Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a ilanok absontmbmt pjlloks nbaeiomaulkd give us et call hakiniaom illohhabs laauhd 4 geo hynds jewellery and ttmtaov oood aotoh ohtario real estate win tor unto hi llnllou feel ktid wellington moo fkknfe for wale every al ir you want fkrttt write ue for ratmlogac or ii you wlub t uoll or vrfajuarj write tutu we bnv every f nrlllty lor trttuiutr time baaltiea to your catnblete ttatufactloti torr- toudenr uollrued- varktfucllluu httchnllii ileorgetawu oilic ctoit jfrce mbs tiiuhhday junk 10 i01s brief local items halloa excursion touualph ou satur day humour holiday tire looming up rapidly the ujowort of ue wmii have dou much good kuiuatltig council will fcot next monday lltb rut writealu of fit albaae tntiutl huii- uy tfehool pjo nlc will be publulod bant wub tb crop 814 looking wall bow 1h proml for au uuibdaat larvt u bioai ettoodraglag 350 ku toted to halloa lutulioo llaad laat weak for flurtmkt np ly lb county couoll aedjoyabuuiiauue wuuli ty lb tamdbrt lb udrlu oirt it it park cm haturday aftmooo tb aaury of tba county iload bupt- uuadant wu ibirtuwl to 11200 at tbe tuauiagof ibecodtity council uu weak wok ot walton bw hfiutry onto will b ooaioiettoad ulu vtk lib bw pruauri thould b rdy fo ooupatlodby aututan local pioa furf wool lave ba in- cnuwl dthfltig tbe wk ruling ptloo now ih up to imc for uttwaahtd and 20a for washed tba eontribtitloua of tlie elllieaa of acton and vicinity to lb lluakoke kr hoapltal for eoeauadpure uat wml auiouuud to j78 w the l o o v will bold deouou rvlo ott houtuy june islu uwdbira willbiiftl lodge roooi at j00 oclock all buutiin are mjuhuii to be prwwat ttki vkb lvks u u mlpt of oopy of uto uuum1 hpod of tit winoljmjj iuutofiolool fluid fixm ura kltia k brawn truu for ward 7 lira ilrowns tlljmlqbtfllltlcad lj ftpmuuj- tk fitting lu tba htoluau luuti aw blag npuotj vrilh floa ow outfit of quutdr cut oak tuoiwo fttyu ou knglui ialih with uubu baa tb lourlor of um bok will bj daoortj to ttutob tin 6ulufl in uta bmtuu of iuv j llmwy wbo u mluading th lfl atmtultly at klrufttoti iuv mr onauuitl of toronto irmahd ftt 0printf lul buuday 11 r tboeaas ysiiowimo of towwilo uill irji tuvt suajdy do not throw all tba rrotiaibl1lty upoa tli fartaan for inoraimil jvroduotlon kvarybody wltli plat of frrounj no biit- ur bow kuull kbould lblh you- ruim uts mag tbat will ftdj to tke total of tk watlt food aupply xu uaiw aid of koox ctturob aototi will bou tltir annual knrtln party ml tb bow of ur e l i0u evw- bhaa pajru formar boua of ur wm rrawti flru favu north of i v it aoton on wadaafeday evaalnff july 7th ur dearly of tbo coafrgttona cbbrob cburhlll tiohad avmlunt amuww la the llathodlu cfcurch lat huo- day bioralrjjf and avanlnff lf u a bdght youoff man with puodld voloa fraa dallv- ary aad tb aabjaetuauar of bla aaruooa was wall tbougfabottl islaftoutcfuheu tbaualtblfrald publlabad uab watk an lntarauiit utlair from lte wm o qowdy uapbaw of w dowdy mi- uanaffar toronto libia co utaahoum vta uowdy waa with a wachlna gun o- tloii in the istli bauallon t tb tarrlbla iaaiiawk enjagauanta of tba 63 men la tba aacuon only 13 war lft aftar tba battle if raoalvad a promotion for bu aarvloh lu thla battla our lark ad vlry lake in our patk aadjtemlrontuaitu aoton hu on of ut woafc aliracuva iilaoat poiiiiiad by any towa in ontario with valry laka aurroumlldc it on thraa aldu i tha beautifully woodad elavauon of u ilmaw to tba watt i tba attractive farwa and quut bonuataada naatlitiff the north and aouth and tha vlaw of tha town to tha ut tbara la a ooublnatloa to attract anyone with a love for the pleturaaque thar era beauty ipou in tvtty oonier lover point i tha old hwltnuln wol i the radial railway urtdfe in ute dutauoe l the club ifouee and the old lllll are all feature of intarwt our oltluna do not fully wallu what aharltao waa eeourad for ua by our father whan they aaoured thla beautiful park a quarter otutury aa the vrdntd foliage are now at their beet and thoee who appreolite the iteauuful in nature ahould take a walk ore oatrlage or utotor drive about the park one of thtae daya iuehout out rale 111m eio dont ihe in tha houee ia and 0a at drug and country btorea bowaw or ointments fbr catawh that contain mercury aa uaroury will auray owuvy tha eenae of auell androoupletaly jdaranffe the wbole vetetn when entering it through the uaooue aurfaoea snoh ahlolea ahould never be uaed ekoepe on preaerlpuoaa front tepntabl pbyaletana an the dauage tltey will dola ten fold to the rood you can itou- ibly derive from thetn ifalla cutartb ouwv uauurantuied by v cheney jk co toledo o oonulae no meroury aiul la taken itttenially aetlntf dlreetiy upon the blood and muoone ttufiutm of the ayateui la bajrlotf if all uaurrfa cdm be ftur you gal the mottlae it 1 taken lltuntally udcittoudoobiolyjchuy ft co teatlmonui free bold by urumkua rmoevooparbolue take llallelrwlly mil for mojim- news of local import personal and travel notes another letter prom t alger i afook counoll at fcpworth leasuo nnut tumlny tiluhtuiaupwortb inyitti will liold m uook counoll a ilmmluilnu will preuntn ploa for m cdritoulo ilbrnry ulid tba tnarrilmrm of umcrtuluill ta 111 lllwiui tlio proiotuil a lively mid ititcrontllik tl lutjttttllcikuml ualtons fourth contlkiffont capl monlr of tllkgnr huk wan itore yokterdtly tli qumi of mr j aiwurmxi cpt mokttlr im n forn knfcwtaweya boy ho will have oliargoof tlio vourtb uottllnant of tlw jotb llei- iiicnt and will moullliiantloortowii hair holiday well observed tlio wedimlay half bollduy wbloli tlio local mro1uuiu are aaklng the publlo tooo- 0mmte in during tin mutaer tuwitlm iiiauguraud but wk lor tbo muoii awl almoiit without ekoeiitlon builueu wn at a tutwlttlll hotn particularly bjijiro- claud the fact or uia kluait illrtbilay fol lowing on tburbday wbloli waa oeiabratd ai a btliool and bink bolituy- knox chuwjh guild pifihlo kiiox cliutuh young ivopliia dulld waa tit first orgiittuliflti to take wlvantage of lite wednesday half holiday they belli a jflnlo in ur koht campbaira gixv adjolrnlug ifalry lake wbtob aronla an il pie nc ground a large nutnltar attetuud varloua atliutlo gauw were plyd altar which fcujux waa urvad ttie pie ale waa a deoldad auoom rotuot- dig grat ctwllt ort the exeoutlve who arrehgaj l mlltou butrlet bdwllng tburaauent two aoton rlaka muhj in tha i ii loo imatrlct itowllng touimatnwit loit tlnlr in- lul gtaa to utmuviiu tba gatnaa ware playml on the g bw but vriday afuraoon the hoore we olow and uk oonukt kawi tha oorw blng 1 01 8 for urauvlll4 la both rlnka aoim rliika ware eonatltuud aa follow i i a j uao klnnn aklp i h u laby ix a 1u1i w uekahb 2 o mynda aklp i i y uocuire jm holaim 11 j haa- urd the ttd croei at wooderiauid th antarulntamal at th wouiufulul ifovlng ihiute thue ut tliurliy valng was gwferotftly oootrlbuud to the lud cro bouty by ur tltory the f uttda wm oruluouy aihaiww1 fon u tolia the charaotatf of the film ihown was bowvr hardly up to aputlona urcftroryohuradthaoildgood ullb iwt lhay tamd oat lulhir uucatufatory ii lla wllioo to ilau anolh evanlng at a fuuite data whs be will ir onally ttuot the filaia to l ahown oolded weddltltf ceubrmlod ur and lira a twin w ii uurmy la ulm krltl obimwl lltmu faoldwl wwjillilg anulvvrwiry ca thurwlay 27u uy tb family praantad ur uurray with a gold- kadad uubnlte iiiwl ur murray with a bvccf iuu uooraud wltli gou oilwr valaalde pnaiiu ware raoalvad tram trotiuratul likltr and nalgbbora aluut binty wr iwat a fowl auppor waa aartad oo the hwu tb oooaalon w a ry liapfty one and during th tlttmooo bany intatwjtig raniiiilaoanoi vara re counted wowatti inatluiu sutnuetf meeting the annual auatnar taaating of aoton woum ina itute waa hald in tha counoll cbansbar on tuawlay afternoon it waa intended to hold lb meeting in lb park but the wvilher waa rather eool th addreu by lc ejiia cowling of toronto on lb care of tlte teeth and womans rela tion to th war waa highly intareatlng and instructive ura lao t coo th itla- trict lretidetit r the meeting on tlio work of the rutitute mr george ifavlll prealdont ooaupled tbe chair at the oloae a dainty plonlo lunoh waaurved something you can do ileal lutnua are wanted for lioya and glru from infancy to tan year of age happy heart and happy face happy play in graaay puoea that waa how lu ancient agea children grew to king anttaagaa wliere to apply for iwi ifalton and uaflfwla t chaa w korton secitupao flretttpton ontarla appeal i clothing of any kind for boye and glrla from the age of a few weeks to alxteea yearn la urgently needed and we eollclt the aid of all ladle iwlg circle aid aooletlee sunday behoola league etc n aaauung to pro cure eueh article of clothing ordained for tbo chrtitlma mlnutry twobrighbyounffuen who apant part of their youth and ecbool day in acton were ordained into the ulniatvy of tbe uetbodut church ltac sunday ur j ralatou crown ix a ton of ur a ii brown acton who fe matubar of the alberta conference waa ordained at ed wanton he ha been given e etatioa in that conference ur a lloyd btnltb u a a d eon of the rev a e sulth h ix wbo waa for eotn unte paetor of tlte uethodut chureh here waa ordained at the hamilton confereoce la vlrac church hamilton tula talented young utlnlater hu lieen appointed aaalalant to rev iv oraham leneral secretary of education toronto bueball boyt abwuul acton liaetltall team played their flral game of tha aeaaoa from hoeie on tlte kdigvt birthday the teeta cootnpanicd byuveralenthuauatlcaupportarejourneytd to trln and in keanco game wltli the team of that towa auooaeded in coring a majority of the raua the acore being 710 thekrln team aoored aevcral run in the flrat inulnga and for several inning taalnteined their lead however the actoh boy oawe in atrong working well together and redeemed tlte aoore in thalriavor tha oontejtt waa keen through out tlte pereoanel of tlte local teem waa ait follow i b edrnonda p i d volater o j p durt let b o lauhbua 2nd b i uio bmlth a a i k while 3rd b i u boper r f t art andereou o t i c c baker i f young men auuuo loaluotii ur arch v allan wbo for over two year ha been an ejhcient bleak aft preeadt on the ledger in the uerchaau rank here hoa received a promotion he left hut week to aaaame a pcaltlca ou the etejt of the bank in cananoiiue dr arthur a bj kennay who haa thle year pawed hi final exa and had the degree of dental aurgeou conferred left but week for voct wluum la tw youthful city he haa received a poallioa in a leading dental eaubllhhmant mr andrew obrien who haa for aomatlme been klwly inglawla theobloeof tiuthrle tlulhrleft kerwln luelpb but week went to duun vllle where he haa aecured a poaltlou in legal departntent of the canadian bank d commerce ur hebar william who hu been lu tha merchant bank berlin the peat four year haw been promoted to iliii jkifcltlim of icllorut vrowviit ifo uim homo dw ttaflday soolttl ahd pornonnl item of intor out to vvca pvqua boadord 0lkawld buih no the week mim lamilo vohtilof itoukumul vlwllwl aden friondu nn moitilny mr lainniiktrliigor of tcmtcotu libit- oil aoton frlotuu lliu wook mro h liiiorrliiuorolmiidmayvliiitui up william brown yolcriliiy mihh rinronco llnlnio nml mua leiill hmitli woro liomn fovn wrob end visit mlm amy hkilit of toronto spout hahinlny mill hunduy wltli actnu retail on mr unit mni jiimoa horvlco niul tan utwnt hiniday inut with lilu broil tar wh- liuiti mr ir lolin ijiwj01 rcttrrneil from toronto on alotiility rontly impiovcl in lieulllt mm ltui if a mnciiltoruin of tot- on to uau tbo gnoft over hinulny if mru w 1 ilould mra uo w itarhur uixl mitu murlol of luolpli v lulled ifl mr a t browuu oor uiimlitj muutomio onnluton if toronto iwiil tlm wmii oimi liorc with iter friend mia ivraiiomo urlokncll klrhu6nry taylor o manitou and mr mdirouor of flloimllliamn iltltcl frlendo hero on humlay mr j v coiiiiolj of arlor a former oolloga friend of tbo otlltor unu n weloome vikltor nt monrticrolt llila wedl bugur dno i moore of the lltb battalion loudon camo lionia yeunlay far a tliort viuit with bu urenla mni hterllng of itidtfctowu 1m fciwiul lug a week or to uitti her uuler mra tlioiiias hotucrvillo ami oilier frieiuliiltero itav ur and mr willlamaon uimi miu nellio wiuumuin ol cliilay liava uti guailbcf mr oihi mr a t brown tills wmk mr lohii itaitiuliaw uml frlarula of wat toronto iivotorctl up to mura harry oltibona and lluijlt mocutclieona in tlulr new ctulilao car on bumlo mr iruliatii ijiuwiii of crowiwoll ultb uuuloa ilyloi tlmi to acloo tlil week aiul was tltn jua of ills brotbor ir jolin lawuni miu i tolly uwton of lluolji rturnyl ulrhbliu mr and un 1 m frurnlo ur aiul mrs aloi msttltewb mlu mottluiwii toronto mr and mrs llolirt ilrown and mr john broun fjmclinuu tiunt thewoak at tlio llsido of mr wlltum brown mr rrl mclaughlin uin of mr craw- tott meljiuylil i ul biu uon in lit lied omcoa of tlio foiiuiliuu norllirni kalluay toronto tlio wit tlmni jruim ha now uun a kwltont in tlio ucxiunllntf depart- nientof tlw mitlilguit ceoirul railway at lxt roll ut a cuimiilarulily increased balary thlu joonjf uiuii i malliij ilno imoroa halt0h paruehs institute ex cursion sat june 12th cm din lcr tlto kicuiblon of hulton iunneni inntilulo to tbo u a c tluatidi hatmtlu juno ijili kufliul train laiw limolioiito nt ii 22 u m acton tl 37 a in ilacuttooil tl 11 a m annual mcctlnua of tlio furinert and onions institutes ut milton un wed no day juno itllli como and bring jour baakeu to victoria lark at ii u fti iluai- neaa maetinuh in bo motliodit bthool lukmu kirnion inatituto mooting in vanuero club itnom a l mckalib uocrel ary troahurer wea it jo shoesevcry sport ana recreation sold fan snoe ii good aler packer of wilsons fly pads will kiu modc rilcs than s8 worth or ahy stick v i tatciiru wrltton in tho tronohcu ou tlio 24th may with shrapnol plying all aroimil in thchche t ftlom oehman ilia follnivliig lotloi unu rcoolvoil by mru tliomiiii aluar hr iloorjiolown ibis wook nud aoiit to the vtu 1 lniu4 lcir motlior i i nm writing imm loiter from n iltuoo lilio tin burrow of n rahlilt or ground bog imrlod in the ground with tlio idicllu uimooliliig oiorlioml kcrj now nml then n hlg ploooof ftbrdpnel will bury itaelf in tlio mindlwigo uo umo piled in front h or rnuli mid bit miuin mior follow fnithorlukil still tho tjerminis cnu tay tlinsmiio nimiul our hholln aa wn caii hoc ii juirhtlng ilyhl over tlifilr liiien hnmouno ihyolling now tor at re loiter boar era u iinnther of our niiiulier liaa hcon bit o arc u tlio trencbou uo captnteil from tlio fcriiiium tboy jeep on making con ntor utuciih lu try to into llmm luol ioritimotlioytry uo maw tlioin down lib tnir inncblnu ujuirn when o kt thouo txinuhou llioy worn full of iloud lermaiih thoro ire re lw uiino nt our iunailuu luijit aoil hrlllfii snldlum nnimig them tho wind in in lho wrong direction to- day for thorn to una tholr gaa wo are all buppllod now ultb pad- naturntel with olnilmi to keep iih from in ml lug the poiwjiioiin nan i hate ftltonnau lielmot for a souvenir tool hyo uitb lovo to all tbo trencboa may jltli 1011 v id tho old stoty three death ulno aoverely liinrl all women unto kindling flrea with coal ii s an old uimi oft roitwl otory yt ilin fclatuticut tire labia for tln uut mouth containu tbo above mjwml kafiy fir nt iu needed at lionie as wall as in tlte factor yocalmpertj and other nth lima cait ha preventoil hy never uating a cainii flro until it u out never ialiug a camp lira in laavoa rohon wood or oalnftt a log i never iojiiiij iwgv burn lug matchca rlara or rlgircllra never burning lriitli gram or tlatliliitfe iluringa dry uiiuu what u feather deanlng ter uo ac i on boniea can testify lo barnanla mcthnl ikwit let him get auay and then wiui jou bail luul your wurkilonn ii ul id no claana dally rear of hi toy a thnpfor ouo inoro week only taroiora can get work cleaned wlillo lho ranyullcnioouf millinery our hiirlng uml kimnncr millltiory in now in- in ft oxlilhltod in imniluiniu rnugunf iwiict dun i nn all tlio do- mn tided niotlnla mid inutorlnln nra on- tinticcil in our dhmlny wliicli n iiuunl lu clmrnctcrlxed by tnatofulneiui nml miss m cooper baaord blook mill ut aoton oppoaltw oootval twuev uhop d new straw mats tlioyrc liorenll roady for you ttviry nno of the correct and lieut blyleii foi 5 are having n nliow ing here all bright nml clean fresh from lliu makera hand none of inut ycnrshtock hero uonoliuillic new ilytcu for your choosing at tliu it ore every nnr tint fmhloil rwiulra awaits your coming oiinuink panauab loo re the high crown harrow ilrltii panama la nw vorl uoveliyl prices fram tkn cunts to ten dollaub geo wallace quelph otil d takeonetoniqht if votl feel bllloiu headachy wad irritable to thita wgn your liver i out of orrw your food ia not digesting it iuya in tbe etomach m 6m f rmenud mat nctaonlng the ytnj juat take tloaa of chambrfatiti utomaeh and livr tmhut they make the liver do it work they cleaiiae and wha lie tifc aj to tka vltaa al ajylwa yad ijjui la iw huw jtt ut dfvmua taau w if taulmt chamhlda lauuae cexaay tereaae 14 chamberlains tablets capital authorise m66apoo 0aiui paid ua lflofli6oo tujrlue utmubm uonev gbows tho intercut paid in our having dcpart- mi nt helps lite thrifty to occumulato a gootl hank acmint a sniull dcjwwlt will atari an account mid intercut le ulnwcd from tho first ilcpoilt oeoboetown bhanch w n uky ui bank of hamilton just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop 1 special attention to eavctrougliinp windmill pumps furnace and plumbing hot water heatinpr roofing gasoline engincn iimabiieciandnnaannaniimuuiimh i granitewarc tinware g at arrnjiorivb phioks sjstauffer will nupply ai roods at the foi- lowing prlcfa llltli wtwh tuba with wringer at- laolimont it tk nndi0 bird cages usc to 1 wobii liollcm4lkotveh granite water pailu tf o and tile granite pudiliug duhch 19 ik and e dtwt pan jaiwnwl aaaorted colors 10c crater 3 in r 10c tin water palj i for tfflc olvd 14 qt forbc plait paitn 14 qt far lltta jranlte hatico pan is 5 sttc granite ulc or milk holler 36v- torbox diiklle mop no oil as tarhox ploor polialier no oil isoun1 0o tarlw duallceu uuat cloth tfc tarlwx llnndlo oumleh uuiter boc j uopulrlug promptly done blow 3 rcmovod piium clean td and put up lawu howar repaired and s j stauffer obkwklt old pot omm mimj tt aoton g acton jas barden son ontario hoadaaoauaaaoah very special sale of shoesi take notice th will he tho latt olianoo to accuro these good at the following low prlcoui dm hiioch best make in canada regular 100 bhoe for ifcemk kip tihoe heavy inlo rugnlar s 30 for vtlt dongola hlious ijtt every day working lioeut xv 10 all hlroa in ladle arid clilldrcn shoe at reduced price i have putchanel front w ii htorey 8on limited looohhliti allot which goat half price 7vv skxe the brlck store opposite new poslolfico june is herb tan tlio ircat month lor wanli goods wo have prepared extensively or the months demand in all lands of wanliablo materials white hcpp white piquo white indian head white crepe white cotton voile white rajah white muslins in colors rajah repp crepe galatea linen voile and other fabrics wo have the best materials at popular pricca cotton lisle and silk hosiery in black white and long and short gloves silk and lisle we clow every wednesday at 1210 noon henderson co mm si acton onl lxxxoooooooorxwjooooook000000000m always go to macdonalds for the best in summer wear the best not only in quadity and selec tion but also in price and tbe bat prices arc worth seeking in these days of financial strain you will find them here because it is always our policy to sell tho highest possible quality at the lowest possible price it is because of the magnitude ol our mer chandising that we ourselves are able to obtain the lowest wholesale prices which is just one phase of our business iliit maked lowest prices possible with us our wide selection and hlf h frade qualities mike our merclnndiso desirable at an puce anil the most desirable it mr low prices in wnm waihcr wearable luean superb assortments wash goods tub froiki for women nnd children wash suits lor littlu boys millinery corsets hosierv underwear in attractive lines mens and boys furnishings in the largost muuh store in this part of ontario for summer wear and every other wear macdonalds d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and laruust store limited wyadhsm mecjobcii and cardin streets guelph oat merchants bank of canada statement of liabilities and sets at 30th april 1915 liabilities l to the shareholder capital block paid in 700000000 ueat or unserve puucl 700000000 dividend declared and unpaid 17s710on ualauce of profit oa par profit and loea account xt 3 10 70 s 14410 150 70 2 to he public mote of tbe luoklu circulation f 690400000 depoaiu not bearing ititervtt 1160106144 depoelt bearing interetlucludlng lntvnatracctuod to date of itatcmett 50037 10 100 llaiaacee due to ntber bank in canada f 3500401 ualaticedue to uankaaud banking correapuudent iu the united king- daw aud foreign countries 110707630 nilupayable acoeplaucea under letter of credit 606looa6 lubnltlea uot lucliuled lu tlio foregoing 16 io 464 5 assets current cola held ce also tlepolt in central gold retcrvo aiasjias datrifuloa note held 197 196107 note of other lank 16471100 cheque oa other batik 0013 yajo halaucea due by other hanka lu canada 311067 balaace due by batik and banking correepouduiil elkewhare than lu canada iijj6ssj donilnlon and provincial government aecurltue not ekceedlug uarket value sljiwli caiuulutt afuulclpal aecurltlei and b tit lab porelgu aud colonial public aecuritle other than canadian not exceeding market value 00366701 railway aud other honda debenture and stock not exceeding market value 406819331 call loeua la canada ou uoud debeuturea aud block 360634 bo call loaui tliawhere thau in canada 06419314 sslo86s7lgi other current leant attd dlicounu lu canada ua rebate of latere 4740119908 other cunrettt loans aud dlicounu elaewhera thaa in canada lee rebate of inteteat 10014039 liability ol cuatomer under letter of credit a per centra 606 100 6 real kute other than baukpreulua 11881677 overdue debt tetlmated i04 provided for 14473163 ifauk kraiuuea at not more than coat lea amount written off 416614704 depoelt wltb tba ulnlater for the purpoae ot tha circulation fund 333000x0 depoeitlti tba central gold heaerve soooooooo other aaaetii not deluded lu the foregoing 14100740 w 1004648 k w ulackwiill u v iiuudun vlceiretldent geueral uaoogcr report of be auditor to lb srureholdctt of the mefcbarii tunk of catuda iucoimoncwiutthepravlalonorumbextionhiaaudaooraection s of the bank act we report to the shareholder on follow 1 we have axarnlned the abova dalauce hheet with the book ol account and other record of tbe bank at the chief omce and with the algned return from tha uranche and agencle we have checked the cash and verified the aecurlhe of tha honk at the chief office asalnat the entrie in regard thereto in the book of the dank a on april 30th lots aad at a different tltn durlug the year and round them to agree with auch tmlrl we have alao attefltled at oeveral ot the urauchu during the year and checked the caeh and verlfletl the aecuritle held at the date of our attendaf ice and found tbetu to agree with tha entrle u the book of the bank with regard thereto we have obtained all the information and explanation wo have required in o4ir opinion tho trau aactloa ef tlio hank which bava oomu under our notice have beeu within tbe power of the uank and tha above balance sheet i properly drawn up o a to exhibit a true aud correct view of tho state of the uauvd ojialr according to tba ueatot our nforrnatlon and tho explanation given to uandemliowu itythebooku of the dank vivian haucoimt of tkloltui plemur griffith co altmyoibl j rbidhvd1c vawpitom uonlreal nsth uay 10u- of uaclntoah ft hyde tt

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