Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lahad amrfotltmunt kihoka hieaaonablta gtvo us a call maniuaab liaifl um ibsuhd geo hynds aotom ohtahio real estate kvtu tor hula lu mai ton he ud whiluaton iuo farm lor unlet every ulxv ir you want ffcrui wrliu tue lor catalogue or ii you wlwli lu ufll or kchuff write hi- we iiav vry inrllltk tor iruiidurlluu buflluaii la your cokupme hulkrucilou orra tkttdure kolirued j i uiiltmciiuv ruriahiiiu hrtulht urorgwowti ffilix jvctcrn jlrw press thuitwm iukki71h1a brief local items only two wool mora for juno vted ding kent monday will lw tho longest iy or wig toe achool ouamluatlona have oom me no i do troy tlio uoeda ami comply with tlie uw tito flnoduno wcallior on uunilay wu much enjoyed about tlmo haymaking commenced on itonte of tlia slils stieola tlie prloe of wool ib up again this woek unvraalted now brings up to 23a waalied yto tenders are anked far tlio erection of a new gaoler a reajdanoa at die county bulldlin milton r- trt wok of cleaning church street and coaling tlie roadway with trvia wa otaipuutl on lloeday oiuviluhajt lot three of lie aoldlara in the war rodiitly its win cornier ltd- luru 0borua and lte knnls ue e k cook jolm moffat v jlgglnsand henry awrey were juror it tlie county court at uiltou hut week the 3m voud by the comity council wj to the jtws at tlio 20th lutulloii far eullalimab eupenseti ami not to tlie bat tallouud ifajtoo county womans and vanner institute bill iheir annual moating in allium yetunliy there wan a good at tendance frofa acton itoed commlsaloner wilsons salary luu not yet imii increased lotlaio tlio increase of ajou was proposed hut not carried ly tlia county council tutpectlng tlio recant ball game at erin the advocaiesayai the acton team are a good hunoh of playnm anil wo bogie to tee theitihefe again thin summer lmaoipal htownrt went to burlington monday evening to conduct oiamlnallona la the school tlvere he won accompanied by his brother vr stewart of toronto ura wbi moarthur of ifamlllon wu drowiuul at oalt ilia lout friday 81io wu cannolng in tlio hi toon mils crook with liar husband when they upt tha conoo f thoro ar onu firo oormunb in julji wlioabouhl bemuuiod thay dont oaora to bav tlio ootua nocouary to an apircia tlanof tlto poiltloo tltoy occupy hero mercury mr 8 h unduy sluth lino llaqueu lug hasaooiirod tlboflaonewnlamlanl hrod auihan monotoll from mr harold currle fltmtliroy for tlw purjwwo of m rwoulug tlio atock of thia aootlon isnt it altout timo tlio strmta and wolki comnilttoo put in n drain acroaa tlio ktrmt at tlis corner of mill ami john htntto to drain tho littlo nw of waur whloh aoouniuutoa opposite tlio storoy red4nco every tlmo it ralnil fifty root of tiling would maka n pormanont jolt tefltta cotta mr uul mra c mckeown aotort vull ed tom cotu frlorvdu mr r d bthnger npont sumby with lilooiulrt mro c mokoown aotan wsarolnfnrniodthnt tlio hal ton ilrlok co have largo onlor for brink and hope to rmurao oporatlana ugain shortly wo ara plouod to loam tlmt itov mr hunt of nerval circuit la to rotnaln with ua another yoar mr hunt liu given oh- oollentpajitordl work on thla circuit dur ing tho pt year mr jolin townurul ha erect a wlro foood along uio front of lila farm whloh jjj coruidorauy to lu appiuminoa ur w j iyonaltu purchaud an up uhuu automobile mr j ti want ia ahlpplng a urge quan tity of trick ram hero mr taaiali townuiul luul a luaho oowklllod6ntliautlt uio otliordiiy wadding 11 la aro ringing loudly in our luuulot again a nuuuflr of our young won have loft for tho front to fight for their king and country huooeu to you lirava hoya garden uirttoa ara now tlio ordtr of tlio day died from aprwndloitlb mr n f mooro rooclvod uonl on tuady of tho doulli of her hrothor tleo ijuto lu llto haapltul toronto llmtovon intr follomlngaii operation far nppondlnlt la mr itno wun a natlvo of erin for oma yaara ho imi haen foroinun foresur in koifolk country foreit kitrvt under tha department of agrloulturo ha wu fifty flva yoira of aga mr ijino who la auo flow erin and two daughter and ooo aoi aurvlvf bftwora of olntmohu for catarrh that contain mercury u uiowury will atiroly destroy tha uuu of atnall andooiuplotvly iloniuga tha wholo aytm whon antorliig it through tha uuooua aurfaomi huoli artlcloa uhouk kmvr bo tiftod eiioopt on prtmrlptlou frotri raimltthloibliyalounh uu tho dumngo they will do u ten fold to tho good yon nan mmj 1 lbly uoriko from them hull utbirrh cu wanufiuituied by f i ohonoytco toledo 0 oontilna no mercury ami in takan inloruolly acting directly upon tha blood ami mucoua uurftiooh or tbo uyalom in buying llallt ivtmrrh uuro i hura yon got tho gen ulna it la takun intorniilly and wuda lu toloilo ohio by f 1 clitiuoy atco totlunuiluli frot kohl hi dnyirww li loo 7ti iwrttotrlo take llallti ftunlly iilla for rxntktlii- news op local import ffttalhalrb diyhokt sunday tho feutliul of tit ahmiv tho murljr will lo olmwrvewl in hu allmnucliuroh nuxt flu inlay tho venn ruble arc don ton luvhwii m a of fjuelpb will utlom tho opening norvloo uml prnuoh n pjkoui wtrmon touohlng thlu lnlonwliiig boltit oraduntos of collego of pharmacy mouth 1 rlolurln hndurne h ijiu fcon iwtb acton lioyw uitd uraduaton of nur high hchool hho lft month pnwwl ornd ltnhly uiolr i ml pliarniuoy oxumlimtionu huvo now tteon iiiecofiil in tho exiimlim tionu whloh confer tho dogroo of ilnn 11 unit uro fully qimlklnd drugguta ordination ocrathartiaynorficouiiln itov father tmiinr ultondod tho or dlnatlonuf his coihik lint fulhorf d mrfroiri t fit miiiiooim culhodriil tor onto rccoilly fulhar frnynor nrtod nw itoiioon during tho rtlul ritlon of tho iiiik father mocixiiry in an oiteu hound ixiy oiiil hax a bright future i fore blm boso ball match on saturday a hato imll in null iibh boon orrungml he looii tho rlukd lo cundnjt co ofdholpli and aotiin to lm plujod in iho iurk aotmi mi fimintay u tor noon tho gatuo will booallod at 4 uolook llila proinluou to lm ona of tho fiouil galliot of tho mia n ihu hoyiidouirvo a gooil uttondunoo if rwotutoru ep worth leaguo lawn soolal a lawn nocial him boen arrangiwl for by tho i- pworth iiaguo to lie held on tuom ny ewoiiliig utw ifltb at tho homo of mrs a h ifrown third line an inur eating and entertaining prograitiino in lining arranged consisting of local utlent llov c l draper and ii w avloon tlio iatora ruut and iruiit will ha in atton- dniioa ami deliter ailitremi arrlvod kafoly in england itoovo if nils rooolvod a lotlar from hli an itohort who a mombor of tho mill tary luwl of tho soeoiid contingent of ovonuas forces himumi tlmt tlioy had ar r i veil ufcily in rnglaml on tlio 2ilh may a day or to afur arrival tlio hand vuitod the honpltalu whera tlio woumloil caiuullah oallioib ara anil played for them tha traniporta wore accompanied tlio ut two humlroil niiuw by llritlah erulaera tho baiaball toarn wim an interofttlug gama of homhall wua played in tlia park saturday afternoon a toain oouipoud of tlia oeloct player of tlia korval ami uwebouae team wera ar rayed to do battle with tha local uam although a goot gama won ilayeil uitd many crediubla playa executoil tha visit ing toau wu at a very evident dlaailvan toga in team work tha aoora waa i j a in favor of acton tlia gama was fchort four tnnlng to allow the taun to roturn on tlia evening train major ballantltia spoaki tonlght ttta ladle of aoton lied crow society liave urrangod with major daluntlna cotninamuir of the fvwkh ilatullon who wu aoverely woumled in franco ami a now home on furlough to deliver an ad dra in tlia town hall this evening mr ilaluntlnva atory will bo moat vivid anil full of inureat aoton cltinanu hand will providaa muolcal programme and otlior nudibera of intareat will he given col noble ha kindly consented to occupy tlia clialr ttia ootnmuuity will lie anvloua to hear major ilallantlnoa recital drunk and disorderly it boott a painter from hamilton woa acting in a drunk ami dlmrderly mannnor on mill straet loat friday after noon and making inaultlng reinaria to pcrwms on tlio atreet contihlo harvey onmo along and errvstod dim awl ho oocuplod ono of ttio downy oauolioa in tlio cell that iglil ho caino before ii i moora j i next morning pleaded guilty and upolo gixad for hia oonduot- ho said ho luul boon out of work all winter and had a wife and email family in hamilton ho wa etofionauapeddad sentence monitor pionlo at ouatlo ioaterwaro out announcing a gala dav on july lu in mocanna grove o utile under tha auaploea of bt ivtera church of which iuv father trayooria tlia putor tlut program mo will inoluilo a iwaoball match at ono oclock between aoton and hl jolina club luolpli for auliauntlal ilriuo a long lut of atliletlo contosu will follow thorn will bo patriotic oil dreaaaa by prominent aneakera iaurlo ilrotheru of ifutnllton and tha fletchar orcliaetra of luolpli will provide enter tainment a fifth ioml will bo an attrao tlvo fouturo tha commit too a making grout proparatlona for thla attractive day u outing wedded in bt johni toronto on tlia twenty fourth of may mr jolin jonninga of acton anil mlu jane cutch lay of toronto were joined in tlia honda of holy wadlook tlio oereiaony wu per formed in hl johns church by uav j it muctean m a tlia hilda wu prettily aturod in whlta orepa da ohana whita liat oranira bloaaoiua awl lllltaa of tha valley mlm jaaau tad mary plake loronto were tha wldaattulda and mr it c illaka aupported tlia groom after tlia ceremony a raceptlon and wedding reruut weraliohlat tha homo of mr and mra lltuke a honeymoon week wu apent in toronto mr and mrs jennings ara now comfortably aattld oh main fltraet death or prominent sou or hal ton in tha deatli of dean j u wlllmott uua uun of tlia royal colloga of imntal fiurgaona toronto on morulay there haa uohh away ana of tha moat prominent and uaeful aona of tlia county of hal ton dr wlllmolt wu bom near milton 7h years ago thin uack he prao tlood dentlatry in milton until 1h70 and tlian removed to toronto whera ha eatab llahul tha itoyal callage of flurgaona in 1h74 dr willniott lx ragartlod tut tha rather or profoialonal dent u try in ontmlo ha wan a man of digit ehantcter for fifty three yearn u wai an oaioial member of tits melhodlal churoli and for thirty ave year wu a toewlier of tlia truilea hoard ol die mtrowllun church toronto carnegie library proposal dlbouuod a unlrjue kpwohli iagua meeting wan held at tuaailay avanltig it took the formofamook council which received deputation uklngfor a lurnegla ulirary tha womhorh of tho council ware i a v hrown 1 p hcarrow frank kennedy and u maltliawa the akeamaii ol tlia deputation wu mra a t llrowu tha proiwadl racehed entenuve interaatad and at tlmee heated dlactualon mra ceo havlll ami llev c it dmper upolo brief ly aa ratopuyerfl aloriuently ireaeiitlng oonvlctlnim oil tha auhjool the council left ii ii will i iig to art in tlio matter and uimui u by law hiihmlttlng tha matter to u nt voting folltiued ajid wlmu ilia poll wuu counted it uuh found that tlio carnvglo liroiwal wm1t tt iv lo 12 im mehoriumpte prbd wills an iniprosnlvo sorvlao con duo tod tn knox church uitt hunduy evening bv rev j c wilson the pastor an liiijiiiitslvo iiiruiiniiiil wirvido wan con diiuttd in kiiok cluituh hint huuiluy avon- lug by llov i c wluon it a in kioto nry of ito frwh rltil willlum janiau vhh mhn uai4 killixt in urtlmi in rrnuco hmuhiy muymnl itov mr wiimiii look foi iho lout of hia fooling niul var iijipropilnto ddaurm 1 mi 7 ho hull nut bo ufmld of nvll llillugu hiuhomt i- llvtd iriihlliig lu tho strawbbrrv bulletin 1 uu lu to notify tlio hmiuowlfc tint nliignrn 1ouliiiiiilii crown ktmuhor rtta uro unw roudy hmi your grimor fm your wntilb ihu wlhliauk httiio in fou cannincj rinco onloru iitiiiioillhtcly with your grotor iti- fill d wimh inl ilo hjkiiio in tundar uonluof aym put by to tho itcroiivwl fnthur uml mollior who henl gucn their only ton to our king ami country ilo iiim referred to tho up right character nud oxoinplary conduct of tliayoung man in wlmso meuiory tha vice wun held ha hud unilo1 with the rrosby torlnn church in tho old bo mo in tllasgom hcotlnud uml uheu ho cmua to acton trnripifarrod liiu moinlwrshlp to kiiok llnirch lioro tlio church una appropriately draped with llaua and black and over tha family pew hung u largo tnion jack huitablo miiflc unn rendered bj tlio choir lrhalo wiiih wan uiin in tlugou bootlawl tho only nan of mr mid mm william willn tllicr htrcct ho ca mo to cuiimln four yenrx ugo ilo uitod lu aotou in tho tirat coiitlngoul of tho can a dinnovonieaa force ho mum in hia jhth yoar in tho polloo court mugulrato if 1 mooio htuinl two catou lanl wednesday availing miko aiitoman uk wan charged by mlou 1 1 nil dock with being drunk and dluirdorly on tho public atreet autonmiiuk pleaded guilty and hia flnonuil cotf unwiintod toslmw conn tab la low ton ban bud numerous com plalntn of im modem to driving on the ptroota ho laid an infonuntion agalnat it wutuon charging hhn with this viola tlon of tho bylaw bo v oral wltnouoa a colled who gno aviikuco that tho dofendant uaa driving furiounly on tlio public streets a fliia of jhi and cota won imjkvtod tho branding or butter ii in tho intention of ddry iupertoru of thu provluca toonforco ttiu rogulutiuu r gunling tho bruiidiiig of i uttor thin bar in liriof t lie no rogulatiuim uro uu fullowa all whoy i utter in pound prluta mutt be brtindod wliothor it iu aohl to patron of tho factory or to iho publio ro no rally it la com pul nary i hut fanners offering dairy butter for nolo in pound print wrap the buttar in larchiuout vaper uud brawl dairy kuttur in letters ut leant inch long runnera mualolfui hato thoir own io printed on tlio urnpiioro tho losllogurnoy harrlaro tlio homo of mr uud mra wni hurney lloawiiil leu funn lurgus uan tho aceuo of u liuppy ovont on wodnaulay juno nth when tlioli duughtor htelu agnoa uuh uultod in mnrrlago to htanley j tctlo uan of mr und mra win houko of hlilloli tho brldo who una given uway by lior father entered tho lawn to tlio biraiua of mcnddlmkohii a wctuiug march playod ly mlwt inlet tumoj sister of tho brldo and una mnrrlod under an arch of cvorgrooii and oraugo uocwimw tho itov t h korrnkli mtor of tha brldo olllclutcd tho brldo lookoil charming in a gown of uhltu charmoiibo duohotu utin trimmed uitli ahudow laco und pea rid awl woro a veil with orange hloaaoma and carried a bouquet of white roww tho two littlo nolcoa of iho britlo ivy jvwr cum of high iuv or alt ami marjory lumoy of w ingham acted u flower girl ami lookoil very sweet dreaaod in pink each carried a luuket of pink roaeo after the ceremony tho gueutis number lug alwut eighty ropalred to tlio dining room which u u decorated with romm and forna where a sumptuous wedding dinner woa served tlia ludacnta were numerous and octly allowing tho high oblooiii in which tho young ooupla aro hold the grooms gilt to tho brldo wan a sunburnt of imuuim ami to tha lower girta ringa mr and mra lealio loft on tho evening train amidst showemof confetti for point eaal tlio bride travollod lp n blue gartiardlne ault wllli black hau on utelr return they will reallo on tlio grooms farm near mlmoaa a word for mothers it fa o grave niliuke for mother to ueg imt their aches and palua and auffer lu alleoce this only leads to chroalo tick- tieu awl often shortcua ufa ii your work a tiring ii your tierwa are klublo if you ficriaiinuuf weary or depraaud you nhould kuow that ttoatte ituiulalou overcomes just bucu eoudiuoh it poaaesma lu concentrated form the vary elements to invfgorato hie blood etrtuatuen the tiuuci uourlahuit uervce ud build stntlgth b beotta is atrciiutheultig tlwmiaiida of tuotbers audwliriiclpyou try it hcott fc uowiie toronto oat 0 packet of wilsons fly pads aiu kill mottr flies i han s8womh or any sticky t catchtp personal and travel notes soolal and porsorial itomn of inter est to free pross reader gleaned during the week mka illulr ut idungow in the guest of mm mi uu llmior avonuo mr uml mm if it wmmbrouuh of uliulph vultcd aoton frlan la this week mru toiinlu miillhuvih of lonuuo vlxliixl aoluii frloudu during ihcv mis muuilo muhuiii rulimod homo on muiidij fruiii ihu normal chou hum iltoiv mru albert mowllllniii- ol high hivcr allwrlu uriit yosltnlnj villh auiin iriliidh mr ii i iuiio4 ixiliiruod to mnntroul lunt vvook hlin um iicrnuiuinlod by her motlilr mr mid mru floury awriy uttenilodlho wedding of mlu htollu tiinir nl fenrui lust weill dr mid t htowurt nf run in to wen giiorth during tbo week ut iho homo oi lriiicipul htowut mr 11 ii w union of lurlph wiw ir tawn on hundiiy attending tho kldfcllowa dcoarntliin hay acrvcct mr itoliert wulliioo wun at forgiiu last wwlucwluv ultoudiiig the wedding of mia htclla ijurnoy and mr butiley j leslie mr ixiallo cockbum who has boeu en gaged with mounru heanlinaro f the pot year or so loft yoatcriluy to take a situation in toronto mr and mra c ii flunk of mooao taw hak arrlvod here tuesday evening and will spend a raw uoaka at the home of mr john harvoy lake avenue mr and mr williaiitiunr of toronto who have been spending tlio wt voar at tho homo of their son alma ut kt marya ara renewing friend si i jm in acton till week it u nearly sixty yoara since buy settled here ballihapad mra i j walker and daughter irene of cataract aro v lilting at mr i iloaxeir quite a number from lioro went to loorgetowii usttuowluy to welcomo maj uallauttue borne mr albert jtbuon cataract wu a guoatat tha homo of mr ira iloaxel on u und ay homo of our young people attended tlie gardon party last friday night at htanley park erin and report a good time mis llouio bwindlehtirat spent lut week with her parents mr hteplien roaxel baa returned homo after apeiidlng a week with friends on tha hth lino a number from here took in tha hslton excursion to the model farm fluelph on saturday last mr spear of toronto la spending thla week with hia family here shrjejevtery sport and recreanon c c speight for uptodate goods 81lvrwar in tisblatwawlta vairtty also rliia cutlery hardware tinware ouicj oratn hwar in vauily paundorai 3tovs auul rntf fauiioua haturs smioll slovsa oil tava every article is of excep tional value c a speight wu siia actfla hiihiiiiiiaiarjdaddanaddabfhiimhati s gkanitcwaho tinware 5 at attttaoxivm phloata i sjstauffer will aupply ai gomln at ilia fo lowing nrlcra lid waali tuliu wlih wrinper at epworth leaguo summer school tha iiunual hummer kohool of tha lp worth leaguo of humlltoii conferenoo will u hbld thlhyearnt cukvulo from tli inl to tho 10th july ualfrlday oveullig llov c d diiiwr uml a t llrowu gave uu iiileroatlng serlo of lunloni viow show lug tlur featunu of tlia hchool iii the mothodlst behool room tlia programme thlu year will ha oj led ally interoatlng and lielpful it la aomewhat unbuo that tha preasiil ator nf tha church hara la lids year the 1rcnldenl of the couforenoe league tlie coming pastor itov mr aviaon lathe secretary and mia minnie dennett lu a member of tho teaching staff nf tho hchool acton league sent n largo ipiolu to tho hchool lat year awl the proueiit uro that tliera will be a good representation again this year he makes a oood soareorow llrltish loyalty baa been iructlrally u- moimt ruled i y a prominent fannnr in hultnu cviunlj in worldngoutunenlotent melius of koepiug crow off ida corn lie hu miide a bourecrow after the kaiser model tim long military coat tluirp features ami upturowl mousluetioami prominent features iho refcemtilaitce to tha original la very clear and oi n hcarorirow rem lor good er ico mi oom imvliig yet lioeii pulld keeping pace with the sundry needs of summer lime apparel for men women and children and furnish ings for tke home no need in hummer wearhutwlmt la anticipated nt mncdoimblu no nted in uorvlloalilo or iliilnlv nppawl but what is ajrtady provided for by mflcdonalilo no now iitylo or mw fnbrlc tlmt lu not reprow tiled in this large ator blocks nro always htuli now mid up to dnlu fur tlio coimlant wiurlng in nud pouring out nf hcainuahle mrclinndiaa n never eiuliiikproceua in no largo n vtoro kecpu all mipplkii up in tha mark in iiuuikkh to tlda feature nf our murcliamllslng wo owe u taro muumiru nf mir proiumt prontlgo olhur iniiorljiil actors tlmt have contributed lo our nlicccui uro betiernesfc or oualitv only superior qilelltlea that imvo been provexratlabla nnd depend- able uver find n plncu here tjctterncss of bclterncss of choice price wide varieties nro here nploiiiy the low priced nf merdiaiidu mietlng tlio individual tate nud ing mi n largo kcuio nro mini ucod with ant if j lug aeluctlnna prlceullml rdvvnnlcail tnccnnnni toetfib tm llalscleurw out lluta mho etc dont i ho in the house lao awl j to at drug awl country htorea d new straw hats theyre here all ready for you kvery one of the correct ami beat styles far njj are having a show ing here all bright and clean fresh from the makers hand none of last years ktock here uonobuttlieiiow styles for your cliooulng at this ttorc livery one that fashion requires awaitu your coming giinuine panamas too kee the high crown narrow ilrlni paunmn a new york novelty price from tbm cents to ten dollars geo wallace ouelph out a d e macdonald bros ia6 cuelphs leading and largest store wyadhbm macdonctl and carjn slrceu ouelph on june is herb tho great month lor wash goods we have prepared extensively for tlio monthu demand in all kinds of waehafclc materials white repp white pique white indian head white crape white cotton voile white rajah white muslins in colorsrajah repp crepe galatea linen voile and other fabrics we have tho best materials at popular prices cotton lisle and silk hosiery in black white and tan long and short gloves silk and lisle we clau every wednetday it 1230 noon henderson co mill st acton out just opened in hills block hill st acton general repair shop special attention to eavetroughing windmills pumps furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines i jas harden fcv son acton ontabio itftdfedftbdifcdibnjibdib guuuuhuuiwwwuwtfuieferthumu4uttuuhumuifciiiiumuuiimmh re nelson 3 big t0rnkdo skle g t senior dty onlyjune 17th to urd made in canada made in canada ivoalssraajihadlo atataalnall uu puruuhiur bad ortlerwl clouting cotu ml uhunt lu lb carnival of pro for you at r e nelson wtdhhitltu dumlm out z tachmont ttt tto and bird cages usc in wash itblleru iso tu utm granite water fail wo and tttc o ran i in iuddlug dishes f t ami x9c dunt pans japaued aaaorted colors i tto o rater 3 in 1 119c tin water ialls llqt for o olvd 1 4 qt for site dlmhlaus i4rit forviajc cjraullahaucofans t tattsc granite ltlce or milk uollera mc tarlwx dust leu mope no oil 1 tarlwih iliwir pnlluhur tin oil i ho uml vm taiuox dustleui dut cloth c tarbox hanillu diistleas dusters l lftv itepaliliig promplly done titovos removed pip cleaned and put up s j staufrelf odimaju old ioait ufilm h will tt aotom the weeks bargain list m saxe general merchant ifljdccfttooriritlda aoton m mens rain coats at t weeds suiti at see serge suits up to 12se ladies white waists good value at 100 ladies crepe waists at 1 00 silk waistb at 1 00 rain coats at 5oo 7uf srxe 1 the brlok store opposite new poatoffice a magnificent new list of columbia patriotic records just out only 85c each two selections on each record comu and hear them they are simply magnifi cent every one recorded in england they will play on your machine hear violet loraine sing the rousing song three cheers for little belgium three cbttti for utile bdrlunt come on vou boy of london town our empire put i our empire pirl 2 brltllh army bllle ctlli purl i rwllih army bule cilu part 2 edjliddt battle hyma theres only ode ediatld popular patriotic soar part i popuiii patriotic sou part 2 j here we are htre we are here we are arala are we downhearted not miwtlllaue lord god protect the cur rimlah national anthem it a lotij way to ttppetary old comrade march p 8sc pjj tic m tic ai7jj kk 85c c c speight acton ontario actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton out propriotor

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