Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1915, p. 3

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flrjwrffls wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a laktott auwoiitmttnt 1juoiib mcafiomaklth glvo us a call manihaotc liohnhies ibbuud grjso hynds jfawaue fy k aoton ontahio real estate wmrmutor stile iti llulton kel mod welllimton iou funum lor very nli it you watitt is foriuutuu tun tut rutulatxue or ii you 1mii u well ui eelitiua write uit wv iiuvc every i aril i ly for triiuur dim biiulticflu co your coulflu kutururtltm 1orrcii- tdddrttie hfullrltetl j wiminucmikl tuym heuluix hpeclullut lirqruetowii jlic retail jjrcc rass tiiuilla jlia i lolfl brief local items holioolo out dominion ilj canadas niitnl liij blnjjla faros on tlio ruiliwiju o dnj let overyliady uj tlielr iluiri to dn sathor trnynorii iilc nlc nt on tic to day canada wiiii confulcratod tmvcnro njfo to day tim old xulimniiiu holo in well utt roii lied now holiday visiting to ami from town will i popular to day the first number of tlio liai lltutu appeared forty years sqo to day floating on iairj lain la popular now tliat warm weather has really coins a aucoekfiil garden party was held nt lesll school on tuoeday evening von may now secure two cent postal cards covering tlio iwitago and tlia war uk the new town of burlington has a writ oi its hands already thea town friiu ooem tilth ijitrtot he prolan iativoa aro takiitpf a livestock census in tlio counties in which uiay in located at a uwn social of tlio lodla aid the methodist church trunviuin inm week ihareoelpu were 8110 hurling ton u submitting a by law to rlwm7w for construction of storm uw are ami house drainage acton citfwnv lund gave an enjoyable open air concert at tlio hand stand at town 1111 bnuaro on halurday evening with the abundant bloom on tho elovsr this j oat there should ihs great iuautlti of prime clover itonov harvested there a cheerful sort of torn thing in tha robin morning song makes ufa warn biar worth living and a tad day teem lets long tlie rapainting ol tin front of tlio uoiihlon hotel and tha addition of win daw bone of flower glvo tha preialsaa vry attractive appearance fiuut clover so long regarded as a wmj a attaining caatiderat le popularity in tome sections of tlio provinca as fodder bjvj la now la i rig investigated at tin ontario agricultural college david itaiulry aged 50 of ilrumpton was fctiwok and fatally injured by a north bound uitropolltan cor ojiiiolta mount ruaaont cnvury on ongo htnut tor onto at 0 oclock fkturdoy evening th bt utkjod uwn in town uiia uaun a that uwn by ur t i martin at ida b4w voidna on church btrvou evry ftod appoara to haxo bnniuatd ami a tin turf haa already boon tocurdil tha bflw dining hall at tho ontario agrjcultur colbgd in ana of tho llncot of iu had on the continent tha larg din aft rootu u aiuipwd to swt a00 aud b without tulur or pot to ohtruct tw vlw ortaka up apace hassaqaweya la tponwi to tlio twmwt of tlta county coyjwll tha c i r haa inntmctad traina koa62dand 133 weuhound to rtop at cuaplllvllio far pafuhangrs kaawyaa encellnt utona roads ara aurutjiijf tuotorlbtaand dally tourists av to ha mm driving through twi townaliip xtity gt qooii opjniona of our fcplandid oinjiiig community ton tha brick work of hbanewir church la ilntf rapidly now contractor lomitium of acloa is doing an ouccllent ttleco of wot it cbew c ur w a murray has tlia park at blue bptlnga nloaly flne4 up with swing and otbair aofieaioruu for an ideal pio nio llround mr kluhohui forhoa a fontver raaldant el utla puoo died very suddenly at imr beau in acton loot wodnawlay ovanlng urt itottaa waa a daughter of tha lata lkvul hoots and had lived hora until about twelve years awo whan tho family ruovvl to acton mra vorliea was i alwaya highly otuomad in this neighbor- j hood her chief devotion wan tlia we- fom of bar home whuro lior chaerful ptraaauaa will ha graatly mluod biia la iurvlvadhyooaijatar mra wm crlppa oltblaplah tho schools bsvft oloaad for tha summer uut olga mooro wrota on tha kntranoe fiuultutloo at hoakwood but woek lllsa olg baa dona rainatkably wall in tobool ha aba u only eleven year of aga mm- maointojji vuitad frlotula in took wood but watak mr nud mtp it liovins and ohlldrcit vultad over tbs waek at mr alax crlpp mr luohard rllrlaok toronto in vuu ing friands ami lenewingoldfunkualnunoe her thu waak ur aud mra a currlo and children acton visited ar mr flaorgo jrahutis ovr sunday ur pred crewwiii vlultol friends at llllliiburtf on hmtday mo tm vv olfiir ona llumlrd dollar itawurd foraoy ouoof oaurrh thut cannot ba our ad by hall odurrb cure wt1 undoralgnad buvo knoun v j obmy for tha last is yr himi ballave hint perfectly bonorulito in all hualnowi inuwmwiloaa and hinuiolally able to carry oat any obligation tnada by bu ona toledo o hailv ckurrb cum in tttktin intornally atiaj dlrootly ujn thi mood nml muoouh ruiraoa of tho syuim tuftlmonluu mitt frert irfoa7aonl kr wtltlit hold by all utugauiu ttu hull vumlly 1111 orfjonfctrpation news of local import stfoot clottttlng dostrablo llitt nuooplng of mill htttt ubing iii biiklnouh btiwliw rovimiln tlio fuat thnt dtut luplilly moouinuliiuii tha turwa ciwllitu miih hrukhtul on at tho twglnnlng of tho mouth a regular awooplng at loaut onoo it inoutli will nnuiiru groulor comfort imd muro mituitury condition tearing down tho tdhtiory dry loft workmen hava immii engagnd tho utbt weuk in touring down tho flvo htarys of inotnl clad nuporfttruotuto over tha stono work at tlio westerly oorner of tha old inlo lontlier tunneo this wau tho dry loft which has imoii rcpluoed by tho new system of drying in tho now building foot fractured palling lyohi loud mr votopli vlyun got n uoro tumhlo on klglu htreet on monday evening wlttin a land of hay ha wua driving took a alidaoter ho ruck touvold falling on tlie cement nt mr rlyiiit junipeij andn1ihting lioniily on lib hei fractured hno or two of tha bontiu llloro mr mccanu took him homo in httt motor car epworth loaguo summer school tlio minimi bummer school of hamilton conferonco 1 pworth league oponn at oak- illoon buturduy tlia progtranima la an iiumu helpful una uv c i draper is irebldqnt uv ii v avlson m a ii i is hocretary and mlua miuula lien nutt is a inomuor of tho faculty bevon illit of actons ieaguera u ill attend tha uihool continue for a week mrs a ifathorwn painfully injured about ten days ago mrs- arch mclher uon of tlio third lino waj placing a banket of produca in tha buug preparatory to coining to town when tho horta was frightened by tho dog barking and jumped forward mrs mcliiermit was knocked down and tho roar wheel juused over her j nklo and ulilo a liana st tho ankle was broken tho foot fcjirulned and several ribs uere fracturel the injury has been a era shock and mrs mchierson buffer ing very much joint inidootlon of sohool territory itoevo lfyiuln acton ami heaves j v little milton f l fiheut durlington and htanley dynes nelson tlia ijlucatlon committed of tlta county council met a oomuiltteo from wentworihoountycouncll at hamilton a week ago to arranga for a itmowal of tho agreement for lnicuoa or certain went worth sciumis by tlia public rkhool fnipoctor of halton tlia oom mlttmi agrewl on wrtus a litila better for halton atu will submit tliein to tlieir rwctive county councils for confirms tltrn broke pawlediod in detroit chief lawsmi rcolvwl a tnausg on hat urday afiornoon from tha coroner at detroit mich aaking if lia know any thing of a irian named 11111 jlltnuk who had died thera tlut ilsy on bin prfton was found a parol card tksuod ly h p moore registrar acton on november jhili i0h tlia chief rjdil thatdecoaa ad was an alien enemy wlio hail broken parole hotat rogutarod ou may 2uh und evidently left acton surrvptltioauy sltortly after tliat data tha cause of death bos not ban stated phmhtitlon to hr j w baws at a farewell gatlwing to luf and mra wllaon ust wk mrs j w daws who will u a in a few days to siend tlio sum merst vort william waa tlien praanuil wltli a purta of gnhl as a token ol sipreu tion of her sarrica of song which tha has in tho iat so ungrudgirgly given on al occasions when atkod aa ull as when ouitting tha choir of tlia methodist church al tha hunday servloaa ur haws rcjjiod very briefly tlisnbing tha ilonors for their gift tlia presentation was nuulo ly j if paacock milton lleformar maplahursl a new sulvdlvlilon mr holnrt waiuoa baa bad bis proper ty north of tlui tl t il ktatlon surveyol into a new mibduulon to in known as muptuhurtt tlia new survey which wdu inodo h d a mvlo julph ootvi tflia thirty five iota including tha two racautly purchoked by tlta bila william llrown rower avenue i- to ba coatlaoad over the o t it tracks dad through tlia property a paratul urtet is nauad maple avcnua urul a streeb runnlu from mill tltreet to warren park is vary suit ably named weluoo hlreet the new plun una ttuihorired bj the council on moodaj a van ing the methodist churob uakt sunday tha pastors wbo are moving this year throughout tha hamilton caofartnc ore expected to ooiameoo tlia paotorat in tlielr new charges nam bunday in tha cam of acton however itov mr avuon wbo is secretary of tlia kpuorth league summer rcboo which opens at oekvllle on saturday will iteooaurlly ba abseut tha pulpit will ba wall supplied by bu half brotu rav iv r lb udjy pro feuor in the university of mount allison n i dr ijddy a forceful preacher ami ida visit will ba much enjoyed rev mr auson tlia new pattor will preach bis inaugural sermons lha following hurt day removal of a landmark tho rouglicast dwelling on tha property wliera mr joint clarkaa una new reaklaaoa was ereotad a year ago la being removed to a site on jueen street near tlia o t it on tha lleardnaora property old residents will reuvaattier that this building was originally a aclioo house and stood on main street in front of tlia old presbyter- an church it was purchased by th lata col wtu allan ami removed to the site on maria street about forty five yeara ago hera col allan ami bis family resided for a number of year ha sold it to tha lata adam lalog about twenty live year ago and it was owned and coupled by member of ilia family until their removal front aoton two yeara ago successful epwohh league social tlia ueutberun tuewlay evening won delightful for an outdoor function aueh as tha kpvtorth league provided on tha lawn of mrs a h llrown third una it wua on ideal june night the lawn was prettily decorated ultb bunting and nuga and tlio refreshment itootli was also attruo tlvo an ouoellent program mo wan pre sented rv mr lraver apoka very tender fureuall word and rev mr avlnon lha new luslor waa introduced and in bis lirhjf uddrewt areaied very fiiomblu iniprciibmis wltli tlia company itov and mra llovtnrthsaiigeeveriilduets and mewrk 0iy und adsinb also rang uveml nunilmiih all of which were much jotod mr a t llrown and miss dura moor both rendered excellent read- lug tfio mhwut mason gave aavaral nurumentul duott mid tin methodut hunday hehoij orchehtht rondered agener personal and travel notes social and porsonal hums or inter est to proo prosa roadom gleamed during the week frnm tot llto tult lost from mlw ruby chirk la home frjiiu toronto fur tha holidays mr joe kennedy of toronto week ut his homo horo mlsku llortlut llrown lu homo xephyr for the holidays mr c 11 fltevenn of oslt tetit u day or two in town last weok miui una kotinoy has lieeti home from toronto enjoying a woeku holidays mr ami mr alen matthews of toron to were guestuof mrs william llrown ir and mrs angus cameron of st thomas visited aoton relative this week mr end mra c ii hmlth of detroit are guaiita of cuhtoma officer murray mo donald mrs w p llrown of toronto spent iieveral days with aoton relatives during tlio week mr janiea duncan of winnipeg was a guest at tlie homo of mr i m henderson last week hugler john l mooro of the 3tli tut tailor ijoikioii wasboma for several days this week kirs w k uneworth of toronto was a guest but week of her brother mr john j it kennedy mtaa sraukie mullin haa been appointed member of tha staff of the puhlla school at hand head mrs w a hlewait left on tuewlay for rochester k v to spend a month or no wltli her son there mrs j c vaskou or caslimere wash lug ton la visiting lier sister mra council lor ale hell ktiou street- ulu lindsay of leorgetown was a guest at tlia home of iter brother mr n lindsay during tlia week mr j if reed who was so uriouriy injured a month ago is able to lie about igsln and in almost recovered mlw ftiiel oranthara and mrs kttoh ing of toronto spent the week end at tlia honva of mr john llrown willow qtret ahlarman and mrs jno m wurren and hahy helen of toronto were guests oils week at tlio home at mr james l war mis uertle smith was home from toron to saturday and sunday rhe took liar utiil place in the choir and sunday school with much acceptance mr ami mrs j i maakeml have removal to their new home in oeorg town aoton regrets aioeediugly tlia toa of this eimabla family mrs it l oregory and mlsa ieiia tbouirwou pupils of miss margaret e thcmpaon t c m war suooesful lu their recent piano axamlnationu at tlie conservatory of muslo toronto mr will utuckey of oread valley mot orod to aoton ami fipnt sunday wltli his iarenta he was sccomiianied by mus purdy of toronto mrs o w jenkins mr uroham mr and miss claytofi of ft rand valley mr and mrs frank bayers of naaaga ways ift hereod katurdsy on a trip to california they will visit friands at swifi currant rusk and at vancouver li c- and will tlwn proowd to california to visit lie ivnama kshlbition tliay expect to ba aviay about two months iluv w a oiftord m a ii d um of tlia ut rev dr tilsord a foruvsr acton mstor has lieen apiiolnteil to the prof or aliip ol church hutory in uctuyati theologicul coluge moiirdl ho was formerly vies princljial of columbia col lege new wetminstur r c j w campbell u a son of colin campbell ltjue4lng is home from tlie univenlty of chicago whr ba wan auo ceufal in getting a lit 1 at his flnal an amlnatiou iv camplisll will take up a poaiuon as lecturer in mathematics and iliysloh in wesloy college wlnnlpegaiur seiiding tlia summer months wltli haltou friends rev mr avuana rrwell thelualvb herald soys i large eon groftlonx were went at tla lusley memorial metliodut church on hunday when itav il w avuon m a il ik who haa lieen tlia wpular and tfioleot iastor for tlia past four years preached bis firewall trmoa8 during his pastorat mr avlaon has greatly built up tha ooa gregalioo of ilia church and haa made a uot of frlanda who will wuh him eontlo ad uooes in bla new home at aoton j ii cabierdri enteruluer cotalng tlia laillea aid of kuox church have aaoufed the services of mr j il camafon tha popular and talented entertainer for their garden party to ba held ou waduea day evening navt 7th july mr cameron baa a wide reputation for clever high elast work and will b given a cordul reception on this oocosloa tha programme will also oamprisa number 1v tlia ladua quartette ui lentleineaa qoartetta duets and aoloa mlaa l willuwa will ba tha aoooupanul there will bo ad dresaaa by local minister and acton cltl- mia kund will play tea will be served early in ilia evening tha oarden party will ba bald at evergreen farm ou main street just north of the o t il track excursion to victoria park berlin a popular ancurelon to victoria park bail in lias been arranged by bt albaoa sunday bchool for wednesday july uth at victoria park aa well as tha city of rarlln are doaarveilly popular for pic olo aud bearing hi mind that there an tu other akouraiona running from acton an nounced for tills summer tha executive have engaged special train service for this occasion the time are arranged so aa to glva visitor a long day in berlin and yet bring thera bom lu good time la the even ing wednesday been chosen because of tha half holiday in acton to to give those connected with store aohance to make tlia trip those who went with tlia eacuralon last year were delighted and had a real good time the executive hope uiat their eiiterimrlao in engaging a tcul train will 1m appreciated by a bumper croud everybody lu welcome villi purticuurtt can be obtained from the 1411 which will be distributed in a day or jwa fruit bulletin ur llonswlfi- kid yniir flronor for llimn lukoloii whir- omlmtl cluoln umlvlttu iuiiv tli llul iutlf lioirry tov ll sitt kihavvinu rili itwl uurrjiiu mnulud alono nam wnk all nlur 1ouunuu raw 1 1 am your uroar to ilay the eaultless pruit tho succulent strawberry now dally on tho family bill of faro ruff old doalar johnson iloubtlasu thought ha wuu sjioukiiig tha lust word 1hui frull when ho nfd that ood could have made u letter lierry than the straw lierry but ho did not lieliove that ood over isd hut then what variety of straw berry did 1 joe lor johiibau have in mind t none of our iwut berries date hack more than a hundred year and tho berries lie know could not havodono mar than give u fcuggoatiou of lbo kinds wa enjoy his lierrlem may bnvo boon glorious but thera is ona glory of tho wluan and anotlier glory of the senator uuulop and other glories of may kinds ol nlrawlierrles t for one htmwlvorry diffcroth from unothor htrawberry in dory an dr johnson haw bean desil for many yeurunnd i need not fear his wrath 1 ahull venture to amend hia epigram by saying thnt when ood wanted n bettor lierry thnn i bo strawberry he made anntlior strawberry of course tho wlfd elrauljorry ims boon known alnco the earlient time in all parts of the work but the domesticated variety as we know it was introduced from virginia in uiio riiicc then hortiouituruts have leon in pursuit of tha ideal berry and now ihey sro libplng for grout things through hybrliljllflii nolection nnd what practic illy amounla to creative evolution at tlie inelaudseiiioriineiital atatlon alone they have thin your over two thousand new varl eties to toil lu tho hopo of discovering one that is now and urpauing according to fruit statibtich ilia straw berry is now mora widely ued than any other fruit except tho apple it may lie used to advantage either cooked or raw and canned strawberries tarry tlielr relish toeiery heoson of tha year then there must lie strawberry jam for tlia childrens lunched at school and for lha workman dinner pall in short it may be used in so many ways all delightful that every housewife no mutter how poor feehi that she must have a supply of fctrawherriaa in soma form if she la to liave lame worthy of the name not only is it a fruit of in co in ia radio quality but it has uo poeling core no pit and no vmsio of any bind it uu is as economical at it i delightful raoauso of itu porfoctionn it bus ii place of it own in tho favor of humanity and bet of all it li the llrbt fraah fruit to come on tlie market in the sring whan we are sharp t after tha long winter unquestionably the htrawberry deserves tho account of its creation given by that delightful lubulkt john amrw mltcliel odltor of ufo ho fabled tliat the creator took u much good material and so many flavors to mako the hudson rtver sluul uiallheduvil uwl up all bis power for evil in filling it with tho most dutreslng mnt of lianea to u found in any flab than tlie creator trlumplianlly made tlie strawberry and the devil liad nothing left with which to spoil it so ha fled howl ing sivl we luitt in tlio strawberry the one perfect berry tha entire aud perfect chrysolite ol fruits ivter ucarthur 0 o cool summer desserts this u the time of year when it is hard to know what to buy for a dessert nt mail time why not hava something cooling in the way of ice cream wo will del ivor any quan lily from s cenlaup our candy department always has a full lino of chocolates rum so cent to fco cents a pound in bulb and in package from a ccntu to 9tao each dont forget our ice cream parlor wo make a now dlali every saturday our newdlsli for next balur day la a fresh strawberry sundae come in and try one and alto enjoy same music from ouruew gra fonolu harold wiles miltartttwr acfw bomb like military barracks mrs purvis edmonton has had about forty of local soldiers at her homo her bom is amoho the number in renewing bee su pafcs sultsorlptloa lost week mrs annie lauraw purvu of hillside house edmonton alu write i when in acton a year ago i little thought there would so soon lie such a gloom on our country and tliat our strongest and best young men would h offering and giving uielr aervio and live to the cause rut i am vwy proud of them all my house boa bean like a military barracks for about forty who were lu residence are either in active mr vice or in training in england or in canada douglas my youngest son i in england th the 40th ilattslioii from edmonton enclose n photo of five of my soldlera hi the 40th they are such line stalwart men they gave up good positions to join tlie urmy on was manager of tho uev chant i tank oilier were accountant md rilvil engineers my son was with tlie 3 km i tee in thi woeku fku luuu tlie jijoturedf po wills who gave id ufa at tlio front although it la very laid to jive our sons i should have been ashamed liod doughi not enlisted the tku 1uliui very welcome every week truly yours axmk lvirnvu inuvix edmonton june jut l r w not enough children ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during tha growing period when nature demand are greater than in mature life tliia i shown in so tnauy pale face lean bodies frequent cold and lack of ambition vat all aueh children we any with unmistakable eamcstnena tiny need scuts hmulalon and nerd it now it i poawuitem in concentrated form the very 1 food clement to enrich hair blond ft lierofmlectlonm the young lul lea i clwnge mwaknvs to strliithi it uiakea in the ref reshmetit booth were kupt busily theni sturdy and ntroug ami nctlv engaged all the evening irwou 01 a p think the world doeunt always depend on the imp that puts on ilia sweetest appear ance per imps they arebut commonplace yon no ability no porcevarance aftcrnll wa aro judged on our jour ney ihrougli tile ly the grey matter under our hood and the man that wins nut in this streiiuoua life is the man that deliver the good wo deliver you the hlghclaa goods at populr price in outing suits outing trousers sport shirts sport ties underwear belts pauey hue straw hats panama mats comfort style and quality in our hot weather tog for mem qeo wallace ouelph out o d banking service tbia bank undtak vy daecriptloii ef baduag btsl- naa and out aim l te ivave uk customer feel assured ef court and attatuject id oof tmtm the uaay avlei frf owad by a uuu bank are at your dupoaol i awl y geed bdshuss eaojiieuvjdltni of tniall la welcomed by u the bank of nova scotia iwjjv cottu iimw uummi umwm votallusotrftquwmkmmgl samchmav matoau4sunu c k coopeu acton cement contractor for bridges siloa walks floors walls etc also agent or de laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale as a mighty river flowing to the sea increases in strength volume and velocity so grows our enterprising business ah a iantic river too finds itu source as a small rivulet way back in the liilln uo did our cntcrpritu invc a nmill beginning way back in tlio years and as we have pushed forward each rar has added its increase of volume and aggros- ivencsp with ptrcngth with price with progressive power we rush onward over coming all obstacles and hindrances in our way clearcut is our course and definite our goal our advance in ever toward the ocean of complete public con- fidence and satisfaction youll find good fishing in this river for your household and personal needs d e macdonald bros lwj guelphs leading and largest store tg wyndhun maedowlt and carder streeta ouelph oat jg i i jsi1b he adqtt arters for harvest tools g to bc each s to 12tt each 8kc each o and 28 each lie each s and hi each 8c ea set tc 2c 3 tine hay forks scythe snath hay rakes mower files hay fork pullejn mower sections mowers guards uurger son pure paris green all sizes in pure manilla rope plymouth also gold medal binding twine 650 foot per lb panstone wall plaster in 100 lb sacks s agent for the celebrated gurney oxford oil sivcs agent or the celebrated perfection oil stoves t burners 8 3 burners ll 4 burners hs ovens to match 28 and s3 jambs symon hardware mill street acton otti mhuua rall tbmm ol mtz do pet aleiy i uauvtti vsaaa chstua aslaeg tatttifftitfatt tvcertsg k mllioan hu wdltqulmmjj iml lp t uu oonur o ull ui vjunjt ulniu acbu tl kwad brick bulldluk from the otr cjli and cuiksj uuatu ol brtl auallty at vvuonabld pclmi uua dllwra ti all cuktouen pnupuy plntuu rdrifintor 6boi twa awry wmim virrt tttjca mptcluly solicit ed llltia tiuli frtcmflit6tt aud poultry miujoan made in canada jl3 i niijiil renelson g bic tornrdo shle i ft sdllflf dy ooly june ttth to 2jrd 8 ivobu snutfchamj to atoms is all ilea purashiuw i fl aud ordered ctothlu come and shure in the carnival of profit for you at r e nelson made in canada the columbia trademark on a columbia record is as true a mark ol quality as the ster ling mark on silver the making of a columbia record is an artistic triumph every shade ol a vocal expression and every variation in tone is faithfully re corded and reproduced the same holds true in reproducing in strumental music id the records of such famous selections as tschaikowskvs overture 1813 one can distinguish the notes of every instru ment at any moment even in the most tremendous passages hunhiiht tu hltfirmlulm wwaui m aoura omt actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday slid saturday chopping and rolling imth satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprlbtor get this demonstration disc 30c in order that you may become better ac quainted with the qualities of columbia records we have issued a demonstration record at sc this record is typical of the thousands of records in our general catalogues and demonstrates to what a degree of perfection the columbia grapho- phone co has brought the art of reproducing vocal and instrumental music we will gladly play this and any other columbia record lor you c c speight acton ontario

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