Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1915, p. 4

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tllltihia ma 11 101ft the nmrennuce illtlo humiy uxwyfrtl 1hn imiiimilli tlio iron t wimsh rlu irojui rnio tit wt not a wlilt cir ho nfavor whlimtfr ut tlitmlornt t llunny auliil lion mi found uumi know hut nun ulll uliiiio noma luy ttmn hell fciuiwr oiluitil pliy ltttlo kloltlu kollljuip liua u niinury una i hut wimui ilia mitt iwuihh to tlj do in plan to ulil ii vftlm b tlto iilwwt tllllljf toy mm ltoolm anil lom imil utrlnfr i ami well ltd linnua cituli hunny ly h ii lm biiowwi on l nil lo to plj i ii tell you wliat tltut ilumiy tluar hiiau come unil iu wltli tii ami ilolihy itay t lists very clear imut fo lttiui tlta lww fw llunny ltoy 1 ftnil mrtt lieat 1 tfiy let llielr inatluua iiuvm u rt and not cry forty tlntc n iluy 1 lleeite t tnwy i jo nut ami pliy t r ijrmla hawly 1rulte- iveast makes perfect bread c1iildbeh amd clothes tlie fuflifoniautof fihlilon tior wmmo m cruel m wlten it la urn lialpu clilmrtn wltonr llnowu lenealli tlie wiimih if kilulu chom to ttiukty tliu rllkpnalfloti of tkemulvea well uml food tlmlr morlflos tleejit voluntary and nnyetl jut ut tlu child nm lw protect 1 until tlie day of jurwiusl cliolee ha dewiied if tha penuuial choleo of luihlea and ohlt dren cotild iw oouaulttwl on tits subject of olotlilntf limy would lis found uiianlmouely un in their damaiwl for oomfortauk fit tulqujit warmth etui nuluhlllty to the purrulu of aitrettie joulli 1 ami if iven the ballot tliey wotilil move to ltw palla u one united body and vote down the toother who aaerlfliwl to atyle or to outeneu or to the hanunltio nroew or to any other botherfuwna theoiy amoaitf the many fallaclee on ilia auhjact of prop- clothing to which amall chlhlren ar vlotlmliud pathana the worst aa well u the hardest to undereund la uuit whwb uya that if only the ohett la well woteeted ute rt of lite body may lie rutfcuetly evpoeed to tlie eleioenta thla theory it u which account for um hull thtou barrelled body one meeta in winter froto which emerge u rtalr of bre blue- mottled bgtt the upper patrt of the body u clul apjiewriuy in fold after feld of elotbino wltli over all perhapa either a lieavy kweeur or a fur coat the lea are bara with the eioeptum of a abort thin nock it la only felr to admit that the toother who wod their ehildrtui out in winter tlraj ad in ihu buuiner ar a vapidly lewanlng uuuktf but thoea who fcuh cling to the ftthloa ai4 surely not twar that aluw children hetiargeeliln aurfao ia pto- portlon to their body weight tha have ajulta they are biore ausoeptlhle to thllhi and not leaa hy aleo nuke the- curioua uletaka of reaaonlag that beoauee brottchltii attaoba the sheet it only lavadee the ayitieni thwufih the chtet and henoe they only trou6t that oae spot and leave all other aveduee open to attack by thu course they prov their ignoranoe of the fact that chllltoaay part of tlte body way give rl to lroochitla and also of the other very important fact that in children a chill tay have uauy bad ootuku uenoea ueklm atocalud cold or roepiratory trouble the audden digeetlve dlnturhauoee of chlldrea abouu properly be often traced back to a chilling of the lurfaceoi tlie body rilher jkad to an rror in diet properly cud chlldrea will digest better aa well aa have fwer oolde than the unfortunate barelegged onaa tmurtefealace buattdiweurwd e uwy fttfgrtvvait tha it chamberlains tablets womab bit fwad vr ruej te oj k tkweutue m kiii w- fc hn kit umliiw u4lulmtnumu3 u ja kautay utaj 1 htewatak vmvrn a hx1 skcok0 ik7t qiukira believe lu a goiter garb bat they are by tw uaaiui without thai quality blah would be tartaed vanity la the wotut people auntpeaoa lawton had ihla qualltjr to a burked tlega una day m fctfolllng khotographr aeked i to take a plotur of tha lwtii faulty kitting oh their velvet lawn mr lawtm gv th miiuloa but be re the jovs ofhome life tlmjnynof lioum hfoare often overlook oil in thin ud of haate mid ekooualve buul itfihh rattwj we are too huay to lube uocount of the muiy pleaaure aurroundlng our dally family life or tha roullne of ho imhnhl dutlea may crowd their real worth to the wall lrhatm we ar blinded by tho ntruirule for lmpiluum in the uipu hir uitiiimtriiaiith of tho tlii var aome reamin at louut many of ua wall hut too into the ireolouunoiu of thoue thing which make homo lifo moat ilmr mont mollior mid titer too nmy uee their chlldmu each dnj but how liumy lineilulli eotiijianlohiililp wltlt tliemt tfm fathfir j on uay cdtmot ilia work provider doea not permit thla jmatli hut doea the fatlker uie tlto little boyaand iih uiitnhlmmlf when tlt ilaya rind a mor anil tlie evening lirlngn him into ida futnll circle t or a it tha magailne lie preferat lib the hoya joyfully wetootne iiotne father climb upon hie tired kneerf and eaoh tcramhlltn for rooognltlou eagerly tell him of tltelr own little aflalraof the day aro they really glad to welooma him homo ami ituke a big 4aoe for him around tie llredda if ao happy are thoee boy who lutvo audi n father itoya b now at n11 early age wliether fatlter u true bluff or not they have a tower nf die oerntuent not found in oldere 1 and if wa think they do not detect our weaknewtea ignorant are we liuloul fto they notirly bnou ulnu we are utermted in tltetu and to what extent t ca alaa i they ilo know and knowing living grow and go in their own nweet way a bay is fortuu ate i will repeat to have puoh fatheir who can enter heartily into the joys of hu children even though often jaded by tha days work that father lu taking exoount of lite ttr4tt ploaaurve of home ufa 1 and if tut boy faila twill not be heceum of home barren ne iloea tlie inotlier flivl more phwaure around liar own firide tlian arouail that fif her nelghltor or that of a eiitar aoclal worker t can aha find rd ioy in caring for her children day after day t or do they make her too ttervoua to ttay at houar truly butla wltli littu onee uuat irt away oecaalonally frotn the tetty oaree of tdothethood the chlldrm a well aa lh parenu need a change ilut tha toother aa well aa tha father obould develop a oon radethlp with ha chlldratt in ui bonia in thla way la boue and hotne life mada tnutually attractive for pamu ami chlhl rd and will wovba in after yoira when tha hotna ties are mvurtd tha brlfthtaat and tnoat cheriahed of all fadeadorlea castoria tot bfuu ta cuuiu iduaeretoversov ajaya beart tut rastoiii 8bt0bv a little town uuata a church whflna pauor boildee being an eloquent preacher la a tnan of stalwart riroporttoua a revl val waaktartatl at one of tlta evening meet- logs tlie urvloes were dlaturhed by two hin who audihly aooffoil at every thing they uaw or heard finally tha petor reiaotutratad with them on uielr behavlor arul aakeil tltem why thy hail attetuled tha meeting vve oatua to sea ulraclea performed impudently veplud one of tha raecala leaving tlie milplt aod walking quutly down tha tuu tha ttiinuter wiod one after tha other by the collar and aa they diuppoued out of the door remarked we dont prorm wliuclee here but wa do caut out devlla tnarlui wera not apfroved by aunt iw wnnly ooetivencui atvd u care when tha etfcrelory orguna refuw ut pawonn their funotlona iiroperly tlie iituuitiaa beootua ioggetl thlata known aacoativeaauaad if negtacud gives rua to dangerous com plwtiaaa ivrmelee a vegetable iuis will afiect a upeedy cure at the orel intimation of this ailtoeut tlta aufferar bhould irocun a paobet of ilia pills and put hlmalf under a cour- of troatuwnt tha good aneots of tha pllla will ba ajmoal imueduuiy evident too uowat i want to ba xoumj aald tha worried tooklug juryman addnlng tha judge i owe a win is that i borrowed and aa ba u leaving england today for xoma yearn i want to catch mm before ba getato tha boat and pay hitn iha a vou are atiouawl retumw bis lord thlp in ley tones i dont waab anybody on tha jury who can lie ilka that utrho 17 h1ld two oouritry wowaa taotlieiand daugh ur wore vuluug a menagerie for tha flrat tlma at but they eama to tha hippopot amus aud ktood for aeveral talnutea traaa- flked in allant wonder then tha mother turnad to her daughter and aald alowly when lb beauria evident that her gentle rantonetmboa had no affect aunt iwia aald no mora but at the moment when tha tahotographey uld itaady v and eniuaed tha 61td aunb pease lifted her bpoueae fcaadkerchlef apread to anowy aquare in both hand biding liar uof am bead com puuly why aunb lvsaoe what wade you do thatr asked liar nephew reproachfully when ha had pertululou from tha photo grabber to peak william aald tha old lady calmly u thee think that i prapoee to ba put in picture with rny moood beat cap oh awl my karohleiaadly in need of mi iron thw a greatly inuukeu waria ara dlaflgurouunta that duuppaar wbatt treated with hollowaya corn jar ifva fool matt who thinks that ha ear tleem all hbi wlfaa relatioiw soma wouaa can nulla in the am of a 1 vataity jut am if thav meant if the one aura thing la that one eenfc 1 autw of anything in uila world thjnr wuk himus tails x u irtehnian onoa want to fair to sell two plga and aa it happetied they were minus the ulu after ba had thaw sold b aald to the jobber t 1 von must aell tliera wholeaale why r aid tho jolur lleoauaa you eaano retail them re piled 1l wloadneaa ma i aint bepului vloloua woman never wear rubber baela uanyauau hu been aold who didnt get hla prl tha oomlng loan uaually turtia out to ba bill collector iterves were ml ifwmuytiautfltlettoa m4 hau h to k4l wbtn tba nerve bwie ahaky tha whola aytbtm aeattia to ltaooma ututnuw and 11 utfltra fuiit of colupaa ooettnk an tho heart worki in aytapathy witb iha narvta mra vtd wdtwr bhallow leii out wribui i doctored for yr for ay heart and nerve with thrto dlfleratt doctor but they did not aeem to know what wan tho triatter with tarn lly uarvea aot ao bod at hut that x could not hold a paper in ray luuda to read the way they trtuhfed i gave up tloctotliu thlnklnjt i could not gt better a lady imnf a few doon from tw vld ma to try a hot of mllburna heart and nerve fill ao to bleat her x did nod i am thankful today foe doing no for i uin itftmr and doing my own work without help jmilimrne heart and nferve wtl are jot ocnta per box 1 hoxcw for si 35 at rjlt ilruattuh or ilroleni or mailed direct mti receipt of prlia by the t mllburtt clo limited toronto oat g8mhou8 with abvicb to a young man who btood tunnklng a nltfiir at the btreot corner the nthnr nuinhiy tltorn apiroolihl the impertinent refonn or nf immotiiorlal logend ifow inniiy oluara a dy ilo you 111 tally amokev rukml the licenoeil tnetldler in other mmtpiaa adiilra four replied the youth mm wtlentlyam he could thou the iiifiuitioti continued how much iloyou pay for tliemv nlimpenwi each oonfeaiteil the young man iktyou know alrcentlnuel tlteaage that if you would aave uiat tnoney by tlie time you are as ovi aa i am you would own tliut big building ut tlie corner lb you own it t inquired the smoker no replied tlie oilier well i do replied i lie young man omldien ory for fletchers castoria his wav of iavimo it oh thank you i exclaimed an elderly lady toe laborer wlio aurroihlereil hla tout in n crowded trsmcar tlieub you very muoli tfuttuoil rluhty mum 1 was tlie re joinder as the lady ut down the chivalrous laborer added wot i ux is a nun never ott to let a woman stand some men never get up unlet bites pretty 1 but you see mum it dont make no difterenof to oocaliunally a widowers heart is warm ed 01 er by an old flame cltergefor tlie odvioe you hand out if you want people to tuba il some prfjile aeam to lie unneoeefcarfly in order tokep in practioe the aurat thing in title world is a friend you cant depend on when you need hlu a married woman likes to talk of ilia days when she was aingle and luul a good time leftove p aft nto willie dear aald irwinmu no mora aku lo nig lit dtint you know you cii 11 not iiwpoii a full btomnuhl wdll rt keil willi can kl on my buok illlt itouru fell off fifty foot udder nnd waant hurt m bit huff mfty foot iwhlert i dou t be llavaltatull wit its quite true ifo ml off the bottom runp- look here t ald an exalted man to a ilrilgfrlxt 0u gave ine morphine for tjulrilno thla morning fa that not replied the druffulst tlienyou owe mo twenty iua oentn clirutun iteulater dont give corisuiimion a ohance t ttd a imuu m yatf irtia ckmcai hie hru ucw cejel myuafau dus woods norway pih syruk a eou 1 tutuctej will sooeer or utrf tkvetop luto iome tort of lung trouble a wa would advla you that on the tint fclti of a cold or couju you get rid of it intmeduttly var thl purpoee we know el nothing better thin dr wood0 norway khee flyrup thia prcparatloa hi heed oa tha tturlut for the pail twenty five yean and tho who have ued it have nethlrig uit werdj of praiae for it fleecy vx ii n gui tvurov n-s- wlta tot jranuory 1013 i dewlofwd w awful cold and it hung ea to fate f or ao long x was afraid it would turn hito coemunpiian x would to to bed nudit end could not get any tktp at eu for the thokliig feeling in my throat and ida bad aotttctlme i would cough till i weuld torn black in tha face a friend catoe to ta ua and told tne of your ao x fcot uiother and wbea x had ukerj the two bottles my coujh was all voae end x have never had aa attack of it wnee bid that la now a year ajro iv wood norway pine ttytup u put wp id yellow wrapper uuve pine trea the trade tnaib and prlc 2se etml fio it la niauuractured eely by the t- uilbura co llmlbd toronto out it wan not of courne uu irluli paper whtoh whh reapotntllile for u veoeiil tulver tlaement us follow 1 for sale 1 liukers luhiikuui 1 good trade 1 urge oven j treuitt owner been in it for aeveti years t leal reaaons lor leaving bad blood la xh ctttm of btlb umi imk when bolls or pimples start to break out on your face or body you may rest aburcd that the blood u la aa toipure atata and that before you can ret rid of th it will be neceuary for you to purify it by uiliig a ood nedlcioe that will drive ajl the irapuritlea out of tha yatam ib unlock blood hitter u m blood puri fy id retnedy one that hut bea 00 ths market for tha peat forty yer oae that ulmowti frooi oae endot the country to the other we the best blood pwriflev id txlatcdce it cures botta flmulee nad alt othtr dueaaea arlalng fiwa bad blood bolts cured ur andrew ceukr river olade njl wee troubled with bolu for year la feet did not know what it waa to be rid of tteaj until he used burdock blood hitter it cured hha mmflats cubed ur otto boyce vatw oat had his fere and neck break out with bunple- he tried fcmnll kloda of taxlictne with out auceeee two bottua of burdock blood lllttere banldved theed ii if 11 la menufartured only by the t ullbum co limit torouto oul take a wio omno in latrlflb und take ndioi nf mtmetliliig uaid nno frlbbuimi to urmtlmr no mikm im ufnld of 1hn vr kliioo uin hilinrtv dltxl howuuonn of thu ilvolloht mhwu in thene part hut he iwiyau the drop buul unmi in llnrnny nliainiou n miliwin it wuh u dropout of u i tot tin t hmt hut in n little while tim took a few lrflu too inut h aiul tlien hodropiiod into the utter h iliopied hlu pined ho dropitod iiid coit and lint ho dropped hu money he ilroj kw1 everything but hlu thlrut for utroug drink roor tim i hut tho wnrtt in to romri lln got umay with drink ouodnv uud klllwl a man and the last tiino i new him ha was taking bin luit drop wltli a nllppluu uimwe uround hla neck i lmn iilt tho dropping hindncm mlkrt i lime uum too tnauy good falloun when whlnkey liiul llm drop on them thoy tnnb j nut a drop from tha battle thou tl oy dro jmmi into tho gutter mid thuy riropjtcd into the yrnve ho rumullor can got a drop on ma uiiy inoro uud if you da 1 1 drop him mike ho will drop you oung arthur had teoeiilly uleu up the uudy of anatomy at kchool and liiul khown a great inureet in the eouree ha drank in all information aboat the various part of th body with abaorblng lutemt the prograe at ulioal however woe too alow ao lie kou more information at home one efieruood upon returning froeikehool ae ba fct hungrily devouring a reoerouakued piece of brawl and teolaa kaa ha akked hu mother in grave perplex- ityi uotlier i know where biy liver la but where la my 1ood r children ory rob rletchers castoria vor anuinva aad catarih it u one of tha chief rwooeiinendatioaa of iv thomas lolectrio oil that it can be uaed inurnally with as much kuooea aa it can outwardly buerers froej aathma and catarrh will flod that the oil when uaed aeeonllng to directloaa will give immoillau relief llany kuhvtere froai tha allmenu hava found relief in tha oil and have keut ui1 uoelala tha ftirl who la aaibltious to tnaka a name forhareelf uaually ends by aooeptlng kotne mans the old baelielor kays a girl afteramona own heart la usually after some other fellows children ory for fletchers o astor i a deino lauailtd at to lie laiilieil at in ono of the uevcniftt tets of character homo wople can en dure pain temjitatloii or troulle with more uanlinlty than they can muster for meetluu a aueor tho couroe you uboiihl follow wl en you are laughed at iiajwihih on tho occunlou uf tlie lauihtor ramelfmt it in deserved u by uluuintmindeiiiietn nr a ullly i lumler you havo mado your if rldloulnim it in uteloa to aaaume an air of dignity tlie be thing you can do under audi clroum atanoea is to laugh loo if tho laughter is oocafcloned by atlcklug to principle tlien tlia dlujnlty u kot out of plane hut bo aura it is good uatured ianipaua dignity never lifllw tlie hltuatlan tha imjuirtant thing to realixe is that iwiing lauuhl at la in reality a tery trivial mnttor uhen jou cannot take it aa a jibe you can at uai1 treat it with thecontemjitltdenarieii ttioukaiida of motliera can testify lo the virtue of motlierfiravea worm lxtermin ator beoauoe tliey know from experience how ueful t is a suhb but hha you don t keem to mind tlia foot that i have refund you he well jwu ut b five dollars that you wouldnt refute any one and i win tin old fashioned purging ud griping action of pills is lw liie awiy wil uubiiraa lauuver hlhi ttith unlock the aecktioob dear away all waste end tffcte niatur from the lyi end klve tone and vitality to the whola lebstiaal tract they do thla hy acting directly on the unf end tnakuig the bile pes through tha bowj biitred of ellowhig it to ttt into the blood end thus fiiig cootu petlott enndice catarrh of the ktomacb end alrduer troubua- iirtlu katdtrcalatoboroonu wrltrf ilevldg been troubled for yeare with eoaatlpetlod end trying tauny diaeront teidcdlea wbkh did ma no fcood whetr x wea eaked to try llltburdm laxeuvc khue x have found then uoet heaehcial for they are indeed spl tih and x cad kladjy tecon tnend them to all people who oufftr frees conatifie tlod uilburda lwllver shila are lc a vui ft vlahj for ii 00 at ell dnikalb or dealer or mailed direct on receipt of tefee by the t uilbura cn untlfc6it tdreaatooat children cry for fletcher castoria iho kind sfou ixava always wonglit nul illicit ikih iwien la tana lor oyer jm yciu lmu lorno tho elgmituro of ami lmu iirrsn tmitlo under lilu inr- a noiiiil iiuporvluiou uliuoltu lufiuir 7cucju allow mo ono torinrelvo ou in tlilu ah counterfeit xmltntlms nud tf uro utit iskkmirltncntu tliut trlflu with miix euiluiiger tlio ik nltli of xuliuiu aud childreu igiorlcuco uguluht ivikiluiunt what is castoria cfoetorla 1m a imrmleam tmbetiluto for cnftfor oil pnre- corlc xjroim mid bootmutf hjnm it lu plntuimt it contnltih uoltlicr opium moriihliio nor other jiircouo hubetuuco itii na in uu ocmiraiitcrj xt leitroyj woriutf nnl nllnyu kniveatuhneaim lor more tlinu thirty jiv it lmu heat la conutfiut uo for tlio relief of coiihtiiuitlou xlatulenryr wiutl collo ull tililf troubkn nuil ilarrli03a tt reguiuteh tlio tttoniurli nml itot a ntialuil1nt tlia fml glvlntt lijoltliy mid nutural ioox tlio childrens vauaceav tha siotlierh imoutla genuine castoria always biuru the signature of in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bought vmii owmva1ih d6mumv milw vm 1vv es warmest kind for cold weather tougher iioroclildc will never be found becouoe llie beat in uoed or storeya glovea and gnuntleta and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome proceoo ig made pliable innunng extrnordmary wear reoisuince waterproof and the beot workinu gloves on the sold at all otoreo inslt on storeys keep the wheels turning buy made in canada goods power and economy combined with permanent service the mclaiumln six which we made ian year eauscj as entire revolution in automobile comlructlon provldlnn a mot luxurloua and powerful motor car at a niodorato price experienced suotorisu throughout canada showed their appreciation by creating such a demand jut we were unahle to meet it the result la that we have beeu afutured of its popularity aud are able to produce tbeiu at lower prices and give an even better ear that is the car has many minor improvements in iwdy refinements and mechanical details the melaughllnbulck famous vslvelnheuil motor develops most power with leant fuel every motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver more power than any oilier type of autouiobuo motor of equal sire of any make the b six is of the graceful streamline design has delco starting ignition and lighting system dimming searchlights disappearing tonneau eatsbest hand buffed leather upholstering english weatherproof top material new vacuum gasoline food cantilever rear springs every mclaugiilin six is guaranteed to run at least 17 miles to each gallon of gasoline let us arrange a demonstration jutoralura gladly tent on rcqutut mclaughlin carriage co limited head o0ic uud factory osliuut ontario hslauchllm mtifc am oiadlutfauii ttu a fwily equipped htttor aubttuuw wm brematcwl ta ut ciatkilui red croit uulllif cutlajp and ualor cwrnwilw tii1 autlbuuaa wu bo kblbtliou fti lhar toronto miawmottu jib iim wtk ettjitim uiofcjmi urumt inur- h bcluf h3turl by nuuy aimiiw utleoln county couhbii oowd oh tluplttie mbtl wlll stvlmy mrmuoiilin skkvige tdii company la on dlllie ilil cmrrlobfl cflwublf in caitmla u m turiy cih dlniicoaiiuiiiy lulllu wllb ciillmly ctnailun capita having our own braurhra llilrlliuteil llimiijtliout lite doiiiltilcni rmm hallfjx in vntionuver up ar in a luiililnii k ltp iicr of mrljtupliliii cum urn willed iwrvlrr mid ctnnliiiil iirompl atltmilnn alin lt plve quick ialn and darla- till ciuanl trunk railway t a uuhoku tilaiwb 1 t 11 i u th t vil kh nor v jl ii mo ii w i mmhwhuananannanaadcm sg rain chopping well done and quickly at only 5 cents per bfig harris ff co limited g hockwooo out 8 munuannaojupnnnh boots shoes eubbbes all linos cy footweiur s at right prices 3 a r all mona rubbers at g bargain prices l a a qqpdpp ddponnrjanapdnnandana w witjliams mill strtei acton f itaiurvav system doodlb thacu all yiiu uv toronto chicago torontomontreal roh chicago uv toronto b 440 tkm aud 11 t m dally rob uontheal lsava toronto 0 oo a hi bflo p and ii oo u m dully snimilh iltiillwd hllu t riiwof equipment i till pirt ml km anil bcrtli rcrvalona it finnd tniulf iklut oulcra s holmes agent phono no 13 the delights of gardening auk much enhanced when only the choic est 3ced3 are grown niir i ualoiiu ulionld ho in hit li in i of mi imuteur gar ilnur llm tultutil uricllomi irn kd k ir jnul practical that tin uol m i utl lw cullotl tlio jnmtn n imiiint companion a post card will at once bring a copy of this f rce book carters tcstcd seeds wc iao kimr trat vut ton onto ontahio ttrtttttluti l ibe folldwltic lowall si iota nd wiuhlrk uu uoumt qtm iklllllri onl toronto out ilawlltou htl iitmidoa oal wctton liyekt and bus l1nj3 having nlrtlinml tho liury hihliunhu und riioilwlll of tlie t hliito nf lln- lai jr wiiiiihi 1 rniultfollj illicit thu patron m of tin niiblfu ciiiniorlnblti rip will iiuvajwlio hiipplfod at rmtoniiblu clnrk lor ha prihuiit ur otorg hall ulin hiiu imd tlia itifitnf nigiitof thu htnbloi tlio utyar will unit h no lit clinrii ilo will aluniubo found tourteourt and oh ik i if oufjimbiete alii trains amdrose mccann mill st acton out atents i ehebnaehiirfflli ir all cduiawt ak tw our lnyentoirjl vdvihek wlilfl mill 1m milt ivm haniom it hah ion

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