Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1915, p. 2

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married coil kai tin rofllilimoo of tho hrhlfts pnrnou on irlihiv fitly lllili hi itnv 11 1- c interim itmuie duuithtm of mr uml mri aihiiu ki tn mr 1 teratl join till of lunriiowii ji luttrt juidiiin i llui family rewl douoo woodluwn avikiimi lyrouto tin widuimlij ink jt dy lv it 1 tririieii jvrak i luwntl in ihiluy lloriniim ilttiitlilfir uf mr nod mi william i iiuonii nit i lonmto died lhuwsat u nohln avonim wlimlpejfr oil thursday mod illy lmioiliy daughter of fr t kerr brown myod ih ffiljc rlna rce rcs tnuithiru irra imi ion editorial notes tiiicv war loan won over sub sorlhedln kew ork last wenk lion r white minister of vi nunc san tlili 1 evidence of international rood will unit a fine tribute to canada credit is llvim cm town ami villain of ilia united kingdom tueotlnipi will to liltl 0 wednesday august 4th the anniversary of th declaration of war to rusfllrm britain u dslertn i nation to fulfil her vawi of victory all tit leaders of the nation are to meet in hl laul s cathedral on that day to invoke wvlne aj tut recent buitiputloti of v l under wood president of tlia krla railway system as a solution of rale tfltflcuttlaa is of inurw ho propoaoa tliat pssiitr fares lai reduced to o cent per mile ami eiati lower for those wlto travel continual ly such saauburbandwallsra wlilufrllit urtfrj be incrmj j jh jier eut- in ui la- way tha survival of railways wiy lie aaaur ed and at ui tatoe time lha burden would chiefly fall oa uhw vlio can bt bear lu uruloulttedly tlila would la favored ly fajnnjpka- iurlyii lo lulila in tha british mouse of comitiooa on ui situation in tlia dotnlulois ami colon l lost uadi artliur h bucj ualtland uwu hciary for tha goloiiuai fcilil il wu tlia intsutloii to talis uk raapooalua ulnutars of tlta or tamlj blta into tlis rxuifultusa of un lavorouaot in every uiatur uiat ulglit uu not only during tli war but alao in ut qumlluli of tit fcctuunvotlt of rkjat rkat wait ilia rvauaon irf ulil irwniur ilor tuu of cauiaila atunuvl tl4 cvmnat bit latf rcaiilly tltt wu uot an fouuxl ooura tlm undar hcrlary aildul lut a aut of ilia fnraj irvwl of evsnta alhluya uui ivouly in tim vota to cuaii tloikiuor twfilo out of tha iirovlnoa ut wajatlt ily a hujorltjf of ovr two to ona uk provlooa in a rilauaclta vota utwlar tla nw inroct litutlon act ironounoc4 in favor ol tka propomtl luuor act prolilult lag tla sala of liquor throughout tha uro viaoa all tlva oltlaa wldi tlia ioauon ol lauitaulitu waattlry t lbnoutoufxavaa majority of s uo ami oaltfary about 3u0 tu naw liquor prolilljltoh act goo into ettsft july lht 1010 it auoliahaa tw liotal club ami wliolauda lioanaaa in tin proviaoa ko liquor can titan ba bougltt la albarta fiioapt for toadloliialt aclantiflo or uoramtntal rmipoaaa tiik nota rirfruntail at tlia herman voreiun odlca ly ambaasajor oerard laat vhjay vlauail in waliinun maana tliat anolw aubawrlna attack oa anierloan ufa will raault in atrak batwaanoaruany ami ilia united butaa tlia climax of praaldant wluona warning to germany in ragard to tlia right ol aroarioana ooum in tha final aantanoa of hit nota aa follow- t vrlaodklilp itaalf proupu tha united blataa uoveromant to aay to tha iunarial oartnao uovemuant that rapatttiaa by tha eotdnundara of lartnan naval vaaaahi ol acta in contravention of thoaa righta must ba tajrardad by tha floverntnanb ol uta united stau whan they affect american eltuatu aa deliberately unfriendly ci vich0l1daynext wednesday clot of accounts to btroot irtijirovo- monts ntttl otlior emotlditutos town well watelt being tested cumuli mot on monday owning in ri if u in r mtunlon lltoo llmluin tlio iltnlr mouilmirh nil iromiu iv 1 i aiillmwilculonteerariioltli iu irokoiil itml uuhiulttml u wjwitl by tliu rrovliioiiil itualyut on ultout u ilon iuttlu of uitur f nn ii uu iiiuii well in i homo hliouod coiiiuinliiutlnn a further rojuitl will lo luiulo tho doctor recoiuioiubi tho dlacnutliiii anoaof clouot vanlti nnd tho nilojitlou of ilry oiirth ciumsib hh n inoiuih nf louinliiu llio coiilumltiittloii of wciim tho fourtoiilhriiortelflrihocoiiiiiillloo on unniico rocniniiicniloil jwijiiiontof iho folloulng nccoiuil i iimi iui amu nv i itilchlo ttutiiilnir trr nel j ititohlo taltor flbo itouol tjihor i 1111 uw it tiiblioiifi ulior wm taylor uhor jaino4 lntiit gravel a 1 clurrliliffi qravol uolu laiuiilwll mono acton taunlitir co tile i ltailfonl lalior w t hilchlo oometary j no harvey huiultlou hi i itltutt ii ivt tallman ilrauand meul lo umilia tih if j ii mackemla lutnur tlh jtu la inanition 4 w yaderal v n i o hti l h2 811 10 tha matter of lha iroclamatlon of civio holliay waa illftcuawxl the flnniaiirequatwl that if tlmy could mtcura a njnfnt train lo connect with tho morning boat from toronto to uta ralli for tha 1th august that ilia itoevo tnako tlia tiroclaiuatlon of that dato for civic holiday tlia matur waa istt in aba utica until iufonuation u rvcaivod wab specta a exmbitiom onud suhd show at toronto of a mtu to evoke outbreak ofpat tha mammoth war aneotaola tha llaroli ol tlia alllaa ami the review of tha steat will ba tha ytlg aoanlo projuo uoa in rout of the grand stand at tha oaaadiah national uvhiutlon thla year and will ba ooa of tha woafc alaborata evar augail ami a tilting climax to each days entertainment in thla patrlotto vaar tha background la tha anclattt city of ctalala aaved by tlia canadlana when they to gallantly aloppad tlia barman drive at st julian at audi enortuoua coat it plotureaqua cliataaua and matorlo environ utnt adapt tliamaalvea admirably to npro luotloa oaeitliealdalianaatb frowning olifta an aaan military cauipa with tha aoldlara of tha allied arnilaa in all tlia fauula liuatla and action of war tlma tha brilliant unlforioa of tlta field uamlialla oaoorau etc aihl spundar to an lupraa alvaaaena suddenly tho fleet appaani over the horiioa under full ataatu with lha oumii baaa leading theflrtt liattla una ami tha uoa la advanoa ol tho othera tha iron doha majeatloally appeara with admiral jauieoe aboard audavaha rimiea between tha watoh dooa ol the ruplra unad up u baula array tha admlml a gretad with alvoaa of hroadaldea it will ha a faithful portrayal of tha oana jutt befora war waa declared laat aawraer when tha fleet had beau uauiad os tha ordra of cliurohlll off tlia brltlah eoaat tha canaofladlug cuoue a u officer go aahor to ravlaw tha troopa which awing paab tha orand buiul lo tha final wonderful tableau h will lie u panorama of empire rraalueaa a plctur of eiioli ktrlklag reality aa to avoko verlubla hyatarla of patriouo fervor anung u thauaaudj who will nightly crowd tha grand stand chkws co tha wlurupbarrlai are rlpa now and thay ar of a very good quality thla year tha regular quarterly aervloaa on thla circuit will ba held ueub hunday at kdea uui tha yiidlaa aid will maab on thnraday afbaroooo at ura it if wanabrougha pta i if labia of nlagar cmtep pant tha weekend with bin fatally bar mr john brown vlaltad friend at glen william laat weak uim kmlly voung krln la vulting t mr w a mttrrayv mr 1 i lbmr ntul ml- kthal bum par apettt hundny at mr w vrjrv 111 do 11 mi j oil 11 00 jlto m ho 1jt 7 jl t 10 i 00 tub high school promotions a wklxome for capt drown tho standing of tho high bohool sttldonts whon tho schools tloopon if collection hav been wade rim fdllowlnir nrtt tl o romotlnim in tho lliuh koikwii iumii imhi th inldhiiuiiixir ouiilllillktloilh i tllllll iollvi ii to frlldl 111 um wmiii uu tollool ifimi of liiuoolutiro umilal i 1orcy ault orn ifurvoy wilnin toluiftono mury molun i re n a mimuiio lftuold mount mrrl wlhuui loan ultmi aimi any othnrx uho do not purioa lwinj umrhcra hut whodoulru to muh the junior inatrlnulatlon omumlimtlon hasaoaweya thra ia otia uriiitr at i oast in thu lownahlp who liain t uiany pol worda lo uy of lha rooilwaya iwuling into luctjli ho rough did iio find ono af thaa rojiln laat waji tliat thra doxao of tho prima egg ha waa taking into lha city to daluer lo cukuunara were amaijiad by tha ftarful jolting of tha rutn and luhim tha farmer who voro oxtriiiunting with cucumlierr as u profltahla crop hao had rallior a trlng eviariaiicd the lull atorui of acaupldof wrmka ugo cut off tho totulor vliia uniiurci fully kaagaweyaa flue roadu lempt tlia niotorutatlirough tha towmhlp frely on ploaaura trip ooo funner aarta tliat at huut twenty cam paua hia faun alniowt dally lm tensive improvements ara being mada to lw tarnaand atablea on tlia mcclregor faru roocrtly purcluuod by neil patteraon acton tlia twjjjanoo of mr frank hayora jfraaanta a handuws apficaraiica with lu naw uaua and balcouy ainoa w ii walker tlia acton painter completed hia work i armor aro haying and lmr eating simultanooubly now home have thoir fall wheat and rye cut and tlia liny utill ktand- ing tha hay liou womlerfully liiijirovil tlia jwsx fortnight tlia quarterly ooininunlonandiaoniniant al aervloos of llio naacagawoya circuit of tha methodist clmroli will ba held at cor whin next sunday at the uaual hour lianiiera ara cuttlngthalr fall wheat tliia waek tlia crop la a good one muter fjeorgo hancock of toronto la holidaying at o t wluona mr wm imamond and family of ouelpli ara vlltlng at tha rattier a mr jawaa bind a mr jolm marshall occupied tha pulpit in lha arkell metliedhn church uat sunday afternoon ilia aartuon waa much uppimol- atad by all ballinafad mr duncan ferguson liaa uio carpen tara busy at hia houaa kiaing uta roof and putting aoma other improvement on ll before moving in mlaa margaret uokeohnla of inglawood a tlia gueab of har friend miaaullio camp- ball matter itay vauallenlaholldaylngatmr laler ferguaona mlajtea mlna anil mabel waddoll havo raturnwl home after an absence of two montlm mr keel or and mru ncshlt of kriu waratlia guwtaof mrs i ttoiel but mon day mr jamea iii tin lo haw returned home afterapatidlng aoma time with hln daugh tar mr kay at barrio hill mlw itntl kay of harris hill ia the iruaat of ballioafad friends the garden lrty held here on tha jut waa a doolded auocaar although tho weather looked threatening there waa a good turnout and an excellent programme was rendered tlia fjiurio boys of main llton with their little aialer dallghtad the crowd while mlau ileitis lowris oontrl hutad much to tha entertainment by her recltatlonft acton cltiwjiw band enliven ad tha proceed i n g very much through tlia evening the receipt of tha ovtuiing amounted to about jik100 mr albert r crounuut of the town- tjilpof ictoblcoka haapurchaaed a hundred acre farm in ktquiulng townahlp bolotig- ing to mr william a irvauk bala waa made by j a wllloughhy georgetown out frluim vuum i tit rnuu ii om boon an collection of iiiwolu in mudo uoorgio agtiaw honors floorga andartuiii lloiiuni hoy brown ofonoru myrtle clarrldge hfouom anna i inilaay wilfrid mcdonald olivo mowut hnuiiritl adamorr honornt harold llobit willlo hots anuto hnydor minnie stalker bertha stewart marguerite stawatt honors i irst aar btuilenta are required to make a col i oct ion of insect- w h hnu lur principal patriotic evenin0 at umeii0usb splendid otthleti party at tha sixth lino church on tueadaty evening the lutrlollo garden party postponed from two weoka ago waa held at tha presbyterian church tilth line ou tuas day evening and was a gratifying succ tits w4tliu- was delightful tha bright lisrvfrt bioon throwing a glow of warmtl over tho prtty toe us at the church lawn a daintily docoretad booth ocoupud i prominent place ami a busy itovy of prvtty maidens loaring the insignia of tin red cross society with the asalsunoe of lha sterner tax ininltlarwl to tlia crowd with tha ir cool ing ami appatliiug refresh man la r kotwithstaihllug tlia counter altrae tloji at nerval where capt- brown tlia woundeil hero fiom lha firing una in trance was being wsloomei hotna by a great coiioouw of pooplo frotu all tlia countryhldc tho attendance hare taxd tlia capacity of tho church to accommodate the crowd ilev h v cameron tlie uutor made an excellent chairman tha programme was variod patriotic and highly interest ing tho orchestra of iho methodist sunday school acton provided a most aoeoplabla mriou of selections and tlia mlasoa mason who are members of the orchestra tor- nlslied well renderwl duata on ooruet trombone and organ mrs- a t brown acton gate two plendkl patriotic readings in liar usual excellent manner delighting tho audience miss isabel itoed of toronto a little lassio recently from scotland rendered several scottish songs which were greatly enjoyed she has a rich voice ami sym patliatio expresalon well suited to her numbers several solos were given by mlaa david son of terra cotta whoso rloh soprano voice ami happy presence will always win for her tha appreciation of lier audience messrs w iowdy and carl adams sang several numbers in excellent voloaand wan high encomiums of preuo a violin solo by master jlmmlo rosa of aoton woe voclferourty applauded tha address ol if p moore j 1 aoton on the warend canadas iteapon alhility thereto wu listened to with manifest interest in concluding ida remarks mr mooro appealed to tlia young men to onllut at onoo iu tho new battalion now being recruited by lieut col dalian- tine i h o the ititrenld heroof ourowa county who iio already paid hia quota of aervioe at the front with distinguished bravery a cordial vote of thinks to all who had contributed to tho huoom of the evenings prooeedlnga mas ably moved by mr g k pnlkhighorne a buhun0t0h g0ld1eh home bugler james lardle wounded and oaiwd invalided homo bugler damaa irdla of uio 13th bab tallon waa met at tho burlington atatloa baturday night by mayor smith and tlia citlxens on his return home invalided from tha front where ha waa wounded and gassed at langeuurok tho home guards with the bugle band ami tlie tiro brigade drill corps eecorted the hero through crowded street to the drill hull where patriot lo speeolies were delivered by tha mayor ueeva ghent councillors matthews and nicholson capt a h nioliolwon of the home guards end uio bugler himself who regretted ha would nob ba able to go to lha front again a proposal to provide a machine gun was unanimously received and aso waa promised towards it on the spot an effort will ha made to secure recruits to man tha gun as wejll as to supply two or three more guns atotujtk oa bets clears out rats mice etc dont die in the house 10a ami 2jc at drug and country store enthusiastic reception tendered upon his arrival at notvul tuosday evening thousands join in the welcome ipu gordon drown of norvnl who whs liimtlldnd homo from tho front on unoiml in numerous wnundi rwnlved in halllo urrlved on ttiosday evening mid wu u t ard ol u right rojat roooplinn upon his urrivul his father mid tnotlior mr mid mrtt tamos drown und lieut col no hi it uonl lo toronto to meet him mid nccomuinioil him tokorvul on tho eight n clock train upon arrival ut tho station u sight greeted tho intrepid soldier horn tuiuh an was never holoro witnessed ut norial rim station platform and yarla were crowd ml with a masit of ioople comprihing the cltjycus of norial nlid the community for mllau around a torchlight proceuiiiiii waa formetl and headed 1 y tho ith itogt band of georgetown miidllindlcuwilliumu brass band tho hfge roucourso of pooplo iwiraded throujilt tlie welcoming uroh attio station grouiuls ami down to the village tlie public school groumlu lielng tho rendexvouh for the occasion an adititsu waa read amt a ireseiitatou mode lo cdpt ilrown who replied lu very fitting words of aprvciatlotl his loyal and ooiirugeoua words uero greatly apfireclated it una however iuthctlo lo witiits llio maimed hamla of this cour ageous young soldier who has proved himself wortliy of all tlta praise and octal of tha occasion both right and left hands are still swathed fp liospital luitidsges both are ununited in such a manner an to incapacitate tlta captain from furtlier crvioo at tlta front ha received in all eleven wounds in tlta hands aide ami i renst stirring patrlotio speeclies were uioile by f uut col luuantyne l s o ueul cot noble and others tha event was a gtnat one for thacommuuity it la luwd it will result in a large accession of meruit into col ualuutinos new betulioti looking at a photograph feulter hneels are oblslkd whan only 0 kya la utd pbolagrnphai slioukl tw looked at with only ons oyo lo spcur lumt aaya v w marlow lu su artlcla oo mow to fook at a photograph lo tb pboln mof pbtograplia particularly smflll ettaa of landscaped itiw acuw and intertora fall lo produca tblr full tf fact or to w llnialvd af their true vilua bacauae llioy tira not looked at in ilia moat etfeellve way iho nulbor uya tako aa an examplu u print r ultlug from a cmivrrj wllli a tlva iticb foeiu una bucb a print u usually lookad at with both ya open aud bald at a dlstatmv of twlya incite or toot now a camera la eoiteotlally a eua ay instrument or at uuy rata it views tho object to ba reproduced from a single point tlia optical center of the ions 1 ha object must lie looked at therefore with una eye only and from it point rorraamiidlng ns nearly as possible to tlia opt lent cvnter of the lena if lis rli iniclvrlsitca as it is in iw reprodiiced in ilia emm re aro to ba np predated let i a ratnoiuberad that wlicn a print la i iked nt with bntli vjes open blitoculm vision uinplinsixi w tbv hut oaas of mi cord mid itiln li udf to utt set lha ihualuu of imiilor oi it ill innco produv4l liy mir ihihl mid slmdv nlid pertqitfli0 nf thi prlui ht uilnjj una eye tlu liuiinxflun nf itnlmus in greatly dliulnllil if m tin minie lima ihv eye be plural at the riuhl distance verlhluu u aaan under its oatural annle or iwrspoctlvo nnd tho picture unfolds itself tlia different ob jects receding lo iholr proper relative distances making del alia rcry obvlotu wblcb may bo uunotlced if looked at id the ordinary way aa a sort of corollary to ilia nttova use one aye alone to riwldo w but her a landscepe or other arena is worth tak log if with cms eyv llio miiib looks flui will not ninks n wilinfurtnry puotngwipli bsrmsnys unisns tho uhlan liiissnr wm lmrriul fmiu tho polish lullllury s stein uhlnn means simply inncer lluaanr ian word that comes from tin liuiumiun or tho hudgarlana njoaolng tutnty it cum roemorntes tha tlma when ory group of twenty men in hie klogdom wua re quired to furouu one cavolrymnn bo it means tho ropreaonlutlve of twenty man the word dales from tho tlmo of mntlilas corvlnua whon lu national hungarian levies every twenty own bad to furnish ooo fully equipped horseman who in accordance with tb fact waa called hussar brooklyn tcagle wae namaa in knttland ktagund can boast that no other country iwsee ao tuauy scriptural place uamoa aa it does tho uamo of jericho occurs all times ou tho ord unco maps paradise flvo tluwa aud nlnovob mount zlon mount ararat and mouut icplirnltn three tliuea each in bodfordshlnt them is u calvnry wood and la dorseiahlro n jordnu till vouhq skeella ob dear mo i mid uty hltlo sir hare wasnt auy hanta clous wulir and uow she won i belli vo to bauti m fwjlavlltu courier journal whiri lonarahea is bliss all men tire fooht itsrhilnitd tb pessimist ivita mgrwed the oplluilst but thay nro not remlhtjik so ufton of it if thay ramalu aliml iw tt tlappy av ihv mlsarlos hint end in fay outtrhu provuru racwooooooorrwox good old sum vacation days are ffere hot weatke imx thu boyii ant jirlb fo tli y in njo tli ir linlul ty in comfort cool hosiery vvinu tin iiik ic pinlf ky cool lleadwcarstriw hits fir ill t rminlnjt shoes child iru h y whu cotton jerseys lonj ju fvc short si vt cool underwear billinm for uv 1 hm cotton vt mh for firls boyti bathing trunk and on pi rt suit wo doit on wf dnciidnv it 12 jo noon henderson co mill si acton onf canadian national wxhibitioiv toronto l iroooo sffis sib0000 patriotic yeah modfl military cuiup destruction of battlhlrmt battle of the air mammoth military display uahcu op thu alxlts farm undef cultlvillon millions in i ivestol govcrtittieni fihlblts thrilling naval spectacle review op tiie fleet ueldhm art treasures crea tores famous hand blffleet cat und dotf show watt tropiiiks kuid grain competition greater poultry show acre of manufactures new issue f telephone directory why nnt nut r 1 lay an 1 liava your lamolnllnnirwillrrfl ry t the bell telephone co of canada capital aulhrlaed ujoooom rjapiui psld up tifimmi untu x0v09 use the dank shwj rticro innlwiyi n tcnijilntlon to iioniltlic inonoy in your pocket got ho habit of k po iting tlio small eurplua amounta 1 nut end ol carrying tlicni about our bavin rh dopirtnimit will iiliji you wive oeohoetown branch w n uiky mr leesaassbsshiii bank of hamilton seduced railway bates fbom all points o cool summer desserts this in tho lime of year when it is hard to know what to buy for a dessert at meal lime why not have something cooling in the way of ice creuni we will deliver any quan tlty from j cents up our candy department alwaya has a full lino of chocolates from so cents to 60 cents a pound in bulk and in packages from as cetitu to ti00 each ijout fotgetour ico cream parlor wo make a now dlali every saturday our new dish for next hatur day hi a mary pickfordu dessert come lu and try one aud alio enjoy some music from ournow gra fouola harold wiles uillantuar f s 1 a 11 l i s h r n i 7 just opened in hills block mill st acton d general repair shop special attention to eavctroughing windmills pumph furnace and plumbing hot water heating roofing gasoline engines jas barden son acton ontario 8 dinf bin do you know youcan taka u much crop off acres properly urnlnr- m aews not tlralnod and 100 acres properly drained as you can off fioo save half the labor iruxhsnalval ubi ifusuuwe iriiij serrwa rvnli drmiakl ktul a nrvnlirlrmiabthtul th quality of rourrt wtiytwt bsvf us mai yo imlsy ffsnl rharse awmyla- nraetljtsf bwitj n 1 tliia sutiwt t llih to usraohw to pay wont nssuet anvoilotf thai will ult mu kow wflsr buar r rruosrilrajaaiim inabassairiuchastiaedsuarf ifallv juamluaufainush laridamlmi 6tst pcno antic ugar hherriesi s335 b preservinfj buy lantic sueur a pure cant suifar in our bandy original ptickmtb kapt clean and pura from roflitery to pantry dust and dirt lu hugar bouajlit from the open harral maly poll your praurven buy la original packets and look lor be lantic red ball on each package lib and alb cartons and lolb anil aolb lusts eslra flae tmunlatlen noolb bass coarser atranu- islku walgbt tusrantead imj vesur aiavaea isaa sstall uaj ktah yraia m tsvfw tw asta m esriom sa4 w wui soau iimtt mt bo ayaairtaj rvtah jaf lafcals ptlm4 s a sa veajy w rul mi tfca ors atlantic sugar montreal qui leuitic sugir r refineries limited uaummumw ib bt john n b fialaa cl asu lwauiuamudissjtuuausa lw ljsasss- grand trunt summer service to highlands of ontario from toronto 305 am dally fur muskoka luulh dally eitlopt sumlny for lake of bayn alffonrpiln iaru munanelawan klvur aiitl timaxaml lake polula lo is nm dally excjtit buuday for icorrlan bay lalia of bays aud mng- nclawau ktvor points 19 01 pm dally except tjumlny for murtkokn lakes lake of bays and alkohfiuiu park steamship express karb uentuy wsilitsadsy 004 hatuouv nsllahwiltinn ifl paliual ilaamslil h fur usui hta aarl put avihur william sua ifutuili sua si im wmuw mull n i luilway tar vlnsiis and points lu weatiirri ssad omthm rlijiiry osls ami lmhorilblrar llnffrt ears uitnm torr arrt sakola whosf cumliaassulualare ou avullesjloii to oisml ivuukllokat agaulf h s holmes gent prion p no 13 ki r f ir 1 1 m j 1 r t k h tl la i r 1 t r 1 off- i i 11 1 1 i in ir j 4 f i w arirr bltlf 1 r i hire i will larga i i mar 1 an i i at r ir lit iraa i rlrln j1 j 1 tar r ut t n no room ihrlmm i iilr 1 nr rwlrwn ni 1 rlo t ui t uri w ii i uwi ai ll 1 y ii ul 1 1 un an i nttier furnl i lo mi itclall aciox i imc llllmday iltoci villi ion it umitra ly i 1 1 ir ut ol tl council i rbviod wudncudav 4111 august sclvln hfjinl i nt 31gmcjrau 131 a representative wanted for old roliablo fonthlll 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