Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1915, p. 4

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tiiurihia ihm 17 llllfl horse that draws your coal u thnt tltrouyh tlin im justn mim fclnmit iky rter ilii ti 11 lilt mm ml oh hum wnilhtruhi i iliitniifhuili ful llwi low or aliwtrfiil w irmlu wlihlu nr cwy linnion t ay wore tlimi ulltluir 11 ill lit iw nf had lkiltitf my worh in my mm linml tu wiij vet prithee friend i filii mould uuu o you to spare ntu fruit llio winters loo nml ano and lot mo nilnuloruntojoiir needs when street uro imt frott tmuml nnr i the way bo fmuutit with il injur hint onili onward step imperils life i enn inl clinono my uhj awl oft an unkind drh or urtfm mo hayond tlia limit of my will uml pnwor up 111 hi a limiiiiin would not il ire to trow i i taunt buna to pai lor him i not pledfred ly my sturdy wtronmh to milio flj tbt teti uiotfgh it 1 rouou llmli nhmild wreck the low load so when ynu sit within tin biaijfo ha full of comfort liy homoti mo 1ina my mate ami i umnt u of tint well tilled before rotun r willing aid n p1oduouonk iirim njfiilo tlia winter fnow with ley sloot iijitl rain this la our ilea lender it well i ruy a horse can ask you in no oilier wuy i felon m richardson the tireless cooker llou ro miici m at iioml willi km 111 outiav rural school chaw ml no a mftuajrawaya resident scores tho prcumt system eoiyou vmr pjiww i i have read tlia following uraoruph clipped from tlio lumllv iiorumaiiil wcel ly 8ur moutreal to the truutccn ami sev era of the paroitta in my ncliool mction who have boya and girls ualnu to tchoot t they all say it suits tlielr ida ami ruml ma to uiul it to you for jiullicatlon in tho fuel pbttui u it mlaht attract the utun tloiiol our educational authorities ami lot them tee the folly of our prows nt system of rural school instruction tut moll described by a rmwmmr editor educational istu are wrong in their con oeptioti if tli aort of puhllo education to beeeiied around of that i am oertsli and moat unwilling have i iran to u u assured our children are crnmimod with aalppat of iota of things just n tin housewife fllla her saucepan with hlta of carrots onions potatoa- meat noodles alt piper and water ab libitum uhen aha bats out to make irish utaw ko on denies tliat th thlntfa danartmeutal ounrioulutus lay out to la taught ara yooj la tbauaalvea rut ao nuny thlii ar atuwptfed wlmn ao few am lo roirly tauftht so much ia 11 ny ruhuxl in alhjhtly wliait roally tliero la onbacity ami tima for nlaorhlnp ao littl ilwjy aiul uw fully thar ia no pwullilllty nf dlftvrciill atlon ao unit aomatlilno like bikeolallution tdhjht h ntumupuvl to iult ajkclal naali th whola eftort of our nystcm ajipeara to he dlhatad toward tumlnif out acluttara iv tl nuuk 1 aa illo as peaj in pod w wbuke attfttoptad to ba adulnutarvd to th proviilanoe that mid no two of uau alike may ha deserved in their jalow hut la fjuit inenwtiva since that u vovarb haa itean comnlotaly urovotl what u torn in tha hone will oouis out a tha ftaah wa naail wall infonuad ra ftanuv in our wlioola wa naad them luully la panada our education must h mora fwutioa mor pllahly axlaptahla wa do sot want to make tlia muttalio in canaila that uetwauy lias tiiaila and tum out a bonu of ah aa ohatlunt to one will con udt to llva on tlia starvation wajaa uft fv ud aad wtmiun after tlia coat of mill tatwa anuoj eapa pi haa haen daduotoi rod thalr earnlnjj i obaerver our p6nt taacliara in thlu townuilp wbo hava baan parformlnq tha heroula- ait uili of uachlog tha youno hwa bow tdahootajul pouitutf froji liutrnotlou our tha tuitid of their acholira ta xaaloualy tlia at yr know tha above to ita rjulla trua whijiu kkwruv b h no 7 kaaayurawoya juu 7 101jc eitire family strieken with cholera feiigesl child bill tw chuf iymptomt of choura r vooiluiijf hjui ihiiiitui occur either iiuuibuieouuy or alunutdy aiul arc tumlly audtlea awl very violent ami the bduaur eetfd by the touili ban m buioua apimranc and a uaity bltur bata od tha first uytnnlcta appearing kv vowtti llxtroct of wild strawbeny ahouhl be uiuu ttul tha troubu cured ura ii slule 10 loatt ave yoadto oat wrlt when i arat urivol id cdttmda iiauly tour years aso uy cutira family was ilrlckeii wltli thtaki- from vhkli tlw youugeit ehlhl diad boon after a fruiutrecomuetuied lor vouft uvtmet of wild btrawberry ad utiajf oo tbli sdvloo 1 admluutered it to ii ba wvnt lurtrlnir with tha tnoat kratlfylajt kiulti blnca that flrat at uek my chudntt havo ixcti subject to atotttaeb troiihlci but on the fial ynltotiu x kaort to dr iowlera land it adwy liriiiia rtllel i have linwtm faltll in thli nudlcllie and ajwy keap bottle oh hatid auo x uavr fall to recomtnend it to anyone to b aimlurly uwihled wbtil you uk for dr lowlera we uuityouicttlt xt bu been ou the market for the past voyeum tben u umlilttk juttai ood llauulutured by tho t mulmni co fjauud toronto ont xvice 05 cent a itnv vdiicd ullh ahlthtn llniinl ninth ikkri kill luu ntmdlnu 1nhltioitu of ahtautiw tlirm an lutiut nmim wlrl tottoibr wild komu knutfitut miiri nil in vvimiini ittftiall tlio cookor in quoutlon wnv dnln- nil li n youiib liotuowlfo and wim mmlo by hor liunhand under in r mipcrvlblon it u u comport box nbotit thirty ihciioh ion if by llflm n il op tho covor 1 unload of nithik ovor ihn lop uw juat limbic anil it la fniitnnod in plnce wllon tlio bok la clnupd bv two uoodon hiittnna uot nn to tlin imtffo of ibn imv by hcrojh llu item a lliud on tlin inuldo willi rmlknloii bqanl which la nooty inch cd in iwo nftocn inch aqtiaftoior ihr nunio nnhoalou liintorlal illvldn tho iu- lorlor nto throo rhumliera or eom- imrlincntn or oqiitil wldlli tho round oponluku or iiiiatn into which lim cooulnir utoiinliu aw iiiniln to it arc undo by rolling- ploccfl or aabcutoa in to cyllndtir ulmpo and fimlonlne tliotu toimtlior with u flno wlrn thoao round drain vury nllklitly hi dlainitlor tho anmlhnt ixilnu uu inclirm and tho lnmonl uovou inch en th tt upaccn botwenn thcao nualn and thn aides or tho contpartmnlm ara rill- od with sawdust which la packed closely a larjfo uhiot or uslitntos cut to ox- metly nt avor the top of tho box baa throo round oponlnpa for the thrco hosts this piece in urkul fltnily in place and preaonla a very ncnt ap- ponranro it nia closo in at the top or tho box no hint whin tlio cover u abut down uiitp in m apaco lelwcnn there are time niiinll aqimrea or thu anheaton ublcb nn for covering over tho neat opintnim when rood la aot in them to tie cooked two or tho cooking viraola used in this ho mo mode coobar urw flvo pound lard palla which have tight i it inn covers the third is a targer can nl- uo or tin the pills havo wlro han dles and thn inrs can has a small wire him in the cover by moans of which it can he lifted tho smaller eana are dcalirned tor cooking cereals puddlnsa and vcaet ililos and ror bnk- inn round loaves or bread while tho largo can la designed ror cooking rneati tho font uro or thin cooker which dutlnguuhoa it trout moot homemade articles la thnt it linn soapstone and iron plates which ran to heated oo that roastlntr and hak iir can lie done in tho cooker there ore iwo aoap atone platoa rouahly rut it la true but tlioy answer the purpose far which thoy aro intended tiny are made from a hoarstone warmer this flavin boon rut in hnlvca and thn cornora of each half sawed oh ao that tho aoapatonea have a boxaiioiial ahapn the two iron platen ur amall round atovn covers the owner of this ingenious eookor declarua that it la entirely practical fend serviceable 1y heattnj tho two oapstonea nnd placlns one at the bottom or a uept mid thn other on top or the cookliift vcmel after tha food has been put insldo and the cov er put on aim ran bake broad or roast moat in dolnc the roast ink rowover she bro ns he meat in a rrylna pan before nutting it into the cookor in cookfnrx break ost cereal which la put in lhv cooker tho night be tor and in boiling verotablcs neither soapstnnoa nor iron pluefl ara uaad tills cooker which cont about ii bo la expected to take tlio place or a ranun onn ro onnir flbn haa iuo burner alcohol nluye on which steaks ml chopa will be cooked and ovor which thn soapstnnes and iron plates are noted at night tome water la hi at d over the alcohol stov to put into the n elrna and kept warm ror toilet uit in hie morning thn renal also la brought to a boll and then not into the conker in thn nlnk there in no hiilldlnn of fir necobbao the cereal is nadj for the table and coffee can he mado and eggs or fish cooked in n fow minutes over tho alcohol atrvn while break fast in being outeti the ulohwatcr is heutintr after hreabfiist n frlrauson or stow or bralno in mndn r odj for tho cook or and not into it to cook ror tho mid day meal this does suay with ox- rouslvo heat in the klchen and tha clover woman who contrived tha cooker declares that ft has already proved to ip uortb murb more than tho small amount or money it coat mutiiatl ptm ntlve nilllnga mooting iijx er who li wulklnc rapidly along tlio alrcot hollo lluxler hbv thfa rmb dux tor im walking fast to bnvp that follow fttaittrs from catching me up itoc an awful iwire nilllngu meeting fllaggs who is walklnr slowjy helln old follow why nro j mi dnwdllmr alonr in this way otaggb to koep fron cocilng up with that fellow llaxter hoa the worst bore in town oilletts lye eats dirt 1011 till- eilhlw llm nn4 objwt of imifitlnii tho onilro object or rue oducatfon la to make people not merely do tho right things hut enjoy i he right things not iierolv industrious but to lovo induntry not merely loarnod hut to lovo knowledge not merely pure but tt- lovo purity hot merely just but to hunger and thirst after justlco rusk in why ha eovch1 hp in aioachlno roulnl who was a fproat job tec wag oneo aeon omhraelng a rpaulard with great ffualan abked tho reason ho repllod ilaeausa with out hpalb wo would bo tbo hut na tion hcne tliccme imlnllly willi mat luf act foil the lioustikeoper of tconomieal mind should not rail to make a thorough study or chnesou hoy go far toward giving nut to u meal uml ar rully nourlablng thej contain nitrogenous mat tor rud are cuirnfai a muscle or tissue building food choose la a content rated food how- over and hhould ba eaten in small quantities as a relish rather than us tbo fundamental element of a meat the common canadian cheese ronorally supposed to bo tha moat db gostlblo of ita family in reality it it not so easily digested as those which are known ut rip or old chooses such as camembort roquefort and ilrle the houaewlfe of astmatl habits will stock up her pantry with different chooses ror different pur poses tor flavoring making rare bits and for cooked dlabea sho will use a good grad of cbeaa or tar- rnosan tho utter can be bought ready grated in bottles the best choose to serve wltfa salad am tho modlum rich such a pineapple id am kngllah dairy and canadian rull cream the neuehatel o croaiu choose is also served wltb salad but is less easy to digest that are tbe medium rich chooses men tioned before tho most popular after dlnnei cheeses are roquefort camemberl htllton umburger mi khweltwi bhd oorgohxola all very rich aud rip presumably they are i in port oj chooses qullo often ho wove r they aro mado in canada and it u found thoy glvo just as good satisfaction ai tho importad arttelo when choose is sorvod both wltb tbo salad and with tbo coffee coural a very dainty aceompanlmant foi groen salad wltb vroncb dreialng ii this spread thlu sal tines with nllxturd of gnttbd canadian eheen a t butter in tha proportion of two- tablespoonfula of cheeio to ona ol butter dust lightly with esyount popper and stand for a moment or sc la a qulefc oven vor cbeoao served with tbe dual dinner course there h nothing cioro appropriate thin hard eraekara split and toasted a goldei browg wsur d rings mice one curious result of a foreign in vasion la recorded in tbe letters of imae afetterulcb to mnie de lie- van vram judeaburg a stnsll towa id blyrfa the prluce writes the burgomaster hero bag been oxpatlat jog to ma on the largo amount of damage dona by mica to farms in tbe surround log district on inquiring how long they had been afflicted in tblai way i waa told slaeo the irvencb were here do you mean to tell m th wench brought mice with themi x suiked ho replied the burgomas ter but they ate so much bread that they covered our fields with crumbs and slaee then all tbo mice la fityrla appeared to havo nettled here ttoal ecunl6u a elty man who owing to a bust nasa deal was obliged to llvo foi some time la a small railroad towf frequently felt tbe need of excite- went once when ho was nislly da firesud wltb tha monotony of hit if he aaw a wildly excited erowl gathered on a vacant lot promluoui eltuaua were there hopping up mat down gesticulating and shouting and ba felt that tha unexpected ba happeuej and something was doing lie rushed to the lot and gasped out wnata the tuattery uatterr abouted a rampant cltlxen mat terl why wo aro going to hive ewarm of bee if a won her i am just starting out in tbe city romarkod tbo young man tbo world la your oyster sug gested tlio young lady yen and x have found a pearl right away all to bo ovsa a0a1m lb la an open question if tha old fulier toon in tbe following story ever got the rtghb answer to tha problem that was pux kliritf his bead a writer in everybodys laagajdne at least luivea oos in doubt on tbat aoore the riddle was this i if a batrlotfand a half oasts a penny and a hall how many herrings can you buy for a ahdiiajrv tbo old fisherman luul worked on it for soma time what did you uiy tho huekerel and a half coat r ho asked ut but i didnt say maokerel i suld herrlito ttuulueci tha skipper oh thai dlgforent kaiil the ouier 4 fhjpirlnfl umkernl heevisli paht ivollomi und ikbl ml jraa owe thuir oinlltli tu wormy mother grave worm ks terminator will rauete thou and rosore health suffered from salt rheum roft many yltmul honjoajt blwl bihttt otni her btlt rhuum or itciuma la one ol the mou painful ol nil skin dlicases and if not attouded to immcdlattly may be come vtry dp biuleil give tlio blood a uoad cleansing by tbe uo of tliat grand old medicine rurdock lllood hitters this sterling nmody hai iwcit on the rrarkct for tbe imt forty years mid u the best blood cl nuvrnii the market to day mn william ii 1oullc coles island nil wrllci x bne bn a sufferer im u mlt rheum for n gooil many years an i win tu bnd i coulil not do my own wirl i tri t n i oral n any itieduliich bit try ml fiiill to n- miy co ii t t i i rhvk niud filter i hil ntjiiiui uitili irtlllfmiud u gr it umti mid i iii ii rrt tl milfnl lri 1 1 r t friivlt r mii tlll try v 11 u lh i i imiitimtiir- ik m miei k ii ci united ii oil tbo xal orange tbe first wo know of the navel orange which la very valuable hot only on account of ita bee quality and taste but also because of lie being seed less la of a slnglo trot that waa found growing on tho northern show of tho mediterranean baa tbla waa about tha year 5 gratis or thy tree were taken to spain by tbe moor mvrl buadrud year ago and from efpaln tho iroa were carried to boutb ame by tho fl pan lards oenbtl flrtlajf he you weru gottlng ready lo go out and im afraid my call i opportune bhe really and truly i would much rathor slay bore and talk wltb you than koep my engagement thli afternoon he i am delighted nut eon the engagement bo broken without incon vonleueet flbe ob yes tho dentist wont mludl sniping like murder oxpoim rnoimhkni inmnno mw ti1km ii h klniw vt ho new afnnaii hbtll v 4lld the mluenwcrffr mimi im tmi lvfl ijuni it htitmmh h tbe i nhbuorkh ami iiiowm mtu uliu hliipcfj lug aiul ioluoiilug hluri hbol krom mhsiiice of itim nu oxford university has n h ponded with great enthusiasm to llrltulns call for men two thirds of tho mum ber of thn university uro i itlmr in active service at the front or training that they may be sent on no etiss has responded better than the oxford dons all of them up to thn ni nf sixty are in training the ynunrer for commissions ihn older for home de fenco should need arise irofassors qnd studon n in tho medical department or thai part of it not in franco with the royal army modlcal corps uro gnttlng dejireen by curing tho wounded at lioiiu the nxatulnatlon school the mason in building and thn town hall uro mill tary hospitals many of tbo rollegn gardens havo ihjoii turned ovor to the lied cross for the xcluslvn use of convalescents it wan found neres uary to keep hn germans or whom there ure some sco in a place apart one very interesting description of fighting in i lei alum cornea rroii a llalllol prolesror of ialln and iroek who writes back lo his junior dean and has evidently found things of more importance than sentence paragraph structure hn has boon master ol scouts since the outbreak or the war und writes from same- whero near vprts though tho names of towns and units were carefully excised by tho censor in france tha letter follows this is the thirteenth day in the trenches at least i think so but i can hardly tell and i have expert anted everything but a bayonet charge and a wash we have bean holding lrucbs in m plue wood- least it was a pine wood now it la match wood soaked splintered spat tered wltb wet and blood there baa been us hand to hand fighting it has all been dona by th shell and rlfje are with pneumatic bombs tbe germans main trench runs la a hue whoa aearoat point le coo and farth est 1300 yards from uh hut in be tween they have been burrowing up ahd in thn last few days when i have been se rat mas tar i have discovered subsidiary trenches pits and dugouts from within 100 to 30 yards of our una vou cant see them because of the tangled woods but you can bear tho men digging and backing aa soon as you get ave yards out x my self have constantly within tbe last few days been within thirty yards this morning i shot at four men in a pit at a rauge of five yards in tbe weird light of a damp and froxea winter dawn it waa all like a dream seeing the phantom spade ris ing and falling behind a mound of damp earth creeping up pistol in hand through broken and small tree trunks peeping down into a six foot pit sighting four ghostly blue gray ngura and punctuating tbe whole gray unreality wltb four red pistol flashes i didnt wait long i may havo hit ona dr two but the others bad rifles in tholr hands by tbls time and tbalr main una of dugouts waa only twenty yards in front of me i turn ed called upon the two scouts who were with me and fled i am going to tell you what a brave man i am because i dont know when i shall be hit though somehow i feel con fident i shall come through and i want to leave a testimony youll think im a savage sniping is little better than murder no one who hasnt seen this can reallxe what it la like the germans have a terrible machine which baa been brought into plaay against our trenches in the last three days obot from a distance of 300 yards a two foot long projactlls which one can watch at all points in ita flight goes high lata the air and cornea down almost plumb at the point aimed at it la called i b1lav a ulnenwerrer 100 pounds of shell a special corner of our line not our company section thank ood haa been tholr special aim they put these infernal bomba into a circle of thirty yards radius tbey smash in tho trenches blow men te bite and atdpefy and pobmtn other i bad tbe escape of my life yes terday afternoon x had reconnolter- ed all the german positions in front of us going out dally at dawn and dusk and nearly always coming with in thirty yards of our enemy i and my four aoouts i reckon we have shot some germans though i am a rotten marksman and the twilight and tbe pine wood are no help lo coring in consequence i think i have a certain fame at battalion headquarter we bad nothing of the kind before a great mistake for now the enemy do not let us move an eyelid above our trenches long htnridliip asthma many have sutfiired w lougrfrotn null nun uml trim mi inuny fooillnd mmodinu tliey think l bore in no twitl help for tit urn tbey limil roid tha lottra rootiuoil by tbe nmiuifio turor of dr t ik koiiuulim autlnm remedy from hundrodn of odmih oiiom uh doujiamte uu tholr own 1ieti in lonf nejf lot led camu thlu famous jircjuirutinn hrhiifh prompt roliof castoria for want sunt chlurea in if for over 30 years always bur blgnatur ox ho who in nmar natlulled can ilvo utttsfiictbm toolbar tlio only tlilii thnt in wronu wltli nionoy in thnt tlio re in not enough lo go uroikid hqji ha4 baen doaorlluul uh h llfo pro nrr with moot of the cork out of iu to iw worthy of trim la tliat pur frlond reiou fu uh lit a uol lo uchletauioou tho i mitt odvertiwsnioiil uouo that brim ilia ulicf a desceudaut of atllla although moat prosout day descen dants or tbe huns are to ba found in hulgarla the premier family of the hungarian nobility the kslerhaxyg claim tlueal descent from atllla and tho earliest hungarian records to some extant bear out this claim tbey eertalnly abow no trace of tbls ances try in their appearance for attlla waa physically as well gg morally one of tha most hideous character in his tory while tbe katerbatya are a con spicuously haudsome family to wash a gruy llotlle to wash a bottle or a glass that bag contained oil use very hot coffee ground if the glass bo badly intrust ed wash it wltb a mixture of blcbro jnato of potash and sulphuric acid in equal partt being careful not to get a drop of thlu upon tbo augers as it la a powerful autl then wash in several watoru a moving lleasom grannie why abould i take an- olhor ehttlr gerald t dont you think im comfortable horot gerald yon granma but im afraid my llttlo kltton isnt bbeg there too loudon opinion all opilutul i whut is an optimist an optimist my son i the man wlm iiakon himself believe it will no rain tomorrow because b doesnt poaaess an umbrella children oxy for fletchers oa8toria urong uotlvea an english school teacher recently jiave his pupils a loci uro on patrlot- im he pointed out tha high motives which moved the territorial to leave their homes and fight for their coun try the school teacher noticed that one boy did not pay attention to tbo instruction and aa a test question he asked blm- what motives took the territor ial to tho war tbe boy was puxilad for a room out then remembering tho public send- on to tbe local reglmont at the rail way station ho replied locomotives sir helow lb lat tbe phase take down a peg spruhg into life with king rdgar lie made it a law to cure tho haxons of their in tern iterate habits ho had marks or pogs put in tholr huge drinking cups abovo which they dar ed not pour thtilr liquor under a heavy penalty fto the expression wav to lessen a mans self oat com just as tha ilauor was kept dowu by a peg her nerves were so 111 i beetli sbe weil fie oil el her mild airs hollas knox 4ft xtardltlf fit st john nr writes i suffered greatly wllb my nerves i could not sleep al tiixhl nor weak and the least little thing worked on my mind and bothered me last winter x thought i would go out of my mind i would ncreecb out and my mother really thought i was going crony with my nerves it was so terrible x would bold ray head and cry x tried two doctors but they did not do me any good i thought i would tell you thai tnday i am perfectly cured by using three ifoxes of mllbums heart and nerve mis and x ran recommend tbetn to all sultceer from nervous troubles io you can trll everyone that they ore the iail thin that did uw uny good mllbtmis heart and nerve fill are roc iter box or 3 boes for tl sa at all dealer or malud direct receipt of price by the t illltmm ci limited turoatd out for 7 years wit trobblt witb her liver mllburn lataliw pills cuhatd her mrs it l hunt 01 eymlnitton ave toronto ont writes i have becu troubled with m stomach and liver for tbe past seven years no hate had constipation cauilnc i cadaclic buck- ache and dlxxy irtella ard i would aliroct fall down x tried all kinds of remedies without obtaining any relief i cotn- mencd using milhum s lata i ucr tiiu and tby have currd uw 1 have icrom taiended them to man of my friends and they are all very much pleated with lie reiulls tbey have obtained from their use mil bum a laxailer tilh are the original so lie sure and cet afllburn a when you oslc for them imce 2ac w vial rv for tl 00 at all deauri or tnalud direct on receipt of price by tbe t milbum co limited toronto out itiauue to rrevent disorder many ciutm uad to dkordors of tha atoiuwh and few ar free from them at tho first man ifwtation tliat tlia stomach and liver are not performincc tlieir functloni a course of iannaloos veouble 1ilu sliould be triad and it will be found that the diglive or gaus will speedily resume luul thy action laxatives and satluivoa ar so blndd in these pill that no otlier preparation coukl be so effective as uiey woman would not give up tluasacltausj sufenrintft at latt pound help ta lydiav bio corapouxul ruhfrtcewl pa whan i atarud uvhig- lydj el ridkhama vegatahle compound i was in a dreadfully rundown state of bwaltb hat irtemal tron- bl and was go ex tremely nervous and psoatrated that if i had given in to my feeling x would have been in bed aa it waa i had hardly strength at time to be on my feet and what i did do was by a great effort x could not bleep at night and of course fait very bod in th morning and had a steady hosdaclio after taking the second bottle i no ticed that the headacho waa not so bad x rested better and my nerve were stronger x eonunuod its use until it made a new woman of mo and now x can hardly walk that i am able to do so much as x do whenever i know any woman in need of a rood medicine i highly praise iydla l iiukhame veg etable compound lira xvina cuuuc olio n tulip gl nichmonoma wesaeai have xteea telllag wouen for forty yar how lydla rxhnkhama vegetable coen pound has restored their health when buffering with femnlo ilia this account for the enormous demand for it from coast ta eoasl if you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don t you try lydla e tlnkhaus vegetable comiuhindt xt will pay you to do so lydl h i4nk- ham uadlcum co xjynnv uasa i till grand trunk railway nalhlnmnhiandlmxir promolcn dfifcslioitdircifu licra mul liusfjcuituins nr kiw opium montlniu iwrmiuaal infojrnaucotic sxututi rmedy ferfootfoi liori uourblomatkiviuiwa wormaretrvulsimialwnh nsss endlofl rociimitusniiuia of tlit cxwvaub clhrahv homtuullnkwvork castoria for infanta nnd clilljron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears tho signature of ebcaxt copy of wrtppr in use for over thirty years castoria wwwuuslsihwmwststswuuwuhwhwmwhwbtwmwshmalubimmwhwwh s hkts i you v looklup for will find hiro your rise lu tlio style of a bat you are wihhili it lio a durby alpino or fust a can diuhv swo tosxtoo hoil iiathvlmtlotm capsjmjc tmvkl all1 n k furnislilng upartmjiit kvorylhlnp in colored shirt i tili uuderwtar and socks lluy your iiolo prouf juaranticd iiuuj hero r e nelson harehane tallop aaaui rurrtubsc ouulfh oht i hwiihmslwwwwhilhwiiwwiimhwhhwiiwhihhhhhwhuijmuuwwuuhww for you a wonderful book on farm drainage free do you know you can take aa much crop off 100 acrea properly drained as you can oft coo acrs not drained and uoo half the labor 1 ik fc i v i l iw hat prorur tiuiiusjv uu iliiiitji 4il1a ulvurlj ii m unirthrn ika abinprvt turtiz wail inn niawo r ian i llulittr iowmii- rrvntalrotwktal liursaiwa ilia i laiitlly km lint rovca lh qualilrof youicixsv tm rnl i m m in i r lay fru of rws a wry la tcretlnirlal i nn ulaaihwit uiwh lo uarauluat l ay ia i i lilrct anvil inu llialhlll kele vmt stow wlur ililkdr cr i i row itralnaira viuia u mm h u tw llun inl r i ink iffoont i ir tvorr ona ihattnim 1tmj bw ilj llacutirm nt knjaiou rrwiify far tkatiulf lumitj t iwuuax omfj i pel amlofa the merchants bank op canada biukluuj iu4 jim hmik4 u ciuil thrift le rifihlly described as eco nomical management aslirewd buuineiia man is spoken of as thrifty be cause ho saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tlio real secret ol his success lies in tho principle of oavim one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton brasch f a mac lean manager i u ask for business only ones moat intimate fnonds go to one home uninvited and tho extent of ones calling list fa determined by the number of oneu callo in buslneoa tlio game facta hold uvery merchant lu acton known score of families here and in lhecomitry round about whose custom ho does not poii- ecss mutual ncjilwlntauco is ilia first nteu lownrdnicottiiip llicae faiullcs as ousto mom and acquaintances can moat surely ho developed by invitatlonu or cnlln nlade tlirotirtli tho tncdiiun of advert iw me nt in tlio treo proih to the merchants of acton show your dcsiio for business by asking for it a merchant who docs not ask for business is supposed not to want business very keenly shop where you are invited to shop i i mo m so iii tarobnaen tkalmi t iviinjullihlnif at vitileh famfi ii ut rlmi i ico ukt oolmowsav till iii ikn du rts a m wnpaaaoaddtiddcsi s grain a i tl i i choping n i n i n i g well done and j quickly at only h 5 cents n 8 per htg s harris 5 co llmlltd n rockwood oht hnnatmaanananadw fresh groceries nuw kaulns nlw currants maw dates new kills now perils mow bplces kins llns of confmcuanmry first clans lino of paniy cake and pantry prcuh evury day cooked ueats i la tut rscon with tbo homo like flavor druid and other roods delivered promptly dally j r livingstone to at h hiolb boots shoes rubbbbs no ilnunnapinin innrinaciarjrjrjtj n h all linos a footwear n at right prices r all mens rubber at 1 bargain piieoa qddanadnqddandadaddaadund w witiliams mill street acton crand trunk r attractive trips to iiuaikoaualake lak bf luai osokwlatl uay alaractciiulal sst ftiiah klves kawsuhb imu matrneuwairiniveh rtwattttmt ei round trip tourist tickets now on sale from tutuin suiloim in ontario at very luw f inn with hboral btopovera musk0ka express i ijviw lurimto iu15 a m dally es in suml i tor miilioua wharf ilunu ik aluoniiiin park and north ray connlctlomt uro mido at muikoka iviiuf for muslovia lakes and at hunts vlllo for iwiinlb on lake of ray parlor fhirir lltiititiur to alpouquiu park parlor- lib rnry cafo car una flrtcbus coiclicu to north ray pull particular and ilcuuu mi application to ajrents s holmes agent phone ho 13 kcton jlix v wgixlr jl and busliwo hnvliik piirclioked the llvtiry huhiikriu nnd ffooilwlll of the cmntuof tho lata joins wllllaais i rcbpoctfully solicit the patron- ana of tho public comfortable njfswlll always lie nuppllod at reasonable chargea l tho prcnuiit iir oar hall who has had the manage mont r tlio stables the past year will coiiliiiuoln charge ha will alwaya iw found courteous and nhllftliiff ouu mbktt aluuvifainm ambrose mccann mill st acton ont atents i h3eenn5 habiom a hakiok ililjnnlbrllciayukirinshalna

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