Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1915, p. 2

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vnuxinom al hh hikhi asa x hinli nloau on huhirdny hilt mii lomr mitl mrs it v loltiuloii ii iiuiki i tui 1ltkkw i tlm tomulo uuwirul hotl- ul fti haiidm mm urd llivlil iltilmt olmhtoi luliimllili hwai ml luni at llio imiiin uf lil- lrolltur ikvlil hwuuuhuiiur lliulmimi oil hut- un1jmli mn willtiir huuolliuiiier aged 7u jeur married awttkt hi mums at ttia lluiitlat rfmrcli hiluliurtr y haxj wood mi monday may mil mini lrwijlln awwy of hllktwnr in mr william t llurrnus of ilrarnktoii cofliiu hmiyii at the itajttut ctiuroh acton on wmiimmiuv iwi iiuio liy itev h hawartli looryo li cooler of how- tnanvllle to lydlu dauulitar of mr end mr j it hmlili acton fltljc rtan xtt wbs xiiuuhdav ilnk1 1011 ed1torialn0tes ylil ilrituli north auwrfca act lfl lolrt which is designed to nuumd tho original constitution of canada liy tins ad dition of nine iuailrs to tlm batiste r- prsssntlng tlt western prolines of mnni toha alberta ttasttatchsivaii and hritlali goluttiua was tossed lati wool ly tlte house of lords tlniyiriu fltuuelera have raitaraud their iiope that uk united huuw rtiariimfcnt will not enter the war they claim that th liidmurlil ami financial support which would b lurgtly wlllidrawii in case united hutm joined tit allies against lurmatiy la of wor importance to hrltafii tlun actual uavhi hiui military cooperation would be tuu thanks of ureal britain to tlto dominions and colonies tliat have ooutrlb utj bo lavishly in wn and money at tit hid tlfcd aoqullttilg themselves with the valor of tlte caiuuluum in france aiul die courage of die australians on lite dalll poll wtiinaule ware voted at a hi ting twldattbe tluild hall london recently tie rretaur and mr roiiar law who were hit principal speakara were wutn in their prals of tlie overseas support of uie uothethuml tuluh are sotaa wlio woudor at tlie occasional loa of british bttutltli aivd ooiiuiutslal voteeu but with drltlali boata both uilp of war and locrcluiiitiuen run ttltu oa vory it in to lie xioetd tliat li4rauh kubbtarinae will fat wto of tlieiu with uota lirmanfclilpoany kind on tlie aurfaoe of ui watr on an ua but the an elarj baltic it a nait to iupoibie for the frltub waraliliu or aubuurliua to alnk aay veeml of tlte lerbtana hut tlu griat wocb of tha cfiuji navy la this it lias driven tta eiwoiiy off the fuoe of the i and it baa truule aafe ute patlu for anuuw of a tuillton man to reach the iojiitu uhare they ara ivaodad jouv rkduovi the iruli national uadar today itaiuls as a btauiuh axuwnl of politicii honor althoumli ttrongly urff- ad by the lmme mlnutar he will not ao- tnn ofba in the new rsialitlan cabinet hiftoe the daya of charla htowurt 1arnell and the axararalve policy outlineil by that brilliant irub laailer no morabar of the iriah national ivrty may itold any oftloe in any government until home rule la an aaeoupllabad fact and it ia in oomtittent adherenoe to title rwjioy tliai tlie preaent iriali ieadr wltliliolda hfa participation in the new ooalitkui government while the lack of hlaaewfoob la rgrttd the evidence of a public oonaoienos a good mtul is ap preciated bm wiltbiii ltvhiiit cwnailaa great- al living fetateaman uu woek at a ban- fti4t wbirt wore gitltered uaany of the leader of his party as official head and spokeattiaa of the liberal urty definitely mated that as for lilnuelf and tlie llleral party ha refuted to unlock tlie portala of ofitewlth the bloody ley of a wartime leetloa in thle uaa a definite and a illrot eludhuige to the prime minister let him tuud out and dwlare tliat lie has a aiuilar ablioranoe and all talk of a war- uom auetion in june or fleptomber will hua mow la the time for the 1remer to ateeh himaelf to alkow to the people of tlie uoulnloa that he ia aa tnany credit him with hmlaft a man of the atateaman type and tlut lie u not willing to bo ud by tha mare politician element ao iloin- ittal tub soott tovernttunta teniperanoe hi has been introduced in um bubatcliewan l the act craataa tlie poftltlon of director of iubllo aooomtnaiutlon whoee duties are to udvli municipal couu- eila ragardlujf tho queatlon of lultable ao- eo i to suggmt to municipal oounolla rules and regulation recpectlng the ooaduet awl inspection of hotels and otlter plaoee of public aocnutnodatjoii t to confer wllb comnwrclal travellers aaaoola- tlona regarding uie iwpnivomeut ol iwuel afioowiuodauon i toobuin froia iuuulcluit oouncllsfull infunnatlou reganllng public aocowtttodallou within tltlr muniolpalltlea an advisory council of not more than five maubera buy he appointed by tjiefiovam ueut to eomhlar all mattera pertaining to public aoootdwodatlou within tlielmvince iveakleat murray of hatkuultewan llnl- vanity aaye that public opinion in that oviom ui twucucally utunluvhia in favor of prohlutlom aoouuyiok uawikktagaln govevnu tlia urltub laua three time irevloutly aiwl once in canada owing to unusual td praulutf ulrounutanoaa it ua deemed advuable to forta n ooalltlon kovemtnant lmt undor ho usual olrounuuiuoee is it a tlealrabu uilng however th ilrituh oovernuettt to wore elholtnuy meet the great demands 4aoed upon it felt um need of a wore united and unanlmoua sup port ami to this end the aujullh liberal administration which liu revolutlcnlwd the social and political life of flreat ilrluin waa dlasolved and a ooalltlon cabinet form ad incorporating every ex went party mul iflflueooa poaalble tho irlth nationalist tmrt withdrawing on amatter of vrlnclple the government wilh it la antlcltaud prove a truly national government a verlt ue bulwark to the empire and will jiroui wulgate k policy if possible uf more active participation in the great world conflict certain influence which have for pemwtal reasons levelled much effective criticism at ilia government will now he silence awl the war will be praeeeuud on a basis of sjnoereet unity no appeals against assess ment high compliment to tho bxaollettoo of tho work of tho assossor the dollop 1016 was cohfiftmed tio timiiiall mut hu u court of lti ulon on moniluy evenly looouulder unynppuilu nntlmlu ihenkmunlnnt roll of lolr tltoclnrurcimfuxl mint ha luul received no upkiilu nuluut the aufceftamant tltore lielnu no appeal tlie court of itciulon iltfcured the assessment roll for 1015 oorrect aiul conflrnietl tlie same tlie council then resolved into a hokslon for iuuuloluil husiuoas lliflcommlttooii biiiaiioemrmutailuiejr toutli reiort and recommended iaymeut of the fullawinir accounts t mill afllll ntm loil roudu lulwr und teuiiiiutf n v moore freight und cartage wm 111 teli in uaming acton iree lreiui printing etti acton fun nl ft if co buimtheii i i in iuc n v moore yellm ft l rllna i toy r co coal itimki wraii auiiim vallmun ilruu ft mtal co sup plies n v moota frolkht ole tho riort wut ajiotd the council then adjourned tlds jo 00 cm w jot 47 s1774 8ih30 a very helpful convention of the worker of etquealng towh- hlp sunday school at oeohoet last friday during tlie ptt quarter oentury since llis bcboalu o tlie towutlilp of euliig were organlud in an asoclatlon many very interesting contsmtlons have liean hem at various points in tlte townthlp as a result of this coming togmliar eompar ing nouu intercliangiug ojilnlans aa to methods aiul lioarlng nljr by uper laucsd outsula workers batter work has been acoouiiiluied in the schools lartlclpa ting and a warm fellowship of workers has bnen 6tigdndord the convention in tlie uptut ctturch at oeorgetowu last rliay was one of tlia botofthearuahahl ur a 1 uroeu tlie lywldeut occupied tle clialr a wotluurttlngaddr4u on uuuon- ury training in tlie iunday school was given by ulu lurtha lain of the wovlu olal auoclatlon toronto mr itenyoh 1 h i ivmldaut of tli county association in luuretlag outlltu showed tlie rutlonslilp of the various orgiuiliatlona nl lie workara in the local school the township county provincial international and worlds associations and linjirefcted tlie hot tliat each la an integral part of ths whole he strongly urgod that ii schools participate and aim to do their repective share in contributing to the success of the township association ur v b watson gave a vary practical addreaa on kvengellsm in tlie sunday school showing uie duty of the ttntr in leading tlie scltolar to decide for christ he charactarieed the sunday school as having a moat important place in the destiny of the lioy and girl from the standpoint of christian character at tlie evening session after a song and prayer service conducted by itev c if holmes tlie pastor of the church two highly interesting addresses on the possl- bllltloi of tlie sunday school were deliver ed by mr chs u jordon drainpton and itev j v 1edlsy toronto at tlie close of the afternoon session a very dainty luncheon waa served to tlie delegate in ihescliool room by the ladles of the young peoples societies of um various churches in leorgetown a oordlal vote of thanks to the young tad lee was moted by h i moore of acton awl seconded by j w u hampshire scotch dtock the reports of tlie official visitors to tlie various sunday schools of tlie township during tlie month of uay were listened to with interest the officer for tlie ensuing year were elected as follows i president a o jrean georgetown vloe president 1 a itussoll balllna- fad secretarytreasurer 11 t leslie ceorgstown supt adult dlble classes k u gear aototi supt missionary upt w j l hatnpjilre hootch tlkuk hupt elemenury iwpt ulu norton llenwilllams supl heoondary lfept dr watson tlaorgetown supt temperance ltept wm thomp son eutueing hupu teacher training dept bjra ii w kennedy b a georgetown the nassacaweva township council both buslneu settlor and court or revision ueldlatt woak pew ciianqks im amkssmewtstoll nauagaweya coumii idet on uay 26th all members luesent llaavo juniplsli in tlie chair aceounu were iwntwl aa follows it whlt adv court of revision municipal world supplies ii p moore notices sheep in- apeotor tbobaii kuiltlt vravel ik h btciey cedar pott i 00 187 lftfl 300 u 00 1300 200 ljo eufc aw atala clears out llatj mice t iwollua in the houm itki sjki isa at drug and country stores c illaokloek grading etc duncan currfo teasajug tihuik jamas ityder gravef the motion wisd veb ialb taking two lou ft out division 21 and addtag thaw to division 22 was rescinded ami the said lota restored to dlvltlon 21 am thomas boles was appointed pthmaster- la til vision ik tlie crk was lnstruetl to wtctv thi toronto fiuhuiltan il it co re had con tlitlon of oroulngaln thatoinkhlpaaeclal ly ittlwaeu cons 4 and 9 a dy law was passed coullrmlng um arbitrators award forkitac- a um school section at ulltoi heltsjkla the council ab a mrti of ttovlslon then dealbwithapitealarjbrallowim purl et half loaan oon 1 aisaseed to t near aa taiusatt aasesjuvunb reduced from 91200 to tyttm asaftsstnantefrbd agnewttulot 7 ooa for 0700 waa oorflrwej pert loss ur mnd 31 tut 0 to j hitching waa ohanged to wank slater wog struck off t lucherdsow 1 alex uauuv t albert defomst i awl fleoraw hilton cbunoll adjourned to meet ua xtouu 2tftb atl90pm jottm mamuauv cwit letter prom sandung gamp intorosttntf beaoriptlon of the country and camp ufa experiences canadians abb equal to any tim folluwlug letter was recalled liat eek by mrs anna maddook from her mm le k i maddock who in on the liead- imrteru fclatf ut kuimlllnkuhip kngtand i bundling camp liy tlie ksnt co iug i vriday aiiril mm 1013 hear motlier i well we have- urvlvwl safely and tlm arriving was not at all painful in fact it was extremely pleasant and weare certain ly in n silemlld camp and in a lovely country bj far um mot beautiful country 1 1 una ever seen if it waa al all possible for a man to make a deoeut living lie and if thi country was under tlie cihsji ian titttf ami lite cauiullan goveruineut i was going to say under the conservative government i would bo ahul to live lure we arrived in avonmouth on thursday morning at 0 oclock and disembarked at 10 am everything went oft without- a hitch of any kind we wer uian put right mi board tlie tralu nnd it waa the funniest little old train you ever saw it seemed to ma like going into a good abed ilotlies cupboard then we were locked in by tlie guard i eight of us in a cupboard and tlte van 1 1 1st ion by no means good- after a lot of shouting around ami yelling we managed to get under way at tlie rate of about 00 miles an hour and got across ths country at that rat in threo mul a half itoure when one sms this oountry for tlie first time it seems to be so small out lu the country as none of the fields have mora than a couple of act at tike most end instead of having fuoa they hat liuga just now they aire all in idooui and look very pretty indeed then the whole ptaoe la usd either for howera or garden truck tlie rt of the field ara just like a huge lawn of course they are umi aa pasture for sheep ami cattle and in that way the grass is itejit short but it ia so giwn sad smooth tliat on would imagine it had been gone over with a roller and when walking along out of sight of any housoe you would think you vera in some huge pskk we luul a lovely trip up tlie british channel and while we bad sighted land about dark the night before it was about 10 oclock thursday warning before we had tli first real dom look aa the island we saw was so far away we could only tee the outline avouuumtli is ouly a waall place from the port but all th business u done at bristol and titer are only the docks at avonmouui so i guees it is an important place all th c p it freight boats and some of their passenger boat land hare coming up tut tli train we passed through country that was really beautiful in several places there we flower gardens on a ry large seal grown for tlie markets in london and tli other urge cities and sometime then would he a ihole field of perhaps two acres planted with nothing but tulips and wer just a ass of color the tuoat brilliant i ever w we cam right through london and stopped at all th main stations in that rlty and all the way from avonmouth to iter tlier wer crowds of people at each station and of all ths cheering you ever heard they surely do know how to give a fellow a warm reception in this country but i really believe 1 would rather liave tlie reserve of tlie canadians and know they mean it titan haeth wild enthusiasm tlier la her for it goea to the other eitreue i thick though some of the fellow ratlier seem to enjoy it our camp la about su milea from shorn ell fie and about three mile from th english channel and is upon a hill in act is on a small mountain and from th camp we have a glorious view of th surroundlno country we are about lght miles from ltolkstoae a very famous watering place in england th trains run there about every hour and th far i flva cant each way dover la about tea wile further on past volkstoo and is not only a very important post hut la also a very historical town alb or nearly all tho british troop are leaving from that polut for vance which la only svbouc twenty five or thirty mile across th channel our bunk honaea ara vary oomforuhl and there ara only thirty of u inonaroom with a stove in each room aod plenty of window and good ventilation our bunks are just boards with a strew stuffed canvas tick and then our two uankat on top of tliat however i goes we will bt worked pretty hard and will h aid to auep on any kind of a bed and la glad bo get a ctiinoe to hop whan ugltt coma the orderly lloom whew we have our ollloa la a very crud aftalr bub vary serviceable and hu planty of light all th fellows in tho orderly jtoow are fa th asm office and it make it a little bit crowded and with all tit htuvtl and buetl going on makes it bard to gt dw hud work at times ifovmvr il le belter than being out under canvas and il la warm all th urn uutnkst to half grown stove we have while th weatlter la tnor or less ho titer i nearly alwaye a eool wind blowing thar are several oik unit iter with us hut none of th otw battalions with which we ar to it uwjd have com across the water yet i expect to see warren urown sometime for be i at shotuollff lloon you will send to all the paper you can for they will be ilk letters from horn to me and 1 will pass them on wemwan aeroplane goiajf ova today it waa up quite a high levtloa and going to beat the baud a eaup of the hying corps u stationed at dover and they go fov a hlght every day i ipies we will get ao used to theni by the ufa w leave here that we wont even look up whan w hear on going over our beadtf unleaa we are in the enemy a country titer la a report that eeven thousand of the canadians wer put out of action at th last big utile in vraiww i hope they were not out up so badly aa that but am afraid tltey must have been haumered pretty hard i dont think we will be sent over for another six months a they have had men training hare for the hut nine months and thay wont move us till we are trained an well as tltey are they always tried to frighten u in canada about how amart looking and what good soldier th british troops were well i have not aeen any of them on parade yet but i do know that titer are not any of them that have anything on the caasdlansfor appearance on th street or for uniforms or intelligence or anything that goes to make up a soldier and i think that one good canadian la an good as any ten men in the old territorials there ar no light in th camp now and i mutt ult ur will pot he able to see aorae th too aoou afsseuonetely et 0 tllwwtk methodist congregational meeting reports from all the church orgahlx- atlona given last thuwdoy i evening 43fl raised for all purposes ijist thursday moiling tlio niiliunl con- j greuatlonul meeting if tlio melhodut i church was lield in tho school itoom kttv c d drnur pufctor iireuldiug ltkortu were given by tho various orgaiiiuttioiia and bonnlx of tlio church und the no wero all of n very onconruulirg char acter tlie financial rejiortu were full nf interest tlmaggregato amount raised fur all uir iomos during the year boiug fxtom tho ulfcslouary contributions iuclwling those of th wonwtw misslouarj society the sunday school and tlo tpuortli league amountod to j7i1 tim nrlouw other reoeiitm was h follows i for miuulerlai support 811io i sunday school 6124 i league ft 00 iwiim alii fti7k i tru teelloanloiglu i ionls buy alliance i0 1 social servloe and iangellsm 911 other purposea tflm am oji g the oilier itemu of interest uuu uie rejiort nf tho purchase of the kownu for th choir which was undertuban by the kings orderlies dili clans th election of represents 1 1 vou to tli trustee board was held wlien the ollow- ing werletd i laauk kennedy illchard n brown u ii brown j c maluiews n v llndaay and n v moore tlte stewards elected at uie may meeting of thaomclal hoard wer i 4 no s cole man recording steward a k kicktln w h huart a t brown wm brown n i mclam anil lrrank gamble following the buslnses meeting tli member of th ladiv aid society urvd refreslimauta nas5a0aweva the big elm tree on tit acton crossroad at iheoualph road appears to he a favorite objective for the motor driver from acton th splxtdid stone road acroaa renders thu a flit little jaunt for an evulng run a number of farmers liar are arranging to grow cucumbers for a guelpli pickling hous this season daily deliveries will b bled aa tit cucumbers mature now tliat ebeaeter fine new churcli is to uatarlallu this suurasr would it not be a worthy exploit torgsnliaa be of all in- teeted and have tli oeuulery on th churcli ground put in a tidy oonjitlon atul fctoai and inotiumenta many of which at now out of plumb or down altogether straightened up again effervescent drinks they allay thirst quloldy but th iff feel le net lasting th rvuaun why we ilka etfervhceut drink u uiul tho stlgul alluglas or dtlcklug of ilw poliitg tliat follow oo tlrluklug uqukhi clii1ruid with cur boats ueld ttus produce linnioduuly en in reused flutf unlive aud thus dlmlo- ftsue taw tliu inuiiiunt the woaatloo of tblrat but liiw relief tboy bring is only temporary nnd la followed by a reao uoo in wblcb tbu llilml is uctiially lo crosd tlio siillvarr gland nr do mow siieiptlhlu to perpetual stluidla tloa tbno huy utbor and aftr each period of oicltumtot on or depretalou mupanono vounu anldlor on routo taarchoa quickly ioiuw to understand till and lo discover tint tit tiior wnutr tbuy dritilt luu luore thirsty tboy imt uud thni 11 u boat iburafore to limit tlie fiuunthy nf liquid ewnltowwl moreover tbo luillvu voatuln mat lore uf urwil tuiportiiiirv fur tlio dlnostlon if food imrtkulnrly of surcliy fooda und if it ull bo wushod dowu the throat liilo tlio bowola ua tuioii uu if la aecftit wd u grout purt ur it iibwfiilitea la lost it would lluruforw wiut hint n leas wanliriil wuy plijsloloulmlly uf pro luutlnu um linn of uilllvu tnluu b tiduptwl ulili pmtli tliu coiiuiim pllon uf fnill rouliilnliiu nuluitld jnlrc u uboiii tbu uumi mnilluui way st ijiiihi i out dluuinii kpww ill ahutrlhiiiiwiia he qet th chsspaat old ii i ru tn ilin unn uu a twiro trudnr und ti hjiiii pliillur lujalda uu uuii uovur wlllluu to iuy thu price of iinytliluu bv wmiutl um nil luu tfluipuitiurw u lliu rillujio druuthjd to umt liliu tlitur lliuti atorcw one iii iiv did it ullle trading ft xeuoue auoe atoru uu trutd on u duxuu uilr uf bunta but could tlud uotlilug luil was not too uipanalva ruun tui gtioaaod bo would get a pair uf rubber he fejertod u pair that cost a dollar eud another bat cost 05 eeota fltjally the eletk brought hlta a pilr for somota they eeeud to ht well uoufib but utram wu atltl dhtintubed ualiit ye got any rubbetti that r ebeaimrr be asked no air declared the irritated clerk m baveut that pair youve eot oa u the cbtepeat pooreat tfloat bo a count robber there 1 mader so tllrim bought them tooth corapenlou frerly hebulted ktania queen mouwr or tb nethtr- uuda b th iiuject of many utoriee lo br own couutry during tb urn wbea ah acted ua regent before the prent queen wllbalrnlna came of eg it i utdd that on morning queeb kana wee awnkened by a peremptory haockbiif at ber bedroota door who u there v he biuml a pccloly dlgnlhed voke aa wared tbe queeu of holland the queen mother quietly answered i atn tut dressed and therefore uot able to receive bar malostytjiut if it u my little dri ibe way eoiuo lu don ulrwr veseteue anamgaa what pre known tt vegeubl pongee grow frwly in humtor dur fog the winy aeaaon tluy grow on vlnea ilk puruptlua tlio poor people utllbt ibeni for washing dllie and wlittti bothlug claiming wy nr auw rlor to the animal epong dje pant dog do not perspire in not weaib r tuey regolate lite teniperniur of their blood by breathing uuir qukh ty wbkb nroducee u mpkl evaporti dot of water front ih urfor of tliu lunge that i tli retisuu wby a dug petite in bot weather deed oelrtfl m allltlg mr troalr he sjaffer rrou lunsiroke do on wboever bsnrd or oak wllb a bunetreker well you if was n stinhab that bamped into blaihmkam book- tnlinvrtevlew the june sale of white affording tte opportunity of purchasing surnmer whitewoar at elnormous savings it is nn extensive sale ol while wear that u espcci illy featured at macdonilds this week a sale whicli nil economical people bliould take advantage ol if tluy would effect larfjc navingc in meeting their immediate nccdh in white summer wearablcii womens and mihsea white under mush nt arc 1 prominent and important feature of the sale on white undcrslcirtn owns drawer cornet covcrn princesi filipn etc theiie low priced arc available very dedal jtlr values at v3c values up lo 7q- 8gc ttcgular 75c en- values for wl values up lo in 200 for iv regular 50c ti values for wln values up to si2s for yi 150 for white curtain and curtain mutlin- whiii- fmbmidcry white hosiery whin uilu white bilk riovcs white nummcr net corsets etc arc other tinea include in this moncisavine sakv take ndvahiagc of these low pricci when you do your summer iilioppinp thin week summed appa6el for men women nnd children here are tjompleto and extennive nennrtmcnts in all lines of uummir clotlnni st les thit are worthy and correct qualitiei that are reliable and dependable price that are moderate ipd gatit1 inr d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store wyndhsra mclontll nnd cardcnslrcetit ouelph onl a utiol wantiil vvififlmi i ixiki inl ulllliillfirwonl ii iiiimiiiu mil w 1 1n in uln it hu i ii hfuiolmlit inloll thoroujihbrod stallion charlie gilbert i 060 a s b 3997 illioav fiiir6tiiiiib for litxii uoktu- l uiurbiiililhi matuiiiuav- m litiuikoii liaturasy slisr tiinutolimnrii i u rrit 1 t ntew vvohldu tikoonu 4 -u- foil i r r t rnavliu ollurl i w rtl i i r r i t illuvllla kll- mr 1 itli mi lu b four yaili eolt r h vinrl i m rnt i in nlmllitta tien ii rit utile aiil twstltv i snlselcliutnti- inun in l iiiltiiilo ami jj ornia tli tr nr nl um i tri vm jointly liy 111 u mr mil i ualibiiilhln lliiuiur aril rtiliitl urn winner nf lliy catisjuu iv in i i ill u now nwni1 liy tlio uabfll mlitnl lluinan rf llroillnb tlislr risttj- ii miiii lu iirliimwliliiul ilia lull sir uirlili4tnni nruljci1 1h4 h s new wonder- land theatre heres an attractive list 1847 dodger sliver ware for wedding presents all floods guaranteed casserole bowlo baking dishes tea set water pitcher butter disilcn trayu biscuit jars bon bon dish rc to io 2ss to io iss to 1100 biscuit and toaat trays 2sa to iss sttvtr plait hal wjr iss to kiss iik to oko 10s8 es ik0tokss berry bowls aso to i8s cream and suar ilstr to u00 nut dish inlaid silver iss to 0iv0 salt and pepper cruets 150 to 0 pickle and marmalade dish 1 09 to s 00 all kinds of 1847 rodgers knife and forks dessert 4 00 dinner 500 set i doz pieces carving sets 100 to iso see our window display this week no trouble to show- goods james symon mill street hardware acton oni m fttefcbota ib6r cmwmw mrytmatl vstt boots shoes all the latest styles of this spring the popular gray cloth nip lollies button hants regular is10 to 400 now going at mm tltey cfttiuot be wplactml at ihu price re4jal shoes for men no morn satlfaitory shoe nn ths mar ket at any price all classes of bhoea at heat values repairing every lay irompt and careful wb kenney bros mtsiasl actor c c speight for uptodate goods fiulvawwautm in tablwrl vaurtely also vta cuuftry tfmxdmmxm tlnwaur autd okatv ltwsurlis vrtly famcf qka aiovaa mnd rang faunou htsw suuul 01ov4m ouslova every article in ol excep tional value c c speight mil sla aefe no mora headache for you take these dont juil uiuthar tlis hasilatba wilhaul rssmwiajf tits au tuts cln4br iains buxnuh aoj llvsv tauats tty nst iwv aw tliahaadultsbutdlvayou a litioyant hajtliful faauosflaeaum uksy tana tbalivar swsatan th almiiuh aiul clsaiu iks bimla tvytldi all ihmtua a- i bull es ouhsimijum hutcihf ca jt tshsufcu chamberlains tablets qatilui aulhwlisd tomoom batilui paid up hjodjboo uniius wriajaoo 1000 the irht iiioiioaiiiiiu tho linrduut to act hut it iu tliu lunlsuf a fortuno hmall rcuulnr do- pnnltshi lliobiivliins dopartmont of tlila imuu arc tlio tuaitt uay to ot ti mart lu tlio world georgetown branch w n ukay uur bank of hamilton s t a 11 l i s h c d ib7 very special sale of take notice tlilu will uo tlm lust clianoo to nocuro tlissa gooilii at tho follow i dk lowprlceu pro klioeu luut mulie in cauntla regular 500 shoo for tfclia ktp blities lionvy solo rculnr 3511 for xko doilffola blioos imtt icvoryduy working liouat t4 itto all ilws lit ladles ami children hiiocu at reduced prlceu i have piircliaiied from w 11 btoruy hon limited 1300 slilrts all ol wlilch ko at tiau price 7vt- shxe tho brlck store opposite new postoffice i ooockdxxxxxkxooooooxibi fllldav lnocil ardhm i rtnti itiri 1 liinymjii h poem by iamiiit it ilr monday till- wishing itlnt with vlvlun uiirtln thlu is a ruiki rtory ul vjui ominf i mate with mnry iklifonl when llrcwul wi uaiia trill r l gregory proprjeloi umwumhktananarjnaaddaw guolph business college slmmku term hcgltia juno 1 and l 11tlm1111 itlioiit inturruptlon to tlteand ul aiiniint vou tnn cnlcr now wllli every ulvaiitiiftl urlght you 11 n man mul uoniun nro now uanled tt train for ullnpnld pofiitlnnn tlio call for our lniliiiil gnuluntib ore frciuunt und ur- cont wv tan imiiiltlvoiy prom lea you a rooil poilljun ifyon talis our superior ciiunt biuiniih irmniiik leant to do by doluf uiim lu a rcul actual tlusl- 1ili11 coiirxc if jou triiiitcr it yau will rtcliv 11 ik 11 mult uppointniont atagood b iliry comi dlitll t to tho college officu ij7 upper wyiidham bircotor write to- iluy for full p irllbiilaru malcolm maccormack b a priti p painting decorating papcrhanglng leu a worden fur liimiulf und ultfi liln lonr ox pcrlcncc nn flrnt clnna work is pie pautl to timiuru nulisfactlou lo all eiihtumerd kiitinmtch cheerfully alvtm for am clauo work deulrca tnimpt loinputlon of worl my nikcialtj leave ordum at rcul ti mid cliurtli fatrocl leonard a worden ctturch st atu- d a u miluoan ii uu 11 ulii equlpiiiil meat shop at he liinier of mill and young titrettn atttm the seconil brlct inilldiiir from ihw otr crowing iinihvmmillvllulmunfhrusu and cuiikil heath or best 1 ipi illt lit tiiiminuulu prices mlu dtlitrd to all cuatorners pmmptlj l refrigerator 1 hlmji open cvory evening i arnilru iratlu ospucfully mil id t- l lllglicut cauh priccspaulforeggs 1 mul poultry f r milliqan cement k coopeu acton cement contractor for bridges silos wnlltn floors walls etc alt agent for do laval silos separators etc hirii rraclu portland cem ent for sale robt noble ltd manruw 8uoar bbeta and tuttniiu seed corn iuiuiltf wlllu cup cmitnnh klntc llllllli wuuilihln no 7 inlrfllnw j l warren wanaokr tulbchontf mo 40

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