Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1915, p. 2

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n monday itl wiiy iy lttnl a mhhicuii ma lolmli cliiircli i itv ltv 1 rt 1iiiihchi1 hllmmll tilngu anton lit ano ciulnlilttj of tn routo f4mi lilimv at ihiikinit vinw rnrin fraignu ihnlinmoof ilm liildns wniiii on ftedtuuiliiy june tuli ly it t i knrrnluh hlinht 1 ltudfu r hliilnlt to hlolln dimglitor of ivilllmn jiirnn died funeral of mr wm brown visiting tub old landmarks jam in toronto hoktiltnt on lnohilin imiti mill dolm ijiiic or hi william aged aloiiiv wiminrr atwvtiwoutthl toronto on monday ruitn llth pr j ii wlllmou aged 7 jwirn wllui klllod lit action in vrnnco tin fhindsj mhv in i fcredorfok willlum jatnae willi son f william wills acton lit itldjmfli your miwuil at llin home of his hrother in inm the i i mi do llmnliniim on hutuntiiy dime ijth llnlwtt mooro of htratford in 701 your kfc retail fvtt r5s tiiuuhdav liki 17 101 a editorial notes notumjurtmhmi the submarine hlocudo and the fact lliat liorclnef iuropean towers aro ntolvod in war ilriiainfl trade for january ietiruary march ami april totalled otnr jjmtooooihst allowing an increasoover la saino montliu lust your of asrvrt m t from llio minister pf finance shows thst tlio ni venue from tin eioclal war stamp uses from april 1 to july i will be about an follows ilanb nou cir culation tj21n trust and loan com parties uoooi insurance companies 770oo i monty ordsrs letters ttiedlelneji etc mh3omi total eituusooo tub countys equalization ttio atuument fixed by the county council at the meetlnp lajtwwk it is m04i7 over last year at the meeting of tlie county council last week theenualiution of the assessment for 1019 waa ttuule follow j expiating 83701000 tast year 93578001 inc 1774 w ljftflooo 31012 j8 10000 110002 j 210600 231 3111 3i00o 23721 l17000 101121 021000 41004 100000 2fl00 nasaagaweyi lasty utyeark ina ilgar last year mldflh no- acton last year w3si2jc darlington ity6arl07307fllnc 3e0rgtow last yur wttoooo tic ulltoti last year f50ll ino oakville last yar81uil30 inc the equalised assessment tills yoar is 389417 more than bat year the county rat last year waa three milla 04 tlia dollar it will probably bo aa itlgli ui la year wltli tlie war tax of one mill add- d actons county rata will therefore probably rasoh about 2 100 oddpeuaws decoration day the oravet of ten deceased drethron imoorated on sunday address by rev dro draper aatott lodge loo v obirred dooor atloa day on hunduy afternoon with ap proftriate ami impressive mremonfoa botne eluility flio inamuora toolt part in tlio phm5dlnjh tbbrtlirn of tlk tlirm llnbs wet at uiajr lodge room t tlir oclock and head 6d hy aotoa citizens ilaml parodsd first ut th old oameury hera thay daoorated daoaaasd rro- aisx 1 urowaa jrreva wltlt uto poui red gwnanliim and union jaek a faw words imtadilng to tha cor- bwwy followad vmta ttare tlia proouulon reformed and burbd to falrvlow comstory arriving ui4f a luilt was msda at tlio mooro mm atul plot and rro cola no and lira uodanald cfmplafn read tlio oinlnjjf oar- auoiiy and prayara and a hymn waa aung alt thla tlta brethren prooaadod to da eomta tha graves of tlmasl lirotliera at follows itolu tarvln arch mctavlfth mosu hmlth itourt cralna i factor jolinson ilobart crasoli tainan molain joseph hpelhlt duncan keith in daoorallng tlia kc haorury ami ilmotfatlng commlu broke front the tuawit and marked to osoh yraveflida llw tb 0miuiry lira h o flunton giving a lnvf blograpliloal sketch of tbd daoeasad brotbar a tuaubar of tlia ctmawltte tbad oaiwai a pottad red gsrattluasandde poaltad t o tlo grave rapaatlng an ap proprlata vr aftar the daooratloii tin brethren uaroli- d back to the uoora plot am the no aad chaplain finish tlielr part of oere- mooy tila was followed by a itjoui and itor bra c ik draper gave sji inipresulie ad dreai pertaining to the ceremony and tlie brotherly tov wbloli impelled it another byttttt followed and the beaedlctlon was phmouneed ibe parade refortueil ami darehad back to the ougti room about twentyfive visiting brethren fvoai krlii milton ami lluelph woro pro- atil yfta grave of uie late itro utberi hou ervilu fu llmehauwi iuneury- uan decor ated by lira a marshall ufwo leaving to attaiul bere dra it m uolfcwiam im waa u very tfclatit ilardiall for parado ami ourrlod evarytltlog out in ekoaluiit order yhe oomwlttee in oliarge of the ceremony wan broa kou soote jln a r j union po n v moum 1mj ami nell mo- katb tl chews co quite a number took in the halum as- eurslouto the oati uuelpfa on matur day the many frlemls of mr wta uo- artbur dr hamilton formerly of the drat line wlllaxuud their slooere sym pathy ta him in tlie tletdorttua eanoelntf abetdaatatoakvilleon friday when mr uffartbur wai drowned by the oapehdug of tbalr oano ur ii h brown returned to hamilton ou llonday after simutdlng two weeks itoll- daya with his iiarenu her aire ijinta and chim rett spent a faw test week with muelph frunda tit and air it a ikamter and oracle afctlntfrf vlslud frunda hre on buaday many vt ioihih oiithoi to kny lnct trlbuto of robpoot to tlln memory tender words spoken at service ihufwuiiulnr ihitmui wiihutn rnmii luut 1ililny uftoimuii mum titlumliul y n lurudinuidurit of frlunili nuri imljiliiwrm muioiui kiniy fhix lu0 tillinto tnllmmom- orj of thnliiiirlihl unit inuhuu tliolr tym uitlij fin i ho hontfi fiuiill altoi n hrhif nun rant tliu rehldoiicn lltn cortcj yihooiu to fbo molliollnlcliiircli ulioro fur hourly n iiiitrlr if n century mr llmunuunii nmt fuitlfnl ntttmiliiiil nml ft innt uuoful nlllolnl a i ilm cluuch fciirvlon llov c l hrapnr llio nihtui hum nuiiuloil by i tov 1 v iliirker uuvlpli mill ituv j wllaon ii a nf knov t liuruh tim dioniorui nihlrth- hv i to i- mr dfiiwir wau a lilting trllmto lo tlio llfo nml elm mo tar of tlio tlo inctl nml imd iniicli of comfort for lhoe ho iiiiiiirn tlio init of tliii fulthfiil urvant oftjml ltow mr jlitrkor mwlto tender uniilw to tlin mmlly nml frlomto anil ruler i in liu intiiuutn unil frlontlly relutlon nlifulth mr llrowu lnrlng the four yoara ot liu iuhtinotc born tlio choir of tlio chiinh ooniluelod tlio mudlciil nonio ory lmiroalvely tlio mil iwaroru oro meuom j h colo- man itctunllug htawnrd nml mr n i iluiii rciiroronliiiti tlia quarterly oillcui hoard ii i mourn j 1 herniary trciuuror uml juliu c wutxuu roirboiit ing the trnutoo hoiird i m v biinlaay from tlio huclcty i toirofcont stiver anil walter cutting fur tunny yoiira on em ploy no of mr hroun temlcrly tlio remains woro laid at rest in tho fuliillj plot in fulrnaw ceinetcri changes in teaching staff three tcachor tender roslgnotlons thwo applioatlons for the vooanoy enoaoement of ot teachers alioul tli in timo of y oar the real ansietlas of tlio tncinbora of tlio lioanl of luiucalloii com men co the hoard iialwaya desirous when it ban such nn excellent sut of tcaclioru to continuo their ncrvlces at tlio mooting on monday etening however thoy woro in receipt of the real gnat i onu of three of the very faithful teachers of the past tear miaaon pearson anil uricknell are joining tho utalt of toronto clt schools ami mib monetfn lia decided to take a iiiruo of training lis n mmc tliolr renlgniitlons woro accepted mirws iaib folator now nf hludlow ialo i mu rranbfo mullin acton and miwj irons coon uolph sent in applica tions foriiosltiann on tlio staff the ro ongagomont of tho remaining itiombera of tho nuftwas conidered a letter was rooehod from mias 1osrl dakor aulhtant in tho con tin nation bo had stating that she una ready for re engage ment at tlio salary of fh10 movod y william joliiirtouo sooondod by n ioruoa that tlio following leacliers ba reengagod for tho coming year at the salnrioa liainod i w ii htawart principal 81200 miss iwrl luker ossu hit miuii minnio ronnott l7o miss ins ulilto 123 miss mury iltaok 100 thin resolution was curried tho hecrotary unn ins i rue tod to ailver- tlw for touliorn far tho pilinary first ilook and bocond uoah rooms ut tho sal ariou of ho hundred dollars each per annum the aisth rokwt of tho committee on finance iniicl tho following accounts i loa m iiondr 12 seats douks 81a 10 j i dor j os osamlnation fees 022 a o to n tanning co supilies 250 tlio raoreury postage war tsk and rtstlanory 303 847 41 tho accounts wero ordered to be paid fj tho hoard is looking for a now flag pole to he planlod on terra firms to replace tlie present pole surmounting tho tower englnoor corporal wnrrwn drawn writes intercatlnir letter to tho homo polks he is in ca at bhobnclipfe tlio following liitorostlng letter uttu re colvnd liml ncok by mrs fohu drown willow hi root dour mother i lotloru mid uitoih rotoiicd uhloh i mimgliid torelin i lind not hud un insil for hoiiio timo i wiih over tii ciiiiterliury hut huuduy it la nliont 1 1 miles from our omil it is rertiilnlj mi uucioiit cltj tlio chief at traction li ciintcrbnry cutlnmlrfll it lu u niuguiilcoiit old structure tho names of tlio urclihlnhnu inscribed nn its tidtleti date hack as far av 5711 a d home iarts of the building are beglmilug tnsbow signs of decay but it la gene rally in good coudl lion to arehblhhop enter mid loaves tbocathwlral in state jlbo n klig going to court hi one of tlio rooma thomas a docket was murdered ugos ngo down thn nlroet is an old gateway hrouuh which ifonry ii belked liarefoot lodo pimiiico for his iminlor we boil diuusr at whut u add t be the oldest hotel in kent hid u mil good moflt for half a crown we wore at the nftonuwn mr loo ut the cnthedrul it was nil high church oung lailn of 12 to u yeurs comprised the cliolr wm ibruughhaltutmi cubtlehtst hstur day afternoon it in uliout a mile from our c4mp it was hero tho two knights who murdered thomas w itocknt stnyed tlie night previous to tho murder it is cer tainly interesting to viuit tliaso old lilwtorl cal places a follow sliauhl study np his hrltuh hlslury before coming to m tle ancient nlles i expect to go to london on friday lo remain over humlsy will tell you what the big town looks like whan i nest write vour loving ton wiuhia duouv hliomcliffc kent may 27th 1013 recruiting officer is co ml no mew dwttnlloii being roorultod rrom ottawa nnd ontario town to bo known u tho 04th- battalion a new mld km tu liukimwii u thotlllli is now bolng nmiruited with bosdipiarlorm ht ottawa nnd in fo irf recruited from mtawa ami onturlo towuu in whut is known nn tlio king ton dlstriol it a ii t1ohurti ulio has been appointed ro orultlug oilioor will vlilt aotou in the hear future with a view of ilgnlng up moil who are desirous of eiiluthig for ovorkoau service but in the meantime soy informa tion will be suppled by ootrinnnilorttlng with um reorultlng odlcer csro of 12t hparkshlreet otuws unurlo although tlie reorultlng for this iwttnlloti ima jut started spplloatlon for onllstmont ore coming in verif rupldly oiid it in exported that when fully equipped the tilth will he one of tlie llueat iwttulioiin to icuvucunsdii ami will be able to chow tlio world what canadisiiu are cupahlo or doing as tlia moii wtto are ulrendy nt the front are tlolng ry day boots shoes all tho latest stylo3 of this spring a representative wanted for old reliable fonthul to sell in acton ond dlatrjcl a chauctf of a lifetime in do a big trade among farmero in fruit stock rut well as good ornamental huslness in the town lis- clusivo territory handsome fre outfit highest commiulons paid write for terms stone oq wellington toronto ont valil tkhu oftfmfl hkirr ut s imiiiiip w at talilous fw lalsln vous wllliulw bl millinery our bnrlng and summer if illlnery is now bring exhibited lu handsome lianced in our diuplay which as usual la characterised by taslettltieu and good style miss m cooper afeoovd bloek situ st aatea orrohlta ceopw yiallos uhop no more dyspepsia for us thar isnt member of the family need uffw ti hadachhlliwjtnejiermntshunatlimor chnwhhalnbtomach and xjver tablet ttteyeluumtbeebsttiacb and bowel ami umulate tha liver to healthy iolm ty and tori up the whole lyeum take one it night and youre mobtlntbe motnlrii u ctawlda auilja c- tau ifl chamberlains tablets dwiui mi u humsa tunilut wtofim thrift the foundation of every fortune is econo my uutaslde the amounts that other people wnslo and oiijny tho ittdepondettco that goes with a hank account our having depart ment will help you save georgetown branch w n- aiskay iiear bank of hamilton k s i a ii i i m i ii i 7 mukxsxv the popular gray cloth top ladles but ton hoots regular s so to 400 now ifolng at 1360 they cannot be replaced at this price retial shoes for men no more satisfactory shoe on the mar ket at any price- all clauea of shoes at luit values ttepalrltis every day prompt and crful wrk kenney bros umla 81 aelob heres an attractive list 1847 rodrcr silver ware for wetlillnr ircumlt all ioud ouarantccd caiiburolo bowls 1tlr0 u x 1000 baking dklics ilko i 0 tea scin 11100 uiur piichcr 500 biillcr ditlui i0 i 00 tray jisc in ii 00 hi rry howlii ij0 bihcuii jirs jitildl crmi ind sugar ilfis to 000 bon bon dibh 100 lo it 00 nul dish inlaid hilvr iks lo hx biscuit and toist trays l lo tko s ill and icppcr crui s i so to ss iickluind marmalade oish imtojiss all kinds f ih 7 lodii ri knifi and iorkv dtwn i aa oinnir 5 00 ttt i doz piects carvin sits s to 78 see our window display this week no trouble to show goods slltvr late llitil wtari mill street james symon acton ont hardware jbkwts laloek tlehi aotirrlidtfnirntc wool uantko hkhiv i km i j i mm i lor i i f j u i a i i nn in l hui i morrlitnt aiiltcviick wantk irffr ft i i i i iiiio i itrtit i a i lyiiin fttt r llilw m iikmill lu aoik uiuci- t m buy made incanada goods charlie gilbert ffurjav havuhuav t 1 jill ql- nli hicw mould a iikcomo calj r r r flirll oih nl cttr lr lt wi1 r it hi a dir hicii i i i r fm l i mia cm n vtioml puf t pi tmu thsir tlf it riuljd u til li4 it woildluxtr inlal uwwuumuaanaacanaaorjm g new wonder- land theatre ti n p khidav j many pickfotr in lindlk n ixla and owlti vwro miry u hnttund in rt il life ju inn jj harming hohdav a whb wirob or tin cab r dagk patcit g s r l gregory fropwttor hadddaoaddddrjdhhlilimli p ab po all tlxe time resistlessly the mighty niageira river pours over the falls its energy imprisoned and converted s into a great driving power resistlessly the power of all the imprisoned gas is exploded directly behind the piston in the mclaughlin valveinhead motor this direct explosion of all the gas enables the mclaughlin valvein head motor to deliver its mighty power power greater than any other type of motor and this delivery of power is the primary fundamental function of an automobile motor s introducing mclaughlin 1916 models every one a six painting decorating 1apcrlianglng len a worden ilnailccliltil tti vngugn in hutincui for himuilf nml uitli his long ex pcfienceon irst class work is ptv tared to asmtv satisfaction lu u customers i at milieu tlicirfiilly given for ant clans of work dcolrcd lrompt completion of wort m pct ilty lcuvo ordoni at resii once clmnli strtlt leonard a worden cbunb bt akm 0 u 7vveptts r millioan man a well citlipci1 mont hop nl llio inrnir of lllll ami vouu tllrcotu auon llio kocouii brie utilulinir from ilia gtk cmmltlef ntiil iluimlytil lillidmorfruhil akd clukd ueatm ot bt this is tho year or sixes nnd in presenting our comploto lino for 1916 ovory cur a six wo do no conscious that tho clement of experiment is eliminated prolonrfed ond severe tests under the most stringent ot conditions conclusively proved that tho six- cylinder enr ns built by us is tho embodiment of tho latest in automobilo construction wo make this statement with all the wolght of our 45 yonro ofmnnufncttiring experience each mclaughlinsix expresses individuality in its beauty or design and finish somothing different and an inspection of tho seven oxqulsito models will convince any person that his require ments can bo thoroughly satisfied and yet owing to tho vast increase in our production with consequent economy in our manufacturing schedule we are ablo to offer a greatly improved car at a greatly reduced price abbreviated specifications of 1916 models d51 slrcyllnder seven pautrutsr ttmiliifl car jo to 93 hp 4j llras 130 whioluawcantluvsr springe imfs 11130 d34 8lcyllnder runabout as rrie chas sis as d55 price ii33 d41 aiiieyundsr ave nasmngsr tour ing csr 40 t 43 ii p 4 tlrss 113 whsslbau cantilever spring price i3b3 also ssdsn type body d4 6ittcyiinder lunabout isme cliauls as d4i lk i913 also landauui body d60 slsfyllmlsr bve pastarikr lour ing car 30 to s3 hp 3j tlrse 110 whaslbass iplca id83 rttuh carriage co i t ftav head omce a factories avrv v oshawa ontario sranchmi ut john nb uontraah qu bsllevllle ool toronto oriljltaliton ortt toodott ont wfnnlwgwsn relaak8aeutoon8aaewcalat 1 qimlity nt rcnoitinblo u rices sfinl dtlivurd to nil customers iiromiith rimtcliirs refrlgorator llmp uptiii vvvry cvenliig i inrnitr ttiulo uupccliuly solicit id illglitnt ohii prkos pnitl fortggs and poultry miluqan cement k coopcit acton cement contractor for bridges silog wnlku floors walls etc also agent for de laval silos separators etc high grade portland com cnt for sale robt noble ltd manoius huoau iikbts ani tlrnha seep corn iliimliitf wtilcu cii cmptoiih klnir pllllli uiukimriii kn 7 lnnrullow j l warren

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