Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1915, p. 4

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slje jlrtoii jfxct vc5 mmmnw ilia n nn ltet us he kind lot no im kind i anil liumuii lutirt uro iwuliiu for llilu hliwuhiir nnlj wo cannot know lint riof lliitl titan m iy luirrow 1 lint wo ui mud wo oiiuint boo llio wml ittoriu iwopl by llutlovo run nhtuu upon llio vmy utility luitmnuw lot tin lu kind humorous landlord howl inoriiliiir ir i jiit dropped lu to boo if ltn coiivonloiit for you to pay tlto rout tattaiit- jlul yn cttlloil i wont to oomtun nliont llio doors i nono ol lliom will sliuu landlord low hnwa you know uir takoutlmo to uoltlo tenant ah thoiti ifiiet i h follow tlto hows exuntplo ood day lr dl again ulll hitiltli n country shopkeeper wont to town ly u t wer0 k homo uo who lira bmkli ho nuitdliiu tho fcltop uttrl mmmim seiiod a hatcliet and tm whats lt matter with j on 1 ankcd a byttandar iniu and faint mr bmllh iwlntwl inscription on tba lid it road inftlda counting c too utqu a joniiu limn win oinirod a poiui tthhh liniiili iunirlnr promlhud iidtuutt mini mid lioiliullnul ilufioru very brlnf toiiuid ration llio bourn tutt itltnniiiuihlt lin told i filnml i uriitulil hittti tu 0t up lit nl hjihiu in thn inoritlnir anil wfliir i ii hml roitohod thitt dm lln ll wuh imllroiililc i but- koiiio of tint nun wlm liud lioou tryliur litpunh itlioail tiltu iiiit inluiimt fn liim lliuykiiow tl wuu of uu into to try lit iild hint thai it yuuiit fdlnw wlm pula iiih comfort llmt vau mil torlli liotplnj if n ninrnlnu imp in wnrthmnra to iiu limit n mtuit in ufa uot nil tlir plouuro you mu out of lit for tlio prolut hlliiy in hint it ui ciwi j on tlio jot ntijfht into ynintil ililtk itiiniih lo oxmlwl frotu tlio uutont no clilld inn 1m lioullliy mollur inimiu w oriii i ktorinlniitoi in tlio iwat mndlciiio oktunt todnitro wormn in n3 nortlii of trnun tlmt our friondi iqjtom id u a fu it iiulilo uolilot mnont a roviow of itfo ruvoulu tlmt tlip tliinua wo miwt rourotlod ut ll r tiino aro tlio ouou lu uliiolt wo uno inot now vo loarn olmyltiu ii tliu finulainantitt not of uovemlinf loan illll t or two liouro tlio wlitonuldo wly u uo ilmpw xulbllintf ida good at wwl of that tlmo hl ui aw6tly i a you julu auro yon liave uliown varyuilnif you liavo t no hwum id tlio dmtr wtui ttmttulllllk nil i li fcl111 rtt aioount lit my ulbfi vucu fcia11 v udiy kltow to you ii did not nod to hliow any htor tlio udy ut tlio tlio fcaylng ttf would call uui olw day a lltlla blrl wto luul a live unuta wkittadiolir waa dlsapfuilnt at un uflalliim of tlia flrt 6tf laid by lu bird kf idftal stfa wai tliat of lit ohulcb a anmlbunof vlilcli was on a ulli in tlia drawing roott ona day um ouleli ab vu tdliuts frn u mutt f itwu nuliiunllj found naar tlia spot wlimtba bantam nud ami on w biuak a ploe of pap with ilia vorda boiuilnk llkatlila 0im kp lao a very old ihuiman ono uy mtotilsli iruiwi by aunounoiup tliat bo wm about to gt uarrioil uarrud 1 exclaimed iliu fneitd an oldunn like you wall yo mkj tlio old man explained ita jufct beoauw i in buib an ould utoy now tia a flna thinp wt to liava a wila nuryato elota tlia oysa of ya wbin yo ooma to tbo end arrah now yo ould futa icuimo fat don tbo ao fooliji vvliat do jo koow about lu ctoaa jar ayaa indada 1 ivaluulaooupla o tblra an faitli tbey botb ol thara opened tnina her nerves were so lid tkeigbt she wodu q oil of her mild urt holui knox 4ft hardin t et jofaa nb write i buffered krcatly with tay nerved i could not alp at tdibt uor worlft and the bust ilttia tlutui worked ou tuy mind and botlured me lut winter 1 tliouelit i would so out of my tnlnd i would wcrecch out and tny tdotber really tbounbt 1 wu solnj craxy with tuy nerves it wu so terrible t would bold rtiy head and cry x tried two doctor hut tbey did not do w atiy good i tbounbt i would tell you that today x am perfectly cured by utlflii tbrea luxes of mllburna lltart and werve pilu and x con recomwend tbetd to all sufferen from nervous troubles so you can tell everyoue that they are the oa tliltnf that did rue any good milltums heart and nerv pills are 80c per box ot 3 boxen for tl 20 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of mice by tito t milbum co limited toronto out only iialp open a wiimj old quaker told bin fcon when bs wait yointf cmiurtlntf to kftsp hi eyau widn open after hut tuarrkjjfl iio altered tills ooubmi aiul boda hltu keep tlteta luilf sliuu tbam la nothing oyuleal in this advice though to tb kuptrbcul thinker it may sbubio kaaiof laloii ii a hlmtluo which tuy eully beom a disadvantage a yoiaj bouwkmpar afiknowladgd to in older ona tlutt in bar own bowa uta never had a uotuentfi peaoe hardly luul iihfl mated berulf after liar morning work wu flalahed u alia rurpoaed wlten her atteauoa would he altiteted by botaething not quite riftbl aathapa abe would we a apeak of duit in the corner or discover uit a toture on the wall wu not hanging exactly otrolglit or that a place of furniture needed to be aetata slightly di fount angle she be eaue weary awl worried bite no longer had tltu for outside work or for recreation her ufa wu wotting itself in the effort to have every tldng exactly u it abeuld bo lu the lioue circle an over keen vision u disastrous tbo proverb oaye fbat lave bt blind hut u a matter ol foot jove is freqaeauy not u blind u it ueede to be there a no more unooufortable member of afaully than the person who aeee every little flaw in all the other it la true that bllndae to our friends fault may be car ried to an absurd extent but a little of it u wonderful help to liotne comfort there are uuee when we need to keep ouveyetj wide open inmaklngan important decision which will have a strong infbienoe on our future life we need to see every factor involved favorable or otherwise butidterthedleuctultdoeenotpay to be lookiuk for flaws eyee hairopen are open widely eaougb rrwabhr t sold toother so verely feuae- onebae taken a big piece of ginger coke out of the pantry tommy blushed guiltily oh thoma she vxebumed didnt think it wu lu you l uavt all replied tommy i pari ol talaklale for 7 years wa troubled with hr liver rvlllburn laxaliver pills cured hkr mrs 1 l hurst 01 utiiiktoii ave torotito out write i have been troubled with my slonmcli and llvr for the past teveu cam also have bad constipation cauuinl 1 cadache back aclkcaiidduiy ipellu and i would aluott fall down i tried ull lind of rcnudwa without obtaimns an rcluf i cent- ineiiccil iiilna milbunti i a im lier ptlu mid ll c have cured ire 1 iae rccottt- incuilcd tbcm to hiqii of my friend ajul llicy are all very much puuud with the rciulli tliey bate obtained from their utc milbums laxa liver tiuu arc tb oilgiital to le sure and ct milbunis when you ak for ilicin price 21c a ial tt a for ii 00 at all ilfalr or inalud direct n receipt nf price by tik t milbum co limited toronto out what is salesmanship a i unit ntury mt nfluii ihu nbt iiichiimi hu up tor it lniif limn it unn lluniylit tbiil hboldmim dtilliilllon tif haloiihiiitblp jiil uliout lllluil llio bill ho kiilil you rvtll tlltll kulniulllllhllip if tbo holllll tf iumim tit profit itnibirttiih dutliiitlim tlm mii itor wlm diilu prlii h in iih no ulltintinn lit prll 1 1 in not it mtlohiimn ut ull mow h lulor hiiflnirliy ban nun up with n doliiilllim tlmt unit hiilimniihtiiihiiiuth of holliuic immih tlmt luint ihiiuo will in tooi1o u iio do rouip bunk and uflur ull tbo ubolo pbibimipliy of imulncwi u wrapiiod up in ibitt oiui mui enoil tlia lnilnoi nf every huoftmuful inor cli tut in llio world in iuihmi on cutomur wbo comn imol llioru urout nuniiuli poiiplo in tbnoonimuiilly in tomtit it liter olunt 41111 x on tlmo otilom md ho cnut llio on uucb hueinomi 1li6 aibirui tnr caiiloii ohio castoftla for lafsuttst and chlldrta in u pot over 30 ytsars avlwaye bemrst blcnoiare of all sub kwbw a tjlrt unuiuhlo in tublnu leave of ber ik6au eald mlood bye proleoor i kbull not forget you i am indebted to you fur all i know oil i tog of you replied the vrofoiu or don t mention micli a trllld wortiiehoweter generated hm fouiwl ii tba dlfltwllv uahim wlwre tltey bot up duturbaiiom detruitentaj to tlte health of tba oblld ttir can lie ito cotfot for tba little ouei until tlm hurtful lulrudero itaaltiiepluil ko bolter iirojiaration for hi i a purpoha can b luul tltau uilura wortit ioudere tltey will iunieluuly dotrov tli worttta anil oorrot uie oondi tiona tliut were favorable totbelrexlunce yus tllolt cost of hkchkayiou tlie liluh oot of recrviation i crve of tlto factors in tlia high cost of living iluulo lovers are froiueittly obliged to pay two dollars or utore toliear uima favorite ting or or i intr unwmul utloivt priooa which aro prulilbltivo totlio rank aiul llio ono nut kou for tlto threat poiularity of tlto moving plctura tutabli june ut lu that it artly eohca tlia problem of cheap rocmattou ylio iieople who have to count tltolr nlckeln nead to realiio that reading u an inexltaua tlblo inina of enjoyment children ory for fletchers c astori a secowo clloicb a atory recently told bytbomaallunter president of tbo new ork normal collage bmmi to indicate that onco in a while a willing wife in h polled to make an unwill ing teacher a prvtty and agreeable young woman who lived in a country village suddenly announoeil that alio wu going to toko up teaching ou ou a koiiooi taclter ex claimed the recipient of iter confidence h by id rather marry a widower with nlno children 1 tia would i tlio young woman replied frankly imtwbere a tlia widower r hake only your boat thouifhu iuto actions fvsry day b a little ufa awl one whole life is but a day rpild 1 bean nellonell trttere are about 10oouo jews in lalea tine at pront- ttie fairest tlowuro of joy bpring iroin tlie coll of uorlllcsa content can bootlie wltweer by fortune iliou i can rar a yarjwi in the doit wattoh k wltlte soft corns are diftloult to eradicate but hollo ways corn cure will draw them out painlessly do not fur one repulse forego thepurpooe you resolvo to effect there are no gamo lawa to interfere with tlio klllinpr of time jealousy is tlie offspring of distrust treat people kindly tuid you will find tliem easier to work many a man lias marrlod in luute and paid alimony at leuuro tbo man wlu mitkeu good ut homo wlim all t apphium tluith really wortlt while j a clerk needh iiianay badly itou pretty npt to borrow it where its caslost to got woman suffered ten years from female lib retovr to health hy lytlia e puikhamsi vesetabla compound ilellevllle n a canada i doctor for ton years lav female troubles and did not gat well x wsod in the paper about lydla e finkharas vojwtable compound and decided to try it iwrito now to tell you that x am cured you can publish my letter as a testimonial mr suvhinb klablnb belleville nova scotia canada auotlior womau itoovvu auburn n y i suffered from nervousneu for ten years and hadaucb organic nalne that sometimes i would ii in bod four days at a time could not eat or bleep and did not want anyono to talk to mo or bother ma at all sometime i would suffer for seven hours at a time different doctors did the but they could for me until four months ago i began giving lydia s3 ihnktuuna vegetable compound a trial and rwwiamingood health mr william ii oiuno ik plossant street auburn new york the above aro only two of the thou sands of grateful letters which ere con stantly being received by the lmnkham uodldne company of lynn uass which ahow clearly what great things lydla el plnkhams vogetnhla com pound does for those who suffer from womans ills if jo want is elaladvloe write to lydla b flahhaa modlelaeco-teoarl- datisllyaaltaas var utter will to epeaed read aad ahhwered sty a w- maa sued held 1st trie entire family stricken with cholera yeiitit ckili ktl the chief symptome of cholera are vomiting and purgln occurs cither simultaneously or alternately and are usually tuihleu and very violent and the matter ejected by the stomach has a bilious appearance and a nasty utter taste od the first symptom appeorlnjt dr iowlers lutract of wild strawberry should be taken and the trouble cured mrs e budc 370 locan ave toronto out writes when x first arrived in canada nearly four years aro tny entire family wu stricken with cholera from whkh the youngest child died soon after a friend recommended dr lowlers kxtract of wild strawberry and octliuf on this advice x administered it to all who were suffering with the most gratifying results since that first at tack my children have been subuct to stomach troubles but on the first symptoms i resort to dr iowlers and it always brings relief x have immense faith in this medicine and always keep a bottle on band also x never fall to recouimend it to anyone who u thnuuly troubled when you ask lor dr fowlers see that you get it it bos been on the market for the past 0 years there is uothltt just as kood manufactured by the t mllburaco limited toronto out price 35 cents he knew a man fcaw an announcement in an ironmongers shop uto other day u iol lous i iron kinks und he went la ami told tlto man that ho know that iron sank yes hold the man i and time flies but wins vuultx acid drojis bulpliur aprlngs jam rolls grau dopes and muslo stands i niagara falls moon light walks sheep run kent bops and holiday trips i scandal upreads standard weight indht rubber tires tlie organ stops and the world goes round trade returns the customer baited then he returned put his bead in at tlia door and remarked t yes i know and marble busts dtugged down by asthma the manor woman who is continually subject to asthma ta unfitted for bis or her lifes work strength departs and energy is taken away until life becomes adreary existence and yet this is needless iv j u kelloggs asthma ilemedy hu brought a great cuugetoausjtnyojsutorers4 it relieves the restricted sir tubes and guards against future trouble try it- children cry ror fletchers castoria ruzzllno nudlcamkml why u jiggers always in hot water wlthhtawlfot tleeause they cant keep the pot boll ing baltimore american took down uu rklba- an old scotchwoman who had resitted all entreaties of her friends lo have ber photograph taken waa at lost induced to employ the services ol a iocs artist la order to send her likeness to a sou in america on veoelvltigthehirmlmurestlou slie foiled to recognise the figure thereon deploted u herself so card lb hand she set out for the artists studio to uk if titers wu no mistake is that mo v nhe quer ied yea madam replied the artist ami in it like wev she again asked yea madam i its a speaking like ness aweel l she said resignedly its a hwuhlln sleht r rnittino mt i hhxm becunc substitutes hlhtkit t itiifl llifrluli niid lrturh riimim hmk taii durlitl nti litrftliig iku rlinvul tbo nitloii of full n tu mid hurtiuui u lu praucn on hie om timid und kcljihloy in yorbhblrv kwiluiul on tlio oilier mil tlmmsilvru hlutnr clthh tlutlr sbili rliool x biun inanlfiiatoil for aoiiio ton yhsru fn a most lutorculliiu way it camo about hk tblu hlr llmmuii iturelny a iiihiiiikuihiivii i hkiinii jur ut wiia bad lived somn llilrty years in kranro was inlkluic oitn duywllb trlonds about tin imimito cordlslo vlilcli bud just in tit ronrludid do you know bn ualil why wo llko onoaitolbfr in llovi ono mintl r to lm rood ft hows anil njny sttiron irletidahlp it lu in count wi kuw fscli othor wiii why rnuld hoi tlio tiiasaoa of ono nation know will tin- iiiaass of nnntbort ijtit us koslttl iixrlaliiiid m hulllsrd ono of tli romiinny proui ut i am mayor of hurcstics uiul mcmbi i of a lot or soclotlih in 1ultaux hit uelchborlng town and i ronllod hlr tlio mas imvi a bit or intluenca in koluhby lrl us fiot thn cltlxons of kilaliloy and those of eluresnfs ami iuipuux into personal relations it was dons kilplilty bad uboul 45000 inhabllanta dip 1- r ncli rltu s bad about the same muuhr tlior wu a basis of equality tba english hiovnd irsl in 1005 soma thirty workmen or ki ifililoy visited tupfr brothrra in hureinoe 1uusux tbey were rnterlalned hos itsbly ily dint of kuturcs and lou i tones they msdo tbcmxolves undu stood thoy bad a sorgcoiii lime and returned boms ontbuslastlc the following fuintflinhrr thirty tvttch worklugmen madn a visit to kelibley the custom grow lacb yssr fttgllsh and french vent lo at o each other at first tbo men only mads tho voysvo ibun tlicj bei un taking their vivos and flnnlly limy xebamced children twrilsh lllfln ones went to burcanosluuutm to learn fvencb end french boa nnd klrla cams to kolgbly to loaru knu llh tbey exchauked gifts upon oeca sloes burosnesputeaux sent lo kelghley a work of art the lallor respoudod with a lovlna cup when the floods cams in franco and the streets of hurfisnca iulcaux were inundated tho workers of kelgbley raised n relief fund or a thousand dollars fo tbolr brothers the bonds of fellowship wore ro men ted tho whole affair is marked by the utmost sincerity why sold a putsaux man on bio ruturn from ono of these visits upon our arrlvwl our kngllib rrlonds took our train by assault wo were ovcrwliolmaii by their cordiality and thoy cy llio english aro cold nnd pliluftmatlc where did tlioy not that provencals could not have neon ioro linqrty i uaod to hvo tho mnul alupld ideas about kronchmon cnld a kolgliloy workman i dldn t know them you eco i could kick myaou for my ignorancj what was don by the two cities mlgbt be dono on a inrncr scalo if a thouoand towns in oormuny had paired with u thouimnd towns in unblnrd nnd lenrnod o know oach otlior tlmro would imvo been no war w 1m to poojlo limply lice ou so va do iot undo stand thorn hate is n tiyo product of lanornnro war hrulutich nagtlntc ono of tbo mort notlconblo effects of tho war on londonn lifo and habits is tbo practical baiilalimnnt of rafttlmn in aro particularly tho erratic coon bonn typo which noomod to liavo taknn hold of thn knallnh p plo with tho undlinkoablo lonaclty or a plaguu up until aunutit 1 it was a veritable outbreak of insnnlty in tlio thoatroti nnd music holla hotels and rostnunuila clubs and banquots rooms and in ovnry homo kvon tba boyh on tbo stroat whistled it day and night now all is rtianguit and ractlmn in forgottun filnco tbo war tioim the oar is grooled with two incnnuunt mnlodles ono of hmin h tniniuy atkins marching nnnu tlpporary and thn othor thn nntlnnnl unthnt god hnvo tho idrin at llio rloun of thn porfornmncoj in tint music in i tho btiilloncn is tin p net ml to tit and for qultn 20 minutes wlilln lie nrclmalro plays aiiccoinlvoly tlm in i nnl by mm of tbo allied cotinlri s fliihtliiu against oonmny tithing i nrr of lliin a good ulory la lom of my illr roll tbo ftocroni fc irolntid hu is imvlnrt u fnlrly tut iy t nm ju it n w boiiirt tlini ago bo orrlvtl nl n pub lic bunqiitt rnlher lato mid nn in sllppnd into ills plnea in llio tabln next to n wollknown hum rlnt bo ro mark ud by wny or uiinlojiv ive ben v so busy today im nurn i dont know bow i iiinnafiod 1o rt htiro ut oil a fow mlnutrn inter inn llio htimnrlst roao to nuikn n irusli hu btnan mr illrroll hiin jimt mild bo dons not know how ho nt hur woll bo hasnt bud anything ho loumi i ovor and looked unvloualy into mr illr rolls wlno glnjuoo hnd uuy nioro slncn bn emtio and anyway im suro tlmt koihq of uu v ill uoo that lu gets homo safely hiihim favor it h word a contributor bus bud hut urloslly to look up mr j ii lipids hums concordaiico and mnasulo the amount of hpaco dovotod lo curtain words in the result h foiul that hums usos tho word heart more than any other tbo quotation under this word filling no fewer thai six of the closoly prlntod columns lass friend and heaven come next each having about two columns glasgow news xjotujc delayed medal sir w a ulller a uothcasy vet eran or thn crlmou and indian mu tiny has just been presented b the war office wltb his modal for the latter campaign he has walled fifty- six years for the decoration which had been overlooked by the authori- okildreu ory for fletchers oastoria iflimul hultm nttd tomlrt lliilrrtlln hit- lyniiir tiling mil viuidoti lliut uriiilos ilurluu wur tliium not llin fimhlomi not only for women but for tbitlr hu libit ml hoiiu mid lnvern ucoff nu buy may ut lin very lib u tlmt tin word ranhlou en turn into thnlr srlieiuii or hti- in bolmc dtimun- idrulod nlirond very forcibly i or hihltturn unit nt iithnr boot it und kmlloru in wlileb ihii i tuition nuiir or utrulrs for yours bus in i ti provi rlilul ly d vuhiil luivo idvnn wny in in nvy iintuiiiiirnmliiluu imldbrly foolusr iiuirb in hie uiikiiiiiii of hut mutni- rnrttirern or iiikii rlumi bnnln khnkl 1m tho tbluu lu biiilimmt iuiiih mid tlimifdi bnrb rn motui mnl i ultiuih flu ir imith m n no iiiiiki r look mum hu ir loi uh tm ailjiinrtu lo beiuil lo in nl ily irlimiiiil iintl iffntlvely urrttiikid lin y nlmiily imvn hu ir bnlr mi uu nlmrl uu ll in pitunlbb with ilriiwtuk hluod timl let ii im ut hint in intmiry r iliu urlllhli unity in dny lu lowurd nr vln ithb in mi rutin r hum hihiwiih uh in drewh und in ivory 1- iihhii eotu innully of uuy hixu it in vi ry nvbl ul thai llils idea 1m linvluu uu nrfnrt on tlm imoulo wu do not liiiimlly uuimclulit irouii nru ixrhislvely with tiirrlnrs uud yet we own bulb lin ir liitrniluclloii mtil relntrodurtlon to military fauli inns orluluully worn by lhi mirh nt llrlfous tbey wern ror a lnni limn lnoksl upon in polite unman rlrrli us a bnilkt of barbarism intlnttl cicero is nutd to havn mien tatiulei u man with buvliift hprtinu from troiikered mirohtorh in a d fin bownver w rt ml of a woman k tu ral rn alltitc a un at nrandnl by icolng lo war in rouui rn end hhortly uttnr ibny bnanin part or be rcrotdilxi l military rnutunu tlu urn ibo rash i on uproot to tbo civil community uud w ii ml hut fact recorded that alexander flnverun mads an intiovatlou by sffi rtlnu while trousers previous nmihirors having all worn crimson ones xarlly when trousers disappeared from llio lokh of the malo coin m un ity la not known but ibero is no doubt that tbolr revival was onco more dun to military fashions intro duced into the army by thn duku of wlllhbtou during the peninsular war and at first known as welling tons trousers their sonars adop tlon cxcllod tremendous opposition the clergy and tlio fashionable world combined to oppoxa tho innovation an orlfluil trust ded vxocutod lu 1830 of a nonconformist chapel con tains a clauso providing tba undnr no elrcutdstanca shall a nrescber bo allowed to occupy the pulpit who wears trousers the universities woro aqually firm la their opposition in 1813 the authorities of trlnlly and it johns colleges cambridge doeroed that students apposrluk in hall or chapel in pantaloons or trousera should bo considered absent wlillo almacks the most fashionable of tbo london clubs refusod to admit anyono so attired on ono occasion tho duko himself was denied admission be- causo ho was wearing his favorlto trousors and tho victor on a hun dred fields found hlmsolf coin polled to best a rot rest before tbo on sibukiiis of a fashionable clique ilut tho reverse was only a tem porary ono trousors had come to stay and tbo duko before long bad tbo satisfaction of seeing this inno vation forced on tho less of thn fash ionable world a u rely bin most strik ing triumph it may be howavor that u kneo brooches acting under military ardors gavo way lo trousers so trousors may in tlielr turn give plscn to puttees or somo other cover ing for malo logs our logn as well as our lives commontn a facetious lo ado nor aro in tbo bands of tbo army hulls as tho lato mr plowdi n the police matialrato was famous for hlu plow danisms so wan horjount arabln u bo sat as a judge in tbo old ilalluy in the thirties noted for bis naylngs which wore col i oc tod in a tltllo volume and called arablua many of thorn savored of hlr iloylc nocho such as if ovor there was a case of clearer ovldonco than this cuo this case is that ratio and on another occasion ho dellvorod himself of this extraordinary dictum if tho learned rounsol for tlio dofonco ran show precisely at what moment thn offence was committed and that tho prisoner was not there when ho did it he could not have dono it we can not divest ourselves or comnionsonso ovon in courts of justlco thirty million cartridges how much ammunition does modern army uso wo shall not know until after tho war whut tbo german and tho allied forces have lie tin ex pending but wo know what tlto oor- inbiis usod in 18701 tho total for rifles was 30000000 cartridges for field artillery 312000 rounds it s worth noting that baltlcs aro much losu costly in ammunition than ulejlhu tlio ulogo of fdrasburg alono coat welubt for weight threo limes thn amount of ammunition usod in all tho decisive battles and actions throughout tho whnlo war of course theso figuros nre a more hugntallo oompnrud with thoso nt thn prcnont struggle with its millions of sotdlors and its uiilcknrlng guns and its hnt- tloa lasting for sovoral woobu mo hlr kin tit tho h pit lux tho oldest plocn of wrought iron in oxlnlonco is bcllovod to bn a roughly fashioned nkklo hlado round by ilolxonl in karmas near rimba u was imbedded in mortar under tho haxo of tba spblux and on i hut act mint is known as the slcklo of tho sphinx it is now in tbo ilriiish museum and is bellovod to bo nearly 4000 yours old ivory fn iihtaln tbo tusks of an ordinary olopbant weigh 130 pounds and aro worth 1300 it rcojulrou 19000 olephauts to supply 8c0 tons of ivory to tlia eng lish market sholflotd takes one- third suffered from salt rheum ror many year tmittk bwj uttit cinl hit rait ilbeum or itcxema u one of be moat painful ol all skin ilueuet and ii wit aitcmled to immediately may be come very deep seated give the blood a good cleansing by tho use r that grand old medicine hurdock lllaod hitters this sterling remedy has been ou tlto inurket lor the pan forty years nnd la the best blood cleanser on tbo market today mrs wllllum ii lowlle coles islauil nll writes 1 liave iteen u sufferer from salt rbeiun for a uoad mnny years nnd wan no bad i could not do my own work i tried n good itmiiy medkhieif but they nil iwhii to do me any good until i tried hurdock wood lllttcrri 1 in 1 not taken nue lutttb until i found u urutt ibiukc mid i urn most thankful fur trylnif it i hope tliut every other sihtorer from knit rheum will try ii ll ll hurdock wood hitter is muuiifactur- i ruly by tlu t mllburu co limited tot onto oul 1 btbf n ijarye i 1 w at avfjilnl irlwiuirallftiibras if i ith mmf rati u i ii luiiilihisiiililur oiiniin miiriililm liorhi uril normaiicoiir jtfir rm ttowtnutiaim ij ttj- st uthlt mothers know that genuine gastoria always bears tho signat of iprif hiiinirtyforrnuip l in strmimjtwhirilj wnrmtr wultionslrvrilvli iilbufimll sfljsiupi ficiin ij lunfj tlticiiiraiiucwiauv horuullwiwvouw till iltanli trunk railway ia fjlunoitll rtlalne in use for over thirty years icastoria tusct cooy of wrapper icgitgitiotiiooicsitgoit3ttg just opened in hills block mill st acton 8 general repair shop spcci i attention to lav triiujjhintf windmill pump- i udmcc and plumbing hot water htitin koolini gasoline engines jas barden son acton ontario kli3csats3cs3coc54tsstitsbsisbii5bcss m for you a vonderful book on farm drainage free do jou know jou enn tuuu ns much crop off ou can otr 200 sive half tho labor 100 acres properly dralnid no ncros not th ittnd and ivo it n fort nn i ui iv tint pmrur inoarxnilr tu dralnajjo 1j1is l ihtrirnll ntcnirtl nl lha tnnin pravn tursf waillnit nut ir un i 11 it 1 r litrprlt nrcviinladrotiahlanil lucrxunll ti nm tliy n ii i rx ungual ti of ldurcmoi wbrilln iittnl tf i frco of chru awry in- ot il il j n muhtikarn notliliuro i nntil ii u tl at will 1 eh v u arow lxitr r i r irnlrn r ram n mucli tuotulur 1 t f r tt n that tnwf tkan now ami i l imurtv fur tliatiij it jlrj q sra dominion sowov pip co limitetl nvefrvvv iiim wihfs nurjlmft m 7 he merchants bnk of canada uulilmi fl 113 hmimjm la csam jfhiikh 1nnlhlj tkicrilicdnse- j nonucil m uitiliiunt a shrewd liubincbh mm is pnken of is tlinlty be- tausu ku saves perhaps onl a dollar at a tunc pirhaps more but the real uueret l ins succtss lies in the principle ofbavink one dolhr will start in ac count with this bank all local ikequcb canlicd nt par oapiral paid ui v utesbhvtt fundu anu undividbu ihopita vmkmx0oo 7b48 04 acton branch f a mac lean manager 0vtta23ti5a the weeks bargain list- m sax el general merchant mens uain coats at uoo tweeds suits at 0tt serc suns up to vi 0 ladles white waists nood va uu at ioo lldlh clcpll wusih nt iou silk wiiihts at ioo kain cuats at 500 7uk- saxe5 the brlok storo opposllo new postofiice onpanonnapnocs i grain ii s ii chopping 1 n a 11 ti well done and g quickly at only i 5 cants per baf i harris co urfu 3 bogkwoub ftjurf robt noble ltd ma n 1 f in seed cobn f t- w r 11 1 f t tlj i- 1 f v j l warren fresh groceries v raiiint nt c uiawt ner nil 1 vi v 3f ne fine line of confectionery i ir i an 1 it t i ant iic a- i potr i ri i daj loicl meat- hm ba r w h tl home liii tl t dtil a- u- k u ikl rid imp ai j j r livingstone uuouaaor to st d hick mill btfaat aeton boots shoes rubbers rf rt tn v fix v asvjx sfltlrffaeb all linos q footwear j at right prices all men s rubbers at i bargain prices w sjv w w u wsjwiwmb i 6 14 is ii w whilialyls mill street acton mct0n ano bus lino lliuui purtlnivtd llio llvury lluxitili 1 und comlvlll of tho t m iu nf tit lata jekh wllllaws i rihiuitfulli nnl kit tlio natron- uijoof lit- publu cmtuortahle nghill nkwijh bu supplied at kiiminiililo thirfcn inir tlio pr11t11t mr oaarga hall lin hint hud tliu ninnnko- niout nf tlnrslnlitm tlio putty tur v111 tun l lit u u in clmrtio unwill iiuvitjubo fmind unirleoim and ulillkliiir uuulmuuve allttfainel ambrose mccann mill st acton oat atents iliuuuiiafcjililii abvlfuubwhul wllib- luv 6m mahiom it ham0k iunjrihy3icttmaikiim511talml

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