Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1915, p. 4

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hwsksj uttit jfifit3fvcpr5i 1iiuihia 1v i a the swing him lwd 11 irt und n doll tliut tuiild imil ifn liml it train una uound ultli u lay uuti imd a triniu tallh it uurdroui for doll ifn litul u imiil tliat umild null an mm mm liultlioy luwl trft of nil noutli llii i rum lien w tall tu uvlim in tin tt i at pla troo mm had u bitty u toft furry lull ifo itail it don with u lilfli wllrw hlie inul n wll ml million onumry ll litul n root mil pumiloa tliroo hut tliov lnd imwi of all noatli tlio imitiolioj o fill tito nwlno in tlio old uppla troc illuhtralad maiuliia the famil sea klio iwjh liniu fickle ctiruuno ro tnarkbd witli a mnllo willed told what ilia thoufrlit of uiiyono wl ixloul ted lior lirotlier jims iuailfuiilu6u ami wliat do you vay naked ilia older bill i know letter wlion do llrat mat lior at tlio house party lie wu daudod liy tier prettlne could n t bmn a tiling hack of it hut 11 soon a alio cume to visit us alllifulfli alio wu vldntly as fond of mat mover it lot of cliaracterutlo that hed never uspctd glard out and ualn rally kd flt flokl i suppose mi a niattar of fact you and your moiw did your part to inak iii in tm iw fault if you mean we criuoitfad her no w didnt lit vary first night aha can when im found slia wu to share my room the ooolly asked in to laovtt to the luck parlor couch itacaua jm couldnt rt unl i did jim lieard tint hlmsalf am knaw i did it- than alt forgot to uy good buwnliitf to lay pntndtnothar and all lit tlm um wu thar h imvif ohm ralttd hr voice to that grandma ooutd l4r wliat j wasaaylntr wen whan you could tee prfotly tliat yramltn was try inh to lula ami you know wa all fail utat iprandiha la a rtfulr quoori in our louse of oura 1 know npooially jltd m tltita it wll ui ucoiul fevii las w ioj itol itlckanu ovar aiul tit four of ub played tarda motlar wan awfully tlrod hltad uad a liard day but aua want and flu 61 a spmad for ua on tka dlnlnfl roaia ulila itot cltocoldta willi wtiinpd craiii and cais aiul loa croau la uta tall ufedhiod bliai aud evwyuiinjf aa dainty aa oouu ba wltli candle hgkud and alt jlu and loould aod fro4 wku wawwdfcittlhfflliat alia was kuldir it all rvady aod wla ja atappod to ilia door audafckad ua tooouaout of eouraa wauid dowtt our canlii and atartad that waa tit litnattartrudaflnllitdharmlf sua aaid i oli plaam not juat yqt mra luaaw 1 kava a paatlt of a liand and i cant wait to art wbat i can do with it you ouglt to lava aci jluafaoa wban ha mtud liarb into hia chair and prauy aooti aaw iitolw takliiff uta chocolate hack tothaflrd ami tha hialjtif oa craau to lha rafriitarator but lartrtula navar fait i thina what did jim uy about it afterward t w itavar mantioned it to lilm if you uilak for on uinuta that molhar aod i turtiad jim affalnat jartnulo by talking bout liar thar i as thata exactly what you lava ban thinking no air allwedul waa to uiad th light of our tiwaata polltaat bwat oonaldarats ba- havlor on bar and ut liar dlaplay heraalf in it uothar calla that tumlajf tha family march light on har uha aaya if lartruda had bun tlie girl for jlni alio would hava altoua out all tha mora lovaly undar th teat and i know ona thing i may loaa mil uy common mum when i fall in love moat paopl do i baliav h it if i dont ill navar take any man for huihand who doaant look wall under that bind of a family aaanh light unexpected chicken a htraiikor arriving in a bmall town linlloil a pawlii mul lent and iimj ilrml odii you dlmot inn to u pi loo whora thay uko luuirdorul ifuiiiiiiuiidhnuu ticflw olu tho iumii rplhl lu 111 it u pinttyyikml plura 1 italrtoiiiiddliii ifuvo ohlaban very ofton for dinner i llht lr mid uiioxijocuhi wlml do j ou iikuiii by raultir und mi aiiumittml 1 tltny hnu nlilabon ry lur ovory hun tay i mm and tlioy hijui liuvo it whan an autonio i ilo tnidhmiotodly kills oua in the road mother of school girl teh how lyduae pintham vegetable compound re stored her daugh- t heijlj ptovmf itow prom at kmall thlu toy 13 yaai- old daufiuir bad famal wwlthaaa apok to tbrvb doctor about it ftrultwl not hit bar uty tydla tl hnuiawat vktabl com pound had boar of rrt battaflt to tna ao x uwldad to hav hf civ it it trial bho hiuj tavari fl bntllod of thtf vfl- tahta compound ko- cordlnjf to dlrecuona on tlio bottla and alia u cured of tills trouble bh vraa all run down whan aha atartad taking th conipound and hair period did not romo right bji wu no poorly and wk tluit i oftn bad to balp bar uvaaa bri but mow aha id rvgtilar and 1 browing atruritf and bajthy all efjutlm haxvu 1ovr low ilurtdivda of fedb ulurtf ataraalnjr crtutuj for th good lydla e hnk- hknia veubu compound haj liooom- iplujicd ar eonauntly balntf twivlvad proving tb reliability of thu tcrand old rvthady if you an 111 do uot draff alanfffcnd continue to auffer day hi and day out but at once ul0 xydl fcl klnbhurra vafl tabl conipound wotaiaa ramady tine womantf ilia if yotf wabt bmlal kjviotf writ u iyiia kltiukkam majlclm ca ooajt dttllal tjt y6urlettrwtll ba p4 trm nut hawrvd by wdmah mid ikald la fetrbt muhauamm the ipe man thar uhu laritt or paranta on nartli but liava th daaiira tl at llwtr nhlldren ahoiitd uraw up lo ite wlyllka woman ami ffoiillomuiily men a inlnutr in an am orltian ulty uukod ona lilimliwl laillaa in ida oaligreualloii toivehiiii in a fow wonta what in tholr indlviduul opiulmia oonall tuuxl an idoal yonn man kara u tta lnit aiiuwar roiiod i hear 1 ttaplylnif to your r4uiit for tlm tiocoauary iualijloatlouu of mi ldal yountt man i would my llrt ha mutt ba acjirulian mxxmmiimj bhould ba pura in mini and hav hlli idaalai uilrd ho ahould be timt i fourth h tliould bo clwrluhltttmd with a kindly aplrit i fifth ila aaaoolatea hbouhl ho of ilka clutraotar i iuth liln forma and phieoa of nmuaamant und imhlta hould not ita auoh mi to laad hi in lo ihtkrudatloti i 7th n aliould i ahlatomulio tho liaat of ulntt a ida anil not ho envloua of athara t olghtli ho hhould do ami itloui hut not lt ambition mabo him aelflfch magic read the k no jtum powder i kmouoli raid an iruh prlont pituuihluif in hit orinuro nation impilrod nfthein t whit l lu it that uiuboi jo imtu your wlioa whuby and wlmt in it mabca y nhoot ut your lundlnrda wlilnby tnon aoroamluu with ovoitomont ha cried and whul lu it mnboa ou mlw uiamtwlil by i oh tifljif la ooiialudod what mora can i wii to convluoo nu of tlio ovll of tlrjnl mhmtal health castor i a vof lafjtnt and chlidrtn lauroroinm30v auwyaw laittmof cohpsnsatoby a new yorkar talu of young irish ooupl in hu amploy not loag com from tli ould country hhortly aitar thalr arrival th young wife ambltloua for uarn lug anuila night aolioo ainoahardutlaa poralttd of tliat onvnlng whan ah returned to th aervanta hall from aoliool th huahaod aakadt i an pliwataroyalaarningnow uollvt i tonight aald molly thinking to hav a bit of fun with malaehl tonight th uachar raavl to ua about th uwa of oom panaatfon ita hacl to explain hut ita aonwtlilng libethia if your una of wuall la poor th aana of uato la all th fcharpar and if you an uiivd vou can hoar all ui bat- tar ualaohl rfltd sura uid ha a ita lolbe thla i for evampla if a man la bora wld wan lag shorter than tli other th other la longer tho iroven a nth nut kemody hlnc akthrna ttxlktatl thr bun ban no lack of much iierahled rametlloh but thay have provad abort lived and worth the overgrowing reputation of lh j 1 kal logg a ahtlimn llamady ban given lt puoa in the field of medio tie which no otlicr can apmroaoh ft hna never been pualiwl by unutlonal metitoda hut haa almply gona on afleoclng relief and making new con vert children ory fob fletchers c avauho auautt and hodxhu ut of th flali that abound in tb be of oalllm nowaday- aa thay did 2000 yeara ago aro a apeolea of i ream und obub a canning factory it i uld a now in prooeaa of erection on th ahor not far from capernaum the flah were fortaar ly taken afmoat wholly in neta uiougb fuji hooka atata to hav bun known and uaed mora or l utroughout ui eaat from vary ly time wllblawn telle ua that angling waa a favorite purault of th wealthy n egypt a well an of th poor who oould not afford a net something liba our modem weir were auo in vogue but in lanneaaret they war evprauly for bidden by law in iiiu uinee vly flahlag waa uubnown until a comparatively reoent period almoat any man can auooeed if h haa a little good uah aiul a llttl good nature if a man la old and ugly and hla wife l young and beautiful it may ba a algn that he haa mora dollar than uetua the houri wo pam with happy proapeot in viewer mora pleaelng than thoa crown ed with fruluoi floldamlth health a wealth auepb for th doctor 3ai tub oeb destiny a aergeant of a boottlab mgluanb i a firm believer in daliny no amount of argument with humoraakepucaloomradee can thai hla belief in ut aligbteat h in variably oloaea ui oontroverale with th rather illogical auertlon that when mana but day oomea lb eotnea th evening before th battle of lion when preparing to tab a alroll ha wu noticed by a corporal a paralttent opponent of th deatlny theory to quietly allp a revolver into bla pocket hallo i ahoubad tb corpora who aaw a chano of ridiculing the aergeant what are you taking the revolver fort itll no eav ye if your time bait coma i ken that replied the aergeut after a moment bealutloa hut ye aee i ulcht fa in wl a fiernun wboae laat day haa un as mlihoi we aee in uf what we are you liav reaaou to dutruat tlio man who telu you that the world la puked with trlckitara valth in other prove aa nothing elae can that on la worthy of oonfldanoe and trust th river of human life aa it flow put give lo twty onlooker an image and that image a a reneellon of himself was troubled with smothering spells entjrtly cud iter mr wrd meblwaln ttptuta vaicmrwrltaa lamnotmndi of beueva in mfdldnray but x must aay mluxirda heart and nervo fllht are all right borne ireejtk o x waa troubled witb ataotbulng aptu in the tdaht x woul4 be aound ulecp but would waken up wltb tny breath all gone and think i atvtg would et it bark x was tciung m friend of my trouble and be advbed anal to try mllbtim heart and nerve ihlt lie auo geve me n box which x triad and i bad only taken a few of them when x could akcp all night without any trouble i did not finish 1b boa until aotn yeara after when x felt wy trouble onolna back to x took th rest of them and they entirely cured me ullbum xleart and kerve pill are i mc per box of s bow for tl 30 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of itrlre by the t mil hum cn united toronto out suffered from catarrh 01 the sloan roro vcaltta mltbumi la mil cured ht mrs agnes gallant reserve ulnej k9 writes x take great pleasure lu wrltltty you i hove been a great sufferer for eight years from catarrh of the stomach and tried several so called catarrh remedies without relief until a friend of mine advised ma to try 1111 bums taxa uver pills which x did and four vials completely cured me be sura and get mllbumt lawtliver is1u when you ask for them as there are a number of imitations ou the market the price is 25c per vial 5 vial foe 1 00 at all dealers or mailed direct ou rertlpt of price by the t mllbura co limited toronto out had a lane back fot a low time smetlmm could hwdft turn in bed when the back get so bad and aebea like a toothache you may rat assured that the kidney are affected in some tray on he first algn of a backache doana kttdr pill should be taken and if hi is done immediately you will save your- aelf many year of buttering from serious kidney trouble mr j w praser truro n s writesi x have had a lame back for a long time sometimes x could hardly turn over in bed but after taking als bore of doatttf kidney pill x find that my back i a atrong as ever i cant praise them enough doane kidney pills are 60c per box 8 boxes for ii 26 at all dealers or mailed direct ou receipt of price by the t ullburn co limited toronto out when ordering direct specify dotna pwm or a yum what la meant by th lap of luxury 1 asked a teacher of a olaa of llttl girl pleas maam i know exclaimed the amalleat of the lot holding up her hand well what i it derv enquired the teacher kindly ita when the cat euabi into the larder and lick the cream oft the milk res pond ad the little one and the teacher on renaotioa wasnt quite aura that her pupil waa wrong whether the ooro be of old or new growth it must yield to holloway com cure the simplest and beat our ottered to the public hope laa pneumatic tire that la frequent ly punctured vou often can lead with the silken eordi of love when all the cable of logic would fail and a wie bachetor alwaye hike for the tall umbers when be hear a girl say that aba intends to be an old maid am ambitio wlf beach we may need talent to compel admira tion bub that is not haoaawy in helping those about ua if our ambition i to do bometrilnjr big and showy that will set the onlooker to apjdaudlug we may die with that longing umtitlafled but if we only aspire id give a lift where we nan to cheer someone wlu i downcast to make aonta hard life a little cheerier for oar abort there is no reason lt the world why aocboa ambition should not be tatianed net jour heart en doing helpful thing for ether instead of big thing for yourself end you will and it within your reach whatever your endowment children ory for fletchers castoria uany mother have reauou to bt uother flravee worm exterminator because lb baa relieved the utile one of kuaeriug and made them healthy a girl like to impreri upon every youug man ah m that oh baa rich reutlve when a man la down on hi knee a a fruitless search for a misguided collar but j ton be seldom asaooute the petition with prayer belt want aomethiug that you can hav than have aoasetblng that you dont want obscurity live much longer than fame had cholera m0rbis so bad could not sit op attack of eaoler morbus aw caused moetly by indiscretion id diet the use of unripe fruit and new veatnblc ead usually occur diwff th hot jttttt months od the first alga of this very wtakenlng trouble evr v owlets fixtract of wud sbrawberry should be taken mr george le ttuthveu 0t wrtbui x wax taken with tholer rnotbua and x weill so bed i fioaud not alt u nay mora than five minute at time my husband aald x looked ax if x had been sick a month he got me h bottle of dr fowler bxtreei of wud strawberry and x took the whole of it u one day and it completely cured me we are never without it in the house for x dont think it can be beat when you oak for dr powlere kstraet of wud strawberry aee that you get powlera ax imitator hxve gone so bur a to imitate our wrapper both lu color and btyle and have adopted similar taau6 ouch u btrawheriy compound wild btiawbarry compound fctxunact of strawberry etc 1 the market fee the patt to year nod b acknowledged by n who hav used it to be a sura cum for all bowd complaints n amcejufcenta uanufactnred only by the t ullhuni co umittd toronto oot to kcop tlio mini hnalthy l oomjilo a tuuk tin to prchervo jiyklcul licnltli thouhtnof gloom forotiodiuir or of hato hi id roaontiiidut nre ua mriiiim nniladlou an iwemnajiift or tyjiuld u lion yoilr thoughth tube a turn from aueot numiy kliulllnoui to brooding mid unffiir you wurtit to fo ou 3 our guard for jour health la threatened a faithful friend may refuwi ia hut hi xlwaya dcnuirldu a lot of credit packet of wilsons fly pads wltl kll i mooc flies than ss ohth or any sticky i catchm thoughts for the day tin llrmt duty of u man u allll thut or hiilmluing fear carlyln hoinn hxliho boom tnthlnb llmt iwtli in tho only roullty in ilfu hum to utrlvft with difllnultieu mid to oohiiiiar lliohl la tho hlgheat hliniau folidltj tohn mill a limit may live in diomiinmid jt bouii jinipurod for thnlr nulluttlmi it t htoionwii wlmn it oomou to tlm iwlnl roilly hud men ura just uh ruro uh ronlly gowl men lleruard filmw it iu a ginat atop in tlio interpretation of ifn when ua iiuvq dlnoovorod tliat ull ovfluu ure ultlinuuily nplrltuul llrlerly loltlnk money la not ull i iuuhn t uwl tieui tooiiltkato kindiieum in u vwlitalilo part of thu lniwlnwu of life vr foluiwin iiib nomir hoeini no nlcar mid euuy tin wlion the heart i bontiug f inter at tho night of iwiiia gouoraui uou ribbing deed lio ruot i du not any uo nuglit to lm impplor uu we grow older but wo ought to lie calmer knuulug lietter uhnt life in and looking forward to another which uo billots to lie u reality though wo cannot toll what it means fnuett children ory for fletchers castoria miller worm powders will drive worms from the system without injury to tho child the powdora uro so anxy to tube that the most dellcuto stomach can umdmi bite them and welcome them na speedy casern of pain becauae they proinjitly bill the worms that can so the pain und lliuu the buffering of th child in relieved with ao sleiling a remedy ut hsud no child hhould i suffer an hour from worma when u man hus fullod al c nr thing olw be pohen a a critic home of us want to ujntor wheat without full ploughing a little humanity helpi tlio jiroaclmr mora titan a lot of dlvinltj children cry for fletchers castoria an uao lur wv- v tlio kind vou llavo always ilonglit mid which im 1oen in uxe for ovor uo yomn liuw homo tlio algnuturo of and kmu lioon niiulo under lilu per- boiiitl huim rvlulon ulneolullifnriry allow tioimo to inrolvo you in tills all countorfoithf xmltntloiih nnl yiihtuugood urn but xxmkimontm tliut trlflu with and cuduiiifnr tho ik nlth of lufabte aud chlldrju xuxiwrlouco uuuluut jlxpurimunt what is castoria coeforltt lu a iintmlchm nnlihtltuto for cnntor oh x- gforlo jrop and hmithliin rtrup xfc in lnujiimt it contains neither opium mnrphlno tior otiior iiiroouo ubntanco itu auo lu ltw mm run too it iluutroyn worms und allays xvovcrmrtichu xor nioro thu thirty yur it lutm bri in constant una for iho relief of conntlputlon llnttilcnoy wind colic nil teeth inu olvoublem and lolarrhoaa xfc reaulutox tho htonmiclt nntl xtoxvehg ttxxlml latest tlio looil tflvlntf lu althy und mntural idoep the childrens ittuaoca tho alothoru xvxioud genuine castoria always bears tho signature of la use for over 30 years tho kind you havo always bought do you know you out take ua much crop err 100 acre properly drained a you eon off 0o acre not drained and ve half the labor its a feet da vu liaew ikat kfr i an alra ui jr aus puhwiltmtuajrthmu am uumtmwu kptfaa whinjr wor ftrflufcuwwtwt trnntadreeatitasj laeraaam tha quantity and lntnfv iba duauiy at yeurenvar wky ha ham aa asaj mu iaiy fw ef ctuu avwrl- pay dm mmutt anythliix ut will kale u krow wtw in yur bank aeunc fw wmtt eia lutawf u hew aaj um ommm iw m bmy lot ut tit if i rwthev dominion sowey pipo co luultl miawiawiwai r the wade in canada empire bx typewriter savon you o to 60 try before you buy at our expense empire typewriter co a aiiiaidist wut roxohto oht the evolution of the mclaughlin six the reason for every one a six two years ago we announced our first mclaughlin- six and set a standard which is still the despair of competitors that is history many years or patient and costly ex periment were expended before wo flatte ned ourselves that tho mclaughlinsix had attained tho standard which wo had set and which entitled it to tho honor of the highest position in tho mclaughlin family particular purchasers of this 1014 model enthusiastically endorsed our claims and we then proceeded to apply the vast cumulative knowledge gained during thoso experimental yours towards devel oping thu slxcyllndor principle in all our curs we nave succeeded our lovcn 1916 models overy one a sht uphold tho traditions of our 1014slx thoy also embody somo later refinements in design and construction seven and fivopnssenger touring cars largo and small runabouts every one a six and all with tho famous valve- inhead motor noiseless vlbratlonless and poworful these last expressions of mclaughlin supremacy intensify every proven virtue of automobilo sufficiency and create their own exclusive atmosphere of distinction two canadian giants of power mrlaiicunn ill hmmt vwry imahlu d51 wmuiibr touting 911 31 ii i ji3d dl miintlwiul mm cliaui8mnlmv tju3 d43 3npiino laming 0 3 slp ljhj imi- nutuiboul um chiml sh d43 1333 rw spumiitf iouiih 30 33 ii v lau tlwu pile u lab 0hw ims 8u1iis rol onhtvim iitji run 1nmui i flfa7ji jlilori mj llli itiujlu somiki ftua top rem 4 jjeidorflelrelrorl u a 1ft v oshawaontahio look for die diamonil nameplnte the grand trunk railway iakuienqiclt thainbi lltolt pmok tinndnnntmanadr grain chopping i well done and quickly at only g a 5 cents s per bag harris co limited ttockwood out mnnaaaaaa lanaaau robt noble ltd flour plymouth binder twine gold mulnl silvtr slilnf green sheaf j l warren fresh groceries mow llniuins now ciirronln now datcn nw nuts new pcols new siilcm klna line of confectionery ilfht cl mi linu i f i uinv c kcu and poutrj i rthli ctry daj cooked hialh hnms ilaton ultli tlio home illc lui of raid aud oilier gooili delivered promptly dally j r livingstone uueoop lo sf b hick 1111 btrest aetna boots shoes bubbbbs ksiter3 jiictoilse all ltnoscy footwear j at right prices b all mens rubbers at b h bargain ihnces r w whjliams mill street acton kct0n and bus liki61 ilnvino purcliajwd thu llvory huwlticiitri nnd rtmitlwill of the mtutv nf tlio let jfokh willi asb i rcspictftilly 1 nllcit tlio luitrntt- iro of tlio pulillc cointortuble npiwlll ulwnys imj mipplled at rcasoiialo clintgch for tlio prcnoiit ur osera mall ulio luitt imd tlio manage incut of tho tilnliloa tlio past year will continue in clinrijc he will alwnya ho found courteous aud old 11 n jj bubimhkirei akiti vhaintt ambrose mccann mui st acton oat atent liilijnaxiiiitirt majtlow it ww0k wtloii5ick3iaikrimslriatrtsl

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