Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1915, p. 4

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i scij ittan jfrcc r tiiullway july so 101ft the so wipe i didnt ory won feeni tu join in eaniiuiiy a willl illufat lioe u htllf ulur ll vn feliftf pot family hut tlm eltiltvroii unil i wo smiled waved i ootildnt da no mom and uuils tlie lufct s saw of un wen iw wonl off to wttr 1 didnt cry woit vd uonm tliouuli ibe place fair itut mo out without the unlit of u eavy boot and no smell of stiag about tito children a ml i we smiled altlioun i i kaoh laiitrh stuck 111 ma elwt and wo m11 as ow ixul wan ooinln back willi mmuk along in bral im not it cry in now though you think id ouht maybe to w tbat v wouniled and dead out titer and wont ntvtue come back to me no tlio children kntl i woll smile that proud ami ill tesrn em tint though theyve ed an ordnary tort of tnotlter ilka wo theyd a wro for their dad 1 klhol talbot about advbr what in the purpose of advertising t the purpose of advertising a to create a demand and to mii end to ineiream any business the purpose ol liquor advertising in to ask you to lisve a drink lha pull in liquor advertising 1 on the oorl how ought loan to feel against hi tuwapater whn ho lias voted beer and whiskey out of hl ilib in hi own county ami that newspaper persists in its dally visit in carrying advertising recommend- ln leer awl whiskey to himself hie boy or girl or both and ottering on bottle free for a starter whleh an you a wet or a dry t stor boose or aural nst booia t its pretty near lliae to take tide what la your home wet or dry t you must take aide uiere if you ara dry and your borne la dry what la your newspaper wet or dry i what ought your newapaper to la if you ara dry and yur bottle la dry t think it over detroit titae just how mucllv x would do any tiling to ifol an win lion i ld jon savagely thuintlig down thnbofn pillow till a him unity duat law from atainu mid corner 1it4l how ntiioh would you do doer bdld practical undo mill i it tore ted ly a irnioh um tlihii hurrittv haw much did ha dot inquired joe wan ho a hoy without any ohuttce r no indeed mid uncle mill who novor nyirtjialltlml wllh joom whining way of looking at thing ait tnauy clumoee aii you haie or utiy other hoy with brttlnu and ten intern if jd to work at xho lara leu or tmelva hour a day hut that didnt lilndor mm from working uy in hh tnlrwl wlillo ida handa wera huay uawl to do haul huma in orlthmetlo whllo ha whm lilowjiig tho imillowa wliew 1 mlddoa aa if ho too vai pair of uoiiowb at hand ifow old wui liat oldrrthun lam wasnt he j about aluteen wii hi father died lly mul by ho imkah to fetudy other ihitiga ileforehedled lie know alftlitmn iaiiua quit and nearly twice that number of dlaleou all tlita tlrrto he kept bard ut work blaokfcmlttilno i dont have to work an luird aa that i aald joe after a while with a ahaniefaood look that rejoloed hta unoloa heart joo won a farmora aoo and in kny time turo wau a good deal for a boy of hi ago to do tio far lie liad not been ajiared to go away to any preparatory aohool lo ut for oolleg 80 lie liad faintheartedly ami aulklly given up tit thought of going there homehow unolo mills uordii liad put thlnga in a now light oeleoted saved from operations by lyjut efrilcluim vefttw table compound that ownsoriehcrtold ko man or wotnan altouhl hobbla pain fully aliout because of coma when to cer tain a relief la at hand an llollowaya corn cuw omb oh the au a wall known preacher wai making at pedmtrlan axounlou in a wild rural dis trict feeling rather hungry he looked at hlawatcjt to tee if it was nearly dinner time but found the watch waa atopped juat then happening to meet with oountry boy he asked him 1 what utaa la it my boy v juat 13 air only 12 1 wld the minister i thought it wu more it never la more round thee parte hid the boy limply it begin again ab one omk fuiusfllls kohk0ws a ulnlater ona wuhed to aaoerula what lnflume the hard umee had upod hie oougregauoa and aald at the eloea of hlaaermoa 1 i would oik everyob who le atlll able to pay hie debts to rise iran hi teat the whole ooagregauod aw with the axoeptioa of one buut the paraoti theu takej that all who were uaaue to meet thejrblluahouurtae thereupoh the foremeatbued aoliury individual fot up 1 hungry looking poorly clad man whose features vevaaud the terrible atrugle of ftoe flghtleg hoja leaalji agalut the vlotaltude 0 the woru ow alt my frlead that you are tha only oe auoug all this people who oaa bot pay y mr debut fiir amweied the man bealuuiigly x au a tuhluher of a bpapor aad thoee who roee jaat now ar all my aub- arlbara 1 and but the wluutw lour- rapud htm hastily by aayltio 1 let us children ory ran rutchers c jdlvtku vi mtdlt boaee time ajjo there was a tdeaildg of a tlatorloal aoeuty la kew unj town obj durlrig the afterdooa m vultiig wu introduoaj to faumur of the hmad ofgafibauod who thauosj to be a apltuuw evettttteuy the eingld liliasajniia wu alluded to may i aak uurmith reburud lha visitor sf you have any partioularveaaoaa for not cuhnf to marry v well euilitiftly replloj th apltuur it may be boeue i have tlre things about my house whlob ao tloaalympraemt- ad the aharaotarlstke of the vee aoajs thai i am worded aujpriuat the buurud auta i deat think i rjulu iindantaad you alias smith waa the wotiderldjf reepotlm of the other its thu way explained the apltuuw 1 i have a dog that growl all the uortud pajrruottwejltheiiuriiooa and a ott that hays out all ulghl itluul- phu telegraph birr wuuitm wot ttt manager of vaudeville bouee wan tatting the abilities of a few na ldstsi foraigehotiorerjtieday reoenuy and thle id how be let down one of the wodube fuu- bymeai your bodge wont do for me i eattt allow aay profanity la my theater said lie but i doofc use profanity wu the reply no aald tha manager but the audi- enoewoukl edmonton alberta can i think it la no mora than right for mo to thank you for what your bind advlco ami lyjia rhnkhaniavegoublecompoundhave done for me when i wrote to you iome time ago x waa a very alck wotnan aurforlng front fcmal troubles i had organic inflam- rnatlon and could not eland or walk any distance at last i waa confined to my bed and the doctor said x would have to go through an operation but this i refusod to do a friend atlviaedlydlae plnkham0 vegetable compound and how af tr using three bottlei of it x foel like a new woman i most heartily recommend your medicine to all women who surfer with female troublaa i have also taken lydla el ihnkhama xjver pills and think utev are fine x will nover be without the medicine in the houw mra ptunic eiuunr 00 col umbia avenue edmonton alberta thoouttrciua beatrice keb juat after my mar riage my left aide began to bain ma and the pain got io severe at timee that x tutor terribly with it i visited three doctors tad each one wanted to operate on m but x would not consent to an op eration x heard of the good lydie el hnkhama vegetable compound waa doing for other and i used several bot- uee or it with the rojt that i havent been bother with my aide alnoa then x ara ingood health ejdxhava two little girts lire vtllcilllpeleatrio look ih aunt alioodropimd n htiok pin in tlm hall tlioolhrilay am had ban work to flml it oho lunl high ami low ami even went down on her hamla ami knees ami looked for it with a candle i ut it whs of no ud- the pin was very minall ami nilgai ncant fin vidua being rather that of sm- olation than of iui ur lrlllunoy vlnally aunt alios after a iatt aliake of the rugs wax altout to gue up um uenrcli when lr itejjiew harold who livos in tlte weal happened to ootne downktulrs why dont you look indian for itl ltoaaletl wbou lie kttow whut tle trouble waa ami before aunt alloe iuilo realised what was meant he was down on tlm floor his ihmui ami body lying sideways awl just aa nnarly ia1 with tha curpot as iiouliilo in thiu hmltlon hu eye quickly took in the whulo floor hurfaoe i liavo it i lie ahouted ami sure onougb right in tlie mltldle of the floor in no plain a daoe that the wonder was that it hud eecatied notice was the missing vtlok pin harold tlien exiilalned that looking indian meant putting the head levol wltli the ground in order to oaloll suht of the sinallaat object between ones beund tho borluiii j the indiana ami pladumen always do it be aall that la uhy tliey edit always tell when any one or anytlilng la oomlng hut it works just as well indoors as ou tlie plains 1 ami whenever wo lose anytlilng in our home u juut look indian and flml it right off gillette lye eats dirt constipation can be cured thm u nhlng to kqtul milawt uxiuvtr rills mrs a cummlnr manchtstcf oat writes x have been troubled with constipation for over five ars and feel it my duty to let you known that your ulllmirns taxauwr xslle have cured me i only used three vlali and i can faithfully tay that they have saved ma from a large doctor bill mllbume lanalivcr pills rtkulata the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels and thus keep thm rular irregular bowels are the main came of coniti nation the price of mllburns ijucalivr pillf i 2hc per vial x ft vlnli for hi 00 at all dealers or mailed direct on rtctlpt of price by tlui t milburu co umlted yorouto out uvaflk hushlu uary and tommy had been to hear a uualonary talk at flaaday eehool du be tell you about the poor healh af tather aoulred at the dinner table yea air answered alary lie aald that they were often hungry and when they beat oa their turn urns t eottldba beard for mile howhsodttsu jo why did yoa leave the last plaoe you hedr i didnt leave 1l iwaafited ttiatoot theakuhlrayod x think it woojkl ha a oy to have a man aa boaeai as yoa aroaad ben a auabf butluctldh a bmrlted report le not always a fetort oonrteoun tbe rbuke that waa admlkiu- used to a party f intrtidldg tooruu by the old watchman who was tt to guard theruldecf oouagellall at wsjualey not long aftev the- gnat fire eonvyad a ked but aubtle rproach wvi got u kaep out he orjarwl itntay whao he esuht them trylbg to lip umur tha rope uiat aurrodaded the era tabling walla the loqulaltive visllue pauaaj and eyed 6rt the rulne and thea thir dutamtlud guard un bee her a eallow youth aoooaud him wvre wllllag to risk it and wre wlula to taka all the feapooalbillty whaif do you ear if we lose our lime wve got to keep out i aint thlnbln of your llve 1 im think in of us jab children cry rot fletchers castoria to ui who tjve luaotlve u-ylu- eroue in the opd air ie the lu tortla for tha stomach and eyatem generally 1 but tha are thae who ara compelled to fol lowsedenuryooodpatlons and the laaotivlty uuds to irwtrloi the healthy aetioa of the dlgeijv organ and tlokaaae followa ivrmeus vguue pius rtfubua the atomaoh and liver and rvttor healthy actios it is wue to have a packet of the pill always on baud if the man who ctlvee advtoe freely knew it was good he would probably ue ft him- seir and many aa otherwise good man la not on speaking farms with hie own oooectenoa balftuume was so weak would havtf to stay in ttkou ctetwl he mrs j day 3s4 john fit sotttb xiamlltoft out writes x was so ma tjown with a weak heart that x could not vet sweep the floor nor could x sleep at nliht 1 wan so awfully sick sometimes t had ia stay lu bed all day aa x waa aa wtak x used three and u half boxes of ullbtirae heart and kerva pills and x am a cured woman today and aa troug a aay one could be and am ddbal my own liotuework vn my own wa- lug x doctored for over two year but got no help until i used your pula mubttmi heart and nerve rills ara 60e per bo 3 1kks for l 3a at au dealers or mailed direct en receipt of imkxramuvb 0hihuiv a common carrot will furnish a lovely bit of winter greenery cut on four indies from the urgerand of a goodelxed carrot hollow out the eut and to form a sort of cup put a email hick through tha carrot and bang top down in a tunny window keep the carrot filled with water and la a short time tha beautiful fern ilk leave will appear and frrow up over tha carrot making a ueutifnl little hanging huktt at the oort of a penny or two the cheapness of uother graves worm katermlnator puts it within reach of all and it eaa be got at any druggists color bllnda is more than twice aa common tu men aa la women thar are mo duck lu china than in all tha rest of tha world oogaaloaally we bat a man who ha aenae anough to do the vary beat he eaa it taku a man who uvr did anything to tell you how it ought to be dona greys itamortal elegy took him sd years to writ wis cimliitly trtillej with lift hab wfle m u a ay 0cfc kliniodk ud tttw euhkm miu bolle are eauaed by bad blood xt unless the blood u made par you caaaot eupect to fcxt ru of them ointments and sjjvc will do you ha kood you must fct at tha t of that uoubla by usltijc a good internal blood fhirifyuig uudldoe such as that grand old rtiwjy burdock xllood biiut mr tkmul llucfcur taumatasttja n8 writes last aummw i was couitatitly troubkd with utau- i had tain od my arms at onc x thought u wit cuj from luul idood to i tot two bottle of murdoch blood butt and atan the first bmtle was done i bu to fetl a treat dial better and before the iecaud one was finished x did bos hive a boil nor have x had on tw i cannot rvcoaimeiid ii u b too ukbiy burdock blood bitters is meiiufacturtd adly by the t afubura ox tlmittd toronto out pilled al eeq the trials of jllirarlsns in city ihirarlem lutva been often oltlul t thour of the uuar- dlsn of small country libraries um of u dliterantttharaoter butrmiuira perlmps tlm eierls of even greatdr patltinoo ma pant you should jck lior out book said a freckle faced girl to tlio lirldht young woman in charge of uto free library of a new tngund village 1 ami lie dont want a serious one alio say nor site dont want a love story 1 without it founded 011 fact nor of course she dont wantanythlngaheeeverread before the librarian tapped her pencil thought fully an the dosk without a truce of the despair which a chance lintoner to this dialogue expected to see on her ftoa- nor she don t want anything that chopped up into short storka 1j10 says continued the trlrl bent on the lilirarlauii furtlter enlightenment ami she wantn ooaslderble going on and a lot of pictures ma does and she told mo partlolar to aay h didnt want no diieo stories 1 ulie say lie knows well enough how folks in tlie oountry talk still the llbralrun tltougtitfully tapped her pencil apparently waiting far further instructions filie wants a real sensible book tlie kind grandma like end i like too volun tmred mas emissary 1 then suddenly the leaned over to the librarian bay alia whispered hoarsely if theres one of the robertson crufco book in ma said youd better gimme that certainly said the librarian pleasant ly and a moment later ute well thumbed copy of the famous adventure had ohang ed hands and tlie happy possessor of it departed wreathed in amiua tlelng able to buy everything you want you are not so liable to want what you buy when a man gets hi head swelled a brickbat poultloe has been known to be helpaome a bookkeeper out ofe job i naturally a maaof no acoounl bumed ip we win m mauri 00 h trail u tho following- uowutit iii iufiwmtlnti of parlw of stalnmnntu uiudo to lilm in borllu by u flnuiiolei of tint nn ton rago of horr unlireim ill motor of tho drosilner hank during u oonvaraatloil 1 kieu if he win wo uro ruined tim money whloli 1m in alroulutloii in flotltloiiw 1 do not mean that tho utilolisuimk wjnir money lu vulueleu hut how am you to ilournilixt uilu vhiuot on who i lmiu oan j on fix itl in knglmid gold uiroulntcui in vrunce it lu hidden away by tho private 1 llliten hero in jermany it hi the loverniiieiit which lias taken powmmlon of it nlllywilly it fiiul to lie given up at tlie tiofji lining of tho war llifl guverniiifliituuva nut llmtlt unuld piy nil oh purveyora in gold it wun sj tiicd tliom who bud roaalvoil thin gold wero nisda to iiiulorutaml that they must my it lnu tbo helchiihaiikh if they oxiiectod a oantiiiusiico of fiovemmeut orders how were tliay to refuse they bad no option in thou trtmhlyuh times you mut work forth in hilary or not at all in u won nil the gohl in tho country ban gone to wlf jfio war troajiuro wllat iwa twin done with it t castoria for infjuit oaul childfail lull rmovr30ymktt tueoay avojoavhcu boma people have an idea that a great many good theortoa will not work but a a matter of fact a good theory always works if it is applied la the right way when people aay oh thats all right as a theory they are simply talking noa tana for no theory u worth a straw which cannot be damonetjrau1 by practical ap plication la oonduct particularly people are likely to make thu duiaetioa uwm what u purely h sad what is capable of application to tha aftalrs of life ho bualaea um will tall yoa that th joua rule le all right a a theory but that it eaaaot la applied to avery day bujoeaa bat tlthar the theory of doing a you would l doo by lasji wroag whlob few ropb would to admit or tha trouble u with th way it u appluj ko lhaory le a good thaory which us4 not work au old scotchman who hd aorat to- gth a oomftirtabl fortune was pwauad ad by lu foully much agaiaat bis on i1l to taka ahollday he wnt u ugypt and vuitad tha lvrmuu afur gklitf for soma time at tha gmt pyraulj ha muttarwd llaii what slotof mki work ut to be lclacja n aay reut i tub suw artll ttjfiilu a gray rain cloud doa not estloftuuis thaeus it only hide it veur partkuuy dlffleuluea er dlstmieee may maka yoa feel aa if avarythldr were wrong bub tha beauty aad harmony of the universe are not upset haeam your day la a fixxle do not low faith la tha bright aide uoaua it a obscured for a season remember that however thick th cloud tha tun till shines a fisherman a natural and privileged liari ha ueltbar weigh hie uh nor hie alalementi children ory for hetchers cas suklbltim borne time ago lltatwillle mmhud into thehouea threw hi soldier helmet into the turner and began looking over a uk this was unusual for willie and hi mother began to luvetlgat wfaat hare you eome into tha bouse for wail aha asked von havent quarrelled wltla leorg ilrown have youv no mothr answered willie bat im not going to play war with him any nor 1 wiry not f queried mother what ha ha been doing t its just tfala way explained willie when wa play war im lermany and baa britain and if i dont ut him lick me thera le no ue lo crylrui and ocolou- ally luiutujf tts you into difficulty you dont bood bank refamnoa la order to borrow trouble it isnt what you say but how you say it that uk a a woman ejthr your friend or your aidy price by the t milburn co umltad 1ry time ha ay im not patrlotlo toronto oat xvarwme weekly had cholera infantum ktottr sam it was h i vtry laittrmii tomuiiths uothert cannot watch their thlldrta too dcady for sign of choltm infantum a this disease earrlc oft thouiaadscj infants during tha hot summer months mrs 00 w carund prosaer brook nb writes xjut aummer my boy joe then a year old was taken tick with cholera infantum xxe waa aa bad the waste matter from the bawd looked aa if it bad coma from a broken boll x scut word to tha doctor who waa at a nds hbor about a mile distant and ha aid my boy waa in a very dangerou eondltlott if aent ma anou ubku wblcb made the child vomit and when ha learned that they caused vomiting lu sent me mom tablet to atop it in the meantime x bad bun tiving dr fowler bauact of wild btrawberry which x continued using and when the bottle wan mil uatd my baby was cured x thotitb it tmly fair to let you know bout it iv bowlers batract cf wild blrew- berty ha bom tm tha market for the past 70 ytr and u known from oh cud of c ia tha other a a positive cure for an bowd complaint when yod ask roc dr fowler he mum you get what you ask fw as them ara many rank imitation on tha market the iktttiina is manufactured by the v illlbura co limited toronto ont vvc au cents motltoru valuo tina oil xlotlicra who know bow suddenly oroup may wtlno tlieir olilklreu and bow neoesssry protnt action is in upplyliig relief always keep at liaml a supply of dr thomas kcleotrlo oil because esperlenoo has taught tlmm that tliero is no better preparattoit to be bad far die treatment of this ailmenl and they ur wiaa for its varloun usen render it a valuable metllolue which was the yttuyhpul hmd why dont you go in naked ono tramp of tlie other as they utood before tlie gate lut dogs all right hontyou see lilm waggin bis tall v sure i do aald tha sooond tramp but liei a growlln too ami i dont know which end to believe hhopkeepsr who luwoarunningoccount with people who live beyond their means pot a run far their money even if they dont get it when using wilsons n fly pads caperully and follqw then exactly hi mmiiinriiiiifitimiirpim m mnjy itsssss rroiimlcnniiictltaclinu iucsuiullllstonuiiibdtr ojuimi hofilv mrhiifinl nov nakc otic jfvxjv- apatci lirmory farfoftttw han twhirsiriadi worms rnnvuulesjpnlm nau fljuljlossorhtrxi roislmje iiifiilia of ike cxwvauu comfauv montpuattwewvohk exact copy of wrapper castoria for infanta and ohlldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signatu of in use for over thirty years castoria 8kaaiftiftkaai d u a lesson from the clock j clock that atnkea ia better than a nonmnking clock it tella us the time through our ears an well aa through our eyco it oavea our steps it signals spurs us on rouses uj speaks to ui in the dark andtrom far away it is useful far beyond the usefulness of the silent clock to witb a butluea that advertises a fchop or store that ssuds out its niesaage to us in the form of advertisements in our newspaper larvae ui far beyond the shop or store that u tiuat- that mukt be vlsjtad before ity asrvlce or mercliumllso can be knowu tlie iihon or ilarv that mlverticca savca our tlmo anil money etc bpeaka to us at tlie right tlmo rouus us to attentlou and stirs tu to action wu buy moro aa tho result of advert lului and wo buy from advurtlwrs to the merchants of acton put a striker an atlentionretter an arouscr a stimulator on your business in other words advertise strike often and regularly by weekly advertisements in the fruii pncss answer the call of advertising rti 7 he merchants bank of canada hiwiiw u hmom i citiia thrift is rightly described as eco- nomical management a shrewd buuinesu man is spoken ol qb thrifty be cause- he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in tho principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local chequcb cashed at par ouummt mid hhp- bw hhakhvm umd aho uudividhd phov1ts wm c c speight for uptodate goods sllvrwur in tblwar yitin vaitsiiy also final cutlery hardware ytrtwaw end gran itawar in vartwty pandora stova and runtfea rarnoun maatssra small stovas oil stovaa every article is of excep tional value acton branch f a maclean manager actons electric chopping mill open thursday friday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor c c speight mill slrel aeton merts k aullioan ifau a wall equlmwid meat iliop nt 110 coruor of mill and vouuo htrorjta acton tbo aocoiid brick bill id hip from tho otil crokslnir y titid wllysunplyall klndaofkuhir h and cukufd mkat or lwt qtmllty ut nuuonabta prices h meat delivered to all customer oj eromilly flrstclaairefrftrator s imp otwii every evnlntr k 1urmura tradti especially unllclt f ed i hlglibst cash price wild forcpft w ntidjtoultry i till gkanh trunk railway aairhotdit rriaino lilt 11 11 1 ii un ul wlilnli i siiirur v jl i i n in i 1 1 ci 1 hhsiunnnrjnuuijuonorbthhbibi grain chopping b well done and quickly at only g ti 7- p cents a perbagf harris 8 co limited g bockwood ont h hanadnadbaaadadh robt noble ltd flour plymouth binder twine gold mulnl hilvcr falicnf green blieaf j l warren ftesh groceries new riituina new curranth new date 1 nov ntits new pee in now bplcea fine lln of confaouonary i imt clam lino of 1 amy cnuctt and iautry frltih ovuy day coolcd ucitn hnnis ilucon wltli tho iiuml like ltiir htl id and other tpodu tltlivcrnl inptly dally j r livingstone buooaov 10 if o miok am sihii aetou boots shoes bubbees allllnb9cy footwear ot rlht prices au men s rubbers at bargain prices 0 w wiiiliams mill strew acton 1 kct0n lilvert and 0us likie hnvliik pualiakod ttiu mvery iliminekhh mid fimwlwill ol tho cmiitu of tlm lils john wllllsms i rtniilclfuliy inliiit i lie- natrmi- 40 or tliu public comtortublu nnhwill uiwhjh lio supplied at runguuublu cltnrgoii lir tlio pixront ur oserva hall ulio linnlnul tlto mniittge- mctitof tlio htnliloa tho past year will contlnuu in clmrc he will alwnvhlw round cotirtootm nud oblliiif duaimsstcvrl aliltiiaiha amiirosc mccann mill st acton ont r miluqan 1 1 atents ipromptly secured lata wuiriiiiidi ftsr air inybxrajm jlbvuutb xbkli will b mt ftu hawom mabiok iiuiltailttlcu2ictuiiiuslhlttiul

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