Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laklctw auhohtmlbnt lmickoi ilkcabonakllb give usa call wakltllaoig liousn0utl ibuubu geo hynds jawallsry hnd vtkttoif aoodsi aoton on ta kllo real estate varum for wile in unltou ictil and wedllugtuu loo farm lor wile evory kuo mr you want n ffkrai wrllfl bin for rtatnlouiio or ii you wlub u ul or nxrhauttfl write u we uuve tivcry facility for iruunmflluu buuluhu to your comkil utttlulnetfpu iij4rrs kuduf miif ited- jf 1 villobvfjiltly fmkui krllltitf hiirclttllut jorwelown ik ctoit jrcc rna tiiuiibiuv mai 27 1010 bbiep local items vina growing uoather now bramptons population in how jlflo waterdown had a 21000 fire on tuesday kaquealng court of itevlslan monday tuna mill a bumper liny crop is now pretty well assured tho twenty- fourth was a happy hull- day n usual tito rain luu sloped tlm work of tarvlalng mill street for a few day a notice fliia rain on tuesday night it was much appreciated by arjfrloulturiuta milton auaumut for 1010 1b 43 240 an increase of 810000 over last year sergt harry ifarwood la now in nut uy hospital hut no 20 hants eug- uiul flurotnor days seem to have roe my come wiui their pleasure socking and vacation time alillana 811000 loan bylaw carried but week by ih1 to 0 the tonlllo manu facturing on la tlia now concern mr and mrs win arnold tr iiavo taken mr a k nlckllus furnished house on bower avanua for tlio summer tha motorlsta ere enjoying ninny trips uieae fine days cars from outs id a point pas through town almost every liour of tha day mr ww cooper merchant tailor baa seourw mr 8 j llald a firstclass coat maker from allulon for ida merchant tailoring buslaos mr joseph holmes drover liaa made unutually large shipments tha pant month during may ha shipped seven can of cattle and hoge to toronto the township sunday school conven tion will la held in ajoorgetown tomorrow afternoon ami evening acton sunday school will probably send a food repre- eaautlott tha red croa aid society will hold a ivvtrlotlo uoncert in wonderland theatre oa tha klnge lurtbday thursday june sid there vlll ha rpoclal imrlotlo films adutlaslod 10c ami 5c tha removal of i ha weigh scales which bav encroached on tho comer of church and fluelph street for tlte pst twslva av bftmd years haa greatl improved tlia ap- paarauea of both atreeta tha con gratiatloii of hi- iatarncliurch ouatlo la ikoldlno a montter uo nlo on thunjavi july ifct in xlcoantia jrovj ouatlo ww hutcltaou jolm oconnor uul jajoaa cwtay forut tha ooamilttaa hot watar heating luth and lavatory fittturaabd auotrio wiring luva loeit in- bulud in tha una rotldanoa of mr wj1- iliu bwwn rmeiitly turohaaeil from mr rtohart walu4 at tlia head of flower avma kvaryoaa who lua faathara cleaned y bardanra naw ataam prooaaa can tvoofii- tnn4 tha work over 4ft laadlng cltlxana baa taatlfy why not you t pvlcoa low oa pilloue maltrmaa aiul faathar ticks haattn tlia rear of fitorayadlovevacloiry massa0aweva tlia annual hahhath hhool oonvontion of noaawya townaltlp will ha held in tha corwhln matlmxiul ctmroh on tua day jmia ul thar will iw afternoon ud availing aavalona in tha aftarnooa lauhuaatal reiioria will l guen ad tlraaa by mr rji otlar why wa liave umvaauona d a ronnd tahlo conference ltd by mr otur i ulo an uiikm by mr ueflyaa 1 h i at tho o von lug uvjdon thara will ha horvloa hy corwhln church cmr ajdru hy dr fllalr tim good afmta huiulay bohool teaching lux on tlioaa mgagil in it and n addreaa by mr jul otter mr k cahert la ivotil ilatit and mr k molliall horoiary thaio men hta of anglom ont on tho naaaogawayn ileum on monriuy victoria oayt but tharo wcro inoro iiiouiitooa tabsu than fldi cbbws0n9 corners vjotorl day pauul overrulotlyi unum bw taking in tlia raoaa at loorgatown abjong uie vlaltor- to and from hero wa uotioad i mr and mra aljrflr crippa with frhmlaln oueljilii mra john ilrown o hauiiton i mr jiu ilumhlo und miu mary laitu to ouelrji i mlaa cynthia crjpp eraiiuwa with frlmida harai mr ami mra ii moora jueliji at mra mo- lubwliai mr v cripih lusllnoh a his botiu hard i mr and mr- w immi eria i mr- j i4nnbert aotort at bia houte harl mr 1 crlipj nl eramwi tha many frlundsof mrx muloolm mc hougull will byiiiuithika with iter in tlta aildltlonul aorrow aim hua been cullod upon to hear in tha vury buhlan death of hor hudbuiml from hearf falhiro bfxm nv oil in cirv or tikih i utiam ctwvxy j ivauk j- cimjimw uiakoa oath tltat h la amloir jwrtnw of lb firm of v j cheney oa dolni buvlnaw in tlui city of toledo oodnty mimlhtataforeald amltlutt aaiil find will iiay thfl au of onk iiunokisi uouuaiw for each and overy ww of oatarrb tluit oaunot lia outtnl by tlui uwi of ifaila oaltirtb ctir fltanrj ciiknky jwoni u iwforo tna and auliaowbtwl lit taayjpraaauoa thlft uui day of oaoomltar a u a w otkabom nnvakv 1fliuc ala tittath onra la ulten ittuuritally a4th dlraouy no tho mood him muflou mrbcmof umt uymuta keiwi for teatl- tooadaulrm f j oiirkkv a co- toledo o hold by nil itriijrguilm to taho ualla awlly tllla lor ootiu- tloo news op local import snfoly across to england mru win unnld llouor aniiin ri- crkod a nlihigmm mi tuowluy from hoi hiimlwiid corp lltmltl of tho akh itogl- luonr of tho hooond contiiigont of cumidlmi ovvruniiu rnrciif to tluioffmiuhiit llio troiim- iort coinoylnir tho kilmant hnd nrrlvwl mifoly in riyniontb lngland another lnborsavlntf invontlon kaatoi foroiumi cuhiplwll f thn 1 t itjiunhud it gunollno motor butullod on tho kootlmi wort oar tha reiult iu highly uiiliuhiotor tlio lorry iu iiropollod in nil futtta of tho nnctlnii without tho customary laltorof foot or bund jiouer nt n upead which means n conuldnmhhj utvlng in tho motion mtmn tlmo jew baiting in ttmsmuawbya on tuouday doorga vorlm of iiidy binltli kauuigawoya nppearcl iwforo it j cvinpliell d i chnrgoil with threaten ing morris miclnlck a jfcwuh ieildler wjth un ux0 ulth intent tolal moiiay from him tho tow sworo that tlilu took plaoc in a vucaiit imilding iiivar vortoa linuw that ho mnnugod to itoitund omum and thdt koruw threw it atona after bln for lies was committed for trfftl and will nipdtr lioforn dndgo l ii lott cliawplon tho bangoroun flraonukor milton aya haio iteon melting oft ilro ornckers at their neighbors doors a cltlxonu veranda was not on lira by a large cruder on tuawlay ovonfng tltere is a toun bylaw agalnit witting off lira crackers on tho aireetsnnil a lino of fit und cotta wua lovloil under it two or three years ago tha chief conutahlo has orders tn enforoa ft now if any lay wants to figure in tha polloa court all he has to do is to vtolato it champion jour against jaw jaooh johutolii jowruh pedlar was charged hfiora h 1 moore j 1 on hatunlsy afternoon vlth having aauulted lewis htarkinsn a brother peillar of he aiiio faith on tho public hlghuaytwodays imjforo evldenoo was ghen hy stark wan jaooh miller and his wife and daughter of enqueuing allowing that lohuteln hail iurumly run his wagon into fharkmana rig struck hlinm or tlio head with u fclick and mode thrcoiu to him ho was flnod 8100 ami ctwts wellknown looturor coming acton in ugnin to x favored with a locturo by mr t ii watson iho field hocrulary of iho national eunltarluin arwjciohoii itaiihtldss many reinemltr tho inotura givon banio time ago as intanso- ly intoretiig thoroughly instructive ami eminently practical wo uudentaivd tltat much now infonnttlon a number of ilaclal views ami most intonating moving jcturos aro to be prouentoil at tlio ietura which will ita given on uunday evening tho 34kh inut at h20 pui in tlm town hall- itev j c wilson ii a has kindly consented to occupy tlia chair no charge will bo modo for udmuslon- soldier convalouont home mrs c h hmith left yostonfay to visit ir son holland at mlnioaialu minn later alio will go tn california oho eipecu to ho away for about ayeur mra hmlth has oltared liar leautlful honta falrviow ptaoo to tho tjovernmant as a convalescent home for wounded canadian soldiers uho era invalldetl homo fair- view placo with iu indoor comfort its spacious lawns shady nooks and running itruoks will make one of the most delight ful pis ww for this purpose its location so oloaa to the centra of tha town railway slailon past office etc randsihiteapecul- ly sultahlo far tho porpoeo for which it is proffered a holiday much beloved tha twentyfourth of may has for at least two generations been a holliuyhlflhly esteemed by young ami old aud as gener ally olwrved as any o titer in the calendar it comes at h delightful time of year whan nature is usually at bervery beat monday was an ideal day for this chorlihrd holiday the bright warm sumjilna after a weak of ratltercold murky weather waamoatgrata- ful and ovorybody enjoyed it our cltluns enterlalnod many friends ami humlreds want tooutaida pojnt to inend te day doorgctown hud specul attrso- tlons ami tlia nashsgauoya ehoneior cfiuroh corner ntona laying oereinonls look o largo quota of our cltlaens churah lawn for tennis court bonvo tlmo ago tha kings ordarllaa lljhla class of tho methodist church asked iiermiulon of tho trustoa iloard to remove tho sod off tha lawn adjoining tlia church level tlia ground and repltoa tlia tod and thon use tho lawn for a tennla ooutt ijr- hisaioii wo willingly granteil tha twentyfourth waadavotd to thlalaudahja work from early morning until dark tla churoh biwn was consequently a busy plooo under tlw direction of mr e ii jfwir tha kdoretarytrosaurar of tha kings onlorlics tha mctutars of this class tuembera in uvifduionai llfo iminiiiou man clerks and funnors workul with a vim and amtldulty which accojiiplialmwl a largo tharo of tlio work decided upon when com plete tho lawn will not only ha greatly huprovod fn oppooronca hut will irovlda a placo fur liialthful rocrcutlun for tho young iitiaplaof lhaoliuroli st albams boy scouts spont tho twontyfourth in roolc- wood am on g- the rooki and the caves fit allans itoy hcoutu journeyed to itookuood on moiwlay for a days training and recreation the company coimlstod of two troi under tho command of hubclilof r tlorga and ltroliailerx havogo and illpkli a moat instructive and cnjoablo tluia wa sjwnt heout drill and natural itutory wora tho orders for tha day every min ute was profltuhly iwtit thayaungfolka returned on tho 7 p m train tlrod but happy this company of kcouu uhloh hu tt mamlwrtjilp roll id w consist witlrely of ineniheni of ht allians hunduy hcbool ami was rounded b itav 11 if wllklnaon uhn ih u geat itollovor in early training of thlti ilowrlptlon for young hula it wan originally designated tha lloya oluh koout drill law and um kooui coda of moral hat a always been tho chief featureti oftliuotuh tha laomlwrw however pr for to oiill tliemuitvom hoy bcouta lliough thoy ure not it ollfoully raglhterwl on tlia troll of canadian itoyhwiuta tha haadquatter tiraat tha farmi hall where tha boys tnoet every monday on hatunlsy afternoons tho itaotortakea them into tho country for instruction u scout craft h is to ito hoped that tlia lioys will keop up their lntfirt ami reeelve overy eh- nouragtment mr wllklunhii ayl his very ulda usslstunt mr fj oaorge ara to 1 ho congratulated upon tl success of their effort for tlia trood oi tliese young xopla the cuelph district meeting annual sossloti hold in tho methodist church monday and tuesday encouraoin0 reports for year tha annual itiwitlug of tjtiolpll district of thu mcithmliut church was hold in anton mi monday und twuuuy thntlrst bomnioii wuh to imvoooimneucml on monday utter noon hut ujton liivltatioit of the khencior voiigregatiou of kuu4igawou the mnmlien wont there to take part in tho lmprosulv ooieinonfou of laying tho comer stonbu of tho line now church now being erected tha miulhtcrlid whwioii comotiwl at 7w monday evening and the general mmioii on tuesday forenoon tho reports of the work nnd flnoncoa of thn yoar from the thirtoeu circuits of the district norfolk mtroet iuolpli duldln street jtiolph iauloy memorlul liiblph elora fergus acton 1 lock wood nassaga weya ponuonhy itranio ilelwood orton and erin were on tlio whole vory credit- ublo and euoouruglug tltera were jn- croasos ttotli in membership ami mlksiaus und aulistantiul growth in epworth ieagua wild young 1coploa work ministerial nalarloh showed hoatthy increases and in only one casa wai n deflolenoy roported thu lay dologates elooteil tn nttei the annual confureuce in hamilton which convenes next wookyuro us fallows i if oconninre liuelph a a ulack luolph huniuol carter m im tluelph t k ilmsoll klora if ham furgus ii i mooro acton itabu turk eden mills james 8 jin won moffat wm tlmcker it it no j ariu w 41 oaiiihle it it no i ilockwoml j w 1hilp h it no 1 arthur it j kerr r it no i orton t fines erin john armstrong dueljji c w kelly luolph it e nelson luelpl i e death iuolph alternates john adsotl gooljji j u c tirovoa fergus j h coleman acton mr john i ltsrlierroe ol naujigawen who has boon u student at albert college ilelloville tlm put throe years was recoim dod after examination as u cundldato for tho in in in try itov jco w hurkor ouclpli hub oloctod n member of the hlatloniug com- mitteo with hoi t i kirrultji as altor- nato i mnoro waa ciocumi a momber of tha conferenca cominlttea on huiiday he boo la the moetluus wore provided over by itov j austin jackson chairman klora and iho rocreturlou ucre i to vs o w darker juelph i c d draiver acton i w m lovegrovo orton nnd j maltfii rmith erin at tha close a vary cord is 1 voto of tlianka was movcul to the pastor and congregation i tha acton method lut cliurch for tuir hospitality to tlio members of tli district meeting demonsthatiowstfphijhimg fine gathering or farmer at horvaj held by district bepromntatlve ihterestino discussions also timi pruning lie woo strati no liald at norval on wednesday may 10th was pro nounced very successful by all wlwwera praaant over sixty farmers took advan tage of uu opportunity of attending aiul on account of iho luuutiful weallior thosa in at tend unco found it vory oomfortabla mt in tho orchard the domomtretlon waa liald on tha farm of a m iaird who lias splendid oroluird tha pruhinjr deuionstratlon waa taken in charge hy mr kydd und tha programme started promptly mr kydds method of irunlng brought out a deal nf disousalon on such points a low heading sun sculdsand possibilities of cultivation thegenerullmpreaelonteettisd to lie tluit fruit troos should be high enough far teams to pass uudarneatlt conveniently mr kidd discouraged this idea ho luia found ft most convenient in every opera tion in tha orcluud onoapt cultivation to have tlw troea low hsodoil ho says that it ia not neojuary to uan tree up to get tho sun for tlia sun will get to tha tree even if it ia tan feat lowor and thus ten feet farther from tho sun pruning makes it easier to apray effectively ami this give tlia sun a better chance to uork to ita heat advantage in controlling tlia fungous dis eases mr kydds baslo inlnoiple it to spaoe tha limbs so that no two limbs are croaaiqg each other or bearing very slowly to each other no that tliey may aluule each other tho diucusslon on fmlt uml fuugoua diaeaaaa led by h it hare burlington waa made tuoro interastlng by having tha inaecb spoclment ami work of tliaae insecta on mounts to be aitamlned by those in attendance tim habits and control of our worst orchard petta wore taken up und from this it waa shown why it is necessary to conduct orchaid operations at definite times tiia insect and fuugoua diseases have certain stages in their life history when tliey ara moxt easily oomtuted and it is neoewary to tnko advantage of this weak stage in order to control it it is rather remarkable that with tlio number of insecta and fung oua illaeusoh infecting our orchaids that the three general sprats control them ulb tim strmylng topics dltouseod by mr kydd improved those in attendance with tho fact that it is not only naoesury to apray but it in also necessary to upray thoroughly homo of ft lie sayswlll run off but this cannot be helped tha tree should ho as thoroughly soaked o if ii wo dipped in water in spraying lie suggest that adellufto plan he adoptfulaatliateacli part of tha tree la uprated without mlwlntf anyone portion mr carroll of ilrampton laid taude it a palut to liava a bund sprayer oa wall us power sprayer on hand with each a thorough demniilrntlon was given show ing tho merits und demerit of each kind of machine at the conclusion o the tneeting a heatty voto nf thanks was on tended to mr kydd ami ihhrlct iuiremiiuuve carroll ami hare for their efforts in coruluotlng tha demon st ration personal and travel notes alcoholism or epilepsy soolal and porsonal horn of inter est to froo prosa roadors olaned burino the week mr willluiu hrown iu still very iii mr c ii ehhagn was here from ilorlln miss myrtlo diltu apoiitthe holiday here mr oeo coojior una hero from llowmau- vllle miss muliel molfut was homo from wat erloo mi cecil huackhumer wua bore from toronto muu margaret iteuuott was homo from toronto miss margaret kenuedy was homo ovor tho holiday mr haruniy haltx of toronto wus here for tlio holiday mr and mru neil mcdonald sjiciit tha holiday in ehvel mlsu aiiiouielte urcn was in toronto over tha holiday mr joe kennedy of toronto was home over the liollduy mrw nell monahh vlslteil frieiidf at uuolph this woek mrs james molaui was hero from tor onto several days mrs david hmith und mfw mono were hero from toronto misaatowat ofouelph was the guest of miss may lindsay air ifeher wdllanm of llerlln was home far the hoi way miss ella mcllierson was home from toronto for tlia holiday mr jack chapman was home from to ronto over tha holidays mr and mrs cluulee ifeelule toronto were liera ovtr tlte iltb rs j u atocalg of erin vlslteil her fstlors home this week miss annie harney of ht catliarlnas waa boma for tlia holiday mr t e near of toronto wslted his parents over the week end misses luker and llrlcknell were home to toronto for tha itotlday mlba u usmaluiw siaut tho hoi i jays ith friends ut nowuiarkol- mr if ii hchiefo of elmira was tlia guest of mr victor colamau miss plaul of hamilton was the guet of tlia mlshs plauk main htroet mr ami mr harry koule of turonlo kited acton frlemls this woek mra ii i j drown is ut tending tlia w hi h oonvciitioo st wooiutock u v w liwii and ohihlren of tor onto weie hero fortha bolulajs atrs frank alolntodi of orillla vuile1 frleiula in tlia old itome this week aliu alargoret harvey of woodstock spent the holiday at her home here- mrs w it collier spent tlia holiday with mra j mciivrid of welund tlia misses norrie of ouljj were tests of mr ami mrs jolm kemvey mr ami mra chaa e akim motor up from toronto on juaene nirtlflay mr chaa if stevens and family lava removed to their new home nearoalt mr itlchanlhomervilu and master bom ervllle of iondon were here over huuday- mra claru ii ifuuiborttoua of newton llrook spent thursday with acton frianja mlsa miklrl blauntoa of ounwiltuma spent tlia ito id ay with mlsa wilms jelin- slona mus ada llosa of hamilton and mrs jsuim hoa eaipiealng v sited acton frfemla airs ford ami daughter of acton are in tho city over tlia week end oualph herald misa ethel near is spending tha uoek with frunds la toronto i fain 1 1 too and hannon air ami mrs carl m hansen ami baby lonlon spent the holidays with frienda in toronto mm koliert craig of toronto penl tlia holiday with tier osier mra c mc laughlin- mra james fin1 brook and mum uertle bihltli of toronto were guests at hunder- und villa mr thomas wright ami mr wank hancock of torooto spent victoria day- with acton frlamla aliu defjcna haywanl and mla mona vltoh of toronto visited at tlt liotua of tha formers parents mlsa m fraaar and mlaa helai warren toronto spent tha weekend at tha houio of mr j i- warren mr j it lancaster ami mr if han nah of toronto spent tha weekend at tlio hotua of ur j- b near mr john lowbmi waa fn toronto oa tuesday to visit mra lswaon at tha iio- plul he found lier mailng rapid pro- greaa towards recovery mr aud mra jolm m warren and babe and alias minnie vraaer of toronto ware guests of mr james x warred mlaa florence campbell and mr and airs c foi of toronto apnt the holi day with mr and mrs j e thunbla victoria villa mr harold h nfckllu wnt to toronto mi friday to attend oonvooatiou at tlia university ami receive hie degree ho inotlier socouiikanled him mr und mrv william junvey vergus ennounoe tlia engagement of their daugh ter utella to mr hunley j leslie tlui wedding to take place on the 0th june mr ami mm c w kelly of ouetph aniiounoa the engagement of tlvelr daugh ter ina to dr f- j l vowter of strat ford tha wedding will take place iota la juna mr ami mra john lambert mr w ii bpelght and mr and mrs outhbert- eon motored from toronto to aetoa hut thursday and spent tha day with friend in town air aud mra jolm it hmlth auuounoe tha engagement of their daughter lydla to mr edward faorga cooper of bowmaa- villa tlia u odd lug o take place in tlia baptut church early in june tho verdtot of tho jury at tho inquest on tho body of lowls rico expert testimony uy dr dwvrr the inipieut touching the death of iho into 1ewu hied unu onnotiided at ud jon mod sitting in tho council chanilier imt tlnirmlay evening dr k d ault ooioner presided nnd county crown at torney ihou conducted tha onftinluatlou nina wiliiossou were culled loglveovl- alru itlco wlfo of tha deceased told ulth grout straight for warduoas i lie pitiful story of blu homo coming flu tliut fateful moniiug ufter bar nights vigil in waiting for hie return from his trip to town tlia evanlug before hha rehearsed how ut about n ijuarter to five shn saw hint coming down tlte third line and u few minutes tlterwtar went out to meet him t how she found him lying in the bottom of tha buggy wllli hlt head ovor the side tenderly she lifted him to tha beat and tlton found tltat though tha imdy waa till limp and wanti ha wssfpilto dead hasulyshtfaummoned her brothers and it was decided they should return to acton und ntoortoln wliefe ito hail lieen und what had befallen him if hitultilc her brother andrew und henry liobble test i hod to their tracing without llftloulty the rig ull tha way to town ami to the twis of dockers ifotil in coming from tho uieda down main htroet tho horse want ss far as tho radial railway tracks ami then neatly turned retraced its steps iu cliurch hi reel and proceeded slowly but directly honioward from that iiolnl ueorg agnew angus alatuvuh ami hunch aloklunun in ihelr evldenco said they had itecn with deceasei in dockers barroom u id roc it hail imd drinks with him ft ctimo out thut ha enteral tha bar room about nine oclock mid left with a number of others uhen tlia tan oclock closing hour urrlted each of these vi li es suoro thai he waa able to gal out ami into his buggy in tha sited witliout utuuco ifo remained with several of litem talking in tho vhed while siliovtr wua falling hhartly itoforfl otavcu all hut llloe loft tho shod angus alctuviji having untied deceaseds horsound placed tho tie rein in tho fruut of tlio buggy arthur wulmin guvo ovideuco that st iho rwpiott of tjco agnew ha had taken a buskot of gmoerieti from wooilalls store und placed them iu llleou buggy i tltat itlco was sitting thoro ami that no words worosjtokrn by either this was attoul ten minutes to elav on william docker son or tho proprietor at lite dominion hotel swore that lie had served doceasl to whiskey once but only once when ha was in tlie barroom johtli agnew luirtender of the hotel umtiued tlist he had served itloe sevoral times with whiskey during tlia itour he waa in tlio barroom he could not rwuani- ber positively how many drlnku ha imd hut thought it would lie about four or fivt ami lie took whiskey each time dr p j dwjer lrofossor of medicine in toronto university an export in vost mortem enamluatlone gave very inureat- ing avldanoo during his eaperlenoa lie had conducted over 1400 autopja ha darlltail tha condition of tlio body and gava as his oiinloo that daatli hod taken place two or three houro before tlte deceased resulted home ha bail examined tha stomach lungs and brain aa wall aa oilier organs and found deoeasod to have bean an unusually strong and healthy man- in hla opinion death resulted from one of two causas ileoeased hod coma to his death from suffocation induced either by falling in live position in which he waa found with bis neck acrosa tlia bos of tlia buggy through being insanalu frawintoilcmuon or as a result oi on attack of epilepsy which in tlia wslllon ha was in would ret suit in strangulation tha brain waa in- ftamd as frofai alcohol evidence waa given that dooeoaed had never itcen sub ject to epilepsy but iv dwyer stated tltat epilejiay hail been known to attack persona lata in life who had never been notfed to be rubjact earliar to such attacks this completed tha evidence and tlia jury retired about tan oclock returning la flfteaa or twenty minute wltli tlia follow ing verdict i we find tltat lewie itloa cam to hie death itetween ute itour of eleven oclock pm oil wetlnelay 13th may i0ia ami fourthirty oclock am on ttiuraday 14th may 1013 while in hht buggy either in tlia shed of tha lloutlnlou hotel acton tw on his way liowa frotu ona of two causes either from alcoholism or from an epileptic attack followed by asphyxiation haveyouweakunms do uddaaeutaoti your cheat or la your uohui tubr ooeotuihalutwotior are you atlbject to throat troubles r bucb tronfalea ajiould havo iwaiedlalo tivtatttuttt with the rare curative powart tf bcotta ittuulslou to mrd otfallut otptitm which so eoally fouowa semisuuiahiu cental uhfumduver ollwhlch avculhuly alreugtlrtjua tlw w plratmy tract awl fwprowatlwriualllyoj ftcblocl therlycerlnoliiuaooibeaaud html the tender roamhrauc of the throat sootte i preachbed ly um lirat k-cuil- bta von can fret it at any drug store boou m fwwaa yetoato out vols for three days an opportune wallpaper sale thursday friday and saturday thin in a timely opportunity to purchase highgrade wallpapers at im mense savings the following figures are eloquent in economical news values up to 10c for values up in to 50c for jc values up i to mc fat c swobs ram evmv sport una recreation 8u tf attgaftassowilerttert alagnlflceiit auortmenlu have lieen liiomii fronioiir regular lilies tor llila uule included urc high liiim hamgltiga for living roomu dining roomu halls parlom und iwdroomii our vnluuk mid varieties in wallpnpir ore at all tinier worth an outoftown trip lit u inonaymivliigvuilo like tha nrosutit u visit to thin the lurgul wnlltmiper wore iu wcatoin ontario la doubly profitable kucha trip will alto give yoil thu advantage inoelltigyourlioiisecloiiiliig iummi and your rcqiilremanla in hummer wear in u ctora that offers you wry wldu aelectlfliia and very nimlarate prlcea youll alwayu find vvliat you want ut alticdonahls and you ii alwuyn pay the right price d e macdonald bros u guelphs leading and largest store w wymhm hsejoiull and cardfn slrula guelph onl hba dquar ters for lawn mowers price from 350 to 1200 all litidu ol sporting goods in stock be sure and see our moon stone enamel ware before buying all kinds of chimney and sewer tile in stock all kinds screen doors and windows in stock call to see our hammocks liefore buyine price 10 to 81 croquet sets si 33 to s2ss net aiuforthc celebrated gurney oxford oil stone agent for the celebrated perfection oil stoves 3 burners ssst 3 burners sum 4 burners hs ovens to match satts and jambs symon hardware mill street acton oat boots shoes au the latest styles of this spring mil watsons lecture in the town hall on sunday evening yhe ma shovel tha navvys shovel which iu this war of entrenchment is mighty tu tlui sword is not without lie trotuauoe when uta uverpcmauclmter line waa balngouttw years ago itoocurred to one of tha work wen that tha heavy mpiarebladed tpadea then in uaa could be plied mora easily if the comer were rounded off heauggeat- d this to tho contractor who scoffed cunglngtohla idea liowavar uta navvy induced an ironmonger to tuake him a doteu spadea to hi iimwlflcatlotj and persuaded tlia hunter to lve them a trial within a week came report of tha men fighting for tha ioeaelo of thcee shovels an agreement waa utude itetween ooutraa tor maiiufticturer aiul hiveutor a patent obtained ami uta olstervant navvy died a wealthy man a girl doesnt think much of her parents idea of fnuurlagev thb popular gray cloth top laillea button boots rejuur tso to 9400 now bolutf at hv they cannot be replaced at title price retial shoes for men no mora uthdactory shoe oa the mar ket at any price atlclaasea of shoes at rett values repalribk vry day prompt and careful weilc kenney bros msissi aeloa very special sale of shoesi take notice tlkawllllwuiohutcbaaeetosecura the oooda at ilia following 1 low prlcea dm bhoea best maka lu cauadii isjular u 100 iho for kip hho heavy sola rftular jso for mf dongolasboea 5 everyday working aliocittt kt lto all ftiiee a ladles and chlmrtua alioea at reduced prlcafl 1 have purchased from w ii storey st sou limited i sec shirts all ol which goat half price w skxe the briok store opposko now poatofisca fixxxx000kkcooidochx0 m 1 illlil ll it i lni ii 7 he merchants bank will bo ihuatrdtej with moving isctttretu inrteats km1luoan if an wall equipped meet ahop at tba corner of ulll and vouutf utraahi actoa tho aecotid brick wreera jtsion nv mcoou uik buudlnit frottl tha c3tr crossjug and will bupplyajl klitdaofrkests and cured ueath of bast quality at reaaouabla prlcea aual dallvcmd to all euatomr promptly plratclaiw refrigerator rhop ojwn ttvery dvealng furtuora trodu especially solicit nl might caah prices paid foregg add poultry r millioan op canada 2f rthrift is rightly described as eco i nomical management a shrewd business man is bpokcn of an thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the roal secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par kumhwirumm and uhdivimb wiwi- tm u acton branch f a maclean manager avajee3 r-

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