Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1915, p. 4

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flftie artnit vte fruits lonesome hiliim hi mi omul hi 01 riiorou 110 on hfl i 1 pit llmiuiiht ihojuhtr i oinhne kh i to nlny ut wdiool ill ilu i followed ilium it illllo uuy to poop in ml ll minor hut uanlmrsahl i oimlil nit slay cwiimo i was only four i wuli i oouhl im nob lie lulo r ike tola of little boys id rathor have it nponjjo and slato than nil my italy toys im lava to ili mid h mid write anil stud rlihmotio t o dear i quo 1 ll try inj lwt to grow up ery pitoli nulh n companloi ufa 1 lu up t of k restaur floe or when fortune calls tho japanese have u ua ihk lml far tune call t hie ifftt of hlta who mil ilea and that shrewd saying is worth the 0011 aldamllonof nil jouiifi penph a unulil au front school of pharmacy lull sulllol ent funds to luy a bunliimb in mi oxoulloi t location in large and prosperous cilty tlwyounff mutt had mode a brilliant re oord itt school ilia store was attractive nnd well equipped and already had a rood patron a if had not iteeu efifahuhod three tnonth when trade beaan to loll off some customers went to start a low ho tin off other hod their precriuomh filled at down town eatabluhtnanlti tho proprie tor began to worry and it wo nothl fancy that tit more he worried llie more hi trad demlulsbed at length lis appealed to an aequilntios in tlio neighborhood and ashed mm wliat tlio trouble was and ha wa vary much astonished when th answer came you need to learn to nulla that waa tha trouble tha eamsst hard working younpr man hod a irownlsg face end forbidding manner tha eusto- mara war likely to taka offense at his uuintt speech or lo be alienated hy ida bloomy countenance and nuny o thaiti began to look for a plaoa where thay could ha served wltli a smile thrown in for good measure and when acting upon hi friend oounaal lie ixtgan to cultivate friendly halpful manner iwt found it help ed wondarf ully vof tuna will call at tlio ftato of him who atflllaa then why not mll t children dry mil fletchers castoria sub washy ruhlf a fatnoua lawlall player lua a younger uur who la very mroud of him altltouglt aha la not vary familiar with ths gam havlaj apokatt of him ono day to a vultor aha wan aakad hy uta utter wliat position ha hrothar jiuyad why aha lutoumtl i im not auma btifc i think haa a hattar oornfl and wajrta duappaar wltan traatad with ifollowaya cow oura wit hoot huv ittkaaoar jilllow i m of lltiht tf utfty in which anloa nnd mmlnnio nh i uumll oldlgatl6nb ylvcit i nmliiil1 urn wli it uln mid tra mtrvt 1 1 1 1 irt unit miciifo 04 nifort ii liliif 1 li jlo tnur liwm mora of h 1 si mum fli mmiiii mianof goro km 1 m in 11 liitiio tlio dumb nan hkiul in i llio tloui rin hour and under m 111 1 a itluil licnit i 11 foiinliilu f ghulnou- timblutc otorytlilng in ha vlolulty frojieu lulo millie kin i i dim kind wnnlo vlud oulu and uunn lm iilutialich llo aro ttooondary mohiin of graoo wlicn men ura in trauhlo mid nro lliflit liir ihelrtmuwm uitllc 1 ok col iti uihi ll rouuh ufa i ul nnoo if ll croforu tl oio lm any klndneiiu i oaii blow 1 r 11 1 h llitng i rnn do nny follow lwlnr lot 1110 do it now uiid not infer or neglect it nn i xltall tint uua thlj wny afn klul unnli irofliloo tliolr own linnga in moil a to ash and u iwautlful imago it in ri c noothu nml ilet uiid comfort tho ho iror fljoj ul uiiio him out of lilu moruur unliidly feolliiga wo hnvo not jlt lmgiiii to una klul uords in nucli uhumlunco n ll ey oiiuht lo ho ummi tatih ono of un la i mi 1111 d to motto tlwj littloolroloin vthloli lo uvea heater mid imppldri la mil lo tee thai out of that amall olrolo ho wldet good may how kach may hiwo llxoil in ida tnlnd tlio utotight that nut of it ulngto household may hum inlluettcoa flat hliall htimubito the wl oio comnionwmlth and u10 wlmto civllixeduirlill what xothui tha aun way naver at on tha atan and tiri4v hut a navcur lahauhadoutavary oowfcd thati oaly a poor uur oaa ha apolud hy weak tpjllag attowwo boons voa seed root aad prloaa hava goo up- tha tradiaioa that root aawl prioea woald ha ajvaaaaj cm asoount of tha war waseorret and li tdhauatlaud hy prloaa qooud ly o ix clark tha dominion rwd oomtala aloar at ouawa cahbaga raduh and eauliaowvr roauun uholiaagsd hot carrot turnip and uahgau liava laormmd 1033 thu utjroim luu b4b 6atud by aoarelty of lahv iu4 high prloaa to food crop lu edropa oaoadun growara of good anpr- unoataau podoaa wugl twj at 101 lc pwp6dnl ayujdol lasoo to two fciy taaoaahly ha ax pooled inavnarlasoad a ahodld luh la a fcaiall way wmav will wo raw a good alary ooataa f rooi tha houa of a mu kuowti bcouliji divlaa ty ray boud nawapapotr brooding ovr tha wvnlad hmulitlaa of tu oartaaua oa of tha fcvtut whlla addoavorltig to obtain lha piliaaoa of tha haad of tha houaa lu tha txkuw gtavsly riiiakd if ooy o tha fwtoaaa gat to haavaa it 11 pit a lot tf folk a baliitf guld tha vuuug lady had kept bar holwat tha eperf door fully half an hour uylatf good hja vlnally aa irauuaaeullaavoloj hoonjeallad out 1 day alaria ii yoari gol out gd i k yoav auyhig auy 1 hdt for uavwn taka dofc 000 out hariwa uajpulua ohildreii ory roh fletchers c totaii- t tinoat mr tuokjuhulluh aon votary to work to u6v a lot of tuuall looa atoua tmt i lha mad nar thalf heuaa ufa wan to taka thaw up attd throw tbm ovar into a paatura uuy tho way it vaa a vary tinaoaaa jou how could ita aver do it i altar pioklng and throwing for mmao tlim vilrrthiy bit tlnw to tlduk of mtna hauar way ha waa aa urad j have it ha aald to hluaalf 1 ii mt up a narrow board for a targat and in vita all tha boya la ttoota aad piay are at a ttuik boy toouijy aald itataa good fua- no for it llfara go i and whlla tha boy thought it vara sport totatuy got all tha atooaa ovr into tha pmntilto lu iwa thau no uma that wan a good way to wake play out of work kly day a v nut lha ttmud and ljwu w3 alldmutmwwwillraa clamharlala maalelm cav tiliali chamberlains tablets iiow to oet votes a plainanian and hla horao a mountain aerandhudog a apliuter ami her cat an irishman ami lila pig ugely olieervea a wall known polltlolaii all theae auggaat fauilllar opportunities for the idirowd oatn palgner to nutili an owner 0 heart through ida tat colonel van wyck of kehrakka who- waa running for congrew years ago found that thoro woa a certain irishman in hla district who aleadfatly refused to accord the ca mlli in to any iujuwrt 80 itwae witli much auqulso that the oalonet wa advlsad hy tho cole j ualuforo election day that ha hail concluded toglveliltn hla vote lud to haar tlutt pat uld tlta colonel rather thought you wero agaluat mo well air said p to ul tha troth i waa 1 and whin ye fit ml by uae pig pan and talked that day for two hour or mora ye didn t liudgo mo a hairs breadth but sir either yo waa got away i got to ihlnkln how ye reached yer hand ovr tha fanoa and acratolaed lie pltc on tlta back till lie laid down with tlta pleasure of iti it waa thin i ttuda up m ulnd that whlu a rale oolonel waa as aocubla aa that i wata t tha man to vote ag in him en ohanga castoria vet iniajiw uj culdmd inuatforomfaovtm wui holloway a cora lata u applui to a corn or wait it kllla tha roots ami tha eholty coota out without injury to th neab bha who tluow down l ftaoma biaua of th alpplag will gt faw faathra alt aiurchuu st- loula pracur uya that a man who kuua a girl ahould ba bhot thy do usually feoalv a lart wound wuatuolhera who know tha vlitim of uolhsroravne wow hlannlaatoralwaya biva it at hand bacauu it prora u valuo oocaajonally you will luaat a uiau who if ho cannot ha big dog will wbiua tohe a pun joxks wwtu ittlow it wajavldaully a aooear football antbu eiaat who thu prooeaded to daaehha the fight offhaltogund w hloltad off last vrlday about kite la tha bujtrtlng and we won fl nil mot lad oonahuriag wa wore playing away j tfcalr goajhaapar eoutl not bold un w vara aa hot our forwards shot baautl j folly and our dafanoa waa aottml wa agreed up play antra uue it we had not unlahad hut wa bad dona in time au ofsoar who waa oaoe a wall known ertekatar got uoooroforlahhi lyiuff in i ho traoohaa ao lontr and raised hla leg iii ahlftlaf hi itko a bullak alruck him in tlw tlilgh and ull a aau aa ha fell hack frn out leg ho- fcaatklaiba iaviohaa suffered everything ft viuirivrlwejto hcwltfa by lydij putltuutt v- crlajblo ciitdtkhimll canadian women in continually writ biff u auch lattara aj tha two following which araluartfaltaxpaialdttiiof gyau tudo for hatajmd health gunford station onli bava tav kaa lydla k xhnkhama rgatahla com pound and neves found aay uwdlcln to ouuah with it i had ulttra and f all- lug of womb and doctor did hie tlo goad i iuffurod dreadfully for year until i began taking yoormadlclna i al so raoatttmond it for riarvoustwaa ami liv dlgeauou mr htwltv clauf oliliford ouuan out chaatdrvllla ortt i haayd your wadlelnaa highly praised and a year ago i began taking theft for falling of womb and ovarian trouble uy left aids pained ma all the time and just before my periods which won irregular and painful it would ba woraa to alt down cauaad tna pain and buffer ing and i would ls 10 nervoua aom- ume that i eould not hear to aee any one or hear any one apeak little apecka would float before my eye and i waa alwaya eonaupatad i cannot say too much forvydla e pjnlthama vegotabla compound and liver mil for there are no medldne llkti them i have taken thorn and 1 rwcommend them to all women you may ihiullsh this uatimoulal urt hte miich j uabttm cbatunllte ontario cauda last summer a fatnpoa apaoiakat on nar voudlsaasee uiud little vilugxt cap 5til lno ifay a tall awkwartl young limn cuiimi on him he i a i a wrak face w led 1 tore signs of dissipation i he wore ohedp clot imh out in the hi last fashion tltero were rings on hla inger ami a gold chain swung ostentatiously over a gay waistcoat ue came to consult the tlootor slktut his in oilier wlo luul soma oltsoure ami a ha fsared mortal ailment ifo kjtola with much feeling hut did not forget 10 adjust hla chain and to twirl hla tnoultaolte aa he tufted bliehos iteen a very notlie woman ha said hail uetoendoun energy all of her ufa hut now alio beemalohaogone all to pieoes rho hau no pa irt no disease i but she can t oat nor sleep much ami she la so uesk she oan hardly walk hhe orlea if you look at her what la tho matter i cuityou lielpherf what uark did tilio dor asked the lector alio wnu a tullorem uud slie worked lumler than waa neoensari aahl tlio young 111 in reluolamly hho usfwl to new until two or three o clock in the morning wliat is joir tradeyour lualner demanded the doctor well i i ra ttatlnbuilneesnt rosenl pretty dllltoull to nuke a mart you know 1 ve considered aeieral dlffarent occupations but i have not found any thing suited to my peculiar bent aa yet hut i name to consult jou about motlier wliat do you think la the matter with herf lou i oatd ihedoetor wotlilng else blie ho tapped liar ufa for you j and now when you should be supporting her and bringing comfort and honor to her old ag you tire a dead weight and a disgrace if site dies you and you only are to bhuae when lie waa gone the doctor mui it la a cowmen enough ease a motaaa is unsalluh and eoargatlc bhe gives her life to serve a husband or a son lfer devotion only encouraged them in mleoes or selfish nee at middle age her vitality la ex hauated her nerve give way under the long strain ami tonic are of no more use tliau putting wood on a are that ha gone out- poor unliappy husband or aon whose eye open to the fact that mother 1 inking under eorae mysterious disease ami who must hear from the doctor the frauk verdict it i you and nothing el i millers worm ttowder will not only expel worms from tha system but will h duo healthful ooudllioua of tha system under which worm can no longer thrive worms keep a child in a continual state of resuessnea and pain and there can b tut oomfort for the little one until the cause of kulfarlng he removed which can he easily done by the uae of these powder than which there i nothing mora eaeue hut i royal l- yeast i makes perfect bread j tips wo k i find the following iuok ami easy way in whloh to clean ami polish furniture paintwork put a uhleejiootif ul of vinegar in a liasln of liot not too hot water wipe the furniture well with lite llpild and leave lo dry a brilliant polish rest i w without any or that hard rubbing usually necessary add a little ammonia to the water in which you wash your silver anil gluaw wure it 1 rlghtonu mb of them wonderfully ami ulieu you are faylntr itwuy your si ivor in lite drawer or osso don t forget to phtofl therein a leoe of gum camtihor keeps the goods bright auch a long time ih you want to ireiiroof your idiihiid or casement curtains then put an ounce of slum in the last rinsing water tl h applies also lo children u clothes it tantalising logo into a room nl night uml not he able in fay your hand on tit luatclteu in each room have matches at tached to u bracket i y slipping a ysril of narrow ribbon to match the wall inner through tlie cover of the match bou utvd tying the end neatly to the bracket clean rusty irons by ruhblug tliem when hot upon a piece of beeswax tied in a cloth witli a final rub on a cloth dipped in salt put a handful of salt in lite wutor with which you wipe over your carjiet after sweeping the suit lirlnga up the color oldwagontrains don t traduce your anamie it wont help jou any and thea you may want to us them to morrow a physic giant with a dwarfed soul aeertia sadly out of plaae lu thla old world uood luck u the willing handmaid of up right eebue character and cons observance of duty suffered from calirrh of tie simmii ror vcam rvlilbiw lftxauvrf ihib curad haf e mr ajne oalfant rtirw ufa nfl writes i to c treat pltoiur in writing you i have been a ifat uiotar for cijht jenr from catarrh of the tomach and tried wwrul to calkd catarrh rchtedlci without ttlut until a frund of mine advud nw to try ull- hum a ltua llvrr plll hlch i did and four vtou complctclj cured hi be sure and ict mil njni 0 laxa llvr pill wlicn you a far them af thfi art a uunitwr of lmiijiinii 01 the torlet the pk u jc hr vbl 3 vuli fcr 1 00 at all dcjkrs or ialhrd direct oa rurrlpt of iuke by the ejuuim ceu uuiitcd toronto oou hv aktf b a bower that u fmgraat btwhw mt fa perfdbie oa the air without aay awt the blossom which lael tass a amanot b fragtint hy irjug aad uj ahapli illastarailoa ssskea tmr why ad buuh of our anort 1 usefet we try to da kind nee to bestow aysipathy and wa make a failure haojiue ve aiw aelther kind nor ywpathstlo if idoeaj of trying to do thing inooftsisunt with our natufw we usde utsot to bhange that natttra than vshouueeluej a batter of doum the vary thing fa whloh ve now fajl aathnda ovr3omta triouph ovar asthma ba assuredly tioosa iv 3 wl tuliogge asthma lubjy haa prowj tha most positive blsslag the victim of ath matie auak ha tw known taafar raoslvad from tboasand who have uted it form a lastletoafal which bave no room for doubt that bare fa a mal remedy fat lb today from your dealer tha former who sad it alwayt too wet or too dry will have few tnloe in itu corn mjb oood luck trocneumea goes after a man with a search warrant tut lha bustlar la usually the mto it fa lookfag for the man who keep lu eye on the faoe of the elook will never eae the wheel go round a few people aw ilk luthlltigepriog a delight to you wy time you approach them time u our to moke whet us of it we will bubit how not to our will a waitg or tlhm had a lame back fob a lono time somtlittm could hardly turn in bed when the hack ftta so bod and ache lllco a toothache you may rest assured that the kidneys are affected in some way on the first olgti of a backache dean kidney pill should be taltn and if thl is done immediately you will save your- ull many yean of tulfrrlug fiom set lous kidney trouble mr 1 w knurr truro n s wiltwi i liave had a lame bock for a long time sometime i could hardly turn nvcr lu bd liut after taking silt baxr of idoan ividuey 14iu i ltul that my hack u trotig as ever i cant praise them cnouxh boon kidney pjlis are auc per boa s bokea for vi 2i at nil dealers or malleti direct rat receipt of price hy the t milium co umlird toroitto out whn ordering dlreri specify doaus certola morbid conditions muut onlst tl the stomach and intestine to encourage worm and they will aitut aa long aa m- morud ooodltion permit thorn to to b rid of them and spore lit child tufleritig us millar worm powder they will correct the digestive irreguhultlaa by de btroylng the worm condition favorable to worm will disappear and the child will have an more suowng froea that cause children cry fob fletchers c today u ytrdy e hirvakt ami to morrows towing heouer tdtwlila asd you will keep out the shadow lifaegld come out of it furaaoes of anjletlofl no hih fa amptud of its eaom by poariug out at the up a maaa wile sliould b hi partner hut oooiuioally ahea th whole firm there used lo bo exciting times on ho santa fo trail trickery of the redskins hai cholera morbus so bad could not sit iip attack fit cholera morbuj ate actsd mostly by indfacrsliod in dfat the uu of unripe fruit and uew vrnuhk and uaually occur diirln the hot summer on the flrtt slu of thl very weakening trouble tv iowtere llktxact of wild strawberry should be taken levv oeore lc uuthw out write i wj taken with chokra bsorthi and i wai u bad x could not it up any mom than five minute at a time lay husband aald i looked m if it hod beau skk a mouth he got m a bottle of iv aowler liltioct of wild strawberry und i took the whose of it id one day and it completaly eured me we are uevr without it in the houw or x dont think it can be beat whea you aak for jr vowler0 ustract r4wnidbwterryaethatyouet vr kwtw oj tmjuiac have kooe ao far as to imlute our wrapper both in color nnd style and haw adopted almuar tuiaej auch a strawberry compound wild txrawberry compound ustnut of strawberry etc drroww f or the past w yeatrr and u acknowledged by all whs have ud it to ba a tore cure for all bowel eomphltiu prlcejtu cent uuuftured only by tha v mllburu c urnltcd toronio out a civil engineer who wa bulldlag a railway in uenloo wa trying to ahow a native bow much the new railway would henedt the dounuy how long dow it take you to carry your produce to market at present t la asked willi a uule it lake three day waa the reply t r thar you are i esmelmad the engjn j bat the kind of man that uiecountrylturu tt baa the new railway i lu operafl outemerson tin you wui be abe to taka your produce to market and return home the mm day f two day tuouoht m tuk bay our great glory fa not in itarar falllug hut in rising every time we fall con fticlua it fa not enough to tomiw a truth 1 it i essential that tha truth should poss ut maeterlinck when you hear an ill report about any one halve and urter it and then say nothing about the rest bpurgeort never lose an opportunity of seeing any thing beautiful 1 beauty fa loda bandl work a wayamesaenuaent ktngmley tha true teed of civilisation not the oaukua nottliealuofeitlm nor the crops they employed all berts of rut to plunder th caravan ahd hurdst the whltsaa bit of tresebery and a ballla with th trooper an llio mcrlnrid inulu holwooii tho amurknu biltfaiiicnlu in xlfasonrl nnd thu m or ici n pm iiliw in ni w muilio lu cl mil iii mllllo rillllmllllg tlio lhullllu of the hinlii 1t 1111 ii tin urtulur 110- reoslly 4 1 iuluiiiilu pnilwllnn fur llio tmdorn nnd tin lr miim uh is nut by both llio unluil utnltu uml mtrluin covdrnnenlh hirnlulilnii iulllliir cou voi the troupit uifiwl in 11 mikiilty ml iiullku dint of ritrutilm iruaftllilu narclmul vwhoih rruiu plriilunl ill link for mt plrnloh ui n tnort- per mflciit or butty 11101 no hinn the am flirt of tlw philna kin rnmvniia iihimlly uf 1 rinblln aifd inter liiihiuiuh nro mul utthrt fn tho irinii duliid hltilca tmopa w0tld hciniuiii tllllll to tllo cllflllll oti tlio afkiuibiia river thou morlmu troop would guord thorn to tuoh mid sometime oven to santa ve tho re turn trip infer in tho au minor un imllariy prctoctwl bouiellmo two trip oacb way would bo uindo in u yoar tho pronco of troop tunatly kept tho ludlflu from mnkltig a direct ua eault on hie train lovon in hi brnv cat motneufa an indlnn lib small rol fab of o tight on any thing like oqual tmli coaaoooently the aavngoa duiol oped their aptitude for treachery and deceit every tort of ruse their fertllo brain eould devise wen ueod to acpamlo tho varlotut division of a train or luro a email part away from tho main con voy whoro it could bo pluudored and th white trmrdared wit bou l urlou danger to tho attacuora a favorite plan and one which many time hoodwinked large pnrtlo into mnerldg aonte loo waa for a uiall party of indian lo appear at the tamp with protestation or peace ifor dip lomatic reuton tha rede would bo bo pliably received and their request to cat and iloop in ho eetup offautlme granted that night tho amall party of indian would attempt to etauped tbo live alock of tho trfllu if toecc ful a largu foreo of aavago would be concealed near by to aid bono ruse woru far cleverer than that one wblcb completely fooled a uoilcdn otflcw and ceuo near being the cause of bht death waa believed by tho trader lo dorv the palm that cmr oolonel vfacflrro with 100 trooper wn cacortlng au american wagou train through the foothills of what fa now southern colorado when party of indlanj eppotred and ookod foro parley tho american trader ro fused be re- qnaat the indians wllbdrow and hold a cousultatlod whou llio convoy taacliod the cimarron rlrcr i bo uv egos appeared again tlno rode for ward with no nrrow tlml trnubvcrtjily cross tho abaft of 11 siuiir n eymbol of tho cross vlacnrru urns a catholic and honored bl norcl bunnsr fie rode out and epoke to llio brnvo if be amerlcuu will move nalde to aomo dlatftnco wu will iny down our arms and urronojr ilia indian oald osrtalaly red brolhur tlio colonel replied he orturcd dip wnuona 10 rv- ttr beyond a ridgo ii intlly bud thoy dlaappeered wlwu u liirni fortu of indians roae from comvtih iriil lulilnd the send duuv nnd noiuxd 1 dmiruc live ore liilo thu musfrtiii muka iluly the bcrouru or n iluhm luitlun uuhfa with the troop anred thu colonel from death n hoard una of lie coinunrhr yell now for titer chfafl wlilrli wn the alguat for ilia treat licry 10 licglu the loll jurapvd in rrout uf uu eolooel ami rocelved a rtmrgo of bitot aimed at ibeoaioar the firing was luuml by the ameri can who returtiod to the troupe tiny rode swiftly to tbd hiuks or the at tacking indiana and ebareed caught between two uru the aavages boou acalterwj in flight but not uuui tlwy hud brn handled aeveroly lo hand to hud enroiinfar whore clubbed riffae and tomu u11 win played u part colonel llacerro wa profu in hfa ibaaks to the american kansas uty time children cry for fletchers x ix m- 1 1 m l 1 n anvlv vlswwii castoria llio kind ifou lllnvr alwnyu uonalit nnd wltlcli imu itocri in uao fof over uo ycniu lnm bonm tho nlgriutiiro of t and linu leon iiuulo iinder hla per- htmnt uiii4rlnlu nltuoltu infinity allow kio 0110 todn olvr ynuln tlilw v all countorfoltui xmuntlonu und tiiutuiiood nro vuit svjhirluionu tlint trlllu ith rtnd nudunuok ilio 1m iilth of xulontaj ntid children lcximjrlouco iiguluut liorliuunt what is castoria caatohti 1 n imrnilfnti unlitltiita for cantor oh larrv brorlfl lropa and himthlinf mrnpm it in icnunnt it contiilna nulthcr opium iordilno nor other nitreoua siubutanro ha ago lu itu ifiiiirniitoo it duafroyh wormi nnd nllnyn povcrthlinouti jor moro tlinn tlilrty yenru it linn been in roiintmtt tmn for tlio relief of conntliuitlon nntulcncy avijul collo nil ivctliliuf trouble nnd lolarrlinotl it mtftilnton tlio htoiiiuolt iind ilowclt nsalmllatrtit tlio looil frlylnir in nltliy nnd nittiiral alecp tho clilldrouig louoocxi xlio biotliorm xvloud genuine castoria always tbtara tho signature of tilt grand trunk railway i iauuknaantnavmai in use for over 30 years the kind you hnvo always bought for youa wonderful book on farm drainage free do you know you can tuko a much crop off 100 acre properly drained us you can oft 00 acres not drulnod and novo half the labor ilia ft na vihi ijiwvw lat urcfur jul u iuwilfltollim- uslkr ik ltuvtmtj tile dnlww lmmu sblfawf ii nohii dtimislilssj llqusiilfbf kmirsmpal riv ixtn t nri ltr anvil ina ikslwlll wn yu w hu 11 tr rroi i riifxr irslnita krwan iti uhadtwojauuf v- li r lumb sfo ntfnr svery ens utalbdiwtlm oow satd i llaquvunnantlii laynunumsy forthatlu if uid k i dominion sower pino co limited ouaml na 1 coa round it all lha bridegroom routler angrily aa ho end hi brlita wero mlurolotf from a ti u day itaney maou trip why do poopio staro at u aov probably wondering just as w are why wv turtrrm each other ivplhid tlw brideu louu post ijupduh calfafte osrb fioma nwfaiiaied wnrocrow you litnu in hhiflald ntrtiinv no itinl s my liny flo insists od weurlng ida cup nnd gown while hnd- ing pi tnlm lie urn dilated from an futrtculhirnl collugu you know katt- bi oily journal yh prahl willi- are you going to take that tlal you wvro bpeaklngjilvuutt fllllls- i flmil kiiiiw of roiirav no ran kwp thu liflby in the kltclwn range during hit summer but i dont know where i tun pm mm in the winter plilld tlilplili itorord a nnilnn which tabor and takmrare nf hh mill ut labor would be rich uml impny hough thrrv wure uv gold lu ibu uiiuuri uueklu emerson eaoh man ha hi special duty to ier fufw bhapotfalworktoda iflmidoomlt very gotxl weum- waa tha psid uliasummlfaufamaujotherafemvwlth ray buf whshn hs um nuidiai nulduamlmvoawaad two- bad muutfiewe was troubled with smotfihing pellsei wewaktlfasvldbfceajuaec htfitjsrntldlawna m wm mclilwalrj temperance vale n ll write i am not much of at believer in medicine but x mutt tav uuburns heart and nerve 1411 ore all right bome years uo 1 was troubled witb smothering tptlhi in the night i would be sound asleep but would waken up witb my bnatb all rone and funk tneve would set it hack i was telling a friend of my trouble ud be advised me to try mltburna heart and nerve 141b he ahui nave me o bo which i tried and x had only taken a few of them when i could ietp ull nfaht without any ttohble i did not finish the box until some years after when v felt my trouble coming bock so i took the rest of them und they tntirely cured me milbum s heart and nerv pill ntr- ma par bou or 8 bou for f 1 tt at all dealer or mihd dlreca ca imfeipt of price by the t uttbunf co fikaited torgatovoitfa 4t the merchants bunk op canada jrxhrift is rirhtly described as eco 1 nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real gccrtt ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques caahed at par 7axuxu bu 94 acton branch f a maclean manager the made in canada empire emsssa typewriter slvcs ou 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expense empire type whiter co wl ib aibuu st will toronto out the weeks bargain list m saxe general merchant mens rain coats at tweeds suit at sorgo suits up to ladies white waists good value at 100 ladies crepe waists ut ioo silk waists at ioo hum coitii at 500 11 t tin w ik ull 1 on it 1 vtul lud whirr ii 7 1k 1 notw hui kri nn h ui5k ino vj ump n aanaaabaaddcs grain p 1 ll i chopping i well done and i quickly at only 5 cents j s per bag b harris ft co llmllej j hookwood out waananpanaaaadum fresh groceries now itaialn now currant now date now nuu new peels now apices fin line of confectionary ilrst clasi lino of fancy cake and pantry imeh every day cooked mcnu hants llaoot wllh the home i llio flavor bread and other good delivered promptly daily j r livingstone uuooimor to v e miosv will eluaat aateet boots shoes etjbbebs no ilnunaanrinnn muriiiaudbbl j au lines a foot wobj- bit rtght prices i all mens rubbers at i bargain fncas aaunnnneinnaaandandondanaoa w witixilams mill street acton grand trunk attractive trips to husuiosua lmkae lavk of mi oeuuh bay aimqw1b issket trraueh nivai kaeruiriaua lsike ijairuetawsutltlv wmsujrumlaae round trip tourist llckefa now ou sale from ctrtnln stations lu ontario at very low fnrtu with liberal tdoj over musk0ka express ltavci toronto 101s a m dally ex cant huutloy tor muakoka wharf hunt vllh a1iunqiilii park and north hay connections are made at tlutkok wharf far mtitboka lake and at hunt vllle for nointa on lako of llaya parlor library ilufyet car to alonqula park parlorlibrary cafe car und flraichu coachca lo north hay pull particular and ticket on application to agent h s hotties agent phone mo is hct0n xil t h jl and bus likio hftvlim purcliamd tha livery huunui mid goodwill of the estate or the lai jreamwilllaia i rsnwct fully solicit tho patron- okj nf tlio public comfortable rift will nlwayam supplied at rciitonnhle charge pur llio present ut oeatg hall who ha had the manage ment of the stable the lust year will continue in charge he will alwny ita found courteous and obi hilug bus hldbtycl alli ttttaimh ambrose mccann mill st acton out kl v marrom ft kashoh uurfltycjlciilrimklwatrt ir iy-

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