Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1915, p. 2

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buttm vimimlnl riii nn hilurduj 17li lnl to mr mill mm itolwil pimiui it mm mtlhistip in mnuiliiiiimk m vvwinc- lit ink ill to mr nut mr- angrm mulhimihl a i mi died kinii at moffat nuajjlutbit on thiirwhi u nth llonjiiniln hhg iiihli7lthjenr iv mimoitlam mu ukiivmih in hiving memory of our dour futlmr clirlminilior hwaokhttiiior who hod utt liuroiilloiiitulytlrd ion lone lint not forgotlflii oiio atih at homo tlto olntruiftd circle broken ft dear face minted dttj by da from it usual place hut cleansed sated peiimuwl liy grace ouo mora in heaven i oho leas on earth 1 lt0 twin itll borrow mill its loll to share one lee tlio pilgrim dully to l one mora tlio crown of the blessed to wear at home iii horn en i klb i0vimi cilll huin sht 3ctoit m press tiiunaiuv jiua imioii emt0hi alh0tk3 tmumtin stayi- anil canada taken together will it is estimated produce 1 203000000 bushel ol wheat uila season or 103000000 more than tn 1014 it i likely tut about 000000000 bushel will be available foresport one english arm ha been given the agency to liuy wheat for tlteallle tut date for tho manitoba elections luu been flxul fur tlio lltli august blr jam alkens i i iiuh accepted lite leadership of tlm consarvallve iiarty both parties claim to be in fator of tu purification id tlt method or transiting ptibllobuslies- reforms in election methods prohibition of tit liquor trattlc rigorous intoallgalloti of tit public works bcamula and prosecution of tit guilty parlies liy and tittle tin umthstitj will probe tlio tier man ami austrian activities within mint country against ircat llritaln ami tlio allies to ti bottom at tlie instance of tit hrltlh aovorimiont tlto htal ifepart irtent ita called on tlio hapartwent of jusuce to investigate lit activities of certain lennun sympathiser in m united bute who rare nilft to have been em i joy i iik unlawful mean to strike ut draat urluh aitd iter alii tiil aitixmiriu of ureal ilrluin r evidently not through with tltlr placing of obstructions on tit liquor traffid yet th sal of liquor in licoitsed iuoe i now blntf permitted only utwou llta itoura of noon ami 230 lw and utwieii ard b oeloelt fn tha avvulnif tu tko- town vuh tlta govawnu t have ppolntl taautla- of ootttrol in the munltione ar- trtuotf hb ao keen probihitaj ml llquaf tuure are forbidden from rivihs ilquotf oa crtjlt tltaj penalty for ooatr v4udd cf tb rfuutiomi u sued at si buwuta lupr onmaut aud a fitw of ivjoft ir la vkhy u iua for all wbo are in terxwted in urn ourtallnunt of tla liquor tra to do all they can to make tit new provincial ikrj of lloeusa colalonr fully infomiwl coocrolutf tka oondltlona of every pah of this rrovlaoe and epeoui ly oodoomlbtfany lawl neee that may ei ut tite cooiiliiotura liave ahown thetn edvea iodvfikunt ffru and energetic iu dijln with atmai to whldi u ir at- ufttioa ku hand oallad bo far their oouri u hceo saeh to terlt full ooo flli tltolr purpoem and eaorta will howvvbi- la haudperad if frlead of the uoipraoa cauta will not give theuj all th oooptwetlon poajibu if our friend will do their duty a the caumlutlonere an doing theira th work of uta new uoard wilt it an imtnati influenoa for good in every part of th ivovlnoe ihoti cews0h3 cobmktts lilt ileeai klnahurv enterulned uuuher of hef llttl frleode on wedneeday aiutrooon it being her uithdiy uua i u colutuoo uontrul apoob surnley at urs u crvwaaoa uua je litoraroa acton apenfc rhituley at mr- john uurtuldaa mua eudi ooy tluelii and mrs ktchol ifamlltoa vuted at mre j beduats ur ami mrs k luinau- and cliluren oaprluu spent hunday at ur if luwp- eva ur ami mrs itillon acton spent hun tuy at ur join ilentialta ura j kaneou and urn k lauhert acton vlslto at mr a crlppt mlutaky ca- exhibition every branch or war activity to be vividly portrayed at tow nto vtv kvery linoli of war aotlvlty to ho keen tn europe toiuy u 111 bo vividly portrayd at tha canadian nutlonal kublbltlon tor cuto abroplnnw will laml at the mill ury tainp after taking observations lu midair tulnutun battleship will blown up la ut like i titer will b bkuhje ami sheltered trench building armored ear haeplul auto fiehl aubuunoes with stretcher laarar sections field dreaslng suuooj field lalierlaa and oookarlea ata wualtlou oolumni bomb thrower signal oorpa tibeervatlon maau etc th gamp will b ooouplad by several hundred ohoew and uwt now tralnlnjk for overseas servloa at niagara tnd other oaupa for the infantry cavalry awl artiller units was3a0aweva tb fouowing i ute standlbgf of pupils o eb 8 ko 7 nauagaweya at ut oloalog exaulnatloba t bu iv uarfptret urittoit iyla ken ndy ellen oamochaii arthur htewori mac uatwl jib iv atwly vrtutk bal iii alio kennedy mary job paul bayers auol crawford lru buwart auuln uradkt edna b1i lwrda daveuport bil h velma iwileoa klna brittoa j ii willi job fred buwah jack wilton cum l minnie sy ethel lvd ohrlathui vranlt uoy morton umgxu wluott th way it bwmmmb a 11u1 boy who had to b ort th train otw night y- a utopcrtry w auuppwberihltthleplntfor in th night h wakened and sat up do yo know wher you ara bobhy f asked hi tooth- cbo 1 do anawwed llobhy prompi ly xaa in ut top drwr letter prom the trenches pto tarn altfoiwrltoc another intoi- ustlltk tvplntlo from tho pllhiu tlnu the death of pte fhamcea op ghonoetown din fnllimlii lull or vtuh rotokdil b uu tliomiih atuor from bnr miii pto thumith atjrer on mndi i tim tmolio fraucv ulylhtli hmt dour motliori ilitut it bit hilda lo nkhiiroiii i am quit uoll i turlwl it loiter n uook n0 but iwlnj in tin ireiicliea 1 liiul nn opvortunlty ut send it out 1 am now writlnir in the rulim of n funn iioumi tlm tiormanu liuxo rlddlod ulth hbells i inn on dut on tlio hold tola phono or iluzrcru uh tbo mo culled it in tuooctimu in tlio morning aim imlnit ver tlrod tbniiulit writltiff lo ydu would heeji mo from ualiiir to nloop until 1 tun relieved faert1idi it orj qulot tlintjonnmiti uro in it troncli 0110 huudrod yardu from uh it u tno iulot to unt hie re in ulwayn tumetliiny lining alter punne like this i havo jiihtlnul n loiter froiu luyuiwl from aunt pin leuinjr tun of tho frltlbt tltey liiul lion tlio opiillim ilropptkl itomlta in tholr alrect luo street oan vt i licit were puwlng wcro lllloil with wound d th fui i luui camo by last mall and i wax verj glad to gal tli uown from old acton will you ull mr a rruueia of laortf town bow ber mii dlod we wore utt gattlng ready to com out of tit trenchoa wlteu lio wa aliot tlm bullet luitisod through lila left tcmplo and oamo out ut tlto right nar he dmpiwwl without a mur tour hu death wus fuatuntaneous so that tho uwir fellow had n paliiteea end it waa a great i law lo ma an we had irffcen toaetltor all the wa ulnco leading fteorg town wo lost i0o mon in that on place the leniitui milpor who idiot him wan hrouuht dawn out of a troe ami got bin duertn bo i no ol ur aro goinr or soveii days loatoto indon toon it will bo a great ttillof to gut away from tho roar of dm guiia for u lime don t forgot to wmd uimo more books and the piai puuit our loving ton dall1hafad ur v i fodder of the balvatlou army iland toronto and u6rw joaph wauoti and wiuhpoar gaea numhsr of instruuseatul trloaat uteuetlioiilsttluiiday bcltool on bumuy afternoon whloh all trsnt enjoy tv i ur lardnor of iloltun uld ralllnafad a hyiug vlait lutrrlday ur and ura haney of toronto wer rvoent visitor at rpear brothers dr jolin uutuall of kow york aooom panud by lila slaur uiw madga ruell of toronto vlaital fifth line friends lost weak uru cjeorgeaiul ulaa uargaret wilds of acton were the guesta of mrs fred cooper hut week ura john rjlncuir and her daughters urs boriven of toronto ami mrs lalng of innd valley were ut guest of ura oaorg tliompson last tuosday mr uuntloaiul mlui it isuoml itav god to dumlalb to visit tit utter brother mr chaitu itwottd ur ami mrs 0 d hayere attended ut futmmisl of uie ute mm marshall at fergus uat tuaaday mr hunter of acton visit at mr f coopers on bumliy th noung psoplas society of knov church spattt unjr aaelsl evening on ui lawn at ut uoanso hut weak and report a good tlma mrs bupltn llokiat iuji rvturnod hoot after epemling a wntli with tier daughter mr lurui at terra cotto 05 th flao rains during tit uut week wera btuoh appreciated hy our farmer wlto ar looking forward to a bumper crop in uila pronperous faurmliij oomuunlty a vry sucoasaful barn raising was held tut wednesday on ut farm of me rohert voungevhon of th second iln whan a fin modern harn was erected hy mr longbtraat and lila carpenters assisted by th nelghhora it will bo a credit to our neighborhood mr and mr tloo ooobo of tit aocond line spent fluitday wiut frlondo in tjara- fiuita mr and ura herbert kirk wood spent hunilay uitli kvartnn frlaiwlu mr itavid cunningham of potroliti la apemllng u fow dayn visiting wlut first una frlanda mrs may kohortuoit of toronto lu basndlng a fow days lulling with mr and mrs 1 f itohertaon mlu efflo young returned to toronto last week after speiuliwr iter hallduyu tor miui jefferson spent hunduy with th ulamd oooke of tluelpli ilosd mis lillian ciuilel1 of tlto third hit u holidaying with ur aitd mrs jain urydot vb farmers of tlits community are liusy with uielr luiylng ur fleorg lunly of tquesing town- sliip liaa puroltssed u huwlred acr farta froiu mr d ii btorey being lot number 21 in ut 7lh oonoesslon of nassagaweya towushlp fuls was mads by j a wllloughhy georgetown onu esildi ea atati clears out itau mice etc dont dl in tlio house ittc and 23 at drug and country store a canadian nurse in france a potmor aotoii young lady writes an lntonjstlng overscan lot tor dhsciilbhs herttovel surr0und- 1n0s a hid frlmiil iiirek mi lnlcielt lutttii mm otluir dity from mim ammoritm nnu of tho cttuudhni mitwtt wlm rrtionlly prutxvdtd from iltghiud to omi of tho ixtmt infill i uhi lu i mime tbu following iim crlptuo utrugruphu mo ulottttod from tho letter niiic0jniw jhh hia ai dour frlond hero mo nro in himtiy franca hiii i llml it sunny fmleod and iiiimigli tik ontarhi when wo hmk nut of nor unt tloor lo mitko uu fool 1 1 nit wi itrn in our native land wo imio hot dwjm und cold night but i lilin it very much wo gnt nn many quilts and lilankois on our hod at night uu would do mt ordinarily in wlnur ttl home tho dnjwbrolmiit iuwii iwlng tut narly ah two thirty a in und twilight km hit as ulu oclock and siimettnta inter a uoak ago ytuttnnlay we urrivtul in tranco wo iwul a good trip urrout the channel ami it took uh only tttuiut un hour and a half there was a uici smnoui sea we wore well guardl on uur trtt w btudoil at llaiilognu and suyod there nite night and started hunday hftenmott for further inlaiul tltare wero twenty five nurse in otirrutrty ko censtllau mall el but keep on writ lug we it get it sometime i m not home sick oxactly but i wouhl like to see you ull i am quit willing itowever ami ready to tlo tuy little bout as long as i am requirod ive are all well i never fu utter luuiy life our surroundlnga might lie in ontario aa far ss orchard and hay field ar oottooru 61 w are all lu tents utr tture managing to live quit confotably in each tent tlr are five toronto letter hospital tturks hero and ut outam are scattered around amongtlisotlterltoapltals we are at the itrltuh letioral hopltal indian fsteditlonsry force ttt itoaplutl was originally inuudod for th indian troop but as they are luting tnt to lb lurdanelleaut hospital l gien ove lo the ilrituh soldiers i believe it is sull uolng mitlntalited by some of tlm fitdlan prluoe tttoae la rally ery llttl i can tell you a we are in honor hound not to w ar altout five mil- from town jun 311 i oould not fluuli ute utur soodo so will do so now rata cuitadlan inall readied us tonliy ttua w uturt for me attd a bundle of paps atd eucloaatd a copy of ut fuiif puuvt it was datad may isoih ami puhlihod a ltur front it jack uiuy date may lib today whan we were out for a walk we wulked through tli oonvahwoent catnp at ilouwi where h wrol bis letter from it certainly la a boauuful place all under canva it l not far from us when you writ b sure ut addravs u very plainly written wlui bind regsnl to all amu oiuu nurse umehouse tlt postpoad red croai garden iuty of july 2nd will be bald at ut sixth una church on tuesday evening july j7th a good prograum will lgiva everybody oome that crack baseball uam from ueorge town arrived in town bdturday afunvoon to engag in a battle with ut tirey and reda th seven inning gaua woa very intareauag froea ut beglnnlair being any- liodya until uu hut tuan was out both team used two pitcher bhaely of ut visitors had a big day wiui the hat having two ham funs a alngl and a double in four time at bat but wlut all this they could not win th final soor wai 13 to 0 in favor of llmehouae bailerle for llmeliouse mcdowell oahurn wbeeur anil lvdklnghorn i georgetown d ar nold ruddy and oneill tli farmers in this vicinity ar having utelr trouble gotung their hay in between showers these day mr and ura ii ilaodorson of toronto are spending a few day with friend tare uis m malcolm 1 vlaluug at ut item or lira jatua klckalh uu w ivans is holidaying with hamil ton friends mrs e hnaaui of toronto spent uie weekend with friends iter mr it polklnghomo ol toronto was borne for ute week end fifteen of our youug iieoitl attended the georgetown pio tilo to burlingtoa hut thursday and all rtort a pleasant ouung- was uov w r llarkor of toronto will preach at ettonexer next hunday rev ur carter will preach on tit lowviue circuit ur john marshall addreaud ut mission circle at bethel church hut sunday even ing and gave a most inureaungr missionary address th construction train of ut toronto suburban railway have pmtty nearly finished halubtlng ute track through kassagaweyu and are now approaching acton coupulttsi are tnad of wut in the oat orop on many of ute farm of ute town ship 1ha attention of ute county iloul com tnmoner and incidentally of reeve camp bell i oattad to ute foot that av few load of grfll spread in the rut of ut county road from the kuatehuull line through ute swamp would greatly improve lha driving along utat section gutxph horse races august 2nd 3 knnt racci blp entries large purhoh band in attviulanco special ratei coinu and mijoy yurlll aud 28 sept 11 canadian national pxinmrioiv toronto l simm law siwmioo patriotic year miklcl military amp iwlrullan til llalllaltlp haul uf hi air mammoth military display uagii of tub aiiiks farm undty i ulilviitloii million in i ivsstnck ovinrristil pvhtblie thrilling naval spectacle fceviewot ylfttllekr luldbin art trcaaur cvatoa- ftimoua tutui tllddtat cat and dod hhow war tuoiiiiirs flld grain cohipetltlo great poultry show arvc of manufactur one tlibaseiur and ode new tiling lo see tteduceo railway hates rbom all f0ints 0ut oat flelrs have smut this unweloowe dueau u atfoountf a numbei or magnllloobt melai the oat crop for halton county will b somewhat seriously isaisvued this year on aooountof ui amount of smut found on uilaeplsodld crop not for several years has thuducuse been so irevalnt a it u this season lsumaung on a basis of ut loo of two bush per acre which isa ery corutarva uveumat by tit pretence of smut mr hare ut ixatrict representative figure that halton county alon will loss 00000 btultelsof oat this amount which ut farmery wilt never harvest will possibly not b seriously sad but at ut same titn 60000 built of oat would keep fl horao fur on year in addiuon to ut loss of grain the teed from ut emut fields will be depreciated in vilu very considerably titer i noutlug thai can h dons to save ut crop uil year koept to take warning and itav the aeed put in ut formalin treatment before lb i sown most of utos farmers wbo have treated with formalin uila year according todlreouonsbaveaaveduii lose although a few complain utat ut formalin treatment itaa not enurely freed tit crop from emut wlui ute object lesson pointed out this year it would lie quit aaf to say that 73 per cent of the farmer of halton county will treat their grain with ui smut treat ment before tltey sow uielr oat another season all information wlut reference to ut matter will he supplied hy ute offloo of uie department of agriculture at hurling ton obituary itatvltuin klmi this esteemed tuuve of nassagawoya eon of ut late charles king pwed very suddenly but peacefully away hut weduea day night- when mr klugs son retired ut old gentleman said lie would sit up and read awhile in ute morning he wo found still sluing in hi chair quietly reclining in a peaceful poe as if it wore sleeping but hi spirit had taken lu flight lteoeaaed luul been troubled with heart weaknea for sometime and it u utought an attack of ut iteart was ute cause of deaui mr king luul lived for thirty five year on ute uualph road he was a carriage builder but was n expert with tool aud worked at carpaoterlug and ouier employment he wa twice tuarrud and ha been a widower for tea year hi aon resided with him and hi daughter mr a rusk llvau in hamilton mrs joseph holme acton i a sister mr king was an ad- iterant of ute presbyterian church and rev dr hulr wlio ha been almost a next door neighbor ever slnee he oaue to naaaa- gaweya oonduoled ute funeral aervloe on saturday ihweaied was a strong orange man and ute member of utla order took part in the servloe at ute grdva vt moffat cemetery good old summer time g vacation days are here hot weather too via tho lioyii and kirls no tlicy ran enjoy ilu ir holidiyi in comfort cool hosiery white tan mark linl fky cool llcadwcar straw flam lor ill ircs runnliir shoes chtldh kihh hoys whik uid ijiicic cotton jerseys lonn ilccvc short sl eve cool tnilcrwcar ualbriitin for hoys thin cotton vcn for irh iioy bathing trunks and one piece juitf we clone on wedncbdayi at 1240 noon henderson co mill st acton out nuaadaadnannnaaapaaarldaaan j grand k patriotic outing s n n uanaciuuaaadddaadadddarjaarjp under eufijilce if tlio drummer hnacb club ij0wiing touunament vrtdaivjulytotfi ofen aiu c0ncebt wriay july boui r p tit in i ho park llett ol tautnt hand in at it ml ami rihcwobks magniilctnt patriotic dmign bannaqaanaaddaadndaaadaatf j georgetown q ontamio pnddadannnononadodpaooot base ball game 4uixlly july nut i000 a tu hamilton ttavellcr vntu baaxk travellers admis ilou five patbi0t1c pb0cessi0n ataitusdav 1 p n hundreds of flag of allied nations every boy and girl marching gets a flag games ulupaayjulyiu 3pm all kinds of contest prlios galore band in attendance hhduoksd haiiai7ay pamkai admission coot- s children isc qarwei nc children toe a glorious object k very dol lar of surplus this year goes to the canadian hospital puud help tit hoys at tho front hy your prea suco anqaanaaaqnoacnnannnnnna ostoroafttoun friday and saturday julv joih anjjiit j a willougiibyhomotiooyc ueocaupiieijl pi summer togs i presldentn a lastly straw ilm siirirtgv hots iliu llgklsl sit tht v i un nsj j ho hliil tin i celfsr u ft un i trim a nttiiirt crsvsl jiisl fill fvim and hnrlghll hat all fr th nt willi npr hsll j it la- jr il 1 will v w main a srti pi r ovtiar tes at thin men f george wallaces s jeilph ontario lk5krjapdlcja ouelph new issue telephone directory h mpnrttj tovur latat h tlut it 1 1 tho n ut rrfi u i moliro why not cnlrr t nlay uril havo ynur tbe bell telephone co of canada wftl 3 ttsjiifsjtsjticiirjtgjtiiitgirg i just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop anddpannnnanopnadndnnannna a representative wanted for old reliable fonthill nurseries to tell in acton and district a chanco of a lifetime to do a big trado among farmers in fruit stock as well as good ornanitiutal huslnoas in tho town ux elusive territory handsome free outfit highest conimluilotis paid write for terms stone 00 wellington toronto out iytekts u miluoan iloa a well equipped meat shop at the comer of mill and young btreets acton the second brick ullimia aibujii ll wii uil building from the gtr croaalng andwlluunnlyall klndaoffkicbh and cuuilid mixatb of best i quality at reasonable price 1 meat delivered lo all customer bromptty plrttclaiw refrigerator hop open every evening partner trade especially solicit a lilglitat cash pricebpaldforeggfl j aud poultry j millioas special attention to eavctroughing windmills pumps furnace and plumbing hot water ucatingrkooling gaioline engines jas harden son acton ontario 8 the merchants bank op canada tuuuuuj iu4 313 ttrlbm u cwd thrut is rightly dehcribed as eco noinical managlment a shrewd buoinchii man is spoken of an thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only n dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in tlio principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oanral raioup axooa namcrvh funds and uhdividbo pnoirrmi 7nu acton branch p a maclean manager 1wn mt rm- eisr puracsne larttic ug gnutnlsdeil vk preserving time chuota your auar aa earafully as you do your irulla lantic suear ualuaelaar jalllaa and parlact praaarvca bacauia it la p aranulalad extra lino and la kapt claan and 2 lb and s lb crlona and lolbaojzoibbat 10 iloa walaht auaraataad bay la oriflaal paeluto aaj imk tor tfca untig bca ball aa cut tickmtt i pura cane auifar pur by tba packagea 0 lb baaca coaraer aranula jc- ull matl of natton stul s v t lwit i ia itaum i bar m l ual htul wai mill mali r e aitawtsj jaf lbau txiat4 lanticsiiger atlantis sugar rafiuerlaa limited ai moniuial oiw ar johhk a grand trunk iwm summer service to highlands of ontario ttom toronto 3 os n id dnlly for mnskokn knur ditlly except suniiny for labu of hnyti algouipiin park nlugauelawatt klvor niid itiugnnil lnko polnln in ij a in dally exeunt bumhiy for ocorglun hay lake of hayn and mug uctawflii hlvor points iol pm dully except hunday fur m ukon hake iauo of hays mid algonquin 1urb steamship dxpress lmvaa tammmlto knelt llojy waxtnsavdity sttctrulttlftlavwl h ivvpauiuilsusttisia sin pwl alhur vcmi willut wiiiuttu knelt himty sdulltf willi hall auu rll- uarl ii i tltilutli su4 st foil wlllutu wllb t l tatty or wlottlu and twluls la wttilutti susus ucnldiia ruioriinniy uaa hiii aarlof mbrsryllttttt rani intlwrati toronle at1 garni wbuf fui lit umluaur ebpllollon lo jrsiitl tiltubtlallstailjita ihln blirrllornmua vtlick i r il i ir lnma rt 1 la r ur 1 1 in 1 1 lilm hill v flio wiwt ii iii 0i mia uantk0 i i afjltl lu woinioyu automobiles a a u lnot1 uoal- uonw mm hli im nlshaid w br-insr- ihi jiiii uliio uimoinl nauy patyrnant mi k i i ikiniliy iiiisiii itiul ir- ja ui uu fj- ri lol mff i v uil l t k 1 1 1 a in- ilh k iehiiiiic i i r ii no i fit votkuslist 1915 municipality of the viiiujkof acton lira llil ct llji j1i till llou l i lia an tram td i i rn itit m jut urusulto l i i i iini a aiiiarlua hv ilia lul v 1- t ii i f ii o tail in utile ilia ii 1 i t i ii al i niunjoliial- trill inl lliu iruuu us itlbl j si 1 ui july ukg itu l ij 1 i 1 j mil hlnv t ittk nl tal i uutlloiiallty patriotic garden party at limeiiouse tuesday evg 27th july tiil iirornnnk will liklnile addrosaeo 1 lieutcol ballanllnc d s o ml oli rh a nnil prnicmmmo of tniiili will ikiiil tiuti aifruklimonlh willbmrvl slum j our r iirlotisin itj bcillr prounc god save the kino p aeiv wonder land theatre a d piidav julv so armdd lil in pout op mifa- sing mlin hon da v julv co aihtli viml tinstlii in who pah aitu pulio hnnil mlor- nl trntl picluri wudnbudavjulv cs ull im tin aiun of tho ilrium ur lihl in chkugo during lliu inritil t ijiniitntloii in tho mllllt pit r l gregory proprietor a holmes agent phone no is hhhmiaiiwaadnddnadndaiihhhmmm s gkanittware tinware g e at attnaottvu phiobel isajastauffer n g will hiiilj ai gnoilx nt the fol- r hmiuir ntktrt a ltd wusli tulim ulili urlniior nt n tiiltimuit 0 imdlmaoo g niuu ii 11 in 4 1oo o wiifh littri rfl i i n rninlti will i pnlustt mid ti u arimlti piuldiii dihliui 10 i h lllld iot h unfit pnnti jnpujitil ahiiottcd 2 eclnri uk e tlratcm 3 hi i lk pin wnlor pulln hoih tunjoo glvd 14qt forukc lmi lmm i j nt fitrtfoo crnnitusiiiltipiiiri is smc granltu ulcu or mllh hollers tfoc tnrlxix uin lhtit moim no oil tnrtinx phxir pulintmr un oil 1 10 ami bvsot tutimix diihlkih diiht until jrjfle tnrliux ilnudlu uuhtliiut uustun 3k itopnlrlng ttniupmy donu stove roniovud piiicti lluatictl and put nil lswu bfouttfai fiapslrsu stnd bliwinitstl sjstaifier opuoiilta old post umesi mill hi aotoh siwiataudndaundnariaabtalibt

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