Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a ilaiiobl autlonimient pkiouo nuasonaulb give us a call manhlaou lxonnaua idaubo geo hynjjs ivamntllafy hhd fa i toy oooda aoton ohtahio real estate vurmutor vulv in uttlton ki and wnlllnutuii iuo fortun lor wale ovrry utit if you waut u istrni write iue for rutuloguc or ii you wimii o hcii or rlinua write tuc we huvo every inrlllty for trukidttf itiu bufiliicun to your complete uulltiftmtloii torreu- loudeure uullrlled j t uilmoitjiiilv in mi hrlllnu m p hit hut 4jeortowu illic utou 3frw wss tliuimia mav 13 1011 brief local items lliint t men on arlior ikiy vegetntfoii u now making very rapid progreau the cropu notar looked mora promla login tho spring prldaja ruin wan a uploudld iiotji to tfie spring oroiu owners of dogs in milton now require a have them tagged motor cam arc becoming mora am mora numerous on llto itrecta hero hev mr ifowarth la attending tli tumwer sesalon of mommlcr university toronto m other t lay una oluonod in the various churchoa on sunday and created much interest a bylaw with heavy penalties forbids the sal end firing of lire cracker witliln tits municipality of ac ton ami la the lord of tho jardou ho make hie sun to tine and his ruin to fall like pardon on our dusty paradise milton council lion appointed c it j oat as chief ooiifutlt at a nulary ofsw- 00 per month to suooeod w a chbunah some pretty cold weather follows baturday nfghtn thunder storm with somewhat lieavy frot tho following night young mnii put a little nprlng into uiat step of your put enough spring into your walk to give tltaonlookor hopoof you jeorgetowit is giving n free lot nud used taxation to a mr jurdnor who ro posed opening a grlat und chopping mill in that town mr pultenon pator of tlio congrega tlonal church churchill ufll pronch in the iiditlst church nost hunduy morning sad evening mm charlou mnw milton has knit 3fl pairs of socuu for tho milton uddicni this winter who han a letter record than thai i reformer tlie ilaptlst tin winy 80i100i ooniniooo- bd morning session hut hunduy at 10 oclock and will continuo at thin hour dur ing the summer months tint fine new resldonco of mr john ii maokeuile at jonrgetown in nearlng com- rjthui air mokouila will remove to ttt town early in luno ii ti 1utoh tho well known auctioneer hu heea aekmuwl hy tlta uicrah of 1eelua their otandarj ikaarei in tho nont olocllonu for tha llouw of commonh it was a ln oooimonl an tlui pivvall lugmntiment in favor ol mothtrs which in- duoed nearly avorylwxly to uear m flower ukb sunday moihoru ixiy according td farmer j roru the crop outlook in tlila dklrlot in oxcowhngty litlglit and it u anlicljutod that the wwson ol 1015 will lw a premier grain tejson jeorg mallott and ionian itilmor tbi two young colored man who wero tlueil tad ecta in cjuoljji for wiling lliuor illauy adgej tho police and oldarod oul thu uu tint hint given 1j a ooruln young luly tho cttor evening at tho oju waur fountain 1 lovatoftltaiuldreaiu awl alp through long ami blonder btrawa hwmt lutuafldd ioooruam a tww military land luu luenorganu ej at lualpli and attached to i ho ith bauallan kvory man in tlto rvghnont voluntarily oontrlhutod a dayu pay to provlda uia lianraoulpnuiil tha ontario mluuur of agrlaultura hut announced utat uura will l no rluo- uaa la u10 unual gtatiu to tho fall faint ul yar ua wan at flret thought woukl 1 tumwary on acoouut of oonditlona caumhi by tua war mr lvkl rusocll of lulllnafoil vloa- vroudant of esqualng bumlay kohool auocuuoh pahl mi ofhcinl visit to tha uatltodlfct hmulay hohool nn huuday nfur- aoaa ilia hrlef uddrow uaa approolatul by ha aohool ilr if 1 moora atundtul tlw annual umtiap of tha board of ilia mallutdut hook ltooni toronto jcbtorday thin latga inittltutlon hi now itolng inovod to tba ran naw million hot la r liulldlng just about oonij jo ted tha foreigners in tho tjruoo block eraeted ratliar a rnnllo looking fonnj wtw tha uno betueen thuiu und ilmwnh drug htota it ptownu n miiuoubat roitwutlo vlaw from thattowof thonowcoerniuattt building una oltinon auggeatod that it ought to have w war nuinp uttaohod lo it all tlto lutejtt dalntloa and nollwina eaitlfmiuonory at hubaoiix loo cream kulor ravijt ea hal clears out ilau mlro tola dont dlo in tho hnufio lao and fl at dfuflf ttn i country htoro tifxtu ov ohio ciw if tolldoa lucau coitmyv vranu t clionay iimkoa oath that lia la wnlar wrtner of tho firm of i 1 cheney ft co doing huiliio in tho cityoftbjado oounty uiuihuto nforonflid und thut uild uru will 1 my tha auni of omk iiunurku uoliialfb for choii and 01 cry cum of gfttartii ahat cuniiol lo cured by tlio bw of hull cululrrh cum iiiankj ciiknkv sworn to hoforo io anil auhutrlltdd in my pwjuitioe thla lltli day of itocomw a u ihwi trliuiy a w ilicahon jjofauv iulilic jhull caunh curo u ukn internally and hou dlrootly on tha blood ami uiuoouu aurfaom of tho nytiteni hand for leotl monlou f roo y j c1iknkv ft co toll o hold by all druggmft ifo tvko imin fanilly villi tor wrnktlimi- tlon news op local import tho sold lord arc leaving- ouolph iholjtli lltiitulloii liielphhuhmoout onlurn from olhiun to inohllmo ut ivonilm ihoy hiivoner 1000 indn who htno ihmjii linltiol fniiu raw rocruld intu u ery lino uttitlion lawn bowling club tho hou lore will comnienoo playing uot week tho green lu in excollont oondltlon mid un onjoyuble wmwiu lu uutloluited all old imiulnm nud imy dimilronu of join lug tiro nolloltod to reglnier nt onoo dr hoora in town saturday itat or t alltert moore toronto mndo acton frloudu a hrlef vlult on htitur- tiny whllo on roulo to llerlhi for pcoul uertlcoii on haturduy ltr mooro hud ipilto a nuooohafu conforenoa with tlio two nntoni of indiana in their dhugreemeut hooping tho comotory tidy cenigotown iniu uppolittwl a ouretaker of tho ouinetery at thj m ter moiitli hhi lutloa uro to keep the growt cut on all iiicuiit plots roadwayu and plota the owuor of which cannot ho located 1 ulna that ho hno tho ijyiitrol of the digging ot nil gruvoa und control of the gut flromons demonbtratlon withdrawn vir uoioml yenrd suocedvely tlio lire hrlgudo hiiio hold a dominion day demon- hlrutlonof nthtotlo ovetiio and flra brigade inanoauirch and invariably it hau proven ftgiila da thuour howover owing lo uindltlonu created by tlto war the flromen lutvo deddod to witlidraw thlnovont children out after dark two young bnye ngod ii and ii year npnonrwl before mayor binlth of hurling ton recently far loitering an the ulroetu after 0 oclock at night the new provln clal law prohlblta itojh and glrlo under 10 yearn of age being on the atreet after 0 oclock union uccompanled by their parent guardian poople may vote nay may 2bth strong opposition boa iovcloped against oakvlllen proposed new a1000 uibllo bchoal by law architect ellle of toronto nliawathal byb0l0oxpendituretltepraent hulldlng can be remodelled to meet present requirement alao tltat u four rooraod motion an a nuolouo of u new ocltool can lw he oreoted for 1 20000 epworth loocrue aulsu red cross tuouduy evening of lait week five mem homo tlio 31th hattallnn luelph under the aunploea of lite kpwortli league gave u latriatla concert in the metliodut hcliool itooin an arcmilt the proceeda reallited being handed to tha rwl crou booletv tho funds of that organisation were aug mented to tho extent of ftli03 ilonororaduatc3orsp s mr harold b nlcklln who for the past four yearn lie been attending tha bcliool of practical hclenco iuuj ut tlie exauiln tlon of bin final jear in civil engineering with houoru howard m ulaok lata of acton pouted in electrical engineering with bonorn through thoao kuocauful cnndldaud more credit la refleoleit on our continuation bchool street cleanlnp in progress cur main thoroughfaren are being scrap oil cleaned aiul prepared for the projiouml application of tarvla tliedutinllloiatol guen a trial thin ooaoon the coploun ilto worn of saturday were certainly a benediction to town and principally toour mercantile ofitabluihtnont tlie dust wu becoming intolerahlo and tlilngu wero at a suiulalill waiting for tha eleaient to deliver tha neocuary moutura ueul heclurff u prisoner k j uoclurg nee mib annie corrlo of kault hte uarle for never a weeka luu licen urablo to find anything concerning the whereabout of her hua band ueul moclurg of tlta tint contin gent thia week hou over intelligence has been received that bo a at but m prisoner of war ijeutand mra moclurg ware manied iut prior lo hie leaving for tho front pretty wedding at edgar thomoihndkt lronog ohi1u out a tho hoone of a tory pretty wadding linn muu itaolmcl ilrumlao wow united in thahondaof holy wedlock to mr cardao lauiler the contracting partlea are itotli of krfgar ilia brldon traelllug oottume u blue sorgo with black uoa trimmed bat- tho joung peoda visited toronto and acton on tbolr wodding tour mr uujor la o ulster of mrs i v culdwall and gained wavy friends liera wluira tlta ient tlta winter lut yar another pine mew basldanoa tl round was uokait on uoaday morning for a flna twoatoray briok reaklenoa for mr jama byiaon lunlwarameroliailt on his property at tlio corner of willow tilraet awl watt bower avenue tha bululug will be vhjkm la of neat arohltaotural deulgn will be locatail thlrtywvea fmt from tho s lret and will oonjuaikl a flna vlow dowa bower avenue tula u oua of tho tlnaat building lou in town and tlta new roajdenoa will ha an ornament to tba street mr j ih mackeniila i the oon- trantor preston germans arrested joorge klmiul aitd ton aruiur two rcuhlontji of uils town wlio liava haaa liav- lug too much to say in regard to the pros out war and their aympathy with lartaanvi ore arreted ibis afternoon by cttlef craw ford ami lackeil u col oliver who is lu command of tlie third oootingout atuualnli waoominuulcatd with and ha stated ha would have ilia iwlwniorj removed to loo- inn tho incident hua caused consider- aha okoltcinont about tlio tounam more urroiaara lookod for to morrow in to ronto oolloji haa alw beeit taken agalnat tjetuun olulni two of these ware closed by the authorltloa one of tueu it a alleged had hold a celelirullon to commem orate the uotablo victory from their con- onjitlon of vlotory of lluj sinking of tlto lusltunla 1 dates for examination tho department of education haatent out tlie date for die midsummer evaulna tloiim the evamlnutlotia for tha junior high muool entranoo and the junior puuto fcoliool briduatiot will be held during the week from june kith to rd the juuhur pnhllo aohool evamlttatlnti in manual training and household mlauoa oomaa cu duna 1jth olementary science anil art on tho 17th and kiifillsligrabmurarulcaimdl- mi history 011 the ibth ou june llai the entrauoe eiamlnatlous in oouposluoii uud tpolllngand uu graduatloa examluiuoaa in algebra mid owtinasltlou will bo lieu aet day uriuiinello ami literature cximln- htloiis will bo hold for loih while on tho llsrd will i0 hekllheentrarioaekaniinauonm in kngluh gnunhur writing and geogro diy ami the mibo aohool graduation anamination in bookkeeping spell log and geography tlio examinalionm in oral reading wiu im taken o any day cf tho wtofc from 4 to 0 oclock session of county court personal and travel notes at tho conclusion of tho business of sooln1 und porsonnl itomu of intor- out to proa prosa hoadom division court last thursday quite a l field day 1 bo rcgului may wwiliu of tbo fourth diiulou court wau held hero lut1 tliuru- iltty iluilgo klllott preiihling in addition to tha bnlf doxen cumut bcfoio tlio dlualou court llioio wun ono for tho county court und for tlio aooammodatloii of tha iiurtlou nil nf whom reulda bnro inilgo klllolt bold u wwuloii of thut court in aolou thlu uocoultatcd tho ireitonco nf hherirr woulcr and couuiy clerk moulouuban dmuloit clerk agnou uaa oppolutod clork crier ro tern and chluf lutwaon uctcd no county constable the dklblou court comb were an fnl- itamnuurf a murlloliuk thin wan n dlaputo over a lot of furniture judgmout for plaintiff l uud oot coldbteln vn 1ollchuli anotliordfoputo among our foreign iouhiti0u reatectlng furniture judgment far luaintlff h hi and coatn i v caldwell iidiuliilntrntnr fur efttulo nf a motavuh vi t wnrkmifti account for clothing judgment for plaint i it viooqodonmtk ii v caldwell iiilmhiurator fur obtato of a motuvub vu it unwln acooiint for clothing judgment for phi in tiff 810 ainl caul 1llklngton ilawi co ut ii a hwack 1 tamer balance on acco mt for gluua ludgment fur plaintiff 3 00 and coata tlie county court cobo wan a nult by chan wood agiiiunt mrs hiiiith for an ullegcd acoauntof 9iohiu duo for wngou tho evidence iihau cd that nothing wusduo tho plalntlu and tho suit was dbuuluuul with cotta xv i dick waa counsel for the plaintiff und a j uaoklnnan for do fondant obituary jctnicrii vvvk exiuivt a telegram won received here on thurs day morning from victoria ii by mr peter monnbh hh former partner stating that mr joseph vyto had died suddenly on the street a stroke of paralysis ww tha cause mr kyfe wau the canadian gent of a firm hi england who are woollen exporter he has be it in tlie weat fifteen or twenty yearn urst nt itoanland and in later yourn a calgary vancouver and victoria mr fyfe won a resident nf acton for many 3 cart ho came hero as a motborlosu lud of four or fiva yearn hack lu tlio fifties and una carefully reared by tho lute mr and mrs adum dickson at tho death of lib fouler father he succeeded so bin i lite rent in tho me reliant tailoring business of dickson mcnabb twenty- eight yearn ago mr vyfa was elected koovo of acton and it i a matter of local interest tltat ho was iteove when fair view cemetery llylaw was carried ami hla namooa jilol mugutralo apjwara on tlio first doedn isaucd in i hh7 a couple of years lutor mr fyfo moved to barrio where ho bail purcbauod a general mercltantilo biulnonp ho returned to acton ubout twonty 3 euro ago an 1 from hero went west during tho hosuuind gold fever h was mr fj fa who built tho brick reftidauco 00 church htroet which uusa couple of joaiu ago punhaaed by maura ileanlmore jt co an iho nucleus of ilia inrgo nuiualon now nearlng completion mrs fjfe who was mimi jounlo mcmucuon daughter of the late thomas momuckau acton nurvlvoo him an do alio mrs lubt j tjuruey of victoria h c mrs ii lllnn ing of calgary mrs ltav h dick dluiylo mlnluter and herurt u ho in tlia west much sympathy will be felt here far tha family lu the sudilsii horeav anient second inmbrsltv company canadian expeditionary poroe prln- oess patricias canadian light infantry mow ay hia0aba0mthelake the cunaillau mllitu departmant baa autliorlujl tha organ fiat ion of heoaml unlveralty camjuny for overjtoa service to go as reinforcement to tlta imnce patricua canadian ught infantry the company will in oooiuumlod by cwtan ceo a uodonili of the uotllll oontbi gnt cotc vlutcaplilnperclvajuoj- aon auoof tha mcdill contingent cot a froooml in oommaiul owing to tha suooeaa which uu attdtulaj tha recruiting for the vlrtt unlverilly company which is at present vip to full strength ami attached as d company to tha lhih llattalioti catuullah eiwdl tfonary tarco it wastliouubt advisable to form another company and an application was dtado to the department tor tlta uaoaa aary autliorlty which lui bua grtubfrd- itacrultliiff for tlie uoupany has already boaa started auil many tuuea have been received tha company will ba compotmvl of croduatea or undergraduate of uul- title or tlieir frlemla conditions of sr- vice and rata of iay will ha the same aa in other unit of tha cunailuut kpedltlonry voroa the piru university compaay and tlie torouui unlvenlty ami uotiill unlveralty contingent cotg are now in lhair training camp at niagara on the- lake end it u expected tltat a large uumbar of re cruit for the new company will be obtain ed there immediately after the camp active lecrultiiig will ha oowmeaoed at montreal tha heiubpuartar of the company will lie at 3j aiterltrooko btreat weat and aayea- qulrlo or applications should be addressed there to lieutenant uao h currio ite- crultliig ofhoer mew law re treupmulny poultry 1 tho new llevlfteil rllatulao cltapler 247 section 7 tha cuuse relating to poultry formerly including ducks aud geese now inoludou all toultry aud coyat if the owner of geese or other poultry refuse or neglects to imvont the same from trespuwlng ou ills uelghbora promise after a notice in wrlllag has been eerved upon him of their trespau he shall incur a penalty not exceeding 11000 uoat teode in town now have their heus penned up a few utdl jiermlt tlietn to traius the uw now u explicit lu tlie matter have you been sick then you realize the utter weaknew that fobs ambition destroys appetite and ualuta work a burden iwestorethat slrettgtb and sutuitu tbst is stfajttttij uothlag hsa ver je4oeled ct oosmmtcd wltli- scou ulattid sis lb siitttigtbetubilltw uourlab- st btvfajdratce the uocjvdjstribtste tjpaatlovturbdttt the bod jvblle ka ukda wtns fipw the appetite and rcafcmtf mlth la a natural pcrtnaiicut way xytm arc run down tlrj utrvouf ovtrwotked or lack htrcugth get tkott gleamed duhiho the week j mian lwm hfiillli ef terunlo wuu bum thin week muu unliy chirk win homo from toron to over hunihiy mr cburlou llyndu wtm homo from t nn 1 to foi hunduy mluu initio a mooiu i iciidiiig tho uuol lu toronto mlun nolllo junlluo npoiit tha wook end nt her homo in milton mlsa ella mollmruii wau homo this uoett for n nhort viulu mkn fdium itahy of cooluauo allmrtn nrrivcil hare from the wet hint week if hwnokbumor of aaton ok warden of hiiltan wan in tnviu ycstonlnj cham plou mlau ethol cruige of toronto npout tho uookoud with her mint mrs crowww moljiiughlin mien mury umlth who lu now rouldlng lu lunlph lent n feu days thin week with aolou frloiidu mr a t llroun attended the uunual mooting and liniupiot of tho drug trading co at toronto mr 1 1 olter t vvalluoo relumed from vviujhintn on monday nud u 111 remain in town for u tlmo mlunon iuiirl ihikor uud fruucon ilrlck null t tout huturday anil hunduy ut thoir homos in toronto minn jcsuio molliorwju cf toronto iu cnttitaiiy with mlua ituby clarke numt tho vvcob ond with mm w j could mm kicholun forlwi hr or haglu mku nieiit 11 week or ho with her win hero und loft last friday to visit her son edward mr and mm john lane and charlie left lost friday for buirilo n v w lie re they intend to renldo thuy have been in acton sevorul jcarx their otal son victor went to tho war with tho plru canadian contingent itov t m jcltorlu wau in hamilton on inilay thoguontof mev d d ilrnud praachod to tho lattorn congregation at the o veiling ccrvlco uur townsman is tho oldost methodist clergy null in canada 01 long 3 oar oukvillo lteoord what hed do a british olllccr inaiiociiiig cen trios guarding the llucn in flinders camoaorout a raw looking jeomau what are jou bore fur j ba asked to report anything unusual sir what would you do if you taw llio liattlaahli utoaming acru tho hold j un der hlgn tho plodgo sir lollne school report following is tho leooid of tha htaudlng nttnlninl by lome hohmil puplln during arll h11 iv ijiuiii mnoilfluuld fiun joiiip slou jiibn wulklnu in ivclnm l4nt amn uyder laaliclla wutklim ciwi illctiroliuo itydor vma mo- ilnchom doiirild moltougall hit ii jcuii modougall arnold mc- donuhl itauald molainberu wllnuir wat kiuu elmora jiihiiaton hugh brown j11 ii jovsle ityder hoy johndtou lleaulti modonnm murle fjintx hector muodounld ci vim i cordon johmitou augim mo- cuclieru campbell miller ci mu a harold hwackbamer ci hi ii fuck madaugull conlou mcdougall ktilhleeu miller laura mui- roy n a jvunim teacher incomparable seleotions uneqaevlled values in womens wear huwkihbiaidaarjnqadrjdrjoaimbibimmai 0ranitewahc tinware at attnadtivs tnioicei bsjstauppr we move on may first to permanent quarters having secured an interst lu the prop- crtj known ns ibu mclean hulldlng lust aenvs the street from fair prvaeut local ion u here wo plan to have tlie best equipped optical oltlco in tlio dominion a d savage oftomefbist mfc optlcian d will supply aigooiu ut the fo tt lowing iirlccu n jld wash tuba wlih wrluoor at- inch men i ib do amlsxloo- a bird cagea usc to ttjgoo u wuah itoilemilbo t ixw s orunito water iailn ho aud 7c a granite pudding dinhcs lo lit band tk m dunt pnnn japaucd assorted 5 colors 0c gmtora 3 in 1 i oc tin water paiis loql fo- vftk s aiyd l qt forttttc b dlith pans 1 4 nt fur fc 9 granite hniilu plim iff uu soc s gronlto itlcu or milk lloflom ttoc p tarhox ijnstknu mopa no oil n g l3 a tarluik floor pnluher nn oil n ittlaoaiid 00 tarliox duntlesa dust cloth vg ej tarbox handle dustleaa duslcr a oc h repairing promptly done 8tovca a removed pipes cleaned and put llko ull ot tor depurtmeiilu in llihi blef dcpartnicntul nlor tir dopurtmentu for woinenu wur ulxiiutd in iintnmpuriiblo mtlectlnns nml iiiteminlletl valiuu assorlinunu are lurgo and incluulve valui s uro of ibo hlpli- gniik- htyluu uro correct uud niituimttc prlcoa nro the luwont compatihlo willi value suits dolcctnlile ityhu and dopeudublc frabrlca lytt to svfsoo miminekv croatinno or ttrilsllc beauty and winsome beeoiulngneiui hosiery broad aeleclloim of desirable colom and qualltlea itvoderstely priced coats hmnrt mmlhtli utylou and unlet did uelcctlonrt h6o to sj2sq4 blouses terviceabl nil silks 4100 to proltv and aervlceable atylea hi wash faurlta r- underwear tested qualities ami gool prlcen iti tindermuslins and knitted wear land largo minor t- moiilu lit color and mnlerliu simr rain coats belet qunlllia lonlu lit colo iixko gloves gxciuhivo and demmduhla liiitu in french kldsllklsloniidcotton corsets illaacoruelu in models ndnptcd to all flgurea giving jterfect com fort when 11 gnolpli shop nt mocdoimldu when in doubt shop at mncdouulda wi1011 you wiiili to practice economy shop at macdouald w when yon want the highest value at the lowest price it la here that on will find it 1 d e macdonald bros linlld s j stauffer muhhwumaaaqddadndddamhmmwm c c speight for uptodate goods 5llvrware in tsmblwrefln varuty alao pfnai cuuenry hrdwar tlnwaurai arid oram- hwirin vr1ly peindorai stova mnti rauisia famous htirit small stova oh stova every article iu ol lional value exccp- c c speight uui slkct atloet h r miluoan has a well equipped meat shop at the corner of mill and young btraatg acton the socood brick building from the otu entiling and will simplioll kinds of fukhh and cukeo meatt of beat quality at rosonabla nrlceo wtat dellverd to all custom 1 eromplly pirtclamrfrlgrator i imp open every avenlng i farmers trade empeclally solicit- i illglieu cash piiccspaldforetare and poultry beshal autkvtfe41 lauodjed ttiui sid u atjbsajoeb bwrplue atrsmod putting awqy small sums in our savings department you can put away small hums and while wailing your call they will draw interest georgetown branch w n usscay uaaacar bank of hamilton ji l the merchants bank op canada guelphs leading and largest store wyodhara macdoncll and cardca slrf li guelph onl m headqua r tbrs for lawn mowers price from 350 to 1200 all kinds ol sporting goods in stock qo oure and see our moon stone enamel ware before buying all kindu of chimney and sewer tile in stock all kinds screen doors and windows in stock call to ice our hammocks before buying price iss to gm croquet sets 135 to set x arnt for the celebrated gurney oxford oil slov s agent for the celebrated perfection oil moves 3 iurnero st 3 burners 9iiss 4 burners iiss- ovens to match 24 and 3tf jambs syaion hardware mill street acton out fanners account mfabntltm 1rfcilftfmrlilmniiiirf u nan t imy r wrt- utvtafbmlmumimtv w uwk u to w w ym the bank of nova scotia vuikuclihlulmltst metropolitan bank fc iikk huakanrtat sum u4 bfamtnob robt noble ltd tmmkmuiiui tv umuteim i cuud thrift is ri described as eco nomical mnnaiement a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause hu saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret oi ins success lies in the principle of baving olio dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oawralpaidufi m00 kkstrrvbruhobahu undlvidmumiolrna- 7mi acton branch f a maclean manager uanulltb sugar beets amo tuhnub seed corn lvawldg white dp contptohh king pblll wliconrin ho 7 loagbhin j l warren there has not been any increase in the price of columbia records they re made in canadn-conse- quontly are not suy6ct to the 7 12 p c war tax they sell from 85 cents to 750 but no matter what price you pay the columbia record at that price is ex ceptionally good value for the money go to the dealer whose name is mentioned below and ask him to give you a catalogue of columbia records if he hasnt any owing to the big demand write direct to the columbia grophoplione co toronto and you will receive one by return mail but go to the local dealer whose name is mentioned below and ask him first also ask him to play over some of the newest records including mary pickforda official wng entitled- sweelbeirt of mine im not attuned of vou mollle somewhere a voice u caudtr aim wbupertaf hope handeli urfo by cutty melodyldpvciuu a perfect day 5mi suuj hs iee l c c speights mill st acton ont agcut wnutod where not oxilvtily rcprwieulwl apply uuslo uupply co toronto

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