Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1915, p. 3

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mh wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lai1ci1i aubortmcnt glvo us a call maklmiaou iliobinaus isaubd geo jqynds aoton ontaiiio real estate vakrnm far wilt- iii uultou wei uutl wellington farina lor uafo every ulxr ii you wakit it rami write inn for rutiilogur or 11 you wlxli to uell or kehnngc writable we lutvc every facility for criitidiirllmif burnt li rim to your conapletn trntlftfiirtluii torr- ktontlriicu nolirucd j t wlljbortiifuy varuiheluttu htirrlnllut ourgrtowii uciic artoit jfvcc 4sa tllulthiiav jhiv is 1011 brief local items tlio aftonnntli nf tlio liny crop in tiry luxuriant flutitrdny was it grml duj for linking thousand or laaild ucra hauled lit tlie bnlug liauac lias tiem removed to tlte now foundation flu juooii street hprlng grains iiovor looked iwllor tlto tuits mill peas look cuptciully promis ingr tlio mercury got up as willi as w 0tl irvlday tito atmosphere wu decidedly humid berrypicking okcursinnn aro now tnuob in voguo tito wild raspberry crap u plentiful mrs wuhoin brown la offering iter flue residence corner bower avenuo and ivaluoe street forsalo up lo date mrs and mlsn mccunly of milton liavo knitted m pnirn of wicks for llin canadian boldlors in kuropo cluuiiiion messrs dowdy moculiiium and ma- nn motored tlirco rlnlit of lioulora to burlington on monday a very enjoyable game watt playod lltcbard teals ulu uai reported to have been mown op in an explosion in pennsylvania several eeln ago turned up hw on saturday an bound as over we kdwm maddocb of tlio liflad quartern staff at rlioniclllto kng has been promoted to the offlci of hcrgeant ilia acton friends oftor coiigratulationa a split log drag on tlio now gravel rood from tits third to tha fifth hues for t alf a iuy would greatly improve ft now the ruu are becoming troulilesomo miss bertie fipolglit and her sunday school claw motored up to crodit forks hut wednesday and und a tlolirrlilful plo nlo 00 tlm grounds of tho trout club the piano wou ly miss kalldocn bar bar in the voting content hold by l v hourfgan wus preocntcd to tlio katut sunday sohool jcorgolown herald exumdve ituprot cmonui hovo lately bfln luude to tho buildinga on tlio duard mora una on main htroct tlio premium now lmvo qulto on attractive nipoaninoe corp llert kennedy formerly of ueorgtown now a despatch rldor with tlio canadian troop in franco ban boon award ed uia ditingulahcd conduct inwlal for bravary herald 8ald motor car driver tho otlior day t i can olwtyo tall when i ret near uolph at iilalit lieoaumt tlio roatla got bo rotten guslpli mercury wo all know thorea no roatanoo about tltnt somo motorcyclist arc golnu to gel themmlvm into a hoop of trouble if tliey oontlnuo to ignoro tlio apowl limit in town till la a final vromlnff w hvo been oatod to give georgetown herald mr a motavuh ia having tho atore and raulenbe ailjolninp at tho corner of mill aud elgin street hnprotod 8ha will oooupy tlto raldonoo and a mona olothtor froui ouelph has leawd tlio loro tliwe rinka of siroeuxillo iwwlem puyd aoliiduled gamo on acton graen last friday tlio vliiltora won tha matoli by 0110 iwlnt tlio iwiwlorb wore oocom- inled hy a number of auppoftora mr uoymointoshwrltcjilbatthobplflii- dlj municipal building and opera iioiibo at orlula wan diwtroyl by flro lust friday night a pood idiower luivail a largo con flagratlon as parka foil all over tho town tlioro liavo imon ory honeral com- plalnta uiat tho timothy crop ia vory fchort in the atiuw uiih year hut w bayera hwuflht tlta fufci 1kijw aauiplon on satur day which uiaoauwl ft foat i luobu in length oonajdar imw tho vacant lot tlm homo of vagraut modi we mm in duo tlmo on tha wt u uvuh crop of wooda a had trop ha it understood lluwo weoda should ho cut down they dont improve a nolgh boihood or elsxata the town the farmers or this motion who aro growlha luoerne or uuulfa liave exoollent oroptt thl aeabon mr win kotieitam of the flrtt line who cut hl flrat crop about the middle of june bw a aecorwl crop about eighteen inohaa high mr loo murray pipe major o toronto ami mr damea hots pipe major aolon vultall t mr jatnw hendorwnb ha mru htwet and gvea aerlea of baffplpa ulectlone which were lauoh ea- joyed by all who liatl tlwt privilege of liear- inp tlielr atlrrlnn soottult airaon haturday avealag loab wediieaday evenlnp mra jotin w buck died suddenly in a motor car on her way houa to mil ton from a vlilt to ler brother wm jolnaon of trafalgar tho cauwof dea h wm heart weaknea frlm which olio imd aiiffdred for jcom but u10 eeemed to ite unuaually uoll when nho icjt champion mr alfred hyde of llen miller out lms purohiiited elx and threeqnaruir aorea in tba village of oeorccetown belohgluir to mr w ii anthony halo wo- wade by j a w oeorgotown oot ho th wo offer one hundred 1 kill aro hew or any case of catarrh that cannot be our- edbylunacatajfthourfl v j oiiunkv co toledo p we the underalgnad liova known f j cheney for the lat 18 yearw and be lave blw imrfeotly honorable in all bualneaa trmruaotlona and lltianolally able to carry oat any obligation mode by liufjito national hank or aimununt toledov o ltoltv catarrh cero i uuo lntrilly meuaa dlroctly upon ll blood rnueouti urfaom of the ayitom tei-timoulal- haul free lrlw 73 mhw wr itnlllo jijifil oil hrutfirut tnko iiniih rmlly mha for donburutluii news of local import will it bo a county urldgo tlio ovldimco in oonnooiioo with tho iiiotlnu hy tho lowiiuhlp of kelton to mti llio tnuuloy bridge tloolarod u county lirldyn in not ll in und at i mutt another day will lio uimnt liy tudga llllot in hear ing it cliumplon hanks not now opon friday evonlng for youru tlio lumbu ho re hmo ihjoii 11 to tied friday dcnlng to fnnilllata tlio inyinont to chcuoa of tho empinyeoh of tlio tnunorloit tjto einployoeu are to bo inld in currency horaflor and tlio banks will conumpicutly not ojton 011 friday oionlngii watt thlo young lady from acton v i had heard a lot about odkvllle and ila iwauty epotn uald a lirlgbt htudoiit hut i itudnt dreamed it ooald ito uo really iteaiitifut i woloomod tho opiortuiilty to coins i qui limth to leave homo day i bhouldllkatollvoh rojmirt of tho kp worth itaguo huiuitier hchool acton fall fair sopt 22nd and 20rd tliodlrootoroof aolou fall fair are al ready laying plana to maks the fair of iftlt n gront h hoc can a meeting woa held re contly to coimldor muttera and mate or riingainenln tho membership lul won re pertwl to ho large keep tho data in mind wodiimday and tliunulay tomlter j2itd and jin soon bo bofldy for acton station tlie new toronto hnhurlxn railway citation has lioon completed all but tho painting it la a flno looking uuuuntlnl building and reflecta credit on tha con trite tore moarn walla ft cray o toran- ti10 jwlaa for tha now i tall way have 1 orectod 011 tlie right of way through n loorgetown heruhl tito entranoo evatnlnatlontln llalton tho entrance oxamlnatloua at four of the ntre of tho county raaulted aa fallowv iltt no nr fftuir kuilltfn a wmtifni k you liv ntii noflurl yooi uaitanruu huuinururroaral c 11 hi- rniliiutoiriwti uiuut cft uml ouut itfliru ar at lliulr itutl vut etntiluif limy mil i it bual null wob vuu laibrrlx lllaab cuvmntu a faw cauililau pomui acton tf ioorgetoun 14 21 70 milton 110 41 tl oukvlllo fc1 11 fla lliorejuirt of tlioto who urate at uur lltiutou hu not boon reooivihl 01 von tho opportunity to hlko homo man uhocluiinod ho hud 0 nil r- tod at milton und wa only waiting to iwsontont from that town to toronto 10 join hu imltaliou mmarretrulhero jettonltt ho ry much under whinkaya iniliioiiee ho promised thin morning if given a lianne to go home and wua given tlto op partunlty lualdi mercury knou sunday sohool plonlo knox church fiutuluy uchoel will liohl tlioir annual pic nlo at itlveraldo lurk luolpli next wolnwday jfltli ium ex cursionist will tto by the 1030 ui train and return on tha regular evening train on arrival at ouelph tlto itreet railway will conduct tha plr nicker to the park tho privilege of the excuralon are not con fined to member of tho sohool the fare aro 41c for adulta and 33c far children kind wordi for aoton citl ions sand aotou lltlzoua daud woa onguged by krin u o i for tha big celebration titer on tho uth tha advocate aaya with re feronce to their aervloea acton cltlxeua luntl h moinbera undor the leadership of tho veteran bandmaster j c hill wax tlto only dnuui hand in lino tliey aro not only a credit to themuikoa but to their homo town boforo teav lug for homo in tha eveniug they playcl a number of selection from tlio iland stand wlilchuere much approoluted by our citleona tho ball oflino at erin ttoforrlng to tha game at krin on the uth the advocate any tlio centre of attraction wan a itaoe lull game between krin and acton both teams were evenly inatuhed but at the flnlnh tho too re stood h 4 in favor of krin thla waa one of the heat hall game played hero for along time tho latjt match between theae two teams waa vt on by aoton they uro a gentle manly lot and wo hope to see theaa two toama matched again before long aa npeotatora ilka to see a good clean hall game an enjoyable afternoon function last friday afternoon nine of the mat item of tlia ladle aid of the uethodht church entertained tha lady wemhara of tlio congregation at the social function which they dealgnata a clialn tea in tha church sohool room a delightful after noon wua spent plenty of opportunity being given for social inleroouroe patriotic knitting etc and a dainty tea waj aerved at livo oclock word of welcome were token ami mra a t llrown rendered a literary number with aplendid effect la wild that othorludiea of tho church will repeat thla ploaaant form of entertaluiuenu tho new pastor of st joseph church hov father doyle curate of 8t baallt church for tlio past year and r half luui teen appointed parlftlt iet of aoton btioh wan tho anuouncement uuule hy itav itoan llrudy at tho oeleliratlon of the inajta on sunday morning tha dean refrred to tha recipient of thla honor in lilghtema it la not often that a man who la bo young la appointed toflllauoh a pct- bev or llrudy oxpreaaed great regret at lotlnp the aervloea of father ifeyla at 8t uaalla cf lurch fatler lloylaa plaoe aa local curate will ba taken by rev l j oogor- akl who la expected to lie here on tho find sunday in august- brentford kx- poaltor a ministers husoular christianity tho bev john wllaon ii a paitor of the luttliaay and cotawold prea- hyterlan ehurclte is uia nuuiter of ooneld- orabla prowea in a rough and timimerulx- up with a few young fellowa who attempt ed to ivut up something rdutnhllug a rough houwj kerformaiice at a bohiaay gurdon party lut week acconhug to current report- of tho wfrulr a few youth of tho smart ulcck variety got busy up retting tallcb and creating considerable disturbance when tio reveretul gentleman nlso took a hand in tho fun determined to learn the uama of at teaat ete of tha offittulora he aelietl ono tlie obatreperoua hlpeda in a grip that could not lie hkaken off the captive comrade attempted to effect bla releaae hut after a hot tuaale emptor and captive landed slightly out of breath in uia woodahed where the elergy mat uamitaatorof tho ultuationattdaeeur- txl the dealrel information aa to the name and place of resldeneo of hla prisoner 1ollee court prooeedlnga it waa intended alioud bo tliq mmual to tba garden party moeue tha unfortunate oapeet of um ute hn it uppeara to uo ii that ute lureacluirh example waa not followed by a iiumlierof tho autwartu of ida oongraga- tlou tltereby making ute round up of tha uiidomjrahle comiilete orange villa llan ner personal amd travel notes social and porsonal items of xntor- ost to froo press roadorfl gleaned dubino the week hov mi axlaoii ilttlted ralativoa at lalt thl week mra w mason and mu haxel viulteil frlonda at alton thla week mlaa malel homerville of inndou ia v lulling her grand ta rents here mlnaea ada aud lily cliurchlll of lanty tool are vklting aotou relative mra koht maolhoraon hr i spending a month or no with toronto friends mr and mra wllunm wiltluma iulttd friendo in trln village 011 sunday mr and mm william hall and family vulted friend at llmohoiiae last week mm if b lltjuderiwin of oeorgetowh viuitetl acton frleuda during tha week mru 1dlaley of toronto waa a gueat at tlie home of mr n f macro over sunday corp hoy 1iml of uia lotlt artillery brigade fjindon was homo over sunday mr ceo edwards and mlaa luoy visit ed at roavertou und cauuington thla week mr and mm if it wanabrough of joljili sjient a day or u with acton frlonda r and mra mcatoer of toronto wero guciitanf mr and mr tolm konnoy over y mr andrew bwayie and mun buayxe of hamilton wera gueata of mr w a storey thla week mr anthony stephenson ia gradually improving and la now uble to alt up several houra dally meaara jack chapman and boy craw ley of toronto ore holidaying at the homo of mr deorge chapman mi no tuudya warrlucr ban returned home after upending u ueek ultb her friend mihu marguerite hymon mr und mru 1 chuttir matlheua and motr tatnoi liave been uniding ihe week with friend in hamilton in j veil a mollicrwin of kincardine ha boon v lulling tho miiwia mulheraon bomur aonue thiu uoek mr klmor btoviurt reliirueil home latt week from huddoll husk uliore ho ha i tee 1 1 for tho last three jcura mr ijl bjdor uho uiui recently oper- ated upon in tfuelpl llcwpltal la making good prog rot toward recovery mlaa mainprise teacher at bracehrtdge who baa lioen holidaying in tlio muakoka lakoa orrlvcd homo on tuewhty r bobert croui who waa taken to ouelph ifoapital last week waa operated utton un friday and ia doing well mr wm mccluro of naualmo ii c haa lieeu a guest at tho home of mr john harvey lnka avcnuo the past ueek master kugeno macpharnonlias returned homo utter spending a couplo of weeks vory pleasantly with brumptun friends ir and mrs ii kahle of toronto siient sunday with mra mcplierson mra w snyder accompanied them home in their car mlu minnie bennett hod an enjoyable trip through tha thousand islands to irea- oott last ueek sho in now uniting friends at ottawii ir and mrs worts and imtie mr and mrs wnrriuor of toronto and miss moffat of brant ford motored to acton on sunday to mr james hymens mra juntos macro br of mount ploaa ant farm kruinoaa has returned to her homo alter spending three months very pleasantly with her daughtoru in aotou and vicinity mr will htuckoy of t j rand valley motored to aoton on sunday to see hla mother uho has been vory 111 ha waa accompanied by mr filenn principal of ute puldlo school mr john bsmaiy of eden millf caue to acton hut week and will reside for a time at tlie homo of mr robert lalng ahliur street- mra lulng waa for many yearu his housekeeier and lie will enjoy uia stuy in their home mr and mra frank f bayers after alending a couple of weeka with friends in uia western provinces left calgary on tlie lout iniu for uan franolaeo tliey traxel- led through tlie mountains 00 uia special train bearing the wo blirluera of calgary to uia list annual sealon of tha nobles of uia myatle shrine at seattle wash tho summer sohool at oakvllla tha oaltvilla kawanyldnnlly snw vinioiiu of rtinl worth in tha ipworth inguo sum luor sohool hold in that town it uayui aaious kin i hourtwl and ringing true girls mild boys huvo wou u pluoe on tlm thuna tablet of memory tlmt cannot soon h nlilaellml out coma again dear student ol tho hlghar life oakvlllo with wide open arum is ready to glvo ou a royal welcome it was a remurkubto thing that among suoh a large numlwr of young ladles with such ulnuome rlutriulug fuooj titoro wasnt ti realty homely girl in tho crowd llunh reroeted a high atatulurd of intellluaiica which showtwl a koen ilealrefor more kuowletlgo higher education uus the paaaport to the convent inn and they made every hour tell oakvllle received u big uplift kvery home that ojtonod ita doors wuu amply repaid for the hospital ity el albani sunday sohool excursion hl allwna sunday school pic nlo to victoria park berlin on wednesday of last woeki wm mast nuocoumhji idear summer weather prevailed und a good crowd took ad vantageof the cheap rate and iieolal train tho park management hnd very kindly provided coucta far inemlters of tho aoton lawn tennis chihaud their rourtoslss were taken full advantage of and appreciated tha sunday school hail a most enjoyable day in the purk ewc lolly on tlto lake and tho rector llov ii ii wilkinson and mr s tloorge were inde fatlgable- in tlielc efforla to glvo them n real good tlma otto of the most pleasing features of tlio day was tho excellent dlw olpllne of the children which reflected very great credit on tlie teouheru und officers tlio committee wish to thank those who helped in proi iding meal 4 for the school hy seiuling imskata etc tho entire day uan a great success in every ay all posslhlo convenience luul iteen provldwl for and u10 teacher and ofllcera aro to l congrat uhitwl upon tha excellent way in which all arrangements were carried out d cool d summer desserts til in is tlio time of year when it la hard to know- wlmttnhiiy for a dessert nt moid timn why not linvo something cooling in tho way of ico cream wu will dolivor any quan tity from 5 conlsiip our candy department nlwayu lias a full lino of chocolntea from 30 centu to co centn n pound in bulk nnil in pifckages from as co nit to jino each dont forget our ice cream parlor wu mnke a nuvj halt every haturday our now hall for next hatur day iu a mary pickforda dessurt cornell and try one olid alto enjoy some music from 011 mow oro- fonnla harold wiles mill ammr u luveyquweakulhgs do colds settle on our chest or in your bronchial tube do coughs luug on or are you subject to throat trouhlear bach trotiblcri should have immtduu trelinautwith the rare curative powers of bootta umulslou to guard ogalttat eeourioibuou which ao easily follow boaushinulbloheontalhb pure cad lwr oil which peculiarly ktrengtbeua uia nbraiory tract aud ltd proves the quality of ibe blood tbafilycehualuuaootbeaaua beads tba tendr tnembranes ol uia throat bootts le prtacrlbed by the beat ioccul lata vou taa grt it at any drug atore keou at kom ttmoeio mt when usinc wilsons fly pads jft rcio dinrctiohs t cartfully and ronow thtn vn vou ofun can lead with tlie silken oohr of love when all uia cable of logls would fall ami a wise bachelor always hikes far the tall tlmlters when he hears a girl say that she intends to bo an old maid glasses- plus the dav when you bought your glaiuei any old place la gone prcaeut day intelligence will uot permit you to trifle or gamble ou good vision if you need gjaue you need tha knowledge and tha er vice which should go with tho bent hare you get jutt what you want glasses plua a d savage ootometrist mfg oitician klglit it tha pout oihco hm m4ii1 dulumi bargains at m saxes this week good lot of mtiiii buitu at ias panta tweeds and blues at lts big lot of mens shirts to clear at 56 some of these cost 1350 per doz wholesale mens raincoats 1500 for t5s ladies waists reduced to ladies middies our midsummer j i markdown sale j is bringing to many homes in this vicinity golden opportunities for saving it la a mlduiimmar bain of mlilaummar morchnudlao not miaenunnuhe imoi but tlio ncodediiow not job iota plckwl up from other noiircou mid trnuipnrtud buru to ite juggled at low prlcea but nir nwi regular lltieu at our high standards of qtmlily tho mnibdowno are mighty ones affording sulhltnutldl i to all who take advantage of the economical opportunity theu price rpiotnllnnn nru liistaucru of mmiy matudowna kiudu 1 uux living ilnnliir ig to 18 mena bulls tdflooboyhhuitm totisomenu slraw until to cs waidi vollaa to 40 wash crapes 1 jo long silk giovda to 30 embroidery flouncing 471 affetnbllku eloo habutai hllku to 1 on chlldrenu wash dresseu to ji9s wonieu a 1 1 on re dreusch noinn womeua underskirth 40 to 135 butt hutlnuit sstt ll u1 10 the superiority of tone in columbia doubledisc records is due to the patented and exclusive columbia process or manufacture columbia records arc builtup in stead ol economizing and using one mix ture for the u hole record columbia he- crdsare made in three layers using the cheaper material in the centre only where it doesnt count in the repro duction the best and most expensive material the world can provide is used on the outer surfaces on which the sound wave or music is engraved thats why columbia records sound belter and wear longer the same diff erence in value as there is between an ordinary pine and expensive built up oak door all columbia records arc double a different selection on each side and yet these records cost you less mon ey than any others you are not getting the utmost value for your money or the best out of your ma chine no matter of what make unless you use columbia records of course columbia records are made in canada if you have never tried columbia records ask to hear the following selections we will gladly play them and any others for you buprb collo bolo by tablo cauls a yraumerel schumann 5hsalutdamourelrar two wellknown ballads by tho famous taylor haikcl berga trio a because dhurdelot f it 1733 toother mschree oloott ball two novelty marimba recording a italian echoes two step 1728 senorita two step two patriotic songs p three cheers for utile belilum jt come on boys of tondon town bw there are over a hiouaaud double iliac record at flscbv 150 85c c c speight acton ontario 2vv shxe the brtok store opjoosme now poatoffioa ixxxxxxccwxxxxxxxckxckobi 20 per cent markdawn on all wallpapers uetlaml wbiuillcliiitnhretlio lu ol murkdown liaralint inwli for llicin ibroiirliout llii departments wlicn ou vlalt thlii utore till week nil d e m acdonald bros i guelphs leading and largest store wyndhmm hmcjobcii bj canfen streets guelph ont headquarters for harvest tools so to 0 each 8s to lu each hjc each 4s and n each hie each 3s and jj4 each 8c ea set he 2c 3 tine haj foiku scythe snath hay rakes mower files hay fork pulleys mower sections mowers guards burger son pure paris green all sizes in pure manilla rope plymouth also gold medal binding twine 650 foot per lb paristone wall plaster in 100 lb sacks hh agent for the celebrated gurney oxford oil stoves agent for the celebrated perfection oil stoves i burners hw 3 burners 91 1m 4 burners i4ss ovens to match 4ks and 300 jambs symon aflll street hardware jofanatans suoesi acton ont g s c c speight for uptodate goods lvufwur in tialjlirwwrfna vrtatty auo piute cullawy haurdwauw tlnwaurai and grain tuftwaur in vaurlty peuaclorai atovtu unci rauitf m rauuouat hamtetirii stmall stova oustov every article is of excep tional value c a speight ulll 3lmt alton boots shoes all the latest styles of this spring s sp6cikl iiklues g 5 w c m in negligee shirts sport shirts g b mens jerseys comb underwear 2 g boyojcrboys mens belts flan- g h ncl trousers duck trousers wash g 8 neck ties b r e nelson haretuuit tuaa hsus irurutahaj wyudhau htvma ouwlril ont 1 tuttltel autkriaa4 hmams tualial 1alj up x6dam urrslua vaftmm ihe popuur gray cloth tut iladlaa button lloota regular t3so to 400 uow koluff at 9l tbay catidot be raputoad at thla price- betial shoes for men no mora aatutfactovy bhoo on the mar- bet at any price all cuutaea of buoett at beat valutts kepalrlutt evury day prompt uud luroful wrk kenney bros the man with uony has many nn opportunity to make money but to liav u good dauk account you must tart with small rutvlngm our saving depart- roent will belp you nave m oeokoktown branch w n loekuy u uaaamr bank of hamilton iii j j i i i k 1 llt actons electric chopping miltlil open thursday ftllday and saturday chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done m9sf acton b f caldwell acton ont preprietoi-

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