Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers celling papers window shades a ilahaic aulolttuknt piiioub kluabomaklllh give us a coll annlaar iliounhkb isbuibio geo bynds jtewallelry tuul pmkioy gtoodd aoton ontanio real estate vmtmutor itulo in uttitou inwji msd wclllniiioii loo rrn lor uile every nli if you want ikriat write mi for rutnlouue or ii you wluh tt uvll or nuttbattae wruuii- v imvuevrry nrlllty for trmiuhilnu buulucuu lu your fjomttletu untlufutduii tdrra omleurc huiuutnl j i ullimtttiiley fijriu ulllliu horwuikt uorutowri lie juton jfr toss tiiuiihoay maiici h 1011 brief local items the vdtssbi have replaced tit run ners again 11i rtiifar mukera lisve comtnsnced opereuona hpring oomiuenom nest huiuliy so eordlng to um almanac tlurllngtan a taking steps to imun a wllee if agutrate for ilk town the aklpping rope awl tlie marblee lave supplanted the tkatea and coaatar throe weeks ago wheat brought si w tki lbs ourkel hero today only 9120 la kd vletory as usual la lite new british blagan which replace bmlttwa aa usual ur pul tt kennedys aale last week waeagraufylagsuoebaeattd aggregated uukovsioaa egg ere down to uo cents this wek the bda ef the family hope this taw prlae will w4vall at ruur vnna reports there will he h miulw of ttew kaola turn ttroujtlit in by ridwts of acton end vicinity tlila sadsou tts pavotlwuu will soon i free of i egalat there have bm more allppsry walks uaa iuul tba putt winter cu1 knglnosr willi and ctalua agob uekiiiio of tlie toronto ttuhurhan railway ware fo town yesterday h j blsuflgr luu opened a whop for tin aud gr suuewere and aundriee lo the store ft tbe flruco building on mill rue lira aux uaokeiiilft of lucjt wour of lira rav luiu aiulrxi uuhlugtoti juji on uoiulay nt ilia tifi of hayra- tta luywoiwi riawfnu uacltiim wot it lu j ml pli wlilclt lavo ciamj ilno labt fjll ruawj bunlimui n monday with ilfly laada tin snow la illuiiomrin vary grail tal ly koiwillifcusdlmr tin urg volume wbloli jld ojtoorina tits wliiur uvat u bo lwwblllty of miy unusual b frji- rt- a dalau liy llta vounff 1ooija a tlulu of khox clturcli on iuaivwi tlii tk itnlud sut- im utlfui u ruialulu tawiuul will lu tiau on uonjuy v utklul tt propriiitar of tin jumob hotal biuiuji wa flitl it 00 arul eou uu w4k tor ulllng itijuar in a local option towu a lalrl of ilia tuni toan wat floj ii nut outa fur twlng urnuli afaj fumtt of mibn hifuly an auatrlan id titoalitlit wu raulad by tua kalu ort uuhlay blyll aiul a quuntlty of uqitair aeurdlf was cwnviotaj on uotulayuul ht to four wjmllu id itisoji ur v v lotla of tlia city of tora- to baa ukhamol but aora f irtn licbln- uuwuy town oil utuntiliigto ur will- um wtalr nf ltfamtta bvu waa tawbby j a willodjbliy qaortown tiklrqdonutlua will kou un taat uurtalniftaiit b tka uaukojlit uluwj raou bkt uwulay ovaalng a uaw lot of loeal wlu aulaula aad blrda oj au lu- tamatlng auorttdaat of war octuta will taibbowh liw uakvilla illar uiyai wluott uobliiui w ii haw lea iyl prindfml utklaimui wjwitinjr tbs oakvlllt ulaliij hoclety will go lo uillon on umth oiiul wbara tity uta to ukatk awrtrutlv- lu dabatiiitf tb wlijt luwivad that umj unlud slua u jou- fij fa raualnlug tuiutral in tlila war vwuaki holi your iwfta ulag tba to laofgd wttaraon wedttttday uatb tuh wcltoioalkhnliolha to tttfl iu lwlll payyoutaoo bw bttudrtd walafai- abw prlofia to farwara only balunapad tu iulollo hoolal in tha town ludl on friday vaulug by uwj ymihg pctle of kook churoli will ba inureaung uuigliliig la fart dluppouiiig bora ur ami un i ii hayer vulud lliua- burtf fuul tt friday ur iitui ura co4i0wr of lulndabt cpaut huoday willi ur ami ura iro vuunattay ur u rbuy ami biatara uu- utg gta and llulo of acuvtii htul uetarft uol uul harry hilu and ur i vloroby of rforval atluulad tba funeral of thalr imt uml k hiltii lut friday lira wui tytmia uul nwj itottort ww u woauji of lulllhafail frlandaonttunday tin unoral of tba ut ura edward hilu ol torouto wbwi look daoo bar but vrlday woa largely otutulad row ur bll tuutnr of tlia ileoaaud tok vry fllftty of tin departs ura hltta trbom biaidait natna waa uiwtht itoy wu bord aitd llvotl all inr ufa haro until fellt yaw kj0 wliati iju taovod wltb bar catnlly to toronto ur hiltai rtredaoaaaad barnlooyoara much ywthy ia fait la u eonurtuitlty for tbo bmvd utimy mows thi9v wo ofw ono iuwlril uolliira tuward for iwytbta of 0utmttl that omttot bo ear- j by hh tiurrh cura v j chknkv u 00 vowo 0 w tba uiuleraliftl luiva known it j way for tha lum in veatn ami bellovo hint patfaotly kmtoralda in all butitmwa tranaatttttta ami fluatiouilly abla to carry outaayttlaluatliuu made by hla tiru niwdkai uthu 0oyhkw t4olo 0 lfolltioaiitrvli cuw n tulin inuritally uuurdlrally ujmhi tba mood untl wnoimu aurfaow of lln nyatom teutlinonlau met fraa imnj 70 oonu lr bolla bold by all lfrutfflfci vtka kalla vaiully isibj tot mmupa- tlooj news op local import now county hotrutry orloo at tltfi nimtlnu of tin county council lui1 uotik tlin eiidor of 1 hi booord 1 hiinu hrttntfnnl o9l0rit for un arotluii of tin naw hoflutry ofltoo t milton huu iwc61td church of tenglaiid mlbsloriary sofl mr david m iiom of tko ctmralt of knglaiul luyftmn ululonary uov6tnant will raoli in hl auwna cburoli on hun- day taurnlng naut at 11 oolock mr ium will aim kreachut itookwood in un aftar noon ami in fiaorkatown in tlu avenlng has hirahasod mew homo mr william llrown wlto reoently hold lila farm on- main htraat luu hirhaudtbo una ulok rldanoa of mr iulkt wallaoa on mill ktrmt and two iota ur hrowm baa laamd tin john u warran farm nilolning our cltlsanu aro tnucli joaad tbat tin rumor tliat in intaiuloil uavlnjf town la not oamct mr waluoa allll luu tvrtilva aaroa ami will rolbly bulbl blm- mlfumu raidnca x promlttftht mualorikry bpolkar mriirbart k oaukay lnnil bor tary of un canadian council of un lay tnana mualoaairy uovannt will rub hit annual mlaaionary aartnona in tba maundiabcburcli on hurwlayfttli uaroli ur gukay u in loa loud with tba mlmlonary woak of tba ckorolum aot ooly in canada but throughout iba world ha ia a vary f4ajd awl oonvlnolng akaakar and bla adilr4w will ba full of intaraat mr cafckay will alao addreaa tba hunday tlolkool in un afuraoon the high school uurary soduty at un kotttlag of tin afrton high hcltool llurary koolaty uat viuuy a raadiag waa glvwt by uyrtlj curridga wbloh wu followad by uvm1 lintwonttti apmlna uargarat wiumm uo gava a raadlngt wlwi waa followwl by currant avaau by 0in uoat and wluua koaa harold luwl uu gava a litarary aumlwr afur wblob un jasaua waa ta by nllia abdarwwi rbaeritld unngavbatrri0 un uauing on uutb sriib at it will u opi to un iwula st rmtrldki day wadding a pruy wadding waa olbrlaj at tin botoa of ura w a blawari took ktrt ytauy aftarmoa at ukaumy ockiok wbaa bar oaly tlagbur uua hull albarta and ur jobi if huddlok wra joimj la un booda of boly waduok yin owmioay waa iorformad by luv c if itrapar tin bhda waa uataially fculf ad in whlla taahunwtu ulual wllb uttt hw gvlng away gawd waa mvy bloa arg witk bufck bat ulmiad wllb vkt ribbdd aad ftwara un trk- anj dialog kvia war ahotatly uli wllit tit isorkba day favosa uaay biaaufal rldal glha wara tooalvad i groooaa gilt to un brida waa a gou uaxut- ur aiul ura kaddlck uft on ua avanlng rain for torodto tly will tsula afiar tba flru of aiwll ou un buwart bosnauad itab aflng ordarlla bavorgaulua tin annual raorgaoliatioa uaatlng of tba kings ordatlna hilda elaaa waa inld on uonday avaalng ttn flnaui atata- tant of un tuw waa pwanlad by un anrtioaadffiuatamriary mr h b tlmr itakowail vmy uitwutttlal 11- anoa on luiiu lu ollnr iiim of un o aotiviuia aiuob tt baa lad r ijtaplubad fba following ciwr ww auoad i lvidut a v gauwdll vloainaaidautltobt u ujwu kaotwae il u- cou lxvouonal owultu w h ruwart gmi kuial cuamllt kail uouabu uilwtlli coatwiluaa kraiik kannajy con lookout cojawlitaa wu tarrina havrtlubauof lntarat to un ebuuaa proapaodva aetlvltlaa wara duduaaad tiy to autjy a quantity of frwl bulk daily un yar around apply to u c ul wkll fli-luu- uli hunj aoton umkhousx havyou aaw tbat bird wu tin yllow lraaaiyait ha la around o iplg oin- not la far awy ur ajj ura jowdy aiul bouglaa apwit sunday at un hoom of ut flowdya otlwr id loalpli uu agaaa batbar of oaorgatowb apadttba waakanj wltb br aunt ura uooul mr baa rolklagkoraa of toronto waa boat ovar haaday ulaa uary uoolll wbo ht baw u1i- daying wlut ur ibu id iharll ratura- 4 boaw od euturday w ara glad to a un lima klloa ara bttay von- im walooua to atuad un luitd taaauaga bau in un btooa cburob avary totlraday ovanlatf ur vuuipad want to tba boapiul in abrodto ut vruay to bdvn uearalidii oo lu foot and lag ura jauaa utown of amod la wltb bar tutar uua if nawtod trkolnabaad qulu 111 utb laboring bow ur aad lira blaok of oualpb wart uuata of ur aaj mr it uodamy lut waak wa ar taaatod to uar uwt ur jataaa boou third una wlto auawad a mraytlo atroba laah waak la luwovug i grlpiia a auu qulla kvalaiib in our vlluga halyok couwtv latriyfic khfhd uauly a0o alroady pud out to wivm and chudmtt orboldlaro at un comity couiull aouloa but waak raav ifyaila rcuaaud a aurn of tba woulaa paid lo uarob lat by un oouitly tvaaaurar to tba wlvaa and oblldrao win aro ouinwuu ou tbu fund tba taporb waa glvao u follow i ibm 10is tivtjil hurllngton 7ai0 aftu00 sisjuoo laorgatowu 10100 10400 ulltoo w60 o4m00 flltt00 oakvilla vatt law 1000 kiiiou mwiim lirtloo in addition to tba aliovo titer war granuof tinntoun holglan fund 1 100 lo tba katlonal isurlouo booloty uud u0 for kith for hrt oonllngaut awl am for moowlt itlngant a toul of wiftj from un fundaof tin cotinly couitoll ur w colaa aeton and won wlfa of bartft uolaa baa a rightful ulm un uua fund but 11 ig abaeut in knglaiul no claim baa boaii nit in children ory fob fletchers castoria personal and travel notes social and roreonal items f intot- ost to preo fress hoadom gleamed during tub week mr itobort wiikllo of loaiuotuu in town yoatflidny mr k ooucli or untniptoii ulloi acton frlandu on huturday ltov flao w llurkbr of iuolli wuu n gumb ut moarwtrof t lout woeb mr if h molkonnk of mnnmwooil mitit n oaud of tlayu uat wok in aotou mr ilalatoit llrown wan homo from victoria unlvoralty for n bort vltlt tbu viaok mra u a zlmmrmaj wbo lma iwon in pargna for aonn tltna haa mnovml to cfiuralilll mr alan uovaruno of hlrawm lalt ad at tin bonio of ur j h colamtn dnr ing tin weak mra fred multay win itaa baon mrlnuii ly iii for inany waka waa vary low aa ua want to ivtomn ivinelpal stawart ba lti oondimui to bja room wltb a aavara attack of prip un paat two daya mra hobt mttohnraon jraiwl manur lfugaaa iieua un wok wiui toronto and hramptmi frumla luv mr wllklnaon waiil to yoroto vrlday to vult ur caorga htatltam at walualay 110141111 ur u i warrad of tin haivtlt llool itootn toronto vuud frlanda in un old hotm on haturday ur aod mra naaunda of hrinptoi wara guau at un leon of ur w it- kaanay yaliday uuaaunu oram toronto formally of acton baa anllatad for aarvloa aa a tralaad nutaa in tba canadian hofju in itranoa ur dao t ooo of utaabouaa wbo baa baan vary 111 for aotn liwa waa ubla to ootoa to town yaatatday ura coo aoaoni panud bin ur dl htddaitod u i waa boon frotn un oapjul for a ooupla of ibiya uila wk m anm6u un bouaa will prorogua about laatar ur jobn lcantiay cbairwaa hoard nf tsdoosllod baa laod attaddln hia annual utlng of tin 1 rand lodga a- o u w at toronto tfcla wak a uur riv bwd tbla waak aaya ura jaaula wiui toronto la lowy lu proving bka waa abla to laka a hbort uotor rlda on vtlday ur y fiuunid rturnad from ctiloago on uooday aij want to toronto on tim day to a lu abu tuorga lu un loopital utard ur uunrd apard to ba balding lla oau bat u ry wak tfndggddlu aauounowl of izidily oartruda auu daugbtw of ur aouj ura j a tbootpwin uaorgstowu to ur ro land itoy aaou aod of ur if t arnold i tba luarvlaga will taka plaaa vry iiuudy tbla tnoatb ula uadarwld of fruoid bpant uw loura od monday wltb aetod iriatula wblta an roulo to toronto to atuod tin f unaral of bar unola ur cbarua nlctuuw liar taouwr laa lmo ld forataral waaka aunarlag from an attack of lroaomtia test y0ubsbed cork rd com n ull aa ounr aood tbould bo amurwd aarly tbla yar a ta for gr- ulaatioo abouu baeioduoud ami wa can inaura ourvaa sgalnt full am on lluit toot tba garuilaatioa tat may ba oon duolad aa follow a i luoura a tlallw n and daoa muu aoft flaanal or blotting papar ou tba bot- toea una oouat out 100 kamala of grain aad puoa ou olou or uouar uowar wlui hrimkar elotli or hollar aad uobjao tbor ougbly aad utlawamitapmalura tba aoad will garwluata and w bny gat at un por teotajra of garfartluallod by oouaungun auiabw of aproatl karuala if ooni jam not ooan up tlnra a a grut lw uul wa eanuot pat in a trof to tjm it altomb r ooau q bottar position tnjudgaaaed ooro wkao on un cob anyona wlblnggartalnauod twia uuda way avail utwnajiroa of un agricultural cooa at tutllngto wbara osolal uta will ba aaourad a anull mupla laft wltb or btalud to un luriot kupraaoauuva wiu ba taatad fraa ruttino out lltlvtjf a usnrol vxtuitrnc am spundid autouobuo ambuuooo pt- aento1 by tbd uolauighlla tnjhit con wbiu in toronto tba otbar day un aditor of un vuku pakaa bad tba plaaaura of bufaotlog un flaj oaw autotuouia aialinuaoa iwaaaatad by un uelauglllu ckrdaga oooapany to tba canadian braaob of tin rud cvoaj soouty for ua lo avanoa it waa outfall daatgaaj aud built aooord to un lataat apaohtoatloha tba hiolar u alao of tba tt olunfatnoaauolauauld hntok fodr oyllddar ypa tin urga roomy lady waa ootutruoud to aoao four wodadd aolduw id a raolinlag poaluod and un arraiiftioaot parulu oalarlty lo laodliag un alratobara tbacd aro aio oonuuodloua lookora for tba atrlng of aurgtoal wpolna tb wbola ear la palnud tba uaual war abada and prowlnaauv dlaplayad on un auaabtb had croaa tmlioaa with un wording l had croaa boalaty it ha tba appaaranoe of aabtuntlal con- tiruotlod aud fortaad au obkut of uuoli lataraat to all wbo lavo aaao il it waa llraad od saturday waltaud county council wlioti want lo toronto to inapaot una ambuuiun ordarad ooa oxaoily it oonntarpart to la rweaoiitad ly un county with the pbis rteet tha crank cunadun ortbarn hoar uoyal kdward a now in tba aarvloa of un hrluab adntlraliy with un uuln prlwa saot at bouunnd kng tba oohinundattt col da cordau dalo- gataa aa muoli authority a poultja to un pruouara who aro inada up of all claw bualuaaa man nouatoen and front tbo tnll- llonalra to tin enuraly daautuu tba royal edward to a vary largo omtattl la run by un twltoaaraunuktlvaa raprahotad by a routalttaa oowpoaad of uaroo nauol uadt baroti horat aud itlobard hack- taana uuob of un work on hoard ablp uuoli aa clauitlng aarvfug taldaa uutklugbeda and waablngolouna la dona ly tha priaouata unwulvoa at lliolr roquaat liny hava loan allowod to laka over tin oooblng and tin hakary and draw rauona dally from uia uupiily depot tba arrangowant uorlandmlrnuy aaunrota a nuular of hrt olaaa oooka lukara daltara and form or bolalkaapern on board anmwg tin our uun prlaonara tbo aarvloa la inuoh iioltm- than ruiubb be ekpoetor undur the olrounulanoaa if tha royal edward war carrying um angara aba could not poaalbly in tonro kjo and afmo than aho a khnli hilu rim oiivlct haircut i liu lumper thing in lruloii j hut urmlou during war tlnioa aot tin fuuliloiih tint ultly for woninn but for tliolr iuu1uih1u wonn und lovem ncoff uh llioy niuy u um vory med that thu word foulilon dutcra into ibolr uoliomu of llfo lu being dtmoa- hlratad a brood vory forcibly for hiulutico pultirit loutlior- iiooih and uulturu to which lliu ignition wad nf affalru for yourn iibb lmoii proverb al ly riovottd itnvti nlvon way to heavy unr oni prom la i tig uoldlorly foolgoar much in tlie ungiiluii r um mauii fncturora of hlghctnaa boota khukl la thn thing in hiialmiiia hill in und though harlmra moan aud buaah tliolr i no iii mon un longer look upon tholr lotku an uiljuitcln to iwouty to im ulroly lrliuiui1 and offtotlvnly arrnugnd yhny hlmply havn tlmlr hair nit na abort aa it la pnaulhlo with drnwlitg blood and lot it no ut hint tim tnudimcy ot tlio ilrltlah army today in toward aar- ilcoalilnucau ralhor unin ahowlnoaa in ilroaa and in ovory nullah com- iiiuiilly of uny alio it la vary nvhlnnt hi at j hla i el an lo hnvjnn lt effect an thu ptiopli v do not iiaually aunorlatn troun- vir ixcliiulvily with wurrloru and oi wit owi- both thlr inirodiictlnii mid rlutroductlon in military faah- in nn orlklnally worn by um ancient llrltonu thrjy wr for n long thnn looked ii imn in nolllf tlumuii rlrrlcu nit it hndk of imrhnrluni ludted hrito ln n lo have oncn tauntml n mini wlili having nprimg from irnnaorod un con torn in a d lit liowmit vo rood nf n unman ic in ral rrrntlnif a great urundal hy jtolng tn war in iromora and uhnrtly nflor tlicy imicamo port nf thn rncotculmd mil 1 1 ory costume tlionnt thn faklilou a p road to tho rlvll co ui id unity and wo and tha fact racordod that alovander ravaruu tnada an luuovatlon by atfactltig whlta trouaara pravloua auoarora having all worn crluaoti out kvaelly whan trouaara dlaatnarad frooi tho laga of tha mala cobiwuu- lly la not known bul lhara la no dbubt that tbalr ravlval waa ouea mom dua to military faahloua ibtro- ducad into the army by tha dub of wall lit ft on during tha panlaauur war aud at flrat known as walling- touh trouaara tbalr geoaral adop tion excltad tramudaun 0oltloii tho clargy atid tha faablohabla world romblned to oppoaa tho innovation au original iruat dad axaeutad in 1830 of a nonconformist chaoal on- talua a clauaa providing tha uadar uo clrcumataneaa khali a praaehar ba allowed to occupy ibt pulpit wbo wara trouaara tho uulvrallla war equally flrbi lo thnlr oppoaltlon lo 1h1x tba authorlllpa of trinity ami fit johaa coiiikcu caiuhrldgu docroad that aluduiiu appearing lu hall or chap in pautaloonu or trouora should bo rottuldorod ahafiut whllo alidacka ihi mout faabionabln or tba loudon rliiba rfnuid to admit anyooo ao ultlrd on onu occaslou thu duko tilnibilf waa uuuitd adnilulott h rauat ho waa wiarlnr hla favorite troubiru and thn victor on a bua- drd fields found hlmaulf eoupallsd to lat a retreat boforu tba oa- alauuhla of a faahlonahla cllqu hut tho rovoraa waa only a tem porary one trouspr had cams to stay and tho dukn bnfon long bad the satisfaction of scolng this inno- vutlon forcad on thi kri of tiir faah lonablr world- surely hla moat strik ing trlumpli it may n hourvor that as buco brerchts acilnn under military orders gave nay lo imuters so trousors may in tin lr turn rlvn placd to putloca or aoiuo other cover ing for main irga our ig oa woll as our llvua contmtnla n farolloua iondoorr arc in lln- hands of th anuy holla aa tha lata ur plowilrn tbo pollen mag lat rate was famoua for hla plow- dadlams ao waa flerjmnt arahln who at aa judge in ihf old flallry tn tho tblrtlas noted for hla rylnj whkh vara collect ml in a lllllo volume and eallad arablua many of them oavorttl of sir iloyt hoc he such as if rvnr ihrn- waa a eaaa of clear r ovldnro than ihlu cas tbla cttti la that iiirc and on another occaslnn h ufturred hlinualr of ihla avtraordlnary die unr if the learned counsel for llin dtfenro ran show precisely at what moment th otfaoco was cotimiutod and that thn erlsoner was not thiro i on io did it a could not have dono it w cau- bot dtvaat ouraalvaa of ommousatiaa va lu courts of justlco thirty mlllloti cart rid ura ifow much ammunition does a modern army use wo shall not know uatll after tba war what the flcrman aad tha all lad forces have baan ev- pendlag but wo know what tha car- mans umd la 18701 the total for ri8a was 30000000 rrrlrtilris or bald artillery 31300 rounds it a worth noting that battles uro much las costly la ammunition than ate ft m the alegn of ulrasburg alono coat wolght for wiltfhl ihroa tlma tbouinount of ammunition used lu all tho doclalve battles and actions throughout lha whola war of course theso figures are s tnero bagatelle coupsirod with theaa of the preaaut almggla with its ml ii loos of soldlam aad its quicknrlag guns aad its hst- uaav laalhdg for several weeks tfeo sfeuo of tho bphbu tba oldest plaos of wrought irou la oguteaco is illeved to bo roughly fashioned sickle blado found by del tout la hsrmss near thebes it wan imbedded in mortar under the base of tho esblug stud on that aceoynt is known as the sickle of the sphinx it la now la the british uuaauni snd ii believed to bo nearly 4000 years old ivory vo- hrltalu the tusk of ru ordinary elephattt weigh iso pounds and are worth fsoo it requires 12000 olepbaats to supply 660 tons of ivory to the eoj- luh market ghomeld takta ouo- thlrd winn a man gats lla head twellod a brlokluit iwtuluoe luu luati known to in helpaoms uo udn noului i no utoros no thrones no tall no glory i no oroas ho crown william ptnn that cold you have rrmy bring sickness doctoirs bills ontl ichs of workj you know that serious slckncnn usually marts wllli n cold and a cold only cxlsda wliere wunltness tuiiitis rtmanfor iknt overcome ho weakness nnd imtuw cures ilia cold that h tho law of reason cmcfullynvoiddnikftcd pills tyrupu ot llmumiilm they nro- only props and biicth and uhlpa it u llio riura medicinal nourishment in hcohh lcinutiilon that quickly etc rlclich thu mood ntrcnrihena tho funa nnd helps iiuil uio air puhhikch and mirk thin well hcottn emul sion jciilrilci itody heat aaprotccllon npfalntft winter rilclineaii get scotts at your drug store fajay it always strcngtheno nnd builds up mbl bwa9abtowaiayoaastcmuta olvarlha auction sale faum btock imwjk- hubnts 1htc hie iindarjjtnad ha linu intlruclwl by wl lily am krnvatn lo noil by public auction on lot jti tacoud line kupta1nj near atton oi wssunkesdav both sajarom r1 o oclock sharp tho following iiohbkh i loam rood working liorw pood in all hirnnia t hay horsa rhlrtg i yfaara all htalu bibris or double oattlk i black cow 5 year dua march 30 1 brlndla cow 1 yaan dua may 17 l rod cow 1 years due july 13 1 ory cow 1 ari due seni 24 1 prey hlfr due april 35 1 rod hr duebep 10 i lirlndlahallerdueuept 4 3 blears rulnjt 3 yean j 7 tialere rltlnr j years a good condition iigs rood brood sow wllb u plfl 3 wmkaold at lima ol sale 1 sow wlih 10 plp 4 weaus old nl lima ol sale loulthv tohena 3 rooalava xmiibmlmtsi uuy ifarruhlnd r 6 foot cut r drlhs mower only cut one crop 1 peier lltmlllon cultivator 1 maattt ffarrla smi drill 10 boas 1 mil- aey llarrla lioraa rika 1 slwal land rolur k 1 1 uml a sowar 1 sal iron harrows illaury plow no ii t scuftlar 1 chalham fanning mill and hapjker 1 ualn wsjigoo wlih box and ihelvlng complaia 1 siock racu 1 hay rack 1 democril roj au new 1 top bus glaa onaaood ss new 1 opan bugpy i caller doien jraln hags j croucui sawa j hind saw a 1 urain cradle 1 grind stone 1 water irougb 50 fi galvaniiail pipiiu j wheelbarrows jnackyouea forks afiovau bnaa lonaing chxlns binding chilns cat it chains rjlg crale abnap racli hay lola crowhsn aselis heavy hameia 1 mil damocral liarrnas 3 sella plow harness 1 sell ilusla hainaa 10 good collars ihout 130 huilnla oat a fit lor aaaj soma good mined chip 3 tona of hay if noi sold t banal churn 1 good dell organ 1 national cream separator and mtwr arllclas not mentioned timuulio and under cash over that amount 13 months credit on furnltb log spprowdsawurliy ilua par cut off lor caui hay grain and poultry cash no reserve h j kvith auaumaaa a a koliitt cu au olstahiho auction sale far stock and im- ilie i ntb the uudcrslgned has been instructed hy patttmm hilvsi to sell hy public auction on lot 10 4th una krlu ou thuhatdav wmhoh tavtil at onu oclock fcliarp tha following 1 uorduai hay mare rata old 1 luiy liorw 4 earaold roan horbs 14 years old cattliii mkow duyljnklnjth l spotted cow fruh milking 1 1 spotted tow supposed to tn in calf dun oct till 1 holier with calf at foot 1 iwlfer 3 years old milling wtll 1 calf months old 1 calf 5 weeks od all you tie cowa hog b 1 brawl tow vorkahlra due april nth b plga 3 months old voultuv 30 barred rock pullals cdoncs martlug to lay t thomugh 1 itock roctr ulilliukntil l uauey harris binder f foot cut with trucks and sliraf carrier 1 cultivator ieur hamilton 1 horsa rake 1 sed drill 1 heavy truck waoon 1 pair bolkslelgha i ierlug ctuffler 1 ileury plow no at 1 setl harrnwi 1eter itamilionn is feet 1 wheelbarrow 1 fanning milt clinton mule 1 uauayllama pulvr i sett duuhulrvih 1 neckjukc 1 gruln lthiiiv nearly nuw forks ruliru lioea aimantl- ly of good um inch lumher 1 stone boat about two tona of millet 110 bualiela of oats 50 huuiclsof barley if not sold furn1tuuk 1 iwlrooni suite a bedsteads 1 sideboard 1 glasa aipboatd s satis uf springa 1 lounge i boa stove 1 bltcbsn table s7 yards ol poultry nt- tlng 6 fet coal oil stove wltb ova quantity of diliea palls and crocka pramier cream separator new tuttua all lurou of ten dollars sod undai catli over that amount tan mouths credit on f ura lilting approved security hay grain and poultry culi hla per cent discount for cash no rtservo as proprietor is leaving ontario n r j kckh a a ron it ckk auctioneer 36s uhhscsliihvikd auction sale th wawaajtwbva hoiibk8oowsyouno cattiijs akp pigs ttie uuderslgned has received ituituc ttous from uhlssoh saaliaurjihljlh to sail by public auction on fats premwa lot 7 coo 6 in tha township of nsjwagaweya mile north ofkaatchbull 00 aflohdav hahou uym at one oclock sharp the following iiorseb 1 roaa mare 9 years old la foal to uautrovd uau 1 pair of clydb colts rifting a year wall watched and vry heavy 1 filly oolt vulag 1 yaarold byliuck duke 1 black colt 6 mouths old by napoleon bouaparte cows thoroughbred imlled angus cow due time of sala s polled angus helftra 3years old with calvesat foot 1 red ami white heifer s years old wllb calf at foot 1 red durham heifer 3 years old wltb calf at foot wolslehi cow with calf at foot black joruy cow la full milk due lu july rod cow dua lu april roan heifer 3 years old duo la uay 1 red heifer 3 years old due in may hereford belur a years old dua lu una vounq cattlb 4 hefeordgfals heifers riling a years old 9 durham srada heifers years old 9 polled ngus heifers rising t years old s steers risings years old sateen and heifers rising 1 year 3 beef steers 3 years old thorough durham bull dark red l6thoutiufold 11001 york sow duo juno ttilh j 1 tamaworth sow dua june ao th i yotk sow with 10 pigs 5 weeks old at urns of sale if plga 9 months old so pigs aft months old ulluuntsi leamstfifi heavy lumbor wagon good as new guarauuwd tn carry 6 ions 1 pair bobsleighs 1 national cream separator 150 fenco ctu 10 cords of dry wood 4 ft long lids buckwheat 79 bags pure dele ware potatoes tiekuu all sums of fen dollar and under cash over that amount tea months credit on furnishing appoved joint notes 5 per cent per annum off for cash ueef cattle arsiu and potatoes throe months credit iosillvelv no reserve as everything ad vertised will be sold it s ohaw ohawiay a a rot lit clerk auououow w a relkiblu man to sun hardy cauadlau grown block hi acton nnd hulton county ktart now at the best selling time sutidforlutof sprintf offer ing nnd term i ugeutf lllniral coumilkhlon llutul- kiinie frrtioutdf fashi dis all lcpirtmonlb of lliin largo store aro in rnli attire arrayed in the colorn of spring time everywhere exhibitn are ijcini made of the new nprinr ntylcs an- kortmentn are comprclicnoivc and cvcrytliinu ponscnucn the charm and interest of frcah ncwnosij the new milunerv creations abe adoradu l0velv there in always nomcthing fanctnatinf about new millinery modct this season they arc altogether charming rich colorn that blend smart lines that are faultlcsh chic little flower and ribbon trimmings shapes and shades that suggest the soldier and the sailor all go to make up a beauteous jrray of smart headgear avid to versatile are the modelb that they include a becoming style lor every type of features new suits and coats of modish charm tho jaunty little short suit coats and the lotigur ttiairowii the wide eurti harm gored pleated simplicity u the keynote of the now aur and ennt nlyliu ledjto theso havu a smart thlc tdylo nil tlie t jokivaro ominently prnctkal trimmings almost invariably suggest hie uniform of tho e lompleta in assortment all the- very lop coats with muled edtfo these havu a smart chic htyl or circular with ntmt man clad lit khaki lloautlful drcui gooila ditlnly wnnti fnbrlcn nil drout aicouuirleu litare incltuud our prices always right we are big enough to cater i overylmxlyu puhui lid its limits grunt or small and whether thu prlco lu vary low or very blah at all times mnillty it the butt wo urn- in a po lit ion to give you thu host valueu wltlumt charging tlie lilgheiilprlr- 4 quality u it will lh 11 its grunt n 10 lit ion to wive you tin retort he mout profitable to do your iiliopplnu at maciloriald u d e m acdonald bros lij t ouelphs ieadihg and largest store cor wynjhara anil macjonill slruu ouelph oal which da you buy fence beciuic vou need it or to nuke money for the mmdlcauu r if youre looklnr out far number i if you waul to f et the best fence at tbe towest cost youd buy page fencedlrectfrelght paid not only because page fence wears best bul because its sold direct from factory to farm with only a single small profit between you and un compare tlie page directmoney way with the usual buy through the middlemen plan u1m you tuw ihukctt muw tahs vbu mvi ioou httahu a ilia rulnkwuss a kuajry tuamavsxxluuirir vud save 1 our kliuai tba samita rf it a wi to mt eavd ftm hifchoi lt ol el tea 1 riutl yu 1 uai4oi u wausj ih oahada price list ukavy stnc z uyj iu utttti f m la if r ii s ii r f si ml 3 iii slfiwh ttfcutt- u a a sl v 8w i 4 s sit i j j a a ai 4 4 a a a a a a a a a 4 s s7a 7 w aariurkltt hncfal knfjmx w u wj lu lskw vaiah uiw 4alb lltcu 11lfcata isl4tiie luue wbj v041 iuv fuiav hw jw e rjtwsuir ritwaun- rkoj fiiun yes ave ibjw tj en lu katre outlty aaj life time ww a aa kue ti wail hcawtouav uiuhei rblhlla mmuj voubskur re rt jj a- iuufj rw a- page wire fence co ltd is tarclabvebett wfljkorvtlle if page fences wear best lifeuke photographs visit c amahhew studio hiustm aabui0t tub latestbtvlb8jltourt couiletion op work hhmhuuhhiawhmhhumhuwiuihwumiihrihumiiahuuiiwuumamiilih b its hard to understand g why will ou bo so particular about tha choice of a suit yet overlook that connicuoue item tba list styles in hata change the name a everything elae- why net be certain that you are uiuaring the correct thing by making this stora your headquarter now auowlug tha ow bprlug stybia blepln liow much satisfaction 4 00 will buy 1 wu an now how jc r e nelson b hahabt tsllar wrdkmad btws 8 afaoai ruttuhr wuitrh oatv s uwalbbhaiaadudddaddadclblmblhui because the other fellow didnt make a success of repair ing your watch or clock dont think it cannot be done let us have a look at it wo know how foster rba wotefa if sebalut qkowrjkrtowh out smjlgala1gufjddatldtiaatltirjalhallllh stoneowelungton thai ronlftull nuratbry ikublluhadtas toronto 1 omt lhontsofatahlb kialve kuit ealv aapwler kslu4s adaastltui t tlii tit v amere ebetea poamtm jwcftilboijat tm voasmswoi oote closing up the gaps tito clophono la fast oloslng up tho gaps botweon farm iioubob making fjufmow nolfihbok in na real a kciibo as aro townsfolk and it is not alono in this increase of nolgh- bnrllncsathattlie telephone proves a boon to tho fanner in tho everyday bublnosn of farming it is a prteelesn aid in the alnglo item of enabling the farmer to keop in touch tbe muikcta in belling lib produco the telephone has often saved ten times ita eoet in emergeneles tho ub of the telephone has saved lives ohecked flrce summoned timely help and effected sueh eeonomleb of tlrao and labor at critical moment aa to make it invaluable have you a telephonist it can prove its worth to you as it had done to others consult oar local lfaaaer m atents a1bew mariom harim ouurslcksicilkrhm the bell telephone go

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