Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1915, p. 4

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ficije 2lrtott vte rrss thui7hiay iwahlftiit ip i had known if i lift known wlmt trouhln jnu v hedrhlir what uiiom tra in tlio itlloimo if your i wotilil iihvm i mm it mora kiillo uuil mora oarlnir atwl trlwlu ulio j on indnniw fa fcwcj i would iihvo linmultl niiiro warmth lu uio iiluoo hi km mown if i had known ulmt tliouglito ttwkilriiu drw jim why do wo tocr try to understand i iwotiu list a lout n littta filardthlitoyou and slipped toy hsiid within your lonely hand and made your itv more plaursnl in tha isnd if i liiul known mury curolyit 1v16h parable op the phodioal father a esrtsln man had tjo sous thsy tuild tothslr father i ssthorvifua u tlm por tion el thy time and thy attention mull iliy ooiaio4ulili and hy counsel which fail uth lous atj thsfslur divided unto luio ihslr imtitf in thst h pjd the boys bills sent lltwm foffcoauy jiwn to soltoou uul ool uffb siul sdvltotl tvlba lads mother often of bsr duty to dlsolplltte his own boon aud wu ha had spent all with the best of his llfs jous sllboujfh he bad falned bkmty and greatl poaiiylaui uul politics favor it had found no treat ate comfort in tbs things which ha luul ruined now about this uim umh sro a wlfthty fimltta in hi uit bo tlrad had his soul grown at tha tight of gdd that ha ltffn to b lo want of human syhipsthy 11 wadt ard jojnsd hltasalf to several of lb elub of that country and by reason of hu liberality hi fallow rv hlta many poaitlotu- of honor i but every station lavolvad sous pledge tha paytnanb of whlob auajrd lha cllluai who rafua ed to be satlsoed ivm by large publlo gift i awl an disappointed did u finally buficm with this swln eervles to poll tlesl spoils ttiat ha ftiln would rur frobtltallaadfluhla lift with tha huaks of publlo praise out wltli uw lota cf hla popuhulty want auo his frutids aiul no biau tcava sytupolhy lo hint hut what lie eatno to hluself ha aauli how many tnati of my aaiualutanoa have alroog sods who underautul them and love aud wtasmayerlubletowerofatrerigtliln a butaa declining- yaajra why rdhould my btetft psirlah hrt wltli hutigar wln uy fcona hav love and to apart t i will arlaa aud to to wy youtiroat ton and i w 111 uy ualo hla i boa i have alnnad ajfaltut ifaavan and agaloftt you in tint i have not law a fathar to you lu um yaava of yoav ftat bod indawl i am not worthy to be oaltad your fatliar but bty haart a hick for love and true ootttpialoaahlp malta u aa one of thy eomuoa frlanda and ha arose and came to hla aon whlu he waaafar offhlaaoa uwhlui but bad no eompaafcloti upon hlta nor would lie en- hlta with hla traublltiff frams ahakltttf by oeavuulona of aorrow the father cried outi boa i have binned againac heaveo and against you i ant not worthy to he called thy father but in uy loaellneaa and tllatraaa make tne aa ooo of thy oomitaon friadda but the aon aald i 1 wuli uut it pualbla tutjkikiwaji whan tbla oouhl hav b4u done but not now my own home wtrtcbed through drink through tha bablti i formed wltea i took wy fling you know the path i took hut than you ware too buay and oonoarning tha wat au of ufa you did not tall aa a tblug i have tquajidarad my portion in the graat white way i have no boma 1 au wreck ad n aoul aaj body i have no aid toglva you aw too lata too late now the elder aon had lived in tha proud old mtbaa hotfleetaad tinoamotherhadgooa away ttm old man raluotautly turned his tirad atapa toward tha aoane of hi hy dayav aa he eaua and drew nur to tha loum heard wuaio aad tlanolng lb call- ad to hla tou hla alder aon tha father hagaa i son i am ilooa n tlie world uy femtl u fclok of gat and gain 1 parish for human oouipaulotuhlp and filial love thou halt been uy prida thou haal ever beed with ma and all that i have la thlu 0 tnaka uy hungry heart ghul with tha win f butaaa love with a frundahlp that li all of heart and able to take away tha loaaunaaa of age f but tha ioa anawered and aald to hla alha- lo thaea uany yaara have i beavaj thee and i haw never tranagweotl thy eomuaodneatj of bualuaaa aagaclty with firm hand ami an iron heart i have got uy gain aa you tralnad toe to have 1 lived but the leva of gold has coo- mttiej tha flower of lova i hv fautaj wy frt upon tha golden dlaas until my heart oo long teela i cannot gtva you what you uk it la not ulaa to give tfci houaa la not a plae ot lov a room aeob i youra if you aak bub not love taw wj whaa utla could lava boon done hat not now you r too uu too late with thu tha old tnatiaauk ingrlafupoa th fcup tha flama of ufa fllfikered low in thaaofiket for a taouont and went out tbla touui had had atallaot but ha uaed tfaryutodghttaeoln he had had many frlattda but ba turned their frtendahlp into proparty ha had had a hobta hut no uia for lov itmir ha had been a atran gar is bis wlfa and boys and through lust fngouhafajud- wllllani vilob in tho bunjard 1h a glass house if thom ih onn lliltig hio than nrktllmr that itiakftii mo wild imld ntemlwr of tha xlutiitil improvaitiaiitclablnn frleitd it tolntvrj tlntt iituir wnnthh oorreot me i wbon i jiiht mala ullp of iho tnituuo lt jon htmirllui uy in that uiiperollluun uiy of hor my tnr im aura you could not buvo mount tlntt tboy hail immlo lie twtmti duoli mmiwjnii moant imtwoon avary tuo innitlmrh t and vry nno near in hnitrtl what ubo wild tlio vat i oh i hhuuldnt mind her kuid tlta nthor wiiinnn enly if you wutit rovtniixo juut look ut her wltli on of lhow fchort wauuwl jimltfy tlaunhum on ellher bldo nt tlm uh emliy und not a man on the horlxnn m in rnid tlionmxrlovod nna ea bo iloou look funny i but iny dour illd jon rouluu you uuld on ltbr ulo iiataail of on oacli side of coura if they ur on olthor uldo tinny dwall they couldnt ba jouwm i know you wouldnt mlud lirvlnuinawakftr it for ive noticed you make that lit tin error occasionally and ita o oasy to form a habit at the oculists this womans sickness quietly yielded to lydu e knkluanv vejreuuo cooipouna etaltlittora ilil i au tnor thaa tud lo uu what lydla fcl llnkbaata vagatabla coni pound did for ma i hutrrd dreadful kins aud was vry vgulaut ibecabia ahurrned and int for lydla e hakhama vagetabla cotnw pound xtookltkwg ularly uatil x wu without ft tramp or pain and felt uka another peradd abd it has now bn bin montha alnca x took any miiclno at all i hopa uy llttla uata will qinlat you in helphig ether wo wn i now feel perfectly well and lu the beat of health ura auothrv w kondnkk 1c33 uolllnbtit bal timore lid lydla e imnkharaa vagetabla coni pound mada frooi natlva roola and fiorbi ccnlajna no narcollo or harmful drugs and today holds tha teeord of being tha moat fcuefreftaful rvtnedy for fotnalo ills wo know of and thhiiand of voluntary tastlmonlals on flla bi tha rinkham laboratory at lynn uaaa aoom to prova this fact for thirty years it lias beati tha stand ard remedy for fomalo ills and has r- atorod tha health of tliouaands of woman wluj have been troubled with such ail mottu as illiplacetiunts inflammallon ulcoratiotl tumors irraguhuitiaa ate if you want hiteolnl advfee xrrhe to lydla 11 knukliabi med- iclno c eautldntlal kiyuu moaa yourlettdrwllllmopencalj rend an it auuiwrd by a woauui and held lu strict eonfldeue thev did not have to a family wlio had atruggled tha heat art of a lifetime in a poverty ttriekeu por tlon of the oity suddenly came into tha poweaalon of a small income with tha pfoitpeot in a few years of aomalhlug uora tbolr longorualiad aaplratioflirevhed and uia women of tlm family fctpeouhy began to aasuma various airs and artificialities they moved to a little plaea lu tha country and tried mightily to mpreaa their nalghbora with their tsportanoa they talked oonauntly of what people in our petition should and should not da soma of tbjr town aofiuaintaooee cataa out to vuit thetn during tha auniuar and one of tha youuirar members of the family a llttla girl of seven or eight waa showing thau about tha plaoa what nloa chicken l axolaiued ona of tha guests whan they reached tha poultryyard thay lay iteaullly too 1 auppoaav yea raturuml tha youthful hoiaes whoraally knew nothing at all about it that la titty oould of course hut in our position thay uiay dont havo lo ooaol tha oomwouast compulata of lu fauta is worms and tha most eifaouva ap- plloatioa for tlteu u uothar o raves worn exterminator dluoikio vott hohbv tha wotkmau waa eugaged in excavating oparatlonsl a iia was digging tha wayfarer of tha inquisitive turn of tulod stopped a moment to look on lly man said tha wayfarer at length what are you digging for j tha workman looked up uouey ha replied uouay 1 ejaculated tha amaud way- farer aud whaa do you expect to atrika lb y baturday replied tha uokmau and resumed operation tho ootillntv waiting kkiin wa nearly full ami dhurltlta vnot telayml by un finetoeau bltulrtiioen rooolvetl oheok timn tier ii f too it that inemiit at tho loasl two hotiiru of wailing hlie glatiowl wearily alwut the room altbntiuli blia van familiar will the various lyim nf bitiitu ti liorw the nerwiuh tlio tolltly enduring thioa or four wera filanolng idly through tho magaxintis on tlia table i om was resil ing u letter i two whu evidently hail ooino toitlter were tulblng in iniprefsfttl valoas i supijio tlio thought routed tha iflrlm mind whimsically i supjiom tliey really nro us interesting as tlm uvemgo of humanity if one had any way of knowing but how dull they all do look bare tha door opened uifuin and everybody looked up except tha woman villh hands udealn the ilarbctt corner tlwnew oomarm wero two a llttlo brown eyeil okl huly amva younger woman apuirantly hr dauitbter tlia okl huly was talking and tho krijit right on williout u thouubt of listening earsi thsnj now kllon you go right along and do your shopping i dont need you here any mora than a cat mwu two tallu ill hava ooinpany enough from ilia looks au ainuoed smile went round tlia room kllon after a low wonl or two apparently agreed to no along and tlio llttla huly wltli a quick glance round dropped into a seat beside ui woman in tlia corner thar wasnt any uuln kltens wasting morning sitting round with ma sb said conversationally bitting rounds real fidgety work dont you- think ao 1 tha woman looked surprised hut after a momant alia answered ami tlia little old womannot at el disconcerted cliatied on ivesmitly tha woman too beaart to talk in a low nervous voice and befora long tlia oh ladys hand waa holding iters whan she was called aha happened to hold the next numbereverybody heard tha last words i doutyou he discouraged dean twill coma out all right 5or a momaut alter ute baudaged eyes left ua old lady sat silent uisu sia cross- ad tha room to a chair baslda a mother with a llttla girl in three uinutas she was tailing about her own daughters and learning all about the child kvrylody waa watching by this time and tha room held uo bored f aoes whati number fittest was called char lotte want eagerly into the omoa there is such adear old lady out there sha said you ought to hava her for an asiataul bites comforted sis people and entertained all of us utm lvntland uis doctor raplled with a quick smlla i hope sha is not a serious patient r tha girl asked tha doctors face changed 8be is growing blind ha said gravely i can only delay it tha and la inevitable oh i tha girl said with a quick breath then sha sdded softly her heart will never grow hind never utsa charlotte tha doctor an swered pffitlefh fcskyjrfi castor i a to lalutaaad cuurta is use for over soysara any man who shaves hlusejf is apt to cut bis best friend duvthd tvuwi ham thar ara various methods dlplomatia or btusqua of uotlfylrtg au unsatisfactory akployaaof bis dismissal tha pink an valopa says a writer lu the dostoa record is tha rsaogauad tuaaaanger cf fata lu many business oaoesv there ara other ways tha most picturesque sad original of nsilhftrls was that which uncle jimmy gilbert used to use lit bis printing office when a new man oaua uncle jimmy drove a nail in tlm wait for hint to bang bis bat aadeobvaou sosna moraine the man would coma to work audi sad tha ball driven lu up to tha bmdl iuajewtlt4 bo waa urettf titan her baby had dysentery twebetttm itohitsilt wu chwd iv the m w kxttet of wild stntrimtiy in dysentery tlio discharges frota tha bowels follow each other with- great rapidity and sometimes become mixed with blood never neglect what at first appears to be a slight attack of diarrhoea or dyecu- ery wlu surely set in cure the fint symptoms by the use of th vowkr ifxtract of wud btrawberry mrs martin parraher doghetty cor ner rjb writes i can very strotuily reoomtneud dr fowlers luuact of wild btrawberry for dysentery aud summer complaluts my little tjlrf at the age two years had tho dysentery very bad we had two doctors but with no result my mother brouiht ma a liotlla of vf fowlers and when half the bottle waa nd bt rrrt wb ui- think sha would ever get better tlura are attumber of preparations on the market today claiming to be the m dr fowlera hxtimct of wud strawberry and also called similar names so as to fool tha public into think ing they are gpttlag the genuine a u u wsuufaetured only by thatmubttrdco timlted toront oat bee tnat their s on the wrapper met sb mat used the little girl was running aroui playing with her dolls with great deugl w joy to tha family for we did not coin it bead ddwa 0i hwaiat el biokwhr ut j a uiblnlecki dauphin man writes it is my pleasure to write you in regard to doaus kidney pills which i have been using for some time for kidney trouble which used to affect uy back so that at times i could not bend down nor could i walk straight x learn ed about your pills from your almanac and i blcaa the happy hour i thought of buying this medicine one time a aniniat persuaded me to buy kidney pill saying they were just as food in fact he guaranteed they were i yielded to his advice and what was the result i had bearing down pains in uy back for two days so i took tha iijj cf tha pill unused to the druggut and told him to give me doans acidaey imi as they would stop the pain lu 13 bours at the outside he told ue be was sorry i did not use more of th pills aad lengthen the time to await results x told bun there u no need of waiting with doans htli they go light to the spot no substitute for me vjoauts kidney rill arc 60c a bos s boxes for 120 at all dealers or tnaifed direct on receipt of price by the t mllbum co limited toronto out when ordering direct specuy j ouv the bim h molher mid btolu iage im glad that now family in tho collage next door is the- to juat for he summer i dont ilka tlieir ways that big oy of iholru came tollio kluliou door just now to borrow u broom and wliat do j on llilnk ha ssldt its mighty hard to wait to ask for what yau wont whan its rliriit in wight 1 the uirooii door wan hooked or itiuvlie ha wouldnt hnie uullod 1 ob i think ho would dear i protect ed urn tago nliurllslily concfisling the fact that the hatchet hail slrouily liecn lent to the new neighbor before ireak- ft hut that whu only the beulunlng and not even mrs wgea charity could coiar the multitude if urtlcles borrowed by the blmmbus family during tlio uext nix weli i knew youd have one mm hliiunonu rauiarked cheerfully hie day sha came after tlia canomner i told my daughter i luul usver yet asked lira iuge for a tiling alia didnt have bites riven you a wide range tool onrumbud stella cage to her mother osslie struggled to open a plneaipleean wltli an old knife the next day alias hluiuion- oatita for tlie egg beater that cottage we have rented le so poorly equipped i slie slgltod on taking her teste it ought to be pretty well equipped with our thlms by now i muttereduulle wrsthfully beating eggs with a fork uoeant pay to buy thsae things just for ona season drawled tlia hlmons boy as he walked off wliji mia luxs rake aud hoe it certainly didnt pay us waabulls private comment i want that raks this minute at last ona day aha rose in her sixteen year old dignity lfalher sliesnnounc ed tliey left our luachet cut in the wet grass and ive reecued it and now if utay gt it again im just golagafierit were not going to out another bit of kindling with a knife this summer hut that afumoou asbtalle lounged lu the hammock tlia pleasant faced old fath er of all ute blmmonsea the only one who bad neve borrowed anything came round the corner of tha house ita queer he said sociably hut our hatchet that ive used every day since we came here luui suddenly disappeared it wss a rusty dull old thing but it was better thsu nothing would you like to take oursl asked sulls politely and a minute later alia handed him tha rusty dull old thing tha old gentleman turned it lu his hands with a took cf recognition he opened bis lips to speak but refrained evidently from motives of delicacy and finally walked off with a humorous expreosloo on his face w btch said aa plainly as words beats all how soma folks borrow and keep things i that girl honestly thought tills was their hatcher just por pun umlaut your hufclmml imml itnvc miim lute rest uld tlia family physician lllit dootnr ha wont luun to mo ropllod mm tailor a very good beg inning madam a very rood beginning what queried the yaumr man u the dintarenofl between white lieu uud blaok ho white lit urn tlio kind we tall i black lio nro tha kind we bear auuwered tho home grown jtlioijior hergouiit btopt dont waste jourhiu huluf nineteen are quite enough ut hlaxa uway without hitting the turret onoe jo behind that vimii thore und t nu iur liradiw nut toniiv wnllod quietly uway and fov faoooiidu tutor u nho rung out mloail heavenu tuu that fool done what i lultl biiii orlod the sergeant run ning hemml tho visll ireat won hi rvliaf uheu ho uavv lrhule joneu coining toward blm sorry urgssut lie mild upotogtloal- ly another inlaa a joung huly who lisped very badly was treated by a spoclalut and after diligent practice and ilia expenditure of some tuon ey learned to ssy buter huslee bewlng shirts for soldiers bbe reputed it to her friends ata private relieartal and was congratulated upon her luasterly perfomiauoe yeth alia sold dubiously but it ith tin ill no ectlieedingly difficult remark to work into a conversation ethpetblally when youconlhlder thatlhavanothlthur tiiutlle tha best liver isllth actioo of th liver la easily disarranged a sudden chill uodoa exposure tothaelauenta cver- indulaenoa lu aofaa favorite food exoeeu n drioklng ara afew of tha causes but whauver may ba the cause iwmawe vegetable mils can be rilled upon as tha best corrective that sn ba taken they ara tha leading liver pills and they hava no superior- among such prsparationa children osry rott futcrjebs c aauworcagurr a dhitinguuhad irish lawyer always in impoverished circuustancas once look chief justlob whlteskla to sea his uagnl- ftcently furulshed new bouse in dublin iwt you think ba said wltb a complacent look about that i deserve great credit for this v yea tha judge answered dryly and you appear to have got it tt note of sombre severity now rarely heard in sermons agirldoseatthlakmuchofher parent i idea of marriage tioom woman are horn clever soma beautiful ami soma just learn to ba good cooks my troubles jlris froai wreir aeliaa 01 tho uvor unless the liver is working properly you may look forward to a great many troubles ariiing such as biliousness cou- fttipatiou heartburn the rising and ouriitg of food which leaves a natty taste ih the mouth sick headache jaundice etc ut howard newoomh pleasant har bor na writes i have had kk beadache been bilious and have had pains after eating and wot also troubled with a bod taste in my mouth every woruiug i uud four vlala of your mllluirns loxa liver h1u and they cured mc the best praise i can give u not euouftb for them mubumo laxa liver pills are 2oe per vial s vtaln for si 00 at all dealers w moiled direct on receipt of price by the t mil bum co limited torouto was weak and run down coitl i0t stasl tie lestt excirehert when one lets weak and run down the heart becomes affected the bervs become unstrung and the least excite- rncut causes feeling of utter hitlitude what is needed is to build up the heart and stretnithen the shaky nerves by the use of such a medicine as mluxiros llcart and nerve hlls mrs j a williams yiluonburg oat writes i cannot speak too highly of muhurns heart and nerve ihllx x suffered greatly with my nerves and was so weak and run down x could uot stand the least tacilctneut of uuy kind i believe your heart and ktrve kmls to be a valuable remedy for all aubcrers from nervous trouble mubums hrart and ktrve ihus are fioc per botf 3 boxes for 81 2a at al dealers or mailed direct rai receipt of price by the t alllburu co limited toronto out no uora asthma dr j ix kdlocgs asthma remedy sounds uia death knell of this trying trouble it stop tha awful choking and painful breathing it guards against night attacks aud gives renewed ability to sleep and rase tha whole night long much u claimed for this remedy but nothing but what can ba demonstrated by a trial if you sutler from asthma try it and convince yourself cf its great value rf o use in counting your chickens before they ara batched nor after thay have their necks wrung almost as had tappertoa i am going to ask if r bub hon for hla daughters hand tonight and i am so nervous x cant think ullllngton who knows mr bullion ho use using nervous mr bullion levery approachable kb t wont ba kick me out f notablfcolll wont he get angry t no indeed im overjoyed what do you think lie will do v hell laugh coufcucb many young men drink because it oeeiiib to them to lie a brave thing to do thay fool a manly independence in it as s matter of fact it is not courage but cowardice that leads many of thau to it elome ona invites them to take a drink and they are afraid to refuse or uiere is a crowd about thett and they do not want to seem timid they think that to retain the respect of the crowd they must do as tha crowd is doing but probably the whole crowd is just following ona or two leaders sod the real heart of tha leaders may ba only a cowards lieart these are tha very times when principles are worth something sod whan tha man who says i will not stands out as tha man of true eourage sobert k bpeer children ory roh hltchetts c ona dose of sinters worm powders will clear tha stomach and bowels of worms so that tha child will no mora ba troubled by their ravages the powders are sweet to uia taste and no child will object to taking them they are non injurious in their composition and while in soma cases they may cause vomiting tliat must not be taken as a sign that they ore nauseating but as aa indication of their effective work coras are caused by tlio pressuro of tight boots but no one used be troubled with them long when so sluplo a remedy aa hoi loways cora cure is available soma man pray for success because it is so much easier than working for it self sstlafsotios is a frightful enemy to progress blood will tell usually the tilings we do not want told all might 1m hl3 cask the teacher was giving the school a llttla lecture on good conduct let ma caution you on another point children tha said avoid critiolalng dont make practice cf finding fault with other people or picking tuws in what they say or do it is a very lad habit to form and 111 make your own ufa unhappy why teacher spoka up a little hoy thats the way that uy father makes bis hvliiv you surprise me fieorgy what is your fathers occupation v hes a proof reader maam the teacher coughed behind her fan well oeorgy she aald i will make an exoepun la tha case of ycur father children cry for fletchers cast0ria tlio kfjnd you have altvaym llonglit and tviilcli km boon lu use for vcf 3m yciu xiuu bornu tlia algnnttirei of 4 and itah lcn iiimlo under ills per mount htiporvlulon idnco its infancy allow iioono todncalveyoialriuila all counlcrfeumimltntloninnd ynutnurrood nro but ksvpeirtrrionti tlinfc trlflu with and enduntfer tlie lieultli of infant and culldscu uxpcrlouco uuuluufc experiment what is castoria cfoatorla i a tiurmichm nn1tultut for cnatar oil pour srorlc idrop nud hootliluu hjniph it lu itlcuuant its contain ttolther opium sxorpliino nor other mnrootlo mubatnnoe itit nan in itu tfiiurantoo it uontroysj tvorm and allay fcverulinesh tor tnoro tlmn tlilrty yainrn it itn boon lu constant uuo for tlin rllo of conatlpntlon svlatulcnoyp wind colla till teething trouble and idlnirrhooa it regulate th htomuch and isowels stssltnllatesl tlia iood giving licaltliy nnd natural kvlcop th hlldruai i iho motboru itaiend genuine castoria always ptbcura tho signature of the grand trunk railway vadbittnakcn tm alnd al wlllell issaautf in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bouaht for youa wonderful book on farm drainage free do you know you can take as much erou off vou eati off u0o half tha labor t or 100 acres property drained as acroa not drafnod and save hsb fat ni v lulili iulvruill- was lniial n ir ian uj ir to wuk lncraacalltaiiinllly an j li ct lr tvwyu why lurf hava ui urul ii lnjy frw ct ray u t iicarct anvthlni thai will kaln r sw bl utfuer rmi i miur ilntlnaxe iaiii ai miuk u m dkh iii v i r i inli errdint r vary orm llnlvval avyw shj iliocujvcrmant jnjuj hwwwy 1a iktiulf iwnii at lvwlj uj oxii uil l au vtwlmauihiaw dominion seweif pipo co limhewi wimiix rjsrtlbj 9xdkacaslc5sss the merchants bank op canada iuuhmhj tui thrift ie rirlitly described as eco nomlcal management a shrewd basincbh man is epoken of ae thrifty be cause he saven perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret of ins success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cabi rat paid op hkbbrvi punob and undlvidadpitopita ttmxxuxx 7su 84 p a acton branch aiaclean manager the weeks bargain list ml saxe general merchant mens rain coats at 6 tweeds suits at ess serge suits up to iase ladies white waists good value at ioo ladies crepe waists at ioo silk waists at ioo rain coats at 500 3vv skxe the brlok store opposite new postofbce dttta mmuiuiuiimmumiuiuuuiuui pcna ertraqnaluy gtatttuafed when preserving uw lantic safar tueauu it dluslvu quickly it will list corch er bum in tha kaltla lantic sugar la nllnad from caiu only granulated extra hot and comu to yau eluu aud pur rant nllmry in original packaeeg 2 lb and s lb cartons and 10 lb and 20 lb bag 100 lb bage coarer granulation weight guaranteed buy in orlgfaul padkaie and look for the lantic red ball on each package seed year mtnu nj eaull red bu trad muk frua hut ar uf ad of cutoa aed we wul nuu yea bmk of so auerted vnlt jer lelxueriated aad gamoied reedy t pet a the jer atlantic sugar relinerlea limited montreal quo st john n b lsuitic sugar no wi nn u ht id 1 isovu m1h t 1 un ii loans t i ni hi bui k t 1 nd m klrlti k 1 i no 117 aos t paaaaaapaaadcsj 8 s grain n s chopping n n g well done and ii quickly at only a i 5 cents 8 per bag 8 harris v co limited aockwoon our wonaaaoaaaaanadm roht noble ltd uanglcs buoar i1kkt8 amd turnips seed corn learning whito cop comptohb utj plilllp uucomin ho 7 lonfllow j l warren mosl fresh groceries hew raisins now currants new dates mew nuts new puis now spices kin line ofcnfaouanstry first clasi una of fancy cakes anil pastry fresh every day cooked liculs haim oocoo with tha ilomoliho flavor broad and other good delivered promptly dally j r livingstone bueowsior to bf 0 hlost hill htrt astoa boots shoes rtjbbbbs aannnnnnnunnn iniuinoiaanda b all lines q footwear et rlht prices au mens rubbers at bargain prices aannaanatmudaaaaannacmonnti w wltiliams mill street acton bottom jlix v jcixfi x and b lik llavlne iiiirchofuid tlm luury liuslitesib and eoodwfll ot th estatoof tlio lslsjakawllllsus i rtmrtcctfully solicit tliu tmiroti- ngo if tlm public coral or tublt rikwlh nlwas o supplied at remonaltlo charajos for tho pruiiunt ur qmotta hall who linn luul ilia mnusfto- ment of tlio fclalilon tlm past year will cuntliiuo in charfte he will alwayhbe fotitiil courteous bd obllliik bum hukta all yftavntj ambrose mccann mill st actoa onl aten lvlwiilvsrlwjtri muuuqsf s ha i0h iusitfrsitjfjuseaijtlfciriiij

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