Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1915, p. 2

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ffftspfflwflhi married vrtiiwrt it kt m at lu rosldouon of tin brides iwmntw iklnlph mi titodtiy jimemid by me w lltrbor frederick yoimjpl itlohardson rnuuir of htratford to fun may daughter fit mr nmlmrc wkolly died poutiuj hnddtmly at tint family residence ctiuruh hlret anton on wednesday 23rj juno kllxalwlh aim moore wife of nloliohui korbeu nhm jj yearn nl tl kv iii acuiil tin tuoultiy tlnnoifllb itortha lhiyyan wife of tfred nutley in herstith yimtr wjfi ttnit 3frw rtfi5 thulthdayjuly i 1dis editorial notes ontarios sliaro of lis federal grant in ski of sflrleulluro uie past year wu b230- w8b3 and or this 9100000 vmu expended on the work o lhtrlot uepreseiiutlves a tuoat fruitful ami sslufaptory arraniro peitm ooustv hut stock carried the canada temperance act ly about two hundred majority only tlir townships rave it vote advene to tlta measure tho passing of tlilu uw cuts off twenty nine uvwit ami three shop license olw counties lb tlio provlnoe will follow wrths oxauple and vols out tlio liquor business gtwaiiun banks are actively interested in the ilrltltli loan it in their intention to secure a share of thin for distribution among canadian investors the imperial security would mil well it in safe etui good payer and it would bo popular for sentimental reasons it hat id ready been announced utat tlio loan in being freely uwo in britain ittiu 1iumoiriiii tin study of agrloulti lit the publla schools tlio following won features of work at the ontario agricultur al college during the post year 1 normal teachers class in klemetitary agriculture 1 buubut- heltool oourm for public bottool teachers 1 bummer boliool court lor high tlobool science teaolier and the first rural teaohere confereooe in ontario wuilk ute nation is passing through u10 present critical period ute oeltlon of canadian chart lanka frotn tuonth to btottlh u being watched with luteresl in eotuparinjjf oiultlorta tbla year at tbla hum will utom of lut yr uta qbana lu dapoalu aud loaua tuiwl out oouanlcuout ly ilia cmmmrvauva aiiltuda of ue pauld in akowti inraatly aalargd iuimmiu and tit oautioua autmlpofnt of itauka u iadloaud in kaavy daoraaae in loam for doudwoul purpoaaa in thl oountry and almwbaie llaaki ara in a fair poaluod to aatlat in tuuwllltik ouuulia erojai tbli fall 50 to actah cmiehs band th cauhcu sutswu a mfli for kftaplaff hill stn6l tidy mafltuubst ubd1vui0n aurh- 0bhei council uol lu najttlar ualon uooday vanldjf ilaav ilyada iwldlo tta vinaooa retort pajaad tta followloff aoflodatai good roada aoeouata tulol p hadfonl work oa blrtj 200 jlaa tlrowa do 2m lira itrtoiuod faajiutf prlaooara 0 ifebliptira kuburgooj 7 n rmaoffiaktte i20 oaa 0a kio- ooiuihjla law a gvtifc o w w uada to aotou oiu una baoj a riutlojt waa paaioj auttorujns 1k0 ra eaj ctuk to algu uta plaa of ika bw uullvuiod ukpuitau ua prop- hy of ut ilolt wjw tta uad for awmpla ulll bbl and tka lattmivj fcotditua ukara it bad law doaa tart dlacnimid it waa u tkafc aa innlihai louaa kava tla trmt anpt oftkwlta tkalr rtuva nrani uj uut tla btt and walka cootulu- lava tla aaouwulatloaa raovd oooa a wa1teb bha6dm0be estate wuiltluijm ud lir intuhum atmauii i162h in ad- oitioa la uk abave aixwiuko t amf vahily kwlouj akaadlor ftikl uiuua li applying lor wluu of ua will ol u ula w ii bmujsuh wbo wn 1mt fifty yni olouly mwllh wltb attod tb mula li vjdj at f lbw 8ii0u flftt j fouaw 1 battk aud btlifcr ataalia 9 ioftulu hnml alfaeu 10koc0 ourttf idvmtibmiu and nmu aau 15iwsi77i ismsiios tu will lwuiuia ua laufaa ol ut oouja tutmtt kw bov odfioplwl by u luuuaant4l6vriumr and au aaaulty 6t10moloo to bla u un baud- uom and uta fouawlag atmuluwi u6m00 to bla uibur mn klaga- ulll is00a00 is m ua lun uiaanl baud aod bla wl evalyo a uaud- taom uomhu u bu ton cbatlaa 0a auaidau hvomloo la bu ioa kwau guowt tiw 171 nirra 1 bu aoa waltar wllluiaa baardwora ba baa haldad la aetoa tba tmtat eight or tat yaaha uoy of 126000060 od tka daalb of bit widow mr etird tor lit inootoaa of uba oblutran aw in- eraaaad by lb following tufeoutiu i tooaoo to lu tuulaar umt hlngi- ulu 20oam to lila uui laottfa laluaiil bautlniorii 2ow00 to bla hou obarlaa 0wn board ttiot 200000 to bla aoa kvaru clatuaut baardiuora 000000 to bu aoh waltar will i w baaijatota tt rldu f tba aauu la tlavluma ott tbadaalii of tba ttatatoraj eblldrau anuuiy bla graudobltdi- tuid throat prandoblljrati la addition to tba above uia lata mr baardmorabad ufa loaurauioa to tba aitatil oftllltdtmvwblcl in 1um ba lurtjgiial a traat for tb banaab of bla widow dill draa and raw ebluratt mr oaoritt tiraan ol maadowvala ban huiahjaad k aotm eaat of norvitl balmgir to ur jobn taylor fonnarly ownd y llrjilumboou 8al waa feudally j a wuloasbliyt uaorgown obituary xlim vnm ni it 1 1 aliura ynur of uillnni hiidnrliiu lontli un in mtm vu nullii xiulu hironf i t iijulny iimriilnu in juiwi of luub jcur mm nutloy mm utlion ill and u illuyikwilu of lusr cawj jtroviml luir uliinonl to to in toriml tiiiioor an omrntlou wuu itorform imi in ootolver but tlilo nrood to im liioiroolitul and olio wuu ounlliiixl to iter hod until linnloulli frul nutloy wlio vuu u llrltluli mtlillor uutlvo of aunot llorku drklira wlillo kutlouod at unllfak inarrlod lurtlm duimaii in tlio lurrion 01 nirch at halifax april otli 1h07 uia flmt elulit yearn of their inmrrlod life wera fjkmt in ifallfav tlioy titan coma weat and llvd for n fow montiia in toronto and ii i no your nj0 mttlod in acton tba borrowing- liunhand and ivocblldranfeiirvivmt mm kutley wan a tfool wlfo atul motlior and will bo itailly wlwnl l tbaboma tiio van a inomlier of ht alliana cliuroli and tlio fiitmral wait bold from tboro to fairvlow coiuotory yeatorxlay afternoon mini nk iiuuiii iumiui in rbo utrikliiqly budden doatli of mra nloliolaa forbes on wednesday ovenliihof liut woek aliookcatioverliiecomwqlty of sredt ooverlty tiliowaawelland at work about lier iiouko and ijartleii during tba day rowred and preftlded at tlia laa libia uud wan ireimirlnjf to u for a walk wltb mr forbes wbn luul uono up town for a few minuton wben fcho wu stilokcii wltb uoioxy wlieri iter bua band returned bo found iter lyltitf aorom tlio boil unconscious and in a few mlnutea ur itlrlt tiad uken iu ueht kliubetli ami mooro waa third damjlitcr of iavd mooro and mnry ann fjamiiboll ono of a family of fuo koiiu and four daugbtoru and wan bom oittbolinmoatoail lot 4 con bruinoui on tlia krin town una about ono mllo uliovo crowmni cornara blia ntteiuleil tlio no k acliool in eratnoaa ily the uriou injury to lier father cauoed by a fulling tree tlio yreat burden of maintainlnir uud directing a growing lioutehold fell on her mother whom induatrlous bablta were trained luto tlia children growing around her upon ttta huirriaoe ol iieoaiid to mr niebolaa foibea soma iu yaura ago he carried tliom induatrioua and provident prlnciplea into bar own home tlia ultlioato result of which apparent in tba well appointed household arrangement ami aurroundlnga of the beautiful home now left detlata at tlia comer of church and willow btreeta aoumi with her iiuabaitd one of tba heat known atona buitdere in tlio oouutryilde and now one of actona iiioat eateenved cluteub alia cama to aeton about thirteen year auo dy the death of her daughter ura john damper in iftofl he- liail to aasuum tlia car of tlia ilttlo graudum lloyd wlioea welfare with tliat of iter only on william now of toronto baa been bar tuott ajalduouaoare during the uulorate of llev j a calling iu united with crewkondcarneaa methodut cliurcli and during iter residence in acton liae been a matiiber of knox church aa a member of tba ladle aid the luut been one of tba bday worker for that church and bar dillgwit teaching of the good book to bar little charge at hotua was part of bar aenta of reapotulblllty for tlia work of the head of tba church yhoee left now to luouru ber lose bealde iter devoted husband and tba children mentioned are ber brother i robert uoore of gait joaepliof chicago ii jaruea of ciilgary i wesley of toronto and howard of idaho u u and ons buter mra w trippa crewsons coniera 1i father anil mother and two aistera mra a k enter and mra j b coleman era eocue years deoeiaad a urga duubar of friends and ctuuuui anibud at tlia home oa friday afternoon to attend tba funeral iervlca itev j c wluofl d a olholatad tba baarera wvra four fellow tnenthera of mr forbea of tba hoard of education chairman jno kaatwy c c rpelght jolin ii kennedy and robert bcolt and two re es of knoa church mr u m hewlaraoaoud oounolllor aua rell reautiful floral tributaaooveredtbaeaket from uia family frleiida in bagloaw mlcb willie torao to t fred forbea toronto i mr and mra it uotiraw at j mr t a feutead toronto the hoard of education ami ttia ladlea aid of kuos cburob tht follow lag friends from u dletanoa attoruled uia funeral i ww forbea mr ami mrs waauy moore ami moater howard mm taeky richard bberlock amlrew itataa mra frd wauoo and frod forbea tor onto i mr ami mra itoltu moora gait t edward forbea dracebridgei wlllforbea salem i john murray mr and mis geo abdirtou hornby mm w a coleioaii ifeppoler j mra jno kinnard mra jos millard mm will mllurl mr and mm cfiaa rhldollu guelpli i mr ami mrs i mekenilo georgetown u0w to overcome wild must ah d those fanuera wlio liao fields spollod by tba hold rauaurd or rjiarlock may feel tvliawj to know that it oao lio oontrolteil bucoaasiully if aprayad utovouglily with iron ulfibata tbu fcpmy raay bo applied by means of m potato bpcayer or evau an apple orchard oulfll every plant mutt ba uiorougbly covered und it should lie applied on a clear bright day if ralii follow within twelve to twenty four hour tba results will ba greauy depreciated the apray tnuture la made of eighty pound of iron sulphate to forty gallon of water dissolve tha eighty pound of iron aulphato in luka warm water in the barrel and add etuufth water to make forty gal ion tfal should ba applied a plant aa in bloota ffull inronnqtloti by ap plying at tha itopartwent of agrioultut burlington finally brethren think on these things farewell srirmon by rev c i draper after four years of faithful ministry removed to milton yesterday iirgo oongrekatlonu uuemblml in uia methodut church 1u4t uuitday when itev clinrleu d irahr who bau lieeii uta esteeine1 itutor for four yearn oenoludod his mlnutry in aotou hlsoloilngacmtona were able and urnely while mr draper is aoniewbat averse to emphasising such occasions titer breathed uirougb boui dlsoourses and especially that of ilia even lug- a summing up of uta aim of u pastor during uta term spent here strong mhorta- tlons to uia oongregauon to continue falui- ful in uia work undertaken and fervent words of appieclatlon of the k dully treat ment aooorded ami support given by all departments of uia church during bis liaatorate tlia rnornittg sermon referred especially to uia relation r godii church uia shepherd plaoed overlt and their relation to uia community at urge the tout wua from kuklel 34 i 121 ami i will make utetn and the place round about my bill a bleaalnff and i will oauua uta altower to coma down in season t utero sliall be sliowera of blessing tito bleaslug and inspiration of coming to tlte house of goj was esjieolally impress the church iuelf i a blessing and an uplift to the community tlia people of goil are itelng used of god for a definite purpose hwnet i the fellowship we liava because of tlia times we have togeuter in the church of god uoda sheep know his voloe and ifa knows uiem anil lovea utetn god want us to fill the place ha baa oltosao for ua oh uuit tlia church may really be as a olty set on a hill and utat great good may emanate from it oh tliat tha community may lie abundantly blesaed beoaubo uia church is faithfully fulfilling its funcuod its light shining everywhere and lbwlng oontlnuslly each 1ms his daee and unless ha tloea bis work tha church i not a oomijeta aa it should ba my prayer to god in your behalf ia that thero shall be sliowera of blessing in tha evening rev mr draper stated that his fintaormonfouryeoraago waa from i cor 13 i 14 moreover brethren i declare unto you uia gospel which i ireaclied unto you which also y have reaeived and whervln ye stand this waa a summary of tlio gospel by wul tonlftht i use a ocumouplaoe text but one well suited to tba occasion hill 4 i ft 0 finally bteuireu wliatsoeve uilnga are true whatsoever uilnga are lioneat whatsoever uilnga are just whatsoever uilnga are pure whatsoever thlnga are lovely whatsoever uilnga are of food report i if titer ba any virtue and if titer be any praise think on uiee thing those things which y liava both learned and received atul heard do ami tha god of peace shall be with you tb preach ing of a final samoa by a preacher with a coiiscleaoa i ho small task at tha outset of our ministry uiera ia hope and expect- uou when we conclude we realua that uia uilnga aimed at have only in part been accomplished thar la however soma oonaolauon la a perspecuve view of the pest the minister u messenger ii has a message from god which lie must set forth ha ha w people from god to whom be must deliver tha tnsaaj ha must uallvw uta biiiige to the heart of tha people peruasivly and willing ha la ti personal rpre4utauv of christ in tha world t a man among men ha must begot proper spirit and engeodar a certain attitude hy the people toward the church of god tha influence of uta church wast touch community interests and legislative activities the church uiut touch uta things that touch men she preacher of today must ba a practical man i have just stated what i have been repeating year after year from tbl pulpit tha past four year 1 dlsllka now to say good- bye but muatdoso i pray that gods blattg lag will ba with you ami induo you to splendid eivdeai or mi a to be of advantage to all in ut ooumunlty tender words of farewell ure anally spoken and personal utaaka extended to all uta official hod lea of tha church aa wall aa imllvtdual member for holding up ut band ot uta pastor and encouraging him in hi work the past four year very cordial word vera spoken for bla successor uia rev mr avtsoti hi ability and ekoallaoce were strongly eat forth and ha was oommendad to uta love esteem and support of alb vou have never bad a more able and willing pastor in your history give hint your fullest confidence and hearty support at tha cloaa of tlia service rav ur draper stood t the door and bid an affectionate good- hy to all present ba mrs john itaraea of ashgrave wu renewing daulnafatl aoipjalnuitom last thursday the muaw kaley of aotou were tha guest of mr i itusuel and family on bunday mr and ura geo thompson apant uta week anil wltb ur and ura lane grand vallay ur am mr peter ferguson hsve gon to berlin to ba present at tha oelebrauon of uta golden wedding of tha lettsva parent peacock and blue mountain bchool held pic ulo wednesday afternoon in ura ira hilts bush i the rural schools cuhriculuw editor acton fuktt im m i dear mir i my attention wnw attracted to communication fn your last luun from mr ww kennedy of h h ki 7 nasm gnwoya in which be uula at length from pargraih in the family i era hi and weekly utar in illspamifomonl of our pre- itent puhllo soliool twrrloulum it u en- oou raging o waaalout to say refreshing to find someone sulllolcntly interostoil in uia ruml school to attempt to direct tho j eyes of ute educational autltorilleu to n felt need in our system i should not lie at all wide of uie mark in say lug thnt suoh inter est a rare aim more uta pity th people who should be most direcuy inter ested in uia work of uia rural school die ratepayer of uta mihool sections appear to take but scant interest generally in the school not long ago in one of our township sec tlons it became necessary to elect a trustee to replaoa una who had removed from the section itao nouoe of a meeting for the purpose w a given ami at the unpointed hour ute two trusteea remain lug on tho board found uieniselvea ulone in uie sclioot bouse they were forced to adjourn to uta neighboring houke of a ratepayer voto him into uwohair and duly elect u third trustee ami 1 have been repeatedly told by rural truatoes utat it is very ii 111 cult to secure anything like a fair roiro eeutauoti of ratepayer at uto aiiuuiil meet liif o tba section tliut la not au it should be lvogresa never growu out of indiffer ence it is of uia highest importance uiat tliere sltould bo mutual sytuiuthy and oo operation among all tlio who are in any way responsible for tlia administration of our sohools particularly a between uia hoards uta teacher and uia inspector in order to get into touch with tha trustee and to afford them a medium of expressing uvslr view i arranged for a convention of uta rural and urban boards in uta fall of 1013 a fair attendance resulted und a very interesting four hour session waa held and i am not forgetting sir that on that occasion tha completa acton board acoom panled by youmelf and ur coleman wer present vry much to tha credit of your town tha idea underlying uta gauterlng was unanimously endorsed and a county trustees ami ratepayer- association waa farmed wlui an ekecullve representative of all our municipalities bo far a i an aware this orgahluuon lis dona noutlnj which doe not betoken any very lsen in israel n school attain annual meeunga of such bodies should be regularly held and should ba mut influential in determining local and lvovlucul educational policy about ua aaslet thing in ut world to do 1 to ctlllolm it is so easy to say tliat ue present curriculum l overloaded in what respect t what subject can be spar- ad t wltat do uia farmers want uta rural school to teach 1 this i a dsinocralio country and you may have what you want if you ask for it loudly enough it uta deportment and not tha peopl who are calling for tha ruralielug of tha country school programma and they si finding it very dlmault to get any response from those who should ba uta ttoet concerned on of th most difficult uih to get into uta schools la agriculture m togeuter ooopsrsta taka a lively iuurest in ut school programma make your vlewa fait i my counsel to ua ratepayer h en organhutlod of trustee for tha county oaanot be managed i ahouu b very g to mat uta trustee in township orgenlia- tloaa to discuss and confer upon all maltar of common eduoauetial interest id ut mean time let it be said that our school are not so shallow as uta family herald writer would have ua believe irish slew is not a bad illsh at all rightly proportioned and properly cooked tba public school is no place for speclalls alien that for later year however i hav already trespassed at too great length upon your valuable space thanking you for tha courtesy of which i am faithfully your j u dakvul milton june rub 1015 umbhouse allabosrd ore you all ready for ute ilc nlo to btaaley park on baturday go and liava a goad urn tba ivtriotlo bervioa wua very largely attended on hunday ami rav ii f cutn- eron gave a very interesting address on loyality tba patriotic and red cross collection were very pleasing there itelng a total of mljs miubelh wheeler spent the week end wlllt georgetown friends mr and mra finch visited actou friend on hunday uu v meredith ol toronto la spend ing a few day at tha itotna of uls aleda meredith ura wu mcdowell and daughter are vlalung at uta homo of bar mother here uia u oahea of uxbridge u visiting at ura r l brown uu k haaaui of toronto i holiday ing wltb friend hero uu u murray and uls vouug of georgetown spent bunday at ilia home of ura u wheeler ur l kannay of acton visited friend her on bunday dont forget tha rod cross lawn booul to i held at the bllh line church on friday evening july 2nd good program- me coma and an joy youieftlf and hear lieutcol bauanuno a few cement walks ami bridge in place of tha old board one would truia quite an itdproveweub bora ataa sm aulj rats mice etc dont dl in tha house ltta and 2a at drug and country btores is10000000000000ckx00mx0 good old summer time vacation days are here hot weather too ihhr ivboitllbduflilb fix the boya and jjirla so they can enjoy their holidays in comfort cool hosiery white ian black pink ky cool llcailwear straw hatn lor all afcs runnlnj shoes childs fiirhi hoy white and black cotton jerseys lon sleeve short sleeve cool underwear balbrircan for boys thin cotton vests for trls boys bathing trunks and one piece suits we close on wednesdays at 1230 noon henderson co mill st acton ont p a increasing vout prosperity v burect way to ret rich i to increase the multiplier which mcanu for the merchants of acton increase your customers rather than add to the linen you arc selling or the btock you arc carrying to the merchants of acton adding to the number of tho linen you tell or to tlio volume of the stock oii carry is not tlio way surest to prosperity indued this ha ruined tliouuahtli of men tho suror way lu to multiply custom ers no huflluetui can proopcr or grow that locsn t mid many customers each year customers must ikj added by purpoio ful effort by seeking hint walling for tliom to find oii is folly book t lit m by the nawepaper advertising this is llio only ouro way to build up nuniberu you can multiply your customers through a scries of good advertit-e- ment in the acton free prcs able us about the cost of advertising the nimble penny beats the slow dollar d baahal auuariua hmw daaiui rm iw ujattatt ylua wjwwo0 svsteu if you knew bow to get jsoo would you not try if you will set osulo a feurilolluresystcm- atlcally you will ba surprit bow uailly you can react that sum the rank of hamilton will hulp you by n- calvlug such sums uit whkli it ollowu com pound interest oeokoetown branch w n ukay waaaif boots shoes all the latest styles of this spring bank of hamilton just openedi in hills block mill st acton i general repair shop spccialattcnlion to eavctroughing windmills iumps furnace and plumbing hot water heating hoofing gasoline engines k jas barden son m gj acton ontario g iu5t twscan antic ugtr hqos for preserving bay lantic saar a bjm can auaar lu oaf saody orlflual packaw sat clean and ata fraat ntlawry to pantry uut ana dirt la mtar bouibt sua tha opa barrel may aall yami beaaatrvaa tor ibe lantic red ball on each package i bla rattaaa aaj laut aad aalfc hg kim ttm arahulallaa koolb baa coanar arauu walau asaraauej aall yaar praaa bay w orlfhia package and look afk aad ask ortaa aad nala aaa aolb i lauaa walau aaaraalaaj mm m es haixtic sugar ia- atlantic sugar refineries limited ewa montrbaa qub t john n b z ssilfu vssmz the popular cray cloth hip lnillca button honta regular 3 o t 14 00 now going at tjlxwf they cauuot bo replaced at this jiriti reual shoes for men no mora aatiufactory blius ua tho nm ket at any prlca all classes of shoos ot beet vuuilx repairing every dny prompt find careful werlt kenney bros mala si aeton mi our sprfugancl bummer millinery hi now bring bxhlblttml in liumlmtmo rauga of solect deslgtia all tlio du tuanusu moilaui and tuatorlalu aro en hanced hi our display which iu imutil i oharacurlioil by taitefulneui nml good style miss m cooper aaootti aleak mulaa aatou oubola dseimlm ttour ubot c c speight for uptodate goods sllvatrurairw in table war vinw varlaty aloo flnta cuutsiy hardwar tinwmr and cran ltatweureln varlaly pandora stovaa and ranaa raiuoui haatata small atovaa oustovaa mvory article is- of excep tional value c c speight mill slrcl acloa lnih watch loqt ototutl liy laaviuall at tuhha piunth tor halo lin mi lit nl hlurli will luvuloiu tsltta i 1 1 1 1 for it iw u tlio llii- for uaii i 11ii11 irkiu n nuiiiulilu aiiiiw ui kinj 1 viuihu ijka aval auu ii woolj wantki khikht iimrlii 1 1 loo will u paia lorwool 1 iitinl ulolld wuliiut un to mo m hkw uarckaut aeteu athuclivo krick ucuidouco for sao i i rlcili 1 i in fir l clin mrmt ilaalralils faal lautlsl sa ot llio tliilwlnii liiwn m abiom a aolld iiblrru mn11 rnnmai valilouea r 0111 ulai 1 oir i biiroem iisird and r luuiiiiinil witli lint sir lurnaea if il liiiihn iilaaly iltvoaraial liatria lin li vi rurisn anil imll irsmi tlnroa liutiih rtinnt to auli iurobssr ii j hibvoio aotou or s1r c ii ktmvkus ii it no i isll oui cam of thanks im o 111 iiialino iln irna in rnuvay to ibe i i t i f thin 11 u niuiillv liii inrtx tliauh un l t liaivr rriilonnl vuitllv imili la wiirlmil in i in llm ureal to now willed baa to ail i truly r un in 11m tw nl ulnvh imtttw nelbliy in ilm iiinuiursnr kiios uliuroli nr nilia aom t iln i a miay lilaads in m tlui iiiid dili imlu iiu hid liunuti micmoris vomub ruii jum j uih patriotic evg at lvmehouse on friday bvcnihg july 2 a p ittii il inti ri ilruiunt will lo given in tin 1rtshvttriiiii lliunh limchouc in uidol rcil crrss fundi- ltcol dallanlinc will ililiver un ujlriih on ills caperl tntlslnilii win a tiilinllil piorhuin will lie iven by the ustbojut buaisyaslvaelorskssira acton mr a t ilroun alton mr cnrl admit ilortltown and otbera god save the kino hahuwwannanoaaaaanau new wonder land theatre 1iiuiihdav july i h till last iav8 or pompeii g kiiidavjolvi q david lopplkfilld a an utiniortidiied viaualiutlon of diliiluii nuistcrniece 6 part o umnusplijira b hondav julv ft 9 who pavb n tin- i u nt if tuelva vital g illations of lift thcflretu the n pritc uf 1 mic this will bacou- h tinucd fur twulvi vlciii onctrles fi tvtrymoni itmb itoland and o htnr king are stars in this s hpcmt pathoiihti 2 r- l gregory pifoprlclor haaooadndddaddhhhiihhb a representative wanted for old rollablo ronlhlu nurseries to k 11 in u n and dlitrlct a hancu of u limnm ti do n tils trudi nmohff furnurv in fuiit ntotk on well ou good oriiiniliit i liiiinik in tha town ku ihisivl tlirll i if indsnnis fre outfit ihiju- v mniikxioqi pild write for itrm- stone fu wellington toronto ont idrand trunk wixst dominion day excursion rabes sllifflo fuwj ciuodicoltikaiidrctuniitift july mt mil para and onothlrd quwl oolnfrltine mill mul july ihi uctuth limit july and is lutiiru tltliuts will bo sold bclunli nil utatluiih in cnuaila east of port arthur hi cum your tickets early ut clrntid truuu tliltu nflicurt w s holmes agent phone no 19 aahhhhaaonddaaadndauhattumi s granitewake tinware y at atyuactlvht f hiohol i sjstaufter inwlnrj nrlcon old wnwli tiilm with wrlnaer at- hulimini t uo andayifm nirilcipl t to n wukii hoilirviahlllotolllxoo orintro whit piiihno uml vtfc finuiu pliddini disluii lo s und moo dnt pinik jnpuuod assorted run ru i in i fit im wiiur pniln iot foa uud 14 hi fnrstc dhli piinit 14 tit fnrleoc tii nun hiiutl pii n n la j sutc iruilu- tlc nr milk ihiilora sfc tinluix diihthi moiim no all tin i v rt th pnlkliti mi oil itinoiiid thjoo tiiiix x diimlut dim ci illi icsc tiirhi llnndu dtikllceh dihtani 0l htpnlriin p nipll ijiiiiu titovra ra rtmihid pipvu cfeuncd ami put t s j staupf er opposite old 1osvt otttaa mill rt aotom anaddddddnatitih

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