Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1915, p. 2

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licttikfi kriii ti uvdurwdm- tlti my tuur mtd mr joel l fa a wm cnorr iti htratfonl imi hunday may mb to mr and mr h i croft u win xond aloxumlnr uotmkh at hljiltnt ifclrolfc mich on humify may dtli to mr aiwl mm charles edward llilliiiou a on horace married kitu awmrl in itln on wednesday may bth by uv john umluy itoborl keytb to ivy awroy of kilulurif tlkaiknx ii nut at kdjjar ontario wednemley muyftth muslaehel don lo 5lr w lonloti tjiuder both of kdtfir jhbd fluanrilx at lulliitahtd on tuesday may hih itkhard hbostlll eed ml yaar itutuirml lo la held today visit huddenly at xletorie u c on wednesday uny mb josei v formally of acton aged 02 year tlsjurom at curlbd north llakou on monday april iilli william fueaton formerly of haluit county ed 7h yw dsttw at duel ph on haturday may wh john jf draw k c eon at tha uu tuoru a lwew ken jud of the county court of wellington aged co year war claims a large toll of acton boys several are wounded but for tunately mo fatalities five more wounded this week 9kt 2btim yr rm thursday uav 13 1013 edltottul notes lflmduki of uetborlsl services have ud held throughout canada over the ideas of canadian eoutera at th front war u a dreadful scourge and wlliurub a a huim to taanklnd svikck u evidently us hid- bound thin tjoftuiwl when it la teen to l necessary lo curtail en prohibit lit liquor trame will la benatablub insuettoe th yrench f lovennaent will lutroduoe a bill prohibit ng tb manufacture of intoxicating atdall eltfhelio drinks during th war says th kvrla journal tub oehvill record ventures a political rwedlotloa re tbptlibu candidal in th bait hodad of ckmnttoe election la thla emmttty it say i tb nata of john arwltf of ullton is addad to tb ike of sapihutt for tb oonesrvatlv nobiluatioit for lha dooilalad bouea in thla county sw th cjbarela tba nam of llaava cuup belt of knaalor wttdfei of th county uapolaiiof wuav wul batha auituda of amertoa t rrhla la lha quaatlon tba vorld la waitltta to meanawared oti huudtvd aad fif ty auw ltum war drowned througb thatnurturoua daalgn of tba kauar tba amrloao kovarnuenl ul allll vhlla balluiu wu ravubad pllufted tuwl doatroyadt whao ehjpa trrjlnjf rltija imd utlpa twttylag bod fdr tha baljrutu war wink norurotaat waa buda wbaa britain shut off german food rntpfly latarferiiia with american euppidtt inureata tba uonayad man evl daetly pdllad lb political airing mad aemrloa did prouat wban heir own intarmta fioaadally wat intarfdred with now wbaa la to b bar attltuda in thla ifuuooo ffci flaadub protrrau of drowolntf uu wanad aad unarmed clviluna baa olaiuad uauy american uvaa la tbra enougli injury to humanity to a umi tbom from an aaetalc hlfcantrad la cinuxatiom to ravart to tba anolant oarharuatt tu elahlsg of th lmitanu would twd to indloata that thla la tba lu- ieatlon la eartaln quaitara aurwana propbello autebiant war la hall la alto gether aa inadaquala tnaana of anprraalng ihl utaal lerdud outhga ageinat huouiii- tty what military advaatajea can tbay hofm to obtain from tba daelruetlou womad and children it la hot war i it la uetda on aoalo not before daobied poa- elhb foy elvlllted paopla and la boaroely oaealvehla aa eoulnjt from lb promul gaiom of world wlda kultur tba oeraua fuat feara and daw not meet uia urltufa fuet in fair and ojiett eoubat mary prafar to reualrt aafa within tba oon flaw of tba kail canal whilo thalr aubaiar lw oarry on waifaia with undafaiulod ehipa kveu uxaa aubmuloea do not vestnra id dangar vor tnotttba britain baa beau aaudlutf a ooatlnuou atroud of tfoouilpa protectad to tba eootluant and uoda lava beau damaged it la evident the uurdar and not waifara la tha kaynota el tba carnun progmtama on sea u it baa bead tvldedoed tut uttd lt kallaoda ioa cream at ruuell imhont tt hduk tukt wouujwt ruix teat tw iald tha farmer la m hat uohlnk ooev ill admit but tha ulb bona doe behy all tha work tba troubla with tha gray la ha wont pull hell eurt oat tkrettlly enough but hva too food of ebowldgoottoget down to real bualneta nov b unt tricky bub juai downright wnralubu when it cornea to holld work with a load at at tha plow tba other la worth put about two of him wblla tha gray would ba bouruhlbgarouud tha aorrel woejd go hgbt ahead tteadlly until tha wotk we dona horaeaara juatukafolka k noma line think tberaa aoua that ilka td eat hp ftnuut and do ai they want to u knaitar what yoo want and there etbet who kaapa ataady eya oo tha furrow and tend to bualneaa right along they gwe asmawhera and do thlnga while tha other klrtd who ilka mlghuly to ahow off aalittiii amount to much and are hardly tha hind to ua to in a pinoh hie ohrla- uaalfareldl get tba hut orange ipeclal at ruuell etottwy taut caiorpllur iwt batarpllur have alraady beoouta vey numrou ou ilia frutt iraea- many baea id thla taauou already have -well- davelopad wela tba egg oluatera uiay ww ba ottud on tha trees and itealroyed anothef good way la to deatroy tha eattr huh id tba web ttila ahould ba done aarty in tba mowing or la the evening wbaa nil tba worm are bom beeeuae dur la tb day they are out feeding a elatple way ale la to tie a rag around tha and of a loo hk puab it into tba web aa4 tan lb round a lew urn winding up tb whole fata with ith ibuiuw vuaeam then b raaaored and trodden under foot tb mfaei thing id thla world la a friend yaw cba depend on wbaa you need bli a warrled woman like to talk of lb day whan ah wu ajngl and had a good fire mora oaaualllle have lean added to the llt that tli acton aomurri have bean called to fuy fortunately ihera fatal i ilea all k is moore lt aloniuy reoelved wortl fron ottawa to uteeflhetthatlmvata irarrytwt lferwooil how u olllclally retorttt wouitdetl iurtlwr tuurtloularn wlien reoelvul will li unt tetter a card wan tvoelved trom ile iferwootl mating that lie luul beeti admitted to iionjilul but wan going o well luur in i bo week ute caaualty lula oon ulht1 im name of william h ward i ward anluud ur he la aoii of win wnrd wliowaa formerly electrleun imunloatlon from mr ward from chatham fcutee that they liave been dllletally iintlfud tltelr eon a wounded ite iroil j colea anotlier reported wounded bint week u not oarulnty duntl tfttl aa hergt wilfred coun wlm enluied here however his hotim la reguured a ftomerut county and uiere la a probability tluit it u fjerst t it itloliard singleton another aotoo oldler wboe home la reglsud aa iondon wai wounded vor a number of year h waa a amiluu- iguro in town lte areil wills tent his parent here on of tle aftecully iremroil vulj furvloe pot carda wblcli was rotwwwl yeuerday morning it elated tliat be lud liu ad milled to boapjtel lut waa doing well awl anpeoud eood to lie dlhcbaril w wills waa o of the beet knorfu of th aotod contingent the ilt bomr4ete la aa follows i htttmv hakhv llauuouu ivk jiwu ituhkureoh pfc jnijm v illuv lrif iuii1 lkxhlas vru wiixiau ii wand ltk vuhd wlllh 1sk vuno j oti l 1k itlcluhb hlndlktoh 1ruly th rjltlea of war are being daily brought horn to ua if all uuulclpalltlaa in tha dominion contributed aueh a iro- portlod to the hall of llano the loi ara indeed terrific but the com peatttlaa is they uvaj th kltuatlon home guard is eefjbcahlzep a larv wimbcrthlp l anuolatad bd it splitidld sfueutu saourd drill tuespa at 7 p at about fifty attended tha ueetlog who purimv waa to decide on tha desirability of orgaaiilng a borne guard for acton wbkb waa lield in tba council chamber tueaday evening capt a0 t neardmor preeeeud th object aiul aooompluhmeuui of but yeere oraanlutlon and advised it oontln uance thla year iteeve ltynda and john il kannedy botli oodtrlbuled aou pithy auggeatlana th lleeve onerinir hlaeervicea to try and w cura rifle from col noble luu war circulated and about forty ma and boy algned it waa decided if enough boya eallated to form a separate company tftis is a matter that ahould reoelve th toou liearty approbation at leaet a hundred youutf men ahould be drilling barely when eo many are offering their live in battle it is not too much to aak tha youth of our town to spend two hour a week in drill to prepare for any emer gency tuesday bant at 7 oclock la th data and hour eat for the first drill and capt reardmor wuhee it home in mind and drilled in that punctuality la the flrttduty of a soldier lusitania sunk1300 lives are destroyed gorrnan torpedo sends to bot tom atlantics greatest liner many americans on board 1w uvea were lot when the luulunu of thecunahl una waa sunk olf klaaale head ireland by a lerman torped lakt friday morning it would appear that the oarman sub marke fired two tormidoea at the lanb liner which ilaatroyed liar poially hlruoted watarught bulkhead owing to tli speed at which aba waa travailing ami injuries auklalned to her engine it waa inipomtluie tohlop tit vum1 hence mucli dllllciilty in launching life boat the boat luted heavily in the bow awl in eighteen minute lock tli flral fatal plunge with hr captain on the bridge carrying to eternity bver thirteen hundred souls the paeeengsr hat which wan oteri crowded included many person of hot in all mjiarea of life oter two hundred americans ware on board over one hundred of wlmm were drowned hill ueviecied to cauwi the unltedbliteatoact oneof tlievatwiarbllla ikerijietl ii died us hero taking offbln lire belt and jaclng it ou a vblld klurt lfubhert uoted writer and dlloeaber wliowuiod bis way to tja continent to atuily uie war waa drowned many other promlimiit mercantile and hutlne men of ui huua are vlotima canaduntandespoclally ue iirovluoa of ontario oonlribuled ltiifely lo the uola o the heroes who though in no way ooauect- ed with th war wet thua oalled upad to pay the utmof price the survivoie drifted for hour on opeu rait and life boat many succumbing from exposure hi needle vile and devllub whfilesl murder of women and children and unde fended pereon baa rooted lit country to a whit heat hatred against flermany and everything lertnan vram evel point com reports of th deelructloa of herman profterty f lermany tufadda her aotlon becaum tha luajtanla earrlel ammunition alo that th drituli navy had out off iter food supply for th civilian population and that this u tha repruah hils la deliberate falsehood a the clerman blockade was first eeublub- ed and it wa afur thla that tlritald inlituud tier blockade a we go to prow lb country is waiting lo a the altitude of th culled kuue lyealdeat but indication point to a eon- eof hla policy of watchful wait ing the school boabp i sessiom gdluldar hatter of imporuilc to th coatlauad suoce or tba scbfiol- ihspector reports submitted david douglas writes from bristol hospital soldier wounded la laiimtwk batuewritea letter or icon interest he was severely wodmdbd mr alex mckenri ha favored tba vakh iaiui with the following teuarwkleb he and ura uokenri received fromlxividi llougia ayounp man who enluted bar with ha flret oontingeul for a year or two david waa ilomleiled with mr and ura uokenla and wad many frlaada her the jimmy referred to lu th letter 1 jam robertaou repotted wounded but week end ulbby james olbb of whouaa unconfirmed report wu lu cir culation that b had bean wounded april sub soth ioio piur akkik and alwi juata few line to let you know i am still alive although bully wounded i got ehot through tha left arm which broke aome boaea and i tall you it does pain i was put through aa xray yaeterday and i teen where the bone were broken tba bullet entered at tba wrist and cam out at tit elbow solan pact to g through an operation aa for jlmral i never aaw him but on of tha boya told tnah got wounded and i know nothing about tllhby when i oewo off tha gold i could hardly get moving for dead and wounded i beard there war only 120 left out of our battalion and there la 1000 in a battalion therououwdworeout upao bad waa w wera the leading battalion wa wen tha flrtt ou tha raid i am at hrktol as you will aee by the addreaa it la a very nlc phioounalda tha want lam lu bed i hav to 11 on uy back for three days no it is lovely wall i think i will doe a my arm s paining olvemy beat reaped to all i know with my very lieab reaped to yourself i remain hlnoerely your ihvk beoond uoutbern jenrel hospital new bouthmaad infirmary hrkuj i bal uotbera llay wa obwrvod lu botli churches beta on sunday mr ix smith ou of hev ualvln smiui filled tim pulpit in lb uatlktdut ohurcb th vouoet aveplau society of th iwbyterlem church intend holding a fatriouo cbdoart in tha town hall on thursday avoiog tba 20th of llay a good programm u being prepared mr and ut a uurt of conulagkby vultad at tl coww on sunday ulas uyr vwunatter enterulned bar bunday sobool abvai batarday thoea who have in charge th provision 1 of educational opportunltlee for the ruing generation tha school hoard met in their regutar ision monday evening in the council chamber at eight oclock a com plt doard wa la attendance i john kenney chairman and members n forbes john r kennedy tx c bpelght and tlobt scott tli committee on vlnanca preeented their u report wu urigga book mb0 ute account wa paaaed matters of more or lea importance war dlsouied oatf clroumatanc which called for sharp criticism from aoma quarter wa the unsatisfactory nature of the present system dealing with tha primary room thla grade wa overcrowded by tli great influx of young hopefuls at tha easter holiday- the law of aupply and demand would not work with equity aa a ooi queue it waa neoeaaary to divide the graje allowing half to attend in the morn- lag and th remainder in the afternoon it fa than hoped that tba midsummer rwowotloae resulting lu a general re-ad- juatmout wlu bring these grade into a normal condition tha result of thla plan however ho been almost universal dlaatla- factiott it wa complained that children who bad attended hut year were now run ning tb eueet half a day at an ag when they ahould he receiving a whole days instruction itdoeotallow lb teacher eoougb continuity with her claisia to develop all thai la lu them members boott and kpalght wera rjult pronounced lu thalr oondamuatlod of tba system and war very akeptloal about another teacher not being needed at midsu uy scott characterised it a a shame and mr speight thought that inasmuch a tba board would nut gat fuu credit for at tempted economy adequat service could well ba afforded and new teacher install ad cheirmaa kenney advised ear a lb wa expected th govmrnmedb and bounty grants would be lower this year in tb meantime a doaeu new aeat are to b procured and put in use and it is hoped that tltli will considerably ameliorate tb dlaestuf solicit tha fitting out of tha room ht present vacant with desk at midsummer wa die- cussed chairman kenney said ba had been advised that it wa compulsory to provide a lunch room for outoftown student and therefor thla room would be uecefary for that purpoe tha member were neither loth or slow to say that they would use the room for tba purpoe tbay aaw lit and that they would see to th compulsory part of tha lunch and rest room scheme it waa mated that net eral teacher in tended resigning at midsummer this elicited a somewhat aaroaauc observation from mr speight aa to the constancy of pedagogue he would ad vocal a higher salary so that good teacher would remain with th board a letter was read from tha department fif agriculture for tha province offering tba service of prof mecreedy to address tha board staff and any dtlwn desirous on tb advisability and faaaablllly of provid ing classes in elementary agriculture in connection with tha schools tb hacro tary wu instructed lo arrange and announce u date most convenient tu tneet iw uooready lunolpa stewart banded th board 91000 their share of tha tower school tb report of both inspector war pr sauted i o k miu for tb continuation school and j m deay for tha puuin ticltool both reported a high standard of afflclanoy with actue mines points of etitv dam and sou suggested correction tb report show both seboohi to be in u very oradltabl condition tb board adjourttad 010 oclock captain hasten is killed halton offloor of milton killed in aotlon was ih 3rd y a university olllclal notification tlutt his win capt a c ihutedo liad been miim in notion nt langetnarck awl not nu carl lor ropitrt just womxled was yosterday received by mr j u lliuleilo of 4 jnan mlroeu tor onto tit lata cah- slaatedo was lorn in miltcn ont in ibwi and would liaxe oetalirateil lilsiutli birthday on the mh of lat month he received bin wlucslioti lu ute milton luhllo mid lllub hclioolu and also in tba university of toronto he had just oompleud tils third year titers when the war broke out he waa u well known atblele laving held the undergraduate lennisclianiikloiifcm vor setue time before coming to toronto he had been engaged an a gnneml men bant with liu father going wet to vancouver when his fntlier retired two yearx later lie oame to toronto wltcr he luul lived until enlliitiiig for active fariloo 1or tlte hut nincyean be bad leen connocteilwith th uoili halton hlfleu on uooount o iloknewt he was uimblu to go to the front until april ui nassaoaweya au interehtiug cltecker match wau puy ed at lite home of mr alex crawford ou evening last week between quinult of actonu champion players ami a hunch of naasagawea fannera the mot was aa follows i wou acrxix draw nauuhav kva won 3 w a htotey 1 i mocallum i 1 a lsijiman 2 ix hulcheoo h 4 if h holmes ham vrank j 2 a h uelmho jno itounsou 4 3 n lvtumon o jos vrank s new housefurnishings spring dnyfi rin houfiecloanitifj and houucleaniufjf rcveal the need of nomo now furnmliingd for the home we are prepared to uupply your wants with a splendid rinc of new linoleums 2 3 i yards wide new oilcloth 54 6j 8 new squares tapestry and union at old priced new curtain materials white and ecru bungalow nettn voilea and etamincti colored scrim b and muslins ilili abliirttnriucnta is is th players were hospitably entertainetl to supper- after tlte tuauh mr aux ciewford uft uu weji for dane new ontario to arrage for taking oft timber from hu farm titer alex ramsey ha remove from tlie ollluf to tte ivturead uace at rayra mill tit mills ar running full time and turning out some an lumtwr tit stock this year is suulur titan usual tlte propej for gj eropa were never brighter in the swlug tita hereabout the fall wlteat la fin and th spring grains are gertnuuting with great evednea ailing women of middle age mnjjouuttotoui ta hat db- bluing symptom duxini oiaiig of life bjvj how she found relief ufa i wa so bad that i bad td stay la bed soma friend told w to talc a lydia el plnbhataa vege- tabl compound and it helped to ttota th first it i th otjiy madid a i took that did help run and i reeorribwnd it you dont know how thankful and grateful i am i give you perrnlaslou to publish what your eoid medicine ha done for mo lira biuoh douctnrrc uellevlll yarmouth co novalkctla canaia fideb warning lymptom a aatuaof suffocation hot flashes headache back achesdread of loi pending evil timidity sound iti tho ear palpitation of th heart sparks before tha eye irregu larities con tl nation varlabl appetite weakness and inquietude and dlxilne ar promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching tha period in life when womans great thing may ba expected lydla k pinkhama vegetable com pound invigorates and strengthens tha female organism and builds up th weak ened nervous system it has carried many women safely through this crisis if van want ipkilal advlea writ td iydls k trlwkbsm atrdlrlw co h- svmiui tyhui mass year ulfr will be yms rs4 and uswerrd by wiuuts sum held in strict eouhaeitee curtain poles tables covers see these goods extension rods portiers rugs mattings our prices are right henderson co ml s acton out ft ki hymn books and spring clothes a good men in a iklvoiit covers a wortliy fellow nu come lo at your unit opiwrtiicity and tee the bmaut nbw hlvlhh we are allowing in bprlng and summer blilrtit anita cut allm and trim erect end compact tliey whittle the thicket figure iuto youthful blemlenteu our fluiti and top coali 6 up to vltt bee us first hi fitting suit u llben badly bound hymn bocu uoubtbut you dont fpl lib jplcblng him u george wallace wktrt the good ciotiues com from guclph riejj 0 a lesson from the a eroplane jtthe force that makes the aeroplane a heavierthanair machine over- tome the law of rravity la the propulsive power of the motor stop the engine and gravity exhibits itn law advertising la the propeller tim merchant la tho pilot ilia business lu the machine his community is tl sus taining medium if you want lmslncfs to soar start the motor of advertising in much tlte came way tho propul sive power of advertising makes a bunl- nckf triumph over dragging down ten dcnclcft pemonal inertia quiet time and general imslueiu dupreulou to the people in and about acton the pilots of every dominant and progressive business in acton are using the propelling force of advertising m some form or other the most pouerful form of advertising is newspaper publicity advertisements save vour tfme and money o c k cooped acton cement c0ntbact0r for brides silos walks floors walls etc also agent for de laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale hhts vou will and her your six in ilia style of a hat you are looking for whether it to a derby alpine or just a can dehbybs to s hoit iiattijmt to cafiiic t- and dont forget our furnutlilng ilepartmenl in colored suit ta tres underwear and socks proof uusrsntaed hosa here everything i tiny your hole- j r b nelson huttllut tulw utninbkw oumiifu out i mtfrtnmwn horvj 2ucorris s pcxes general merchant store news for the week ladies ladltn every day dresses ladles and sllssd drown latest styles regular 9100 yj ladles kalucoau a few to clear at s0 mens summer underwear special una of mens sunday shirts i liens tie worth up to joe for smocks and overall regular 100 for boys jurseyd long alcoves all color e ucnr per garment tc3c blf stock of mens ladle and children shoe special line of children ttumiuur slipper but black and patent uliot up to lot for 69 slktfiitoa iks dakoains every day blstof al out pfllosb km oroosl hiatal 1 mavh hoatko thisj wssslk omllv th b 7wt shxe briok sl opposite new postoffice wvxuxmwc afmifarmdrinanafrff on farm dramaoe free do yoa know you ean take much crop off 100 acres properly drained as you can off 00 ncrca not drained and aava half the labor y it s 11 fait v ymi lu thai m4pr uanpsttsiva uu drattuua aulfla inilvarusliotibndikmia ike season- tivettta suifma wsrlnswhsiivmirliinillaltmrtdiwmkimvrirsdruadtanj lnekae uui luniitlly srit impravm lbs qusuty of yourcmcat a rbsnm awryln- uothlns in twqur juptror svsry ima thsljm khi air sail tlia guvnniit ijiw vmi huuuy ton ihetlu u oeiued 1 dominion sevveif pipo co limited wiihh fwfut f f wliy not t asf ui n 1 m ivlay iwe of rbsnm imy ihm 1 ntiuei anvihlrur ihat wljl imid ymt itlirinr ti rrsfmlrna men as ntimtf aa actons electric choppinq miltlt open every day the favorite farmers chopping mill in now open ever day no long waits or disappointments chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor 1 mil ok iiiankh v 1 ui tllolltneof i amd vjuilv tkayeir y thorourjhbrud stallion charlie gilbert 060 1 1 r 1 i ii in kllluav 1 ii h i in 1 maiujiuav a s u 39997 r hum maksu it liatiirilsy sfisr- huw would u i1iccomd icllfl 1 lull i u r fcrtia miuit i it n w x 11 1 il i iiilavljla ku i 1 tuuryf oil mil r ki 1 t 11 1 h for iliitf ia i 1 iiillu 1 liw nlv ulaiiclluicli- 1 i 1 1 ui j uiuiits viia l intiir if urn lausdtsu utkuull millinery our sprir 1 siiiiuiiir millinery la ihiiv m mi lkihiiiuii lu linndtmue miiki f htl tt ilihiiins all the do ni iinurl 111 jitiu 11ml nuiitrialu are on- luiiktil in our ilistil y which as uaual in tliuritltritl fy liihttfulnem anil good 1 tyh miss m cooper uecord tlloou millet aetou onnoolte coopoij tmiio- yhot charlie kino on mlispw aimlll ijlli uponeil in ll itlnii mc li nil iii to ilato new laundry unr hii 11 i 11 uspctldilly iqiiciicj all iinlcri irniil lilltcl i ii c iiakok half piiice charlie kino aftdure niook aotod odt hhuhhuuddarjanaaanrjais new wonder- j land theatre p1iioav mavl tin t on r or month cuisio j irtn uiiniii- m ihllrpittt with i jtiiui t 1il1 is minr j modav mav 17 v ii lom s caiun dim mi thillvurldsrilm iea- 1 tun it 1 nu nf ihi liiit j iikic will hi hiilclnlt for the j hilldn llu mvuttryof lldwin drra nl l hirlo- dkkciis 1 ini 1 ktvtrii hi mru ilvnry i wnmt j r l gregory proprietor hadqdadaaaaddhiisisimhb boots 6t shoes all tho latest stylos of this spring tilt popular filuy cloth top iiilut hullo 1 hunt ngiilnr 3 o to m mm imk tt i04k tin j 1 nnmt he npliictd nt thin lirlcr rliil shoes for men no mote h ilwiunrv hlmo nit the mar uu nt 1111 iirui tftlao mid ls0lk kenney bros main st aelon p painting decorating inperlmnglng 0 leu a worden ilntthililiil lo iiiiiiiki in iiusinods for lunimlf mitl uitji iiih idii uk- ihriuklim llrnt ilintu work in piii- purtd tu nshiiro muiiifuctlon to nil ltihtmneru fulimuttii iliiurfiilly nlvuii fnr miv iiiish ui uiirfc dvhlruii pruiipt tiinil of work my hiilaln il wc ordini at rculd oiin chuitli strmt lennqrd a worden cburth st m jt a fresh qrocrlesl n s itilxliix nitt ciirrunlh n v hit ni mi new tiiilitu fino line orconfoctlonary kintchihn lititi of 1iuuy cuktti and inulrj irihlilvurj duy tnoked mi ntn llimw uncoil with ii m hoiiu lilu ihvnr ilrtiiid mill ottu r tmdrf ikllvcrod proiiiplly dill j r livingstone fciiiouesrmi to it n illofct biulbtrodt

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