Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1915, p. 4

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tito iwnd 1 tim lioiitu of nilfii tiiuithlu iunu to mis tim old mill pond it hiniiliirfnl giltion jill pmili tllll duftr ami umity u i lun liy lliit uliorn j on und turtle nit bimtiy inrt lwiidoji hwiwl hug grouh liv till tijuku in inu and in a mi ml mi of mlinr spot tim roods hixi llilnlt w liarvnttr you fur and tlio outtnllx utivo tliclr tilt a hi air tlttt klnglmiartlko nit th waodod uliln awl iby know jiut wlitm llttt minnow hid i ami oftoii a 1 10 roil miiiiim ibiiiiilng down vroni up in tlio iiiuriiliutiil groan and brow n tim darning iitwwllua llil to and fro hut lltsy cant w your earn iii tight you know i falkeaaroplanen limy iuil nroiind hut limy dont turn over und htribo tlio ground iva floiwi a in nnd lo not cnuulitiiiuoli lwoli nml nli i no re and itaco nnd snob t llul its fun jutt to kit with your lino thrown out and walcb tlio curiouiuliingii about iva beard of lb uu and tlio big utoam- lllp ami id iiiio to bo on souio ocoati trip t hut liaro llmro u fun of which im fond laying around tins old mill pond arthur w iwr aamfmlzb youh difficulties i would ilka to help jo if i oould tlia speaker ran liia finger tbrough hla hair bhj strong bind faoo trembled i llko th fallow and i want to sea hltn sua cmd bub i heeltato to recommend him the trouble will jm s tltat business fa imvat good in uto year that i llav known hlto i have never known him to adult that thi keen eyed judge of human datura hid put till flnprr on tin vcmii spot not in oa nun alona but in many thousands of you tli just beginning are preparing for future failure by farming uie habit of dm lihasuing diftioultlea huimou li always bad- tha oilier firm la invariably able to undersell bomeliody els lis um pull if you lliunto ttt conversation of auoh young fellow for fifteen minute you do not need to he a in order to predict their future with eocuracy thay will join tlio ranks of tlm men who am always for a job always appealing to influential friend for assistance alwaya wondering why tlie other fellow baa ull the luok vornt tlie habit of ignoring dlmoultis when you can und if that la impossible of minimising tluttti it la tin young matt wlio ia inclined to believe business good und ida own prospect roay who fta oven looking amd rorofittiho mot of iih hatti imd troulil4 ull our ii von nnd fekoh iuy imt hrouubt all lm nvll thnl tvn wlohiul in oiidura hut if wn uaro nikid inidomml ihn horrowu of our llvw bow iuii oniim un lemumlwrt how in uny ibut urn ain inoiillt old uhould w tlilnlt uorlby to imirtiniaiiibarthldrmoiitlon mi to daya trouble aau uruo litit it uaou bourn llwiy will lw forgotten uml burlotl nut of nljjbt if jou would liop a hook and nvory duy ihitdouu tlwi thlnu tltat worry you und foa what liooitintw of them it would ha a iwnolll to j on you allow htliltttftokiinoy you juat ah you allow a fly to mui on you und phtgua yau and you iam your tmir or rullior gat it for when man ura ohargwl with umpsr theiy ar aald to hav lojut and jou juttlfy yourulf by tng thrown off jour ldliiofl by omuum whloh you do not imco oul hub if jou oould ulmt it wan that throw you offyour llanoa ixiforo breakfaat and put lb down in a lltlut hook ur d follow it out ami aacrlaln what hocomou of it you would wluib a fool you wm in lb tnaltr ths art of forfroltlnjf la a buwl art but tho artof overlooking hi quit an im- portont aiul if wo hliauhl blo timo to writ down tjio origin progreaa anil out come of a few our trouble it would make ua no uliaiued at the fuat we make over them that we ahould he glad u drop auoh thlnga and bury tliem at onoa in eternal forgetfuhieaa life la too abort to he worn out in petty worrleu fretting hatred ami venation let ua banlah nil of them and think on whatsoever ihlnge are pure ami lovely ami gentle and of good report gouu hoi bend dowe oa amohi of baokioha ur j a luhinlkld dauphin man writes it la my pleaiure to write ou in rcxanl to doana kidney x4iu which k hav been uiluj for totna time for kidney trouble which uunl to affect my bock to uiat at t lints i could not bend dowu nor could i walk ilrnllit i learn ed about your pllla from your almanac and i huu the lianpv hour i tliouihtrof buying tht jnedictne biie urn ru ilia naylng tlicj were juat oa t pen fill kidney food in yielded to hla advice anil what was the f flvmrahteedtiiey werct jav khbw wuav mb was dolho latwaa strolling about one day with an kngtuhman wlieu they met a poor looking itegftarwooian ivc ulj u kngutliiuan i will give tint woaum alxpenoe for eiery penny you give her ftlght eald iat ami lie gave lir nine- peoee when the cngluji liad given liar hut bhare tat aald lie which of ua was the hlggeat fool t it wu you aald pat no aald the fngllehouui it waa you for you gave har all you had but aald tab hub wu tay mother castoria vwar iniaata auct chlmrt in vmm wot owr 30 y blpaubttftif whan arthoa eoafwta for a prlu th reeult u a draw the taodara youog uaa aaya a feuala crlua ha only oe good quality ha la pubttuj tohiualu soma toooun are vary uily puuod jthlgia by what thy huury una tha bhaunw aliould have a utua horwiwwa reaultr i had bearing dowtt paina in ttiy bock for two dayi ao i took the balance of the pill unucej to the drusicut und told hiiti to glv me poana lchliiey ihiu aa they would atop the pa in in ill hotini at the outelde lie told me he ua tarry x did not ue more of the pill and lengthen the time to await result x told hint tlure u tin need of waiting with doana 1siu they to right to the pot no v substitute for me milburn co limited toronto 6nt when orderingdlrcctirrrlfy doonv deer kills quickeh tham w1iis- key to the alitor i any oho might know tlutt wn nil kuou whltiny drliikdnt unit hum lived in iki alghly or ninety hut the btmr ilrinloiu bxioull illel umler or wikjiii sixty ir ibirgoll of toleuhl tt uattlflumfllilrt live yearn aviierltinon mya my utuntlon waa flul nailed to the uuldlotia eftoote i boor when i teguii examining for life inmurattoe i pantod five fiermnna wlio aeeiried to imi in the hot nf health und to have muperb oouhtitutloua in a few yearn i waa amaxed to be the wliola llvedropoff oneafteranotlier wth what aliould have leeit mild and easily ourubl illaeaaea on oomparfug my krierienoe with that of other physioltiiim i found they were alt hav ing blmlur luok with oonnrmdil heerdrlnk- ere and my praotlo haa niuoe oonflrmeil tliat evperlenoe the ant organ to im attaekod la the kidneys ami then com dropny ami llrlglita llaeaae oerbilii to end u tally any phytlolun will tell you that tlie ler drinker mema incapable of reooverlng front mild disorders and injuria not usually regarded aa of a grave character the beer drinker is much worse off than lite whukey drinker who seems to have moreeulloby ami reaerve power he will even havedellrlum tramena bub after the fit la gone you will often find a good amount of vitality hut when a beer drinker geta into trouldo lb a difficult and often inipmalhla to do anything for him i have talked this for years ami hive hail ahumlatulanoeof instance to support my opinlona vor a long time we ooukl not tell why hear drinker should die so much younger than whiskey drinker hut a oelehraled investigator lr von uoorden wived the i problem ami showed that all fermented liquors contain an aeld which le very dastruotlre to the kidney if arnou mb uci s9 magic hi jbakingpowderl dhk him he ubb a huri working nnd inlalllgont aronoliiniiii but tlm knglluh verlw itiill tronlilwl him ah yeu muleiir 1 snw mru drown tlio other luy lie nalil to an auinriculi frland and nio tailed i moan tnld me that her mhl w koo to break down ilreub up burelj ah m break up your lerlw do trouble mo no jot i llreuk up that was it why uho nin going to let bnr kchonl hraak up so oarlj i lleoauno liifluemui bun broken doui it llrokan out it lu n bit piixlln unt itr tui itnxur ikroiy f 1t a fcduua bie day mat a poor matt am aald to hluualf til have a joke with thhj baup what uwu did your tulr woa at my good taaa asked tha gwituaiaii uy father waa a uddhv waa tha rply thau why did uot your father uak a aadjhat of you the poor man paused a while ad thi uskad what trade did your father work alt obyuiy father ua a pmfcb kdtl- mau i ttui why did not your falhor nuke a urfaot gauttduaa of you aald the traup walking away i co iiurrtd kv pat the ohaumeur never spoke exoepb whan addraiwail one of tib meu in th party remarked t you are a bright sort o fal low and it i easy to see that your people eania from ireland no aor answered wl what said the man ikdat they com from ireland r no aor answered wl thyr thore ylt mmoic bkscub threyrold uoatague and two-year- old harold war having a bath together in tha ug tub ijothar left thatd a uowaab while aha went iato tha aait room bujjaaly a suooauioa of agoulud shruka raoalud ha- two dripplag terror urbleu little figuba stood chtspej ia ob othav arm la tha middle of the bath roud toe o uoumt gatpad lloatagua i gt hlu out i i aavad hlia 1 tha ttapvi- out and w wra going thwu 1 lahdv hoy so blow a yaunjf man who waa spending a aeak in a north of bootlaud village hecataa ao qualaud with a local charaour of who- company ha waa vary food among other p aculiaritua in sandy tltab amusod tha youth waa hu uaverendlng boast of hi mlghly anobatara and hla uohla ooauao- tloaa oaauay the vuitor was tlttlug by tha wayalde rvadmg whan bandy made ida ap- uaranea driving a urge pig hallo handy uld tha visitor whats ihu youve got today f la tlili one of yofr nohla ralatlohaf ob no aor replied sandy i hea just an aoqualntanoe ilia yerael 1 ohildren ory rob rletchers c hu uub orri tha utf utiu wldt uid ikuowltliu ex phuimi uwulniily wutal ux iuu biu wbo wu eating imui mok of puiut wbm i uut ihu we uied tm nut to utua hofti remuked tint big till ml ulud tin hub mum hm hav hmm i kwcuukv ctmuam a huu gltl wu dlvylaa ott uenlitg with har dalla ueoutr i want una watatflaabawltaba uld i eta talag to durlataa ny dall- iwntuatdo uut dear htillad tu butdar ttl wmu la mtlag wltli a kobjeet you do itok ui vau tben giva ma aoma waa to waa- ihalieaaa tvharald ujajilita ill swa old axwavkw libasavlv illarovwotobaat was weak and hun down eolli 1st still the lust excltutot whahi oat iu weak and rua dawd the heart becomr a kitted the barvea boooaie unstrung and the bast euiu- uunt cauua fmliog of utur lastltudw what la lwikd is to ttulld up tha heart and streiigtheu the ijiaty nrvi by thai uu at kuch uiediciiie u uubuma heart and nerve 1ilb- mr j- a ullliatiia tilutahufa- out writri i tanuot fpeak too highly of lifilhuru s ifrait and nrva ill k tulttred greatly with tuy tstrwa and was so weak and itn dowu 1 couu not stand the hast sdlttrcut of any kind i htllev 4ir htatt and nrv llli to he a valuable rtutd for u sutfcivr froin urrvcus trrubte mlibums heart and kcrve pill ih ooc patr lioii i lwtri frr 1 3 at elf dealer or mailed ircct nt rrcclpt rf price by the 1 1 toroiito out what makes a happy home 7 i have peerail into quiet parlor where tlie oarpat i olean and not old ami lite furniture polished and bright into iwjomswher tlie olialre era neat ami ui hoor earpttlau i into bluhana wlere tha family lhaa ami the meals are oooked and eaten and tlie boy and girls are aa blithe aa the sparrow in the uistoh over head i and 1 see t i not so much wealth and learning nor clothing nor servant a nor toll nor idleness nor town nor country nor station aa tone and temper that riuvuer home liappy or wtwtolied and i see too that in town or country good sens and ood graoe make life what no teacher or aooomplishmauta or mean or aoclety can make it the opening slave of an everlasting psalm ilia fair begin nlngofaa smlleaa existence i tha goodly modest well proportioned vestibule to a temple of loda building that shall never decay wax old or vanish away iv john halt children oxy rott rutchers oastoria uroken out ah yea i and hhe is going to leavbtlt houoe in charge ol n caretaker he sbo fears it might he broken how do i aay that peaaev uroben into i expect that is it ilroben by tbo burglar is her sou married yott no the engagement is brokoit in uroken off oh i hadnt heard of that t la she worried about lb lie only broke up the no wo to her lust week in thnb right v no t you should say juki broke there ah well 1 am nearly broke myself by those verba of j our i and he wentssdly an hla way be lee t- d tub dinkbbncb yea aald the world trateler tha chinese make it an invariable rule to settle all ihelrdehuou now years hay qa i ii i it i erst ud uald tit american host bub then tlie chinese dont liave a chrutmaa the week before yhb riait lu10h wharea tommy v asked joaaa on hla return from bulnaa flue evening gone to bed was hi wlfa tajily no i seat hlu to had a a puauhmanb for weariag fl wearing v tepsatad jonaa i ill teaob him to waar without waltiug ror a light the angry father rushed upstair to latarvuw the culprit oaly to fall ovar a lasa stair rod aod hump til ohla at onaa ha became aweadiagly nunat and when tha air had cleared he heard hla wifa cajt gently t ikttar come dowti dear i im sura tommy hu heard aaough for hie first la your asthma too tha aficacy of iv j a aceiw asthma luody u uoa eomasthlag that u brjy to la hopl for it u to he xpoud it never tajlt to brlag- rlle and 1 your owb lojjvldtud caaa it will do tha lama bo universal baa beau the iii6omi of tu fayfamad cure that avary cue omlctad with thla dlsaasa oww it toumaalftelryll lata cdirvaaiitiow vt waa calud iato court la taatify to a talk that la had baj with tha iwjiit lu a dvil suit aaj averylhldg waut alootf oa twitualagty aa a sock of bullfrog uatll tha lawyw ilumpud la briag out tha laj- portaat piau of tha eoavwtloa new tbad pat ialj ha tcouragldgly pleaaa uu tha eoort what you and lh uwaajaab talkad aboul via ur uaj wt wuuagly- w talud about 0fuu uinutaa no aa aa ialrpoj tha lawyw i uoau what did you and tha d uikowy via or waa tha cahi rajoladar of lua w talkad ov tha tluphana bti hioaoks aw you oettaln thu la tha nutir ask ed tha oommaodlog omoer when a farmer aoouaal a soldier of shooting a chtohau 1 wont swear to him said the wltua hub i wall my bea tha man i uiepact doing it that not enough to ecavlat a taaii retorted tha x o caouldemhly nettled what ralaej your tutplcloai i wall ulr replied tha aturjy farmar aa ha slowly mopped hi forehead with hla kerchief j itwai tlla way i i eea lu oat my property with a gun than i heard tha guhgooui tlien i aaa lu putting the chicken into blu knapsack and lb didnt m6u1 aauaa rw liow to think the bird o mltbed sulclda am a varmlcidd ibara ia no praparatltui uiatouala llouter mravea worm kater mluaior it hat saved tha urea of count lea ohiuratl no matter bow deeprooted tha eord or wart may ha lb uttac yield to ifouoway com cure ii used u directed ibtaleaall of thirty year la uak is real man audi hmnatjmaa thai wont do il tha emallar an eauta tha fewar legal question are involrad thar may ha nothing new under tha tun but thara era a lot of freeb people fsffilome people cast their bread upon us wjraupacuiigittooomabaoh loaated jowrta us baut of luaolng youutf tatfui it wlu come u bandy f yon edqaiwawile her baby had dysentery llekj yw boctdr nriuh wu euro kv yhc uu or dm fowixhs strtntct f iud stt a lu dysentery the dluhargea froa tha wel follow each otlicr with great never heslect what at aral appear to be a alljibt attack of dunboca or dyn cry wlfl surely kt ftt cure the flrit ymploma by tha use of ir vowkre uhttuct of wild btrawbcrry ur mailtti farraber pogberty cor- vxr nu write t can very strohaly trecomtueud dr fowler itxtraet of wild btrawtmrry for dysentery and auitutstir rhphuuu my little gbl at use ag of two ycara had tha dyeruury wry bad we had two doctor but with no result my mother brouiht we a botllr of dr fowler and wfaeu half the bottij wo uied the utile girl wan rtmnhig btmuu playltig with her doll with great delight bum joy to the lamuy for wr old not tadrik she would avct get better there are a tuunber ef tweparatloctfl on the market today cuimlhg to be the aatna tut dr fowler kxtract at wud btrawberry and also calhnl similar names so a to fool the ihihllu into think ing they are getting tha genultuf dr fowkta it jtunufectured only by the tmlithimo umllritorl4 oot- fke tlut twlr tasaaa-4- thl t he wrapoar pilctj w cdttba gould not stand on feet mm tblur so walt could not do her wo found robof in nowj way adrian mich i euftwd tarrlbly wltfafaitiajawaaitoiaiaulmckatlieajvl fil so weak that i eould haydjjf do tny work wbau 1 washed my dlahaa i had to blfc down and when i would sweep the floor i would get go weak that x would hav to gat a drink vry few rjuflutae and bafor x did tny dusting x would hav ta ua dowa x got to poorly that tny folk thought x was going into coeatunptlocl on day 1 found a plaoa of paper blowing- around tha yard and i picked it up audraad il it sold gavad front tha grava and told what lydla e hxtklums vage ta ble compound hu dona for woman x showed it to tny husband anj ba aald whytwtyoutry it boiduand sitr i had taken two bottlaai i flt i better and i alj tornyhosliaimlidont j twdanybora andbagald you had hettar tak it ijttla longer anyway bo i took it fotf thrao rnoalh and got well and etrong lira axoatu e eulckjl 0 taeumaafa tit adrian ulcfa hot well iinough to work ia thaa wocda u budn ths tragody of many iwmia rouaakmpeseawajiii rrirwl support hrlf and uofun hdjphtdmpoorifiuiiuy 6rt tateagrtj wogaa wbather hi boo fidoa fiiv tory ehop ator e hltchafu wtnuuj should racnatnoat that theral la gate triad and troa ratoedy for tha uu to which all wotat ara troil and that i xiydu k hnkbamai visu cordpooad h proctiota thai vhrw which tnka work y the lydla 12 xuilthaw uadklna cdj lii4 jwaai jtaianh antiisf it ha ati vam lly moldlcr vat noarly n a iiuiiuhim year tli rod kb tho com tony nf ihn jnpti tioao icmlmnsy wo nro ublfl to tuilillfj lli wonlu nf tho jupuiinuit nutlnnnl antliom ogclhnr with tbo lnullub translation bay londoii 1 itilllu homo interesting facta rognrillug thlu anthem ware rolato by otm of tlm ancrolurle of tbo hmhaauy rim word wore wrltton bo uald by a japannao pool who lived in ihn tintli ctiiitury but whouo name liuu imvtir boon d ncorcrnd tlmy bavo btimi used by japanoso sold lor nu l liny iiiarrbcd to war for nearly a lliouannil yearn ho far aa la known tlm vcrim wan taken from a mliicflllatiooiiu col taction of japannan pootrj ntid adopt ed by a bygonn icmpnror un tbo mo tional antliom for japan tlio uiualc however to which tlio words arc now sung wan composed about fifty yearn ago by a court musician previously horo hat been no real music tlir words being c linn ted rntlmr thnn sung kimioayo klnilgayo wn clilyo nl yachlyo ill haxarclabl uo- vwoo to unrlto koko no muaii mndo tbo translation i an follows- tina kmpiitoirit nuion may our uraclou kmporor rvlmi till a thousand yos ton thousand year shall roll till tho aand lu tbo brooklet grows fo utono anil tlio moan from iliciio pobbh h mi- erulds make night iltkcrii it all happened in tlm nuioke room nf oho of tlio liners u alio was ap proaeliluic liverpool ho had durltif tbo voyago freely glon ovldoncc ol hi immonso luinortauco but on tlili occasion ho even triumphed over bif former ovplolta yes goutlomou 1 may fairly say that i bavo seen about ii worth seeing in tho civilised world i have visited the holy land i have been to jerusalem homo athena paris vicuna i have aeon the finest pictures tbo grandest na tural views tbo greatest sculpture tho just at that moment a gouiawhnl shaky voice broko in day milter have you ever hid tho d tat no air 1 am proud to nay i havi not he anaworod in a shocked vote liut why well then all i can say is thai your slgbueolng has beau pretty tame aud youve got a lot yet to see tho hetler iart a delightful llttla story i told ol rrosnar uerlueo tha trench author ha waa ohco a guoat at a royal hunt when bare pheasants and other gam were driven before tho outnerot and hla follower and the aervanti picked up the victims of tho sport among all tha member of th hunting party trouper merltuae alom had no trophy to display how docs thin happen t taked some one where gaino i ua plenty tin merit of a marksman saoma te mo to ho in hitting uotliltig raplud morimoe with gravo courtery i fired between tlm bird a list or au theyoungawb author dtlul tha ualthy aulhflr hal tha sickly author haggard tha oldest author atuaia tha farmaw author vuu tha sportsman author iiuul tha dairyman a author cowjier tla warrior author bhahepara th ditcher author trancl tha hjwalara author loldatulth tha ohep author oooka tha auburhan author totftuend tha domawtlo author holme tha greldy author hogg tha woodland autluw hawthorno tha cuaulug anther von tha pontifical author lopa- tbe evasive author itodg tha groaning author pain tha aboriginal author ha ago the blistering author ilurns the refrashla author drooka tha hraakfast author lucon th dinner author lawli tha ejorlalere author bangster selected children ory rob rittchebs c am awpul tumuat llraoll jolinaou i ia contribution dla morning will ha fo da purpose oh bulling up da deficit in your pastors salary he choir will now sing and will oontlnua to sing until da full amount am collected i 1uob ktiing tho old gentlrraan wont into tlie furlor tbo other ulgbt at the witch og hour of 10 30 and found tbi light out and hi daugter end a dear friend enjoying a tetoatel id a corner by tho window evan gel i do said the old man temly this is scandalou yoa papa sho anawored sweet- ly it la eandleleau bocausa tlmoi are hard light coat so much wr- dldaud and i aald wo would get along with the starlight and papa turned about in spach leu amaiement and trlod to walk out of the room through a panel lu tha wall paper laid th fault ou aatta a man eamo beforo the great be- towar and ploadej that ha might have a lower for hi own ill re quest waa granted day by day be aat and watched it tenderly glorying in its development ho dreamed of nothing elsa he worshiped it then u died he bad forgotten to watr- ii and tbo man cursed a blind and prejudiced fate westminster salts lladut klllrd hi m there la a certain young wan wbo used to bo notoriously getlitlc flnift ol hi acatiblntancc wore oh day siwakhig of him bafora an old lady wbo waa not up in tha slang hprosalon of tha day the hoki tlmn she mot him on the streat she put out a con ura tula tory hand ob ur rultb aba rrlod i am ho blsd you are bttr i heard last week that you had a swelled bold ulllora worni powder work ao ttha- uvely umb uo traoa of worm can lie found the eala are macerated lu tha stomach ami pea away in the stool with out being perceptible they wake an euure and olean sweep of the intaetinee and nothlug in tha shape of a worm can find lodgement there when theao powder aw lu operatloti notldng oould be tnoro uierough or dasjraue than their action xdlenasb i tha refuge of weak mind and tha holiday of fool whan man get buurled lie i never yulta sura whether hla male friend anvy or pity him p aura you eau obey good uw befora you altar bad one many a promwng4uiinaw wan baa bean hpolled by getuutf to tha jprlvata offlo elagoioijulck hulgaruh capital flofla the capital of bulgaria might bavfl been constadtlhoplo if the itomau kmporor cotutantlno had adhered to the preforanou bu felt at one tlmo for ii havcraj plarea woro thought of aa tbo alto for tho pow home before tho unrivaled natural advantage or nynantliim obtained tho honor among them troy and bardic la uoeia now known bofig plaltahng very stout farmers wife to lit tle rusllc her protugo well gam your master and i ar going to tlm cattle show cowboy oh im euro i hope youll take tlio fust prio m that i do london thlhts tbo two ivuor ktntulgrd kngland think her navy ought to ha juat twice ag largo a that of aor principal rival my wlfo llko to regulate hor wardrobe along tboao idoutfea line hfiay troubles arise from wroig jleliou 01 he litrer uousi the liver is working properly you may look forward to a great many trouhlri urmiig hucii as liluuusncu com situation beurthurti the vising and ourliig of food which leave a nasty taste in the mouth sick headache jauudlcc etc mr ho word newcomb pleasant iir- bor nfl writes i have had sick headache lieeii blllouii und have had pains after eating and wa also troubled with a liad taste in my mouth every morning i used four vul of your muuwn lauiuver nit and they cured me tha licit praise i can gv 1 tmt cimmikii for them mubuni i luumvcr illln arc sac per tfal i vhl- for kl f4 nl nil irs lei u pr iimlled dliccl on rrcclpt ol prlco by the t milburn co limited toronto out children cry for fletcher iciiil tho icltul vol xiuvo alwuyu llniilit and wliuii liim boon in into fot aviir m iiiu liuu liorno tlio ulftnutiito of tf giiul imd iioiii inado iindtik liln iorv ws tsataw-t-j- w iwrv luluu tihuo itm infilm y talr7xcm allow iio on to iltirulvrr you hi thlu all countorfolth xmltuthniunihl jiihtnuiroml uro imt ksxporliuouta tlmt trjfluuhii mxl niuliuiiror tlio lniiltli or infanta and cuhdrcu juiwrlcncti ittfiihiht uuihirliiiuuu what is castoria cfaatorla in a iitirmlri niiltutltiito tor cnwtof oil parrw borld lroph nnd hmitlilutf briip it lu itloiihiint it contalnu iioltlicr opluiii fllorptilno inir otlitr ttiircotlo ubatnnco un ttjro in itu tfiiuruutoa it iluhtroym worniai and ullayw ivovorliiliuomm for inoro tlmn thirty yentn it ling toon lu eoiihtaut iiua tar tlio roller uf conhtlputlon flatulency wlud collo nil tuotlilnir tr4ubluu una lolairrlioda it rprulatm tlio htomich and uowcla unalmllataa tlio iood trlvlncc innltliy mid nnturol wleup tbo cliudkenm iunaccivtlio motltoru xcud genuine castoria always biuro tho slernaturo of in use for over 30 years tha kind you have always bouaht safti3afticdiftb2i the made in canada empire typewriter saveu you o lo 60 try before yoa buy at our expenuc empire typewriter co 18 adelaide bl wit ollonto ont foryoua wsiderfuj book on farm dtaigtaqefree do you know you enn tntto 100 acres properly drained n jou can inifncd and pao half tlio labor t v 1 i nnw i nt proflcr inripcntlva 111 dislasita utlonli npil n lk uakonpravsnt lilfaurd walinn nwk irior i i uhtcr t uwli- rravcnisilrotialilaiul inciituitlio luinlllr rr i 1 1 im llpiiuallly tf youreropsl ui ni i ham iib trfil 1 1 lnlav frto of dure avry ln i lnllr t i ik i nn tl la i t m il i ttarniu ll itigta i tkm 1 1 aulirt nnyll ina ll nt will ii rnu trow italler irrf i ifiwrilroli arri nnni much m iwodlurf ncrta not wrlfnr ivtrv olholv vilr n t y ruin y r r th tlu if doalrej dominion sowc pip co 1 1 0ntall 3 ilia limited hkts von uill find licrc our riio in tho tlo of a bat jou are looking for whether it uu a utrhy alniau or ju it a can s duki1vm- 4400 to tlloo h bolt 11atsim04f tol0 h cats so taoo 5 and dont or rot our furnishing tlopirtmoiit lvcrythlag s in colored bliirts tici umlcrwtar and socks liny your halo- proof guaranteed iloto luri q r e istelsolsr iiarauaut tuot mia vustlahav wytddluui utiret jj auuurh ont s ihe merchants bank op canada ff su4 jw budn t claai thrift ie rijjliily described as eco- iromical manauement a shrewd buniiieua man is spoken of aa thrifty be cause he savea perhaps only a dollar at a lime perhaps more but the roal secret ol his success lies in ihe principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ewjxwooa 7su 04 caiital paid up huetwkvu vunub and undivided puov1y0 acton branch p a mac lean manager actons electric ohoppiha mllili open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done tup firanu trunk railway iatlrjuimoickl tnalnei i i hnwllmi ll llllilllllll hi tlllloll 4imbiia ni ill i so 1 innoai staanaananaandca grain chopping i f g well done and quickly at only n s 5 cents i perbagf s harris v co llmiuj g bockwood on hnddddnnnnnddodh fresh groceries nuw kafnlnn now currant now date mew nut new pu i a now hjilctvb ftnm lin st of corfouonry first clam lino nf fancy cakes aud pastry proali every day cooked itiatn hnini ttacon with tho homolike flavor ilnind and otlior good dellverud promplly daily j r livingstone uuaaao lo a b itlok dill fcftt aatau boots shoes rttbbebs mnndddunna mnrjn j all mens rubbers at l barajn vrxces aanaddanonaadadflodoaaananrj w wltiliams mill street acton idrand trunk srs attractive trips to wiuuioka lkaa lk0 g kteya oidtuh ilv aiartuuiuiti mst vmth hlvvv uiswaupuia tmkm mlmatsiwanlr1lv ttuaatanit ata round trip tourist ticket uow ou aala front certain stations iu ontario at very low fnrea willi liberal atop over musk0ka express fvavoa toronto 1015 a dally ci cunt hundny tor muskoka wharf hunt vlllc algiiiiquln parti and north uay coiitioctioin arc mado at muikoka wharf for mnsltnka lake and at hunl villo for rwilnl on labo nf liay parlor- library lluffot car to algonquin 1arb parlorlibrary cafo car und flrstcuu coaclie lo norlli hay full particular aud ticket on application to agent iv s holmes agent phon no is wcton liyery and bus iun6 ilfiving purcliaud tlm uvwry iiuhiiiokkd nnd goodwill of the estate of tbo lt f4 wllllass i rcapectfiilty wilicit tho natron ago of tbo public comfortable rig will alwaj bo supplied at reasonable charge r th potil ur oasrg mall wbo has bad the manage ment of tlio aiabtea bo past year will contlnuu lu charge ii will alwayriba found caurteou and obllglntt bub htcktm alil traihh ambrose mccann mui st acton out acton oht tfepmetor at ie nts maaiomkkauox uakwjumfauirimsrmtt4

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