Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1915, p. 2

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iii marnikd iisti tilt li ml on wodiiewuy juiw 1 atllto nuiliuniki of tlw uldrrl krllitoviiililnhv tlw luv john wy violet m oldost duptr of mr mill mm a 1 hollh t munoau hlixiuir imti iuwiihiiii died oumaal ida into ratiitonoo ouelth on hiimloy inly uli w it ultou ur- rlster in lil 7ut your him in at oubvliu m thursday lhtlt tuly william it iloohe formarly of tlio anion lluiiwi acton in hi nind your bmit at ht michndlm ikmjjui toron to n hat unlay july 3rd william hlorey tlio towiinhlp of trafalgar in hla firflli j car elje rtau jrcc ms 50 teachers applications professional squid university graduates ttttd oth ors spoolnllbta pnkfehehce givejtto the home applicants tiiuuhoay july 8 1018 editorialnote3 tut linn of peace raised by the mani festo of the lermsn koclal hemocrat ierty li not dispelled hy the cliarusof onloul pratoaltt wliloli it arouses that tint war lit wiful till every opposing caatheunt u airmailed it la likely that the social ham- oorat manlfoalo being tlui manifesto ltd of an irreaponalme individual but ol an in fluential political partyn tlte buu irull- calee tlmt uarmsny in tiring or westing out ami tliat mia war la new waged for favorablu tonus wakly bun till tviuiwinh significant reference to tits wlieat crop and prices appeared id ilrad ttreete on monday t wmu canadian wheat supplies and united bute stocks of old wheat ur no mora than italf what they were a year ago tlte outlook for the north american grain price is not especially tltraotlva there ia likely to be a period of waiting llritalu and her allle are wall supplud for ill present and new crops of fair yield ar about to be geraed la kurope united htate farmer kh not likely to ku until lby can secure a rood price itecause lhy are in a financial peal- to wait this oontlnaot will have accord- ing to tlia bet authorities in tba trade about 1100000000 butltels to epot dur- 1 ing tba coming season lrg quantities ol naw whaat will lwoi tbataarku by july xttit it u argued that wut will not rnacli tiutly tlta blgb uvb tbt vvalud but wlntar ami the ra0ft lvit la tbt wbairaaa uia1 uvaallud blloj wc bid- din against caob otbar all will ptircbuad tbiougb on rpnatttatl v durlttg ui eai- intf ywr tlio itoard of kduotlflu inu n dlmoull itrotium on monday eiilni when thny mot to till tliroo ttduikileu on tlio huh ol taacltard for wliloli lbro viioant wmiltluiiu fifty rx uuioboru from vurloiih jiolnta tbrouffliout tlio jirovlnco njijiuwl in annwor to hilvfirtlmmontm ublok littil immii inutrtwl in two city dallloa tlio niiiiliodiita worn alt uauiut profaulonal teacboi weira grailnatom of tlio unlvaraltlom i aflveral liuvo takon tlio oourao of ttio vuoulty of eduoatloh and ono won n hjoi1 kinder- artan diroctnwta when tlia quail heat lonn and exrmirleiiof of all hud ban oounldrotl tint cliolca ol tha lloanl raatoil umn two roldoiit appli oanta and ona from ouuulo tim apiwlntitvonta wore tnado cm follow i uovatl by n torbofl faocoikdod by j c siwlgbt umt mlui mary c mtimuii aoloti band li haiauy engdgtul am toaoli- er of tlw etftoottd llaob itoom for tlw tiomlug ynr at tfm kalary of thm ir- uovmi by jolni it konnody aocondad by n vorbaa that mlu luliy vouur acton bo and la hotrtby aiigagl an taaolior of tho lflrt llook iloom for tlm ooinlno yaar at tn udary of 8300 curried uovd by william tolinitoiia aocoimlod by j it kannady that mlu klliuliaui a wiuon of mlnsloo iw and in liaraby en gagad aa toichar of tlia primary itewrt- want for un oomlng yaar at tl wlary of im0- catrlad latur wu roivil from miu mlnnlo uatrnau acoaptlug ro angauainent at tlio aabury of ffl from miu wlilta rouat- lng an inormua of 30 and from mlui ubuk atktug tliat bar uury b lncrcuad by j2ji a uttar waa auo rooeivad from miu dakar atating tliat if alio found it ininota ihu to uka lb polai court at tlva unl vwmity bba waa oonaldairlng that the would uoapt radgriiont at uu ubuy iiahwj by tba boatd w25 i 111 uuk loft a tnatkigd tliat if tlm talari of tba uachlag ataff ol tha lubllo dbbool wr not bvlng inoramil uita yur fcb would aooafrf roitgagwant at 500 tba cominlttm od klranoa iaail tba fullowlbg aooounu i a t llrown fcutuillna a itudoah uniury work niolmkmauatfuoadv 1111 mntlngcaadv j tt ufcroliun euam f jan tlynutfi auprjlci the promotion fexahinatlons tho pupils who won higher places in tho publla bohool pon diligent work last term tho iromotloif qmanilnutloiih in tho uhlla hchool baa raniilteil m followu i viian kii iv yii hn iv hay agnow mniii hurnoi kmiiia klllot laiolo kd- urtlu null lbbfiiiu ksiinoth hinlrwjii oliulyu hulyiiinii iloyd ktrnney touilo mowat poarl nutloy lilu ktowart duff wlluan itoiio wowluh hugh wllllamu iruiih hu ill mi jk iv aloniuw cook hon clara cutting hon oilier cjltlng chntlla cloldluihi k truer ivaniler- aon hon ulllun howarth hon ploronoo io hon clurllo mann hon mnrgarot mnlonlm hon vlolot mjirtln llnol molhinahl uonoo nlwu willio ulownrt hon h cliarllo rymon kunii ju ill w bu hi arthur han ton may carnoolian klma cutting violet luvlu amdo vaoor clutrlla irihun auulstloldnuiii itavld haiutoraon latdp hutton alloo tamii tennld iuiby kulo ijpiln xlargartit mokabb jeula maim rutw nelaoit joula uubwll el1r rurk- niftii iorgtaylor poarl waluoa may wildguau feiuiu hu ii to j hi jtut ander- aon hon 4lorg lllbop hon haula ilrawar laua cotlio hoti llalvln dunur itorla 1ou1um hon kddla hufrman vam ifuilarwnhon vmnoa hurbthon vera hurst howatril jaiuaa angua kaiinatly jordan iwaort hon iranvillo maaaua a1k mochrla hon t caroy mattliawa jumea mattbawa joan moffat hon xlahha orr hon jauaa itow jowila htuokey vrad warrii vkoujiu mr hu ii mluulalluir leorga llrownua uyrtla oarnoohan wllllacook ulrd iuuoyuuy elliott uoyd vorhaa llinlla ilouut lladya holmaa laorga jlgglna donald kaunady jaan kannady leal la martin alargarat morgaaon maria mowat willi kutuy 0org hudman mary blomkllo noal rtla uabl hymon viutu hu i tt in- i jaan darbar hod daauloa tualr hon jack llulow gudya caldwall hon ulrlam cliord hon willi counuui karl cooi6r hon marguarita cooallo 11m toruy cutting jim kwleg hon kkllla vnt hon nora vrowan hon luy tuubu i hon willu tloldaulu hon kallia hall hon wii1u kally ifoti talfonl kennay hon wlllia huhniaii aaaaaaaaaaauattaaaaaaaaaaan grand b patriotic outing s opciaauliuauddariadpadnapqpdfi itiidur miuplcou ol tlio driiiiimuru hnnck club bowring tournament frldavyjtulydou open altt concert vhdy july oth fl 1 m in hie inrk inltntt iichi ol llmul in uttoiuiniila firewoaks mngnincnt patriotic douigii rjppdppspdpadapppaaaaapptiab georgetown ontario pnattauappdaaaaadpapdddapn base ball game iqtiturdmy july olt to no a in ilumlltou truvullom voruun buack travollom admlu tion froo elckxixoooohxbo0xx0 good old summer time vacation days are here hot weather too rtclii ablttrlisenieiitn ifolt i alu ulllmv il i li i i li mulh hlrcut wllll ufl i i hurl mil lit wuf full lirw ilrtrli ilnliiy ili iiiloitmtlir inn illuiiiu roimi lillnlini hit i mit wi 1 1ln it lour itulxvuiiia 0 7w laoo lfu lw 4712 400 tin ivovfnoul hoard of lioadw com- uualonera announoad but wli tbat tby would lm iibiid to bava tba pa uiu a auong warning to all thou lloatuaboldata that any thinning to individual eommod- ly known u blind plggvra will h rard- d u a vary grava offanoa by tba cowou- alon it will not ba aufsolant for abap lioaaaa boldara to dead igitoranoa tby uuu invaulgata in all umi wbaa ladlvld- uabi ara hircliaalng toot liquor tbao u taoiulngly rmetud for ugltibuta wrooaa lu all cama in futur tba odua will rt upon tba abop lioanaabouar if ba aiu in any way to comply will ibu wajaltf i will only uy thai im will tbaraby aartoujy jaopardiu tlmvauntlod of uaowa ll6d- tbla la tba viaw of all tba coeufilaalotttr pwrbapa tbu will ba aooapud aa a fair warning ly tha liquor atora tnaa lo ar aupidylnpeartalaforaljrnata la aoton wbo ara allagad to ba doing oooaklarabla baal naaa la llugally dupattalajf liquor tfcttt lloanaad liquor atora tna ara wall awar that a uumur of actoo eoatcwaara ara pur- ebaaltik mora uquot than u w naadad for uftulwata purpoaaa 720i tba board adjournad at 10 oclock mua wbltaliaadnoaacoepladraanhaba tumat at tlm aalary of s2s patriotic procession utumuay ilkm htliulrodb of flan of allied natlonu every hoy and kui mnrcbino rat a flag games uatuay july di a ii m all blmu of contetitiu 1rlwn kulore hand in uttanditnco hhduoko mailwav vawtti admission 0yrtgrt ailulta ac clilldiuu ic flohi atluuit lie cltlmril inc a glorloui ohjoct every dol lar of uurplim this year e 10 the canadian hospital fund hol fix the boyo and jirlii no tliey can enjoy their liolidayfl in comfort cool hosiery while tan black pink uky cool llcadwcar straw hatu lor all aien runnlnj shoes cliildv pjirlii hoys white and black cotton jerseys long iilccve ohort sleeve cool underwear balbripan for hoyii thin cotton vestn for rirhi j3oyti bathing trunk and one piece suitp wc close on wednesdays at 1230 noon henderson 6t co mill si acton oni sxxooaoooemxkoorxroo itiil filobfi- ii ilrk two ljr ihrimiii uih in 1 1 iln it lour iiiuin it ilium uilli mr lo 0abde1 pabty at leslies school the euihlhat disturbed by a crowd alleged to ba from actor fine pfcmlcat bauihafad pajsok fthd bla maunula stshoou unltod tttad a plrie qauuirldir pbesdtfatlom jo m mltofkll baidooi do idaal watbr and natural envlroduanbvlawiui b otbar u tbay tmmmd to do but wadiaiday aitaroood wbaa tba two public aobool aaouoaa paa eobk and bin blouutaja bald utalr auaual pioalo in mra ir uuu grova early in tba aitamom tba paopla bagau to arrit it waa tiaw axparuooa to uotna for thara wera babbja and yt aa old vparlaam to tnany uamory raoauad almllar ktbrlnga la tba taua grova luiiy or forty yaara ago of lata yaara htanuy park vma baoatbalr rallylotf groaiad tbbi yaajr tba uowultlaa tlaoldad to r6 baok to tba old camping ground and avattta- pnyrad tbaa tbay toada uo wuuka evaryooa want in for a good ioeu tit tha boya awl avait aotua of tba girt bad klokaltbsrootballuul tba four apuddld awing wara folntf all tbatlma tba bootb waa wall pauonlnad tba raoaa ward a graat aouroa of ataaaemaat tad tkarucoafib and tba good tbloga wbio tb ladua bad pfaparad war thoroughly enjoyed ajl aftar auppar mr uodaay cbairmau called tba gathering to order and made a abort epeeob in prauaof uua uitblb tba taaaber of waaoek bebool wbo u now leaving then b called upon elbsaa ueuta akltt and ook vamoauer uua akltt rad tba following addratu and uua vaunatter uada tb preaenuuou t dear uue uilcbail i on tba ava of your departure frou our aandrruudaci aobool daelra to giv ahpraa- elon to tba kindly ralauou that bava motion ko 4 to tlm editor of ike van vw i on tlm evening of june iwtli garden party waa bald at tlm ljla kohool houm erin about 4 miue above acton tba entertainer gave their tervioea free of cbargaaod tba proeeeda were applied to tba vud croa fuod tlmra wee a eplea did attendanoa tlmre wu an orobeatna front oapringe a udy aoprano froea itock wood a piper from aoton a obeirmau apaaker and quartette club from ouelph tba programua waa esoelunt and tba luuoere enjoyed it until nearly tea oclock whea a crowd of 12 to 10 from acton all young fellowa eame along and raited euoh adleturbartoatbat tba programme lied to be abandoned tba rev ur nindecn uinuur of tba woolwiob rl iuptlet ohurob ouelpb made ona of tba finest patriotic addreteo i bava aver beard under tlm moat dlauwa- iug dwummnoee tbeaa hoodlum continued tbelr bowling and laultlug veuarks until tba rvvvretul 1 gentleman bad to cut bu addreaa abort hut ba waa not to ba out dona wblla tba ledlaa wra preparing lunch for tba eater- talnera ba went out and rounded tliee fellowa up and gave tbem tlm eevereet lecture tbay bad evr luuned to he told tbem tbay were a dugraoo to any town that tbey too cowardly to put on tba king uniform and flghb for tbelr country and that tba bravoat thing tbay could do waa to wreck a gathering intended to raiaa fund for tba brave men wlto wera wound d juat to beep tbem aefely at borne it wait tba moat dugraoeful eight i bava ever wltaemod avoept oua aliout 12 or isyeam ago at tba eame aobool houim u eimlbtr crowd from tba eame town did tba eame thing tbay wera haled before tba ule w h storey uaglntrela and severely fined tba fauna thing ebould ba dona to tble crowd wo can aeeliy eupply you with tbelr uum if you think it wlee to publuh tbem and proceeding oan ba taken egainittbam voure truly ojt or vim efvkkvainuui huelph july 3rd 1015 the young uan above referred toehould certainly be punubed for their unruly coo- duet whether they belong to acton an alleged or not if tba writer of tba above baa tbelr namea ha bu a clear duty before urn ha ebould at once uy informations before tba fluelpb police uagutrata ajid bava tbem appear to answer to tba charges under exutlng laws no magistrate lu acton baa jurisdiction over offences committed la wellington county it a to ubopadtbaejiendera will ba brought to jueuoe kbtfcu die boyu at the front by your prs unco vmpppdpaaannrjicapprjpanandi h ostoatcurrowh r friday and saturday 1 july join and 31st 1 r ja wllougiiuviiomofiy l hoeo camphbll president h hon vlarvtioe morgasoti hon emet pvevoat uublluou hon ifcwls boar- row hon iloltert buwart hoiteddia tyler hon calvin wiuon ii01 klnd- uy wiuuw hon t willie holloway ituou ju i vo hu i curtjvoa lubcock walter bauar lobnny ixinn oaorge hutton tleorge holloway sidney hmilli vunw 8u- pbiueh to j a k alfrad hubop frank luuer wi1iu cook emily casual baracroaa lwli cutting clordon elliott ulna ceroay elna louutt lllcbard jraoe uiu jrogory iaaub jrtt ilalpb hedderon mary uauftlian dora laubt buwart lsftby wallace laahy madeline uaaua eva lleatera jean uckawtle lavlle kutuy joe ivsvo1 myrtle ilydar harvey luwson maggie hydor uftjg roujwlt ulna saxe lynd bmltli uciirou hymon harry hindi a curenoa savlu aumrt wildgual arlingtou white frd vouag from j u- puiuinv to 8a pvuuabv willie uaboock charue bell iuebard benton taddle cllsard charue draper evelyu howarth kuu laaby jeeau uaitere emma little joeepb llllie david holiaee uargaret uoore ediu morgaton annie obea charue prevoet wlllroea tteid clare bavega uoiru butkuan vlou walur ulnala vouag a representative wanted fw old rollablo fonthul nurseries 111 in acton end d lit r let a clianco lifetime to io n bid tmdo nnionu farniora in fruit ktock aa well aa good ornanionlal liualnsiui in the town kx ciukivo territory ilamlaome frr outfit hlgliat commlculona paid wrllo fur terma stone l wellington toronto otxi every 10c packer of wilsons fly pads a iii ull mopt fucs than ss viohth or ad stick catchfo grand trunk sv summer service to highland of ontario from toronto 3 05 a in daily for uuiknka lake daily except bumiay for laku of ttayn nipjlit park xlagauolawan klvcr tlinagainl luke points ioi4 aiu daily exeunt tiunday for georgian buy lako of ltayii and uag nctawan river palntu is 01 p 111 dally except sunday for muhkoka lakea lako of llaye and algonquin park steamship expbess tays torte li m r wlojy an wtmyiitul stylish reliable clothing and furnishings for men boys at george wallaces guelph ontario the new transcontinental new shortrouteto western canada can cml hya t e n o my gj twk hy s4 torontowi taeli unojay wlotuy an4 tialmrday ann htm inutul ttmbulr a tu ii van aviimr rot v a t f mi wiiiuki wiiu n laalbm aud umuia la tlniorvly aaull ilia uail eu1 ualuiit atw udllway w wluttl tiauaju caailiu lor-liiirary-c- l iim ulwd torouta aa uttluii sjiatvovt louirary5jijabj s holmes agent phone no 13 existed between us you bava been our patient pajuetaklog inmruotor yrnpif and guide lor four and onahau year in tbab period many fruitful rvauue ara evident for which w era we feel that wa have often yon unwearying patience slay wa aab forgiveness for any trarjgreeelona wa would now aak you to accept thu tuabtaua aa a memento to serve to nodi tba ties of afseftuoatbat bava axuud between tt and wa hope and trust that whatever and wbere aver your lot may ba east tbat tba eawa godllneas and udyllka splrib teay ba aver youra bigned on behalf of pupils and friend hauib akitv viounreuvaaii ooha vamkatna uav vawvavykm eva i llmbaav uua ulubell aultauy replied flianblng tba pnplu and friends for tbelr great kind- tteea bbort addteasea wera made by meesra baewlok ira vaunatter uorgaoaupbell rev m waddellaudlbecbalrman tbay expraseed tbelr legreta at uleu ultcbell uavlnglbe aobool and tba eotaunualty in which ebe bad dona aucb axoeueat week and wuhcdha every eneceea la tba future tba singing of tba national antbeu brought to a tdoee one ol um nsoet eaooeee f ul pionlos aver bald at luihnafad umehouse tba heavy rains of last friday toad everything very fraab looking and cauaad veirylituuamageaitbouabuiraw4aoeea unpuasant looking faoeawbod it waa found oeoeaeary to postpona tba lawn bocul wa bava bad tba rain now for tba soelal wearagudtoua ur h a uertball who waa threauned witli appendicitu uat week out again cecil polkloghoriie of toronto spent tlia eakend at hla borne bare uuleubwaokbamr and ftjue john ston of toronto are spending a fw daye with ulea bwackliauere parertu ben ur and mrs hoy cheat of brampton spent hunday at ur cboete borne bar uua e bneatli of toronto lu vuuuug friends bare ur ilex polkingbome wbo baa been holidaying bare returned to hie position in toronto but friday t lira u moore of stratford u vlaltlng at tba borne of bar brother ur t p ivena mr wu uowdy visited friends lu juelpb this week mr annie oauerou wbo bail been spending a few weeks at u borne of bar brother ur j 11 polklngborna baa re turned to owen bound tba pupil of tba seventh una aobool bald a plonlo oa tuesday afternoon cl uat week which vas attended by children and parents lamas of all tueeriptiona ware played afur which lunch was served when tlia impost wu bnlabed aa address waa read thanking ules ivena on behalf of her puplu for her service during tha past year and expressing tbelr regret that aha waa leaving to go to toronto in the fell a fountain pen was luresentad to bar as a remembrance from tba pupil of b b no 10 with tlia wish lhu success should always be here through her teaching course chdbchill a plflhlo under tba aujplcea of the con gregatleaal sunday bebool at churchill waa bald on dominion day in tha nloely prepared grounds of ur will uuiray known as tba ulue bpring fioulo grounds children parents and friends to tha number of about eighty paltered and bad a very enjoyaue time abundance of good things to ear including strawberries and cream wera served a down pour of rain uada things quit lively for a while but with tha auto and umbrellas and tha booths provided for tba lieneflt of lite public h were quite eewforleble every- body seemed to enjoy themselves and aa tba rain camel down in torrenu there wasa uuluon alt face it being accepted an a great bleating bo all wera uada twice triad 1 glad to ba at tha plcnlo and glad of the beautifnt abewer of rain so greatly needed ur hurray deserves credit for the work ba baa dona in preparing these j grounds for the use of those wbo wish to enjoy themselves f or a tmw hour 80 far j as wa of churchill ara ooacaroad wa wbb to eateed to bin ur best thanks for tba privilege enjoyed staab mala clears out rata uloa etc dont hie in tha house- ihc and 25c at drug and country stores sfcoeseveiy sport and fjecreauon why buy a four- cylinder car when you can possess this highgrade sixcylinder 1916 mclaughlin touring car for the same money no other motor car at any price insures its owner as great value dollar for dollar as this mclaughlin valve in head six for 1916 twelve branches throughout canada guarantee a service unsurpassed in the dominion mclaughlin 1916 models every one a six look for tin diamond nameplale tttu model d15 u uuw ou kxhlbllloa at war bbownmuus carriage co i y v o s h awasowtattia flft uadai thsttu utlfumhl hlxtyutuur fttmualiiwr touring wr j juimauj redwisvdaad 115 lrij sumuir spring t tuff hooting tfeur axuftmttf bilag and stahlngi oawm topi compute tnjulpmmml irlimgl 13h3 fh oehawsu al tract ivi itilclc tehiflhco vop kalo i it mi cl tlm iiiht iliomlila rllniillal fl- ii in l llni llirlvlnil lnwn or anient a unua lrlnb 1 wi mi my iwvt i kiniil rtnitica ialf irv wklinmiii nliihiit ol litnlrfuium litvnl mil iinli wnii r i144111111111 t will lint air fiirno lurli unlit ili ly luimraml um i it wihikiihii ivirtrxn ami iniu utu tlirta limimrv linmn turin in mlt imraliaatr aiilf itll j hkiviiih ant two giants of pow1br wikhi wantkd h if um ht niarlnt nlai will ho lil icrwno i ivhii ml ll to llo wli i lll to jjfl m lui 17 if xlkxiitftiil aclnli card of itlankh i ii im iii mi i nlmir df nnofll nii i my lmlly ol jilllnmi ion 1 nri inr 1 r il tldii til uhhnllml ln anil wnrln of yoifttliy l tliwul lv dim la blil nnluliltri rtiirlnljtlia inif llliiuauanl ulnuimil dfaili nl my ilasr wlf our numb ain un nrirj m vuxu li uar kio hi nn card k i hanks vuht nliallrif 1 hfbllukl air lmvtrnv inilulilfr fir 11 l vary ut wnrli ant litv hatlr l t a in ii lcraaviiikinl r ol our r uon our mm aitl 1 mry 11 1 a r r franr waaun wlili oil nl ivanhoa 1 m hr i hr 11 nl fir trlr vary kin 1 lllor 1 1 yutally an i fauowl ip our ilaar i iai rinu 1 rfrohr nf iliai votkks list 111 15 municiiaiitv or touiiililp if nitssntraupja j c i a ri ov jju onklpftl ii r aannrjdddadddaau new wonder land theatre a pnjdav g omoi olk girls n ri o monday junk 12 g htrlitn 3nf wliopi till p plifilit op ilkasfkh n s w1cohbsoav julv 14 n motiur p tin tltc ttlli tin ktr mil tin o btnnl war situ is 10 g r l gregory proprietor hhtfutfaaadnnnnoaadouhtbiua boots shoes all the latest styles of thts spring the popular giuy cloth top lnillcu rut tun luwit rcniilitr 9 o to u 00 nov uoinc ut imoo tlicyctunot iw rcplucidat thin price reual shoes for men ijo more fcttwfuitiiry blnw on tlio mar ttt ut any priie all clmlu of kiickw it hcet vnltioti uvpilrhur ucry day prompt and artful work kenney bros main si aeloa h mhiiiiiiidddciddddadddmuiiuhiih g graniteware tinware g s at atvnaouvb vhiouel b sjstauffers wiluiimtyai c at the fol- 3 inwlnrf iirlciu d lid 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