tiiuhhivavaijtl7t lmrp vim tlriu alining pnuu h imiiiijjiiii hwod in nil giiriumiln mill uicu igfii win i in hie canadian unlillor- in tlui luihpltid and hl the front ij the ciiindlini lied cnuui woolety hid you futw tha tiiiuhlu ihamuiiki your way wjtli u tvuoluln huiir null cheerful oi- torn your umil from tho light of day with cnueu lieur mid foutifnl oh trouble ua on or u troiihlohmumiil or trouble in what j on moke it t hutltbmt llio fiot tliht jour lutrt that ooullte hut only how did ynu tako t your beaten to earth well ell what tliat coma up with u antlling fuoa t it nothing uganat 3 tin to le knocked flat hut to lie bore tluilw dltgrace hie harder youre thrown the higher you imuiice i lie proud pfour hliickonod eye t it hint the fuct that you re liurt lint counts thuthow tllit yon light and why aim though you 1o donn to dontli whit thon if you did tlto beat tlmt you could if iou played jonr jwrt in tha world of nmil wliy the critic will call it good heath couiou wild a crawl or coined with u pounco hut whether tin nlow or ajirv f it isnt tlio foot tlmt you ro doail that counts uut only how did you die t the mousetrap ijiu tlnj utltr blm ikmwiiui mo of llio hlnniuriilioim ut will ium a aroiihl u until v illfil pinned upn llllln uird in tin fit hi iif in r di k it i iw mlher n t itnm uniting uiimiih ft aihtll- whin ji ijttii m tt iln to m i thing up in their dadiu ii lillii mono luul tha photograph of ti wpu lir hfitrtmi in iiom i iliiiut lnihny lull ii fuio hntd i hw4 jkiihijou araw o jmw i ii mint of thoni mippiihrffw lie oninlo iiiikim uird uiui tul ikm i uicruly u fiinlllur iiintitiou from rnitntmi i if ii linn in urild ii loiter hunk picinh ii hotter uerinou ormiko n 1 kilter im tnijt tlmii u j imlglilmr ilia u u iii in ilui ii iwalnii kitli to iiij iloor itolln htrolunjr atroa4 u ntnl it lijruii il i mijli votliinif iinrty aitaut hint ulm rwmr ml couldmt account mb ix a niunwlio wont from itome wtmo litns uflo to etuiul a nimtlui was atruok with tlio bmuty of tklittia town in wlilcli ilia dtltrinr wtia lim 11 lixl punty of tints and wliil wawurlni uliout walbwl into hn lllio cemftury it wuaaiuautl ful puoc and ih walbod around buiod tli uvii ia now m bwnuuiantt on of tli urmt in tlio oonutery und rad wllli uutptlue uia luurltloii on it a lawyer and h lonaat man tint man ucrtliwl lilf lioul otwl looked at tlio mnnunuiiit bqiln ho imiui uut iiiuriilloii over ami over tiion lia walkoil nil round tla bwniinuiiit and oiiamlnd tlio grove cloealy anotlior luau in ilia cinatry aprmmcliad atulaiiliad lilm i llavo you found tltanivo olan old friend mo uald uwj w but i wiui uotularlnf how thay oau hury tliom two follow in on f rv children cry for fletchers c astoir i a warts are umtlglitly humldim and coma ara painful growth ifollowaya corn cora will rtmova tham w hlrli uia you plminliiu to lie llot imliol reading it nvar votcllcm hliool lor mi author or n praohar i ann couldnt pat iv k a in try your naw umuho trap if on i men tod it rmnin ooiitllhutwl thoyro tlfiy jaara hahlml tho thiioh mid nlwuju will ho ox ill hunt uhci thn world instill lo coino your w uy it fourth uyuloal volno ra oiarfcad it will lm fuiflrywiliik to wiivch mnylj joudclvo usibaartml walfl certainly i will dnnut ratortail yooil uaturwlly hor color hud rucu a llttla under the uuulnif hut tlio did not talio down her motto one ntoniinu hilly utnppod at her doab lllllj wa tho oftjoa hoy and thoy two uoro oftan tlio hut onoa thora hilly hy urgont raquott janat by froo u 111 say ho dainamlut do you imiiiovo tliatr certain aur la not unuworaili prompt iy raui i dont all t uiiy olianoa for a fallar jaot omnlnpdoorj i dont huow why not i d opaii doors u tliat ia0ila would libs to liaa ma do it far that id do it an thut w a a would think you tho imm1 otflro boy tliay ever inul outui youd libs to try it u whila hilly prumblad jauat pioktml up a let lor uio luul jimt oofkiad in t tliat a iiratty piooo of work 1 alio aabed thara lant a oorractlou notevon a omnia and look at that margin kouodyu know uiadilt hilly daolar children cry for fletchers castor i a tlia kund yois llav alwny 3uonsht ntul nhlob lio boen in uh for oveif 30 yearmp hntt bornotjulirnnnr of j0 mid bimi boon tnado tmdef iiim jrr- ff tsjjjftj tonal napcrvlalon alnco i infancy vt5c auttnoont4drclvoyulnthl all ooanlrf olt imltnuunj and t4 vaaiavcorhl nr bat uxprrimcnu that th flu with and endunirr tlio lnub of infamu and children exjerlnc natalnut illiiikirlnietu what is castoria cohoha u a barmloiuv abfttltuta fof conior ou tatra- rorlo lrom- and hooihlun- hyrnpn it lit pleasant it contalnm ueltbek ortun morpblno nor other karootlo hubctanoo xu atfc 1m 1u jpiaranie it dekty worma and allay k vor mort titan thirty ywr it ttau bcn in constant s tor ibo kwllof of conirtjnutlou kiatulenoy wiad colic all vetblnv rrroubbut and iiarrbda it r0abiteaj tho htotuach and ttowel awilmlbfttal tbo food flylngf bealtliy and natuml feleep tb cblldru lakuuea rrtto mouura fmeud genuine castoria always fbeam tho signature of- wju in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought a partly good edo tear of joy and aailnea flow fnna uwr utu tank a utmian haunt much una for t inun wtiom ala can t loach to io jolom hotuo candldatoa ought to uka tho rtut euro for their injrowiiijf politico tastb or feminism ulwrtidid you hpand tlia ouuimor muiro i lout uij identity ui auionji my wifsu rolatlvou whero im aimid known uu marya htialkflml the babv lino inuaio and lino poultry wew two uiioff of which llttla pita fattier wo very fortd oa uirutniaa ho woa uivan a talk tiff uaehlna and ajuoojf other rxcorda was 6 of a vry brill unt tula hy a ct eolutura aopiiao ttka baby liauitad olaaaly to tho ruoa of tlia towlldarlnjf tnuaio until tha ainffar trock soma high trpattyjoa and trllla at tlia elo0 wtian aha exouitaad i hadjy lutan bhaa uld an cg ohildron cry fob rietcmtrs castoria inttrkrf 0 uu tllk iw fcol a good laa on tha ooutrtor who la oidjf to build uy hoiiu wbmtlaltr tl t0dtmt oilla for a 5000 hi walir lull lava lo uilu it for ut wby y thdlvftll i 0lf0t a agauhkalle dlicovmv tl efitdacy of tho old fujilouad houwj hold uuthu on moauu of pliytlcal dovalop trint hi ifh liliitwl ut by lhl bit from soooawi hiyvioal eultura fiuw in pf4ttly loijy t eiccultiifed on adtliuftliid4o youua murf jat hotuafiooicolug look to itljvelop tba anoa i utiup tla rod i y ono fl fmd uoira it tlowly from right to utu wu wall r aicliiwed kar ftur what wont fccleooa diaouter tuitt if uit rod had atraw at tha other ead youd ha rwdapjaj- ail ball know tlia dlnaranoa whom do yoo auppoaa im doing thla for i w a a t no air iiru of all im doing it for janat weatharby and aliaa a mighty an acting mf aw fttuirirufd hilly a hiontb later jauat reoelvod a prowo- hon itwaaur amohl whoaxplalrvail ft titer waa a pjavant twlnkla in hi eye wi like your motto ha aald still ltur wa ilka the way you are llvlug up to it uurattantloii waa called to it by a jouug man b tlia iiatua of parry hilly 1 janat ouclalnad a yountf man of dlaoamuaut uka weatluirhy alto ha lilda fair lo make a really satisfactory oilloa boy a motto that will r4t upon an oftloa boy a a valu alio auot hut i novor thought ol hilly i uant it only fur uiyuelf janat irotaatad tlio amlla iu mr arnold ayaa daapan tul ivactaaly ulw waatharby ha rejillod hal luul juit aont his ditli of ooreal back to tlia kltolieu it a not half cookei liaaald dladainfullj whoul waaa boy began his hither hlldran ware taught indeed inada to eat wliat wan put on their plate would you liavo eaten raw oatmeal v demaniled hal i would oak ma fiithar virtuously unlaw id bean lucky enough to slip it to tlia do or to my olatar a plate nearly always ho want on wa took wlutt wait given to ua without a word tlil hi run ware not aoppnaod to oondomn orltlclaa or otherwise aaaort tliamulvaa it made for heroism if not for truthful tie ha oontlnuod in a glow of prklo ami rem i ii uoe uoe 1 raraamher lieitigat aunt martliaa at tlunkagivlng lime she waa an excellent aoul but liar fethdi waa eoonomy in juat oto wrong tlilnua at braakfuiit ono morning wlillo i waa trugullng with an gg ho aahl alio wau afraid it uaimt ory good hut without offering n subititutc qli it a nil right i uld manfuu for uiotlier u oyae ro upon ina some parts of it oro very good the automobile for canadians iluilt hy odd nftlio oljeel cnrriuo conijmnieit ui canada wild hranche lltrouh out the dominion from halifax lo vancouver entirely from canadian cojiiinl a mclaughlin owner aecurcu nlmolutr nnl i1lal service witl conslanl allenlton i will at iiomo and toiirini tim mcuiklilm bulck fnmoun valvekn head motor iias iwien ilie foumla- lion of llirt kfcliughlm car bucccbu it canto more lo build them lut no oilier typo of motor has hiial power for dauty grace anl comfort combined willi power speed w dependability mclu card km the aulomolhc iricea from sus000 lo 8j250nl fall oaliawn a eordul invilalloii i extended lo you lo visit our showroom literature gladly ntalled tin riquest mclaughlin carriage co limited head office ami factory osliawa ontario jam houutoh milyom aoknt mdlhuhlln mbiov c ii oinik co oatml hiuk1om1i fettw aui0h llrmicltai st jota n hi llulro1 q lullvillf on turuoli l lliulllou oi lwjoa ou wumlpifc bv dui 8iu suluuom 8iil clry au flmoclon jju4 vw 8c im ikvtf 1vi0u i bupuom k itunl tlml you wauu usvr urnilt to u ojjln ir i wei to klw you v ok lurg i wolauual why tloue you got ov ut iiaolt of alwoy looking at u wor id oi tlilufl kuudoatlcolu wat trouble willi rveis pratlrtliti alatiy paoeja ajtiuhigb tbey koow ol turvouj protratioji do not know what tba cyiuptoou are the principal one s fcclinj of fflgbt wbed in crowdail blaeea tbad of bdujf aloi fear of btjag u m cooilud plac a borror ol aockty a dttul ol thin falling rroa abov frlabt at tmvtuhijf oa railroad traw add disturbed sitd rcstlc ud- rrtibhj awp ofud troubled wltb draaiau lira cut u vletoru ibulww ctet torltaa i airf wrltlua to tall vou of tse cktwruhm x uvaj bad wlib uu- biinta lleatt uhi hefvd iwa x waj lo borroui x eould faot do my oara work idldboawabt teaeeaay txmt cf woull i ifa my puaa- uy ucrva were bad for three ireara ium toy beairt wj to bad it uada m trembla all ovtr x took tbro boaaa of tkur tlua ad i biwf wj brtt tbtu i bri now i wdah 3d poitiuhi uara tbaa t evr 1u ullburt utrt bad krve ihua aj prf u s bomaa tor si 25 at all dcawa or bialud direct oa receipt of price by the t uubunt co uoiluj yorodto out the cause of dyspepsia fli lyulmi mil ifa cure the cause too rapw tittiajr eatjiig too muela mid too ofleu improperly chewing the food to wucb tltuuutlob food ami iodulglag to lajpropei dlat generally wuc trturrokul vajlal4e food jamrtbttni wind in tba tomaxh a fcebitatof weuhr in tbe atoraith la fact a fecutta tbat yotir ntonuitb bail kotte ail wtodjf aod tbat tha food you cat dot not uttm tocn wltb you tfaiame burtmck blood mtttftft jin it williaibian wbetler out tea i i bave been a auffercr for yttare from tjyapepila and could acurcely t moythlivr x tried buidtkk blood bittern ana x am entirely cutvd i have not bbcu troubled since x took it and tlmt it two year ao i cat now cat auy- tulnr t wib h bo i mnutifncttircd only by the t mtlbard co buulted toronto out which a juuhuijo ruballloti wom uut of lubal him was oil he gtss a front of the houie idayiug with the baby aged two wbal harailf not more tliaa three tibiae the otharkt ogo wail uotlng the part of uoukw to luifoclioti rvbuitiy alwtg etu a young man who lhoiight ha uudaratood children ilood morning be tatj elubonitely taklngojifhu lial how are you tadlei to day j baliel looked at hit with dignity and rapllad flood tuorulup i ujmi went on attending to the baby the young nun atoopeddawu ah he ukl end whloli u which i im laabal replied the oldat girl and thatll uhloli ohildren ory fob fletchers castoria castoria vot inivatai and cmureo lumrofovr30yt avarf beexa bagnabtmaf 2z louiscwosseye even inonarcha are loknjud if thay derva it ly their loving or dctetlng aubjacu the luroit newa ulla of one royal nick nam ihatet on the vranohtuan of the 6ftantb caoturj could not have iu van tad a doctor vlalting a wecterii city want ovar the local museum after admiring one or two of tlia onhlmto tlie curator who waa an old who uld t ob hut weva got a chair here tliat balongad to louli croat eye oh aaid tlie doctor who waa lie t dont vou know dr why lie wui one of the kfuga of vrauoa king of ranee t louie cvoaa kyet tbttre utut be gottu ulauke blwiw toe the chair the old taaii oompllad uiul pointed with ooumloua prule to a tiokat fufcoribej ouoa the proparty of louli xl f ahekrtal pbide ha had become the liappy futher twins and bin unbounded prido in thin we fold dlitluctlvo bloaadiiou found an iroufilon on etery occhbiod whl la conversing wllli it friend ouo morning at tlio entrance to hia oflloo hulk lug a young woman iamd wheel lug a baby oarrlage containing a bouncing baby i oy iioobii t a woman look tueer mild uie young fattier loftily with only ono child i haqiera maffaxlua j01h iu t la a iivlmitliija4oorre4poimlaatlifruiiee duutrlboa mi inoldoiitat havre whun tlui unitoil rtutocruiuiir fuuuosmuj tuy in tho iwrlmr mid hrltlnh tniinport thu decks of whh ii uoro thnuigod wlthaoldlure wm exl her thn vmorlaan dlpjiod tho htaim mid htrlp i m i auildeuly the hrlllili tniiinili i i nu imo uulo llrilaiiiidi til ii i tho rorroipomjaiit tui aituihilf tiling l ippenod i heard und umh ihrllltd hy k tho bramcetl amcrloii hallora took up tho rolling ohorua i itulo hrltaiiula hriuiihm ruloa tlia tfut cm hrltona uover tmver noar aliall lia max oft it uaa mis inott hrotbetly not i have over wltnewod blkaa orip at tho throat for a dla flare tliat u not ohuaad ai fatal otare la probably none which oauott more terrible aunwiag lieu aidhhia aieaplaltaivowble the aukater baootiua auluiuktad and finally though the attack pauau la left in f uereas lug diwul of iu return ihr j ix kal- logga aalhuia itamedy hi a wonderful curative egeiit it mmeduuty rellevm the restricted air passage na tliouunua can teatlfy it la aold by dtulara ovary where ita lota eouler to idiow entbuahuiai wlian there iu no need for it than when theia hi work to do it la bettor to be lioneat from force of olrcuniiuncee than not at all a man naturally draw round liiuifrlonda adiijkted to ida ow u code of noreli rafonti ilko charity uiould liegii ut hotue vou know vtry wall tliat theexauaeu you offer othere wouldrt autlafy you as the result of negjettwi cold h corttractad severe ironghial trouilc mr w t allen hallfw ma wrileai i feel tliat i would be doltn you and your btcat remedy dr woodi norway vine liyrup a uroca injuatke if i did not write and let you know the wonderful esidt that i hove obtained front iu use tmit spring i happened to contract m cold of court uilt la a common ee- cureaee mul x did not take any hertkif hur aotloe of it at the time however it did not break up a quickly u coldj generally did wl tb me ao niter two wkj and uo ufa of improvciriedt i begat to tt alarmad and wot to uy local phyaklia who lufomud ma bat x bad cmcmciad wwro bronebui trouble u a radt ol ualktlhg my cold it icribad tome tncdlelne for ue wblcb x took tt about two weeks without tby alai of improvdbuat x wej attbtg prattv biucb dlicouraed by tbed bvt w day frteod happened tobebt to wb6u i waj rtletlnjr tny trotible auid be advhwd fcue to by dr woada norway fctue syrup saylni tbat be bad obblned wry bcacficul rvault froed ifc lue b a rimllay caw if took hb adlce and procurd tewrel bottlee rront uy dniav kbt afterukinjfitaccotdlttgtodlreo tlooi for ibout two daye i noiked m deoowl iniprovetuent and from that day on i uaaa to gat bettcf and bt tot day t wj hi my uauel health x cod- ufaf tbhf on fcwrllt hhowldi rev wto- roncdy and can highly ncotfaicaci i to anyone sjbiifcdajf was xahauajwam put iu cood word for it whawr the opjwmtuiifty pffcra hull vou cad twocuw xv wooda norway find hyrap from any drutxbt or dcmln- iwot site and tffe ta tdneu manufecbuvd only by the t ullburd ccutoritcvoot a wellsupplied pulpit there ure variuuu inorulu lo this hury of doctor clifford tho eminent eoglui oler gytnan one a that it la wine for puulo epeaken not lo put off their upiwuiranco at the meetlugd tliey are to aildreaa till the laat inotneut a writer in vvomana ufa telle the atory doctor clifford waa onne coulucting a eeriaa of aervlcea in ulrralngliam arrlv inga few lulnutea liefore tlia coniiiieuoo ttvant tha doctor waa robined aul mission hy the polloian at tlie door i want to go in wl i iv clifford are you a uut bolder 1 no i am not thn you cant go in i think remarked tlia famoua pjjaalua hwlatar tlmt titer will be room for me in the pulpit i on not ao aura of it retorted tbo otuoar rut i am dr clifford und i aid due to preach in another minute mid a hxlf oh are yout uld tlie incredulous policeman i hae ut in two dr cllf forde already worme in children work havoc theso poate attack the under lining of tlie intea tinea and if loft to pursue their revagea undisturbed will ultimately perforate the wall heoauae theae voraui are of the hook variety that el lug to and feed upon inter ior eurfacea sjilur worm powder will not only exterminate thaae worme of whatever variety but will aerve to repair the injury they have dooa wab phophesy van 1015 tlio atory la told tliat a young lormaii wont to a beereee and ajked liar wlien the branool war would end 81 aiked him to place the date of hi birth on papar ii tot it down thus ituo bhe told him to add it thue i im7i he titan aked i mhan will f dial bhe said add an bfare 1 y 4 he would die in iy van downfjl y itomikcd hho aiuwered add an befure-r- a hsalyuv ifkc1heh tlwy were speaking of the remarkable way la which telegraph meuagtoareccu unajly interpreted and tide btory wee re cejud by ooveraoreiect devu i wabh of uaaeaohu tta t floe time ago the block v li ted lite home of a happy young couple in a new fuglatnd town and wlhlng to notify her girl chum who jived in a duunt city tlie mother sent the following telegram i for unto ua a child la bom lulah lx a ob john enoulroed tlie girl cltuui to hr buaband on teoelvlug the deijiatoh i have jul toejvd a talagratd from oladyg and what dd you think t vou have got ua chucked out at rlret in the ooflundrumgmuiie indulgently mnll- ad john whutatlie aniwer t itoyl onthuahiatlo ally huponded little wlfey ilia name hi lielab and he welgha nine ivounda alx on now i ft dma thoro would be more people ut tho top if it hauit bo aiy ut allde iwck ugalti oiincim itever buy n uihifuolory brand of iwpulairlty ub cut mtrvc klttacr njuuk louder than word over tha tblepltone lul allow vdur itwali ti itmmit corttlpaltja if the truth was only known you wouhj ftttd that over ono hulf of the uia of life on caueed by allowing the bowel to get into u cotuupetid oundltlon when the bowcn become iiutlpatecl the sbomadu geu out of order the liver doea not wotk properly und tben follow the vkdattt tick beaulacbeii the kounieaf of tbe tomocb belching of wluj hearts bum water brosb balloutrieu uad a bmpj feallna that you do not care to do ictep your bowel refttuar by ualnm uuburaa taulive pflla they will dew away all the effete ttuitter wblcb eolleetii in the ayatetji and make you think tbat ufa u worth living ul ltaau auckltilck wokescul olm fltal for keveral yw x wan tooabud with aoux atomaeb and bluouit- neea tna did not get relief until i uaed wlbttniit iutuver pill i hd wuy taken them two weeks when my trouble ml quite too and v will reaeommcnd tbert to all tuiffcrlnir y did mtttftirn uiiflt ivcr rilla are 3 per vial viata for bl 00 at all drug atoree letahiii m tu i jmmubllrussb mother jrow worm butomiliuitor wilj drive wormn from the wyaoiu without in jury to uie child because it action while fully effdotko in mild many peeplo mean well wlio do not do well imukhig wouldnt be quite bo hail if it didnt iiiuko a man want to talk bo much a iiuiih political nlllloiloiih in tlieee try ug duye uro often merely ipiwllou of tularj a wotiiuu wlio cant lie flettoreil u loo iknulmullu to o or tniiko u luippy wife more koilogo to church hociuan liey think limy ought to tlmn itocuum ihey want to affkofniayk wottlthy hut iiiifcorly iwroiict whh oele- bwted for havliiganuigiiinoeiitlydeoorateil dining room uhllo hiti vlnmla woro vary foh a celohiatoil wltunu invited lo tlliia ou ii onrtaln oooaulon und tho hoh uhkod him if ho didnt think tho room olegant yen wi tho reply jmii it la bot luluilomy tiimte and whut chuiige would you uaf akkod thuhuki well aimwtirod tlio wit if uile were uiy houho yo i knuw i wouhl hnvo loov llf at the oalllug la- gi a a w- here lie gunced furtively at tbo table m amal bla1 h ievttttali ttglet woman suffered tew years front female bit restored to health by lydia e piauuub vegeiaua compound oalldvill hacauaualiloitonkl i for ua yean for fauala troubles atol did but trat wait i read in the paper i about lydla e ptakharaa vtf4talda compound and decldad to try 1l iwrjta how to tall you that i am cured you canrmbllahmylattaraaa taatiuhmiial uu suvalhb ilabinb ballavllle kova ifcotla canada another woman iteawers auburn m yl uiffekxl frm i mrvouiuaafortauyariaiilhadhcb orvanle palna thatiomatiuea i would lia in bad four day at a una mm not aat or ilaap and did not want anyone to talk to mo or botliar ma at all soaartjmoa i would aufforforaovan houraatatime dllrrtlt doctors did tha best umyeould for m until four mouths ago j began giving lydl b mnlhams vetfetabla com nowlamlncood healtnmr wuxukl ii ciixno ib pleasant street auburn new york ha above are only two of tha thou sands of grateful letters which are eon- untly bain received by tha ilnkhm uedldna company of knn uasa which abow cuarly what great things lydla e innlhuun vegetable com- pound doe for thou who sulter from woman ilia if yau wamtsye rial aavleo wrjla tj lyila e makaaas wedlclttaco cettfl aatlaliyaaaau tour letter will be opeaed renal anil aaawereal by aw closing up the gaps the telephone it fast closing up tlio gaps liolnotii fnrm liniihehinakliikfarmorflnolkhbnrs in us real 11 muue uu uro townsfolk vml ii ih not nlonc in till incrcaso of nolgh- borllncha that tlio tclopliono proves a boon o the fanner in thoovcryday business of fanning it is a prleeleas aid in the ctinglo item of enabling tho farmer to keep in touch the markets in selling his produce tho telephono lias often saved ten times its cost in emergencies the use of the telephone has saved lives checked area summoned timely help uiul effected such economies of lime and labor at critical moments as to make it invaluublc have you a telephone it can prove its worth to you as it has done to others consult our local mamdr noit kafrfi bill rilrpltatui i a lang otoawe stailiti the bell telephone co till grand trunk railway akhunaicri tiiainh tlpliltiwitui wllldll raaxbtjtr cua t icuoi r efs3ravlngs 10 aorijuoa ir wtir haadnanaopdudi i grain p a i chopping s a s i a n o g well done and g quickly at only 5 cents a per besi sfeharrisvco limit j s kockwood aaapnaapdddh boots shoes ettbbees 00 in innanniin m r aoaaoo a its hard to understand g why will jou bo an particular about tlto choice of a suit yet overlook that conspicuous itum tho hat sty lee in hat change tlio mine na uvcryllilng rlao why not bo certalo that you ore j wen hug hid enrroct thing by making thla ntore your lieadqmrtera i fnrlmuf wo uro now allowing tho new upring htylue utep in j nnd lot ua how ynu hou mil oil aatiafactlon s 00 will buy all lines q footwor j at right prices 0 all mens rubbers at r bargain prices 3 h a aaadnaaaqaonnanodadaaaorjdd w wltiliams mill slrerr arton fresh groceries nlw ualelna new curmnle niw datea mew nuta new ptrula mew bpicei ytnm un orconfreouonwry ural clan lno of raoxy coke and pastry irewu ovtry da cooked urate ilami uocon wlh the homolike flavor dread and other good delivered promptly dally j r livingstone uimoaawot to tt 0 hlotf hill atveet tteaoti r e nelson marebane tttllov hen vuitiiabv wemdhaubd stveel ovjabru ohv i whhuhumliiflgwhhhhalmhiiuwiltihwhhillliau hct0n and bus liki6 having purcliased the llvary huhlneiuui and goodwill of the flatate of tlm lala jfebn wlltuwa i reipect fully illicit the patron ngo of tli public cotdfortoblo rig will nlwnja he mipplled at reatonablu cliargea inir the prctwut mr aaasrge half who lina had tlio manage inent of tlio binblou tho paatyear will continue in charge ho will olwaya lie found courteoua nnd obliging suh hmu alu thannb moves ivell made good fitting tliat we know how to make gloverf tllit will imkiulth itouortitlie most crlti r lkniuiimtioii aa reganlh quality of ukiuu plinmllty mid mrciigtli iicatniua of stltcli- iiik uiul nil rouiitl perfection you can prove younelf by asking for storeyb at your dealer o that tliey will outwear your most sanguine expectation in our firm belief xusiat ou storeyh at all btorea w h storey son lunltea acton ontario mjxjm omjust glover ambrose mccann i mill st acton out the delights i of gardening hue much enhancbd whenonlythe choic est 5eld3 aire grown keep the wheels turning bjuy madeincanada goods a cuittonur wrlkhi ytmr uiiilugiiu bliohhl bo in llu hmidriiif t v rj ttniuteur gar driur tliu culturnl direction nio in cli ii nnd practical that tliu utolt uiiiy uill tut culled tbe gmutvri ctiuulant cnmpaulon a post card will at once buing a copy or this tree book carters tisici sleds inc 133 ulnw n treat