Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a ilahor aubotlthknt kmoua nttasonakiijb glva us a call geo hynds jwiury taxi parjoy ctoodm aoton omtakiio real estate vartns tfos oulrt in utaltou kel wnd vhiitigtau ioo farm lor lulu vry nlxe if you wont tkttu wrtc wfi tor catulorun or ii you wlxb ft ull or ovrbnujr wrftoiue u4iuio every imvllhy tor irmiuiirflug bjiuliicku to yoar compitiltt uttllairaefloii correic pootieuev uollclfoi kurm hcmltiu hprelullai cuomo town uflie jtrfmt xti wjqs thchhday juwklt 1015 brief local items haut day iwxt thursday u nearly tlio good oltl hutuuit canada now it time the kg pic nlo at oustic on homii lot i lty tin mercury foil to 41 degrceu i ester- day morning the solioobi cloo far the summer vacation next tuesday iim lima urn annual lioy making on wjui of tli streets was undertaken flood uvorulng i tlila tit veeli you should renew your vult iuicu sulrlp- tloot ur john caiaarou is veneering u nsldeoce on john 8tret with pie d brick tii wadudy lull holiday la quit popular both willi tlie tnarehanu ajid tbslr ajiaapl llr hoy hurd who eoiuted lost wb id tb smli hatury ut on monday for tuesday storw burtud out co of lb uaaaartiurs lu th atsttod here end tb town wu witbout pownrfor four bouts tb bug oliw of kutrano candl- tutw eooipuuj their avaufnalloa yuw- day afternoon wincipal buwul prid- d hev chatus 14 lrapr will pjmcli the last srocw oi ma four years suooet- ful pastorate in the methodist church uju kuaday ur eaii uarthall of lituehou ha ulioa ovr hural rout no i formerly carried by john gibbous and will remove toaetou a sole of ilia stock arul liuplhijfll of be lata wllluhi drown will b lield at the warred hani oh uturjy ajlarooou ooia tiuatlng t ou oclock ur w j itij llaln trt who is maou arliluryuaut liaa bltully loanod th tiiutl uiirty pouiul bnpael duill btai u now on vhibitio4i uar0 u lahuaiwinurlia wooj fiavasiillftife in tli vourtli continsdt at gtorgvtowa thoy wra to lva jwg- town for nuira yesterday 3jlu howna hutuplilw lua itaan up- polnuj bwtl of th art cupartuunt of tba flualpli coti0ut ins ti tut at a ulary of si 100 ifartoany friaiulain acton onteiul uilr oonpatulatlona and bt wuhai for hat oontinuod suece tba eut toronto v m c a taam laagu loader of tlw toronto v u c a saalor lujfuo would lib to arrange b wlllt faat acton uara for tlio 1st of july at acton arraiirdrmnt can t faud with uanaor if jlurj kist tar- ooto v u g a tornta cfauftuffpir caught jookt marino a fruit vaiulor from hamilton mlllnfl ln- auu aftj oranm in town last thursday and tooorud him to ifafliitrata stuarts rwutdw who impomd a fine of 9x00 and eoala baoaum lis luul failed to tabs oat lioaiu durllngtoii oautta mb wm woarthuh drowwe0 mr uid mr mearthur wero wnd- itift- tha w8k with rov v v jeffriv ookvillo wnile outca tuey upset ur william uoarthur jr of ilamll- too wu ban hut weal artending ft fow tuya with hi pawnla and otlier frln4a fld btora daflnita partlouura wra glvea wlallv to tha aad drowniog of hi wlfa in th sivlean crek at oaltvillo on tba lltli hit ur ami mr uoarthur had gorta cub from hamilton and vara apandlnp tho waak at tba boma of itav mr jkmij tlioy inuntlad returning to hamilton saturday uiornlnff on ttrlday afternoon tbay went for u little caaoo trip from tba wharf up tha rlxtaan craab and whan hturolnjr to tha wharf tha oanoa waa in aoma unadntal4a maanar eapalnad owl tba ooounauta were prmlplutad into itm watar mr uoarthur van alia to grasp tha edga of tba upturned craft and bad mr moartliur by tim hand but lta vu caught undaraaatli nti was drowned ur allan of oabvllla wan tha only paraou in tba vlolnltyat tha tlma ifapuiladmr mearthur into iafty bub wu unabla to mvamra moarthur owlngtotlutmuddy nut of tlta watar urn hotly wu not raeov- arwl until ttaarly two baur aftarward altboush aavaral aiperfc iiwlmmara tllvawl in warob for it a fw mlnubw lur tha ao- eldaul kvery effort to rtor ufa iwovaj uttavallittg tba yauruj paopla had laoii tnarrlad ba- twaen twoandthryuw mr moartliur waj a eontutatit obrlatun younir woman a maubarof thamailiodufcobuhn in ham llton ami a bumlay bolutol taaobar in ad dition to hat uttft buauand bar paranta uiraa itar aud two brotbara biurviva bawam of obitmeht tor catarrh that contain menunr a marcury will auwly daatroy thai aatwa of mall and eowiletary darattga tba whola ayatau wbau antariug- it utroaigb tba touooui huruoa such ahioiaa abould navar ba uaad aiioept on praaorf puau from mputabla pbyaiouns a tba damagrf tbay will do is tan fold to tba gool you can ibua- ibly derive from thaw uvm uklartb coray matiufstituiad by v j obanayaco tolado 0 portultia no taamury aod is r luurnally acting oiraotly upon tba ijood and hiucou kurbcaa of tha tyfclattl r in buying mall oatan our u aura yoo ga tia genuine it u taken intartwlly and uuula in tomo oblo lyjfj cbanay aycd tauimoolabi frtta bold by urtumifeta wloajooparbotua tab hir vmily ihiim for ooouj- utta news op local import rtnlilng thogxh track b 1 lf thulbm of tho tnuiii lino of th 1 t it lira lwli rolxml nutut throo imluui tliifliih tha kuiioii ynrtlu hero in tudor to btiiiit tlio lower rtp of tho now cart on u invol with tho pint form epworth tonguos lawn soalnl lite kiwqth ldguri ure hnldiitjf u lawn boolul ut tha hnnid of mru a if ilrowti third line ttout tunulay evening ar- rmigeirtonliure lielng ntnilo for u vomalllo end ititeroallng programme thamtcul iu ojwifi ami puhllo mtronrtie u aolicltod at tho control howling association tmo rlnlin of aolon howling club ablpjwd by min a j macbiuijun ami p m iftrntnmn war at tho annual toiirnaiiiaiit of the central lloulltig auooutiou at jalt at wek mr ifon derona rfnk reached the unilfliiala in itotli tho auoclutlon and tlio oonuolatioii con tmtu nov individual comrriunlon cups ttte rjuarierly aacramauul imirvloes oc knon church will lie hehl next hundsy tito irophilory mrtloa will ba held on friday evening at h oclock ltv mr wilkon tint minikler will vraeh tlie new individual coiniuunlnti oup aervica reoentlj beotired liy tho church will be iimil for tlie firt hnia at the ux ere mental mrvioe on runday now kfttnogor dank of nova sootta mr a a itollit wlto lu been lit obliging manager of tlia ibtnk of nova rkotia tlie peat two years lias been truua ferrad to the toronto oltlee mr itollit nude many frunds during hl atay here and by hlsauerotlo etlwu lias built up tli hutlnem of tha bank try appreciably mr a u wytrtt of tlie duelpli liraiteh has lien trotuoti to tjie position of manager liere if oowee highly rotn inewlad he and mrs wyant will be cordially wiootad to acton slk aetori auitriahm interned upon liutructlona from tli ikuninion ldlooiijbiilairt itectlv lloyd and two otltar oilloara frotn toonto catne to town on uoniay iulairaljn tilmklolo lulak lunmlub john waaluk iaual htratjf nick houk irokapuk and alan hweltuk all auatrun on lerol for boui tiiti tit autboritus lave had tlt iian undraurvllumoforloldliigfaojlitlou meeting aiiiong out alun rwidenli raiting uonay to wl to auatris and amlating aluo enamu to kav the aodntiy mas realguad hu tiki 1 u1 resigned hi ptwltfon eorury tiraaurer of w if titorey k hon limited at th ivgubir tnvtltig oi ota diractoirs of tit company on tli lltli but mr col wan kd to roouidr lib realguatian but tuted uiat it bad ouutld- bind levering his cotiiiectioii with tha ooniuny for 0ii tint ard tltought tliu tlia niot ftiiorabl tltne for doing ux in aooitlng hi reajgnation a vote of thanka waa tendered mr cola for hi arvcs with th company for tli pa it h yearm and eapfloislly for tli aaalauno muured th tlta new management aino taking charge- vlm new moaubient at palrvlew a ougnlfloant aootcb rranit wouumeot ba juat been placed in tit family plot of ma d ifendaraon m i in lelrvlew cemetery by hamilton si bona of iluelpb it fs regarded aa superior in deaign and workmanship and ia of tlie boat quality of material tha inscription in memory of mr henderson la iery appropriate this new addition to tlie many fine monuments in kalrvlew lias been greatly admired v all who liave aeen it mr hefularww has acknowledged to tlie meeara hamilton hie thank and appreciation for lit very aatiafactory manner in which tlia execution and oouatrucllon were effected splendid institute meetings tho woman and tho pattrier plo- nlokod togothornt milton and enjoyed tho social fn- toroouroo interkst1no annual sessions one of thflinomt liitareallng moutswhlnh biih iiitirkivl the progretu of llalton county occurivd hut wduohhiv june itith thn wnniens and rvnuetu iiiitilult nf tha county not autullml with the ordluury annual moellng for the election of aflloanj mid tint completion of the roiillna biialiions of the your oonihluiml tholr olforta held thulr flrat nunuul piouto mode u happy lay of it and lualdentelly luul the hot buaiiiem dieetiugn which ellhor inatltula iihm mmin for mine years about three hundred look advantage of the ideal day and ataemhled at x i o tor la 1urk milton tito meu wlio were preaent are enthuaioatlo oter tlm dinner which was trovldeil by the ladles apeclal thanks being due to mr bamunl llews for the loan of her bouae in jireparing boufi dinner and nipper ami to tlia ladies uf milton general ly for their klixl aiiatanoe in th afternoon the fitbtltute held their meeting aeidrately tlte oilloer electeil for tli women inailtuta ueret iveidnt mrs oeo ceo limebouaet vio pre air uobl cormeti trafalgar i wy mr oeo ifavlll acton vw tlta i institute thn following war elae rreaideut j if wllaon milton vjo jiriu h t mtof llurllugton i bcy a l maonsbh milton i 1uul campbell meiton and oliver may ktreeuvllie were the new dlrctorn appolu- led fruit ulillbin or inloroa to lmimn wivoii ojiiliji iiulko iurlveii to buy cuiiiilng nlritw- txirrlun now muvo your grocer wj euro nlugnra iuiiiiihiiiii grown bind limy ii ru now nt lliulr bent mid rnqitlm tijit tmgnr ioosoiwi rilu nlwiit ready hjvcdk in your grocor furvlew place convalescent home cspt mohililn of ilia itoyal knginesra and major carrie of tha medical corp were in town hut friday inspecting kalr- viow 1btoe to aacertafn it adaptability to tha riulranintsof a convalescent ifoapl- lal for wounded canadian soldier they evpreuod much aatlafootion with tlia pre- irtlaea tlie location anil environment and aald it wo one of the most desirable plaoe tltat have been offered in canada boma change and addltiona will ba neoesaary accommodations for thirty cols are da- sfred if finally accepted tliera will ba a resident physician several nurse and tlia nooeaasry ijuola of other helpers in tha pollee court last vriday evening joupli floldateln jewlah pedlur was charged by chief lawaon liefore h 1 mooro j i witli violation of tba county hawkers aiid lydbur uylaw defendant ftleadad guilty penalty auapondfd for two week toperttoit aaourlng tba naoeauary iloensa on katurday morning lto ho chukan austrian who la employed on tlia oonatttjotion work of ilia toronto hu burl un italluay wlto was arrested by comtabla ifurioy on knox street tha evening before a drunken oonditlon cam before magistrate mooin for trial ha pleaded guilty through an nterpreiar and was lined luflfuudoosl library to beopen next week a meeting of tlta free library hoard waa held on tuesday afternoon to facilitate tlta reopening of the library under tlia new ayatam which has been in preparation tha past six weak much aaiufaetlon wa expressed mpaotlng tlia now ousalfl- cation under tho dewey- decimal catalogu ing biado by miss hpereman official cataloguer bju ted by mia coleman tha ttlirarlan owing to tha increasing num ber of reader and tlia larger eervlaa to bo gleareilranailataiit la to ba provid ed th librarian for saturday availing tba new membership card ha double tba capadty of the former card and will ba boil for teui oenta at the cloaa of tba pro ceeding a cordial resolution to ilav c dm per who baa been a iitty faithful and useful neemlier of tlia hoard tba paab four year waa paseeil weeds on vacant lots what undoubtedly count i tut a menace to all wbo are making an honest effort to keeptbelr proiiertle clean i tba crop of uuala tamul growing on tlta vacant joih hiijjaiut in and around our town tmd kiiuaaaud on tba mjuio highway these vatcaot iota are olteo mora uor lee titan tlio fiinneni uiaetiiig was enoourhgiitg throughout the h licit cuirss behl butt w inter were in groat dsmsnd far tli oom ngsaasou hucauseoitbcirpraftlcal nature it was filt tltat wuch gooil came of tltem mr if i moore of tlie vuki liua acton was jtrwnt ami invlteil tit instit ut to bold a abort cour in tli j a town iwtit winter tha invitation waa fa i or my conkhlarl th inot warmly discuahji matter par helia wa that of roganlisuon a surges ud by huriwinuiuleiit oeo a iutnam to coma into eftvt nait v4r tli jan general is to do away with tba irflt rondoai ayateiu ol spfulnting directnr awl to fcoa w bat altall b known aa tka llalton hoard of agriculture this uoerj it is sutrgeateil aliall oonslat of one repnwent tlv front each rarmw cluu junior karuiera aavoolutlon and agricultural hw lety bju 1 one rprwuutlt froui each township town llbig and city th iwatrjct lupremiilalive and three rp nutivv from tb illtrictwonvsn instl tut abell alo b tnenibvrs of tli board tliu body eliall tlwii suct among tbeiu selie a pmident a vioeiirvnident two dirvctors loact on an ebcmueooumltta and a tec rotary from among tbatnaelve or ooutrwiao the district itspreaentativ ami tli secretary of wtwiiatjs inatltut with tbe other oilloeni uial form tli executive commitue tt object of this change is to secure the cooperation of all tlie orgunlxatlonu rprnud ii il hare wus pressnt at ilia muotlng ami oa itlairtad the matter tlio meeting dually decided in fat or of the re orgauiiatlan al though strong olijation wo raised to towns lis log represented tlie annual meeting of tlio llalton women institute wo tlie tnott sucoeaaful on record here ar some iulnt of i ii teres t rettardlog this busy organ ixatlon over hiooo 00 was raisad during th year much nf which una oontrluilod for had cross work tho membership la 611 which is the hfghett jet and in this respect llalton expects to be tlia banner oounty kacli member ia to give on quart jar of fruit this summer tit whole to lie aent to bliomchuo ifospitab tba music for tho afternoon was furnished bj mis a noble korvul i airs festherstone oucillo i miullewur milton and mr ix w cnmpbell hilton an invitation to hold tlia next annual meeting at acton ubb aooepted by the dolegate tlia- annual meeting of the rurniers institute will aloo lie held at acton lato lit tlio bfiernonn a baseball geihe was playeil between the junior farmers of weutwartb and hilton tha game iro- vldcd mora fun than good baseball tba wentworth imya winning- tha member of iwtli lesma were young farmer who luul taken tba four weeks abort course in the two countloa it may easily bo seen bow much better thea neighboring sections will oome to know each other a this movetnen t progresses tho whole day was a decided aiicoea am tlie oflloerw and peoplo are looking for ward to a similar outing next year personal and travel notes social and portional items of inter cut to rroo press headers cleaned bumnfl the week minn katie morriu wun bora from torott toovor munda mr mccaiiu ban addeil n motor cur to blajery nutllt mr itloliard humorvflle of fimlon vialt- ed hlu mother on moduy mlaa kllu alollmrwin wun homo from toronto for u week end vluit mia little a monro in iiending thn week uitb friondu in toronto mr utid mrs henry mellon of toronto sltotl aotott friends this week miss jeusie iurvia ho baciivialtlng with frieudn ill town during thn week aids muinio mosalas bss been upending tlio wook with friends at he i wood mr and mrs alex mucklo and dough ter of juolli huvo ruurncd to acton mri n v moore and murgurot apent several da h uih friomla at fit- williams hat dr walter of tluulpli uas tlia guest of itov j j trayitor last tli urn day mm danol fr ieon bjiendlng n here in of itidgetomii lias woolis with friends tho guelph team won tlia baaehajl team representing the flexible conduit co motored to acton on saturday and won from the acton club by 0 to 2 tho battery for the conduit was walter hull and flen huker bam edmouda pltcliad for acton ami ix folator was their catcher tho local clulwen are greatly pleased with the treatment accord ed thorn by tho acton club fluelph mer cury killed at the blora books jama sliddera of toronto mat death in a tragic wanner at glova but sunday evening he went to elora saturday night to lie treent st tlio funeral of lib wife motliar blrv mccreo durlug tba evening ha went down to tlia famous klor rock and it soma maimer fell over fall ing a distance of about 120 feat ha was missed during tlia evening and a march revealed his dead body among the rocs a deceased waa bom in luelph nud lived there for year liefore skins up bis resi dence in toronto improving if unlolbal sanitation at tlia meetlntr of tba council list week dr k u ault municipal officer of health gave a very succinct and interesting report of tlia proceeding of the annual convention of medical omoera of health of ontario at fttorborough the lb gave a resume ol tlta discussion on such vital question a the inijiectlou of milk and of bread i the effect of ootols vault and manure pile ou well water i muwv hm vwo murd uur tew- iimiu tba d ueaj carrying tly i iiuarantltia for all aarmriea and breading pktoe for ull kind infectious dlaeeua utwl aapeclally of hcltool of weeds thi u swueclally true of town f children whan any member of the family titeae weed are ofton allowed to grow j i afflicted wltbahylnfectiousoroontagloua uatmolefctad these prcduoa count dlatasa and tlta head for tlia inslallatoa number of seeds to le blown end scatter- j of aatarworb ami eemtige system in ad by um wind over tlia farm and gar- towra of aotonw site the member of dens tto far bulletins artlcloa andadvlo i uto council were much jmpid with the pertalulng to weed control have bean j lloclwcowrlajiivereiort directed et the farmer a glance at the condition found in moat of cur cltfe and i town will prove eonvlnclug tbattliafarmar i tasuda two fctati clear out hal mice i not tb only on to blame in tha matter etc iwb die in tba house 10c ami of wd vu vi tfdf md und iltiaviiyufldrt ttfet ttc urov coildtr bojreti mr jon u id matutoua ol toronto ejwjiit iait woek wild frlemu lu tha old home town mr frod hocord vho hs lieen visiting iii lirothar john st orlllls returned bom tll wvl misacli mary mclliornoo and helaii war reoaco n pood lug a couple wels holiday at free i ton during heir ntay in taun major and xlra hal ian u no were unomn of mr and mra w laird mrs rlixaliotb oray of toronto la spending a fow weeks ot ilia haul of her son at moorccmft dr o a mclvlchul and daughter verne mail a hying motor trip uml cslui on hi aunt at victoria ilia ul myrtle ami kttia dill have un holidaying at tlielr fathers hom iarli avnue during tlia week mr and mrs harry campbell ami ml dorothy vlilukl tlie former motber mr oo jainplwir victoria villa mssr jolin h and victor coleman mod a vory deaunt vlalt to tit old home wet ton at ireolton over huuday dr ijiiie ol kte ut maria ua bore but weak in connection with tli funeral of his brother the late john lino mr and mrs a t ilrouu were guestu st the wedding of dr forsler titratford and miss lua kelly ouelph on tuesday mr and mrs j m fernloy tli mis fern lay ami miss moggie matthews of toronto spent hat unlay uml hundsy with mrs william drown mrs c hirauge of harrle ami mr herbert lloston of oxbow sask and alius race cameron of toronto have beau vi tiling at the home of mr neil mc donald mr alex taylor hut talon a panitloa on thec i h 1olioo force at furnhani que ho removed bis family to tli east last week tholr acton friendi regret their removal messrs itubt soott nell mq donald hobert malliemou jolm mearthur uml u f caldwell nttendod the decoration day serviooa of live oddfellow at ouelpli on hundsy afternoon after spending several weeks tery pleasantly with friond in acton and vicin ity mr and mrs william tlrant left but saturday to vialt tlielr daughter at furl during their stay hero they met many former friends and reminiscences of early days war freely recount crewsons c0rneb5 itev t h clarke will pieach his rare wall sermon here neithunduy during hi pastorate hare he and mr clarke who i a truo holpiueet to her hualmnd and n will ing helper in nit branchos of church work have endeared thcmeies to tho congrega tion who regret their departure mr h ii lnutx who has enlisted witli tho ahth liattalion 4th contingent left for tlecrgetown on tuesday to join bis com pany which goes to niagara on ilialake on wednesday far training- mr 1 hiirtmlde and daughter of toron to v lilted at mr john bumsulee last week mrs al crouton left on monday for a months visit with relatives in hunt- villa mr and mrs vannnnnan nora and donald of guelph viidted mends here this week mr and mr a voting and children visited ut mr w a murrays on huuday mauler murmy kingxbury is writing on the entrance oxuinlnutinus at acton this week mr ilea lantx and mipuwm clara ond marl vuitod friends nt weal toronto on monday mossro adamson and ii woods camp- bellville tlalted friends bar on hunday ram kvaav sport am rdcrkation sold fcrn guflflskoedenfcw every 10c packet of wilsons fly pads ami kin maui run ihn hoiih or nv sikfv i t catckfo the 200 red cross donation sent from acton to tho oueen can adian military hospital at shorn ollffo acknowledged dy col abmour mra torrano llaanlmore who forward- dad the ahmooutribuled from the fund of acton llotl cross kooiely to tho fjusena canadian military hospital ut kliomollfto hiighmd has reoelve tho following ack nowledgment from col 1 ous id armour m it v it- c h the surgeon iu cliargei the jueeitu canadian military hospital hhorncline 1iigbmd june 1st 1011 my dear mrs heard more i it la lery dilllcult to exprui sdejuately to you my deep tprlatlari of tha gen croua dnnutlon for tlia hiriceof tlta hos pital i will see to it that it is used for some spools object ami due acltuowledg me ut made so that y our generous thought fulness may be made known rieuse conrey to yourossovutealn acton my uunnest tlianka awl assure litem for me that their oftnrtu in raising thi money will result in greater comfort to our wounded canadians ami will go far to reluve tlia bufferings of tho who coma u ruler our flratefully yours dnstiji anuoi it lifeagok oome out of its furnace of antlotiou no iteait la emptletl of it venom by touring out at the lps macdonald values stand for better values quality is our watchword price this ia our policy the utmoit in quality at the kmallctt reasonable j day by day and yoar by yoar we put forth our bout ciiortb to increase tlio valuennnd to decreaao the prices that wnnflfcrlnnur patronn and our honest wliolchcarted endeavoru bear their fruit in heaping measures of rood value all our summer wear whether for men women or children bear the marks of dependable macdnnald quality today we quote n low prices of womenti summer apparel gramophone recital wednesday june 301 wr abb iioiitni aosauahiohitikcital ouh coluuiii jkaiouom wili ixndiil tltt loll ow il ikstaiukntai and lot al a utter ion a tiihoiihoit tiiz pboiikau moostauuk i ii mo rewj u violin sob kathleen iarlow i heamari orchestra hells albert honry 3 boto- tba last roa ol hinumer alice noilseo 4 lov dream aftor tha hall violin collo and harp venetian trio g lucky maou orchestra hell j 3 step albort henry 6 little love little kim instrumental belectieii wine orchestra 7 melodie- viol in tiolo kathleen pailow dream viuiouo violin cello llute harp ami bell florentluetjoartet o holo honni bwcet home alice nqiiujii o keudeivoua intermeuo instru mental holectlau hrinccs orclie summer drrscc house orcfibon biouuch millinery bias corkcln dedevoiue brangicrs 2511 up ho p 1 00 up 200 up 10a up 50 up silk glovtp corse govern drawers underbkirlsv knitted underwear summer hosiery 50 up 25 up 25 up 50 up 15 up 15 up every price otands for the best lhat price can buy the hind of value characterizes truest and highctit econmny that d e macdonald bros l guelphs reading and largest store wyndkara macdonell and cttrden street a ouelph onl ouk ict ctau pasllox buppllesa very flno menu of real fruit sundaes paucy specialties tho coolest and moat satjeiyiiighumnier heverages harold wiles mill arutmr acton our 71 ejects ii hillioan una a well equlppail meat iliop at the corner of if ii i and vcuug htreetx acton the second brick i building from the otr crossing and wlllsunplyail kind ofhhush and cuutib meats of best quality at reasonable price meat delivered to all customer brertiptly ifratcuuu refrigerator hop open every evening farmer trade specially oollclt- illghest cash prlccspaldforegg aud poultry r millioan headquarters for harvest tools so to 90c each 9 to vih each tuic each it and ili cacli hie each tt and 3tf each 8c ca set c 9c 3 tine hay forks scythe snath hay rakes mower files hay fork pulleys mower sections mowers guards uurgcr son pure paris green all sizes in pure manilla rope plymouth also gold medal binding twine 650 foot per lb pnristone wall plaster in 100 lb sacks ik ajent for the celebrated gurney ckford oil stoves agent for the celebrated perfection oil sieves i burners sms0 3 burners si 160 4 burners 118 orens to match and 8340 jambs symon hardware mill street fohrurton uoel acton ont m today l yesterdays harvest and to morrows sowing scatter sunshine and you will keep out tba aliadow store canadas hair fashion glenncharles hair goods our mlaa oleim win w in a wiiuilnl jumtliitlliebmllnhiiwillia hull cbali loihidlni uwllcliea w uan trhforttlbllaiih etc mn wl n tnui knowlnff th uilirlor aunllty ofourkoo1 ll bl ut puaiun tn leiuotiblratd mine ldle dliuiu o liivln u olenn cal at rulilence falodly 1mv aimreu at botal ohio dav ohly oijbm charles 100 kiu at w tonomro om 3dswak l just opened i in hulls block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to eavutrouching vvindmillh pumpx furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas harden s- son acton ontario j ablui autherixed i bealtal ral ua farmers business and sale notes receive siecial attimiion- 0ioeoroetown branch w n uksr uaaaii bank of hamilton jyylllmmmmmmimmmmmliiwn r e nelsons 1 bic t0rnkdo shle 6 sclllny days only june 17th to 2rd b mid ordered clothing come anil eiiuro in the carnival of iirolltn for you at r b nelson manbautt tsillov hsusst atusvlathow wwatdbsuu citvoae ouhlth ont actons electric choppinq miltljf open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both sutisfatturily done b f cald12stelii acton ont proprtosdr

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