Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laiiou au0o1thtnt pmioub nuabonatulu glvo us a call makiniaau licbhatcb hbbubd geo hynds ileualu- mkld vwmov doodad aoton ontario real estate varus for halo in makou ttccl and wei 1 1 nut on ioo farrau lor italo every ulxti ii you want u latai wril lur for catalogue or ii you wlu to well or xclinuit write tu we buve every ladllty for truuuiidlutf buulueuii to your complete mutlufncllou iorrcit tkadnrt9 kollrlletl- j a willoircuuv rnrin hrllln murrlullut tleoraetowm ffilic ctoit rm russ tkui181my mai an lulfl brief local items victoria flay the 2lth 1unt pototcwo by tlio tf llh of may twenty fourth of may uojil monday 0 course woll all oolohrato victoria i by court o llovlsou will lo held u moil day evening lint may in the council clialnher mr c c ilaker luleof ilruusou now occupies tlio tollers cnjjo at the llaiili of nov sootfa itev j c wilson it a attended tint puirterly mooting of tlio ireabytery at juelpli on tuesday there have been rather novor frost several nlghtathe put week hut no serious datnage la apparent rprliuva unfolding beauty to ilia glad some earth boa lent tlio sweetness of a light and fragrant aoeut april shower were few but mays have boon numerous plenty of train in may will result in abuudant hay theres a v luloii of irveeii gran creep ing ovei such dale and lilll starred wild ih golden utory of opening daffodils grandma voote of sergua tlio old est woman h welllugtoncounty celebrat ed tlie 100th anniversary of iter birth on vrlday tli business men of tlis town liavo decided lo hold a wednesday halfholiday during the moutlia of juno july and auarust ootnmenclng with dune 2nd there will lu a special service in butdory of captain a c ilatedo at the mtthodul church milton on uunday evening conduct d ly rev m j wilson secretary j ii peacock of the hal ton agricultural boclety announce that all utrie for tnfled crop competition must be toad with him not later than may woil j a utcre 1c horttluelpharegolng oat ol the crockery business- turtle from outside purchasing goods to the amount of 2400 will have thera delivered free to thalr nearest nation many cltluna recommend lurnardu tuw toetliod steam feather cleaning which doubles the hulk sad kllu oil genua ami moth thoae wiuiinrr ilrutcumi result eaadowall hy liavinrr work done by mr ihuiianl work done enry afternoon bwumt uuillru4 a bieclolty lunt at wr of btoreye chop tii4 kp worth league liad an enjoi able tecial evening on tuula after bruf program me hy the humuy school orci4lh the mlwaa dannie the ulua uaawi uu clir vi uoo miaa uly alunoa mamra louuu aiul vlnfant bj an ajdrted by uv air ivvor re- crashiimuta ware urvd hassaoaweya tte qtai cnotiy hi oonnaotlon with theuaw ebiier church will taka jiluo oa victoria hay twit uomuy 21th int tt uyibtf of tlie oototr hton of tlw iuw dlri wui u avant 1dtorfcui eiul hu wtiaiit gd out day ivouilnant oltluue tj the eouwuaity will oitlclile and far ihht iwrptee not ua than lulf dosa allsar trdwvhi ttv tiwht aaurd jt id aiipmud tkat a uuulr of the laatflhuin of tluatpli luut of tu uathodut tlurch will l ttraaadl to uk part in the auaptcloue kvota of the afuruooe a piebli will follow the ooroar ttoue uylatf 6amuoiea ikitlatf tha ciwotlod tvf ilia new ehurb imtviom will he heu in the vaaaitt buu tyliaiu thpuwuiajra iwlutf the uiublurktortu lat wadnaa- day ftiauldtf tbe ujfhlulhtf alruck a lre o tl faroi of mr jauaa buohaitaii dualpb bad hlluj u hue lalfor which woe uiular utttm eb1m the ladlea iatrlotlo auooullon of tlm vlllaj4 of erla and vicinity waa otvuiilud ou uobcuy may 10th lu the town hall kjtitt tb omoarti alacted ware i 1j- deal mr j utel t horury mr j l uauaitft iwjl mr ur leari lie vu1v6 mr jaui 2rtd vloelrm 11m j 1- ijlel i en vlclr mr- ltv rihert- an adtdifeloa fea of 1w was takers thf tvpeum fund tbvudloatauteverytueftday oftorhooii iott oclock id ute town hall bdud of manatfuueut i mr abiwmt uri llll tud ulbaiaiiuurovaiutul uouiiuti m moolll a vtiltou medlay kubombottom and oouboy th ueetltijr waa urjy elteudat luva j unduv wad o w tahba who w4re phmbt kve abort iuldi4u ui lauar pitlulkiy ou the work of the or gttbtailott utxtu m ohio ctw iw vutkiio luuu cotftdrv j vnttk j- cftenay make oath uat he is male iwrtuar of lbs flrw of i jt cheney co doluu bujuew lu tba city of toledo uouaty mmthula aortld anil that aald am will pay be nutu of onk hundkku uollaltu for uxh and ovary um of palarrh tluit eniinot lie uurcd by the uw of if all calarrli cure vkankj ciiknkv hworn to liefore nut ami aultuirlhed lu boy ttnaeikse utu tub day nf ihioeiiilier a bud a w olkahon notauv itul hall oourtli cure u ukeu iutorually jtdoimdrolly u the blood ami inuoouw harfaeaa of uie uyntam hand fur ifahl- artmilali frwt v j chknkv tolln o bold by ull druuulmu 1i take ifallri vatully 1ilu for euiipu- news of local import a holiday last monday ouinu to ilia botiil aniiiinl itipivotlon of tho fctunni iwlltir of tlio lioallinf punt of tlio bohoolu by the lloilor luuuruuoe vo rtquirln it to 1m omptlftdi the various rooms wfiio i1iamlnod on moiidny tlio hlliirity at ilia juvonlloa whon oomlntf doun thn itrmt wuh not axpretuiivo of ro krul at tlio dlumluuiil the lioilor una found to lie tu flratohtiiti condition more aoton boys suooaurul lurinif tlio uoek tlie university evnininn lion roulta show llint throo more of our itoju ucro nuooeufiil in tho yenrn work john a momureby bli hu fourth year in lipdlolno in toronto medical collttr and krlfltlanin and jumoa lawum utl tlielr html i mr in the collaqe of rhurmuoy tlie utter two are ut tho univorult thht uek titintr tho jkiimiimllod for tho dfuree of j inn ii suddorf dcnth or llttlo flit- 1 lenoral ymtliy will lie folt for filr and mm malcolm moiviiall wcord lino aboio acton in tho tiudden death on mon day ulternoon of their dear little daughter itean joan uaniit fyirno school a ueunl on wedtieudayof lout week on thurmlsy alio waa taken h with rhoutnallo fever this doioloid into drain feer anil olio uhomi a way with tfreat nutldoiineaa ttie horeft iiercnta ure dlutraotod over their heatfy aarrow library closed for hdcatnloffulne mlaa hpflrommi ofllclil cataloguer for tlio library llopahnmnt of theuapartmotit of iluctloi of ontario arrived on tues day to reoatalogiie the sfiflo olumea in aoton free ilhrnry on tlie pawoy- decimal olaaitl ileal ton thto work with the iuit- unco of miu coleman librarian and tlie ineiaherii of tlie board wlto are prepared to auliit will kqulre aliout two weak a durlnjr thia time the llltrary will he closed to rcodorn and all hooka must be returned nt once wedded at edmonton alto a ipjlet woddinjr took plaoo at tho home of dr and mrs a c klliou hdinonton on wediififulay of hint week when miu clam j cobban daughter of the lata jamee k cobban acton who hail realdul in calgary far several year win joined in holy wedlock to mr nlven m fjmkay i also of calgarj formerly of lindsay out tlie ceremony waa perform by itev j k duoloe at hlpli noon i in met lately after lunoh mr and mrs jackson left hy the 230 train for tlielr homo in calgary tho homo fjuard at drill tho hotito guard aquad under capt torranoe boardmore hail tlielr first drill in tlie perk thla season ou tuesday even ing thirtytwo membera turned out and tlielr dilll and manoeuvre allowed a ooni- inendabte aptitude capt heard more is a upland id drill tauter and the men readily learn the varloua oomnundj tliere will lie drill every tuesday evenliift from 730 to 0 oclock it u expected after tlio men liecome more proficient tliat rillea will 1m secured and urjrat iraotoe form a part of tho valuable instructions imparted intcrflfitltiff military woddltiff tlie marriage of mra itrwl holland to lieut cot a c tlray acting adjuunt- lauoral at winnipeg eon of dr t ttray acton took phifeon monday evening 17tb i nit in holy trinity church tlie bride waa given away by col u tit tan district officer commanding venenilde arclnlea- con iortin olllclated a guard of honor oompouul of tho port harry horse lined tlie way and were met at tlie station hy the hand of the awli who with fellow officer and frienda of tlie oouple gave them a routing semi out the kskk iiiliui e tend a vary cordial oongratulatloaa guolph dutriot mooting hm the annual inaatlug of juelji district of tlie methodist church will he held in th methodist church aetoa on monday and tuajay neit 21th aod 2jtlt lost the tulnlsurul s will oouveiie ai 390 oclock od moadayajtarnoonaadthagnar- al swwlon at kxutuaaday uoralng iuv a jackson chalrwan vhar will pr- sld tliere are twenty miaut and an equal nutaler of uyuau oa the dutricl th tiitlutf ulll have uuch lutr4 to muhodista th ganeral aiona ar opaa to tlie publlo an evening i mi ian with oildrauu ho bnu arrugd llav o w raikar tlualph le instrict hooratary 2mb ahhuoi couvutlon the twoty fourth annual oouvoatiou of quliig buiuhiy hcliooj asacuuoi will j be uld ib lb ihiptu churob j40irtowu an vrtday may 2ilth afurnooa tad ava- 1 lag a very practical protfrafaimahaahroa arrhd ttisre will badjrebymb i luitka ulue tomato mr 3 m uwiya u a 1uula bcbool inpectar iv v it walwui fleotgvtownmrctiu h cordou urouiptoti and rv j w ivlley torou- lunch u iii lie fcorvod to dalagatae at the olowt of the aftaraooa s ft ion it 1 hoped all butulay seboou of th township will aiu large ilalegatioua actoti he uuially beau well repriwanud and will no doulit be ou uiu oocaolou ouolphe allen enemies interned all tli auatriana ilungerlaua and austrunlila raaldlno in uuoljib war rounded up saturday toorolug end about afty of thaw oeat to toronto in tb after- twxwi to tlie deteuuoa oawp where they will bs interned lulf a down of tbeai called at tba polios oourt yaurdy and told chief lundoll that they war out of work were penniua and hungry tba chief saw that they were provided with meal and wlrd col bbarwood lloulnlon lnilloe couiutusloner ottawa for jnstruo- tlonakgardingthelr disposal he reoelv d word friday night to round tbau all up and ftend then to toronto wber they would 1 taken oar of a detach- uetitof tbssltb itefliuent eaoorted tbem to toronto ouelpb meroury surauar school at oakvlllo the fifth annual summer school el hamilton conference kpworth league will lis beldat0kvi11s haltoit bsauuful ukealde town frotjd saturday july srd to friday july 10th iuv c i ltraper aoton is rrtaident and itev jl w aviaon m- a h uueliift who la tob itev mr draper aucdeuor la the beore ury a spletulld irogramm hav been issued tba aobool provide opportuultle for lielpful instruction lnilratlor and reorealloit tlie muff of tba ecboollcqui prlmea the following fins array nf tuperieiio- ed leacliera i itev lvof haleui hlaml d ii wlnnliwg iuv a k uahjill h a hi calluirlnra lrof j ii ileynohl m a of the o a c f juelp i mis- u z hennett aoton i j m llenyej ll a i 1 h mil 1 04i itev uco iastaor lla vraolton i itov ii l itourta u a ht lithurlnes itev il n cooper h a curiitm iuv wriy u dmvldsun il a wllndjurt i iuv j h todd li a qutwiiwlon itov loo w ilirkrliiielilj closing the financial year personal amd travel notes tho mothodlut quntrterly ofrlolal soolal and roro rial itomi of inter board hold last mooting eit to proo fross hoaders friday evening resolution to rev mr draper tito closing businomit nf thn conforouco year of tho methotllut clin fob wuu train- uolod by thooinrlorly oniulul hoard lut friday ovouing tlie resulta wen hlylily gratlfyiiiu ketwithstaitdliig tba removal ofu numher of libcrnl support era during the year and the lucreaso of 0100 in tho uanry of thnpafctor tho lluancou oamo in so generously that the lioanl unx ublo to pay all indebted iiesa lu full nnd a hantl- romo siirpliim remains in tho hnnda of tho treasurer at tho conclusion nf the huunea of the oulug tho fnllawing resolntloii ma od by u tinhulmnuh elaudlng veto i iteuolvoil that mil jnarterly ofllclul lloanl desires to plaoo ujwti record ita bljih appreciation of tba valuod ministry tlio christian character and tlio helpful aplrlt of our beloved pastor itov chua i drop or during tho iwst four yearn ho oamo to no in ronpniiw to our unanimous invita tion with a whole heart determluot to give to the work of the church herothe vory best that una fn him he boa had a very sua cossful mini ury a ministry attend 61 with great blessing to ua and to our people per aounlly end to tho church aa nit institution ills effort lone lieon untiring ida leaching hau heon acrlpturnl and i uspl rational and his mnthodu lime bail the cndonuttlou of all who havo been in teres tod in spiritual pro grerisuivd material woapdrity throuuli- out his ministry here bla sennoua have iieen tliouylitful carefully prepared and full of interest never ha tbu character- liuul tliem more than during the past few moullu tlio samo ban been true of lilo ohluct of tho mill week services tlmy lutvq grown u intertuil to llioae who havo taken an i uteres i in tliem uml nouo buve been more helpful to a fuller undaratand lug of tho script ii ro than our studied of book of corinthians during the pout six moot lis wo regret oxcoodlngly uin al from amongst uu but we bow lay ally to the inexorable laws of our beloved church unit bid tilin an iyoelaiiato gooil bye we desire altm to liear testimony to tho value of mra drujicrusn true helimeet to hor husliaml hi his iaatoral work iu acton hi io has won tho lovo of ull by her uniform spirit of frioiuuhlpand helifulnesa and ins over been ready to perform all tho duties that naturally befall a jiastora u i to we unite in the prayer that tlio rlchewt hleiisliigu of our heavenly father may rest upon this faithful jwator nnd bla family ami we sincerely express thohnpo that even greater nucoomi will crown hu laliora in the larger lleld with ita greater roaponslbllltlea to which be will remove at tlie close of tlie present church year actons roll of honor fred boult added to tho list of our wounded soldier it is remarkable that of the numerous memliera ofjacimv ipinta on tlie first over uaa contingent who v ere waundetl there havo been no deatha to the list of wounded tif last week is ailded tho name of fred itoult- the coanplelo list to date in an follows hiuijt iiauuv hauvmuid ltk jvulu itlttlkluuki vrt jiiiih f iliikv vtk 1vvii ihllliuvh itk wlliuvi h waiii 111 fhkii wii t 1tu fllku ctllsji 1ti hit ii villi hlmulttlt ill- kuw km lt some war items of local interest beeauso of the per ianal element a letter froai i to kdwin maddook to hi motlier hi is week froai england soys be is at blioructlff and that warren drown of the ca nod uii ruginsera is in th same caio p luev uyntu recalved word on monday ttdtblssoo holiert liod saltod with tlie ooouuifiot which uft montreal on tuusr- day he lea number of tlio hand of the 20th ualtalion luer mclfieraoii of hrltisli coluuliui lothr of live ute itev if a macplaroa waa amoug the canadian aohlior wouudwl at laugoark tlie 34 th luglment leave llualph towlsy far loud ou camv iluglar j ij moor wu home on haturdey to y good bye to hla parent mlwa aunlo m oram nurse saileil from mootrl for the front tbu week balliwatad th jojng peofdea ooooort in knok church till evanlng ohildifen ory ran fletchers castoria tarvut dreulhtf for main auldhulsu twntybvs huiulreil gallon of tarvl waa delivered on mill and main btreet for ute coating now being given ur duukuy a repromntatlvs nf puturaou llro tlie uauufaoturer of tarvla waa bars on tues day and gave instraotlooa atul started a gang of tnen applying thla new road cover lug thi work wu oowmenoed at the inuraotlon of main street aid bower aveuue tjis road la swept oleau down to the macadam end then the tarvla u brushed in and after a couple of hour a thin coat ing of sifted aatul lsprd over the surface it looks a if ilia tarvla uoukl serve a double purpose tluit of lujirovlitg the surface of the road and ooflaolldatliig any loo atone ami aljo of vheotlvely keeping down tli duel tlie work will ooupy sometime main street i to be treated front dower aveuuo to church street ami mill street ram ivtk avenue to the j t h croaolng even tlie man who feel that he was born to command might hesitate before marrying a luffragette andtbevrwdtcuattulcfabd bmmmisimu why you are nervous the uervotu ystetu the alarm syaum of the human body in perfect health we hardly wslhte that we hav m network of utrv fat when aealuila kbfauuivhea ahreitffuiudedin iagt um satttt nervotu ayataa ic the fina la headaches urtdcwas omsjafot aleao irrltablhiy and uulesa cokvectvd leads atralsut to a breakdown to correct uervouiocui bcoua uajttt goo a kzactly what you shook tv qa rich nahrliactit ret into the blood and rich blood feeds the titty ntn cl while uw whole eyaletu rcsnotuls to lis y i oleaned during the week mr w cameron of toronto vlulted lu town during tba week mr it nd mrs amoamuson motored them homo on huuday afternoon mra a k nloklln and mr harold loavo noitt week for hankatoon raak mr ceargo dills baa boon very 111 tl past week hut is now improving mra h i aloore la spending a fewdaya nt tho homo of her son in toronto mlssoa lottie mason and aide kirk pat riot spent a iluy or two last week at alton mra lliamaii workman of lliamptou bun lieco ht tba iarental home the ast week mr and mra john m lliscock or to ronto a former resident sient friday in lowli 1imtinusur mntlbowa lu gradually re covering ho la ahlo t sit up for time each day mr william llrowu who hau ifoeu jjuy 111 foru couple of weeks u now slowly re covering mr and mr a t llrown nro spending tho woek with friends lu toronto und hamilton mliw m llil red morat of toronto vujud at tho home of mr w if walker over the week end mr hurry frankum ih home from cobalt for n week or so ho leaven shortly for llttlo current mr luwrauco cookbumi of toronto spent tho week end with his brother i h cocktiurn 11 a mo mr arlof dills who has leon suffering from tba mump for several ueeks is home from toronto oonvalescing mrs d l jones uf montreal arrived ou uatimluy to visit her mother mr a mcnslili who huu iieen very iii mru illr john lawoan is being treated lu wei i cul ey hospital toronto and is making aalisfuotor improvement dr uomarvllle of haitohury wbu ih jum ounvaleaciiig from an attack uf typhoid fever was home for a few davo last woek mr d llanderson m 1 returned lost week from a ten dajs trip to winnipeg on a vlaft tu tho members of his family in that city mrs kdwin mnddock wont to jllrtle man tlio home ol bar parents on satur day hha vtofl aooomjianlojl to toronto by mra anus maildoek mrs w a hlewurt returned from th liojpltol ut juoljji ou hatunlay whero she was receiving treatment for six weeks she is convalescing satisfactorily mr lester lllce of haulnaw mich waa hero hurt week attending tlio funeral of bis brother tlie late lel lloe mr mocallmn and mua mccallum of king wore also iter at tlie funeral- mr- ttearge copping step brother of mr j 11 llrown and his wife of toron to were among tlie passenger who last their lives ihrongh tlie ill fated lusiunl mr copping viaa superintendent of tlis paper mill at leorgetown but resided in toronto acton wom ans institute the officers elected for the current year i010 at tlio last meeting of tho woman institute the following oiljcer and oom- mlueaa were elected for tbeyear june 101 to 1010 lvasldeolm o havillt 1st vice preo mrs dr cray i 2ud vice pima mrs j holmes i hectroaa mra w i ix smith lmractorsmra w laird mrs w ii stewart mr a doll mra a t brawn mis wallace district djrectormra a t llrowu social committee mrs iamble mra folsur mrs n f moor mra dobus mra iu1i mr a t drown mis wal lace auditorsmr follar mr dobhi organlstmlu waluoa metnbenjtip commiltn mrs laird mr k f moor mra hambu mr warren lost lovb who wliirf liln hitwbnll iimu bur whii imiim lur uliull iinln tumuii ihuuplrlt uikuu hor a no i without n utahi- and moiunry hiih iiiiraiim imr with ilimliitts not lu vi in ho imuw hor wtin iiiliw her who vvitlctu rtny by day tim dust of tliuo unit hiiiiim hvr tbo yrlitfj mint utivo iter urny tlio flooli flint yit oi hilliix tur wbouu unci lift mi puuwiil uvvnj i oh impplor ho who unliih nut tho lovti uoiiiu niini in qiiiii tlio joy mint tuntoin vtnlim not him 1 1 sllll nllh flint rtiimlu tho melliioum unit milium not tbo loio thnt nnnr inn umur in dreilluu uhii hiowm not oldor tbo inml of iiediiiii nuionu tiioukii nil tlm vvuilil unx culdor tlltmluli nil tlio mniiifu lur mllliu in ilronimi dhli tu lnhnl1 iter still fulr uml uhiil nnd jouiiu andrew fjiny holiday celebrations grand caledonian games on monday the 24th opportunities for holiday shoppers on the preceding saturday profitable tliotc will he iniillt io inloreut yon iii guolfi liirltik tlto npttroaclilntf holltlnyu all day monday tlllii kainu anil umrtn will lm iniltilffoil in anil ml batnrilay tliarn will li many prfllltiihlii oimtiiiillluii tot nicutln your linllilny nilit your hiiinnior iiuuilu uml ynnr imnna dunning netiili liyoti coiiid tu uiniljiliii inrrut ktiire shoesjeviery sport and recreation millinery our swing and bummer llllllaery is now bring exhibited lu handsome range of select rletigaa all the de manded taodula anuttiiateriajut an eo- hauetl in our display which as usual is cliaracttrjced by taatefulueas and good style miss if cooper avseord aleak hulai onmtlu coew yallok llbas c c speight for irviodate goods eulvrwr in tsablwarsl variety alao rtrui cutlary heurdwar ttnwar und oreurt ltttwarin varloty pandora slovati and ranges vstrioui hsvatatra snaall slovato oh stovtia every aviiclu is of kxcvp- iiuikii vhiuu c get busy 1 t 15 days more for the slaughtering piano sale do no 1ail to visit our store which will ue open every evenino until io oclock james iiaktins music stobe ui hi ailta voti bnow ilia nlil not jnntnpihiuito tlio titntlnn nml you know tlio old ctorc wlilcli rocont roniodollliikliui liimlo vory new nml lljlto into in npwmranco prom quite mi utipretrntlotm liooliinlnu in till yenril olio liy it linn grown nml prouporoi iiy ronmin o uroltflitrorwaril nml linnout liuuliiokiiprlticlliti wntilitiil forouliflit anil uiicoaulng lilluancu until now it in tin tootling ant orgeat alore in tlilhcitv coniprliiing the most modern equipped mens store in western ontario the most uptodate wallpaper store in the same vldnlly a magnificent and commodious department for home furnishings numerous and superbly equipped departments tor womens and childrens apparel macildnalil prlcea are atwavu right mnciloiuihl valuou are alwaya ilononilnlile per holiday ami nlljlnyn alwaya comet n alioppllig lioadqllarteni iuy 11 mncdonald utylcn nri a holiday vllt thla wvuk uml d macdonald bros limited j gdblphs leading and largest store w wyndrmm mmedonil and csrdcn strwu guelph ortl boots shoes all the latest styles of thla spring the popular gray cloth top ladle mutton uoots regular so to f4oo uow roluif at l 4 they caunot be rplacd at this price reual shoes for med no more satisfactory 8hoe ou hie mar ket at nay price- all cluse of shoes st hut values ttfrpalrlnv evry day lvoupl and arful warv kenney bros tltiast aetoa hea dqua r tbrs lawn mowers price from 350 to 1200 all irindo ol sporting goods in stock be sure and see our moon stont- enamel ware before buying all kinds of chimney and sewer tile in stock all kind screen doors and windows in stock call to see our hammocks licforc buying price fi to ajfl croquet sets 1w to set acnt for the celebrated gurney oxford oil stovt s agent for the celebrated perfection oil sloven z burners ti8 j burners 116 burners 14m ovens to match 4b and 3m jambs symon hardware mill street -jam- acton oni il 0 mi 4 m otej il vomohto vmrnhio u uriu bmt 44 mua lm4ue lis gjjr4l- tp saves you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expenue empire typewriter co ualuuidhtw- lomomto oh ini i jblluillllj very special sale smart holiday toggery its the natty lllllo wing that lead grace and ele gance to the tutu mar mans apparel btraw hats panama i lata nobby bhltts collara ties pretty hosiery belli out i tip troutura uu- derwear etc great store for men furalshltig whats the secret variety veo duality ye price vw bervke vea and if wo biioum tell you there uut a more careful ly velected stock lu guelph youd think this jutt nrxllnary talk is it come and jutlgo for youaoh we will be glad to see you ou saturday reduced railway pare george wallace guelph ontario c c speight uiiihtrkvtatva college accounts parent who look uhead to the thru- whuii their boy and girls will go to college should moko regular saving to meet tliu eaponuj our havings oepartmutjt will retlevo sutli doposlln georgetown branch w n hky hamuer bank of hamilton

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