Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1915, p. 3

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jwasfww wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a kjahoic auitonimicni- klllolth utcadomanilta glvo us a call makmiaate liobinsiy isuuiud geo bynds ywllry nntl pauay qood aoton ontario real estate ivaruiri for hiit iii huttou ccl tttid wvllltigton iim ruruim for wato rui uliv if you wmit fe form vrilr mo for mtiiluuur ok ii you wuli tu kiii r ivciiumu write inn w liuvti ivi futility for truiimiitlliiu biiuhicsm liiyour eouplwc kutlhrmtluii turru toudnrt mullrunil j i uuxdmjiihv 1iiriu hcllhiu ietinmt urge town ullic tton jfi-ctf- ijrrs tiiunapay aurv h iois brief local items unex church garden parly at mr decuas tieslpeiud until tomorrow friday ovenln a lfwlhrualn wet it will be held in hie church haying has commenced are you going to horlin noxt wed nesday t tho ground ju now vtoll saturated with moisture llauior cool weather for midsummer tliu week tha strawberry crop in turning out vy abundant 11m splendid rains on thursday utttl vriday and since did immenso good til rains of tho iwst woek raised hie uvl of vairy lake eight or ton inches hl a 1 bans hun day kchoal excursion to victoria park horlin noxt wednesday corp caller lion received order to re crull another squad of wild lorn for tlio war barefoot boys oro onjovlng tlio eum- bier holidays just an much on did their predecessors tlie free lllurury will lo re 0 wined next monday all readers must socuro mw cards aouelph motorist vvnu llnod 10 and ootu for speeding en tho streets liy magis tral watt on haturduy the ladles will meet on thursday afternoon at two oclock for iod croon work in tha room over it mills toro tlio drummers hnack tul will hold their annual outing nt icorgatown on fri day and saturday july juult and tint a meeting of tho directors of acton vail pair will to hold in llio council cham ber on friday afternoon at two oclock puaaol tako a look nt your vur piutoa label uili morning hliould the data to willed it is paid ho moved forward a year mr a a warden now hrirk house on ok second lino in up and roofed mr and mlu word on will booh ho comfortably tottled there mr ioncan mcdoujiii wrond una bajumflnoraof iiih rluht kand ainfu1ly ltuiiwd win la liandlinjf otono on tlio now county road taction on tncidiiy mr p e culvorlioiiko recently qp poinudaa asulant to utmnot hopro-in- latlv ifar luui lioon ra apiwintod to tho st4ula work of tho jordan ifarhor k rl mental tunn utun a j mncklnnon mid v mo kalibtook two rinln to oukvlllo on mon dy to have a friendly match ultli lioulora tbr an snjoyahla day won spent tho loaal rtnki wan out howotcr at tho fonaral nisotlim of tha canad ian soeuty for tha protection of ilirda hild uit weak in toronto tho numilmr d4tarmlad on iiuniing furtlior ruuton waxdiuff tha luitdioof tlta uinalty for tha tlatvu6tlon of thalnnaothoroua blnlu to owr ontario of acrulw ami uo- tualrabu sir the department a irocjul iu to tnforoa tlw law uhlch rctiulrtui tha ebaipduory laknactlon of ttnlliona thin uw phjvldaa that no gnulo stallion tdial tua allowed to aul or travel after august 101ft baluhafad tli huom in julto up to duto now in itu tiawooat of paint mr i warden acton xcuud tlie trannformatian mm edna sayoro of llamlltoii dpcut tho lut july at iwr iaroutal itnuio blr ami ilra loo itonzel and daughter of abioii spent a aw days lat wook with frund at uallinafad anil i lolnlty mr spaar returned to toronto hutiday avnalug after spending tho iiat weak with bu family iwra 11k lurt jlmlgera of toronto in ipend- ibk tamo tiitio with lior mother mru das oatatpfcll utean leorga and will itoaul ipent doulnlon day with flutllnutoit frlenda uoaaro p j sinclair and win illclly wo tha guotu of rur1lii0ton frlendn on tha ht july uoaur uattla bhortill unilorwenb an ojoaratloa ona day last woek and la dolnj mil ufa luheoca ismond of llotrolt la vultltttr br uotlier mr natlmnel ismond tad otkair frlamla here lit hltcliouok lino retumad homo after ipoudlnp a wak with mrs k marolull lluahoum llr jerry kentnor spent dominion day wltli hla brother joa and fdmlly in milton i 111m mary wutoon of toronto iipont th holiday at her parental homo 111m vanilla ilouol lin goiio to toronto wbero kbe will bpoiul wmo tlma with ru uvoa quito m nuwbar from horo took in the gatdoo pahy at tiaorgetowii ut july and wpoti tk gooil tlnm ho th w oher oim lfuudrad lwur itewiutl for uty cam of cuurrh that cannot iws our d by if all ojumii cure v j ciiknky u h tolwlo o watbo ubilawlgnwl havo known v j cbeaoy for tha uit is year mid hallovo him nerfttuy lionoruhla in all huulnuui tmitaaotlonn ami llnunolnlly tilde to carry oat any obligation made hv iiih urm naiiok ilamk ttv couulim h toletlo o hall catarrh ouw 1h uken internally acting dlrootly umi tho hlooil tuul muootim ouifaom of tha ttyleta ttutlinotdaltt aont fra prloo7amnta iidr ixiulo hold by mil duhkiu tako ifallm vdmlly plllu for eortuptloti ohildiren cry ror fletchers castoria news of local import at tho kumnim sdhool nt oakvllla hoi ii w auwm m a ii d m1un mlntilt x hanuott oorotlivnolhon fiilo hootl allh llrown imilh innlu ilml mouuifi t victor ciilnmnii and juineo lmittot nro ultoiidliiu tho kpworlltiujiiii hummer holiool atoakiillo from aoton tho now government clook tha nlook for tho now 1mt oilloo and iiutonm ifnuuo ai rived hint weak and ltoov o lt win who linn iho contract for km iimtnllntlon lx arranging far ita iwlnu pluood in poulllmi nn noon uu poulhlo tho clock linu four din mid ulll ixj illiiinfiinlod at night suocosarul in normal examinations tho roqnllu of tho provincial konnal hcliool okiimiimlionb pnhluhod on hatur dny ithnw thnt mubcn munila c manalan and xclllo a willittmu who iitloudoil hamilton vorniol hchool were lwitli bug conftil they nou luno tlio iitntun of pio foouionnl ocoond cijin tonohnru uoro war conimitlos ropokod now j haa loiiio jut anothor nf actonu caiitingont i to doli n btdill haa lioan wounded in notion wlillo file wounda arc ooriouii he ia making fair progrena toward mcovcry and la now halng traatoil inoiio of tho lnadltig lioapitnlh n ucotlaml it into- ported thnt one of the noldlerafromleorga- town and two from durllngtoit have leen killeil in action during the waak hov mr avlson noxt sunday tho llrat kenuona of ite 11 w avlaon m a ii 1 tho now uutor or tlie meth od ut church will im proacluwl next run- day thcro will no douht ito targe con- grcgittionn to greet tha new minister ho hat already mot ninny of the mo ml torn iilthuuiih hla dutloa au hccratury of hamil ton confarenco kpworth lingua hum mo r hchool luno kept him at oakvllla uliico inm haturday mooting- in intcwut of hod cross a piillic mooting of tho had craan aid hoc lot j will ho hold on friday afternoon july 0th at j 10 oclock in tha llaptlt church mlu arnold of toronto lato of hhorncliiro england will oddra the moating all the indies of acton are urged to ho proaant- if the uoather la un favorable the meeting will ho held at 7 jack miiw arnold gaaa to luelph at tt 21 toaildrou a mooting there another cam with tho auitrians on hatunluy afternoon mika ansuk cliurgoil andra colcliutt a ihiarder i with aiihtriann vriili mtaallug v2 from hi house i i oro tho mngiulrato hilo the magintnito uom engaged in taking the in formation and preparing u uarrunt to rcli n mcuenger come with tho liifnr- inatloii that colchufct lunl eurro microti tho money fctultn tn mm aneuu and tho cao aw consequently almtulonoil ablo sermons by rev dr llddy llov hoy tt liddy m a h 1 vh i of mount allison lnkcniity preached ahloand fccholarly unnons in tha motlio- ditt church lut uurulay tha morning ion treated of rellglnuu fnrinnlfuui va tho true rollglpn of tho lord jeauu clult in tho ovenleg lr iiddy preaclied a high ly interesting dltcouno on tho war with o or many khowlng lliat tlw spirit which act iatui tlio jo w in tlio condemnation and rucuiiion of clirwt iu llio who a tliat hlch hus clihrautoriuul tho ivusalan illluriim present llado by tho king ordorlloi much apnrrciuted gift waa very un oalcntatlouftly ireaanud to he c p draper un tho eve of hla reniovul to milton by tho mi 1 1 i tern uf tho klugn ordorlloa it wan a large cary cluilr uphnliittretl in loiithur n ilne pioco of furniture intlaed it uaa uieily iloliverwl hy juhnstono a co tho furnituro looplo itoaring only a implu card to indicate the donors an fol lows to lta c d 1 trailer a small gift hotokaning groat oatotini for a pas tor teacher and friend who hah dona much to promote greater clasa eilloienoy and hlglier individual kloau itov mr draper ap- ireciated tlila thouphtful and vol ualilo gift nioat highly st albans s s plonlo thoplonio ohourslon to victoria park berlin arranged by bt a i bans r b uloa placo on vodii04doy next july 14th victoria park will lie looking lovely after tho recant ralna and a mora ideal spot far a plo nlo could not le found tho special train oavice will enable thooo who make tho trip to have a good long day full particular n tha oxouniloii can ha obtain ed from tha postern dlatrihutod around toun tho okocuiivo callu attention to tho fact that ticbelt can only lo obtained ul tlio station ilelntf an open oiourtlon ull arrangementn have been made with a low to suiting tlio general puhlla as far us pooakhto a good croudfatheroforeoxpaot ol tho usual custom with regard to haukela will haobaorvod tlifly u 111 ba ap preciated children under fiva are carried froo very suomurut plonlo at oustlo tho plonic organ i md by itov father troynor in tha interests of bt liters church ourtlo una held on dominion lkiy and wus u great aucoess a inimonse ooo course of ieople gatherod and onjoyed tlio progaiumo tlio rain which fell in tlio inlddla of the afternoon interfered with the dthlotia conteta for as hour or so hut after tlio storm cuiared away tlia proceed lugs wero roumcd with fervor a feature of tho afternoon won tlie ulnglng by masters flood win and oconnor of st marys ctiuroli choir hamilton tliaso tuloutoil young muslolanu prasentod a ttorlefl of high clasa aeleotlana in tho iiomi- luill match lietwoon fiuelili and acton the team from tlie itoyal city won oul faut- or troynor apiiroolatcd llio loyal support and cooperation of ouulda frlenda awl especially of tboca in aoton in thin enter prloo on prohibited uit and drunk j collier cams before if p uoro j p oo saturday morning charged by cvn- htaldo harvey with being drunk ha being mi the hot of peranni being prolilhltodfrow itelug lervwl with intoutcatlnft liquor he pleaded guilty the wife of thodefotidant testlued that n certain young woo la town bad alio auspeetotl taken her liuabond llipior bha uw uiato belli in tlie htttura hliop the twvlou aitentoon hnd there wan llnjuor iwttle uiere bhb further aiated thin wai not the flrat time ho inul pre viniihly taken liquor to her husband it won in a bottle btlielled whukey the lowest penalty thnt can ha linpoaed upon a prohibited ieron in 910 and owl thin flno was liiiiwwed tlio magistrate hlated tlintliobufl sympathy with man wlto im templed but ulisolutely none for the tcitiihtir uml if inforuiatloii in aid against lilm on tlie cliargo of giving belling or purchasing liquor for u man on the prohib ited list and evidence la adduced to war rant conviction lie would ibipoae oa the young man tlie bevermf iwiialty provided by tlie roent nrnoiidmnnu to the liquor ijw vlx b0 and aoete or itaipruoauenl personal and travel notes soolitl and porsonnl itoms of intor est to proa press rondo rfl gleaned durino the week mr rdglnuld tiniilon who home from toronto over humuj muh floroiioo holniou in homo from tor onto for tho holiday mr fred mclaughlin wau homo from detroit mor buuduy mr vlotiir limloii spent tho week end with frlendn in toronto miau amila harvey u homo from rt cnthariueu for tho holiday mr j victor mid minn klhol coleman vinltotl friendu at hoi paler mill maliel moffat im hniuo from water loo far the summer vacation mua maliel f howie of wolland visited aoton frlenda last week muoo kttlo and myrtlo dilln of tar onto wero homo for tho holiday lte oeorgo unllard of london camp was hero for a few dayn thin week mr and mrs 1 j moore and mias jocelyn wore guoau at moorecroft ite fred willlama wan homo from niagara camp for a few days last week mr and mrs john u knnnedy and children motored to hamilton on dominion way misitmargaret kennedy of georgetown is hjiemlitig a couple of weeks at her home hero mra miller amlbaho of hamilton era spending the week with mist mamie maqalas mr and mra a o t itcardmora and children visited relative- in ioudon during tho woek mr jno mccullough of nichol wu u guest at tho presbyterian mauto during tho week mr llmrloh hooey anil master tlenrgo of toronto wore guoola o mr a t drown this week itov mr avlnoniuat tho bummer bohool ut oakvllle and mm avisou and teddy nrent fiall mr and mm jray of stratford wore gucttn of mi and mni win johnstono on monday mra henry colo who was very iii tover- al weeks ago has uuulo much irogreha to ward recovery mrs 1 f thurston and her son and n if are visiting mr hohu husliand of kilbride l siiending a fow uooku with her won mr hpcncer ilutliaiid mrs clara tliey of toronto uuo a uueut lliu woek at tho homo of mr w mc- nibh rawer ave mr anthony hlophoiimiii itan m far ro covcretl from uiu long illncwi an to le abla to sit up sevurnt hours ouch duy mr and mrw it u lngory and slautor uslia kit on monday for clean n to wml a couple of wccuh holidays mr dtjorijo armstrong mlsn armblraiig and miss rayno of hieeduldo woio guests at mr d- m hendersons yobtcrda mrs john rewa and bar llttlo daughter doris left last batunluy to spend several inontlihut fort william champion mubter klmor forlea of nracabridge liaa bean spiiidlng tho last week with his uncle mr n forlwa and other friends mra nicholaa forbes hr arrived from ii roc ebr id go last week she will reside for tlio present with liar win mr n forbes mra w k near and liau of detroit arrived this week to spend a mouth with her parents mr and mm jowipli hoi men mru william rrown and mimh mar jarel and marion left vutorday morning for toronto they will make un extended uit mr and mm c c henderson arrived home from winnipeg on thursday mr d handorson m i returned a few days earlier mr and mm chan h moore of the rtar duudas made a pleasant weekend visit with mm jatnoa moore rower avenue mr and mm u- f caldwell mr and mrs j c mattliewh misa prankum ami mr oeorge elliott visited tha hummer bohool at oakvllle yesterday mr and mm a f lovo and children of toronto motored up on hat unlay and spent a couple of days at the horaea of mr robert watson and misa penyuan mioses lorn kennedy jean and annie lindsay marguerite stewart o iva mowat and vlrana mosalus and master jack kennedy left on monday on a holiday outing at milton mr and mm w m klrkland and mrs ualnard of oalt mr nud mra diamond anil children of tluelpli and mrs hillings of bt thomas wero guoste at the motho- dut pursouiigo on dominion duy tho engagement ia announced ol mary kdna second daughtor of mm robert v maybeo ow huron street toronto to krnoat andrew warren son of mr and mm h d warren toronto the mar riage will tako place early in september ilav t albert moore i d toronto who arrived home on saturday after at tending he conference at nowfouudland and tlie maritime provlnoeu loft yesterday far han fraivelsoo cab where lie will at tend tha worlda purity congress aa a rap- roaeuutlvfl of llio 1vjtillnlan under oottnnis- alon from the privy council of camula mra helen urooke bmltii oftho florida canadian lands co ban been selected as a member of the board of oovernom of tlie florida km position which iu to ha held in new york city nov 21 to deo 1 hus mr hmlth is the eeoretary of tlie florida- canadian land co of lakeland flo lakeland telegram mrs smith u well- known in aoton having been a frequent visitor nt fairy iow place four generations on an outlnp a ftomawliat iiulquo family planlo wan held on the beautiful campus of the on torlo agrloultural college tiuelph on doialalou day four genereuona motored to tlie college ground awl participated tlie party comprised mr elisabeth cray toronto her boh and hi wfe mr and mra ii p mooro of tlie pukh vuim their eon and ida wife and daughter mr k j moore ii a ruperlnteudeat of publication of tlie melhodiifc book atul publfslilng house toronto and their uule daughter jooelyu beventl membeni of tlio oellege faculty aad ataff vulted their little gathering attd ooatribuud to toe pleasure of the oooailoii piujit uulletin lluv yfim- elirti mw i willi lllinl lint itniirsll niusik fnnliniils urowu am now uimi ilmillful tlia 1ui tliur u lli vf timoalloiinu forikmdivluif kavs ytntr urnout artmrd niur iimii bno ll1nu 1sllu in arrlvmliast w k have you been sick then you realke tha utter weokneu that robs ambition destroy appetite and makes work a burden to restore that strength aodkumlnatlut in act caeeutlol uothlnjr lue ever equaled or compared with beoua itmulslon be cause ita etmgtliauultilag nourish metit luvlgoratee tha blood to dlstrlbote uitfgylhjpiotittbebmly white its toxdd value feharpeua the apbctlta and rcetoffe health in a natural permanent way if you are ntu down tired uervou overwotked or lack atrength get scotta father travnoh is promoted is now tho parish prlost at konll- worth a strono rural charge pather flahavbrtsucceeds iiih itov father truynor has lieon njipniiilwl to tho charge of kouilwortli luriuh n strong flotd in tho uotherly neetion of wel lington county about uevoii miloi from muuut foreltt this is n piipiilnuii roman calhotlo section tlio church io u com modious wellbuilt structure nnd being ercctwl u i mint ten yenm ago ia mailaru nnd nltraotive there la iilno n now par- souoga father traynor apiireolateu very much the oontldouoo ropouwl in him hy tho authorities of tha church as manifested in hihapiiolutmont to thin linitattuiit charge for four and a half years futher traynor litis had charge of hi joaetha church liere an well as of tlio churches at george town and oustlo i has immu indefalig ahlo in hu efturta in liohal nl tlie three congrogatlona tlio church pr0iertlca hnveeooh loen materially improved as a result of hla activities flu joseiihs es- wicially givoa evidence of this utb iu ita terlor improvement am in the chaste and beautiful decorntlonn n tided in tha interior futher traynor leaves many friends in actnn not only among tho nirmliem of hr mcpha church hut throujrhout the com unity tha hont wuhiui of ull go with him the snooeuior in tho priesthood hero is itov h y flahavan father ftaliaveuliaa for three and u half y oam boon assistant atbt 1atrlcku church hamilton hin homo city ho hus always been earnest snd popular and is a young man of pleasing manner ho coinuioncod his tnlnlntry hero on hunduy anil was accorded a very warm recaption hy tlio congregation prior to father tniynora removal ho waa the roc i pio nt of coiiiplluieiiury ad dreasea ami suhatantial purms of money from his three congregations at oeorge town out tic ami acton bt jose pits congregation mails their prewmutloji last friday ovoiiiug at the closing service hald in art on by itov father traynor ha kcply opprtclatotl those tokena uf the lova and exteem of the memlicrs of his flock mr j h broddys son killed mr jamas it rraddy toronto traveller for w ii huiroy ft hon who was hero on hutimla received a cable tho day hoforo muting that his eld cut son had iteen killed action in france mr llroddya second son ia with tlio second contingent in ingtand throo charges aftalnet a votorlit on monday a man namotl illggins agent far a well known toronto oil house made a sensation in milton by upeedlug bis motor truck on the streets on martin street o oung lady had a narrow escape mm being run over three charges leodluu being drunk while driving u cur ind uing profano lungujgu hsvo been laid okjiiit lllggitis police miiuiutrote dice will dlsto0 of his caso on hat unlay lolh insu champion flno appointment foi dr drown dr j n k dmwn superintendent of detroit fenerul hoillal hsa been ujv- loiiitod head of tho new 2000 room henry ford hospital in detroit dr rrown la a natlvo of kat missouri onfall county lieing a son of the uto john brown of tliat township ho waa formerly buperlntan- dent of toronto ceneral hospital and ia a brollier inlaw of dr j v uron formerly of aoton dominion dayan enjoyable holiday loft thursday wat very generally observed aa a holiday the delightful mar weather lit tho morning enticed people out to enjoy ilia beauties of nature tlie sights and sound and sweet perfume overywltoro wero moat grateful to the senses motoring waa very papular pin nies were freely indulged in friendly visit ations wero exchanged and tha day waa one of much pleasure bliawera in a fow localities interfered with outsldo activities bub the rain waa so much needed that all so incomonionoed wero unite willing to forego outside pleasurea far the tlmo and lie tliankful tliat tlio thirsty land wan being refreshed list op accounts passed at tho hooting of nasaasrawoya counoll last woek next meetiho on oth of august naouagaweya township counoll met last week all uia me ml era were ikresend reeve campbell occupied tlie chair the business of tlie session woe confined to the iwsshtg of accounts aa follows i aj milna culvert div 10 11 3 ml cameron bcott shovelling snow it 20 wllbert haw shovelling grav tjo kramoaa tp half cost of culvert 0 41 frank may fining bridge h j c rlaeklock gravelling mflo frank chlsholm halt cost grading ksquosing town una 100 ramiielmadowell repairlna bridge 400 ifnnry fnrrlor work on div 47 4fl0 jnniea moitat t cox to house of refuge idgar ilalee gravelling on town line cameron ramshaw spreailing uliova i cameron kamshaw umlerhrusli- krrrrrlltdrorrr s weejrln apparel and house furnishings that bear thb wttrk op quhlity k100 ki kt 400 john a luiiisey forgravel 17 m lm0 700 300 infto i t0o in 00 000 allmrt hlchurdson for gravet john wilson for gmvel vvm howard work on grader james ktokes team ou grader tho howard team on grader allen watson team ou g ruder win ulaoklock operating grader tlie council adjourned to inot august oth at 10 a m juilm mvuniuii clerk cbewe0h3 corners tlie congregational sunday bchool of cliurchill held their annual plo nlo to hiuo bprings tost friday tlie enjoyment of tha affair wu seine what marred by a lieuvy duwiqiour of rain mr illinor forbes rracebridge tisited frieiulu hero ihm week misa ro slo itocl hillshurg vuitcl friends hero ian week miss magglu doiinl is spending a month or two at hurling ton mrs sutherland and children oualph visited friendu hero but week honor for major ballantlne the military aullioritles have honored major halls nil tie with promotion to tho oillce of ueut colonel and given him ilia commusion to rale anotlier hatullon of 2m men col lullantlao was suuknouad to ottawa last week awl motived thu new liouor and the appointment named tlie commission wit proliahly bo gsiatted this week tho col called on tlio fwn puihu batunlay ho la regaining his health rapidly ami overcoming tho shock sustain ed by hlu notvous system whan won tided at tho front in april 0 cool summer dessetts this la the time of year when it ia hard to know what to buy for a dvsseit at rncil time why not havo ccmetlilug cooling in tlio way of ico cream wo will deliver any quan tity from 5 cents up our candy department always ho a full lino of chocolates front so cents to oocentiia pound iabulk and in package from as cents to ioo each dont fotget our ico cream parlor we make a new dish every saturday our uewdlsh for neat satur day la a raw prult build come in and try oue and also enjoy some music from otirtinw gra- fonola harold wiles mill smtibt a just opened in hills block hill st acton general repair shop special attention to eavctroughing windmills pomps furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas harden tv son jt acton ontario j quality first this iu the watchword of the macdonald stor- it i the corner atone in the foundation o this leading businem nouie lc is tho firm rock that grounds a ycarnnld reputation llio inlid rock that stand for steadfast principle quality firht no matter what tho price quality first nn matter what the circumstance in matter when the opportunity to dispone ol inferior merchandise at superior prices high qualities with prices that are moderate not lower than are practical lor maintaining business not higher than a reasonable workable profit demindi it h this combination of high grade quali ties and modcrato prices that win for in the satisfaction of our customers and the confidence of the public cheap qniliiies and cheap prices find no welcome in our midst for you to choose them would not be in accordance with true econ omy for us to use them would not be consistent with our high standards and ideals sterling worth distinguishes all our summer merchandise men women and children can depend on the values they secure at macdonaldu d e macdonald bros lihj guelphs leading and largest store 3 wydhra medobdl nd crjrn slru guelph onl a m headquarters for harvest tools s9 to osc each uo to lm each h1c each 8 and l each wc each i0 and 111 each he ea set c 28c 3 tine hay forks scythe snath hay wakes mower files hay fork pullejs mower sections mowers guards uurger son pure paris green all sizes in pure manilla rope plymouth also gold medal binding twine 650 foot per lb paristnne wall mister in 100 lb sackb ik aent for the lelcbrited gurney ox oil si ui aeenl lor the celebraltd pel fee oil sloves i burners hhto h burners ll 4 burners ovens to match 50 and 300 jambs symon hardware mill street jk acton ont ford lion c c speirhf for i uptodate goods suvrweur in tablwat rin vrtly also ytnm cutlsury hadweur ttnwaurw and qran- ltawasalrt vrlty pamdora stovem and rauatfeja fniaooi haatay small stovas otlotovaa daaltal authehsed ujbmfioo osnlui paid u wlocaom tureliu nltmm4 every article iu of excep tional value c c spelght umsirmtactob have safety safety is the first consideration and the matter of interest earnings of second or even third import ance to careful people georgetown branch w n uk uuwi bank of hamilton c k cooped acton cement contbactob for bridges silos walks floors walls etc also agent for do laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for hale mehts u tuluoan ha wellequipped meat ihop at the corner of kill mid young straatg actou tha aeoood brlcl bultdttttf froett theotr creslns aud wl it supply all klitdeofpktesh and cukbd iibatu of beat quality at veaaotubte pricea bloat delivered to all cuatntuere protupuy klrotcuue refrlgiirator bbop opeu every oveolrig partuera trade eapoclally aollcit- ed llbxbeot caati pricea paid fortsgge and poultry r miluoan hncxasrn re nelsons big tornkdo sklb 6 selling days only june i7ih to 23rd nntl ordered clothing come and sliuro in tho carnival uf profit for you nt r e nelson merehant tuc mans puktiuhatf wvudham tttrmt ouhuiii oht i adtons electric choppinq mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f- caldwell acton ont proprietoi-

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