clwrmlug btku who i u rtouardl fjtorltr tit rvclunt rtf many itamlouiaeiiphkloiui of goodwill tltoli uauy fuatlrglul uut thy will 0o11 tlnu to rhu lord ami wui ujioi many yhof ha4iplaa ami projjwrlly in ihelr joumy lqruar uuough llfr ulaaktidlly oung kilo la vutlng ur w uurraya ur w a unrray uuj frlml la fldalph but weak ur u crwod jr and ur biult pujuuh vuud at ur uorgaacnwww but bddiay jfaj ur and mr wllllaai vranb obj faaally wwd vny hotltbbly autaruldad but thurnlay wanlug by forour fribd and bahihbor id aetoa at tb bted of ur wuiidm oiok tby atiprdolaed highly tbl kuuk of ftfctbwd as old faablodad ua butlug waa bald id kbd church but evening th gaiupbtllvlll lvtriotio boolety preaeutad th ulblaua brlda a blgbly anurblln lag charaotar akatoh th prognudota ukwgbot waa bdjoyabui th truvtod of the polio vilugd of cubipb4lullu bav r4uaud th towtuhlp eodnell to rdjus by uaulng tubadturaa a wa cf woody lot partdanent luiroviaat rblnd id th vlllagd a by law will ba prdvdbtad at bdut w bating morris saxe store news wkbdloftidarrwhawdatott vorily ujowlueithai da4 who ill it thaawwavwdr4wwlb lb lord 20th century brand dnni likf my titmice l will vur in u sprinj suit ur overtoil litis wir mikw our sli 1 lions rout lite itun- drtils of siinplts of lite nuw- est anl lust in suitutii over- tolnjj 1111 pinlins ilavo it mtov up i ixpirl tnilnrs maclr itmlj 10 jour meas ure n 1 lie btst and ncwtht htylc jut 1 little ntwer nnd smarter than ollic r lnloru pro duce workmanship and fit are perfect in 30th cen tury clothes incubatthw klllt saijk ii yrth twa i m im ror ujl mil ll i iu u apiiikniioib wantkd alnivt riitiunrttlhn lb r tt lilmlm tx ltl iii aiflval we are exclusive agents henderson st co mill st acton out 5 iahes vour tp let as make vour new spring and summer suit over nix hundred new patterns to choose from including all the new tartan plaids and stripes your suit delivered to you in ten days time after we take your measure quality style fit and workmanship guaranteed prices moderate a satisfied customer is worth a lot of money to us that is why wc alway carry ouch high grade goods quality will always be remembered long after price is forgotten george wallace guelph mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mclaughlin automobiles the canadian car par excellence uaj1 c3y cyluji 37 hp l0000 mclaughlin oars have i i travelled more miles than any other similar car on the same amount of gasoline 3 given a greater per centage of satisfaction than any other cars 3 climbed steeper and harder hills than any other cats 4 been satisfactorily backed by a stronger canadian company than any other cars 5 got all competitors beaten lor comfort durability style and finish examine them and see for yourself we also have a complete line of used ears is- mclaughlin carriage co ua head ohlce oshawa ontario agut iw halloa c4uotyja h0umv3h 0 uluttri ouuha auction 8aib a airing lli fttwu i hun mil lialp i 11 uuejia cuii mi i iv- k tim witr 1 uutui actmoni fresh groceries nuw luhilnh kw curranui now oata new nut how pduli mew dplce fin una orconrouonjry eaaltal au umojooo oatkhal ipdjd u umajm bvrolud wnojm 1lrst elaju line of fatity cnkca nnd paalry lrah every day cooked uratu hams bacon with tho monujllko flavor broad uilil other good hllveired promptly dully j r livingstone nueoawar id fe hick hill stbdit aoten the uen behind a bankldb laahltuuoti tm rtirdarua a ntuab votmtbdtamw wbotlfd lid tfdatm aai tvotia tha adtjtwl tiiwdtadi kaotty dataoaltdd lu tbe buutk or haanutedt id nirila1hlftriv rltmrii frffhitalmaailn tdltyhtu muiwbtt utau wtwi wauuej weaiiaaty wow uujiu uarb twofitai t uilei tkouay u duat at rjurpldd bifctoh tai u dual tatwm uua fltfrnltal mitlrlfftt-tr- vatlttd unaumajadakrit i ug lo lake counigoi iba biiivo houi oau uwnd even dlaastor until lluula blilvo wiul tbirli bank of hamilton situations wanted thu arton vukh fllhlul iionkhtv lllil mk loiti of mttiut mattl im llta um wll tf nu livd tivd notmritilm tp u iijomii- b u n iiaumi mmr an- r ll til iiiuj ftltbdl your to i our n ur tluuuuoohti 0lkanin0 ckss pml8 navlnl rlj tullm 9i lit uitttul 1 14 1 cfluu i at inrafiirj lo istldl all prdkfolf lbl4hlhl64wloi hit llttmu in tamu i will laarauua is ih ibm i a lij muliarrattnl t aoaiiuitd ucw tktdoitxiyaiuuiud to oktluohiiaclthd 1 oluhvio altt uahbooj luu ua notice lmrkditohs it thd hattto ofthd kuw b jfdab moclukd lata of tha vuldjd air jutou fu tha ooudty bf uajud oantlabaaw deeiaaadu noticu i bjy la brub i utolbu tlur 111 11 ft o lilt llal all mur ii buirulu tula uekim lb mtata baauj 61 w bt k ttqatraj mi tw lllhl4 jmfjl uvl lumtab lb uoj dv ft juhuairy ihu i ul tb bmb day el mairii ijmtuuvli ainli w by 1 a j uiuammi j uwtwmanuaciwr lu wuu w lb ull duumi 1rlli- an dwili4umi with full tynkuu hi tbu uiiu mu ubnt at iwr tba alutefilmibiittultiv luby tbw an4tuitttvuk hmb ibxi arur utb um mnilana di lb t14 aalaltmitta wui tmotaid ladutiiltau lb ttj ut ilij uuiaiiiutliujibmthvlakibtmi mikr oibljtiimlwbubbbll ibd bay mmub4 ibu lb wt4 atalauriuu will u b llabl lor th i14 er aay bari tbrf ulftnv nana m vmmibf bbauline ulldutll dm hvw bu bf bw al lb itu bl atmu dulrlbaliau a j llaikiww boluunr for liuy ua4jlur tit jnjiuar dattdtblalubruyef iauuary im t tmrpl lb vilua spuing millinery opening mift huttttav will hold her bprlog ullllitary opaitlug oa wheohkefldavnth hahoh in the room raceatly occupied hy ulueu hawthorn 9 ex morion next to hyods jewellery storw u btreat acton a flue okaortniuut of tbe uutt trm tioqu of uflllnory will b duplajed millinery opening ou uarcb illi aud nib wu propotoopanforthlhapec lion of th lad us of acton aud vicinity a cbolc uock of ullllnery latea farla and new york toodea miss m cooper hiuat hwuummwaqaunoaaaaarjaiiuiibmg h new wonder- s i land theatre 5 hioav lour- ea8v lvnthft mrii pamous rayrm tltt rjclum u i ulu tram uk udry wtu1 faitwu novel tjp4 lo tfhftuaj uondav adohiu- hal tt lour tetluie war new couing cnrl wltb makv nottrocd amilfuion i 10 el ul hel r l gregory a 5 protnizlo oaanodnndoobd wisv fflh wl roofing bm hathdhm cm haw haa a irw hall k a with 85 b wkknairr mit a atirhalt retr hoovinoi s ido bdi oaut taatmudt n oonfa bawttrtwdr s loweat price for pure aiphalt j roofing uvar offerod la cunaj s mnarr- ay ajabatjd s tfiehalliaaycotbiabytlt g marsw whhuhhutfalblulihhiihudm c c speight fou uptodate goods llvawairi in tmhlvtmxyt vairltr alao fin cotlary hclvdwarar trnwird nkmi oram ttatwirbla varlaity pandora 5lovb and riinaja fanioub huatjt smaill stovam oh slovam every arnvio m of hxcep uoml vnlut c c speight mill 3twl aeloa

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