Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lakiakb ahsahthbht phioico rkaoomaplto give us a call mantllaok xioatnjlcei 1bbukd news op local import letter prom the firing line personal and travel notes geo hynds jewatlery stud vuojf oooda acton omtatllo real estate vatma for utile hi halt on peel and wvllluulou ioo fakmat lor wale very mix ii you wattt rami wrli biu for cwtulonac or ii you wui to nll or excbautfe write iu we have every facility for truiuurllutf buftlnofui co your vompivftt tmllufmctlou corrc fcokdeue miilrud j i wiiloicuuy furui helllntf hpcclnllil iledrtfelowu kite acton jfm ms thuiihuay junk 3 1013 brief local items 11m klines birthday long live llie klntf tite court ofdeueral stations will i held in uillou tent tuesday leorgetown vouudry ami machine co limited ha obtained a charter lleovo itynds wu at milton o tuob- day attending a njeeunft of uo county council it ix reported utat ui damage iron frost but wecu is tots than wu at iln1 thought mr h fjord iner is adding a large ad- illtioii to lili ceutut clock residence on mill hlreet tlte foundations of ur dame bywona now residence on willow htreet ore hear ing cotnrueuou melt wu uudo a city oh tuesday tlte day wu itent by eltliene atul visitors with great cclat cori collier has reoelvod inairuotlon to enlist mora men bare for the overseas evpodltloubry ioroe tito tut oilloa department it about to luuo twooeat tost cards covering lotli poatage atul war uh tlte msrdiauui and uulr thirty- four clerks en joyed their lrt wednesday half- holiday of tlva season yesterday tlte taut caterpillar becoming mora and mora troublesome examine your fruit trees and destroy the pt tlie brlcl work of mr atonic wordena new residence la about oomnhit- ed and work on tlta interior la now in pro gress tlie milton tcrtw works ltave com- tuenoed tits manufacture of shells to 000 worth of new machinery wu fnatalled for tlie purpose polio uagiatreta shields of oakville liaa been engaged to officiate as police magistrate for burllngtoa aa wall u oak- villa at a salary of v900 par year fred william and harry lut enlist- ed for the now call for volunteers and wenb to fjeorgetown yesterday tltay will shortly prooesd to niagara coup tbe motor ear tum 1mmmu eo touilat in uakvllte that hlllmer broa- tkeveuran liverymen are eellittg out uialr how und rtge and putting in autouobilea lnatead maura jauea iurjn it bon iii1u- hurgr are removliir their hualnaaato acton and will occupy the premleta where illue tin antl stove depot were formerly located eo e mocraney m i for bulla- toon formerly of milton liu declined re- noidl nation for pari anient and will give pergonal attention to hla targe legal prao uoe mr dfierly of toronto luia kuooeed- ed mr c lutterwmi u paator of the con rregauonal church clinrchlll mr pat- traon la now engaged tn erougellauo work the ud lea of the red croaa will work hi taipltal aupnllaa at u parlji hall very thursday aftenukm during juno from two to five all ladle will he wel- oouad ur t j t coo of uuebouae la having hie house at the foot of willow btreeb on- largd uud improved mr and mr coo enpeot to remove to acton 1m a oouple of uoatue mr morris uuhb lia thirclumd the roughoau uulldlug at the comer of mill and arodeheb utreota front harry hua- bell of lreloii couaklarauor about 1 000 00 ttte firat howling tuauib of the mlltou iweurlet league for the eeaaoa will take place on aoton rowling jreen tomorrow afternoon btreeuville bowlen will be tb oontf4aiita in alette received f rou warren brown of the cuneillen engineer in camp at hhornollite lie aaya tbe cannonading on the firing line in often heard ut ute camp in kngund over llitv mllea away mr juttloeciut ua awerded a it durrowu uuelpli wo00againutltejrml trunk itailway for lujurlea auktalned througli concrete falling uum bl frow tlte lluaklaaon utreet subway lut fall the brick work of the new uatlon and tranjjomer autlon of tlte toronto subur- buan itallwtiy at ueorgetown u ootupletej and tlte roof ia on tbe imilidluff le com- modioue and of lueaslugorcliluotural line shareholder of the varmeraiunk of canada ore luui under the double liability oluue of tbe bank act thl wu tbe deeulou of ohloul ltefra j a uc andrew given but wek lu teat um brought by ur jauw it llntuuiy correfpoudsiw to tlis vukk ihmm mutt alwaye bear the name of the writer olharwlfcs it goea loto the waste basket the vuku vuum doee not uppreeuted ute reoelpt of euch oorreapoodeooe either when liuumeleully itrepaid at ue lot office fontlvnlofst alburt llie rwllml of hr allwti tlm mmiyruill ihi ioltlriiuil in hi aumiim chinch uu himtloy tuna ihlllt a biuxilul uorvioo will ihi bold in the mnnliig uhun tlta veiirubla arobiloitcon 14viiioii of liioljili will dnllvor tho bwtuw of oltttueuu tot caurrh that coauln mercury u weretlry will mirely deauroy the benae of ataell ofcd eowpletew deraiurt the whole ayatetn wbeu nterlng it through the tauaoua aurfaoe fluch aujtlelee hbould never be uwd eioeikt en preacriituotui from reputable pbyalohuu u the damage they will do la tea fold to the good you oatt poss ibly derive from tbeu hsus catarrh cure manufaotuied by v j cheney co toledo o ooriuln no umreory and taken intarnally aethitf directly upon ue blood and mueoua urfaoae of the system in buying malls oaurrb cure be sure you get the genuine it la taken internally and meds in toledo ohio by v j cheney co testimonial free hold by drugalsu imoe 7oa iter bottle ttike hsllrt ivntlly lill- for oonsuita- tlon tho uothodut pulpit rioxt sunday mr llrlerly who sntpilyliig tlie pulpll of tbo coiirogatlntisl uliiirch churchill will preach lu tbo motliotilut clturoli next hiinday mr ilrlorly in a proiuttlouer for tbe methodlnt mluutry having ikmiii no copuxl at the imutnot meeting at wotul- utock itoib month lie iu highly upokeu of itnv mr lrarwill lie ut conference at llumiltoii mr jamos matthowfi out again inttmnblsr mutlliouu lum tuirprlmwl nil hlu frloinln by lilu rapid roootory front the acoident in miirdi by ullcli his right thigh was fractured ha u able to get ntout quite readily ultlt the nll of n crutch nwl cane mid wuw in ho pot ohice nn monday for u few mlnutoo for tlie flint time ho lm oiijnj wt kotorul moior ntnl hitgg rides tho punt week anothor foralgnok qunrrol miko antlmonok clmriwl kicoln uudsck ihitli of them austrian with uaatilt iwv fore ii 1 moore 1 i on tuewlsy itudacb njlnilttwl the oflonco wns fine i 91 w and c04u uid tho did ui ami then titntwl around und laid an information against antimnuuk for lielng drunk and disorderly the trial of the second oaks wasdorarrl far u week womans inntltutn summor mooting tin mimiiier uioetiiig of tbo womans institute will lo hold in tho urk on tuto day bill liiu ot half pa it two hr kdne cowling of toronto wilt address tlta meet ing mrs i t coo district president will bioh spaak the hulfes of tho ilstlina- fsd inhtituta lutvo leon invlied to be prouiit astltero la a pic uc in connection with tho meeting tho ladies will ploom ring their baskets all will he made welcome lieut mok inlay coming home a months ujaio of slwenco has tuum granted to uouu j murray moklnlay of ute ltd battalion who ia recovering from wounds rcceutl eurly it the battle of langenuirck arvl be umed that he la returning to canada to rjiend a few days wlut hi motlter mrs m moklulay tor onto liut mckluleys regiment la the qotb halton itlilca with lteaduariers at fjeorgetown held a un of tlte ute c moklntey tleorgetowu houu burned on second lino the log house on the duncan keith farm on the second line kuu6filiig belonging to deputy ilseie joe was destroyed by fire ou saturday sltortly after noon tho fine bank barn uas also ignited iwt several neighlmirlng fanners rucceeded in ipiench- ing the flames tlte 1 onse was occupied by a number of rorelgusrs employed by tho contractors on the new county road they left too much fire in their cooking stove when they returned to work and the des truction of tlte premiua u ute result the torvia street coatlnff i tho work of cleaning main ami mill ulreeuend coating tltem wlui tarvia has krogresed well and tlte workmen will have mm street completed an far u the otr crossing today it looks aa if tlte tarun would i to effective in looping down the duat on those streets it isqultomanlfast however that to ite tpille satisfactory a few yards of each of tlte intersecting streets ahoutd elthe bo coatwl with tarvia or with oil for tho duat from these cross 6 1 roots la sure to be very troublosomo during the aummor month winning a fight hopo a very interesting lecture illustrated with moving pictures uss given in tlie town lull last hunday o verting after the church servloes by mr j ih watson field secretary of tbe national sanitarium association winning a fight egslnat tlie mreat white plague wu mr watsons topic tliu sb vividly illustrated with eillsona lllm hope tho address was clour almple practical and impressive throughout and the attention of tlte urge audience was held to the cloe rev j c wilson u- a occupied the chair a poor place of road tltore are not many people to lie found praising tlte now section of county road built lust summer on ute aoton crossroad from uie third to tlie fifth lino it is of gravel ami full of pi hi holes for the entire length it looks us if a little gap wu left between every two loads of gravel dunitod it is hadly in neotl of grading and rolling a local motorist who drives it nearly every day on business trips said to ute iutt vuhhh utt week i wish i could get itoad commission wilson into my oar for one trip across those two con cessions ml guarantee ha wouldnt do much talking during that trip about the enoelleivoe of tbe rood mi j ii heed painfully injured ist tliurwuy mr j ii heed muiu street wusst tbo homo of bis brother-in- law mr mcmurcby near hillshuru assutlng blin in removing tlta walls of an old brick building a portion of a wall had leen torn down when the remainder uddonly fell burying mr heed under uto debris in falling lie struck bis bead on un adjacent etono wall tlte skull wu fninturod at tho iwck of ute head und mr ileod uas for some hours unoontclouu ho was removed to tho home of bis fuuter in hillaburg and omisoloiihnesa returned trov- lag utat the injured hkull uu not resting upon the brain in addition to tbe lojury to the head mr heed agttalnod painful hnilsm about the body at lut account the patient wu doing well son of nn early heildent mr 0 hoar of clinton vuiteu acton on monda to call ujo such of ute eajly resldeuu u were oolpialnted with bin father uie late thomas ifoare mr hoar hr came to aoton about sixty years ago in partnership with kauuiuel cttapttan a buokunluiing and wagon builneh wu ootulueted in shop on tha itroperty adjoining ute htona bouse now occupied by mr thomas ollrlen main rltreel tlta don would lie glad to eeci for a consideration one of ute old wagom built by hoard ft chapman and bearing their utma mrhoarehrleft aoton about fifty year ago he was an aouve worker in uie methodist church ami talked for year after hie removal to members of hl family of such pioneer fellowworkers aa ute adamses asa hall thomasmoor0hr oliver lashy hr alex hrown john speight and ute mlckllns tbe aonv visit bad much of interest to himself and the uld resident ito interviewed the i o 0 v mil hold decoratim service ou sunday june 13th member will meet at hoont at 100 oclock all members are requested to be prevent jamos fllbb writes very interesting eputla to ii u pastor was uhhahmkd at lahokkallck tho fnllowlug loltor uuu kindly huniloil tho fin t pnuxu ly itnv c iv driter i a cmnpstiy 4 iluttallnti ihtcanadiuii division llrlllult kxpodltlnnury force rranoe muyhth lull dear mr drnicr t i received ynur ueloamn utter and s- i proclale your blndnesu in writing we have come through a very severe battle hut i was fartunuta lu escaping any injury it is a wonder any of us cams out of it david hauglaa wan unfnrtuuste in getting uoumled through the ami ha it now in it hapltut in kuglaiid we are having u well oaruiil rat uud getting re- orgtinlod wo liuva boon re enforcdfroin tho second coutlnimiiu wo lost qulto a few men and omcers in eluding our colonel this tuornlug we uljfcmlod u memorln worvlce in the aviation park llullteiil for our bravo comrades of lite first canadian division who fell lu battle u wax a verj imihatlo but inspiring service and was at eudtml by mwhl or 4100 moir tho ueneral was present with his snn as we attended the scrv ice weoould har tho big guns booming over the itllu tell lug us auollier houiy tisttlewasluprogretu we have now tuten three m on tin in this counlfry time does fly futl i wish ynu ooulil see tho beauties of tlte country it inutieu us feel lisd that such a iiesoehtl looking country should ite turned into a utile held an we were going to tlie servlca this morning we bear that lite tuuitanla i mil ik in torpedoed and sunk with great loss of ii to wlillo we were stagirarcd wlui ilia news we were not at all d i scours red aiul our answer will be to light all llie harder to bold utat frwlom we liave all iteretofore enjoyed tlie following acton boys wero wounded in tlte last big battle that we took part in i berglliarwood was injured by a shrapnel t jattuw ituliortsflii received ahulletthrough iiih stoinoch i fretl wills struck by u t4irawul i wlllisnt ward also lilt by a shrapnel i frail hoult liad ida leg lirokon in two phioes by shraivnel i saw fmd coles tlte outsr day he was well i but victor lane la reiarted to hsa been wounded in five puces jack itlloy wu also wounded it was a terrific lut ho tho bursting rhells awl flying bulltts aivd poisonous gases mode an awful combina tion especially a uo hutl to udvanee over an open country i sluill ueter forget utat day i always romombor tbo loit ho htrotig and of hood courage i do not fargst the old homo ci lurch and hunday school at acton though i am far away from you all nnd 1 take courage from tho fact that some of you aro praying for and thinking o dally i am sorry to know that you are leaving aoton but glad that you tre not going far awaj 1 hope to meet ou all again i send my best ulslies to ii p moore superintendent and miss llennett my teacher and ti all tho other members and teachers of tlta sunday ho i tool also to yourself and family i am ycur sincere friend jauhjhjikh junrf rod and gun tho tllittorlng luro iu the tltlo given by flonnycastlo italo to n story of before the bcavon fishing lu the otoning iaaa of i june itoil awl uuii which is puhllslied at woodstock tint by w j taylor limit od ifonost weight ts an amusing tnu of two rival fklionnen as related by fino of tlio fronoh canadian guides who aooonl pan led llmm on tltelr outing after debeeg wan three h wed as there wero is also a humorous story relating the experiences of a vulgar rambling trio showing how everything turns to nsbos to uioso wluiout purpouc hpcrt in and arouml the ltocky mnuiitaiua carefree dayelnnew fnuudund etc and tbo regular depart ments which utter are full of interest to tlta llshornian und gunnor make upa vry interesting oarly summer issue the free library cataloguing miss hporoman the official cataloguer nf tho library department of utehepartment of education left on tuesday after spend ing two weeks in ue work uf re cata loguing tho 1500 volumes of the acton free library and instructing miss coleman tlte librarian in ute new lie way decimal system adopted by the government the change involves an im mense amount of work but uteiiaw aystem will greatly improve tho usefulness of lite llttrary tbe change involves ute writing of 14000 cards pasting in 3000 card pockets in the books painting and number ing uio bocks of as many ami oilier work of classification it will require at least another fortnight of arduous work hy miss coleman and iter kind voluntary assistants before the library con bo reopened to the resiling public miss speremati who liu had wide experience wlui ute libraries of the pro win co charaotrruea aoton library as ono nf the host balanced llbrarlm she haa over inspected tho books have been w ol i select ed ami due uttenuon inn taan given to the noedaof ute rising generation in securing popular aoleuos natural his tory blogniithyaiitl helpful juvenile ituro- ture pretty church wedding yesterday promptly at u tpiarter to uiree yesterday afternoon the strains of lohengrins wed- illug march was heard in the baptist church tho occasion wan tlte joining lu holy wedlock ol mum lydla smith daugh ter of mr and mrs j it smith church street and mr ceorgo k cooper of how tnanvllle itev kuinuel howarth the pastor ohlelated mrs o symon of wbltby sister of tlte lirlde presided at tho organ the hrlde wu gowned in white embrolderetl vollu and wore a lridal veil and lllllea of uie valley und carried a bouquet of bridal roses tlte bridesmaid mr hollow ay of preston nee miss olive hussall a glrlhwul friend of the ulde wore a gown of cobweb voile wlui black bat and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas mr hurry smlu brother of tlte bride wu groomsman alter tlte wedding repast at ute residence of ute brides parents mr mivd mr cooper left by tlte 010 train on their honeymoon tour to preston and other point west tbe bridal pair were recipients ol many beautiful present among utetn wee m 10 gold piece from ute member of ute uapust church where for years miss smiui hid a worm interest in the choir and outer church work a linen shower wualso temloreit by uie mem iters of uiesewiiigclrcuat uteluune of mrs t p maruu ou saturday uus bmlui will be greatly uilssed in ute church the young peopu hail ute tihurch beauti fully decorated for uuj wedding mr und mrs cooper will reside hi tlowtttauvllle soolal and personal items of inter out to f roe prosn hoadom gleaned dui1ih0 the week mrn john kluusril of lluolph visits acton friends hist week miss magglo arthurs of toronto visit ed aoton frlnnda ukt wook mlus hattlo oruin nf toronto isid aoton frloitiu n plousuut week end visit dr p j it for tor ht rat ford uud miss lua kelly uiudph v lulled friend hare on hunday mrs j k kuloy und mis lauy of hamilton spout a day or two isst week ut the bout of mrs mnllinlland mr- itubt hhuw who was painfully in jurcd b n fall in the coal cellar a couple of wools ugn u recovering nicely itov l i hraieruud ii p moore j p aie attending the annual conference of the methodist church at hamilton mr wllliunt johnston returned ust week front u ploossnt trip to hsnliatoou fjask lib was away uhaut throe weeks mr william drown uhn basbeeucrillo ally il during tho wvt week has shot decldcil iiuprovomeut tlio past two days itov nnd mrs s howarth and mr and mm james 1 warren ro attending tlie nvoatliik of the llnpllst association ut preston u mrs john irishman who has iwen in uie bospltsl in luelph for several weeks returnotl home josterday much improved in health mr j h deaooii of toronto haw ttecn spaiidinu a few daa bore with bis daugli ler mru w ii clements his many friends u 111 bo gloil to learn tlist ite is recovering from a rather severe illness mlltou lie former aotnu vius retrecuteil by itev c i draper mr and mrs ii v caldwell mr and mrs ii 1 monro mm pointer mrs j if drown mr i h coleman mbcs lurtlohpeluhtrfcrn drown and henrietta ptankat tlio sunday heltool comenuon at oeargstnvi n on f rlday the follnulng friends from adintauce at- lemlad ibu hmllb coojwr wotlding itera yestonlay mr sud mrs u symon whit by mr and mrs jamas smith itowman- ville mr and mrs harr ituuell mrs ifolloway and master ivan of preston mr awl mrs j word on krlu mrs kdwerd smith ami mi and mr cllton julji haltoh farmers institute ex cursion sat june 12th lleiiioiiiher the kvourslon of halton farmers institute to tlta o a c unolph nu saturday juno iith u train leaves llmehouse lit imu u tn aoton u17 a m itookwood 111 a uu annual tneellngs of tho fonncm and womens institutes at mlltou on wednes day june idui coma mid bring your haskeui to victoria park at 1 1 tc m hush uess meetings in the meuiodut school room farmers instltutn meauug in farmers club ilnom a i mcnsbb secralarytroasurer crewsohs corners the recent frosta have injuroil tlte chorruu end plums to some extent ou aocount of tlte rain lost tuesday evening ute lecture by itov a i snldar wus postponed until f riday ovenlng wlten u goodly uiuuher were present to hear what to da ami say at home tlte pupils ot lorne autool are having n weeks holidays owing to tlte lunfs ot tltelr teacher miss nellie jurdine tltey all hope site may soon rsgslu iter former health limeiiouse mrs william mills of toronto uspscd lug a few daya with his mother miss w polkingborno was home ter sunday miss m murray of lleorgetowu ajient uio week end at mrs r wlieelarv lr uwl mi lurl mnrubull and family uf mdu lili crosh ora scnilliig a few days t his bnmohoro although llto weather was rather cool a fair crowd attended tho oulld 4c nlo and programme held nn saturday evening the son go and readings pleased everyone tito reading entitled vour hamlet com posed by mrs h u drown awl read by miss ilrailoy was iho favorite we would ilka to hoar moro of mm llrovvna readings hoe them smiling mr dowdy lias offered to hit up high perk again the boys are quite willing to do all they can to help on tho good work mr wilbur bwackliamar who lias been 111 forsomo time dlod ou saturday even ing the funeral was frohflils brothers home on monday afternoon interment at hweckhamara hill ui now invemment of manitoba la already demonstrating its position on ute liquor question iy order of tlte attorney general twenty eli hotels and ten whole sale liquor houses in winnipeg lost their uoensea friday on not being up to ute law mr herbert copeuud ol chlnguao ousy township has purchased a co acre farm from mr robert cole mug lot 27 in tlte hth concession of kupicsiug town ship sale wu msdebyj a wllloughby georgetown out ohildrexi ory rait fietchers castoria push may get a man in but he isnt always welcome ilatonla love la u good deal like a gun you didnt know was loaded olnvcs wero first warn in knglanil in tlta reign of edward ii put off until to- morrow tbe worrying you might do today millinery our boring and hummer ulllluery la now bring exhibited lu handsome honced in our il unlay which un usual iti iliarollttlied by tustefulutuii uud good style miss m cooper at mulah jtaton oooaoltai ooooamrt tollos ouiop oalllmafap the farmers are busy now getting tho ground ready for roots and sowing the seed quite a number from iter ut tended tlte township sunday school convention in georgetown last friday and report a good moating mr and mrs hswina of hamilton motored up to itslllnafad ami spent u day or so with friends liere ust week mrs k h sayers spent last week lu ilanilllon the guest of mr hewliis mrs spear spent ust week with iter husltaivd and other frleiulu in toronto mrs cutting of windsor ami daughter mrs imohanu are visiting tbe formers father mr w ismond mr c rutsll who uimlerweut an operation altout two weeks ago in recover ing very nicely new headwear for the holiday o o new straw hats theyre here all ready for you ii very one of the correct and bt styles for inij ore having a show ing bore all bright and clean fresh from tho makers hand none of hut years stock here none but the new etyuo for our clioojue at this ttotv every one that fashion requires awaits your coming gjnuihi panamas too see the high crown narrow llrlm panama a now york novelty prices from tlin cents to ten dollars geo wallace quclph on 0 jhhbshoaaannaaaannawuuwhhi gbanitewaue tinware e ay aytaaotivis phioiu e i s j stauffer 1 i i whl unply al kooju at the fol- i inwlne prlcw r i lid waili tub wlili wrluar at r uciraciitkstm amlsltw iiitacaii asc to sitto wuli uollewilks ui gronllo wakr loll m ad he arrniil puimlnir dliliea 1 ik i anil gc j hunt ram japatiml auottcd colon 19c qratera 3 in i isc tin waurpalll lqt for ute qlvd 14 qt rorssc i dlih pain 14 qt for x4u oranllobauc iana is tutsutc gronllo like or milk uollon bbc 1 tailioa dnitlemt uopa no oil aisit i tarbov iloor pollher nn oil 1 anil t j tatboit uuillua buit wotll c tarbok ilauulo duttteu uiuten j bc i ropairlnv prompllv dona btovm i rotnoved fines cleaneil and put t up i uwn hhmm hariialad kad 1 ehaitouot sjstauffer h hhhiilieiaadddandddnddh for children- infants bonncth in muiilin silk and straw hie to 911 ivittlo girln and minscit hata readyto wear tlio nowort and most becoming ntylcu for fiirli t0c to im for boys- lack tarn and other htiitnblo shapes for little fellows 3c to ifc boaters and snap brims for higher boyt mannifli styles w to 75c for men a range of new straw hats that makes chnotiinfy easy all the ntw styles tstc to jlls hard and soft felts in the newest blocks and colorings spcciul values in 20 hats buy your new hat here henderson c co mill st acton out dotfckooooooooots30 p the habit of reading advertisements t1yewspapers would be much icgs enjoyable instructive and valuable than they are if they contained no advertisements many penonu read the advertisements quite as thoroughly aa they read the news matter thin iu just as it should be the more advertising the more buy ing tbe motvi buying the greater lb consumption of uie foods or tsrvke odveluevej more buiaui would be done by llie merchants of acton if they ad v tilted wore and if mure of them advertised much buiumgoslo the big city mail order houses hecauso they advertise tlitnw bou6s woukl ciiu to draw busi- us from this community if they ccad to sdvrtls to the merchants of acton advertise more and more ol you advertise and the big city mail order houses will get lesa and lciii business from this community and you will get more advertisement reading is worth while a canadas national newspaper the war summary llinitxi fmiu the vrrr i1b itu- uri tiirniimn wnr huan in aucut lnl llif inlanlhiu f-itliirt- in ruimillau jnirnnhiii it rlnir llu cihi i 1ita 1c it vt usr heieuimary ilsllt m nuiti 1 mi i ut viik ii4his in il ulnl i thlr riinii hit- wrlnr lm- ultrn lilu ril-r- n hit il tun- if 111 tlliiiurnlu lu all isrlh uf tlir mirlil whllr lli lull- r l omuiiiiu alnnu hik fiuasl rroiillitm liiv iiil ihvii ii rlhilnt hit nniilcru uf vmki ihatutt have lun rnulilm ill m int illiiiiill unl ullh iiilliliiri liu- umtril niitlliiti ft un sluiu ikiimiu cuilllt yk ur kutuhiaiv f villi limlllk iu riiniiuod atljr by sii nil uihrs llirouulmui tbs ikiiiiliilmi the editorial pat tiik imtuk pulille in iirrtlr hniiilrh lli lirxnl litnliiruul nf in- lllanl hiiuuulr ililx hirlih nf ullrlih lm- iilirmlil llie iiiiiiimni mil ul if un uuiiiliiiu ikiiiii- itu r hiilliiu mi u mill jiiiriiiili lu nil lutrth if liu- utrll i hi rniiwu lnlluu liu wnr ilu- liuitits ciilirluu lulu iu 11111 1 slid in- rvmilih llllj l ii w rrni tin- nkhllin of liituilllllfhi lint ihvii druli wlili in that inilil uu1 liirtil furm luirac- li-rlitl- uf yiik iimluum nllterlel lc newt service t jllsilll lfjll htl isiiiiilluu wtiwrn mill imrllj iiifjln ilti ilitiiiii iur riit in yiih utoukm limilstlnn ilurluu n other feature tlio uiirtliiii luiutk hip flnamls nsil iiuniuan lul imtir un vruiisnu fanvs eli tr wllh 11m ailillllntiml luitrt m lu vihiihihu uum iliviitml t rsrut ami inmitr ilf nn uislitiuiuisi jii n liluli wfitiulutt nf pxifllihir a hlmulanl tbal lias luullltil yiik ituiilk iii ilu tlllo if cannttsu nullnual niwmdr stnl ims uitpu ii ity many lliauuaiiilu tla laravsi rlmilatlnn nf any luorulau imimr in tbs tiomlnlun local and city paper 11 all mm us laks your lunl iiinr imi in iiit h nwsjisnr 11 aj fllutfeik uiiiiilmllannhlr olfrrs jrnii in im hau lu caitala irur it la-ilsr- kv ruiu 14 fur four tnoulbs three dollars ir yisr lohirr hut in hie llrbl r inclrsinilltuii ilannhlrolfrrs jrnii hip nnsilptii volua the globe toronto clot sale broken lines they must go in some lines there is only one size of a kind this might be the very suit you want so come in and try a few on there are only 6o suits in the lot and the price is 13 their valve nothing but the newest in straw and felt mats 1000 suits for 600 120o suits for 66o 1500 suits for 760 2000 suits for 1260 2400 suits for 1600 under wear in all the leading lines for summer the above suits will be on sale until they are all cleared out w a dbvbrbll the clothier acton ont

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