Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1915, p. 2

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born wiiiuv id naaaaimwoi a nit hittmday ut may to mr util mm lxnld wllaon daughter oooikl lit fort william mi wtwliin day ufltb a ill to mr uml mr o a joodeve imiuliuv muhkii in acton tin monday iitli april la mr and mint hovren moral twin dailalilan rlnutiind hale tlfboicil in knilng on wednesday flth may inutcu hu4dll ged7rlyeer hpomm al rlltelbunt- on haturday april ihtlt jm4i utotxr lirother ol th at illobard hioito aoton in bl m7tb year fiicmriix at ualuvllia on saturday jly i at llelaey mary margaret flint wife- of itou j it wwirtill farm hup erintendetit institute of the iwf- w mkmoitlau anmku in tnetnory of my dear husband flobert agnew wu died oui may loofl not now but in u owning year it tny be in lit lieller land well reed lb meaning of our tmrt ah then 1 ah thari well understand ffilj jlctoit 3fr mjs tyiuimnay may a iois mothebs day lfath thou sounded um dfhk of yonder end counted tbeeaiul that under them bt mast thou measured tit height of heaven above r rheo tnayeet ulotl fckuk of a mother love hut thou talked with 1ulu of ldngon to the laubaf lod som wauderihg so t hut thou wunesaad th lagtli bright employ t then tuayeat thot speak of a mother joy rhr a wot grand inspiring thought there l not a until by willow taught i tter i not a feeling pur and high that may not b read ti a motlier eye turt leech a of earth and sky ftfaj all i lb heaven th glory of clod deeler but far mot bright beib abov i if 1 heard to apeak through a atothera love council holds bhibf sbssion mill and main strvot to be coatd with tarvla soon a small docket of accounts our iiiimlflliml ityflbuuwii htct in rulr nm in tlm canncll clmwlwi ori hcwwuy enlnp hi h oclock thfl ltva ihrwullnfif wui nurrouwuil ly oounoilum uodoruu huluy j imi pliwnoa alinufwt makkoiujd witltl tha htli rtkrt of liu oommlttm whloli r oommtmlttl that out followlntf docket of tooounui ijioum 1m imm i okkuab awnii ki ll i moohi advertising 00 itolrf huiwy labor 7 ho jan bymon nupilla 1h3 uaa jatrto hymon nupidlmi hdltofiulfcotes oairimu tuimt kv bilu to rtw war np4odlltu m btlajf radlly hotbd at un6fflu0mttmtr wwji uui in- dlottloita artf that uooatry n will b vdrably bmt for fauay tttetba to 6bnw wllbout rmartiotf to other btmtui hit thoual bhauhaay lswdwit of thj cuuajuii iwlfi raiuay wllu in wldowoaliodjay muraaj thotjduk that cuhaja would rapidly taodpana frtwd tha ptata tlepraealod i id faot it aajd thai b ww altady ajjrd of hatur oon- aw onjor inotminoll baa iwan pahiil pro hluubjf th kport of ctmalu flour and fora fvoot canada to tha uhiumi sutaa ajutt it l to b umj for dotnaatlo eou tatrtpuoo aud a oahlaoala to tola ckut tnimt b asvii at tho port of axil thla la bloiply aa 4111404100 of tha pmvlaua ofdar laaaadl that ahlpuaata of canadian foad- atutti taay bs biad only to the oountrlaa of tha utaa and thoa bmtral oountiiw from whkh than would ba ho doubt of tha aoafeay oouatiua obtalnlnflf ba aupplua ajpartad f roa ca hiruou of a gaoral a in juna ih atlll patftlataut irtbldjf dwdaa la dally reivlnf tuany atrong prouata fron inhttnufllrhirpt nff i n lift tha holdlotf of au auotlmi durlnff tha war it a taajuratood that tha lovoraoroaiveriil la baooulnjf iftflfaalogy raluetant toprant m duaoluuoa and laava cunada without a karuauaat for ala wal at ad oritkal a tlam bunly la thaaa day of atranuoua war aotlvltiaa and dlraat aorrow la taauaaiwta of our bomai an unnaoaaaary uhlftit will not baforeftil upoil tha pdopla of canada a paouinkkv lank njhoial of waatern cauda who la tablntf a lean lutareat in tha allllaatlon of vacunt lota for tlto btow iag of fatdeti cromi wya t it utuu to b that tlia daylight aavin mhatua would hs mm of tha greatetb faotora in lalplngoti the blultan kurdn moioaiit it would huo ovaiyfhio from halifax to vanoouvar an lioura more time to wou in tha taitlaa in tuyllbt tlian umy would nherwlae have and it would ba a rl thiutf for the health of the uotioa to hate as antra hour for outdoor koreatloo aud laat but by no meane uaat thaw would lie a wottdarf ul aavlng of light alaotrlolty gaa aod oll the o hour extra dayllftbt would btoaa that by tb tltn thulmaaa htm it weald l pratty ttatrly hoduue feolnk by ofdlury rulat a0b1cultuha wo obowimo dittrltbepmnuur0 hah hubwh olvm an aia tt work of the looal affrloultural ofljoe baa atows bayoiul th oapaelty of om uuut yba imitriot tupraatntallvd baa baeti v mauionally buay alooe hla arrival laat june uj hattlu of hu ajforte hava baed ulte aptwurattl th work eovra tha whole ooubtyaodllaepluof the ana aotlu foru of ajrrioauaral advauo wan beoo ltunohad to abb dlatrul 1 e oulvathouaa d a a i oriuluato of tha oaurio agtlcultural coliag hu ajhrivad at durllnftoa to aaaufc mr haw id the work of th looal asrlflitlturalonloa if r oulvarhotiae u a youoflt uau of eon tuomble kpdtuuott havlatf hadohajof tha work on hli home fruit farm in the niagara dlatrlot tuparinietital carol train l at jordan ilubor kipahtuautal suliou one v aa aleuut dlkthot haprtaantatlw in elftlt county baajjaa hla four year eourea at lualpb wbara ha apacullttad a jlloruotiltura thla will oot u tha 6refc utua that ifaaaii ifara and gtflvathouae hava bo ttnlted for work the oral tht yaara at oaiob war takati together and aoaordlng toraott uauy bdmju and football puoaa jbav aad thatd wotldnbr tofltlbar wo wlah thane every auooaui in tlw worthy atria in which they will ba ooworlcera dubum the fouowlbtf is tha rport of dublin bohool for april t ccm ivjablawauio alloa stewart wull kaley lawranoe olbhoua krrol hptowl elinor btowart jl illiuauioe uoleaao beatrice craautar johu creawor te iikallio btawart uary hhbooa clarloa fitawart udthahoa kelly h i a willi kelly ti aink oraataaa- bartiaboou wimiu auaj olbhotuv uuby alllletil uaotga uloo nelaott uluo babou bunii ounl kauy lhunia creams djunura u vkmikauu teaohw canadian fen kuoca ittmu- 7531 canadian waatlnifltouaa auppllaa fifoo imloi the raport w adopted uatlora of wlinw important war dla- ouaoad for a few biluutea qtreata awl walt a cotauleelorier wi wlio hul baen natruelad at hut aeaalow to jiioocttk drain oomplainad of on agoa utraat at the rootof willow rt ua aald ita hail fotiml no waur whalavar in tit drain be biava though tliat tho drain hail inftuttlolant fall to iw of praier praetloal uee th mattar at ducuaaad but nothing deflnlta arrived al thaauitwle ottho natural clamanla in failing to ilallvarraln la tint reaaod aacrlwi by tha luava for tha duaty aueota woelvlng no attention he aaltl that aa toon tm thar waaauniontrain toacrapaandelsau tha attwata th tarvu wbieti la ordered would le tullvand awl applied coumii adjouml rj oolook threshing fifty veas ago ekoltlhtf thrhlwf milch btwoii aoton and mlltoii mjtohlnu thb keen co was a dhaw lloli itoy who haa been whuntf a tatl of kutorioal latter kemlnlaoaut of dolnga la tha goucu ulock in the aaily daya for tha ulltod lufonaar bad the following inureatittg idiatoh laat weak i on in tha autlee ihrethlng buehlna ware wippoaed to hava reached perfection joe urothere of ulltou waa fatnoua for hla hoiupowatii and eeparatora a air mo- ibdahl of aetod had auad ai hla att for yearn but uartj to tall tha dluav built by ucvberaofi of vlntral onl a bltur rivalry apranu up belweeti thaaa mad a taiatcb waa arranged to lake pleot on the fartu of wu lloora lot 12 eoa- oaaalon k in augtut ib7i ksh uuhina waa to threab wheat for one hour apeed and clean threahlutf loth to oounu ilobart hortieod john biouodgall aid otbati wra appointed umakeaper and taeaaurara tha day waa haa and an im weuaa croud aahtnhled tha farm looked ilka lliltoaa fair frrouuda the clltiua wan luul tlta flrat trial a big bootehnuui had boau brougbt from waat klgiu who fed tha full hour the baudiulter dropper and btowar had bean earefally aeleetad a dlneraot gang for each machine tha power were driven by fire team each and the very beat teaua had been secured tha climax machine did her hour in apletulld ahape whaa titae waa eallad tha crowd tickad up tha poer and th aeparator aa if they were toya and carried them away than tha ulltou aeparator and power war put into poeluon and eat u a few ulnutea john baiuy jltnmla dowlb aad laorga drownridga divided tha hour between them aa feeder andy llrowurldadrova vive iplciulld teama had been moured four of them were andy ileaileraoui taau of tha mountain tom ilrowurldgoe team frou otaagb wn elliott and if outoalns motfieraoaa big buoka tha drat namj three teama luul never been let loo od a iower hafora always being tied back to the arm with the ii uaa ibladayjiowever tliey were let looaa beluff simply tied in front andy drowurldga knew each horaa by name after lha cylinder began to bum ha cracked the whip onoe but after that ha eeuglit the lah and held it down aoothlng eacli horaa by name fot fear tliat they would tear tha machine to pleoea bo much grain waa wasted by both machine that the referee declared tlw match a draw aad tit wager of 0100 a aide were given hack tha mr uodonald of actoti referred to uav tha lata lachlan ueuouau brother of ura john warren kditorrwitblsutasj balumarad much sympathy ia felt for mr roht j shortill in tha death of hla wire at belleville on saturday mr and lira bhortlll were married but bepteniber tha fr nelbboraof mr and ura laaao ueuuett to tha number of about 100 gathered at the old h on monday avanlag to apend a aooul hour hefora their departura for their uew noma in tleorga- town tha prooeadlnga wera aomawhat uirred owing to tha auumoalsg to her fathara boma at georgetown during lha day of ura bennett baoauaa of hla being stricken with apoplexy when tha urg oowpany luul gathered ur david ruaael waa appointed chairmen mr clayton fietwtck then read a vary appreciative ad dree in which many kind ihouflhu wera expreeaed and good wlabea tendered a beautiful buffet of quarter ettt oak and rich flulah waa then preeeuted oo behalf of thoea praaeat by ueatra ktortnaa uaeachera and ilobart wuwa ur ilaanauaxprea ed hla appreciation of tha kindly spirit of the addree and uuutkad tha donora very oorduuiyfor lhelr ajuabupreent brief auaeobae followed ly maura lloltek- hen deraoh robert kerr and jantea or a eumiituouji lunch waa than aervad mr and ura bennett ara ramovlne to leotga- town ura benneu father ur vranda rod del oeorfretowh never recovered eonacloua neui after tha slroko stuulned and died yeaurday tuorulng cbews oo the trout nahlttaeaaon opened on flat urday aud tha small boy and uehlajf rod wera much in evidence along tha ktreaua alwutbara ur arthur whitehead luw anlutad with tha 3th baitallon cfj at ouettbb hla imthar aleo haa volunteered the baorabietit of tha lord tiupper waa admlnlatarad hem on sunday morning quit a humber from tha other appoint ment attended tha lularaatibtf aarvlo ura w j vaakornuttt and tlldretf uelph spent laat week ai ur jaaaa tlawuev ur ami mr k lauberi and ohlldre- aoton vlalud friend bata on sunday glorious work at lange marck and st julien canadians kepi thecermahs tvom their proposed advance on calais several actomboys wounded th great lialtla at ijutgatnarck and ht- julun ooat n000 caaualuea in killed wounded and mlaaln in tha rank of tha first canadian oontlujretit but it proved ooncluiivaly that our canadian hoya at tha front ara second to none atnotttf tli allied foroaa they were put to aa euprema a laat aa it would h toaalbi for tiay army to toaet with for lhay fougbt overwhalnilng uum iter under condition lhataeemed toettaura annihilation they we subjected to tha poiaonou geaee btllfiad by tha eroaaa aa well aa thre tlmm their number of tartntn aoldiera hat theyfeugbtonaim failed neither in eourejr duolplln nor tenacity although thoundaof than fell th toronto htar aaya adltotlally i tha fight of the canadian at langemarek atul hi- julten make such a battl story aa hex luntoed in other nation to inaplra sotttfktml tradition for centuries in th wortla of hlr john prench ilia canadian by hohllcirluir grouml when it did not meant humanly poaalhla to hcli it eavetl oha situation kit tit eimmy out of vpret k4 cloaed th road localala mad a failure of flerman idana that otherwise war about to be successful wa are not saylhg thee thing merely by way of loaat but baoaua thoy need to lie said in itouor of and in falmea to tbooaand of brav meu who tell in thla r ihlct and tltouaanda equally lrava who faoad death ulgbt and day yt had th fortune to sur- viva among tha 8000 who fell aoton haa her quota of honored tauo lfittbh from wounded soldier th mall bringing- maw of caxuml- uaa to a6toa bay bwiiaht lbtut vrom happy hy who was amomo the wounded monday morning paper brougbt tha new of the wounding of private james itoheruon and john it uluy of tha aoton oootiiigaat it tha reoaul savsta eagag uent and davlllah gaa polaodlfttf by tha tiermina at langeuarck the eabia mall brought tha following let ter to mi collier with whom he boarded white in aoton frous jiappy lulay h wrote from franoa on april 16th as fal low i au having a spell of rest so 1 thought i would writ you a few llnea i received your letter and you mentioned that you hava no doubt i would hava lou of sock th took we get ara not much ilka tha canadia socks knit la actoa i havw tried to mend them but oant wake uuob of a job of them w had a pretest of on pair to each man from th queaa and they vtavry welcome to uaaa i had got down to wearing my boot without sock tha thhtjr w have mueed meet 1 tha tobacco i often would enjoy a ohew whan wa fauooc light our pipe- a tha eaemle sniper fir at any light imy ue we have been again la th treaehe and soma of our hnya will never come back to canada i tell you tiuly you people will never know what tha men hava suffered over here ill tak my bat off to any british soldier they must hava beau through b l iv seen sight i shall never forget if yon could eetul ma something to road i wouu ba greteful tha oouatry around lara u vy level and fine for forming and th ftowera ara now in bloom everywhere the ruin ol floe home aud farm ara on all aide well tha big guna ara booulag again it seem strange to ua still to hear such loud noue almost eonatantly if i should pull through safe and ret lack to acton again ill tiring you aoma vteuuih loo th women hir mak beautiful lace by hand i cannot iaud it i by mall because of tha heavy duty pteaaa remember ma to all old friend including itcv mr wilson who sent tn paper from acton jack v itiutr j sth bait sod brigade 12th itatooo v oomiany france april itltb 1011 were entertalnedby soldiers bobebtsombileyand dooclas tbna of aeton- first conuiigortt brorid wouadad at uh- hawk bbavb boys amd o boldiers aoton ilka many other place through out the dominion la paying hu toll la brave men who fell at tha tetrlu baul at lauigetaawk and 8i julian laat kmjay ur alex uckaaua wel lington btraat received thla wsanga from ottawa reapectlng hla friend ihe jam itoberteoni blneerely regret to fofortu you 11101 ih jauaa robertaon 4th batullon ofuouliy rtrtad wounded further par ticular whan received will be hit you w k homii acting adjuuht ceneral ou monday a letter waa received from tha uiuu department ootulrulug tha telegram monday casualty hat contained tha following with reference to via john frederick riley who left acton with ihs robertson in tha first contingent wounded john frederick riley fifth uttallon waltltajbcroakiiguiki tha address given la tha horn of the parent of ft ililay ii waa alwey known in aoton aa ifapiiy lulay wednaadaya hat aaidi vvounded iuvld dougbu uaryhlll llaagow hooihuul lmvate douglaa apant several year n aoton and anlieted luua itutnr haa reached aoton utat ita jainemfllbli ahvj a member of th first coatlngant had been wounded aa yet however uo oonhnuition of thla report haa reached ua martin big uualo ifouae of branip ion la opening a show room for mane in aoton tharaugolagtobasoaahargajuc at begitmtrtg of thla openlug to writ for partloular or phona at our expeuaa wo lao carry the oalebraud singer hewing machine which la nt all time a favorite alao jrafoaola of differaut etylea watch oloacly for may 8th jim mabtiv ivourietor 1l i llaaxkutk manager a splendid iroatntnmo by sorgi moaowana military soxtotto w the methodist school boom at tlio invitation of the 1pwortli leagu bergt moflowan of mm 34ut regiment ouelidi awl bergt jack orindlay it john ltt it j cliapman lliiglar j i moore ami mr omn choirmaster of llalaloy memorial church gave n iatrlallc entertainment in tit melltodut holtool room on tuesday evening thla soldierly aggregation presented u programme of a character quit military yet withal novel fntoreatliig amuig mvd nstructlva bargt mojlowati wits in charge and after a few introductory re mark blmaelf sang in splendid voioa king and country in the succeeding number h ntroduoed private j chapman whoa marvellous whistling numlier brought down th liouse irlvats 1 fotta in hla club swinging und ktiif exerolae surprised lha large audience wltli hu graoafur and dexterous handling of both the club and the knives bergt jack orindley f tha humorist of th squad ami hi number war cleverly dona h i apparently an underuudy of harry lauder and mate amusing attempt at humorou impersonation bugler moor gave tit principal military bugle call diirliighh evening a called upon from time to urn by th hergoanl mr oil sang with splendid effect a patriotic num iter which all enjoyed a feature which warhlghly apprreclated waa th preeenullori of a large number of unlertt view of camp life scenes in the barraicka soldier on tla march and uumi vering and incident of military axperl enoa atguelpb thase were all prapared by rargt mooowaii and sltowu by mr a t drown th bargt gave fitting explanation of each seen and hi com- merit war full of lulereet bargt mouowau defended in strong term tha regiment against lit outside criticum a lo th character and conduct of th soldier ha i a young man wa studying for tha ministry whenheetihsted and by intimate opportunities for obasrva tlon 1 confident that the conduct of the soldier at ouelph i much superior to a similar number of civilian anywhere a cordial vol of thank to th soldier for their entertainment wa moved by if utfttugnd seconded by mr a t brown and rev mr draperaddedfurtlier word of pre and good wuhe for the brave hula assistance irpahm drawage the county offlm of tha dpartmant of agrfoultum will co0prt with all rarmftrt take levelssurply estimated kow 1 lha time to determine whether or not underdraltuga i needed on the farm beldotn hav w had a spring with so little rain aa w hav lad thla year field generally are working up well and crop ara going in in good condition thar are vry few farm without sou wet puoe which aro oot only an eyesore but a source of great loa farmer dealr to aerve tha empire this year especially and can moat easily do thla by reducing soma waste on great waat la by mean of tlw wet place in various locations on farm it i strange too that thee wet plea when properly drained prove to be tha beet imurt of the farm and ara usually most easily cultivated possibly thl wet plao 1 oot confined to a small area but extend over several acre thla then la a greater lota true pasture are needed but tha low wet pasture are so punctured with bole by cattle feeding that thtr i a great deal of lo in tha pasture then gala greater forage crop will h secured if th field ara broken up and a proper rotation practiced w believe in drain age and it le not moaeeery to ell oasee to bring out lha poaelhjiitie of profit w all know of just such ease drained land 1 easier to work and la much aaaler on machinery and horeea prof day of the ontario agricultural collega la hi bulletin no 174 point cub tliat underdrajoa produce great result diafluaajag it from many standpoint he aay there i mora air better ventilation trior water mora root space better germina tion of aeed more warmth in spring greater thrift of desired bacteria and that there i mora plant food in a drained toll than in ooa undrjdnecl if tlieaasutameuia are eorteot and lie baa proven them la it not tlm mora farm drainage 1 put luto practice prof day baa also pointed out that with au investment of ii ul in drain per acre per year tha average profit ara from 111 to au par acra per year lather a fanner who i looking for a better invest meat surely an investment netting 00 toluootiereent la good enough for any man thu u far more safe than etooka and wa hava condition under cur control th local ofdoe of tha agricultural de partment at burlington 1 mlag to co- optrat la any drainage schema by taking tha level and by offering any auggoelloua the eatiuiale on tha ooat of installing a well aa plana and profile ara submitted absolutely free if in doubt aa to tha proper outlet th grade or depth to dig consult il r hare district repraaeota the if ba tha aeoeaeary eyiulpmaat for taking such level ilia effloa 1 at tha eervloe of tha ualtoa county farmer at ua coat whatever to them aw iui out rata ulee xd dont di in th house i be and fie at drug and country store iwajaibeietdddooaaarjdrjaasjmyyai glanirewabettnwabe at attuatorivbt miokij sjstauffer wuituiiplyai good t ilia fo lawlog price uu wuh tub with wrtyer t wrifcllrrjllij ornl water im m and ihc onuilt pudding dlttic w and ken diirt po uui auortod colom lac graten in ic jin water lll qt for tc duhpui4iitrarmo cjrultbuca pahil itf ibfil omc gnaite ulc orulli boiiam tfc ivirbox duitlcu mop no oil ivrbox ploor poiimt mi oil turbox dtuulewi dut cloth tatto tarboic llaudlo ouittaw uiiktai tfao rpalrlhk mowplltr don utove romoved lliw cleaned mid nut up s j staufiu old i ullilrr aotom l new housefurnishings spring dtiyn hrinr hotiguclcininft nnd houccliniiiy rcvcnlti tile need of some now furnisliingu for the home we tiro prcpircd to nupply your wintn with a splendid rnnga of now linoleums 2 3 and 4 yarda wide new oilcloth 1 5al c 8 new squares tapcslry and union at old prices new curtain materials white and ecru bungalow nctttt voiles and etamincs colored scrims and muslins curtain poles tables covers see these goods extension rods portiers rugs mattings our prices are right henderson co mm si act o oni ioco going out of the crockery business owing to the retirement of r j e ivfccrea from tho firm we have decided to ro out ot the crockery buainesq we have 6000 worth of crockery bourjlit before the advance that will he sacrificed at once to clear the stock right out remember every article will be sacrificed an we want to clear the stock out at once dinncrsctn teasets toiletsets cups and saucers fancy china including coalport minton doultnn cut glass parties from the outside purchasing to the amount and over will have their goods delivered ere e to their nearest station j a mccrba son no6swyndhamst ouelph out all no 9 fence or free excursions for the dealer take your choice i which do vo0 want for your pbngb honey when you buy page fence direct you ret all no 9 fence of the highest quality at cost pluo our very small margin of profit what w save by aelllug direct by cutting out salaenianagera and o lock men solaria and dealers comailaalona we at low1t1jt cos we give you liputiug pemceat utile if any more tliau ordinary feuc all that wa save you by selling direct the oilier fellow mutt take out of quality or add on to price oati b mu ai esja than traoaj fcftm jlbfaau b veawe ba4tbhom i alftb eeu huk wimu w taoi ye a- corib t pasoa t price list sjma al sfiu wiw m u 1 l3 h evart i7 mi w h i bmtoal hmct vssxifcsissl- tatuoatvaldoh o tiuaoaona uaj 1 arm our ardar urt faaarnhamun kuelaa easb sbeqaa moaay or aapret erdar or bauh tialt oat fmuuuiarariil va uuuiata ittiafuuiaj itllj iut vwuu ootffol ma yiu uku smi otr wjijaaar page wire fence co ltd fst u hav kbiar nt w toromro 67 ohuh at walkavllla m page fences wear best headquar tbrs for lawn mowers price from 350 to s1200 remember this is hot point week from may 3rd to 8th 1 grillo stoves reg 600 for 1w hot point irolcls reg 450 for b livingstone vacuum cleaners- reg 1000 for ts this week only all kinds screen doors and windows in stock call to see our hammocks before buying price lor ltt to 8ts croquet setsi8 to set agent for the celebrated gurney oxford oil stoves agent for the celebrated perfection oil stoves 2 burners 98 3 burners 911 burners 110 ovens 10 match ss and jambs symon mill street hardware jbhuatoiia bloak- acton oni j stajyai iafaiwaiaa fh iuhi ahfurtisriitrhlfl wm t l i i llnl r vj 1 t m i mr i ml olllo i m i ini h i ii n un hnl imli m 1 1 i 11 iii lllvui 1 1 ilnl sluli no tick id rukditokh in the matter- or til teetnt of wll- ham uobble lata or the townehlr or keauaetnir irt that county of 1 fail- ton fur liter lleoetiaed no lic i u linrolir lllvoii immilanl to hlalula ilmilorlji ii h o lull out blltrarlllara sit inlliufiihavkiknlnliru iialiml ilin will ii 11 nal i willi in i iii uho ll1 ni or almtj iiimstii ilivol marrli lilt mmiulrl en nr imfntra llm illli lay if ua i tin it i by ta laihl1nrilllviri j manklurinn of th viluunflf anlnn k llrtik r f ir illlim a till tlj 1 ir ilia ilnilnllralrm nf v ul isf ilia mkm iumumi tlinlr nhrlhti an i uiniinu ma lr4m an i ifcunrii ii 11 wiili full tartlaulara ef llltilr haluii ilnlniiiriit nt llinlr ahwunla sll4 ilia ualuro f itie mflurlllo- il any ball by an j further aim nnllrn ii at atr iiieti laat insiiunnal ul ii n nail a ltnlnlirtrlr will nan i leilulilliulii llm l nf ilia daaaaa mnniiu ili irtlf mimitinl ii train lisvlns r- rar nnlv lotl anlalma nl whlnli alia aliall ill an awa linllea ii i ii at ilia aal i a linlhialralriv will not in ilalila f r ii n pal i aaaia or any ikarl tllarff in any fraoil nr liantia it wfiaaa nulum hill ahall imt liatn lian reaauad by liar at ilia lliiinofaiirli illairilihilrim a j miruinkom h ikliormr 1 1 tun tnbljla 11 a a luilnulrakln dalatllliisltllnlayrimlay ul tjj p ej palming decorating iapcrhanglng len a worden ilaimtccmlt inicn in lmslntta for iilmrllf mul ulili hu imig ck urlurill 1 11 llrht t1 iki vvnrl la pie pared in amir i kihfucllon to all tuttomeih kiillmftlcn tlitcrfiilty given for any clasuot uorli utlicil rroinfit innijillllon of warl my nwcialt fnvt ordtrn at rcrlif oticl cliurtli hlncl leonard a worden cfcartb kt atu ttnapaaaaaannam new wonder- 1 land theatre tiiuh9dav niaiir- h kuroiman wui blults tllrvtt irotu tt tho front triilik illy dcucrlbed by el montroko mico j admibhioh coo and 10 wfiidav niout- n tin nruti n with ifakolni wllljumu g watuiioav hioiiy- motion picture retord ot the war n 4 part- fj r l gregory propticlor s adaadodddddhualhklliw charlie kinq on uondav afiui ljcli opnd in ilia artlturb illock an up to dato new laundry all orilunt promptly llliiil i will charge half iltlce charlie kino atrtlturv olook anton ont millinery our spring ami sumititr millinery i now imini lxlilhlttil in hnmltomo nngotif mlilt ikniiih all tho tie mumlcil in ikuoml nmturiuli are n- liaiklii in our ill il i which iwutuul ia chnrallctiicd i luiitufiilneta and good ntj ll miss m cooper saaord dloek hill ht aatoa otioaalt ooopera taltoir uhojf boots shoes au the latest styles of this spring the popular grav cloth top lnillcft hiillnii lloiilo regular j o to it oo now jtolnjt nt 3h1 tlmy cnmtnt bo nplncid ot thla price ruial shoes for men no mnre hjttlmriictnry fllloo nil til mar ket st uny nrii0 l0 mul kenney bros mala si aelon presh groceries t nuw knltiliih now curratlu nuw datch new nuta new pot lu now flplten fine line of cflnfoouonajty iirntclrtph llnoof knnuy cnkctt and pantry 1r wli twery day conlied mi tin fltinw uacoti with tlio homelike unvnr ilmnil mul ntliur tcooilti delivered promptly ilnllj j r livingstone uuooaaor to it tf iiiok mulbtwmt aetott

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