Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1915, p. 2

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uimwkv iii kuumiifnutitii on tuituiln iww ut to mr uml mrs alii llmiwy n son jmi u iii lull mi tlntrmlu may uotli k mr uml mr itnlt muiiu ulu itur n hjii ii llolou waii u i at ilaloionilliouilthlluiili o krldiiv may iwtli to mr uml mr lwmti wiilliioo it dminltuirlfcro thy miriiilin died litmus in auoii tin uwhioowluj ttli tuno wllllnui llruun n liu illtli year ijx m lu niihvjiiiivtojiiiii halmluy atli tuivo lliumun foulier in his hi tit year luyiiuti at lauiibuin iii on hnluiiluvi tttli juno john lilnlr liuthrle m if mmxhmi win of mr lkmulit uthrle ku lluatph nflwl 111 years in mkmoiiiam maui in lavltijr iiiamory of tha lata alaxaiulor martin who departal u i lu ll i jun nil mi i wo llttlo thought whnii ho loft homo ho would no mnm return tint i so toon n heaten would he ami laao ua litre to mourn hlfltih m mlfltllly ht retort ttt rcss tiiuit it ioia editorial motes tim nov kootla legislature lion pasuwl a eotnpuwmry town lunnlnif act uiular which all munlclpalltus in tha hrovlnod lav to prfiar ltlkr town puunlitf by liwi of a towii pulrlhg sclnmri wltlilu utieyara a vary kucowful unuitriiip of otilavlo txuhloiullruromlltlltlaulijr it kuhplou of tha hoards of trad imli in haullla lut weak with similar olmu in vuw a uaytkh of ltn lutwatt to tlis firmar8 u tt fct that durliiff tin wub ilia prloa of wool la fttlvduosd in toronto froiii 5c tft7o- par pautwl tlils followed tlia lift tug of lfc tniirao puead reoantly on wool feojtitf frtkd canada to the unluj kuui tkb u in important clung as fartutn sra ellptjbg now and about oj to- third ol uilr uool crop fcviitrally finds iu way filially urot lba uordar at lla t inn uiia wak tha hamilton cmfmooadmuiadtotetltion tlia flovarn taaat to auaruj tha laarriaga law to pro vide thai tha partla obtaining a liisirrtaa llafeiu buy id kxurrtj la any part of on urlo or wlltlu twtva tullaa of ttia jae it uucl liutaad of u uow in ilia oouuty or uuttlolpaltty in which it la iuufel tlila la u heat uajrabu auaikltaaiit aa botli tuiolaufa ami iviuora of hiaxruyfl lloeiiaa imiiu vtjy fully cwabv u aumly buurliik up lo liar duy in lir contribution of iaoii to tho wur major oatwral hunlaa liaa juit unuounoail that an appoal would bo lot uadutaly toad to rooruit oaarly 11 km tuom wan to so u lha firing lino in vraooa thta mw foroo will iwi compoood of 37 ngluenta of infantry anil sli but tarla of artllury to its roruitod from all parts of canada with tho formation of thla iiaw foroa tha numbar of nion rnluod for axtlva aarvloo by cunaria will total upwiuxla of 100000 in brtuuinu ol tlia roaolution in reunl to total abatinanoa durlnflf war time at the bynod uiaatiiiu on tuesday iliahop kweony laid i witii such notable and nohlo ok awpurf aa lb kluy tlia arobbiuliop nf canurbury karl kltolmnar and olhora it ought to ba oonauured tha greatest prlvil tl loth to praolice total abatinonos for ounalvau and to refrain absolutely from traatinf othara if uddod tliat tlia form inpf of tha taraparanoo tutblt would irobah- ly have pertujinnt raaulti ho that tb oaum of teaiparajtoo diiauooiatad froi politic lalflbt bo adiancod tur pauavtrbuv cuukld has md a lonf atop toward tlia oonmimmalion of church union by tlia uctlon of tlia laoaral auuhlyatkjnpton on tuesday dy tlia unpraoodtfltad vota of sim to 74 tha aaaem- hy ajpnaad to aand tha uation of church union to lha eoasragauoni and ieabytar- ua tha auuiujuum wliiob till daclalon craatod waa marbad tha vota wan tha aw ratuukaua haeauaa of tha hvrga numbar of man praaant wlio liad ooma halting upoa tha uaattoo and lb waa not iibowo how far uia ooutulltaaa raport would ba aupporled uany prod lo tad a auallar voto for union than hut yaar bub tha raiurua u oooiparatl with uuua of tha taat ataaidbly abow a tarsa gala for church unloo hailway tb 11000 mwt with cutultlu on tha bjjjwty of ctiuula and united sutes every year offloera and eunloyeaa of tha j rand yruuk railway ture trying by evory maani n tbair power to prevent injuriaa u all pereoaa pauotu eraployaaa and otliara but on looking into thla auhjaot they find that uore than one half ol ail peraona kill ad oa rallwaya in canailaand unltedrtatea are bllbvl while lretpaujtiff on railway property in tlila way in tliaaa two oountriaa fifteen peraona are killed aud about the aawa number injured for every s it may be thought that the 11000 or more peraona wealing wltliouualtlu every year white treapaulng on railways gie traiupa or hoboea hat uie fact u tliat ho per cent ol them are uef ul oitluna men walbluiron traoka to and from their plaoea of work or buslnew obi td rati puyhig on traoka or flipping oar oowprlae the greater part of thla ahaueful elaughlar to moat people it seldom occurs that in walking on traoks utay ura taking uny parueularrlak it warns ut eay to aea or hear a train auj when oho thinks about lha eubject at all bo likely conoludoh that while others tuay liave been caught lie will be ujore vigiuni and oaoaie those injured and killed lit ihh way are not the only oaew who hulfor tlielr feulllee being deprived of iholr euriilng power are called upon to bear n urge uhare of the burden the putllo la deprived of the aervlee of thla large army ol peiaoni ad ftt great pareentage of caea nrerarf palled toeontrlbute to the onre and main uumuoe of tiueh pereou ami ivlwndont baembera of iholr uulllea in view tlierefore of tlieee faou and in uie inureat of publlo aafety every peraon u earaaatly refueated not to walk on or along railroad tracks both on account ol he own safety and for the sake of setting a good evample to olhera iweiila should call thla subject to the attention of their children and instruct them as to the danger of walking or playing on or about tracks aud of flipping eat another source of injury quite comnaon la date to fauom of persons to atop and look o both direction for approachltag train wlien about co cross traoka ttt highway aud oaber plaoea trains way move on any beblrajiajiy uwe major ballantine is home on furlough great roccptbn given him upon mis arrival at georgetown visited aoturrruesday night mnjnrluniou llulltintlno in coinmaiid of iho ith ihillullou who wau veriouwly uouiiilod by the btirstlng of u ilirapnal kboll ill tin hondipiarteni of the regdnotit liltout the tlmo of l bo vjtngemarck engage oiiih irruiwl at his home in leorgatown on titniuluy iiftornoou a inngiillloiit rooeptlou urn tendered an liiiniciiiwi crowd ahsembtwl at lha htnliou mid iifioii bin arrlvul a urooeuilon baatloil by theuieiiwiiiutnu iland aiul tlm ilfoawillliiiiin nobonl puplla currying flags inoiwl down town following oaine the hhh itcglntont iland of georgetown awl uoiiio four ijiiiiiimmi scholars from the blh and publlo sehoola of the town also carry ing ihnibi iloy hoouu and metuura of uie fourth contingent now in training at jearelowii utrtiio i k fleck followed in ail aulo iimbllo wltli major lulunline and hu wlfo mro ilallantines fatlvor mr william lurber anil major ibilun tines father aiuf niotur mr hivj mr john ludlantlne the people of tha town followed in vehicles ami on foot until 2000 people joined in the prooeuiloti to tha park hpeeehea of weloohia ajul congratuhttlon were delivered by luevs lleok mr joejji lloauuont of ltenwiliuua hon orary capu iuv j li hltfgliuou and ool noble of iu joth lleglwohl major luluntiiw nuulo a motletit re4y in lu evening major aiul mrs lullau tine aiul lueva end mrs flock motored to acton and spant a hour or to hte major ualuntlne la recovering nicely from bis wounds which were numerous his right ariu ta still very laue owing to the wound from a shrajmiel the i which ucoraud tlia muacuw mul tendona at the eltouldar the major will hlum to tla front tiy iho first of august wftf brown died yesterday in uu death acton loua- one or her most estmmod citizens was one or matuheo moslem ew after uveral weeks of serious illuea mr wllllaia ilrowu pawed away yesterday shortly iteforo noon he waa not in good health for several months aboutatdoailh ago lie waa ulon seriously ill typhoid fever kl in aiul this was followod last week with pneumonia aiul other oodpllca- tians his vigorous constitution oouibat lot bin illnoau bturdily but iloally waa overcome mr ilrown was a son of tha late jamas drown and was horn on ilia homestead lot 10 fifth line kmiuesing hu school ay ucro spent in ijmehouw school and one of bin most appreciated teachers was mr uubt i hhanks of w lie t uml man whom ha rojally ontorulned on his but vialtbereln 1011 thirty two years ago ha married kmily the eldest daughter of tho lata john matthcms for an years they rctildod on a farm on tha fourth line and twenty two your ago came to acton residing on ho fann on main h treat recent ly sold to meurs lfoceu and donald they then laoied to the home they pur chased from mr itobort wallace- mr drown was u man greatly beloved in tha community iii kltully illnpoeitfon nnd helpful character commanded general ettoem he waa a sterling christian man untl lliod tha jirinciplea he esjioused he waa an oflloial and aotiva worker in uie methodist church aiul was alwsya ready to do more than his slmre in every good work as acltlten he waa ready to under tukoa fairsuoroof cltlumehlp duties end was for two years a member of uie munici pal council he waa antrong temperance man and a liberal mrs drown margaret and marion sur vive they have the sincere sympathy of all in their great aorrow the funeral will beheld tomorrow after- noon with aervjoo in the methodut church at three oclock hamilton conference notes rev ii w avium m a b d of guolph cornea to aeton and sev 0 0 draiper qoei t milto a host intebestfno cohfeflemce the twentyfirst anniversary of hamilton conference ol uie methodist church waa liald in the floe new 200000 first church hamilton from wednesday of hut week to tuesday of this week the sasalons of the conference were of an unusually interesting character a strong spiritual tone pervaded all lite session the feeling wah atroag that u result of the war the bearta of the people are growing more tender and a general spiritual uplift la everywhere manifest we are on the eve of a widespread re vival of religious life said one prominent sneaker from the putrorm the interest in mlulona and temperance was nunileet everywhere notwithstand ing the financial stringency of the year tha missionary offerings in the churches of the conference increased 97300111 the work or ota buttoning committee was never more satisfactory the usual difficulties in stationing were not experi enced tha following appointment will espec ially interest our readers i itov ifgjrokl w avlaan m a 11 of paisley memorial church luelpli was stationed at aclou ilev charles j drupor of aclou goes lo milton itov isiuio m moyor of llurgeusvllle goon to lalsley memorial chuwh ouelph lev lea w hmithermau of teeter vllle goee to llookwaoil and iuv t it olarko goes to utter vllle i itev tudson truax or waterlomu the new minister stationed atfieorgelown ami rev mr itoadhouaegoea to rloulluuniitnu itev a k unlui i a who bus len at jordan hlatlon the iat year haa been superannuated for a year owing to the iii- healui of iwlh himself ami ura hmlth he will reside in toronto uav ceo w darker luelpli was honored with election as heeretary of the conference mr k j moore a a gsve most interesting report of the work of the methodut lluok itoow toronto during the year and invited all the uembara to visit the fine new wesley llulldlrig- to whhh all the nepartmeuln of the book lloomantl llta uin ioimi oolcera would reported that pie fred wills has been killed letters from two comrades stato ho was killed on may 23rd ho officialtnfirmation the ramlly of 1lc f reil willu hlver hlreot are in a nute of great uimlety over lite receipt of letters from lie vrpd wrlttht uml 1t jolin ttshlt giving peril 1 cubtn of tha death of their oomnule vl4 v rod wilbf on huiwlay morning usrd may ihc raldii letter says i fred waakllled on tho morning of uie third may we wore just going into the treitoltea wlten he waa shot through tlie bead by a sniper he never knew what struck him it was a bard blow for the boys he we well likod by all he was burled just outside the first line of trench mr and mrs wills have received no oflloial intimation of the death of their ami are naturally in a great slate of jter- turhation roepeotlng him they have lb sympathy of all our cilluni in their giat trouble a son was the llrst of uie acton oon tlngent toglveuphlsllfe for tho ilsfanoe of uie kmpire hia brave death while o duty will always be remembered he waa an atctlortate son aiul brotlier a young man of high character aiul ida doelli uavee asad blank in tha lieme and lu the ood- id unity lie frwl willi ieailii um iionor toll uie brtof our aclon boys toflllusoidura grave on uie bauufuld of f ranee mas tlie tuaib of om of kaaaagaweyaa pumra in uie person of them locker occurred on tisturdey morning june sth about 10 oclock at tb redem of hie eoi john he waa lu his faxh yar he had been 111 only lhre tuys wlui pleuro- pueumonu the funeral took place m mocuuy and was burgely attended the pall bearre were bis tin sou john ou uie old homestead jameaand lleo kaaaa- gaweya ilobart of liondoo david of tororito and william of uodsrlcli mr lockers death removes one of uie town ships oldest maldenta kasaagawey township sunday school conveulhwi at uie corwhln methodut church last tuesday af urnood ad evading waa m decided sucmu there waa m good reiirwwntauou from all the scbooli of the township and ute ajblrei wi uaplrlug ami helpfuh the reports showed the scliools to be in a healthy eotulluoti all u sundards being well maintained the officers elected were i mr chaa laking lrealdent mr jaa moavt ioeire i mr- wm melliall bo trees depart- incite buperiuuodauis i mrs il c mention iprlmsry dept i mr john marshall adulthpt i mr thoa uoore heoondary lwpt i mr c a klstey tem perance dept i mr i t wilson mu slnnary dept i mr edward calvert home dept i mr ci is a darbj teacher training dept tlia neit convention will be held at campbell villa mr jaa oamehan lost a fine horse ou flundsy may 30th from a niture of uie stomach mr fyfe bomervllle but a splendid mare and colt but week mlas liule cohiuboun of eden mills la very low with dropsy sod but slight hope are entertained for her recovery what catarrh is it baa bun said that every third person haa catarrh in some form science has shown that natal catarrh often indicates a general wealtaeui of the bodyi and local treatmenu id the form i snuffs and vapors do little u any good to correct caiarrb you should trat u raise by enriching your blood wtln the ellfood i seotte kuiulalou which la k uedldual lood ami a huildlugtouk free frotn any harmful drugs try it beett it bewua temulo oat bootsishoes all the latest styles of this spring the popular ciav cloth tup ladle hulton boot rdguur mjo to uao how going at they cmuuot be replaced at thla price regal shoes for men no more utlafaxtory fihoe ou the mar ket at any price all clajaee of shoee at hot value repairing every day prompt aud ereful work kenney bros mala st aeton c c speight for up-to- goods tulvtwsur ia tajlehsreiws- wiias vaaheily alao ktiis cutliury mahjrtlrai ttrtwaws ewrj otreui- hssweuw ua vanrlahy feuidorii stovemi mnti ttmnilm faunousi hsnatsw tattu tuovst oustowaui every article ia ol excep tional value c c speight dahdeliows fehadicatloh luiulellomi nra amommliiigly thla year they mo rmiyuixni ua otio of ourwomt womis in lawns lull this yetir they seem to im ioo plnntlful in our bay and puhluro cniw they ifro u witiroo of loom by giving u crop n ruggoit und dirty ipearanae also by ttikhig up a inrya ior- tlon of ground area und by utilizing wntor and plant food which should be devoted tn the growing of crow wliloh will return uu soma prollt fortunately tboy huvo uolnii undeiround roots talk but every uirb of uiedoep lsierlng root will if brokun off and put in soil throw out leavou und form new plants in addition the lower utulkn uirow out u great deal ol seed which on account of uie douny opplen muy 1m carried by the wind greut dutauooo it la itt bweadlng possibilities which muko it one which needs to lie wslohed- tbey are not troublesome in oultlvaleil crops aud sheep are very effective in keep ing down this weed to control thin it would be best to break upohltwwl uml clean up old fence bottoms ami make a practice of keeping slieerwlilch will pro to lie a feouroeof tvroflt ouier ways as well we have not enough slieep in hallon county on lawns however this method dooa not seem pracuosi as wo do not want to break uiem up aud trobably do not want to pasture our slieep on it- tiwaylng with iron hulphate haa given good results at cjuelph under uiedirectlonii of lrcfeaeor howltt mb used the spray sis jum during uie season at a oot of 240 to i acre the spray is made by dissolving 2 lbs of iron hulphate in 1 gallon of water thla iu applied with the sprayr covering uie dsudellotis uiorough- ly and repesuug wheuever uie leaves get started k very one shcubl make a point of selug the plot which haa boen treated when visiting uuelph ou baturdsy june i2ui wlui uie hallon excursion litis plot la located n the centre ol uie osmpus in front of uie college building bai lie ajwl mr mcniccl of toronto spent uie weekend with mr ueorgo campbell and ouier friends mra u mckay uid children of ivrk dale are tlie gueata of mr and mrs oil- bert filnclelr mr bchriber of toronto was the guest of mr kpaer last week mrs vowell of toronto la visiting frleuda and renewing old acquaintances around the fad mr will itouell mr fred sinclair aud uu carrie visited uie home of mr w j tlibeod cataract over hmwlay mr wm hitchcock ami family tlsited korval frloods on uuuday heres art attractive list 1847 hodgcr silver ware for wedding presents all goods guaranteed cnuscrolc bowlu ik0 to 1000 bilking dinlira xk0 to ib0 tea sets 1100 water pilclicr tf00 bultcr dialica ik0 to t00 j- triyn jkc to 000 berry bowls 380 to ck0 biscuit jaru 2b0 to s0 cream and sugar tb0toc bon bon dirh 100 to il00 nut dish inlaid uilvcrlbe to 0jh biscuit and toast trays 3b0 to 1 50 salt and pepper cruets iss to tfbs pickle and marmalade dish iss tosss all itindi of i87 rodgers- knite and forks decscrt 1 st dinner sm set i dox pieces carvinr sets iss to tos see our window display this week no trouble to show oods sllmr ihalt uml wtart- james symon hardware mu 7 street j aik- acton oat m buy madeincanada goods ab all tlxe time lesist esistlessly the mighty niagara river pours over the falls its energy imprisoned and converted into a great driving power reslstlessly the power of all the imprisoned gas is exploded directly behind the piston in the mclaughlin valveinhead motor this direct explosion of all the gas enables the mclaughlin valvein head motor to deliver its mighty power power greater than any other type of motor and this delivery of power is the primary fundamental function of an automobile motor introducing mclaughlin 1916 models every one a six this fa the year or sixes and in presenting our complete line for 1916 every car a sin we do bo conscious that the element of experiment is eliminated prolonged and severe tests under the must stringent of conditions conclusively proved that tho six- cylinder car as built by us is tho embodiment of tho latest in automobile construction wo make this statement with all the weight of our 45 years of manufacturlng experience bach mclaughlinsix expresses individuality in its beauty of design and iuilsh something different nnd an inspection of tho seven exquisite models will convince any person that his require ments can be thoroughly satisfied and yet owing to the vast increase in our production with consequent economy in our manufacturing schedule we are able to offer a greatly improved car at a greatly reduced price abbreviated specifications or 1016 models d31 slkcvliiuur mvii nunar tuilliw cr 9a lo 99 hp 4 llru iio whbmcntluvrbprlnp ptc u190 d43 8lbyllmurflv paiwngr lour- irik cr 40 to 49 hp 4 tie 1191 whmlbucnluvr bptlttjf pile i199 auo mjm lyp body d44 bltfcwlnur runabout uml cluttla m d49 ilt 11913 alto uiuuuut body 160 sbfcy1lruurnv pu4tikr tour- in carl 30 to s3 up 31 tlra 110 pile flou uun carriage co t tjy head office factories v mlt v oshawaolltario bralkhml hl j6fatl wb1 moniraat qtia baluvllta ont towalo onti hawtjlwi ohii london oat wtwjpahsnj rahoa bask flaakaloon saak airyltij bdmtiallai vavt bil utixi blirrllnrnirnln lost on llnijul mm mi m hlrrt n llracklot inirhk 1 itlih li ioiili f i unm lfivu si illllici 111 lll i l i nn i rxiilvdirawsiril 810 net iting wiht jnura uilvu lirim slitunt rihu m tlio jfis1 ihiwiiii i lifutks ai1 ill- atiloh irottd wlittralialiitf luiiiiili lsnmsoswir kottil ovsf li ii itowunl lloliini ir ii0iwk astray sthavi1i1 frmi aoinn unt fmsy a larvn llek hnroll will latli ill lorluart minnlrter uluhuv alr i umi anllar illxlaif will liuuulully iuwurlr1 i tnlktlliu in i ktaiikman vuunohlr aoton wool wanted nlohb ht matiel iiilno will lia all lor wool uiiwaitllpil iiii fiiic ualiti on lo e it ihw 17 if erouaul actoli thorouuhbrici sttslllon charlie gilbert -060- a 3 u 39997 yraistaluaiif latvl a k cuiihib oafsao lot 13 w sou i urltt huw wcihldv hkoord i ro full lrolliar nl puatlla nilr sifaolaj a um wail i a runrd al ijjuijiii uati luauy ah uay u la a our yn11 mil shi brobsa nor 1 rtoorj for tuuuluv iiimdm wtish lia an s lulls an i twenty it4aatcliuu ill down fttl ui i uu la in bt tuaudd tlia haandddaaaaaoh new wonder- land theatre rilldav till kaulcti matu 5 purls with uahy rickroud uohdav whin hkoahwav was a trail jiutts uiti llarbara ten i ant tliu uory ileal s wllti i henry minuet tho kon of tho gov- i ornor of nvw amsurdani to dan- vors now halem llnuii lor the i kalio of buying uriln for tlio i lielpltju colony lie rcpretenl etc couing mrs wip of tho j cahbago patcli rl gregory proprietor waaddacaaaadddti p p palming decorating paperhanglng len a warden has lcciiil to cnifaci in huinctn for himself and with liln long ex pariencu on flrtt dais woik is pm pared to asouru sansfoctlon 10 all customers kstlmatca chterfully nuen for any claisof work ileal rou prompt completion of wotii mv specialty leave orders at renin once clinrcli street leonard a worded d fttew toistsq s7 k millioan streets acton the aacoiiil brick bullilliifr from lha otr craaslnr and wilt uunply all kinds offrusii and cured meats of lt promptly klrstcium refrigerator bhop opon ovory even in jr fanners trade especially solicit- i el lllflhest cnih pricespauhorcftj ami poultry r millioan cement k c00peu acton cement contractor for brid silos walkn moors walls etc also agent for do laval silon separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale robt noble ltd uangm9 suqait illibib amu turnips seed corn foaming vlillo cap cottllitona kltlff plilllp wltcoiialli no t loiirrcllow j l warren lpbhk roa

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