Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1915, p. 4

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mftw9ty he atttfix 3fra fjrrsa iiiuuhijav 11 1 m itlhft its kainimo noaea down it iiml mining ruin in uio uh dniiiriiil liin ilinvir iluniiid drill i mu will lliwcrhfiil iill- tlw climlsiif grnj njrilf thndaj and okorivlhilm im tnwn it isnt rulnlnir tin t tuu ha riliilnjr nm ihiwit itlun l rilniinr r tin tn mu ilutllomuiifrlnvirhiunin whom uti lititl mi nflii ku may find it lud niui room a imhiiiii nnlo tlto imp a fig for itlin ulut ffflfj it isnt rttltilnjr ruin to me it mining vliilutf uolwrt ivomaii cuniolin kpfects op odors and rhr- iruun a milk showeh why tloii t joii tend dim tho lioy rahcd mimiolf on hli dhow uihi listened hul ho iwcn droiiming 1er hap hut lio wi ulilo uwhuo nov tliiro wu tint light ureaming lltroditli tho imu op 1 1 door of hla moil or room i unt almost muio it uim molluara voire wlilrli said i why dont ou send john now ftitw ib sal ing something i cannot under stand imj wwlb no low hut mother will nuke a reply proity soon dim there ia bo danger of my not catchlnif iter word 1 wouldnt i it ten hut i know tlioy mutt lo putmlng umtiothingulioiit mo it may i tliat tlwy intend to send mo away to vchool willi couun tom and i am very sure i dont want lo go again came hlu motlicr a voice this time witit n uuwontail uwie at oaparityi i know i know ltd doesnt like tle milk buirvs ho llkea it tho igh just a woll ui you liked uavlng college in your haiti n more year and taking up farm work he cause you llbqught ljourtluty und joint can take liold of your word a law wuli for lb very fciknd roeson he is now six ten yurs old and i ma afraid that he lias bavsr in lila uliole life ilono otuj single thing jst wcause it voa lilu duty to do it b careful dear thai you don t ioll him witli klndruwo on uy that thia route is tit easiest ono of all ond tho idea uut jou must hire an enlr4 niau tlilci ear wlwii crop w so mior wliila jon liaio a aon who i pwftly nt lo to do tho work u to bm notooty alim ttut wklod ai hu iitotlicrti olco cjuimm john throw liiuulf down on tho 11 auiu ho did not try to hear ida father a reply he know that it did not matter or ho tutocud in lu uioutara tonca har dotorni nation to la v hi in do that to him doflatal lo work anj alt was sum to carry tho day klia always did when nho rally aot out fur it ovr aod ovar ior tarnodt uordu runt in hu aara i i am afraid thai ho hojt novcr lit ilia whola ufa dona one inula thing uat locauaa it wan hi duly to do it iio and haotily linaw itow truo they wore then ha mvuwdtl hli fathera life he knew the atory iu every detail i ida leaving college to lift a riiortgdge from tho farm at hl atbera death that ono clrcametance hail made of tlie delicate hook loving loy farmer ttien canio tlio fall which hod lamed him for i if so ho took tin dairj farming and owned the largoat milk route in the city now here wu thin aooldont which had left hint with a hroken right arm and tho neoeuity of giving to utma one alae for a vfhllo at loeat tlio driving of ooa of the wagons to tlio city thon join thought of ids own rtntoen years of eaay aheltered life lie hod nover fail a noraa or used a hoe an ax or a spado and while other fanntr loya in the neighbor i hood had tf udgail to the village achool lie had been given a home and huggy for hiu own um knowing tliat wlten ha returned i hotoe witit it at night there waa a man ready to unlmmeaa fowl and water the animal and clean up tho huggy if need ha for the next days trip hut now to go around town driving tlie milk wagon doubtleu meeting many of hlu high fchool btttwb heut up n ted with a ry fieroe deiertnlnatlon he would run away first when the vacation waa ovr how dreadful it would he to meet hie mates with the allgtfl tallk paddler written all over blw waa it for tbla uiat be studied so foluifuilyr for he luul studied well everyone said so tben oume another thought iio deserved no credit for study log that was a joy to him then hie father inaudible worda ceabed ami ida toother exclaimed bitterly i itu no worse for him than for you vour nature u quite u refined and sensitive tin lilt indeed i aid sure that ynu are much more of u poet lit mnt try it a white it wllldoblm good to learn exactly how the income la ohtalaod wltlth brlnga him his life of ease tlio fatlier inodo on indlutliiot reply but the boy aald to himself fiercely es uolher la rljtbt aiul ill show her in tlio morning that im not ipilto tho molly coddle alia takes me for then knowing that the milk wagons left the item at an early hour be turned over resolutely and went to tleei well this isnt so had said jolin to hlnuelf on the following morning as ho drove leisurely through tho cool and stately city streeu ilia fatlierhoil tokl hint to tuko hln time as the route waa among the peoplo who did tut break hut early jletween uto alops ho etadled intently now and then consulting hi twite ihook in order to know just where to go next suddenly amid ida ooooent ration on his book be heard frantic scream ho caught up the sluk reins awl halted the horse with an imperative whoa the next instant he saw coming towardu him dash ing along the mdewalk lis frantlo haste something which seemed like it moving taaa of are a eeoond glance awl he knew that lb waa nothing more or leu than thai urrifio thing a child swathed in flames loan instant holding one of tlio big cana in hut arm he won on tho walk pouring the snowy fluid over the burning chill it waa enough the flamea weroextlngulth cl aroused by the clillda horeatna a crowd hail gathered and uio father wha ured but m few doors away came running to them picking up uio soaked child who waa allll crying though nob ao loudly lie called out i o my boy you liavo saved my itabya ufa now will some one run for n doc tor 11 bore the child away three men atarted for a doctor and the remaining people crowded around john to commend unt for hla timely deed tho uy escaped from tham ae toon an possible and turnol the horse toward dome since the milk j urn nrixifiof lid mdar ia tsd to liefou lo hniih iiiiilh i tin iirmiui if liliok wal nut ux u t it hi to houm it i it mutlor of iiiiiinnii nhhiirkullnii tlmt itiruoiim ougiig rd in tho hilhlni a nf iimkliig uliiiiglo out iktnriroroiih i ir j tlmlkir in iniiuriil ills triitu iiiomiiiloil ifflvuriiirtoloimy inuurlu diuohuiimiindthiit ihirhiiihoiigiigiml iudisllll inj tiirpontlnu ilt nut n after from either iiuiliiinl ijhtuicit or tonuiiniptliiii it li mid llml wl on nhtikrti vuu oiileiniu in moiiij iiih loini kifwtiiu worklngln ikory iitiihlui wuni iintiroly oxumpt from it it h olllrniod thni uluna tho doulriictinn of tho tlmoiioimoii ihu mmid of toniutolho lolmi iiri4 milluiw from ophidine mi liiidwn ixifnro mid in tlmou whim tlinlon him prciiitlod in iiulin und l thosn nmlnjod in tliu jixirfumery fuctoriou hun oi iwl i rnxnjrtin til ft und m iiiiiimi with mill i klgniiini inodiclno for n child mi mother druvoit constbpation can be cured trwr u nothing to kqtul milburo ut liver nils tor this purpoml mn a cum mi hit maticheiter oat writes i lim c been troubled with conitirmtlnii for nvrr five yearn ahj fcl it m dut to let j on lnown tlmt your mlltiurn a iami urr ill la liave curai mt i oul ired tlirrc viali mid i can faithfuuy m thni thc have uvil ma frail a lami- doctor hill hillbumn inxalixrr pilu rijfulate tlte flow of bile to art proprrly on the itnwcli mid thus lccp i lit in regular irrts ui ir imhici- aro tlie main cauu of con tij im n 1 he pria i milhuni n tjina liver rill i lc jvr vial or hds for l 00 at ll tuilcr or inaitcd direct on r el jit nfinccln til t milbuni co limited loroiuii out owe wouau has her wchys mra kally and mri ituitiirty ware ex clmniug idoua aorou tho sliahhy fence which mmratcd their rofimvctie domains the oonoratoii tiirnnl on tlio subject of woman suftragii the llilhtdolplila itecord quotomtha first lady as tayintr are ye taking much stock in this attlmpt tlmt a lot iv ti wiinnilii aro making to get ui oto f r us mrs ltu forty i uln t botherinu mo head about it doclarotl mrs lluliurty im satisfied to lot hi miy and th tiya do all th voting for mo family liut i do think that a luly sliud get a mans iay well repllul mra kelly all i kin uy ia lira it a forty tliat i pet one nuni pay or know the reason why ivory satur day night castor a vof iufanbi tod cmidma in ubo for over 30 ytirs always 1 the roam mattirs stoay the wlaa ou trmar und hu good wife wore disoumiimg the cave of their nhloal mtn tuiya the now voj4 w fblo soil had hmni ttloutij himself from th funilly clrclo on wodtiwdy unti uuntiiy otenlnga with atupioioua rrgularity now lihhi ninny weeku mot only that hub on tlifwo eionlnkn im iioiiimh the tery llimt of hlu elouiou author rumimluircd that tu the courting otlquette of iiik youth wwliniwlny 61 onlng nallu wore ooiiuidnrh hy the mirnlu to moan hutluem i uimo tlintsuyiiigto himday night uipmtr waa wpilvuleut to puldlahhig the luiuiis- motlior lookeil trouhlod rite confessed ulio would like lo know who uie girl waa i iln houi who known something uhout hnuukeepliigsind unt a girl wlioualwaya guhllng uhout tho wild wistfully with hii anxioiib look on lir initially placid brow r why dont you auk him mw fatlier with u iwfnklo in his eye attkhlint how wouhl you have liked to ha naked wlicro you were going when you motlter limbed and futlicr looked eonlhjte i tiujii ask site roan uutrihebugrostoil whut that roan loomit know about the busliioui isu t wortli knowing vou lute hiram hitch iter up tomorrow and five iter her head and slioll soon show you jour tilre daughter in law j uotlttrwlopled fatlierm suggvalloti ibo next day ami sure enough tlie roan mare trotteil offiua my mi purpowsfol it almost bunau uho lurueil kelther to tlie right nor to the left until site had come to the sud of tier uocuslotiud roule then site lislted and tunveil to look into the huggy inquiringly the iiuoksr duaitearvl from mothers brown face end alia beamed upon the roan tuart as if it lud ueeuall hr doing i for this was the one girl out of the whole town ship whool she would have cttaeatl ltelrelflf site lisj ttwm oonsulul show not suhmitunoe i realltiea govrn wise tileil he wlu forgetuth his duty ones shall be trusted no mors tlira are folks who tem to think tliat tlie cannot bare backbone without brie thv nollilng is easier than to daxxls tho mul titmle wllli wild thoughta tliat seem new because they are bold no alum baking t iiv ll- odit tkk lllhinkhb 81tnhbig of cmc what he fohoot a school inspector was touting acbu power of observation ho made sure that he hail a gold mounted fountain pen in hla wslstooat pocket plainly displayed then he left tho rostrum retired to tho anteroom and there removed tba fountain pen to an inner poclot returning he stood with his coat tluown back und his vest display ed penleui now boyn ho said tell mo what i liave forgotten there was a long pause and then a small voloo piped up i 1ieuse sir you forgot to say excuse me wlion you walked in front of tliotcachor cokckwthation 1 dont know that there li much uho in keeping my school open more tlian a month or two each year said tlio orrnan peda- goguo why is that i our kmperor has hlmjjifloil mutters to such un extent that uboit you ask the name of tho worlda greatest poet ialntr musician jfonotati traveller or monarch uioro in only ono answer to ull the quea tions ailing women of middle age mrooucttrjtelu of htt imv tiesinfl symptonu durutif change of life nod haw she found relief belleville nova hcoticn thr yeum ago i was urfednff badly with what tha dot tare raited obautf of life x wan no bad that i had to slay in bet soma friend tnld me to ukeldia k plnlchama vee- tsiblfl com pound aad it helped ma from tho first it la the only mad lei net 1 took that did help ma and irwsornmend it you dont know how thankful and grateful 1 am x ul you prmtasloti to publish what your rood modlclna haa dona forme mru bluoh doucemd uellevllle yarmouth co kova bcoua canada such wamlnir nymptoma an senaa of lurfocauonhot ffashesheadacheahack- achea dread of imperullnp uvll timidity bound in uio ears palpitation of th heart spark beforo tho ya irregu larities conaupatlori varlabh appetite weaktwaa and inquietude anddlkilneea are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching tha period la life when womana groat change way be expected had cholera infantum ifttr silkl h wit in a vry fcfliterms cawiiui mothers cannot watch tiuli taudres too cloecly for slgaa of cholera udaattun oj this disease carries off thouiafad oj lafonu durhqc the hot tummer mouths mr geo w garland avoeaer llrook n d writes last summer my boy joe then a year old was taken alck with cholera infantum he waa so bad the waste matter jrota the bowel looked as if it bad come from a broken boll 1 sent word to the doctor who was at a neighbors about a mile distant and ha said my boy was la a very dangerous condition he aent me some tablets which tomda the child vomit and when he learned that they caused vomjtln he seat me more tablets to stop it in the meantime i had been tivituf vf fowlers uxtrnet of wild strawberry which x continued utluir and when the bottle was all used my baby was cured i thoutb it only fair to let you know aboutit dr fowler kxtract of wild straw berry ha beau oa tho market for the past 70 yesriv and i known from one tail of canada to the other a a positive cure f of all bowel complaints when you ask fas xr fowlers be ure you get what yod ask for as there ana many rank imitations on the market the fettttliie is manufactured by the t ullbura co tlmlted torouto ont price sit can tu 1kside criticism ho you urn ftilnjf to ho nmrrlod alary f v cu nmniu anil ill iw louung you iiexttuolny well i liofw you ura uotthig u gooil buultaml if ho uiii t uuy hot or ihin tho one youte got i uuui kop hliu lung the ijuit asthma attiick limy roully lio tho last one if prompt iimuwron uro lull on iv j t kolloggn astlnni itviivwly will safeguard you it ulll junotrutu to the imalil broivchhil pauuiio ond bring ulout a boalthy cauilltioii it uluruya rolloio uiul ita continued uui nflun oltiiln a wr maivant curd why not yot llila long f am on a remedy to day mvd ooiiiiiwiico hi uet iulialoil us tm ok o or vamr it ia ually ehvotiia ohildren cry for fletchers o a i a thk third examining admiral to naval camli date i now mention threo grout admlr au candidato drake kelson and i beg your pardon sir i didnt quite catch jour name punch if you are wtlfod to take things os they come you won t get much ryogreb u never blessed willi tlio aid of downward current often littleness makes a human failure vufnb heart seldom oscapu fair widow any man who shaves hlmsalf is apt to cut his best friend a girl doesnt think much of iter parents idea of marriage are you bilious jrll nr iir the hiali vtlio wu ti 11 m lintg olcrlf 1 got nut of tlio drug btmluosu bo ruiiun imuiolliltig lioppound that near ly tiiruod my liulr gray anfd li horlmih fitroil innii i iihiiii to ulcop in tho ntoro niu nftun 1 hud to niinwnr liluht ullh onu night i wnu uwukoiiod from t ditop iilnop hy uomoliody porulutnntly tlnuliik tho door boll i found a mid a 11 hoy nt thn door und liu linmlod mo n prescript i on 1 wnu so alncny that i roil id hardly hoc but x flllnd tint prfisrrjtloit hit toy paid mo and liastnned awny wbon i wont lo roplaco tho hot ilea i hud inkim from tho hhnlvcn my oytm worn upon n little wldor than in tho openlnu alaicou of my waknful ii oss nnd i wnu horrlflod to llml thai himloud or inking down tho bottlo of tincture of oningn i had used- tho nov lioltlo u doadly poison i flow out of tin etreot door am lookod up and down tlio atroot tlk itoy had dlsnpiioarod i imd uovoi hifoii lilm boforo and did not know fnl whom tho tumllclnn was i wattfotl to rush off to lio doctor and find on i who tho potlont was hut tlmt i do rldod would ho uhoiosk dm it would bo too into to do any good i ontorfld thn wtoro and parod ut and down tlio floor my lialr alooil on nnd i saw my victim in all tin agony of aconllo poisoning x saw tlio palo face of death i saw tlm fain hy vowing vetiaeanco my heart thumped furiously o i hoard hasten in k footsteps i nnnred throuah thn window and saw tho ho who had brout ht tho proscription tho bottlo was rone my only hopi vanished witb a irmnhllnk hand i opened tho door prtparod to bear thtf worst i thn lad stood hesitating tenrf wore in hla eyes i dared not spook f please mister lio utam mered x rati so fast i foil and broke tba bottle and i aint got any mor money uy heart leaped info my throat x felt ilka giving yol of joy as i leaped forward and pullod that boy into tho atore i wanted to hug and klaa hlu wben i hid mas lo rod mj emotion i ftave him another bottlo of mod id no which i moat cheerfully paid for out of my own pocket and into tho bargain 1 gavo him tho bin goat handful or expensive randy be eve had rr imitiulcsdi filloncliffiria- lil oiihini larpliiih lurnmcrol notnahcotxc a prjf 1 1 ifrtnaly rorfihaiiii linn bfiiirhiomhhiantr4 ivunr rinvuljftsi norb enilj 0h40fsu it athimu khtuieof niacrwtacucihhoiv h0m1uuunewv0uu castoila for infimtr nd chiiiliop mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signati of bxaet copy ef wrapper iii use for over thirty years castoria a cterleal frror a salesman traveling far fron homo and anxious about his homo er fair wis hod to write his wife si that uho would answer linmodlatnly ho know an appropriate hblo voran but did not liavo a xllblo handy t aao if ha had the right raferoneo howavor trusting to bis memory hi wirota xjoar wife proverbs xxv 3 ixe received no answer to this an when ha gat homo bo asked hlu wlf why alio bad not written to hini oho got the ii i bio and ihowad thi verse to him good heavens i ha said i ought to bavo beau proverbs ntv ib- for you a wonderful boole on farm drainage free laolmlcltrlll ld to dimuia ibdltullm in lb tamuwlilla you wtttt ttem mlmnua ilek vpboeu dtnna- tloa and allow ohawbebuulrl nouiimiauvea tablets ibayw ua fojmmiuuoi ithufmtlod stiiuy rtntyu lijjii c rt take these lydla e rinkhunviteubl com- tbathp ohildren ory for fletchers castoria cned nervoua ayatem it has carried many women safely tlirough this crtsti vmtvch couavksr a dostou woman waa talking of wrla tba queatlon of the relative courtesy of nations earn up well it would take a very good inns tratlou to persuade tua that any people bab lbs 1reaeh site remarked ill give you an example i was walking down the ctuunpavuyaaa and waatad to find a particular street called tha llua da la ctocliee- not knowloo juab where to turn off into the aide street i aived a young vrenchmsn who passed me if he could direct ma to it he assured me with a thousand pardons it did not know a few minute later i heard hurry lug feet behind ma ami there was my vrench man madame ba said sweeping off hla hat and bowing profoundly mid you not ask toe the way to tha hue tie la ohxbeat i waa sorry i did not know bub i have seen my hrouter and asked blu and i ou sorry to luforsw you madam he did not know either boston traveler ohildren ory fob fletchers oastoria waits on tha hands is a dlangurettlerte that uoultue many ladies houowaya corn oure will remove tha blemishes with out pain half assertion alwaya dwarfs tha soul a prlua must be just and good a well as valiant character is never put oni it trows out many a tailor suit cover a lob of hand madown sins koprloeaoan be strong and secure un less ha is religious lb takes a matrimonial storm to curdle tho milk of human mwlnea it wakes now friends every day not day goes by tlmt dr thomas ecleetrio oil does not widen tho circle of its friends orders for it oome from the most unlikely places in uie wet and for north for its fame lias travelled far it deserves this attention for no oil ban doiio so much for humanity its modorato cost makes it easy to fat ulood will tell usually uio things wo do not wont told honey talks but thoro is such a thing as hush money tho honeymoon is on ilia uano uhen hubby quits taking wide everywhere ho goes onlj those things tlmt are put into ih lug are learned tub scots ut amd ytut lattv tba following ocidenb aervea to illustrate on what evil day the word lady ha faueo a u waa taalungoim aav oo poor sooltub woman a small boy who had coos ta um door oo heahatf knock ran luuedlataly into the kitchen where bis rnoiher waa ab work suaaldt allthar thecmawoiiuui abthedoos wonuo to sea you wot woman boyatanly lebar- jected the visitor i a lady i tell year w wotherahulywlaaaatospaali with bar ltdhaeplnkbawmralhaeto cean t- u tijttim alijtil tleaual lya- tear latter win tm grrsaatj lwal ttyjl- asrro hy a lady had goo wiso thatawfo t and wasbsut as4 bew i strict mbeaee tba mlther o jeaus was eedy a woman 1 was so weak would have to stay in bed jbwbuni hutrt nv hit mr jr day m jnhn rt eoutb hamilton out writes i was so run down with a weak heart that i could not even sweep the floor nor could i sleep at iiliht i was so awfully sick sometime t had to stay in bed all day m i was so xh a perfurna factory afusk 1 perhaps tlio most valuable and dollghtful of all por fumes yet tbi refluer a ho opens the musk podi must wear thick cloths over mouth and nostrils so repulsive is tho odoi that tho pods emit ludood hli odor inhaled for any length of time eausos nosebleed civet karasullui and ambergris have in small quantl ties a dollcfous porfumo but in large quantities hoy smell so abomlnahls a to glvo tho worker nausea the hawthorn blossom is delicately sweet and perfumers prise it highly yot a roomful of hawthorn blossoms molls like a ebarnpl house this too u true of tho tube rose pvmheen carat xot into a jowolory store thorn came i hy pretty young lady with tier en gage m ont ring which had boon bought there and which aho would ltko to linvo changed tho ring fitted her exactly and sho waa creatly pleased wltfc the noblo sentiment of the inscription what- eer betldo let lovo abldo but she did not hko its arangflinent examination showed that tlio stol id unimaginative old onnrnver had carvod in tho sentence regardless of the rlngmakore lit tin stamp of qual ity and ao it read whatoer betldo let 14k lovo a 1i1 o do you know you can tako as much tron off y 100 acres prorwrly drained as you can off 200 vj- acres nob drained and save naif tlie labor t o firt ii yo i lnnw ihst mair inrtijrf lite daausaa ilts pulvcrliutlnji lcnull inn tlie waun- prwna aoifun hlnrmeue vmir isnl hal lr tawuik tnvntsijroualtaiul ercnic tlw ijuunlity nml imprnv tla uusllty cf your tnlt ulrnnt i vmii will ynu inlay frw of wat svyld- k- luroiuinjliniililaton lliua itjatr uiith icurn nblllntflo nav ikrn i noirlt nllilnrf llml will lietp ynu arow lhr i lurir rr 1rnpcr iiralnmv mmrnaamuci aa twoilallarf in ir i nl cr tint i r nvry nre ihsl iroja thr ttaw ami llioiurmont ten xuitioiwy forth yiulf tuslrsj y jf af llrkiuloliii untto tku yoafltajiuwul pkx w jlr limited svaaua twrfj loo i riajo weak x used three and a half boxes of mllhumu heart and nerve nil and x am n cured woman today and as itrouk as any one could lie ami oni doing my owtt housework even my own wash ins i doctored for over two years but got no help until i used jour pills mllburns iteart and nerve pills are 00c per box 1 boxes for fl 20 at all uealeru or malkd direct on receipt ol price by the t milhiim co limited tv- torantn out why ve mbedfid why la yee used in lireed t this ques tion may sound foolish to most housewives but let them try to answer lb hlestlaelally before passing judgment in th dough from which bread is made tharalaalotof sugar which contain car bon hydrogen and oxygen lb i nee sary to ferment this sugar to make bread edible and yeast i used because it lias tha power to do this it is mada from the 0anb having this quality sermentlng sugar is equivalent to burning lb and there are two result on 1 the formation of carbonla gas a great deal of this gas u caught in the dough in the form of large or small bubble and some of ib escapes into the air the part that cannot escape cause the dough to rise and make bread light th hole in the bread are tlie little pocket which held the oarbauto acid gas ttoeovctofthalkihuwlstollfttho body of dodgh so thai the heat can psaetrale readily and bake ib lrowwly casual iytnpatby vour daughter told ma to corn and ask your consont to our mar- rlago said tho norvo ui young man alio did responded mr cumrox and you como hustlhir rlnht along although you know youd probably flnl mo in a bad humor and you know alio that o lonir as gladys and hor ma bad made up their mlcd my consent or rerusal wo idnt niako a particle of difference young man yruro being put through your family disc pi i no too early uatrh crlstal a fow factorlos in kurope make all tho watch crystals used in the world these romprlso flvo in lor raine two in iraitco two in swltier- land ono in alsaco and ono in ilo- honila thn annual output i about 800000 gross hand labor a em ployed to a great extent in making tbo crystals and tba wage paid aro very small uhere to hlng i will sing something restful to you dear said a lady to her morose husband shall i slug fur fai awayt i i wish you would was tbo bit ter reply it would save the trou ble of apologising to tho neighbor never touched lilm landlady to now boarder crush- ingly ur nowcomo that i tho cream and not tho milk you are pour ing on your oatmeal it was intend ed for tho coffoo mr n oh novor tnlnd kirs dal- klm i hko it just aa well the merchants bank of canada gwiuht tti 2ff ilnumam im csasd jrthkift is ri described as ecc i nomical manatmtnt aohrcwd business man is spoken of an thrifty be cause lie saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his tuilcest lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with thia bank all local cheques cashed at par vms u4 i tik oltanl trunk railwav tfatsienrjutl t alnb fl wtilt m ii lllil st wliloli ajasoa lull u waat no bq rime bi fn iii laua in j iu u jl i rt wnnnuannnnnaoctm g rain chopping g s i b well done and b quickly at only i 5 cents perba harris 6t co umiua bockwood tyut naanpapnaaaana robt noble ltd sigau 11eets tlltnlis vxd seed cobn lcninlnif wllltt cap cnrtiptdn uibtf iliillp witcotllii mo 7 longfellow j l warren acton bralch p a maclean manager 6lftttli3tt9 fresh groceries ntw raiiiins new currants niw pates new nu la new rcja now bplcco fines lines of confaotlonanrv first class lino of fanly cake and pautrj kruali ovry doy cookctl iftiiu ilamt llflcon tho homo like flavor brtid nnd other goods detivered promptly dally ith j r livingstone uueoaaaov to it b siiok hill street aatett boots shoes rubbeks oa ilnunopntnin iniiriiicidarjdr made the in canada empire typewriter snvts ou o lo0o try before jou buy at our expenuc empire typewriter co ia aiiuid at wc voiionvo ont wat coailtrtly inmti wilh liilta hi0 h1n on hli mill at 0n6fc btardocfc blood bitter ouhkd hinl doll are caused by bad blood and unless the blood is made pur you cannot expect to get rid of them ointment and solves will do you no good vou must get at the seat of the trouble by using a good internal blood purifying medicine such as that grand old remedy burdock ulood bitter tit samuel buckler talamagouche n8 write last summer 1 was constantly troubled with boll i had nine on my arms at once x thought it wa caused from bad blood ao i got two bottle of uurdock blood bitters and before the first bottle won done x began to eel a great deal iwttcr and before the second noe was finished i did not have a boll nor have i had one since x cannot recommend b b b too highly burdock blood bitter is manufactured only by the t mubuni co llmlud toronto on vji the weeks bargain list m saxe general merchant all lines q kootwer at right prices all mens rubbers at j bargain prices 3 a andaaaaanaodnaaaandnanaadd w williams mill street acton mcnti rain coats at ijilmm t weeds suits at oss serge suits up to i2ks ladies white waists good value at ioo lndics crepe waists at ioo silk waists at ioo rnin coats at soo 7 saxe the blrck store opposite new poatoffice hcton liyery and bus likio ilnvlnj purchased tint livery uuxiiickut und goodwill ol thn catntu of hid lata jcdus whiiaats i nenpociruhy fuillclt the patron age nf tliu publlu comfortable rigs will nlwnih in aupplled at roukouiiblo charged for tho prcuont ur oaaeg fall who linn had tlm manage ment of tint htiible the past year will coiitluuu in charge lie will alwnynbo obliging bum nfmkclrcs axx vhjtlhh ambrose mccann mill st actoa oat atents habiom hxu0k ruihrtnluiicmsicitaauwnrbains i

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