Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1915, p. 3

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jh ffwfflwbb iw wallpapers veiling papers window shades a ilanthe auhokllmiclmt fillokdltlcaejohaulb olvo us a call maklltlaou iliokcnbuej ihuubd geo uynds jamsllely hhtl pa hoy ciodiik aoton ontai1io real estate vnkmu for miln in multou 11 tttid wellington hh fiiriiu luf uule cr ulir ii ou want n vurni wrllr uic utv tlituloucuc or ii you wml tit hll or 4vrlhiutj wrl uif hv imtti cwi litrlllty for truiiuurlliiu liiiuliiikm f t your cotatrm uullkftirlloii 4orrcu- doudflht tulicil j 1 ulmomjiuu fmuisiiiiillt hkttilullut ttktovil the jvcton jficc jjrrss tiiu1wiiav vl ml llllfl brief local items in jour i iii i lllljlliljcl dutod ill lilt vanco t oakvllloi civic hotlduj uill bo held on tho 4th auguht tltu ofuiiniuth hnick at lflorirutouii toiiinrrnu mid hiituidn mini nelllo wllllmm i i en uigtiijul at teacher dulilln hliiooi ut tlio sul ir of bond tlio rui i 1k k- to jour nhont friends they will enjoy tlio ucckl let ter from homo a hud or no of gravel at ouch of tlto railway cromiingu in town v oiiiji impravo tlib approaches tlio now section of tlio llnotphticnoral hospital la now read for oecuaucy oiil patlontaaro liolng admitted llicro v k kodl a fnrniir at llurlliigton waadrownod ulillo ihitliliitr near hrutford on huildny vhllo on a lit to hh liroltior mr marchand informs uu tint lio c ticwjui to hove ttia clack in tlio now wist office going 1 alamt a uuuli milton uo farmer au ac ton mill uun it ml hero hut vtceu for ruilnfiig mb tai around town without having n unlit u burning iorilaui herll wadneuduy mhin to lo rather an mi fortunateda fur tho uoukl halfhollday newly every wcduc winy hni hud ruin tlio past bis wceku win ilall ol uolnli wan knocked down and instantly lllttxl l ahorse driven by tloorgo htomo in tlint city on haturday evening htronio uuiinrrouted hohba of tho homoward haniur lum uuolph it to unlit throe rliiun to acton for a friendly gamo lac thursday in tlio total aoora acton won lij oliiu tlio co oporatian of ttio imiluoai mon of mill ami main htrcot with tlio inumci pal authorities i having tlio glfuct of keep lug the roadway clean andattructivo mr loramluh hull tins iurcli wed the small lot on frulurkk hkoot between llio ivroportlth of lr lltll uml ir ruyaml will erect a comfoitiililu lirlcu unclrcil uwelljiip tliorf exoaiationn wore roinmuiiccil laxt wo4k for a now lulck anil iililnitlo imnunlow for mr frank hayoru on kimx ktroot in tlia roar of kao clntrcli 1 ii mncuon kla in tlio contractor floorgfl kmmony plcadoil uullty ot tlio polloa court thia momlii to ridiny lii 1i cyols on tlio elilownlu ho wan nkmjuuwl 9500 ami casts wlilch lio forthwith iail ouelfili msrcury th irnki iaijui utrocialob llio promptitudo of tlio iuyiitont of liumlfwla ol tlio bubmrljitiorm fulling duo in july our aultacriliarii plvo aniilo ovldonoo of anptwolatlon of tliojr noway local mvior tito oil tlma iroiliocy ronioollng forty ilayb rain to follow if rain foil on ht uwltlilns day mjcimb to bo not fur wrong rajn liu fell with mora than wclcomo fro- quencj since tlio pawiinir of that faativol day in a lot tor to tho flit i im u thluwook mr w fl cliklmlii loro utij aiiyn tlmt mrs thompoon mrs lhuhoimn motlior luul tlia misfortune a week ago to fall and fraotuw hor riuht arm tho lirokon ami in doing nlooly liomovor mewrh e b door irniicn ioutlot karl viiimint haroy icath uml arthur wataon moinlwrn of tho klnjri ordorlloa llibleolau went to milton on sunday to vialtllov mr omporrciafinlnthohuiiday baliool there tlicy hail a very nleaumt vult at tlio rmrfionogo aluo one night last week ono of tho liarnn oa uta farm of ivm inlohart was hurnwl with 1u oontontu oloion uina of hay implements etc tho ham rtood noar tho houw oooupiod by tho hired mail tho causa ol tha flro in nnktiown hut it ia uioughl that truniiui limy huio lodgod in uia barn and rauncd tho flro milton clinmpion li mr- dofpuntoantl fumlly of kfuyth tm guafta at tho homo of mr 1 k ialblnuhoriio mr loliii kouton and ton nfrnrniaaro vtillliig mr jauwia and mifin ii now ton mr lleld of toronto ahinb tho woob end at uio lioma of mr john nlokoll mr tiiul bttu wto iinwdy miw w ivoiia and mian w iollthitfhnro motored to luelpli on rattinlay uu m mcfllll in vl clt i nt frianda in baaolivillo mm martin uml ohlmrcii of jlon wllliabifl ara tho gilcntii of mr and mru r wltwlor a himtlay flchoo plo nlo la being talued of hub tho piano whoro it until lo hold baa not been deoidod upon mr o t coo who lias boon for many year the effioionthtatlon agout nt llmo- iioukj okpectn to retire at tho ond of thl moatti wo umleratand that mr vy ulllihj in to ho mr cooh niooftuwir hows this wo otht ono hundred dollara itewurtl or any ooho of cuturrh that oannut lw cur ed hy iiuiih catarrh cnro v 1 ohknkv it co tolodti o wo tho undartilgntul havs known v cbenay for tlio lul 1ft ytarx uml liellevo him orfetly itouoruhlo in ull iiuhiiwmi tjwuhacllom and lliianolnlly nbln to carry out uny obligation muda by hlu flrtn natkimai hank orcoumiu v tolodo o if alltf catarrh curo la taken internally mctlngtllroatly upon umiooii and iiiiiooum nurfaoeanf thunyiim ivitlmmiliilm wmt fro lrino7rut w lnllhi hild by ull ihutmiht tuku hull- family iliu for contlmittitii news op umjal import hui imlrchunod a drug duslnoen mr llnrrj 1riiikuin hau purehmuxl mid laltiui pjihmi nujoii if tho ding lmmimu of llr molniidl ut hiinutoii thin in nn old otiihluliml hiiuuoiim and marry ban plundid pronpootm hiding oti tlio ilntidlo burn knit tlrllllnhiuii u fouruwu year old iiiiulplt hoy uhn wan hiiondiughlu liolliluyu ith friumu in kt cuthuriucd uum killed i muuday whllu riding on tho handlolmin of a hiuyolo h fulling diroctly in front of a lumping motor lut at orimgovlllo bowling tourtiawont tonsr k j if a ward nklp a t mile minimi v mikbl and c t matlhoun 0 tliu uruii0tlo hauling tmiruuinent lo it mi tntimlaj tlinj vtero micccmful in tho t uoiamo placd tlitinlaj uuaiiiht rlnka from ml furont and hauthampton plonlo postponed until today tlio niimial plo tilu and evoumlon of uiidk hunilay hehool which waa to havo hucu lnjil to itiunildo park tluolph unlny viub iotltpoiiwl owing to the heavy rnln it uill lo hold totlay tho iclnl art uill bo attached to tho 10 30 in i lilt morning aoton clvlo holiday 4th august in comphauco with tha ropiest of a nuiiiv r of cltiaiir nmlliy order of tlio council ilcoto ii mill lint proclalukul wedneaday ith aumiht nn ivlo holiday for aoton hinwlo furtuoverlhotj t it to all polnla i nrrauuoil tickota will lo gooil on tho evening trainn ontunmlay3nl lubt i returning on thursday oth in at sorgt w coloa in tho hospital a kttcr uui received jestenlay by mr t i warron from ii rrancla cauailian kcil crou commiftiloner at iouloii it to n on luly nth htatlngthat hergont wifru4l colca of ho ath llatulion la at itlifcucrul hotpltal houeu franco lio in iurtring from varlcoi veins he ill jtortlj u traiiufrrcd to a htwpiul in i upland knox st root etitranao to fork ucod many of our citluun would prctliito the openlnix of an entrauoo lo j lurk via kiiok street thu would initothu juik uioro ready of arcowi in triv iiix nml mom mjio would drlvo through llial uay to enjoy iu attractlona if thin wore dorto temporary gutou rouhl la iilxci for ubo at tho time of llio rail 1- ilr or during other ilomouatratlanx atinlvoreary or tlio war iwclil liilorctfcjloii urvicvt to cm irate tho onnivcrtiary of the iwgln niiikumliauur will iw held in hi alkna li noxt jiunday omnlnj ut 7 oclock itov ii ii uilklmion m a tha rector will proiich a umion appropriate lu tha occasion klmilar fcorvlcoa are holng held helmut tha empire tho king ami ijuccn uill nltcml ivorvico at hl laula cathedral lndon hcv mr avlwiisflrtt communion tho flnt sacrumaiiul aervicen of tha prtmmt conference year iu the mothodut church vi ii m held nait hunday tho usual lovo feast will lu liold at tan o clock followed ty tho morning aarmon itov if w avioon m a b d tho new iantor u ill preach loth morning ond evening at tho claim of the evonlng tho ucrament u ill lie ailmlnlnterctl nlou cant oro lteingditrihutel by tlio piitrkt vioilora lo tlm member thi uoiu tho ueokly prater meeting to- uilit will take tho furm of a preimralory mrvlco homo on short loavo lluuler tohn 1 moore of tlio utb hattulion iondon won homooversunday tho regiiiianta in camp at london ore having pjito atrenuoua evpexiencoa ono day ul week they marcliwl to fit tliomaa and relumed within thirty alxhoura the routo of march uaa between thirty five and forty inilea and tried the mettle of tlio men pretty thoroughly iluglor moore report tho luittaliona at ondon ara now recruited up tn full atrongth bod cross garden party a ganlon iarty under military ouaplcaa in honor of ufllcera lately returned from the front will lio hold ub tho homo of ll col nohlo tho el inn norval on friday ovoning augunt lltli tha following peak era hao accepted inviutlona to lie preuint 1 h end arson ml it illain m 1 major nixon m 1 1 j it full i- m i p lien retch cliartora and ii 1 moore a good musical pro- grummowill bo provided by mih annlo nohlo mra c ii ilanard carl adama mlu olfvo laird llio royal orcbulra ilrampton and tha20tli1tgu lund pro- ceedn in aid of hod croan fuml thero is local responsibility in tho investigation into tho raoent charge of liquor violations kb trenton mr kudo raunderu provincial lioanaa oiliror oritleliod mr abbott w1u hail boon a tnomher of tha local lioenao ihoard for not aeolng to lb that tlio blind pig oro put out of buslncm it la n ivorleot outrage declared mr saunders that thin condition should ouiat and tlio local iwopla uho aro aware of it do nothing to lomody lu why ahould you throw on thia iwmrd tlio bunion of enforcing tho law throughout tho uholo 1rovlnoot what nro tho local polloo doing i lb would aeatn that they wore not doing their duty practical result at summer school in a letter to tha oakvllla btnr thank ing tho people of oakvilto for tha interest 1 hoy took ht assisting to muko tlio rooant rpworth leaguo bummer behool thero a succeitp iloi c 1 draper tho president soya i it may ba of interest to know that tho culminating meatlugon fiidoy evening found uu with three doohtlona to give the ufa to tho havlourof men two decided to uocoiuodoaconoiwea become tahilon- arlca throe to enter tha ministry and llftooii otliora deehled to give tliomclveato othorapecilln christian work burcy our kohool at oakvllla will lie having home futuia enact upon a wide and varied field of oifort tobay iiotliing of ita effect upon those i turned lately connected with it tho a usco itcameron nuptials tho marriage of ialiy ilortemte ieoond daughter of mr and mm william cam eron of woodlawn avenue toronto to frank frederick juscott of toronto wan fulatly solenmlited ut the home of the lirldoh wrenu hy itov it j treleaven on duly 2u tlia bride were a gown of enihroldorol nob over ivory aatln and waa altoudod by her kuler mamie who wore silk fuoo ovur pale blue aatln with tulta hat to match the groooimtuaii wan mr a u ilonliani after the ceremony mra iineroii hold v recevtion wearing a tunic of black bilk luoe over king blue aatln mr and mra luaoott left w itoat for lotrolt and krleau iloaoh tlte krlde travel hug in a navy blue suit with white hat uum iholr return they will reside at mm clirsllo ktroet llolie thuit bulletin iiaullllilllli nuu ixtrlot nro w n mvoulmutilmii mntlluili urrsiiis llw iiiotdiu hh mil 1h rvr hi iilor j ilrillalotiu i hwtinl 4 r lun mu i liiuil-l- i toiintv uxi lftlirtitu lo ukthli iuiv flutiti- tho concrete work commoncod f 41st uock tho flrut toiiorflto on tlio tor onto hamilton road wan poured on thn div uluu lietween tho vulloy imi und lliirllugtun iiiih portion of tha highway una tho first graded uml is in uood bhape for concreting it ti lioiuid to havo that aoctloii llnlohrkl hy kept lut school fat rural loadorc llio hummer kchool forlturnl ialorihlp which opened on monday at tho ontario agricultural calloao in being attended hy about w men and women from varloua iart of the province comtced mostly of itiliilnlere from rural distrieta uihooi teaolioruuud othera interested in the uplift of the rural kootloua of tha country broke lllu log whtlo wrestling mr chan hortjip wn of mr ii i for top waa tho victim of an unfortunate accident saturday evening ho waa working at the mill at ldeii mills of which lie la manager and in tcuming with some young fellowa foil and broko ono of his lega ifo wan brought to uuelph to tlto itorae f his father and is doing aa well a can fl expected juolph herald arranging for tho summer vacation llanned your vacation jttl aald onu friend to another yotterday well o locuted a nolghliar wholl take care of tho cuuary aiiolluir to look ufier tlie ilog a third to beep tho garden uatered and weeded during our aliumoo some ono olnlo the haute two or lhro llmaa a week and air it ami now all we havo to do is to docldu uluiro uo are going and i hen another appeal ro parmer bank h illlam laidlaw k c waaltera rcnt ly to talk over tbo fcliarehohlern sltuutlou in rcuanl to tlio liquidation of tlie faruveru lunk an informal uilk waa ludd and an appeal h been launchci from tliedaclalon of iho ollklal iteferv who held that tha luublo hat illiy applleil to tlia bharholdte in splto of any lnruuurlllrs in the issue of tliocliartor tho appeal will lw liaunl at toronto after the summer vacation lie former shot hlmseir in tho foot on tuoday of lrn1 uock iwart hall urn of towrodtlp tlork thn hall was going to llio iwil of thn firm in trafalgar carry ingasholuiui witli tbo mention of kliaot iuuaskunli thought to haa a uito for poultry in some way tbo gun discharged and tha ahot ontoral hla rluhl foot tcariug it liailly mr hall waa taken to tho liouw il the doctor found it ncary to ampu tute quo toe itost rouirts aro thai tlte wound u healing and that tlia young maa will its mound again in a faw wasks baby caught in howor knwei on monday marjorie bldnfy tlio thro or four year okl daughter of mr alex hid ney trafalgar ran in front of a moaerand lie f oro llio mochino could imi ut ipped tier two ankles were badly cut one foot heinp aln oat severed tha parents were almot dlolrnctod when tho uftlo ltui as uken to the hamilton hospital to receive expert treatment o that if misuibie she may have the use of both feet tlio doctors liold out somo hope of thia and tbo community syinpathurs aith tho ia rents- hlur preferment for a milton doctor word has lieen receivwl tliat ur howard i harriiuin f k c h of milton who wns taking a post graduate course in aur gry in kngland at the outbreak of the war lioa boon promoted to the rank of major in the royal army medical corpa for ida war services ur harrison la chief surgeon in tho welsh metropolitan war hospital in london of ow buds he hoa had many canadian patients from the rout vthomin a letter- tn his uncle dr w h harrison toronto ho describe aft very bright oliapa a halton teachers splendid work tmt to show how the oakvtlle teachers excel when they accept pouitloua in other plaoea it might bo mentioned that mlu jean ilrady taught lier llrab entrance claae in tluolph thia last year and out of forty throe trying irom hor room no fewer uuii forty two paaed and thirty two obtained honors of tho seventeen candidate securing hlheit standing no fewer than thirteen woro uuglib by mlsa brady and of sinty three winning honora thirty two woro from hor room thia la a record of which any toachor can uo justly proud htar ho quarter for prunku thorn tho dsiolto sayai aiief tufgar haa commonoed ft oruaarle to put a utop to drunkennewi and midnight earousale on tke atraeto of hurllnaton on thursday lie looked up fred miller of woodstock and magistrate stuart imposed a fino ol 900 and oosta on monday evening a burling ton young man contributed w00 to tho town troasury on monday night several young men caused a diaturlwnoa on brant street nnd thn chluf looked one of them ho waa flnad sb00 and ooau hy mag strata htuarbnn tuesday rooming two other were aummoned and lliay settled hy paying tho wgular urlff rata woo awl oosta the publloylbrary idea the public library la now becoming the prido of wunloinauuwt d the daunnlna tion fa to niako tbera aa complete and efllolant aa passible the largest citlaa the tow n the villages ull aim at tha aame goal aaoxnmplea only within tlio past weok or two tho to n of renfrew curried a bylaw permanently ostahllsliiiig iho free library principle while tavlstoak will eliortly tote on tho same question aolou whioh la ono of tho smaller places a village in fucb already poaeaa a fine building hut tha aeveml thousand volume were not obuallled in aooordaiioe with tho standard system tills una now heau done and in thia the library u on a par with those of larger plaoea and ol greater preunfcloom tlio library idea ban gob a hold ami la extending a lb should among tho people colllngwood bulletin personal and travel notes social and personal items of inter- ost to- free proas renders leaned during the week mlsa felva uoureif f iiielph vluitod aoton friaudu thia wbok mra yoo oram toronto iu uiwndiiig tha weok with acton frlondu mr u hltiht viitlted friends lu toronto and lansing thiw week master llusil coblaii of luetph v kited at mr w a btoreya last weok mru tamea husuoll of detroit in visit ing hor sister mra c o hpoighu mm w luird iium roturnci from u ploiuaiit visit lo frlendu iu london mr 11 h holmm mont it few daya taut week with frlendo nt niagara falla mr henry watson of toronto was a guest ub mr jeorue hojiera thia uoek mlsa i liu uuh newton of llmohoune visited her sister mrs janiea drown last week miui laura j ray returned homo last week after a plaashut visit with frlendu ub paikhlir mlsa jotula macpheraon of toronto has been eguast at kuoxchutoh mauso during tlio week mlsa jean wilnan rcturnod last woek from a pleasant holiday visit with friends in toronto mra lettrude iwier of dolbi la visit ing at tho homo of mr ooorgo chapman main btroeu alls htroiig of toronto vlultwl her friend mlsa lottie a moore dourer ave during tha week mr uml mra a t drown visited uov and mrs c ii draper ut iho iarso laga milton yesterday mr archy allan or the merchants rank irotcott nrrlvdl home lust w6ek for couple of winks hollduya mr alan hconlwlto had beuuieiidliig savorul weska with frionda at hainilloii and niagara fa in ha teturfuul homo mr and mrs harry withcrall and master burton of dutroit wro uuoiu last wwli at tho homo of mr c c hpeluhl mra c mcljsubliu roturnut home last uaek after suuulliig a couple of vek vary ploasantly ullb friends in toronto mr il 1 mckechnie of toronto was iwro over huiuluy mrs mcfachnle and liaba ana tiudiag a fou woaba at tho paratital houia mr and mr it mciuynokls and mr ami mra italic molharwui of toronto laotarvd from tlioclty latt uok and vert guwlsof mru p fuyeru mtvwrit lriist ilirr tiunly ruiu1l jackchapuian uoy ilrawloy m si ford col iu and malvlu hopor ra sending a aek cauijng at htanuy park irln mr jaiuea l warru and muter vrad spent mooday at camp niagara visiting his lo-ctlim- major a c c warren who liaa ooinmaiul of tla luojical oorp tliera mra w j tjaubl la chaperoning a iarty of young udk4 vwipo1 uf 11l kuby clark margort lunnett anil florence holmea at hparrow fjrke far a coo j 4a of waeks ttio engejiatiycnt is announced between mr walter wood of toronto and putney england ami miss lisle wiles of toronto and bradford kngland the marriage will take plaoe at the em of august lower school examinations suooossful candidates who passed tho entrance to normal and faculty of education exams 3k in the couhtv 0 at acton the lower kxamlneuflil fnr enlranoointo normul relioola nnd faoultleaof fluoatloa which ever since its ntroduntlon by tho dourtmout baa been a very difficult one wna especially aevero thia year as seen by tho small peroonugo of aucoewul candl- dutea this is ulso very plainly aeon lu the fact that only aliouta doxan in the whola prnvlnfif tiiiecwvdiml n taking honors tits niicoeinful anton candidates nro nu follow a i percy aulb vera harvey arlthmetlot virona mnoaleu harold mowat margaret wilson loan wilson tlio list for tho county la aa follows i j d alexander n alton percy 8 autt l a ilothwell lnratnmar d l brooko history m a clayton jg e croehnnu m a m dalton d ferguson j w freuro v fleeham w ford o hardy farlihmotio b u hare a m hull arithmetic vera 8 harvey arith motley hepburn c il jermyn a denning w a fjusy h ii maxwell c a martin virena m masules m f mecurur harold- v mowai o i mo donation w u mullin spelling a c richardson m tuiffls m iugw arithmetic k verity a k ryan margaret i u wilson wiluon k w wilkinson foan a wilson mr aurad hyde of oun mlllerout hat purchased another profwrty in leorga town bolmigliig to mr jsmoa wslson hale vou mado by i a wilau leoruotown out packer of wilsons fly pads aiu kill mopc rilcs than sswopth of any sticky i ikhfp guelph horse races august sad 3 fast kacuy bip entries larpe purees band in attendance special rati h come and enjoy oumelf made in canada p older bbt sffionffil bay to u vlc beemige j ulldmulue wmrth 1 ww wftueu or uu y yo bo rtrouwr 11 vjw lwiinlirbullllll a bl- j wohrilt ol liwua bmuiuob which ia uock ridi alleviate riuunullua add awld althmm ataaydnibrtom au at awae rvtola onl made in canada d attention i talklng machine ownera columbia records just out hcres a line new list ol records for you just out fit any machine two selections on each record 85c up come and hear them theres no obligation to purchase we will bo deliphtod to play thorn over to you bo huro you near these arrival ot the british troops in france i part i descriptive i arrival of the british troops in france i part i descriptive v j three cheers for llltle belgium 39 come on v011 boys of london town 85c 85c two well known ballads by llio famous taylor hackel bcrge trio a because dllardtloo 1735 1 mother machree olcolt and ball 100 two novelty marimba recordings a italian echoes two step 1728 isenorlta two step 8sc the house built on the rock the ulorm camo tliu wind rntftd tho aea wnvcn rmiu uud hudied nprnl nut it hut accord lug to llio old parable the hoituo founded on tho rock ntnod firm mi itu iiolld fmimlatlmi wlillu the limuuj built on iitilftliutt ninhi wan cuukly avvept nwny this is an abiding house on abiding foundations tlio monu tho utroiui and titrlfu of binintiii life tlio wavou of liimpohtimi the wlnda of ndvcnlt y tntiimt ill ink o it nu itu wild foundation integrity is the rock on which we stand honest priuclnleti honeut donllnga honoiit ptltcu hnnoct ntntoiuont of quatitlca and valuon without tjtiig geratlon wttiont inuroprcentatlor hiluo arc nhldlng chnrncterlhtlcu of our wdld biiulneui foundatlonii now is the time of honest bargains clcaringi of aiuumcr low prlcau daya wtien wlao and prudent peoplu roip n s ia that macdunitld bargaiuu are hitt ua derunidahlo aa macdnnuld rckular q theue are tlio daya of nummor c harvent of oavlng vnlueuv thoy know that mncihinidd bargaina aro uitt uu tlepondaula aa mncdoiinld rekulu valuot and they ktiuur that now in mid aeauin when linca and ranges nro broken and incomplete uu muku thorough clearance hy nioann of roducol price tlmro lu no iwltor time to vlult guelplin largest ittoro hum dur ing thouo weok ends when banoalns abound d e macdonald bros llrtltj guelphs leading and largest store wyajham mbcjobcii awl cnrdcn slrccu guelph onl mwwatw headquarters for harvest tools se to tur each m to tiii each bsc each i and 1 each ttc each 3 and w each 8c ca set tc 28c 3 tine hay korku scjthe snath hay kakcu mower files hay fork pulleys mower sections mowers guards burger son pure paris green all sizes in pure manilla rope plymouth also gold medal binding twine 650 foot per lb paristone wall plaster in 100 lb sacks tk agent for the celebrated gurney oxford oil stoves agent for the celebrated perfection oil stoves burners shso 3 burners 1160 4 burners 14 ks ovens to match and 3m jambs symon hardware mill street jehbtett ulook- acton out ihjisiw beiamda c c speight for uptodatc goods 8tlvrwar in taalwak rin vairlly auo rtns cutlary hiurdwar rtnway luui oran hwaylnvairtly pandora stovaa and kansas raraoua rulau small slovaa oustovaa every article is of excep tional value c c speight mm strut aeloa c c speight acton ontario d boots shoes all the latest styles of this spring youll dance bet ter walk better od talk better tf you wear art clothes but what is possibly more to your interest jjyoull look better in fact youll look best have a peep next time you nre in the city george wallaces guelph ontahio on saturday all siravi hats at halt price s now iicoklloh for the uport ahlrt sue bulbrlggan underwear soc valuu for 33c pile uuw victor cotnred khlrt fllioo vahlo forokt metth cotton uocktt a pair for ajc holeproof botdcry t e nelson the popular gray cloth top ladle button hoot regular 3jo lo 400 now golbg at they cauuot bo replaced at thia prlct merahiiut tstllm mtmsi ruiatsdau wytsdhmm atei oubllri ont rbial sh0esr men no more tutthifaxlory hhoo 011 the mar ket at any prlcfl all elawus of shoe at beat v1uea ttepalrtaft avery day prompt ami careful wont kenney bros main si acton bargains at ai saxes this week good lot of mena suits at punts tweedb and blues at 118 big lot of mens shirts to clear at some of these cost 35p ao whole mens raincoats is- for ladies waists reduced to imi ladies middies tut- skxe tho briok store opposite now postoffioo ixxxxxckxwxoxxxxxxxxxxw

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