Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1915, p. 4

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ffltyc retort jfm fjirss tiiuuhia tuni mm a majoihty lb nliit no timi h ilil hill oiiu fluy thlnjialliiuiiroll imwi lotniy whnn apruikin of intk i tu iiiuiijh lilo anliamjuil mi iio llooi iiinliiinllilufato polk my tlmt 1 toiililo in nildjio wherever i ji 1 it jutt llm mine vvm lost my ijrlli mi um tilipplii hut thl years ifaiiljimt lilio tho lout hotnethlna wron ulili llio world i uay when ioor peoplo nullor ami rlcli men puj whet tit timi ulicu tlio illou boouciial im tied byliaredity hart mwl fur tlio folk that win wara iwm that way why my i couldnt mii a toad of hay when it oomeu lo ltuliti im not tltoro uut of mii hard luck i yot my charo just than catna slotir a llltta lwu who hpkeiied lhub wiy roirt reboot to peso why mill site wild wltj looh wi uad ood u ood uut tho world aint had my biauitiia sex itll till coma rltit if w lust bellovo with all our mnjlil it eln t no um to worry anil frt vor what wb thiol tlmt a what uoct an lt lio sex tlutt voru a itoi1 that liesptf uu from doing nur vary bout v ou ilotib have to dl to ub to hsavoti im there now and- im only aaven uu hill a coul sleeto hruahod off a tear and then and there tin otb his fear if sex ive always leaii in tlio minority hut tlod end mes n majority h ildwitt cloutfli lid bitty the ttll tiu h hint uu nrv wtnb umiliti lo i iiuo willi wo formldiililw un uihirmir hut ahull wo lw utnini 1 1 hi it w lliu iiuxl iutu nr tlu- nvxt juir will ii lw uli ii u ire totally dluurmud mill u in n u llrllltib uuiml hlnill lie tinliilii tmli lioiluot hlnill w j itln i utrt ii ut u i j irtvmiliilloti mid liuutlour khali uu iiuulrv tlu iiuiiu of cffeetliu rvflwliiin i ilim uu plwtly on onr inn md inimilnu illo tlcllluho llllllhllll of ilou until our in m lew lmu imiiiiiii un bund uml font hlr i uru not wisik if wu imilut ii irukr uu of tlnwo nifnim thli ii llu hod of lufuro im ii i ilm ihi in our ouvr tbivo mllllmin of ksiili iirmod hi tlw italy tmihu of lllarty mid in mull ii eon nl r uu llnil illicit we uuiuui uru 1ii1iriiiu liy uuy force u lik it uu nnin inn tutnd hcalnt un lltmldiw ulr wu utiall not flfilit our unities iilouo 1uru li u juit im1 ulio irohltlm rvr tlie ilwiliika of hiiiiuuk mul wtwt will mtuu tii frkudh lo flalit our uattlom for un tlio imlllo ulr tm not lo tlui utmim ulon it u to llio ilnlliiiit tliu iiltlre ibo limio ucuiiimi ulr wo lino uo oiaciioii if ro noro ldio uoufili to doalru it it is now too lato lo rallre from tlio contoit lhir u no ratioat imt in ub- mlwlon nnd ilavory our chaltu re forged ttiolr clunulnu tuny be kurd ou tb plain of iloaton vtta war ii idavltable nd lot it cornel 1 mumit it air let it eotuel ratrielf henry stbaiohtewwa out the h1r- hows doy b aiid ive uao trying every dajr of toy life for ue lut two yara to inlghuti out furrow and i cant do itf ooe boy turned lita iumui in uirprlas toward uie oaiulite neatly kept rdaoe ofa i dont mean uiat kind lad i tjootavaan land furrowi ooutinued tlie caplala u aoborly that the boyii lme breeluem as be went on i wbeo i was a tail about tlie oge of you boy i was wkat they called a hard cm bo euotly bad or vicious butwuyward and wild wll my dear old mother ukeil to oaaw pray and juinlali tay father wu dead uikltur it all the harder for tor but fche never got iuipatunt how in the world eh bore willi all my fttubhoni eidng way m lutlantly will always l tome one of ti6 uytarus of ufa i hnaw it was trouuutg bor i fauw it wu cltanriiio lur twelty face toukltur it look auklous and u after whils tiring of all reuraiat ihuaway want off to sea and rough uam i had of it at flnl htlll i llkeil the wmter nd i liked lourueyluo nround from ud to phu i aettled down to buinea in e fofelgii lead and soon lieeam prosperous bd bow bejreu mndlajr iter aotdelhloa be- klee these amply letter and such beeuuful letter us ulie always wrote ma dritfag utoea years of absence at length x tttuoed bow longing they gw longliitf for the preeooa of theson whouteilto try bem attd ltwoka05jrrsnaadliir langlug id bty own heart to go itack to uia doir wejtiajf tout 8a virbeo i could ktand it no longer i tiaw beek and such a weloewe utd fcuob a eikptls uyiaotheuttotiryoljudy htj but tbs first thluff i uoufied wan the wutwaw ol bay half tbd the deep arrow t her brow tiul i knaw i bad belnfl to umikji that heir to it snowy whiteness tad bed drawn tltaaa due la that stnaolh isselissd and these are the furrow i beve uea trylu tosireigfaud out bttt lut night whsrt uotbeir wen sla- injr u ber ehsjr i set thlnkliur it ell over tad looked to ted whet progress i had nude tu a wu very iieaoeful ud the pteaelori a ooatented hit pomible but the urrow were still there i hedat sue endsj in sirelgbteelflff tbem out and i vmvehli never i when they ley bay mother my u eueweelbeert itt her casket ture will be farrows la ber brew i arid i think it m whoiseorrib laseoa to teseb you that the oeguot you offer your parents counsel tow end tli trouble you cause thetd will elide wy uddlet it will bluvl ttoutt btandard the secret op success i lio hftnrrtt of hiicoms in not u socmt nwfult wiiisolltiny htiw fj u it wmh- tlilit liiinl o imioum to become mora hiintwifill ikwouif iikird ellloleul 1k llio httlfi llilnurt ultni- ho work that ou will riulro 1mm tiimrviloii tito leua biirvihdii lu nnotloij by llm irwin uhi makca tlio fiiwout uiihiuiicui lo whnt j on fluii do mid wlmt joii ulmuld do for the in- utitiitliiii fur which you nra working nttd tin it in lio rluht wuy nml tlta fclw of jour liioonmwill tnbo cure of itsolf ftt your aim over bo to utter tha work you are doling hut rtimomhar always tluvt you cannot hotter llio work you are dolntf wlihmitlwtluiring youraeh ths thoughlu tlmt jon llilnl tho worda that you apeak and tlio iimhid you perform are elthar nutk liij you utter or worw luidllxe with lfen lay tlmt you are tha mutter of your fate and ilia captain of your soul you onu 1 whatynu will to lw forget yourself in rendflftnk mnloo to othara in an am ployee itrivo in make yourself pf greater valudtiiynuremphiar look uum jour milf um u inuiiufuohiror think of your wilfas ulint in laiulneui for yoiirwilf lie gartl jouruelf ut u muter uml bailor of minirjv mid er iwud your thought am your eiiorulou towunl tlio liiitroveuiut of your product tito wlw iiumufacturoi never injur ida maohinery wilfully our body your uiiml your soul aerie au your pliint yul and drink onlj tltat whlcli will nourish jour lioly aiitertuiu only those thoughts uiat mill enrich your ml ml nml if you feed jour body with the lient jiyiciil food nml your mind with tin hsut mental fond you will build up servioa factory that will hud its products in coiimsnt doimmd tlio world la hungry for ipiallty aorvico it wants to pay for it it u piyltig for ell it can gel ut market la not orowded there is a ohsnoe for you right now titer la a e lis no for you rightwlisra you are tito time lo start is now your reward will take care of it self thomas ireler tu cmafcoirs lamint one man of tlta th lunoern i fourul lying on his hack with hit nyea staring at the sklea he um dad wllhout doiilit fltaiidlitg ovtir him v an hi lmrw witliout a wound it wan looking into ida fnoe every few minutes and uten neighlujr in a tillfulway tlmt sounded jtiktlikou human lelug ill un eximi of grief to hear that poor animal waa omnijh to bring leara lo llio eye of the iilot hardaitod of uteu fctiya ftnoe coritonil ji ktlltou lliere is uo polnotvoun lugrlieut in hoi lowaya com jure ami it ran lieusod wltli out danger of injury luli tuny get a man in but lie lont alwnyu weloome wdtoulo love is n good deal like a gun you didnt know was loaded itlovea were first worn nrngund n tlta relguof 1mward ii put off until lomorrow the worrying you might to to day btomaclf all 0 k castoria vm kafant mid ctiudma lit um for ovr 30 yitn ajwsm bearsl blgnaiuf of only those thing that aw pub into lv- ibf ar iserned older but stronger yo ix liuluty t untalsl niwl tety u muu4 mdvlm bcauiia h uiv trracutol tttldai lllen toooftcd fofgt ikatvikcud mlili or mm1 tl- hl otlljht uhu iul lln lopy uudmhlu mnniilll ul crlilk tliroolo wmkim tot uu yttt tob rwyrer wlitn oia keep your blood biia riebbailv sod hen alleviate rhemnsjw haa suaidknem at any dnuf atore sett tow vsmato ont uow it wo to the hdltor t titer lu been a great deal of theorulng about ttowprolilbition of tlte llipior trafuo would wotb 1 would lib to liy before yourreaders a few examples of how it does work in plsoes uut have it 1 will begin with a few place in rustle worn orel tha report la prohibition has reduced crime by eighty par cent as ootn pared with previous months in vorooagh tlte police report that in the firt half of july when the liquor shops were open titer were in this city twenty seven uiunler or otber serious erlsmc in the first lull of august when the liquor shop were closed titer were only eight tlta polio of ekatehmosur report that crimes attributable to drunkenness have wltolly esued in uaterlnukhur the polio report that crime hat decreased nliiuty per oeut hoollgsnuua ha disappeared and the town laabsolutely qulol in hsrstol tho monthly average of crlues has fallen from one hundred and thirty to sixty the asylum for alcohellos is empty the river stevedore have put on new olothei and are sending money bom in yaroftlow the register of the justices of the iw show tltat between the 31st of july and the 2uth of august there wet brought before tlte magistrate only one in tit same length of time before u cloilir of tlte liquor shops th number of cases often exoeeded two hundred i will not occupy your valuable space with any more these sre enough to show how pnldbllloa works in place where it is carried out in this country w seem to liave got ilia notion that pert of the tax could nob lie collected if the toouay was not first spend in drink vrom a study of how it works in other parti of the world i am convinced that our taxe especially la the clthw would ba reduced twenty five per cent or wore by prohibition wby not t tlte money tlutt la speat for crime poverty half of tlte insanity aod la uaay other way caused by drink would amount to a large sum if aruott uil uula itoctnr said tho julieut aooordliu to an enduing titer la somolhluff wrong with my stomach not a bit of it replied tit doctor llod made your stomach and it knows how i but titer is something wrong with tlta stuff you put into it nruaupaht in homcuia oecume substitutes not help her but lydia e pinldhw vng- etabls compound retored mr bradley heallh he own sutmcnl had a bad cold with prolonged coughing tried hemly evettvthinfll flruuxv lira woods norway pine syrup- cuhcd hinl mr wallace 11 grans vaooouvd oc wrlttit durlnjf a cold apttl btre about the talddla of lost october i0is t cautht cold which got worse diplt all tftabneuu i couhl olitaln until about november 22nd n friend 114 why uot try dr wood nofwrny imue syrup itcolly i tad uo faith la it at the tlnie as i lid tried bearly amy other refflidy i liad heard of to tu avall but x tboutht 1 would live this last remedy m trial i pucchamd m to eta bottw and lu three day x wan uuhm st dllttktit taan my cold was ttant and the coujihltig ao pfoloajcetl uiat woniltinjf oocurred after a hard ipeu of eouabhii i ourled tha bottklld my pocub uu vtry thue i waa tchtfed wiut acouthspelllwoumtskeaatnsilddkft x eaa bust heartily lydomuctid dr wood norway tine syrup to anyone witb m mvtra cold as lb power are tneat uarvclotu and x utvtr intend beta whtbout it at au time when you ask for dr wood that you cat what you ask for it h put up in a yellow wrapper three pine tra the trademark the price 2ac awd bo mauufactured onto by the t uubttrd co limited torouto out worms feed upon the vitality of rhll dren and endanger their llvw a sjnide ud ebeotive onre u uotlter jrvv watm kuterminalor winnipeg canada eleven year ago i went to tha victoria hoapltal uontreal suffering with a eth the doctor said tt was a tumor and could not be removed as it would cause instant death thay found that my organ were affected and aald i eould hot live wore thjilkhttthslttoweondluotilwalri after i cam homelaawyour adver tisement in tha paper and commenced taking cydla e pjnkhama vegetable compound i took it constantly for two years and still take it at time and both my husband and myself claim that it was tha mean of saving my life i highly racohirnend it to suffering women mr orilla uhaddbv shi johnson ave winnipeg uanltoba can why will woman take thane or drag outa sickly halfhearted xlsunce mlaa- lag threefourth of the joy of living when they can find health in lydla e wakhama vegeta ble compound t for thirty year it haa been the stan dard remedy for fe male ubt and haa re stored tha health of thousand of women who have been trou bled with tacit j ment a disrjaeemettta inflammation ulceration tumor irreguiarluea etc if yoa want munelatl culvl write to ijydjla l imnbltabi mj- idttte co oonfldontlal ilynn maail your rtr will bpta rad iiikul anawrdl by a weuian utdl isem in strict ooutwenwu two ltttle swobs titles seont uut to muko men lurio of stature or lu any way dihlliiguuluil le in appearance from ordinary men an umuu lug naiitto of thu lack of viulldo nollllty la cited by un vluglliji akcbuuue tlta duke of argyll una nnoo truvelliif in ti railway carrlugu with the llubi korlhumberhnul at oun of the ntstloima utile commercial dm minor entered tho three chatted familiarly until tho train atotped at alnwick 1 unction here tlte duke of northumlteruitd u out ami was met by a train of lluukeya and servant that must le same reat nuell marked the drummer to ida unknown o pa it ion yea said tlte duka of argyll he l tli duk nf kotliumberurvd llleu ma 1 kclalmi tlte driminer ami tu think he fchould havo iteeu sc affable to two little suoli hko us i children ory for rietchers castor i a fatsvs fillaae here f im breakfu stones by tlte road hkl said laty hiyan to his friend when im heir to half a splendid estate under my fathers will so iain when the ould man died it ordered my brother mill to divide the house with ma and by hl lutriok so it did for he took the inside himself and gave me the outside spahkles pa i beard uueu usury say that he had hatched out a sohetaa how could he do that f if probably had hb tulnd set oa it uotou transcript vou are not vary happy in this bouse friends remarked to the renter 1 no i cant say we ate your celling are falling they are and tltat isnt all our roof leaks our oallar nib with wur vry usse it vaiaa our redlatate uiuup our fureeo i too small for the bouse itappelltitoo large for our income our gutter have rusud away the porch sag the hoe hasnt had a new coat of paint for sevea year the wallpaper haag iooe la every room and the chimney i shorter after every wind wtorni why id the world uwt you movet euoause we cant had anoutar house with a hall that our long oriental runner will fll newark new lwhete fesuyi there iatany suchthiug harold yai there la it say la thl booh that the young man had a feebly growing tlowu oa hi cbeh- sandy ouwly arrived hi caaad ian forest- laud i what mi beset yon 1 native i a young moose bandy i oct baud yer tongus i if that a young mooeld ilk to tee an o yer auld rata f uay why didnt you sound the dlduer gongr haas i omddaft and it why there it a on tha hall tabid t pteae at yod said thl morauig that waa tha breahfastgoag fjreeu la a syuouyia for gullible isnt ibr sagegreed shouldnt be boston transcript ami a woman either tokn supoee or ittqumea hi en tlte girl whotmasleakund ouloti appetite ran rave over the way the stage item kuoe the iteroinv load i there oea thing that may be said la favor of a levy wan h neter meet tnmbl half way war news aftotel her uauy popu wha hate beeti reading tha ttrrtbl war frota day to day wpedally those who have rtktivea at tha seat of war have boootna ao tservoua that it b impoeehje for them to fcliaff th nerve have becotud uutbung and the hwrtirwhtpf aluhumv heart and nam wij will btttu up ttsi tttfstfttng mtvotm oryataabl and streugthetl th weak beart uiat nudsa toscalra martmtown out wrtfesai in august 1014 x waa out of school for tiry health iwaavlalt- bkjrruad la loodott and heard of tha war it maul xoa ao ntrvou that x bonld not abctv it tthm m bwro heart and narva fife i improved natty and coatd take my behoof agaha i have noadnbnettded thtsa to uaay of umwrbv heart and kervd mtt ww doo pr bw b botte for 91 ju at jj dealer or wlli1 direct on receipt of prto by tb t uitbara cw umitad t part to safeguard tha child from damage that worm cause um ulller worm powders the medicine par exoelleno for children these powder will clear the system entlr alyof worms will regulate and stimulate the organ injuriously affected by the worm and will encourage healthful opera tion of tlte digestive processes a a vermifuge it cannot be surpassed in effec uvenes anywaj watched pot seldom bolls over and many a man has repented at leisure who never married st all money moke the mare go and it take more of it to make lite auto go hutiawk would wot wo ik he was an iruhtnan tall broad about dared and red headed they had brought him lata the itospltal on a shutter and so far a the doctor could see he was troubl ad principally by the fact that he had been overeating finally the doctor turned to the nurse and ordered for lite patient tu emetic look here doctor said tlte irishman there ao us in you riving ma au emetic i triad it twice in the old country and it wouldnt stay on ray stomach live minutes ihe weak spot i1jtbe sack when the kidney get 111 the back give out but th hack la not to blame the ache come front the kidney which 11 under the tntau of tha back therctor dull pain lo the back or sharp quick twlnsc a warning of hick udneys warulni of kidney trouble master and ihuaunfci will hot tur bad back for tby cannot read th kidney which oauu it dott4 achhwy wl reach the udnj thenuclvea they are special kidney and bladder madicln they beal th dlxascd surface of kidney and bladder and held thetd to act freely and naturally alrt chokr uomaln fort olonta que writ x had tcd troubled wtfi ore back for owr four year sum tould rt hothlng to do me any good until heard of your doana kidney pill x got three box and took then and now x am completely cured doaa kidney htla are 6flo m bu 8 boe fortius at ail dealer or bulled direct on receipt of price by the y mli bum co limited toronto out when ordcriug titree t specify bo- hoy roil uuuv at a dinner quit recently in lhiuia thetd we two suter present odd had juuteairgad from her widows weed and th other not long married but tar hus band waa in india a young barrister who wu pr waa choeea to lake tha young widow to dinner uufohnnately he was under tha imprlon that hi partner waa tha lady whoa husband was in india the oonvaralion oommanood by th lady ohaervlug bow hob it waa m it 1 very hot replied ut bar rister but not so hot a where your hus band t i children ory rott hcfchetrs castoria uu wa1 boary ttsrokk a witty irishman was ouoo invited to a large dinnerparty id dublin in tha hop that lie would muse and divert hi itost guest hut from th beginning to tlta and of th dinner be presorted a solenm and serious face the host thought this very strange why old fellow he remarked i dont believe the biggest fool in ireland eould make you laugh to night try waa the wit cutting rejoinder asthma bring misery but iv j i kellogg asthma iletaedy will replace tha misery with weloome relief inhaled as awoke or vapor it reaoluui tlte uey inmost reassess of the bronchial luuaagea and soothe them llestrlotlou passes and aasy breathing returns if you huw as well bow this remedy would help you as do t of rratafal user there would be aamyvjorljdrnetnfgkt wbeift thoy mdnt a lull cll tho tftrr in hi published reminiscence of ifnnrl murpccr m votu diiqurtanel i el is an amusing story nf u lirnukfnnt vi llli tho poet of tlio vlo da lln- liame theodore harrier tho ilruiimllhl wished lo adapt murmur a work in llin mtago ifn bad iivtr mot tlio poet but ho ilttcdlnd to vlull him il ms honin and inlroduro hlmsolf mur- ker lived on tho autli floor nf u iioiino in tlio uun arckoiro dntour it waa almost noon wlinn llarrloro uiipnrod nt hi lodrlng but murgor wan ulili in bed pardon mn ulr for illnlurliltifi yon said llarrloro im uorry to nen that you nro in bod arn you in- disposed t m no not nt nil uald muritor im very woll iiidond mid very glad lo mskti your hridlnlnuor may i nsk why you im in hod on no ami a day un llilu ill fell you uald muricorlaiikli- hk you know th iilory nf kimml tiomlau who htuynd in bod w iii in is f rlnthrs wont being moudol tlmt my caao i havo only otlo pair nf iroiisoru and tlm tortor ha taken tliriu to tlin tailors noxt door for rnforcpninnt so i must wait for llimn in bad havo you had your liroakfnhlt yp indotid yotlorday then w will cat touolhur and talk tlm matter ovwr murgor shook hi head i havent a ami im said 1 mover mind ho my riioat with ihaio word herrloro look a five front plorn out of lila pockot hy oooruit youre rich i said murger with admiration lot m seo it those thliik aro utranrer te me well rlnn for breakfast harrlnro lookod round for the bell but could find none we havon1 such a thing said murger in thl place you act re cording to tradition takn that brick and baav it downstairs per ouer- in know the signal hell come rlfbt up llarrloro did so and the man ap peared uturger than sot up and threw a havelock over hi shoulder sad lu huf an hour tho two writer war eating thalr breakfast of pork culleta and eueumbera rtuall cauaea of war nina hundred year ago a dispute between modem and bologna ovef a well bucket began a war whtefc devastated kurone a chinese em peror onca went to war over thl breaking of a teapot bwedan and poland haw at each other throati lu 1qb4 because the king of bwedetl discovered that hi name lu an of flclal dispatch was followed by onl two etcetera while tho king of poland bad three tho a billing ol a ii of water ovrr the uarqula d torey lad to war between vranc ana eosund nd a small boy by throw ing a pebble at tho due do guise us to th massacre of vnssy and tbi thirty year war peruvian hugar the enormous production of auial can to the aero i one of tha nur prise of peru where it i grow the land i love and planting 1 ait easy matter when the cano reachel the height or two feat further attan lion in regard to cultivation la raid to be unnecessary and in from elgh lean to twentyfour month watur- ll la reached tlmt tbo growth ii luxurious may be scan from the facl that an average crop or forty toni n acre 1 obulned while sixty and even seventy ton i not uncommon in other buksr growing eouutrle in lujlnt cuba tweutyflve tons pel acre are coasldorerd a good average accordin to sugar experts the word divan th word divan moans council of state in arabic and turkish both uilton and pop uso tha word in tha sans of council in general from meaning council the word earns to mean council chamber and from that th arrangement of cushion round the eharuher a divan in his aense u strictly a row of cushion ranged along the walla of a room either ou the boor or on a raised atep or oa a bench hence w speak of a aofs or coueb as a divan and of a thickly cushioned chair as a divan cbalr ooutentnwnt contentment l tho pourl of great uric vw persons are satis sod with their lot no matter if thay have pluty of work and stood wag- they envy sum one else who 1 doing batter tha boy with tb toy cart envies th lid with the bicycle and tho latter looks with covetous eye on every motorcar that pasae by bo it goes everywhere tha poor envy the rich and th rich envy each other and under such condition th preacher of a gospel of envy find ii aaay lo gather a congregation flood and had a noted wag unit an irishman la tb atreet one day and thought bs wculd be funny at bl expense hallo pat he said ill give you eight ln pence for a shilling will yo now said pat y ba replied the irishman handed over tha shilling and hi friend put eight- peace into bl palm in return eight lu pence ho explained not bad i it no answered pat but be shil ling l london titbits hee sour own vault uako sure that bowevor good you may be you faava uulta that bow- over dull you may be you can hud out what they are and that however slight they may b you would better make some patlaut effort to get quit of them nusklu tjedglrjg tb fsu wby wont uu wombat dauca with you uha seems to avoid you i she angry with you no but im trying o get a ebaace o propose and it looks a if aha know it iiywwttknbwuyw wrtk4tt tuw if the bowel do not move realuiy they wul sooner or later become con- supated and coaitipetlott u productive of more 111 health thou almost any other trouble toe sole cause of couatlpatiott i an uulctlvd to and unless tha liver hi kept active you may rest assured thai h tauudloe heartburn piled beating speck before tha eye a feeling a if you were going to faint catarrh ol tha stomach will follow the wrong action of this one of the most unportant organ of tnabody keep tha liver active and wotbhig proptriy by tho use of xlllbura taxa- mrt elijah a ayer wweeu iiu nu write x was troubled with cooitlpatlon for many year and about three year ago my husband wanted me to by ullbum laxeuver pill a they bad cured him x got a vial and took them and by the time i had taken three vlaulwascured lalway keep them oa hand and when x need a mild laxative i take ooa milbum lavaliver pill ur hoc a viol s vial for 1 r ut all dealers i or mailed direct on receipt of price by th tiulbura co llmltsd tojouto our castoria tor infanta nnd olilldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears tho signature of i the jiani trunk railway iauuicnoigh ritaine 1 nil windmill um ia u mrit itour io hi in vj1 iii mm in f 01 i t uwumhhaannpqnnddrjqcw g rain chopping a hxact copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years castoria well done and g quickly at only 5 cents per bag the hade in canada empire typewriter s riven you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expense empire typewriter co 18 adelaide felt west vottohto ont for youa wonderful book on farm drainage free f do you know you can take a much crop off 100 acres properly drained a jou can oil sou acres not drained and sno half tho labor t art tvi iui lnoib that rropr incirponilve til drmlnw uilvarualiun unnlleni ike kua- ravin it ttirfarrt lil nil nil ca yinir un i lighter in vkrtitinns nla drought ami n 1 irr rovca ilia iiualllyal vmireti4t ir 1 y u 1 iav f im tit rhmre s ry in n 1 1 is ii jsl i 11 irh u loarii lull in i t anvtl in t it at s 111 bdi irmj btob ltlar rwnlralna 0 mcani tin uth a toiulir nfr iury ena ii at rw ikrd sov nij you minify r trutiu if umiij 1 llnkuioiv 1jhij tailjfwr ifwir kw u uullfil dominion sower pino co limited swajuxa inrawt h 5 hats vuii will find here oiu kltu in tho stylo of a imt you ure jj looking for wliolhoi it lui a dorhy alpine or juet a cap u dkulvliw to hh h bop r 11 ai hiaietmt to calsaoc in aud dont lorgct our furuiulilng dopartnunt uvcrlhing m in colored bliiitu tius underwear aud tucks liny our hole proof guaranteed llou hcrv c r e nelson mnaelaault lloi mov piiaduba wyuuham stsvset juwurh ony i the merchants bank op canada 1jj rrrr i l tu4 thrift is rifihtly doscribed as eeo nomical manaroment a shrewd buoincda man is spoken ol as thrifty be- cause ho saves porhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac- count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par capital paid up kuibvi pumdo ahu umoiviobd pmol fmxuuooo vmh u acton branch p a mac lean manager actons electric chopping miliii open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling buth satisfactorily done 8 harris fi co limited ont b 5 mockwood mnqnnananncnnanb fresh groceries tiiv iuikuih nliu i irrinlh ntn ijiitis w nut- nk iuk xtw iplcth flna line of coofoctlonsrv first tlaiit llm of i mitj c11k111 nnd iui try 1 rttli itrj i i ookcl mtnti hutu- nntiiu with iho home hko ftanr urcul nml ritlitr kooiu dullvcrcd promptly ilall j r livingstone tjuoussaor- 10 it o illokt ulll ausaat aetoh boots shoes btjbbebs au lines ofootwoejf g b at right prices g i au mens rubbers at s h bargain prices a n o w witiliams mill strrcl anon grand trunk witts attractive trips to uuagoka lakad lake ef baya aeelati uay algonauld k- fkauob filvef kawatha lake uaghsuwunlllvaf ylmagsbtta kniitid trip tour la tktitu now ou sale from ctiiniii sliitlnim in ontario ut very lour fnrta u ltd liborol ntin ovcru muskoka express tcacb toronto i s a 111 dnih ex ctit biintlny tor mnotia wlmrf ilunu uk aluunqiiin iaiu md north uay cniincctionh nro nmlu ut mmkoka wlturf for miuliikd lnltks ami at iluntu vlllo lor imilnlu mi i utt of hays iarl ir- mlirary liulyot tor to alniqulii purl parlor- mlrur ciifo tar und flnitclawt ciuliicu lo north lln iull pjrtlcitturw and titkttunn uppltt itioil to anontu h s holmes agent phonw no io kct0n liyeby ano bus lin hjwiiii purtliuwd ttiu lutry hunlntuiui und umnvlll of tho cutntonf llio lsls jokawiimshs 1 rtbptct fully mlitlt tlio iiiitrim- no of tlio pulillp cnmroitiihlu rifpiu111 uluiiju ho mijijillud nt ruiioiiatilo tlinrcn pnr tlio prtktiit ut oeerf hall uhn iihh lintl llm miinngo mont nf the hluhli 0 tlit pnut ytnr will ccituniiu in iluireu ho will u1wunlu foil ml guurtdouii and ollilrlllrj do mhktm allthaihw ambrose mccann mill st acton oat b p caldwell acton ont proprietor jatents i jiltltime3gfpinc in all ceuntrle ask for our invehtuit advlbek which will he nt int mariom ha1ii0h l

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