thuuhiliav aiuh h uh1 iielioheanotiier ifil ollrt mltfttltc llmminwillltoh hltdl athoy cuddlod down in dole twoy twtl one of u bore would not lw full i cm of un iwre would null uly mull i lldt ill liolp you mill m liilp litu ami them ulintti hltf whllodrlltwoliimmi 1 lfalp oiio another llto dou drop orlod fjainf anothtir drop ulonu lo liu wldo thlat wunii aouth iikkuo uoiilil tlry mo tway awl i aboutd ta anna hy nnan twt iy t hut ill holpyon nitil you help nw and well nuiltc n brook ntiil run lo tho 4 italn one onolhor n urnln of miwl 8ld to another umiu jour tit imiul the wind may curry uvo over llio ma ami tlieti o wlint would ikoconio of mo dot come my itrothor i u lia i hand t well build a taaouiiinli and there well uhltid jwirifii i himllittf some one else i uomler jraco andrnwii rmnrlind oalchlnjfs itill tliut fell fmui til jc1iiiiipf that lilian flood wu reoelvliiff ni ilia wu- oifioe window wballior i could ovnr aohfeva aueh a royal durognrd of money t dont you overcount jourciiik lilian v navor whats llio nood of filial rig i if tv flotut lt folie only sotnottmafi luffllitiit it alucl konia one alee ilur t i dont know anybody it could affect txoapt daddy and im dont care dont fo la b i tiff exaot at yourajre oreoe dear t youll le aura to turn out another uu laoretui money and 1 know you wouldnt ilka lliat the fduai forfoivd i lrveo vcultivad fit laughing protest hub kltltoufth urece uld no more t th time and ilia two promptly forgot tha incident lilian waa to rwelvo a lowm fche oould not easily forget it liapptnad on day that a palcksure waa teat to her from a joualera altop by a kpaelal iianitjr round facd iiutiet yd boy of fourteott tlia bill wan for thlt6n dolurm ijiian avo hlii twe tam and amorilliifr to iter uaual ciiatotu tuovl tha oluuio into hr pocket ultltout looking at it yttat afternoon fha waa ellil upon dm ioujiiiouo jy mr trucy tha hud of tlu linn ha apoiyd tn lrhihllnf liar luib uld that their mou4u 6tuoflvajdoluiriiilioft on bla ocoounu ud l6olarud tlmt ha tntiat iv riven her fva dolluai too biuth thiutf ka luul had tot thro imcka4 to tblivar and botli lh4 6thn wau aooounud for ob no mr traoy lilian rjicl fromptly i am very chafn ha tna titm rlht changa ooa fiva awl two on i wuainaild to mr tnuy raturnad wt tha boy waa bo injatant that it amin d only failr to lilu to aak you it wu no trouhlaat all lilian ens- nr3 nhwrfully i hop tint ha will floj tha tkukday mr nuy it cwld not poawlijjr hava bawit itara that aiteroooo it hppaaad ulun did aocicoouti but tba uaift tottang fun uldf at chopping trip iiim cpail h pur to eouat lar money a wad of bllli tuubl d loto her up fiha opaaad it carialy t taexulajrmdtwoflvajmltwootiaa th wma bd doott abotit lb bla had had hat tha twbdly and eotua cbaaft tb day baom it was hainilutinjr bub kha wu hnrtlit bha at ooea ealud up mr tracy 4uk1 66d ha il b caliuaaihai- itt tviuya volna catna itauk rravaly i laid very feorry mua ilaad i w dla cdlaaad tha boyywruy in our imi1 twi w dara not kp oua upon whota lb uut kdaktod vaalk but mrajy tha girl erud you co ge hltu luk f uniortubatnly throukh an ovanlbt wa did hot hav hla kddra it waa our eajal dead and our lou i iu afraid far wa tlwl uw i only liopa it waa not too aorlotii a hiaul fot- him wa eould 8va uu bo vaootukdaodailon you saa uilia tfamirtrl a votd or two and btiiifjf up tha taoalvatr dut hair aya wava full of tmaihla itor tha tint ho h il in il bo uoeb a ihn oatleaaoa bmlfbt ooat othara had a bad cold with pkolohoe0 tie0 wei8ly hveavtrilma mmallv dha woods norway pine syrup tuhcd him iff waium ii oiatif vsuv7 bc wrihii diiritmf a cold fu hen ajbotil tt ulddla of lut oetobcf 1018 v cufct a cohl whkh ot woim draplto all fcatdubta i could obtain until about nowidtwr wild u frtcaj hald why too tor dr woodai korway htd tyrupr itmlly i bad no faith id it at tfc tid at i had tried nearly vry otltav ranudy x bad haard of to ho avail btttk tiouiht i would klv uiu bit tatifcdy trlaj x pufchaed a aft rent hoctsr and irt tlirsi hy i win fctllua mtutfcrqt bul m told wm m bvirf ajid ibm eouhliik no imrnhuikd that mdtludjf ourd after a hard iiu of ebtudda 1 earrkd tha bottle in my ry jflie i was atlsm wltli iwouutiilmmmiultdoae heartily ittcoutriead dr wood norway pine byrop to attyooa wftb oe eow an it powra atw mot anarvtlckiav and i toavf luletul btlag without it lit ad time ww you aak for dr wood aw that yu it wlint yon tiak for it la nut w ill yhnv wnpikir tlir iilna trocn tits trade itirt tlm unct 2dj and mf uauufactiircd mv by tha t mubum ca lltnlud twonto out cbtubuaa i crf iwsat mba every t ateotthlrtgiptuiw x bui uott heart reversible sentences had toaoltuiard of forwmrd tby toll bm slery bcaiidnlotiu aocloty mid ufa tonka iroaalw frihilh jbu raatla backward irratilltf nowiliia runka lift nitd oolty acanditloun apply tka arnn rul to tbo otborm iflvau birlorr solomon bad vast trcnaiimallver nbd dohl tbluca profloti ilntiy uhd rich nod wlaa wow bo fnlthfl errod bofjod hho alfj uloatitlng andly oflttn too tnucb alon dear harry devoliktly youra ramalli i ttnva you corsotton twenty dollar cbocky iteply iramadliiloly plaow add baud to youra ontco darling mnn ut uobla and uotiaroua orion but oruotlmoai vnlti ntid cowardly caroriilly bollotl tma nro trood and palatubla yoraj la beavun and haavau u to youth maym all imwnw anyneo try lotf la poverty and flouting la lova uxorcuo takoj tjxeom iwwara iiu surly and braatb rw air cat klowlyi troublo drivu away foot warmtab kei blood work with iyy- adieu darlluat titna tllaa ftifct wlli nh at boola ato ntidy karw matter au4 tulad uru uiyulvrltmi nov r tulud what u uiatlort mallur a- uavar ml ad what la hlludt mind la- cover mutter fjonaaty and truth nrw cood and ud tulrabl0iualltleaahytnuilliy and lova ar ftndadhna tralla iolltlca and rllfltoo avoid argulua in ufaru la uood and bound advc pblla dolnbla loqubvr speech and the chin atb at ona tlnia tha tanu tvwd ulahtur thar tha tvath la buo tb ehld ama to projact uora and tuoia ba progr a to- wmrd bbt uodara clrlluad eoodluoii ibbi tnaat imply that initujtiataly tb buaw idirat eaoioaa davarintad tba tart took od aotna otbar futifruoii trf vital importatk to tba raca and that tbo ttartd baa inermaaad with bb ttal lacteal and aodal dvatacaiot uy tbaoty tbu la that tbo thin la aaefatbilly r part of tba tdachanlatrf of artlctluttffepamcb it u umpuus to thaorbt at httj tw tbaac mud to aiiumt hat tbo butuaji tbld prbatm baara tawtitootiy to a frev bktorkt ebaiafe from caroal wap6oat to uura wbkh if bot kactly apfrbv tut wr aocb aa appadlad to tb trt of tu wbaro aplhtuji foroaa worh rar apparatitly bkia baforo that pan twovd mubilar tba a tbo awo4 thai tonga provad tnlflbur thib tbo tawthv it odo eeutd outy proro tbb oba tauht abow that ivd ufov th da dal pb prllatoatiury htailtotaooai fiulltf tbo tarda bl ita wldaat kum uau to tako tbo plawo of utbal a oaa in battlhia duafitwajmata aad that tb tubeiitttuod of arbltratlod for war la hoc bmraly u docthtto of latbu day fdorallata but la u part of tbo ordorad uareb of coauie progr u tuarlbdjo as tbo otbar avojutlodaty itr wbteb bavo brought u op frotr uoodat tba bruit- dr lotil ifoblaaoa 1a north amarteau itevlaw auatrallah wall outll tbobattlembitborolllnifdowai id weataru ufioajuslaud found oat thit llury could ut water by tnaotui of attnutau wlla tliay war artoaaly itildktaii of fiivtus tip llilr farma ad ruuebs ua accouut of many auocadfo ywra of drousht vow tharo aro av- fihil buodrad vucli wlla lo jiimna- uod frow which tba aettura an oufaflloo supply of wot tbo da0- t wall wblcb la at lllmerab has a thu or 005 ft tha aballoweat wll at uauftvd dowca haa a depth of tan faal tbo wall at cbarlavlllo to ib1 feat tuap and producoa bjouoooo gauooa a day tbo idrevat sow ta tbo ula tbo dally flow from all tbo rtrtlau wlul of quawttabuid u aots- matajd at orr half billion gflllooi thva with tha awurar id a public school oao afuraooo tbo mebar waa imtrurttng a chua lo phyalology and finally lu order to bat tba tnauory of tbo youagatar ah eloaad tba book aud bfla to k tjd4- tlotul wuiu aald aba oddraiua a brltbt fatod boy uaar tb haad of tbo cuka vati d fct u faulluir a auplo of tbo human body aa it adapt ibulf to cbaofiad eoodltloosf suror waa tbo coubdant ntjotadar my uucla jako galud flfty pouado td imi than otto yaur aud bb akb orw eracfcad taurtrapb- tho bulfalav uumfi tbo homy of tbo buffalo la not a boaw of fat ao souo paoplo auppoaa bat 1 fomsavi by uaural iploaa td laojib fully dmblo tboao of dotnaatfa etilo aad by tbo huso atueui whloh uo aloukaido and 01 up tbo auixlo b twwni tbw bauraj apinoo attd tb tibat hair braaaliaa lihio juilam uw4bn bad jtiat ra tortwd froui a vtui to tbo balrdhamaf with br hair an fluffy oh ttihiwa erud jathb wbo frinaaill vmf balrrchkd haw eomfulmom hail nwtnp tip tba tiraa abrr- wau fantil w ax tnto tba cottbha jfajda board a doc aaytbai tbo air arotwd bar to ry haporh- eabiatulo courkisjtjijmal ouv a trrfllthf dalayv ptordid you htuvwn to parmadhif youi wiiv who ab bt attatry tat wibi tfti ilifrv uiu trumkay kotf vm imi nil u cr rupiti rottottifjh boanoa rrauwnl uako your llfo your taotiamtitno jobaotl jtfot bt tha uttla filrl told of by ejipiuwit- ifagailno wan ijot old eooufib to iswlii thai taoab iwoplo do not want to bo proh aj about amjryrokl lurbam waab to thumb brlth bar two aletara and oaua howa etf what it tbo matter daart inquired haruothar tfo praaoliad a whrdo anhwrnn nt uuary and martha wm jti ittrm aaj navaraald a wword adtoat wal umahka lattct mkwtt 1iiwa aormchlbtf for tutur uurhank look into what tralrljatrutaaoltoartufc lla wo praaoota iivuwttjitibewuyfci matt km ths bwrttj tiwdu if tha bowela do uot raovo retculaily they wilt oouer or later ttcooam coo atjpabsd aud coubtlpatiou la productive of toow ill health thou aluioat aay otbar troubla tbo tolo cauh of coiuallpatloi la att huctlve uvcr ohd ualeaa tbo liver la kept actlva you uuiy reat auured that headache iauudlcc beortbura puea ooauuc ipecka beforo tha eye a feeutut aa u you w kola to lalot or catarrh of tba tobtaxh will follow the wrong- actloa of thu oae of tbe moat important organ of the body keep tha uvtr acuvo and wotklne properly by tbo um of ullburaa laia ura buiah a ayer faweatt i0t n-d- wrltrj j was troubled with coosupauon for many year and about three yfcar ha my huvnand wanted tna to try ultbuma tntouvw hua aa they bad cured him i tot vial and took them and by the time t had taken tbtea vlalai waa cured adwayatoepthentoa hadd and when 1 need a tnlld uutlvo itakaone milburrti lanavjvcr wtl ore 38e a vud if vial for 91 on atpjl dealer or malted direct on receipt of price by ttw 1 mubttrn co limited toronto oar wmv rism arb braim food utu two vkiuttlotmnt had iiuikmi in hour wllhoil u iilhhlti torouartl lliem for llmlr utttiiion at u tiint lltid lltl- mtld llit llrt mmi oll irwitl walum would luivo uhiiiiumi hi phlhamiphy mava yau anything phll hojihl on your lit i ml i lut i yim inljjlit work off jiihl miwtorollflvollifliuauokniy 1 nthliltijr luit iiiim rejilhul iho ttlir iimii i ftiikb4 ii lu hy rofuuliiff lo hi to and ciniullliii lutkoriujii in iji1iumjiiwi hint unit uot llin rttptilallnu of imiii hrnlu food newiirk fjeuu ilellof u tha iwuliiuliitf of nit tinowloduti ctiamook unlt ofcoiuinund lau lint ntwxuuliy of wur nupolcon tha tcuthitf tlino in with tio tit nil tlineti w btowart iloimon castoria vor laiaata and cuuraa in uaw for oirar 30 yaaars it ia utunlly ufa to my lhlwhenu child b mu nlotily peevlaji tutdreatltuu a dtuua a wornta thea fiaramliea rurnf uta btoiitach and inttwllnea cualni aerloua dlaordatra of um illpttkm aiul trei enuajr tlta infant from ilerlvlug sunuutanea frota footl millora worm lwdent hy llroy injt the worwa cott lltaaa faulbti of tha dlffeatloti atul aervca lo imiota lit orfan to beallliy action it la better to unit lor v j kwm thn rail at tlio ill tennyeon tha proaxint tnotrient la our own um neat we uaver uawlbuu this womans sickness quick ylrjrlwi to lyju e pbuvhuns veurj cooipoumi ktaltlmor lid i am mora than fcbid to tall what lydia k 1lnkhatn vfotabu con bound did for roa i tuffarad draadful hair and wa vvy irrvouur 1 bacamo aumad and ait for lydla e isrdthamv veifotablo com pound xtookltra uurly until i waa without a mirip ot pain and felt ilka anolhar proj and it h now b4a au uonlha alnco i took any buwlldno at alh i hop uy llttlo bou will ouut you lo hplnrtnr wo- tmtt i now fal parfaetiy wall and in the beat of haejth if ra auaurr w komdhu lbdailolunastrmt lul- tlnoro ud lydlo e plnkhanta vtubl coi- twhind made from batlv roota and bevba contalna no uareotle or harmful rua end today hau tha rmord of hebijf th moat w uejful twrnody for fmal dla w know of and tkouaaoda of voluiitary tmtlmohuihj oo ftla in the riitkham laboratory at lynn uu imm to prove thu facl foa thirty yaara it hu ban tba stanj- ard rttvody for ftnala iii antl has ro- itorod thebaallhof tbotuamla of womart who have bean troublad with auch all- ftvenu aa dlapuesnunu inflammauonv uloeratlou tnmora irratulahlle bc if yoa wauit hpelel advl0 writ to ftydle 1- huubfcurt fefd lcla crt- mbdmtij kivwi mama vmiriarrrwhlliopeaidu ajrtd ouiawawd by wroetsam uurl ltdd let atrfet mdiu story or tub clvdb the river clydahaa iman brotiuht up to lla iitoaant draught by nveatih of ilretlriur and an um hootoh are very prom of it a party of amerwu nlnht tmra turned v utelr iioaaa nl 4he clyde one duy u11 uilflit rlvor 1 theywltl whylthhinero ditch in eomlarhtaii with otirmlaaliulppi ur hu lnwrnoaor delaware aweel won uld a ftootoh hyaunder youvajfot ivovldenon toumul for your rlvora luit we rnotu ihla ntiiaelveit the 1mejik spot id the back when the kidney bt ill tbo back give out out tha back ii not to bhune the ache conu front the kldnayt which lie under uia tmau of the back tberajoi0 dull pajn in the hock or ahorri quick twlnaat are warning of kick kidney worninisi of khlny troiihle mauur and lluhnent will not euro a bad back for they cannot teach tha kidney which oum it doaue kldnay rsll rcaeh the kkhwya thctnwlv they are a special kidney and bladder medicine they heal tha dlaeauted kurface of kidney and bladder and help them to act fiwly and naturally mr- choker uonulit fort coulodae otic write k hod bri troubled with aore back for ovr four ytar and could get hothlaa to do me any good until i heard of your doana kidney shu i got three how and took them and ttow 1 am eompleuly cut doaii kidney hlia are fioc a boy abowforl at atalldealeraorbulud direct on reclpt of tuke by the t uu burn co fjniltcd troiila out when ordering dwet spcuy doam an impromptu dniimie odd lilolttllllthll il whltil tvititiulil hirful iimviui tliui llio now rtiulitud mi plyml httnto prmiljh ultli it umtiwd it tfrliu miiui of luuiiir in lltiwt whi niirfiinu fnun llituti a muwttnluimfll i h iiihii loll of itu hilhhik with ii imirtnlu uly iijiiyim ill tmt i u whttllyiuimtahd r tint ul imn tiuuil ihn inidillri of llio tli twill hit i wiu mimolhluu hyliik l lltit hoiitm ntid i huow in uinhintii ewutilm rtf f my uld uuhi luiifui it i mil noothwl mitltirhik fur wnuo limit but im nnn ihul takou uiidum ii lillhi mmi onuy mid i iiaiiil uiuiiimi hi jl well when lhliiu nulnintl ilnvvn lra llulitiin otiu uf tiiy utiiltlwiim tiuino ulmiif tlt nrtht innrnliiif twnu and bn mild bo lltouyhl un tuilit to yit unil mki wlixt wntionld do mimiiii tho llttlo hrjdun uoroith tho crook aluiva bore it wnu ono of tlui llrxt ililtign lo ut itiut nlnltt haid hn ami wltnii my kd uo hunm mora doud than jietui mid ho luiw thn wliljfo up in your munji mcudnu hn oh you nut i ftre tho nruirool i thiuull wo oublib tomto wbib wooould flu upor tho folkn fwnn etit1 uuy wont ita uhln lo k oor lo day for their mall uml m on uo wo net out but when wo ut tn tho upot whero um brlilua bml itoou i tiw old jolt il rohhlnit aloijjiittonwttoii toiiitlblii uwl uilnba i what la it f old joint quavoroil out lo uu i nup itom ftaineboilyti nilssln uilu roof innylta but it doee oomn tn real hatuly when i eotne to evamlna utere wi my felorehoiitia roof uiat liad iiiouni alouy uud landed right where iwouhl lo of uu it wumit a very handsome bridge nor anv looaltuily hub it imtrvul tho wrpofco tltut day tliedaallitjranf 1rouiileivoe nro nuitfli lutf when you view om any time hut oomo lotakeetn in a sale o wlrul hid tliey make u dolna o man aeni unreliable now dont utey j dut now i culcululo to put good uifht roof on my tttorhouu and teo if fnaybe tome otlwr mmi wont bo wlmud to ruptdy tho novt wuige thatu needl in m hurry a hurecorroctlvaof vutulono wltan ha uodlfitvfctad food ilea in tla lomacb it thrown off ktum causing palna and ojipr aloe a uia totiiachlo rnloe the blch lag or aruotiod of uaao auea la oaafclva ami the only way to prevont tluu le to reator uta atomaoh tovoparaotlon lvr rojaed veeabla uu will do uila sibtpu directions go with aach wokt and iur of utarn taken eytleuiatioelly la oartaln to 8aot a cure know tha true value of time i match aehce and enjoy every ihoavant of il lanl cheauwuhl iluti and aoft oorna bolli yuld to hoi lowaya com cure which ia entirely wfa to du and oartalu and tatlafaclory hi lla action yljg olb afakla mlkrt uothar at 11 so p w wliat the toolbar john 1 you look duturhad father i thought id yia that younjr uan oadlltijt on our daujthur a vtgorooa hint lb waa time toga ao i walked right into the paulor and dajlharaialy turned out the batrlo lufhl mother ob myl and did be get aogvyt wthar anorry t the young jnclauapaia eaid thank you i asthma in torture mo otto who han t gankd fur itreatb in tha power of nttlim itnowa ubut audi hurforhiu lo- tltoukahda do know lioueter frou enperfeiioo liow inimauurahta la the relief protldod by hub iiuirvallauw preparailon ihr i l kellogtia abuinia lleowyly ioi juun it haa immhi roliavluif autl ourluu the ttiwt boieteiwaea if yon nro a uftirr do tirvt delay a day in curlug thla reuidy froui your drugiflt wo uiikt loixn to work with pauuuoe with uta uaifl appointed to uu will lojwo vuod the sower and auo tha opportunity arthur a wilbote war news affected her many people who have lecu reading the tenibu war new from day to day eapecluly the who have nlauvts al tho seat of war have become to nervou that it u lapoaalbla for them to aleep the nerve have become unitrung and tho heart pctbap atfected uuhum iiwt and nerve ihllj will build up the tuutrung nervoua ayibsi kad ktredgthed tho vnk hemst alia wula dlcir uartlnbu onx wtliejl la august 1014 i wul out of school for my haajth i wj visit big mendald ltmdoti and baud of tho war it uado mo ao uervoua that i eould not fcleep but after using uu bum heart ta kerve 1h1 i hn rovd fenaidy aad exmld toko my school agmht i have tworrittwrkwl them to ustny of my wanda lluhttn ifcah and krve kill- ar kfo per bur a bo for ilju at all dejrt or uuusd direct on rvoslpt of prtco bytba t llilburu ca limltd toronto oot ivoiiuiich bistlunqgrriu iurijllulilm0tlbu11tlrllht oiilum marpjilrtc wrhiorral istor narcotic it-j-ju- ttiltrt ivrntdy forcowtfr llitl kwrslommklunlrj wirnmohvullotislwlili neii arullou roriij vanjutw tf vm ckmyaufl commuav hokihliluntwvohk castoria for infanta and clilldroii mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature till oiianl tkunk railway in ri ni n tiiaind i i n iii in i uiiiiii iiiiir tl 11 i v im l 111 limxil kkt but frf in use for over thirty years castoria iu wauvauw mv umw vhw bitw no more fiondncfio f or youtj uiea bn i jtt umblitmir lha hjha wulout t i f t tfca uum takacumlilanalltou4xb auj lir tauala tky hiealaure dtetuajhauutklvavoa a uidyaat baajuiful fllu lwaum lhy mwus uvar awiw tu nmmb enj blubj il t tvym ut csuagaaju anroacoaf tb chamberiains tablets pliable yet tough you inim ikkih our ncquamtiuin with stortj s kmii in nnctiiii inn pair of the horhtbitlc mt theyre cjcctlltut cxainplu of how tougll and pliable nuttt nn be made by our chroinc procthi with tbe ndclcu fuusfactfon of liiouiiik tlity will not beceu glllf uhcti ixorclad or scalded dont forget to lm stortj t and tlicjh rciiiliiibtr ou hy ucanng longest at ell iton4 w h storey son limited acton keep the wheels turning buy madein canada goods t power and economy combined with permanent service tbs mclauehlin six which we made hut year caused an entire revolution in auloiuoliile cetutruetlob providing a moat lusturioua and powerful motor car at a moderate price experlsnced motoritta throughout canada allowed their appreeiatiou by creating hucii a demand that we were unable to meet it the result ia that we have keen aaaured of ita mpulariiy und are able lo produce them at lower prices and rive an even better car that ia the car haa many minor improvement in immij refinementa and mechanical detaila the mclauguliiibuick famoua valveinllead motor develops iimut power with leant fuel every motor ia guaranteed to develop and neiiver more power than any other type of automobile motor of equal size of any make the mclaugiiltn six ia of the uracerul streamline design has dcleo starting ignition and lighting ayslcin dimiulm searchlights disappearing toiiiirau seats best hand bufied leather upholstering english weatherproof top luaturial new vacuum gasoline feed cantilever rear springs every melaugillln six is guaranteed to run at least 17 miles lo each gallon of gasoline let us arrange a demonstration- literature gladly tent on reowut mclaughlin carriage co limited head oflicn uutl factory oalwwa ontario a fully equipped motor atwrnilawoe wu bmmi1u4 iq lb rjothlua hil cra soily iy ik uo ijmgbllh canb wit ualm cowpilalm tttl i ww oh kblblllou 1 ihel toireiilo hbowroom aiillil lb hmk utdbt tdniuiy 27ih ad wu h bjtml ot ti luutf- ut btid biml by us abu lb usmlacumy ceuuell wrjimd mm dupllute uui will prhmt u 1 th cmiiuliu bed co sotbty h muvi tu ourh branehea lo the folhwitu tewnai st letua kb wtaudpe af at ueaateona ateftlna halt bettfruu oat saakaloon saak toroolo oof ctlgary aha ifamlliou onh euwoutoo alia london onh vancouver ixc mrialklhjn heiivicr 1 liiat futupaii la one uflhe tihlml tlarruiiw oipanlra in tjnutlii 1 a puitfly coiw- duiiitnuivany hulliup wllb cnllrcly cauadlnu rajiltal ifavlnp mir own bratirhr ditilrlhuitnl ibriujilmiit llio dominion fmni llallfux lo vancouver we are lu u position lu diva iiwiicrm 11 f mclauahllit our uiwxwllr i tervlor and toniianl vrohh atteullen hn in jue quick repair and parta 1 tn i its i iflm uuwhmnndaanunanudcm grain i c i a n a b well done and quickly atonly p n v 5 ccttts j por tag u i l h ah h isc co limited w rockwooo qn1 boots shoes rubbers h au linos 0 footwear o at right prices 5 jj all mon3 rubbers ot s n bargain prices w witjliams mm sin ti ctr 1 la i lata ojija it fresh groceries uliiix niw l urninu veil lllcrt w nun new icu nn spictii kin line of cortfoctlaiioiry 1 irnt liih line of kftiny ciltita on rttr i rmli utry ia c lil mt iu ilntut hitkon uill 1 1 1 home liuc tl or hn i nut ollur goodii thllvcrcd iiuntl dilh j r livingstone yuooaaoof to v 8 hick hill street aetftto kct0n xji at xtijtii x an l bus liki6 il4iinr imrvluitwil llm iucij hhu1ihih ami eoodnlll nf tlm httitl i the lata john willlau i chillfllu mtkit llio ullttlll nux- ft hc puhlii ctimlortiililt i ull t i u hiipplkd ill n istin imi tliirjiii ior ttn prim ut ur oeei hall h tiiih hut mu uuiiinfle niliil f llit hi ill o tin jmsr jenr will tunliiitio in ilnul ilrulll h uit ik ftiuid vtiurttoui unil ablibinu hub mbittfl all thai no amim0se mccann mill st acton out thedelihts of gardening ab e hugh pnhanced when only the choic est seeds abe grown a tiihliiiner wnu vniir tiitiilctt hlntiild lw lir hi immt of i vir iimtiirur kjr tlunr 1 hu tiiliitil ilhtcllnni nil wu ii r iihi pnullinl lluit tin lu i in iv ut 11 lw vioud llio jjroinin iiimtniit iiiimiiioil a post card will at once dkino a copy or this rutce uoow cariirs tisted seeds wc nil khiuf wtaet vmmt tononto ommwo